Rich Mom HUMILIATES Poor Mom, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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yes oh i cannot believe that i missed that ball it's okay han don't be so hard on yourself tate's right the only thing that matters is that you did your best kate sweetheart let's go we've gotta run okay mom honey is that you oh long time no see gosh it's been ages remember when we used to play tennis against each other in high school and now our daughters compete life is funny that way isn't it i'm not sure i would use that word but sure i didn't realize that you two went that far back oh yeah this one and i we were always vying for first place on and off the court it's just such a shame we haven't been able to catch up though i've been so busy running my own business lately and you know don't worry didn't miss anything kate had a great match as always well she should considering all that money i put into private lessons but if she wants to play it one of the ivies after she graduates she's gonna need to pick up her game i wish shannon had kate's driving cared about going to an ivy school you can barely get it to crack open a book well you've got to get them right on track sooner than later that's why i've got kate taking violin and i've got her taking a bunch of ap classes because the last thing in the world i want is her throwing away her future at some community college oh wait that's where you went right connie i did there's nothing wrong with that of course i just want the very best for kate what are hannah's plans if i might ask uh well we have her on the ivy track too she's looking at brown but i'm really pushing for princeton connie you must be so proud well i had no idea she was on that path is she taking all the ap classes because all the college counselors say that that is the key to admissions these days yup and they they think she's got a really good shot mm-hmm is it cool if kate and i go get ice cream and then go to the new art exhibit downtown ah our exhibit who's got time for an art exhibit we've got all that ap homework to get going on what are you talking [Music] i cannot believe that you signed me up for ap math and ap history you know i can barely even do long division having a better life starts with where you go to college okay but those classes have hours of homework a night those kids have no lives they're making sacrifices now so they don't have to in their future besides everyone says that the ivy leagues are looking to make sure that you start ap classes as early as possible hey who is everyone the parents in the online college forums which reminds me i signed you up for tennis lessons so you can be ready for your next match being number one is going to look great on your application mom come on private lessons are crazy expensive there's no way we can afford that it's an investment into your future i picked up a few extra shifts at the diner but don't worry i'm still going to be available to bring you to practice which also looks great on your resume well what i hate the violin i haven't even played since 2010. well it's either that or mandarin classes okay since when do you even care where i go to college besides i've been wanting to go to art school since well for as long as i can remember the arts will get you nowhere i just want you to have a better life than me you're gonna be late for school [Music] oh hannah hannah hannah you forgot your book now remember grades don't matter percentages do a's can always applies i know i know are we still on for the movies later honey i'm so sorry something came up at work but hey you can use that extra time to study instead [Music] connie connie it's so great to see you at drop-off with all the other moms but i thought hannah took the bus well she used to but that was only because i was putting in all these extra hours vying for a promotion you know how it is trying to climb the corporate ladder while juggling kids don't i know it is that your car oh this piece object no it is just a loner yeah my car's at the shop for a few days i was gonna say because i would not feel safe driving my kids around in something like that oh yeah i tried to get something better but this was all they had left honestly i am so embarrassed just driving it around but it's totally temporary i see i noticed the other day you were carrying around a michael kors bag are you okay with that oh well the only reason i was doing that is because i didn't want to bring any of my nice bags in this car well that makes perfect sense yeah look at this new chanel bag i just got isn't it cute and by the way did i spot hannah's name on the orchestra roster oh yeah that was her just you know something we're doing to give her a little bit of a competitive edge as we apply to those ivy schools yeah she's hoping to get first chair this year really so is kate i've got her practicing paganini and vivaldi all summer just to be prepared so i guess this means we'll be seeing more of you and hannah around then oh you can count on it [Laughter] come on all right now who would like to solve this hannah you're new to the class why don't you give it a try um [Music] i don't know zero that's not even close no you guys that's enough is enough tell what i'm gonna do i'm gonna show you step by step on how to don't worry you'll get the hang of it eventually it took me a while too [Music] you okay han yeah no i'm just tired my mom has been driving me insane i had to go to tennis yesterday and then i had like five hours of homework so i didn't even touch the violin let alone work on any of my art projects i'm sorry i totally get it though my mom's the exact same way like i can't even remember the last time i got to do something just because i wanted to seriously yeah any tips well i guess when the time comes we should just pick colleges that are as far away from home as possible all right guys now that we've been playing together for a few weeks let's hear some solos and see where we need to do some fine tuning you're late i was worried that old loner of yours broke down somewhere hey why don't you come up and blue first sure guess it's time to see who's the cream that rises to the top [Music] bravo kate i can tell you've been practicing now who else wants to come up and give it a go hannah would you come up and play the same piece by kate just played [Music] what is that that's the same thing that kate just played i don't know what that was but that was most definitely not the same thing that kate just did now would anybody else like to come up and give it a go maybe someone that's actually prepared guess that puccanini needs a little work i cannot believe that you forced me back into orchestra i looked like an idiot back there you know if you just put in the time to practice like kate who cares about what kate does mom i told you i hate the violin can you just see the bigger picture for a second i'm just trying to help you with what exactly with realizing your full potential if you're going to get into an ivy the work starts now kate is already an accomplished violinist and tennis player