Family broke into my house after finding out I won the lottery

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[Music] hey so i won the lottery quite a while ago i don't really need to go further into how much but a lot i've decided to donate a lot of it to charities especially towards makuu babies since my son was in there and then put the rest away i didn't tell anyone about this whole thing because i knew friends and family could turn into money grabbing folks but i decided to tell my sister who really needed the money to pay rent for herself and told her not to tell anyone because of these reasons she went against my wishes and contacted them that really pee me off i mentioned to her that he'll try prying back into our lives so yeah most of my family being my dad and his side of the family isn't talking to me because his family hates his children for being half japanese half european he listened to his own mother and went back to his home country but he is still in contact with my sister and brother who are the same as me i was devastated at first but eventually moved on not having much closure from my dad i've never met my mother either apart from her giving birth to me and handing me over to my dad she left after having three kids and depression well as you can see my family is back and talking to me as if nothing happened and gaslighting me as per usual before saying i'm crazy and that my dad never left my grandmother would come over to my house from her own country and pretend to visit her great grandchildren while saying how sick she is and how her knees hurt and she needs surgery but they can't afford it then my dad would come over and at this point i was wondering to myself why i was letting these people in and eventually told them to leave after they asked to look after all of my money now they are slashing my tires stealing my mail trying to talk to my husband into letting them inside facebooking emailing etc my mother also got in contact with me too for the first time in my life and immediately asked for money she is an alcoholic and i hung up and had a cry my husband's noticed how badly this has escalated and asked if we should move to a better area i didn't want to leave mainly cause of the kids schools and friends around this area but it's probably the best i have no idea what to do about my family though hi everyone sorry for not posting an update i have quite a few messages asking me how i'm doing so i thought i'd post here on what's going on i realized people were trying to figure out where i came from since the dialect or the tone of my writing is a bit off i actually have a bit of a learning disability so my partner comes on and sort of corrects things for me well we ended up having to move which is no problem to be honest it was the safer route for our little family that's growing we also installed extra security and have contacted police schools neighbors etc i'll tell you the story first of all i'm just going to say that i stopped talking to my sister she's acting as if she did nothing wrong but she knows what she did so about a month and a half ago we had already started packing since we were moving away my dad texted me and asked if i wanted to meet up just myself i said no at first because i knew that he was going to try and yell at me again for not giving him any money as well as my grandma i looked into ray said business assists that was suggested by some people since he tries to gaslight me a lot he then ended up writing an email and apologized for everything he had said and done on his and grandma's behalf i was actually surprised my dad was apologizing for the first time in his life he then asked if we could meet again so i caved in and met him we went to a cafe and i had a really nice time talking to him yet i felt a bit off we were probably sitting there talking for about an hour he was checking his phone a lot after we left i went straight home my partner had our son with him and found that the property we were living in at the time had been broken into i realized at that point that dad used me as a sort of decoy or something i called the police immediately and told them that we have secret installation and cameras so well be able to see who did what and when they scanned the house with a german shepherd dog and had an inspection and investigation meanwhile i contacted my partner and then went down to the police station with them they started watching the videos and behold it was my own ducking grandmother i guess she doesn't need that knee surgery then i asked the officers what i could do and like many suggested in the first post they suggested a restraining order specifically a protection order straight away i had the evidence i was so round up i just wanted to call my dad and [ __ ] yell at him because i knew he and grandma planned this together i decided not to because that could jeopardize things in court they ended up stealing my jewelry and my partner's oculus no idea why i told my partner to store it away properly but he didn't the police officer asked me why i didn't want to press charges on them for slashing my tires and stealing my mail i said i had the benefit of the doubt about them but i was wrong the police found my grandmother and father around my property and arrested them they were standing there pretending to be worried and sad that the house was broken into my dad went to trial he couldn't afford a lawyer so he had a public defender my father is to be sentenced to four years in prison for robbing our house i ended up finding out that he did a home invasion many years ago went to prison and then came out and flew to his home country after his parole ended i was taken back by all of this my grandma is currently in hospital because she actually did her turning and leg from breaking into our house at least right now i have a protection order against them they cannot come near me or my family or the property as for my partner and my son i apologize to him and said i shouldn't have met my dad he understood and just said that it's normal to crave love i'm really honestly heartbroken that my family would do this to me but at least we've moved into a better property i can get the therapy i need and i can focus on my new family thanks for reading edit thanks for the support guys i really appreciate it i was in a bad place this past summer i had just lost my job was lonely was depressed deciding that i needed to put myself out there more i joined tinder went out with a guy named derek we went to a beer festival together the date was fun but we especially i got way too drunk we ended up going back to his place and having s it was definitely me who initiated long story short after we had s i burst into drunken tears to this day i'm still not sure what caused it exactly he didn't do or say anything i was just hammered and very sad inside and it all came out on this poor guy he was really uncomfortable didn't know what to do and asked if i wanted to go home or stay i mumbled that i would stay the next morning i woke up embarrassed and very hungover to an empty bed i get up go to the living room and he is there watching tv he gives me a ride home i feel bad about what happens because i know that i genuinely enjoyed my date with him until the crying part i sent him a casual text a couple days later to see if there is still a chance he doesn't respond i send him one more text apologizing for what happened and that it wasn't his fault i was just really drunk he doesn't respond i get the hint and move on with my life fast forward to now i'm in a new and great relationship with somebody jake from tinder i've gotten a good hold on my depression and in general i'm doing very well i even got a new job except i started this job two weeks ago and guess who i'm working with eric my one night stand it is obvious to everyone on my very first day that eric and i know each