101 Facts About Fallout 4

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CptCobbler 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
greetings Motherfactors my name is Sam and today this sole survivor feels so real right now is it tell you about one of the biggest on RPG games ever made no not that one or that one or that one or that one either they're all great yes but I'm here today to talk to you Matt fallout 4 yes that's right we're off to vault one month one and the Commonwealth wasteland tell you guys all that the crazy goings on there seriously I wouldn't rate it as a vacation and by the way yes this will be full of spoilers so don't go down to the comments saying only you spoiled it it's been out for five years don't play it first but water Lovecraftian Horrors are hiding in the wasteland what's up with fallout 4 was obsession with Harrison Ford and how much do you bet it absolutely stinks underneath that pit boy I mean it never comes off to hunt or three those questions are going to be answered so pop on your wasteland vest and a bully that Swan in the lake as much as possible I know it's pretty but you'll regret it trust me as we go through 101 facts about fallout 4 number one so a quick bit of background for you wasteland lubes out there fallout 4 is the fourth fourth game in the main Fallout series of post-apocalyptic RPGs in which your character the sole survivor must navigate their way through the nuclear wasteland of Boston Massachusetts in order to track down their son and was stolen as an infant it takes place in the year 2000 287 around ten years after the events of fallout 3 you'll understand why that's somewhat important leader number two it was released in 2015 and will seed last a good to fallout game to be released by Bethesda Studios don't come at me fallout 76 fans it's your fault Todd Howard god dammit hates hard what number 3 you play the character of the sole survivor now depending on your gender choice of character you are either the husband or wife and a pre-war family and you have a little Bubba called if you pick the male character you'll be retired US Army veteran and if you pick the female character you will want a lawyer interesting right number four the game opens in the year 2077 the first Fallout game to feature the pre-war world the sole survivor is just having a lovely day at home in a vault tech rep sell to a place in the local vault do to your family service of the country Falls forward Lee 25 minutes a nuclear annihilation happens to haul ass into your vault but little do you know the decontamination pods you ask to enter are actually cryogenic pods number five fast forward to the year two two to seven and you're half awoken by every parent's worst nightmare you see your baby Sean kidnap from the arms of your partner who's then brutally murdered in front of you you then fall back into your cryogenic state and wake up sixty years later and 2287 then you escape the power to make your way back out into the world but it's not quite the same as how you're left in our drama hey number six it later comes to light that Sean was kidnapped by the Institute because he was completely unique in that he's the only infant on earth that has no DNA corruption from radiation the perfect pre-war specimen for the next stage of synthetic development and becoming the father of synthetic life I'm not sure about you but this feels like the starts of every robot cyborgs synthetic artificial disaster movie ever made number seven now if you've played the game already you'll be aware of all the different endings you can have depending on which factions you decide to side with and the obliteration of their respective enemies but as well as the Brotherhood Institute Minutemen and Braille Road endings there's also a fifth peaceful ending that's a big complex to get but allows you to keep the brotherhood Minutemen and railroad alive and functioning but ultimately you do have to destroy the Institute and murder your own child so swings and roundabouts freely number eight fallout 4 sold fourteen point nine million copies as of temporary 2019 and it's been reported to have surpassed ourselves but that's this other big hitter the Elder rolls five scarred um as how you pan out so anyway number nine fallout poorer has one of the biggest video game Maps ever created akari ranks 1/16 but beats out games like bread dev attention to and Skyrim and oblivion combined the map is 43 square miles this is somewhat debated because the a lot of interiors underground areas but hey I think that if you can walk it it counts number turn we've already established that follow-up for is large in size that's what she said no I that's what I wish she anyway and with a number of carriages that not only speak to you but also have conversations with each other it shouldn't be surprising that the game has a lot of recorded dialogue back in September 2015 but there's the tweeted out that recorded over one hundred and eleven thousand lines of dialogue which is more than format free and Skyrim combined number eleven though would you play some of the other Fallout informants who know about super mutants they're the product of US military experiments or vault-tec experiments we're looking at you vault 87 not cool guys but how did these guys get all the way to Boston well surprise surprise we're looking at the damned Institute again in one of their many experiments they subjected innocent people to exposure to the forced evolutionary virus or FEV causing them to mutate