Garbage Chess

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ladies and gentlemen in today's video I will be showing you a hilarious game of chess this game of chess was played by two 800 level players and it featured one of the most Titanic back and forth struggles that I have ever seen it featured drama it featured chaos it featured unpredictable moves left and right and the end will have you laughing and crying at the same time without further ado let's jump into this thing now if you're lucky enough to be watching this game in the first few days of this video coming out you know that we're in the middle of the World Chess Championship 2023 now this is obviously quite a bit different from the World Chess Championship but the funny thing is more people are watching noobs play chess nowadays then they watch the top players it's kind of crazy I guess watching games like this we see ourselves on the screen and we have a great time um I've changed the players names but our protagonist was with white is a salty fish and uh is uh from Brazil and the person playing with the black pieces from the Philippines and um this uh buckle up this is uh oh my goodness this game is absolutely unbelievable so white starts with E4 all right and black starts with E5 uh White plays Knight F3 natural move uh attacking the pawn uh and black plays Knight C6 uh and white plays uh Bishop C4 now the players are playing 15-10 all right it's a very long time control it's 15 minutes per player and every time you make a move uh you gain 10 seconds I mean it could go a very long time and generally I say that if you want to improve at chess you should play 10 minute games or 15 minute games or 30 minute games uh black here like I said the game on by move three like this is it all right take a picture because it's only gonna get worse from here like this is we're going on vacation and this is the one day we had of sunlight and the rest of it is thunderstorm so take a picture right now everybody take a deep breath everybody get ready sit back I'm gonna take a little sip of coffee and then we're gonna jump into this absolute pandemonium now exaggeration by the way um take a deep breath a little meditation thank you are you ready okay black plays Knight D4 Knight D4 is the Blackburn chilling Gambit it's a very high risk High reward opening why is it high reward uh because you are essentially only relying on your opponent taking on E5 which lands the opponent in a very dangerous position right away and that's exactly what happens in the game and then there's a very long trap here at Knight F7 Queen G2 Rook F1 Queen E4 check and to not lose your queen you do this and you get mated that's the Trap uh why is this high risk because unless white falls into the Trap like if white falls into the Trap they lose if they play any other move they probably don't lose so that's why it's high risk High rewards an opening that works I mean it could work in Speed games for a while but beyond that it won't white can Castle White can play Pawn C3 Knight C3 white can't even take the Knight and your whole trap is gone now just castles but in this game white does in fact fall for the Trap and that's how you know this is going to be a very fun game the game obviously did not end in seven moves um but black played Queen G5 okay this is very bad uh White is hanging here and white is hanging here now had white played Knight F7 100 certainty that after Queen G2 white would have fallen for the full mate because it's very natural because you're like oh I don't want to lose my queen duh and then you get hit with this and that's very humbling that's very humbling um that's really brutal but in this game white thought for a little bit and decided Well I'm not gonna play Knight F7 but I will play Knight back to F3 now black is completely winning because of course if you fall for the Blackburn Shilling you're probably gonna lose that move doesn't look uh losing the most uh in the same exact fashion but uh black here completely disregards this white played this move thinking oh Knight takes Queen takes and I'm happy but it's not Checkers after Knight F3 I don't have to go here Queen G2 and now it's really bad because I'm attacking this and this and white is completely lost uh White is completely lost because there is night pigs D4 Queen takes H1 check and now white really should block the check white should block the check because if you don't block the check and instead you go King E2 you've got to think what can your opponent do here to make things very unpleasant For You Queen E4 check is not only winning a pawn it's forcing the king to go to F1 and uh by move eight of this game black has a six point material advantage that's tough this this video is only about five minutes old and white has lost half their pieces now this happens okay white did not do this game thus far has nothing to do with either of these players actual chess skills it just has to do with the fact that black knew an opening trap and white didn't I mean and then this is how you improve at chess I mean you get caught with stuff like this and then you get better but as you know this is a how to lose a chess episode so you have absolutely no idea what the hell is going to happen in this game I mean that's just the reality we have no clue so white plays the move D3 all right now how does white how should white play here white should this is a great move