other when people ask me i just brushed it aside and said i met him out randomly this summer well eric has told everyone we work with what happened between us i'm incredibly embarrassed and i feel alienated at my new job people think i'm some crazy promiscuous drunk girl i have made one friend she's the one who told me about eric's story i don't know what to do because eric is not spreading a lie he's telling everyone the truth about what happened between us the truth is just dark and embarrassing for me once my current boyfriend jake came to pick me up from work and i heard eric and a coworker snickering i'm so humiliated i feel like i'm in high school what can i do to make this go away thanks to everyone who responded to my original post most of you told me to keep my head high on what happened and focus on my work and that's exactly what i did to those of you reminding me to tell my boyfriend i actually already had and he was supportive and sympathetic to my situation anyway you guys were right i just had to wait for things to blow over it's been about two weeks since i posted and one month since i started my new job i made a really diligent effort to be really helpful friendly and hardworking and it worked i'm getting along with all my coworkers now including eric i no longer feel paranoid that people are whispering about me being crazy or anything in fact what inspired me to write this post was that eric and i had been assigned to tackle a project together yesterday we both had to stay late to wrap up a presentation we had been working on for a while which was the first time we had ever actually been alone well besides for the time we had sex i was nervous about it but determined to just focus on work and get through it but we had a little downtime while we were uploading our presentation video to the server and we started chatting at which point i made a self-deprecating joke if this thing crashes i might just burst into tears again he laughed at that and we ended up clearing the air he first started by apologizing if he or anyone at work had made me uncomfortable and then he described our tinder incident last summer but from his perspective basically he had actually just downloaded tinder that week over the summer when we started talking i was the first person he had ever talked to or gone on a date with through the app his work friends were actually the ones who encouraged him to download it so they knew about me and our planned date almost from the beginning they were actually the ones who suggested the beer festival so we have our date and it goes horribly and of course on monday everyone is asking him how it goes and he basically explains to them what happened and they all laugh off the situation with how awful that must have been and how it sucks that that was his first date and maybe tinder just isn't for him blah blah blah so when i first start working there they all already knew who i was from way back summer which is actually kind of a relief because it means that eric didn't immediately see me and spill the beans to everyone like some jerk eric and i then cleared the air and said that from getting to know me over the last month i seem very cool and professional and he hopes that there is no will between us i said definitely not i don't blame him for what happened i explained very briefly about how i was just in a bad place when i met him that summer from losing my job and just drank too much and he said not to worry about it and he totally understands i'm just glad we were able to address the elephant in the room also about the one friend i had made previously who told me what eric was saying she actually is relatively new to the office also and wasn't around last summer when this tinder thing happened so from her perspective it looked like eric was spreading a fresh rumor when in actuality people were discussing stuff they already had known so yeah things are good some background my father is a bit of a nationalist he's a little much i love my country but not like he does we don't agree on much to be honest my father wasn't around much until my teenage years my parents separated when i was six i planned most of the wedding with my mother we decided since i don't have many friends a cruise wedding would work best for us and it was well within our budget i want a tiny ceremony and figured this would make it easy for everyone i had told my father ahead of time that we were probably going to go on a cruise he said that was fine with him skip forward to now we're about seven months out from the wedding and we're trying to put the down payments for everything we need now i call my father to confirm information with him in terms of pricing and such since he is helping us pay he asks me where the stops on the cruise were i explained that we're going to the bahamas he asked if any of those places were american territories i told him no he then starts hooting and hollering that his daughter is going to be married on american soil he refuses to get on that ship and he's never leaving this country and how he thought we're doing an alaskan cruise i was a bit shocked by this outburst and got a bit upset he told me i was being too emotional we fought back and forth for a bit and it ended with him saying if you work hard to convince me and don't pout about it i might change my mind before hanging up on me now i'm just sitting here and i don't really know what to do i want my father there but i already set my heart on this cruise so do i continue with it as just say screw my dad or do i spend the next six months begging him to come on this cruise with me edit thank you for all of the replies i apologize for all the spelling and grammatical errors i was upset and typing erratically on my cell phone i texted him to let him know that while he's still invited that the wedding was going to continue without him if he doesn't come he hasn't replied but i will update if he does edit too this wedding is not financially reliable on whether my father agrees to go or not he offered to pay for some stuff i know how he is i.e a bit flaky so the only things he was paying for is what i deemed as not 100 necessary also when i called to confirm pricing it was pricing for his ticket for the cruise my apologies for not being clear so long story short he isn't coming he is now saying that he's afraid to get on the boat or he has also said he doesn't want to be on a boat with my mother their split was anything but amicable he's helped out financially but not to the extent as promised as i said in the original post his money wasn't needed but it would be is helpful my fiance now technically husband and i decided that we would have a small ceremony to be legally married here in iowa since it was going to cost nearly nine times more to be legally married on the cruise ship my father was invited and forgot to come even after being reminded multiple times it really put where i stand with him into perspective the actual wedding ceremony is just over a month away everything has been purchased and the final touches are being taken care of i asked my stepfather to walk me down the aisle which he tearfully accepted i'm extremely excited to be spending my wedding surrounded by the people that care about me thank you all for your kind words and wonderful lubbock [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 105,809
Rating: 4.8887544 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit sister, reddit entitled parents, reddit entitled family, reddit family, reddit, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ sister, r/ entitled parents, r/ entitled family, r/ family, r/, askreddit girl, askreddit sister, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit entitled family, askreddit family, askreddit
Id: -N1pJcLlacM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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