into these beautiful creatures when the experiment clearly went wrong the Institute just shut the mountain to the mainland just to see what would happen yeah Institute cool guys number twelve now on to bots and what better place to start than our home sweet home kind of vault 111 I'm pretty sure we're all aware of the fact that voltec are pretty evil by this point the story of every vault emphasizes that just a little bit more so evolved on June 11 we've already said is an experiment on the viability of cryostasis in humans and the effect it would have if it did work however the residents were told use for decontamination pods everyone in the vault lated died of asphyxiation as a result of life-support failure everyone except the sole survivor their partner and Sean of course number 30 the basis for the idea of 411 came from bethesda game designer emil paglia reuleaux who when visiting MIT saw their cryogenics lab which featured cryogenic tanks so of course he took some pictures a couple of selfies seven to his pal told Howard and the rest as they say is a video game number forty Moulton and fourteen found in Park Street Station was designed as a social experiment on residents reactions to stressful situations you know because nuclear war wasn't restful enough in this case the residents were upper-class including high-ranking government officials business owners luminaries and their families the experiment featured hiring in danger the incompetent overseer could soup can hurry and taking away the luxury lives they were promised inside the vault to see how they respond it's not known how that experiment went we can assume it ended badly as its overrun by a gang by the time the sole survivor makes it there in 2287 number 15 now under vault 25 and this is where things get really quite bleak found in Mauldin middle school the vault housed all the students from the middle school their teachers and their parents once admitted any adults were taken into an orientation where they were executed and the children would let's take Bart and talk to us mental and physical tests in order to establish which children had the best refined genetics yeah told you it was bleak those who didn't make the cut were killed and those that made it to age 18 were either half stood for their genes or recruited to the vault science team if they were obedient enough number 16 a nice widely happier vault is number 81 but you can find the adorable kiri the aim of this vault was to find a universal cure for every sickness known to mankind no pressure right well of course because it's vault-tec they experimented on their unknowing residents by pumping various sicknesses through nozzles to expose them and then they try a new cure disease of work but the original overseer of old 51 dr. Olivet sabotage the experiments cutting off the nozzles meaning the residents were safe Curie found a cure by 22:04 long after the original science team had died this is also one of the only vaults that's actively still working though not with its intended experimental purpose number 17 and lastly the fifth and final fault of fallout 4 volt 95 another social experiment this vault how schematics promising them rehabilitation and safety this worked and was great for five years and then vault-tec planted a stash of Kem's in the vault to be found to see what residents would do once it was found the vault erupted into chaos the residents either relapsed that died in fights over the cams all fleed into the wasteland living is available to the gunners as their face when you find it in 2287 number 18 the children of the atom returned from fallout 3 having set off on their expeditions from Megaton in this case of the crater of atom in the clothing see the detonation site of the nuclear bomb that devastated the rest of Massachusetts now if you're wondering how the children of the atom were just chillin in a bomb crater with no radiation effects what into ghouls you'll be as annoyed as I am to find out there is no scientific explanation it's just atoms gift apparently and you have to accept it like I do number 19 although your character is called the sole survivor and is potato they don't have to travel alone there are a total of 13 different companions well 12 if you're using Preston as a companion willingly you need to re-evaluate your life anyway these companions can accompany you through the wasteland adventure and each one is a different set of skills and perks which takes us nicely onto number 20 Cogsworth is the very first companion in fact the first sentient being you encounter upon your vault escape what's really cool about this little robot Butler it's the fact he's programmed to say over 900 different names so if you're a Sam like me or dick it's a name or a kal-el know you'll be happy to hear he'll call you by your real name he does also however have ruder names installed which we can't mention the ghost number 21 dogmeat is your first proper optional companion found just outside of condor this is the first Fallout game where your canine companion cannot die thank the Lord for that he does whimper though when he gets hit or shocked which is just an awful noise to hear frankly no but 22 the next optional companion you meet is good old preston garvey preston gets a bad rap with all of this help the settlement quests that never end please a good guy who just wants to help people with the Minutemen also you can get romantic with them if you want to number 23 along with Preston you find Sturges Marcy Jun and everyone's