now white should play Knight C3 Bishop E3 get both pieces out and then bring the queen in The Rook really the only way you're gonna make a comeback here on black is to create counter play on the king or the queen since the queen is in the center so Knight C3 Bishop E3 or check uh black here plays the best move which is D5 that's just a great move it attacks the bishop the bishop is coming out if I'm playing with black I consolidate I Castle quickly and I just maintain my Rook extra material advantage now what white should do is of course get out of the way and then Knight C3 Bishop E3 and so on unfortunately White's bad luck in this game really did not ever stop and here white played the move Bishop E3 and white played that move extremely quickly I mean if you look at the time spent if you subtract 10 seconds from this yeah white spent seven seconds on this move white has 14 minutes on the clock y'all gotta stop doing this you create these problems for yourselves all right let this be a public service announcement listen to me and stop making this chess mistake you have 14 minutes on the clock you spend seven seconds on this move and now this and you lose a rook why if you want to play that fast start a bullet game okay you want to last a minute don't play chess there's other ways to do that Queen takes A1 it's not good and that's exactly what happens in this game Bishop E3 blunders the pawn and now you've got a hanging rook and a hanging Bishop and you're that's it now which one of them should you save of course you should save the bishop but Bishop D5 Queen A1 11 moves have gone by black is up 11 points of material just with the queen black has not moved any of this any anything the queen has just taken everything and this opening has a lot less to do with the fact that it's like oh the queen is getting it no you just fell for an opening trap and then you made multiple blunders that's really it I mean it's not like the queen took all your pieces you facilitated that chess players make this mistake all the time they have no idea how to analyze their games they look at a game like this and they go oh the queen came out and I don't know what happened I don't know what happened the queen just took all my pieces and by the way that Queen actually yeah no no it chess players punch themselves in the face repeatedly and then cry about having a black eye really it just you are creating these problems for yourself it's nobody's fault but your own the fact that black took all your pieces with the queen has nothing to do with you being bad at dealing with Queen attacks it has to do with the fact that you don't respect your own pieces it has to do with the fact that the queen is just standing around and you're going me attack and then it goes here and you go me take pun and then this and you go me move Queen and then you lose the like what are you doing respect your pieces it's move 12. you're down 14 points of material you lost all your pieces by the 12th move why are you playing like this now by the way yes all of that happened Queen A1 Queen F3 Queen V1 now I mean like of course in this position uh you should not be hanging your knight there is one very very sneaky move here that I would recommend to newbies it's to line the queen up on the king with Queen E1 this is an extremely extremely sneaky idea and the point is that after something like let's say Knight F6 uh you have Bishop D4 and it's a discovered check and you win the queen which is very nice and yet you're still losing but at least you win a queen in the game unfortunately that doesn't happen and now this okay no black of course should take yet another Pawn because it's check be up 15 points of material and then defend themselves now here black does something a bit weird I couldn't tell if this was a mouse slip or what happened here um at some point you need to pause with black and need to go okay white still has three pieces remaining of course if you manage to trade the Queens you win because the Bishops cannot do anything to you for now you know if you allow Queen F7 it could get very very unpleasant so you need to find a way to defend yourself you can play Bishop E6 for example which trades Bishops and the more pieces that get traded the better it will be instead of Bishop to E6 uh you can also play Knight F6 you can probably even play you get away with playing Knight H6 you can play Pawn to F6 you probably shouldn't move your king and like black thought about this move okay like look at this black actually spent a lot of time on that move Just A good rule of thumb in chess is if you are up a lot of material you should probably find a way to utilize that material so if you're up at night a rook like you you gotta find a way to get the pieces in the game otherwise you just have nice things and they're not very useful like buying a luxury car it has no wheels that has no engine but you still try to show it off in your garage it's just a bunch of metal and it might be kind of colorful sounds like the average dude in Miami King d8 not a good move because Queen F7 now of course black is still completely winning uh and in fact black finds this move very nice and now we have King F3 uh the game is completely over uh just black needs to pause here and very quickly analyzes there any threat black does see that and actually plays Knight E7 I would prefer a little bit more aggressive but okay 97 now the bishop is