Fallout 4: Top 5 Creepiest Characters in the Commonwealth – Fallout 4 Secrets

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and from 200 year old zombie children to an army of post atomic steampunk Crusaders fallout 4 exposes players to a variety of colorful characters indeed it would seem the fires of radiation and nuclear war have resulted in a nearly unrecognizable society emerging from the ashes but while the Fallout universe is populated with all sorts of weird and unique personalities there's a few NPCs we'll come across that can really give us the chills men of women and mutants that are especially uncanny even for a world like this one so what a better way to spend such a fine day like this then taking a deeper dive into some of these spooky individuals sit back grab a nuka-cola and relax as we explore five of the creepiest characters in fallout 4 starting off we have doc crocker he co-owns and operates the mega surgery center in diamond city the closest thing available to a hospital in the settlement well his partner dr. Sun handles most of the day-to-day affairs you-now examines and distributing medical supplies Crocker does one thing and one thing only plastic surgeries he's known to be of great help to Diamond Cities more affluent residents who frequent his business constantly and he even offers his services up to the sole survivor who can visit him and for 100 caps get their appearance altered somewhat alas despite his usefulness mr. Crocker has a dark skeleton in his closet or body in his basement if you will recently a young man by the name of Earl sterling who previously worked at the dugout in has gone missing most of Diamond city's citizens suspect the Institute is to blame though Nick Valentine isn't sold and he'll ask the player to investigate and see if you can get to the bottom of what really happened your search will eventually lead you to discover that Earl had some serious insecurities related to his own physical appearance and this is where dr. Crocker enters the picture you'll learn that the doctor had promised to perform facial reconstruction surgery on Earl however when the time finally came Crocker was hyped up on jet and accidentally snipped a number of Earl's arteries during the procedure leading him to die on the operating table rather than admit his mistake and accept the consequences the doc was instead all too happy to let the Institute take the blame while chopping up Earl's body and slowly disposing of it alongside the garbage being thrown out by the nearby butcher it was a disgusting plan and when you confront the surgeon for his crimes the man will either turn hostile or even take his own life later on we can use the key found on his corpse to enter Crocker's home and review his private terminal entries where he makes some pretty suggestive comments about his patients as well not that that's nearly as bad as murdering a person to death and trying to chop up their body into tiny pieces but still and so the most respected surgeon in the Commonwealth as it turns out is also far from the model citizen he presents himself as my advice the next time you're in the market for a little facial reconstruction surgery maybe consider a different professional next in our list meet Malcom we've discussed him before in a previous fallout 4 video but this is a man just too sinister to leave out after you progressed far enough within their quest line the settlers of far harbour will request that the sole survivor clear out various locations across the island of ghouls so they can begin to expand and settle over there one of those locations is a place called Lake echo and once your duty is done there and the final ghoul is slain something unique will happen a man named Malcolm will appear seemingly out of thin air he won't attack you on sight however it will be very obvious from the get-go that something isn't right about this man he'll first thank the player for killing all the ghouls that will tell you that this is in fact his land he's been living here for years long before the fog even showed up when it eventually did he simply decided to stay and continue inhabiting the region only recently when these ghouls came he was driven away but now that you've dealt with them he plans to set up shop here once again in exchange for your help he says he'll let you leave Hugh and spine again for what you done before I need to go on thank you it's clear that all this time in the fog has driven Malcolm mad though what makes Malcolm especially frightening amongst far harbors Crazy's is the fact that he seems to be a cannibal throughout your dialogue with him the man refers to you as meat and before you go he'll offer to make a deal with you you see he knows the people of Far Harbor wish to settle on this land and he wants them to come not because he enjoys the prospect of having neighbors but because he wants to go hunting I'll let him do the explaining them salvaged there yeah cut the meat then toss the remains for the fall what do you say got caps make it worth your while Malcolm's intentions are undeniably twisted he's hoping to get his next few meals from your allies after being hit with this proposition you have a few options refuse to let him eat far harbors people and attack him refuse to let him eat far harbors people Badagry not to take his land or accept his deal and he'll give you some caps in exchange for your promise to send him some settlers among all of the trappers and people driven insane on this island Malcolm stands out as not just the only cannibal we know of but also evidently a shrewd businessman as well which is what earns him a spot in this video our third entry leads us to the former amusement park turned feudal Kingdom that is Nuka world a place totally populated by Raiders one doesn't need to look very far to find all sorts of creepy characters that said there's one bandit in particular that really gives us the chills Dixie is a young woman and high-ranking member of the disciples one of Nuka world's three major gangs the disciples themselves are an especially gruesome Bunch known for their preference of blades over traditional firearms and their fondness of killing for sports well the other games typically see violence as a simple means to an end the disciples do it just