favorite psychic stone a grandma mama Murphy who is the reason why the gang are in so much trouble amazingly the Raiders wanted to kidnap her pump her full of Kem's and get her sight ie a very cryptic fortune what's going around the corner that used to do that I wonder if he's inspiration number 24 anyway Nick Valentine is BAE and by BAE of course mean he's a mechanical prototype of a synth who his memories of a human being called Nick Valentine who was a Chicago detective number 25 he's also an absolute bloody hero unlike other since the people of Diamond City like Nick a great deal for the most part I mean what tends to happen when you save the mayor's daughter from being abducted at one point you got surrounded by band guides and saved her by saying beep and pretending to be a bomb that is how you do it number 26 Nick Valentine is a bloody cool noir name that's for sure but some believe it's an allusion to the detective Sam Spade created by author Dashiell Hammett in the early 1900's The Maltese Falcon detectives name is kind of similar monosyllabic first name Hart associated second name and his voice is similar Tom berry Bogaerts performances the character in the 1941 Maltese Falcon movie number 27 in Fallout 4 some characters are marked as essential meaning they cannot be killed like dogmeat for example it's worth noting and for joy sing the old Nicky boy is one such character making him basically invincible number 28 sometimes a group of raiders will attack you they attack but them all stopped right away upon recognizing Nick as Nick helped them out in the past see it pays to have him around number 29 another cool little tidbit about up howl Nick is that if you had the mysterious stranger perk activated while your company by him he'll make comments about the stranger saying that he's been after him for years if you go into Nick's house in diamond sitting beneath the bed you'll also find a case file about the stranger with references to his parents's across all the Fallout games number 30 speaking of diamond city residents let's talk about pipat no she's not named after one of the most annoying characters in Netflix's history in fact a moment sure who she's named after she is though an essential companion who also can't die number 31 Piper herself actually had a run-in with the previously-mentioned children of Adam and similar to Nick her quick thinking got her out of there she pretended to have a vision of Adam itself and then they not only lets her live but she became a daring acolyte number 32 then there's the ghoul mayor Hancock who you can also work what's the word companion eyes it's worth noting too that apart from Kurian synth form and dance but don't tell him that Hancock is the only non-human you can actually have a little romantic relationship with yeah sorry dogmeat just made into that number 33 if you've also played fallout 3 then you may have noticed a few familiar faces scattered the Commonwealth first up let's start with McCready oh yes the Liverpool scam from little lamplights now all grown up he got married had a kid and joined a faction sounds great until you realize his wife died his kid died and that faction was actually the Gunners you can make him your companion and help him fix the past that still tortures him it's a much nicer way to remember a sweet old chum number 34 next up dr. Madison leave who you'll remember from your birth in fallout 3 in Fallout 4 she's fled to the Institute and serves as the director of advanced systems depending on what route you take you can work alongside her with the Institute or you can convince her to leave it and continue working on another fallout free relic Liberty prime number 35 there's also a Brian Virgil they form a scientist at the Institute - two super mutants he infected himself in order to be immune to the radiation of the glowing sea you can find his serum in the Institute and if you return it to him after three days he'll turn back to human number 36 interestingly if you give Virgil his cure back having strong wrist companion he'll be upset thinking you want to turn all super mutants back into humans again you see strong bumps being a super mutant and he also really wants milk why all the time number 37 back to some ball out three cross-referencing for a sec of course we'll remember the brotherhood of steel the most macro sounding faction of all time well they return in Fallout 4 having split to the East Coast from the Citadel and who else will be commanding the Brotherhood but little Arthur Maxon elder Lyons Ward from fallout 3 number 38 the nail elder and super commander of the brotherhood Maxon is not the only youngest elder in brotherhood history the founder of the brotherhood and he's only twenty boys shy on a massive blimp House of weapons staying in a whole army when I was 20 number 39 the other most notable character of the Brotherhood is one night Reese I'm kidding it's the worst character in game I'm actually talking about paladin dance he's badass but something's off with him he uses expansive vocabulary and does not bleed when you shoot him later you'll realize it's actually because he's a Sint even though he's a massive synth hater number 40 ah Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon he's part of the railroad faction and says he can vouch for you despite having never met you before he'll mention some of the notable good things you've done but it's most impressed by you getting rid of Kellog he consistently lies to you all the time to about his own life