Performers FIGHT OVER Street Corner, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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hey you're the guy who usually plays at Darla's right yeah hey you're really good thanks I'm actually on my way over there right now looks like you got some competition good luck [Music] excuse me um this is my spot your spot um so like you you own this corner something like that I'm actually friends with the owners of the restaurant oh with real talent well in that case you can find somewhere else to play oh please no one wants to listen to violin you sound like you're taking us down with the Titanic I'll let my music speak for itself thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so now you're starting to cost me those should be my tips look Lady Mary I'm normally a nice guy so I'm gonna give you one more chance pack up your stuff and leave or what [Music] [Music] hey John Mayer will you please knock it off uh nope this is my spot you need to find somewhere else to go no this has really good foot traffic and I need this money oh and I don't I probably need the money 10 times more than you do I highly doubt that you don't know me or my situation trust me whatever your situation is mine is worse [Music] [Applause] oh you're sounding good that's my favorite guitarist hey I whipped you up some fries for Edgar take home boy yeah you didn't have to do that hey no it's no worries at all no worries excuse me you must be the new violinist that all my customers are raving about wow you two know each other like are you um no she is actually out here causing trouble you should call the cops on her [Laughter] you don't mind me playing here oh you can play it for as long as you like it's perfectly fine I mean if you were half as good as this guy right here I mean my customers are going to love you she's not as good as man actually a little bit better than him oh I hear challenge let's hear [Music] [Music] [Music] oh miss Mary Miss Mary wow feel free to play here anytime yeah this is my spot she needs to leave oh come on now all adults we can figure this thing out right I mean like they say the more the merrier oh yeah real clever hey look I don't mind either one of you being out here okay as long as we don't have a problem if you do play nice so play nice okay play nice oh hey painters you guys are doing great I mean you guys are so quick wow great job hey play nice okay okay all right thanks Mo thanks Mom no problem [Music] [Music] okay what is it now those tips should be mine you're lucky I want to keep a good relationship with Mo because if he weren't around I would break your violin in half okay tough guy here's a tip get here earlier next time until then back off [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I was hoping I'd never have to see you again and I was hoping to use this spot can't you set up somewhere else uh no I took your advice and got here early looks like you're the one out of luck [Music] where you would go but I don't know why you left me [Music] did you really have to bring an amp louder is better [Music] thank you thanks so much hey I think Guitar Hero how long are you planning on staying out here oh well like all night all night uh yeah I gotta make up for yesterday I didn't even make over a dime just a nickel you really seriously can't find anywhere else to play no I either get kicked out or ignored this is my spot I plan on keeping it okay well what about me I'm not gonna make anything because you're totally drowning me out oh don't see how it's my problem foreign [Music] okay dude [Music] look for the first time in a super long time yesterday I actually didn't have to sleep in my car and it was all thanks to the tips that I made right here I'm sorry but at least you have a car I have to walk here five miles every day plus I've got a little brother back home that I've got to help feed he depends on me I'm all he's got at least you have a home I wish that I had somewhere that I could take a shower or I don't want to argue about this you want me to feel sorry for you fine here's a nickel now get lost [Music] oh [Music] are you the girl that plays a violin here my husband was telling me about you yesterday yeah I I was but it looks like I'm gonna have to find a different Corner because there isn't space for both of us here oh no that's not true Jared's been playing his music here for a long time and we love having him here but everyone loves to hear a new sound I'm sure you two can work something out yeah it just seems like Jared's kind of type of guy who only looks out for himself so I've got to look out for myself but it was really nice meeting you nice meeting you too hi sweetie There She Goes violand girl walking away away from my space my space my his face my space oh my his face my space Oh you can't be serious real mature two can play at that game have you had enough yet it's gonna take a lot more than that to get rid of me [Music] you're scaring off the customers with your awful music okay if anyone's music is awful it's yours [Music] stop stop is this what you two call music because I call it trying to keep up the most noise sorry no no I said I don't mind if either one of you play here but but this right here it's ridiculous scaring off my customers she started it he wouldn't share it this is my school you'll stop it you two sound worse than my children so children give each other's instruments back okay [Music] come on you can do it there you go good now gather your things so we can go inside and talk like adults foreign Something tells me you too can use a warm meal so Jared how's Edgar doing it's hanging in there um you know as long as we have food we'll be all right I bet Mary how are you doing sweetheart well besides sleeping in my car not so great hey it beats sleeping on the streets you know Mo used to be just like you two he was hustling every day try to make a dollar he was selling his hot dogs out there to construction workers Wheeling around his little cart as a kitchen and then he met me I own the deli across the street he was taking some of my customers he was tough competition