defended by the rook and I mean you're obviously I don't know I don't know what's going through your head right now but I'm sure you're probably very rapidly losing hope in the fact that anything happens in this game well at this point uh I think white starts using the strategy of when in doubt run the king up the board white plays the move King F4 by the way can we address the fact that it's move 16 and both players have 14 and a half minutes on the clock I don't understand why people boot up 15-minute games now black very accurate move snaps off the bishop fantastic now white has two pieces remaining Queen and Bishop versus queen and Bishop and another bishop and and two more Rooks and Five Pawns what do you do here if you're black you just block the check in fact you can block the check and give a check and then you seize back all of the initiative and the game is over there is now officially an m on the evaluation like a BMW so instead of that we have Bishop D7 absolutely reasonable move King to E5 and that's it black is just moments away from winning this game and nothing spectacular happens whatsoever one more rule one more just a piece of advice let's put it this way just the piece of advice for the chess fans if you are up a lot of material and your opponent's king is in the center try to make every move a check just try to give a few checks Bishop D6 because you never know at some point someone is going to accidentally walk into a Checkmate somehow all right or they're going to lose their Queen instead of that black plays Queen C5 now you may ask yourself why I'm so upset because the email nothing happened to the evaluation I found a way to lose weight loss the queen just lost the queen just Queen C5 Bishop takes and it's still lost okay it like it's still two Rooks and a bishop versus a queen is winning but it's so hard to play against the queen because the queen just fires away into your position and it goes from bad to worse because black gives this check now and now it's take take and the white King has arrived to the other side of the board now the queen can come in here the queen can give a shag the queen E5 Queen now what black needs to do is use the Rooks you have Rooks bring the Rooks excellent move excellent move we have Queen takes B7 hitting here now black needs to give a check and then bring the Rook give a check kick the king out Bring The Rook it's okay to lose a pawn because now you're all coordinated your king is safe and you are going to take pawns you are winning but It's Tricky you are winning but It's Tricky okay we have Rook F5 check King goes back to D6 Rook F6 check and now black plays rooksy at his Sensational stuff that is absolutely awesome black is now bringing the second Rook Queen takes A7 all right oh I'm nervous because I mean why does why does uh is still not in any sort of shape to be calling the shots here but at least white has a pawn now and white starts using the pawn that's all White's got all right black gives a check King goes back now black takes on F2 all right gives a nice little check there takes one F2 White's pawns are quickly falling Rook H2 Rook A2 and then black will bring these pieces and promote that is the way you win this but white is not going to go down without a fight Pawn to A4 all right black takes another Pawn white is down to a queen and two pawns surely nothing is going to happen right King E5 H5 there goes black trying to push the pawns there we go Pawn to D5 getting a little bit closer but the king is completely safe and the King cannot cross of course white can find a way to give a mate but you know if you're careful you'll be fine rookie to check well timed King D4 and look at black pawn to H4 the pawn is now three squares away from queening it is all but over Queen A6 oh no oh here it comes black is gonna lose no King E5 pawns it wait this is nuts this is absolutely insane black is going to make a queen now you may wonder why it says draw it's because Queen D6 of course that doesn't happen I mean of course it doesn't happen evaluation falls off a cliff white is up to 16 minutes on time by the way in a 15 minute game with 10 seconds bonus D6 check and black now has a choice of four moves three of these moves win the game one of these moves throws the game 25 chance throw 75 chance win why does it white is 800 ELO so what's gonna happen huh I'm gonna close my eyes oh no oh no white blunders Queen A5 check no oh not The Rook not The Rook Now by some miracle of the chest Gods this position is still equal this position is still equal because the rook and the bishop are so strong and they support this pawn and if black is able to run and hide okay we lost the Rook but it's fine we lost a valiant Soldier completely fine we'll we'll be okay we're gonna survive this all right Rook C5 check all right King goes back to D4 nice Rook H5 no no oh my God no not The Rook not the other Rook takes their eye off the ball in the pawn promotes both Rooks have fallen oh black doesn't know what to do so they take a pod and the queen Forks the King on the same square and black lost both Rooks and the and the bishop in the span of two moves three moves Fork followed by Fork followed by no
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,318,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: XfpzLQyyDMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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