but you can't help but love it Kenya number 41 it suggests that the deacon figures out who you are before you even leave but one one one there's a mini set up facing the vault two marked with a railroad ally sign suggesting he's been watching you since the second you emerged he also disguises himself as various NPC's in the Commonwealth before your proper encounter including in diamond city in good neighbor in the memory den and in Bunker Hill the meaning of life that leads is quite nicely actually on to the railroad again Hinton at in Fallout 3 the railroad can be found under the Old North Church in North Boston led by Desdemona the team believes him rights for synthetic beings though not the creation of more the big heritage of the railroad include Desdemona tin Catan dr. Carrington glory and Pam number 43 so hey we'd better quickly tell you about the last faction in the main game the Institute we've already established they're pretty shady having you know kidnapped her son murdered your spouse and hundreds of people's relatives to replace him since so after Shaun was kidnapped and he spent some time growing up with fellow shady shades to Kellogg Shaun became the leader of the Institute number 44 the Institute is split into five divisions advanced systems the work on Applied Physics like plasma weaponry and teleportation bioscience like curing the FEV virus facilities you know day to day stuff robotics see well quite obviously manufacture the since and finally the synth retention Bureau who tracked down a return since that have gone rogue above ground number 45 speaking of the synth retention Bureau this is where you meet another potential companion called X six eight eight a courtesan working on hunting down retrieving those rogue ones quarters are designed to be smarter and stronger than their previous generation it's making them perfect hunters there's a binary sequence printed on every courses neck which I won't bore you all by reading but when translated it means cinched curl we got fax coming out the wazoo number 46 now you're all crewed up from the different factions let's have a quick chat about some other important characters we have Kate the Irish Ken addict cage fighter who you can find down at the combat zone Kate's backstory is possibly one of the most heartbreaking in the entire game so it's well worth finding her and leveling her up to max affinity to find out number 47 when you take her along as it can and she does not trust anybody because she's been continuously betrayed throughout her life this is also a huge contribution to her addictions that are becoming curable by a doctor or an ik toll meaning just to find other means of ridding yourself of this demon you as the sole survivor can give her a glimmer of light in life again so you know do bit number 48 slightly less emotional but possibly as cool is the potential companion Curie obviously named after legend that is Mary Curie the contained ins volar ability robotic infirmary engineer Curie for short is a modified mist nanny robot found in vault 81 she has her inquests line when you can transfer her memory into a synth body which makes her a romantical companion bow-chicka-wow-wow number 49 let's rewind back a bit to the beginning of the game with the vault-tec of rebbe that settled you your place in the vault he stopped my security and so never makes it at the vault when the bombs are dropped you'd assume he died but no no no new go to the hotel Rexford in good-neighbor and you'll hear his voice he's been very lonely and worse for wear but he still got his hat number 51 a pull-up for most curious locations is the USS Constitution a flying 19th century ship that's been fitted with some tech that will make Tony Stark blush it's captained by Ironsides who desperately wants to sail it into the Atlantic Ocean although something's missing is the fact that there's a hole in the hull meaning it would sink were it ever to get to water number 51 the USS Constitution is a real ship by the way available to see him board in Boston she is a nickname to Old Ironsides which is where Ironsides gets his name from number 52 there's also another sea vessel in Fallout 4 the yangtze a Chinese submarine captained by well captain Sal it's named after a Chinese river and needs to be repaired so that captain Zhao can head back to mainland China number 53 since we're talking about vehicles here's quite an odd one you may stumble upon if you're a high enough level a UFO UFOs are a bit of a mainstay in the Fallout universe fallout 3 has got a whole expansion packs onboard one after all it's worth noting - this is the only place in the game you can get an alien blaster number 54 also an alien as far as we can tell the only one in game is hiding in a cave nearby with a crippled leg this must be the former pilot of said UFO or it's an incredible coincidence number 55 speaking of somewhat paranormal places there's also the Museum of witchcraft based on the real-life Museum of Salem which is found in the same area of Boston there are no witches here though just an absolutely massive deathclaw some might say that's worse number 56 the Suffolk charter school is another very odd place in the wasteland and much like everything in Fallout something weird happened there specifically the principal decided to take some funding in exchange for allowing the government and vault-tec to feed the kits and start exclusively some mysterious pink paste number 57 this in turn creates bright pink ghouls they're unique to this location and