too I wasn't mad but then I realized he's kind of cute so how did you guys stop competing with each other okay I was getting to that one day he asked me to partner up with him he would make the hot dogs and I'd make the sandwiches and then we have our little restaurant together 10 years later here we are you know what they say if you can't beat them join them that's so cute well thank you I was hoping it would rub off on YouTube are you suggesting we fall in love with each other oh no not at all but look we're working together can get you you know they always say stands for together everyone achieves more maybe that's something that can benefit both of you a team well in your case I do it [Laughter] hey check out those guys out there just think how hard it would be to move all that Lumber by yourself even though guys putting up the Marquee without one holding up the other they couldn't get the job done Pam I'm sorry to interrupt but there's a problem with the fryer I was wondering if you could fix it okay I'll be right there all right see I take care of the kitchen Mo takes care of the customers we couldn't run this restaurant without working together there's no reason why you two can't do the same do you want me to work with her no thanks I'd rather walk a hundred miles on hot gravel I would rather sleep in my car for the rest of my life than work with this guy okay keep your voices down all right listen we love having you guys here I mean you're even good for business but not when you're fighting each other so you two have to find a way to get along if you want to play here Pam I was here first no mo and I were here first this is our establishment and we're not going to have you claiming the street for yourself Jared look there has to be some kind of way for you to work together compromise maybe we could take shifts every other day that won't work I can't afford to take a day off um what if one of us worked in the evenings and then one later that night that depends on the parking signs I really can't afford to get my car towed oh what if we alternate songs like you play a song I play a song sounds complicated but I guess it's worth a shot okay okay see now we're getting somewhere you have options oh well we can try it but if you dip into my tips we're gonna have a problem well don't blame me if I get more tips than you if people like my music better than yours um I was doing just fine before you came along so I think that is you're getting worked up again try each other's ideas and see if it works otherwise I hate to say it neither one of you can come back Pam come on no no I will not have a repeat of what happened here today so figure it out and we won't have to have that combo okay okay I gotta go thank you for the food yeah appreciate it Jared and Mary reluctantly agree to start working together first they try alternating days while Jared plays in front of the restaurant Mary finds another spot and when Mary plays at the restaurant Jared goes elsewhere but they both quickly learned that they don't make as much money playing anywhere else and they keep running into problems their next option is to alternate mornings and afternoons that seems to be going all right until they realize on the days Mary has to work afternoons her car gets ticketed and when Jared has to work afternoons his little brother sleeping by the time he gets home [Music] nothing else working they try sharing the corner with each performing one song at a time [Music] foreign [Music] this sucks I thought you said you weren't gonna get jealous if I got more tips than you I didn't realize you'd hog the spotlight your songs are way too long and they're terrible I bet you could never play the songs I play um I wouldn't want to your songs are trash hey it's my turn to play really really [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] what are you trying to do ruin my song We're supposed to be alternating you totally cut me off that's because your songs Take way too long to finish I bet we wouldn't even get tips if it weren't for me you two need to stop arguing people seem a tip more when you guys are playing together what yeah look whoa I've never made this much here yeah me neither do you do you think it's because we no could it be I mean it it sounded pretty cool do you think that maybe we should try playing a song together I'm down if you're down all right okay why don't you start and I'll follow you uh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] even better together thanks I I think you were right you sounded so good that give you twenty dollars thank you Mom you know I don't seem to have any change uh is there any way you two could split it yeah I was gonna tip you both too but all I have is a five maybe we could combine our tips after yeah I think that's a great idea okay uh wow thank you thanks Pat oh all right I I think I'd better head out let me set these up so soon uh yeah there's rain coming I don't want to get caught in that okay well I'll see you here same time tomorrow yeah you can count on it hey Jared yeah would you actually maybe like a ride home no no I don't want to be any trouble no no it's seriously no trouble at all it beats having to walk five miles we had fun today oh we did sure okay cool I'm just gonna grab my stuff yeah sure sure [Music] all right well I can pick you up tomorrow if you'd like that sounds amazing have a great night Mary do you want to come in you can stay with us for a while we don't have an extra bed but uh we have a couch it's the least I could do that would be really great actually [Music] I know we're right being a team does make a lot of sense [Music] together everyone achieves more [Music] a robotics Club I'll give you one chance I heard it's full boy he knocked out my Transformer I'll let you in the club probably won't even let you in but if mine knocks yours down you never bother us a guess do this foreign
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 10,336,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Yo6yN3Myq78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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