and is on track to becoming valedictorian in two years that's kate mom i'm me what is with you lately i mean you used to be so chill and supportive and now it's like all you care about is me going to some fancy school so what you can brag about me i just want to prevent you from making the same mistakes that i did what are you talking about [Music] i don't want you to end up like this in a rundown apartment serving food living paycheck to paycheck i want a better life for you and this is how we can do it if i had just put in the work when i was your age instead of [Music] going to some community college and dropping out then i'd probably be like kate's mom and have my own business and designer purses heck maybe even a porsche well everyone has their own path in life you can't compare it to anyone else's i'm my own person with my own dreams shouldn't that count for something i just want what's best for you i want you to have the things that i didn't have you are so smart and capable you can literally do anything you put your mind to can you please just do this for me what if i'm not good at any of that stuff oh you will be i will make sure of it come on han this is our chance would you please do it for us [Music] i see you talking over there [Music] make it [Music] ain't nothing else to do dude keep that attitude [Music] old school [Music] all right any takers four over the square root of x y to the fourth that's correct yes [Music] did i miss anything did they announce the first charge yet not yet i have a really good feeling about this one kate has been up day and night practicing hmm what nothing well it's just i was thinking that explains why she's been off a little on her tennis game where were you corporate emergency actually if you must know i had a meeting with one of the college counselors just to make sure that kate was on the right track she got a 99 on her last ap math exam the counselor said that she was in the top 2 percentile of the class you know kate would be happy to tutor hannah if she needed it that is very generous of you but hannah won't be needing it because she's in the top 1 of the class she had a perfect score on the last ap math exam what how did she before we break it is my honor to announce the first chairs for each section jordan lebowski for flute tracy ellison for cello charlie kaplan for saxophone and for violin [Music] hannah monroe [Music] you can tell kate she did great too better look next time excuse me excuse me excuse me i can't believe how much you've been killing it lately i mean school violin even tennis i bet my mom wishes she could switch daughters well i'm glad that it looks like i'm doing well because truth is i've never been more miserable in my life what are you talking about you're at the top right now i mean if you keep this up you're going to be totally a shoe-in at an ivy come graduation i don't care about any of that i mean the the rankings the tournaments none of that stuff is me why are you doing it honestly it's my mom she has this whole thing about me needing to go to a good school so that i don't i don't end up like her i just don't want to let her down but the crazy part is she inspires me more than anyone i mean she raised me all on her own she works harder than anybody that i've ever met and she still somehow finds time to be a really really good mom at least she was before she started putting so much pressure on me what are you gonna do i mean what can i do i'm just gonna suffer through the next couple years make her as happy as possible and then girls great job out there thanks ms monroe um do you mind giving hannah and i a few i need to chat with her about something yeah of course mom i already know what you're gonna say okay orchestra ran long so we're just gonna be late for tennis lessons no that isn't it i heard what you said to kate i didn't realize you were that miserable but look i tried to tell you i didn't want to do this stuff but once i started to do well i saw how proud of me you were i didn't want to let you down or for you to think that i was a failure sweetheart i could never think you were a failure gosh i just i guess i just got so caught up in and trying to make sure you didn't turn out like me so you could be more like like kate's mom well yeah kate's mom barely spends any time with her because she's so busy with her company and the whole reason why she pushes kate so hard is because she spent kate's entire college fund on the porch so now she has to get a scholarship to pay for school are you serious i had no idea i don't think she wants anybody to know so no i don't want to be like kate's mom i wanted to be like you oh sweetheart i'm sorry for pushing you so hard i am really proud of you and you were right everyone has their own path in life and we shouldn't compare it to anyone else's so i am gonna support you no matter what you decide to do really you mean that yeah because i realized what really matters is making sure that my kid is happy besides i think we've tortured janine enough her and kate can have harvard as long as i have you [Music] you thought i did it i can't believe i graduated i can't believe that my little sweetheart is now a high school graduate but she's heading off to rhode island school of design tell the truth though are you not even a little bit disappointed that it's on an ivy i mean i don't like to compare things anymore but if i were to compare i would say it's like the ivy of the art schools hannah connie i see you're still driving that loner i thought about getting something newer but then i realized i would rather support hannah till she graduates from risd then have some fancy new car and for the record i still have my michael kors bag which i love by the way that is so cute so i'm assuming you heard kate got into harvard really oh my gosh congratulations kate i really hope you're gonna love it there thank you but actually mom about that you know how i also got into oxford yeah but that was just a safety school in case you didn't get into princeton or harvard kate you're not going to oxford is halfway around the world plus i'd never get to see you well not that you do now anyways i'm sorry but everyone has their own path and mine just happens to be 5 000 miles away from you you ungrateful oh we'll talk about this when we get home what in the world hey that's my car according to the bank it isn't made a payment in nine months what are you talking about says right here you're repossessed no no that's not the case here um do you guys mind if i get a ride with you to the graduation party no problem hop on in you failed another test it was really hard your sister just got an a-plus guess what i got why can't she be more like michelle she'll come around one day i doubt do you think you're drawing he's gonna pay the bills this is amazing i wish mom felt that way so this is what you've been doing
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 9,576,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: wNn-NhsND4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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