once you kill them they cannot come back it's worth noting that the pace does not turn you into said ghouls canonically it's made pupils misbehave and give them pink complexions number 58 there's also a neat little easter egg that references in other easter egg from fallout 3 right in the third game there's a door in the wasteland that leads to nothing but a wall with some graffiti on it saying something very rude that I can't repeat in the school though there's something similar but instead it says you look nice today which ah shucks Thanks number 59 that's real quick talk about this cute little plastic Swan if you get too close you'll realize quickly that this innocence one is actually a terrifying super mutant behemoth Swan has a kind of tragic backstory though previously being a convicted criminal who volunteered for human testing in exchange for a reduced sentence in which he becomes the terrifying green rage machine that sleeps in the pond tied forever not that one not the Hulk number 60 when exploring the wasteland you might happen upon a junk item called a flux sensor it's classified as junk but it has a nifty little secret on it flip it and you'll see the ID number CM 881 809 2 to 4 609 which also happens to be the ID number of the starship Nostromo a famous setting of the 1979 movie alien number 61 it's actually possible to visit the iconic bar 496 calm Cheers you can find a skeleton wearing a May man's hats which is clearly cliff making the one next to him Norma you can also find Sam's office no not mine the poolroom and a bunch of other Easter eggs running to the show it's even called Proust which is the German word for Cheers number 62 after Diamond City now and have you ever noticed that there's just one red seat up in the stands well actually that mirrors real life it's a tribute to one of the best baseball players in history Ted Williams having played mostly for the Boston Red Sox Williams was dedicated the chair in Fenway Park as a tribute to his incredible achievement as well as how much he changed the history of the sport everybody say ah number 63 being British we're pretty well known for some thing some good some not very good at all one of those things is the big Stoney thing down south cool Stonehenge well if you explore near sanctuary you'll find a similar structure but built out of old rusted cars and wonder if it has as many conspiracies as the real thing Nintendo 64 if you've played fallout 3 or elder scrolls oblivion it's probably not a huge surprise to you that some people over at Bethesda are huge fans of HP Lovecraft and his horror writings the huge quarry at the south of the map called the Dunwich borers is it clear not to the story that Dunwich horror if you go exploring in the quarry you'll find a maze like mine which if you follow to the end of the line has a rather unsettling climax a bit like that done which building in Fallout 3 number 65 Lovecraft gets another shout out in what seems to be an innocent house over in good neighbor sure and looks inconspicuous but as soon as you enter the Pittman gallery you'll met with some of the most horrific art you could imagine that we're not going to show you the gears well monetization Hickman is clearly a reference to the artists of the same name in Lovecraft story pickmons model in which an artist creates paintings that appear to be evil I think I'll stick with the bunnies number 66 more Easter eggs and staying on the horror theme there's a great reference to the sole franchise down in the parking garages at Milton General Hospital the car park is kitten out to the max with a number of death traps and puzzles you have to navigate your way through that's even a choice of prides at the end but beware whichever you don't choose gets blown up so choose wisely number 67 you want some more movie references do you well alright then head on down to your ruins of CIT and you'll find a Grendel or nod to Boston local besties Matt Damon and Ben Affleck inside you'll find the skeleton of a janitor next to a blackboard with the same algebraic problem on it from the movie Good Will Hunting how do you like them apples cue guys from the film as well so number 68 in Overland Station there's a boat nearby but the skeleton of a man wearing a bandanna laying next to a massive mutated dolphin thing that looks like a shark this is a lovely little rep to the ending of the 1975 hit Jaws there's even a shark cage under the boat should you decide to have a little dip in the water nito number 69 FEV okay so the makers of fallout 4 love Harrison Ford so much so there's a number of Easter eggs featuring his famous heroic characters first of all if you head over to the mass fusion containment shared you'll find a sneaky reference to Roy batiste at scene from the movie Blade Runner speaking of Blade Runner just look at Diamond City it's just a big rundown Blade Runner set number 17 down between University point and Neponset Park there's a kid called Billy stuck in a fridge a great reference to the worst Indiana Jones film and finally in the nuchal world deal see upon fizz top mountain you can find a tiny person seemingly encased in carbonite which is of course a reference to Star Wars if you shoot at it too it bleeds if you're that sadistic number 71 yippee-ki-yay mother factors why do I say that well it's a good greeting but also if you're at the Mac Kraft fish packing building keep an eye out for a message in a bottle with a note come out to the coast we'll get together have a few laughs which is of course