for fun and Dixie is perhaps the most intimidating of their membership she at first comes across as incredibly likeable sporting a posh southern accent and polite manners that you would think were lost in the old world it's difficult not to love her initially though this charm is merely the cloak that Dixie is using to get folks to let their guard down before she either murders or enslaves them some holotapes that she has within her personal quarters which she affectionately refers to as souvenirs documents some of her horrifying actions just take a listen to one Sammy just came back with his girl Dixie and brought the best news ever she said she comes from a place where we'll be safe and protected called nuchal world finally I am so tired of trying to live up here on our own dealing with Raiders and finding food and just surviving we're packing up to leave and we're out of here I wanted to leave this message for you it's awfully sweetie our welcome a stranger into your home you've no idea how happy we are that we ran into you it's not happy as I am what are you doing wait I thought you were here to know what have you done oh don't worry honey I'll never came to Burt's part what's this I think I'll keep you as my little souvenir furthermore mags black leader of the operators a fellow Raider gang has a terminal entry where she lays out her suspicions that Dixie was elevated to her high-ranking position within the disciples not out of Merit but because her superiors were afraid of her and needed to get her under control when some of the cruelest and most powerful characters in the Commonwealth are going out of their way to Flay Kate you you're probably not someone to be messed with so her brutal nature and lovable southern charm definitely make Dixie someone to watch out for for fourth spot we venture beneath the streets of post-war Boston into its sewage tunnels this character actually isn't alive anymore but we can rediscover his legacy I of course and speaking of the fens phantom you can learn the blood-curdling tale of this pre-war serial killer by entering the fens Street sewers beneath Diamond City the fens phantom what was a horrifying criminal not only did he claim the lives of dozens of innocence but after doing so away he take his victims remains to this very sewer and put them on display in weird positions almost like he was building some sort of art gallery as we explore this twisted take on a museum a number of hollow tapes can be found they were left behind by the Phantom hundreds of years ago specifically to talk to detective who is pursuing them there's quite a few so I can't play all of them I will put on the first and final there it would appear this serial killer not only managed to lure the detective on his case into his lair alone which by the way was a terrible idea on the detectives part but also captured him or her as well and had some very sinister intentions and finally last on our list the General Atomics Galleria is or I suppose it used to be a massive pre-war shopping plaza built by the General Atomics robotic company their objective in constructing this place was to have the entire complex operated solely by their mr. handy line of machines no workers at all it would be robots operating the cash registers food kitchens and keeping the place clean when we arrived centuries after the bombs fell well the customers are long gone the robots are still here acting like it's business as usual well mostly business as usual you see it won't take long for the sole survivor to realize that nearly all of the droids here are plagued by a strange series of bugs that causes them to lash out and attack some terminals still active provide some insight on what the company knew before the world went boom evidently General Atomics had employed a single human supervisor to watch over the Galleria as government regulation forced them to but they didn't really want him to touch anything instead Ga preferred that their special state of the art director robot handle all the real managerial tasks and supervision the human was there exclusively so they could comply with regulation standards and was explicitly instructed to do what nothing after the robots caused a series of visitor deaths however the company quickly realized that something was horribly wrong with their director bond and urgently demanded that the supervisor activate a failsafe and reboot his software after that email there's around a three month gap between any activity on this computer with the next terminal edge being an email welcoming a new supervisor and the company gives them the same instructions urgently demanding that they reboot the director mr. handy software and advising extreme caution stating that they believe he's responsible for killing the last guy this is the final bit of terminal activity we get to see and if we ourselves decide to pay the director robot a visit we'll find a skeleton line right next to him implying he killed this guy too General Atomics is chief state of the art director robot appears to have taken complete control of this place ruling it like a tyrant it feels like some weird Skynet level stuff thankfully we the player will be able to put an end to this little game and we can either just destroy the director or finally succeed in activating that failsafe all the previous supervisors failed to however you decide to solve this problem the twisted director of General Atomics is Galeria proves that technology can definitely be pushed too far and with that we are going to wrap up five of the creepiest characters in fallout 4 thanks for stopping by everybody which of these individuals left you feeling the most uneasy and what terrifying men and mutants should I touch upon next leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,112,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 4 Top 5, Fallout 4 Easter Eggs, Fallout Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Fallout 4 Choices, Fallout 4 Characters, Fallout 4 Secrets, Fallout 4 Lore, Fallout Lore, Fallout 4 Facts, Fallout Theory, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 Tiny Details, Fallout 4 Mods, Fallout 4 Modding
Id: izhTS3bWa3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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