Evil Babysitter DROWNS KID in Pool!! Leaves HIM For Dead!!!!

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oh that's cold well you gotta learn to swim at any temperature now put your hands in you're not gonna take that money from you little turd should have learned to swim oh oh look at you good luck getting out this is gonna be the biggest score yet have you figured out how much we're gonna make yeah it's gonna be over half a million dollars are you sure we won't get caught michael this lady is totally clueless i faked my resume and all my references are friends so she thinks i'm one of the top babysitters in the country thank you technology for making it so easy to fool people all right then i'll get everything figured out on my end just let me know when everything's set on yours okay sounds good i'm gonna go meet with them now i'll talk to you later mom i don't understand why you have to hire a babysitter i can take care of myself i know you can honey but it's kind of against the law to leave a kid your age home alone fine [Music] but i tell you what if you can behave the two days well i'm gone when i get back get to the ps5 you're asking for really you got yourself a deal i'll be on my best behavior i bet that's the babysitter well hello miss davis good morning hi brenda good morning to you too come on in wow what a lovely apartment you have here oh this is nothing thank you though and you must be james i've heard a lot about you about me what have you heard well when your mom reached out to hire me she asked if i'd like to take care of a very smart boy she said you're very well behaved and don't get into any trouble really she said that about me so of course i had to say yes oh and brenda i called those references everybody had amazing things to say about you oh thanks miss davis i always try to do my best all right well it looks like my fight leaves in 45 minutes so i gotta get going all right honey you know you can call me if you need anything though right okay mom don't forget about our deal oh don't worry you won't be receiving any complaints from brenda i'll be on my best behavior that's my boy i love you so much love you too mom oh and brenda please don't let him anywhere near the pool he still doesn't know how to swim of course miss davis we will not go anywhere near the pool when will you teach me how to swim mom soon hon all right well i do have to get going so i'll see you guys in two days bye bye miss davis bye mom all right brenda time for us to have some fun we can watch a movie and order some pizza how about you go to your room instead you little twerp but i thought we were friends i'm not your friend i was just nice to your dumb ugly mom so she would trust me now go to your room before i get really mean you can't do this i'm calling my mom [Music] oh too slow i guess you can't tell on me now now go to your room and don't come out until i tell you is everything ready yes mom is gone and the kid is in his room okay let's get started so what's the next move which is half a million dollars you're talking about well i haven't really figured that out yet what do you mean look michael i did my research okay this lady is a real estate mogul she made 2 million last year there has to be money in this house somewhere just let me find it okay okay all right can you check the drawers check the closet [Music] found it let's go right now [Music] we're gonna be so rich where's the key the key i don't know where the key is i thought you said you had this all planned out i knew she was rich i didn't know the money was going to be in a lock box with a key what did you think it was going to be on the bed well the sign that says here's the money come take it no of course not and you don't have to be so rude sorry luckily i have experience with these things hey we're talking grown-up stuff now go back to your room i can't stay there any longer it's getting boring and who is this guy i'm calling along you brought strangers into my house he's the maintenance man there was a problem with the electricity so i had to call him what's that thing you're adding nothing it's just my toolbox i take to all my jobs i've seen that before let's go to the pool the pool but i thought my mom's like i couldn't go there because i can't swim oh no worries i'll teach you oh my gosh really wait why are you being so nice all of a sudden oh i was just having a bad date this morning and i took it out on you i'm really sorry james but hey what do you say why don't you forgive me well my mom says that we all make mistakes and that we deserve second chances so i forgive you oh thanks so much james now go to your room and put your little swimsuit on okay okay all right that was a close one you think he knows no i think we're good how long is this gonna take i don't know about an hour that should work okay i'm ready awesome well let's just go to the pool come on we'll leave the maintenance man here to fix things okay so what's the first lesson all right first lesson you got to practice doing your arms like this it's like this yeah great okay keep doing that until i tell you you're ready for your next lesson okay how am i doing oh great now remember we're doing this so you can learn to be safe around a pool safe wait a minute i know what that thing was what thing the thing the maintenance guy was trying to hide what yeah it's her mom's safe when she keeps our money in her we have to go stop him just because we went here ready for lesson two now this is the fun part this is where you get to dip your feet into the pool yeah dip your feet in go oh that's cold well you gotta learn to swim in any temperature now put your hands in you're not going to take that money from me you little turd should have learned to swim oh come on look at you good luck getting out is it open yet almost hurry we don't have much time what do you mean where's a little kid let's take care of him come on focus [Music] i did it how much money is in there [Laughter] no but what you are is under arrest that's them officer the people who try to drown me and steal from my mom he's lying what happened shut up now get on your knees put your hands behind your back now how did you get out well i didn't quit when you left me there drowning in the pool i was fighting for my life but my mom told me never to quit so i kept fighting eventually i was able to get out and find a police officer and i told him everything you were doing all right enough chit-chat now you're both arrested for attempted murder and robbery now you're both going to jail for a long time get up brenda and michael were arrested and sentenced to jail for 20 years after hearing what happened mrs davis flew back to be with her son she apologized for putting him in that situation and promised him that she'll never let that happen again and of course she decided to buy him a playstation 5 but he decided that he would rather get swimming lessons instead it's very important that we were very careful about who we let watch over our children because you never know what kind of person they really are thank you for watching this video and be sure to share it with your friends and family so they can also receive this message and don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel because here at generation hope we're trying to make the world a better place one story at a time
Channel: Generation Hope
Views: 6,086,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation hope studios, life lessons, life lessons with luis, darmann, dhar mann, generation hope, What Happens Next Is Shocking
Id: hWKrEd1-UiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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