a classic line from John McClane in diehard number 72 did you know that the cars found in fallout 4 are actually based on a real car Bethesda got their inspiration for these crazy-looking vehicles from the concept design of the 1950's Ford nucleon which would have fit to the compact nuclear engine had it gone ahead number 73 there's a motorcycle that can be found on the streets of the Commonwealth that hints at your character from fallout 3 having visited Boston at some point it's called the lone wanderer just like that character and it's a pretty cool way to remember a good game with a stupid ending there I said it number 74 one last one to be rags are promised if you're one of the hardcore fans that's the reads all the terminals you come across you might have noticed some references to various TV shows like Sons of Anarchy and true detective we get it developers you like pop culture number 75 there's a phone number in Fallout 4 word you can have D call on your real life cell or mobile on the calendar in the trailers everywhere you can see the number one eight eight eight vault-tec to get in touch with the evil overlords themselves if you call this number in real life you're met with this greeting number 76 does Christmas exist in the Fallout universe you festive fellows will be pleased to hear but it does if you visit Diamond City when the game date is the 25th of December you'll see the city decked out with Christmas lights you spooky Souls also be pleased to hear that Halloween also exists to number 77 the glowing sea is full of various horrendous creatures the most difficult in the game in fact but did you know there's also an adorable little iBot floating around that you can also have following you for a limited time no one's been able to make it talk or found an underlying reason for its existence but it's probably a nice little nod to Edie II for Fallout 3 do you think like a program Jennifer Lawrence to follow me around for a change ah the terrine number 78 have you ever noticed that at every milestone during the game there seems to be a number of crows watching you well when you go to the Institute and explore the synth retention Bureau you'll see monitors with perspectives that are very high almost like a bird's eye view it's theorized that father / Shawn and the Institute have been watching you via these crows since the second you emerged sneaky very sneaky number 79 there's a hairstyle in Fallout 4 called the Megaton which is shaped like a mushroom cloud in reference to the lone Wanderers potential decision to blow up the town and fallout 3 brutal number 80 if you're looking for a high-level weapon early on in the game then look no further than vault 1 1 1 go back there with scavenging expert dogmeat and he might be able to hack past that master level lock to get you that gun when when twin number 81 hey do you like fireworks then head north east of relay tower OB b19 fire to an unmarked Tower it's full of propane tanks and a launcher simply fire at the canisters and you basically got the 4th of July number 82 you can find the holotapes of a serial killer called the fence phantom scattered across the sewers of Boston you can find the tapes of the killer talking to the detective it's haunting him next to skeletons modeled in various gruesome ways number 83 from a serial killer to a sweet old man let's talk about Arlen Glass inventor of the famous giddyup buttercup after years of neglecting his wife and daughter to focus on work nuclear annihilation hits and whilst Island turns into a ghoul his family unfortunately perishes in what's one of the most heart wrenching side quests in the game you can find a holotape from his daughter in this old Wilson Amma toys office give it to him and grab a box of tissues because you're gonna need it not ready for meds get bummed out again the Boylston Club in Boston was once the place for the city's elite listening to hollow types though you find out that just a week after the bombs dropped they all felt too overwhelmed by the crisis and decided to collectively end their lives with a big old batch of poisoned wine making the clubbing 2287 a massive tomb number 85 if you've ever fancied yourself as a comic book hero and yes I have then head on down to good neighbor and hubris comics and you can become the famous hero himself this silver shroud with costume and everything you complete side quests and unlock some great loot it's every nerds dream number 86 and a building called Hallucigenia Specht to happen when you walk in sorry no it's not a pink elephant parade its hallucinating homicidal Gunners after the building experienced the chemical leak everything went crazy so make sure you're donning a hazmat suit because you'll have a bad time here if you're not number 87 heading over to Cabot house did you know that the cathodes are based on a real-life family called the kibbutz otherwise known as one of the first families in Boston arriving in 1700 the cow BOTS have helped shape Boston into what it is today with a number of politicians and prolific businessman heralding from this family number 88 speaking of the Cabot's though the fictional Lorenzo is one of the two cycles in the game the other being mama Murphy or journey in Arabia in the 1890s Lorenzo found a crown that granted him immortality huge strength and telekinetic powers a serum can be made from his blood that quite honestly would solve so many of the Commonwealth's problems but that's the whole thing that diehard fans still rave about to this day number 89 there's a secret hidden room in Diamond City if you go to the northeast of the city and climb a collapsed building section and park all your way over he'll find it inside you'll find it's a diner with a few bits of minor loot and a power armor station it's not an incredible find but it's pretty well hidden so much so that no one in diamond city is using it number 19 the Brotherhood's airship the prydwen is named after king arthur ship in the welsh legend Arthur and his men boarded to sail to the fortress of anoon in the poem pray they at noon as well as sailing to and from Island gained a magical cauldron would have been much cooler if King Arthur had that massive death blimp number 91 frog Kanak fans rejoice you can finally become grognak by finding the outfit on the fourth floor of hubris comics it's going from La carriages as it boots strength by 20% and grants +2 total strength and it's just so chic babe number 92 when you get to the Covenant you'll be accosted by Swanson he'll demand that you take his safe test in order to enter the town of course this safe test is a slightly modified version of the goat test from fallout 3 it's also interesting to know that you literally cannot fail this test so don't worry yourself like I did thinking it would be as hard as my maths GCSE get out of my dreams mr. Carraway you don't teach me anymore number 93 also if you wanted to murder the entire town but still be able to drink DZ's delicious lemonade you can as long as you don't attack or damage Deezer he should remain friendly while the townspeople around him a butchered and maimed hmm refreshing lemonade number 94 in the dlc far harbour were also introduced to nick valentine's kind of brother dima the story of dima and nick is similar to the story of data and his brother law from Star Trek The Next Generation number 95 then koulos ions are found all over far harbour which those eagle-eyed players will notice it's not the famous brand nuka-cola and this brand remain a hit in Far Harbor with the owner Doyle Reed trying to capture the flavor of the island by experimenting with putting seafood in the drinks which makes me feel a bit sick according to a note left by super mutant though vim Cola allowed him to think straighter and calm this anxiety so fishy fizzy pop or anxiety and rage Wow what a would you rather number 96 Far Harbor also features another movie reference this time to the 1997 hit film Titanic if you head towards the lake just north of the nucleus you'll stumble upon two skeleton so I'm floating on a big board the other holding on to its edge just like Jack and Rose in that heart-wrenching moment that's had a screaming ever since there was plenty of room for both of them number 97 in the nuclear world DFC you can meet up with Sierra Petra Vita who some of you might remember as the crazy nuka-cola girl from fallout 3 that pays you to find her nuka-cola quantum she's back in the fishiest place on earth to find all the hidden caffee's in the theme park which is also a lovely little knowledge of the Hidden Mickeys at Disney parks number 98 make sure to stop by the Grantchester mystery mansion as well if you're a fan of horror there are plenty of nightmare-inducing tales from the history of this home and its daughter Lucy who became possessed and ended the lives of her parents before herself I won't spoil it for you just know it isn't for the faint of heart number 99 if you head to the northeast side of nuclear world there's a little house in Brad Burton which when you enter has a nifty little Dark Souls reference you'll find a sword sticking from the pile of ashes that looks very similar to the ba-ba-ba-ba-bom fires from Dark Souls and infirm the similarity kindling the fire will reward the player but stimpaks in place of health and if you pull the sword out you'll be rewarded with even more number hundred fallout 4 sold 12 million copies on its first day of release for the sales exceeding 750 million dollars it was the most pre-ordered game of 2015 and the pip-boy edition was the fastest selling collector's edition game in history according to leading retailers delayed fallout 4 has won nine awards including two game of the year accolades and has been highly rated by the majority reviewers IGN gave it a 9 point 5 out of 10 GamesRadar gave it 5 out of 5 stars and it has an average Metacritic score of 86 out of 100 people seem to love this game so now down to one fact about fallout 4 is this your favorite fallout would you like to see us cover the other games in detail let us know in the comments down below be sure to give this video a like and subscribe - one on fact I've ever done so already guys cuz you know we're having some fun over here baby in the meantime though two videos on the screen that are really gonna remain just absolutely soaked your whistle that's not where I'm in like as in really love wet your whistle but to the extremes weird anyway I'll see you on one of those probably for our for now
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, fallout 4, fallout 4 review, fallout 4 theme, fallout 4 mods, fallout 4 facts, facts about fallout 4, fallout, fallout facts, facts about fallout, codsworth, nick valentine, nuka world, far harbour, sole survivor, fallout 4 lore, oxhorn, shaun, brotherhood of steel, the institute, the railroad, minutemen, preston garvey, fallout 4 companions, vault 111, vault 81, fallout new vegas
Id: V9zpxQXkxwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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