Fallout 4: 5 Things You (Probably) Never Knew You Could Do in The Wasteland (Part 5)

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and fallout 4 is anything but a brief experience indeed the nuclear kissed environment of a 2287 Boston offers players a what at times can feel like endless amount of things to do and people to meet furthermore with so many choices offer to the sole survivor it's pretty much impossible to see the entirety of this game without multiple playthroughs but what one might find quite surprising is that despite being Wow at nearly 5 years old now Bethesda baked so much detail into fallout 4 that even today there are new things we can discover for the first time so today we'll be taking a look at five more things you probably didn't know you could do in fallout 4 starting off okay this is a small one but it's quite hilarious so general atomics Galeria was a pre-war sort of mini amusement park it was created by the General Atomics robotic manufacturing company as it means to demonstrate to the public what a town completely run by robots could look like there was and I guess still is a robot run diner a robot run gym a robot run bowling alley which we'll get to in a minute here and even robotic police guests could buy tickets to visit this automated town and spend an evening gunking at the wonders of modern technology of course since the bombs fell the Galleria hasn't gotten too much business but many of the original robots are hilariously still here performing their duties as if nothing never happened that said two centuries of no maintenance has caused many of the BOTS at the Galleria to begin malfunctioning and as you visit the place you'll find that some are even quite hostile well in the bowling alley section of the Galleria players can find a mechanical Clerk still operating the front desk he'll say that you're free to bowl but the cost is a whopping five thousand dollars in cash no not even five thousand in caps five thousand dollars ie he wants five thousand free war money now pre-war money is hard enough to come by so the odds that anyone would have so much of it on their character at once are basically nil as a result you'll have to tell the bots sorry can't pay and he'll simply demand you leave and if you don't well then he turns hostile but what if for whatever reason somehow you came up with five thousand dollars in cash at once well if that's the case then some hilarious unique dialogue will be unlocked where you can give him the money yes just hand it over and in exchange the bots will let you bowl free I can't believe I'm actually doing this now do bear in mind no technician will ever come to help you out you'll never get the chance to actually bowl at a functioning Lane because you know bombs the only real difference is in exchange for five thousand pre-war money you're allowed to hang out at the alley for as long as you'd like also be aware you won't actually be able to get that 5k back either when you give the bot the money it just kind of gets deleted meaning that even if you kill him later you won't be able to retrieve your cash off of his inventory Bethesda provided us a vehicle to literally throw away at copious amounts of money let's be honest though most of us who are able to do this were probably using console commands in the first place so no harm no foul next on our list the railroad is Boston's premier synth rights group constantly jockeying against the forces of the Institute who seek to enslave the BOTS and the armies of the brotherhood of steel who seek to destroy them now the Brotherhood and the Institute which are as one might guess so very powerful foes to have and as you can probably imagine the railroad is always watching their backs and operating under the strictest levels of secrecy as a result joining the railroad is a bit of a complex affair you'll have to follow what's called the Freedom Trail to the Old North Church and venture into the catacombs we're after solving some puzzles you can eventually stumble upon the railroads headquarters where you'll immediately be greeted by some very suspicious agents as well as the factions leader Desdemona will demand to know what you're doing wandering around their secret lair eventually as this confrontation is ongoing Deacon a very shall we say interesting a railroad veteran will jump into the conversation and vouch for you arguing that you should be allowed to join them claiming that you're obviously a smart cookie if you were able to find their HQ and the group needs as many hands as it can get deacon will then cite two of your major accomplishments up until this point these accomplishments can be anything really depending on what you've done up until now for instance if you've ever killed an institute courser he'll bring that up if you've revealed the truth of diamond city's mayor McDonough's synthetic nature he might mention that if you've joined the Minutemen that's another you get the point if you've done anything of note Deacon will use that as an excuse to vouch for you Dez seriously you haven't heard of him he's the leader of the Minutemen it seems like the whole Commonwealth is flying his flag Dez we need to let him in he's got an intact core search ship for God's sake Dez he's the one that cleared for it strong for the Brotherhood he's one of their main Knights or something the railroad owes you a crate he'll a truckload of nuka-cola for what you did to Kellogg he was our public enemy number one but what if you haven't what if you straight after leaving bolt 111 this ran over to the railroads base and popped in well because you have no accomplishments deacon will instead say this pretty much saying he likes your vibe as a Zoomer might say take a listen and you are deacon where have you been you're having a party what gives with my invitation I need Intel who is this well he's got to be someone he made it down here right normal people just don't do that stop you're making me blush hey just calling it like I see it so you got nothing he's a complete unknown what are our options shoot him come on we need friends des now more than ever and I got a real good feeling about him what are you vouching for him yes definitely fine that changes things coming in at number three the Raider gang held up at Sega's ironworks is a unique Bunch let by a ruthless bandit who goes by the name slag they called themselves the forged and indeed may represent one of the strongest most organized gangs in the Commonwealth being held up at an old metal luring facility they strongly tie their identity to the large forge that sits at the center of their base commonly feeding people they don't like to it yeah pretty harsh during the quest out of the fire will be sent here to rescue a kid who recently ran away from his family farm to join the forge by the time we arrive he'll already be on the brink of death sentence to be thrown into the fire for failing to kill a settler as part of his initiation we'll need to do our best to bail him out and bring him home anyway slag the group's leader that is until you maybe kill him during that quest like many Raider bosses has a personal terminal filled with entries which we can use to better develop our understanding of this oh so crazed gentlemen his entries mostly go on to talk about the various people he's murdered to death and some other ramblings you might expect someone this is deranged random out however depending on your actions prior to visiting Sega's ironworks believe it or not what's been written in this terminal might vary and there may or may not be different entries you see if you've cleared out other Raider encampments belonging to different gangs depending on which ones you've cleared slag might have terminal entries mentioning it for instance if you've defeated the Raider gang held up at the Liberty Lea he'll have an entry reading quote Liberty Lea has been wiped clean no great feat in killing weaklings like to see the killer's face the forged apparently he didn't command much respect for those guys or if the player is killed Bosco an absolutely bonkers Raider running the gang operating outside of DB Technical High School he'll sound more impressed riding in a unique entry quote the lunatic eliminated maybe the people of the Commonwealth are tougher than I thought end quote there's around four different gangs slag will offers commentary on if they've been wiped so players interested in engaging in some Commonwealth cleansing prior to visiting Sega syne works can get a special perspective on this man's terminal for fourth spot we're heading on over to Diamond City where we're gonna be taking a look at the side quest in sheep's clothing it's a remarkably short mission but definitely one of my favorites in the game it centers around the very recent public revelation that the town's mayor McDonough has secretly been a synth all this time it's a pretty big deal and for piper the town's president muckraker she feels quite vindicated however that's neither here nor there the situation is quite urgent you see after the mayor was revealed as a synth he had a bit of a breakdown he took his personal secretary as a hostage and locked themselves in his office will have to venture up to his quarters where piper will already be banging on the door pick the lock and confront the mayoral once and for all from here while there are a variety of dialogue options we basically have two choices what the mayor goes scot-free open fire whatever you choose afterwards the quest will be completed and that's that however did you know there's a bit of a hidden opportunity we have during this mission because just before you got into Diamond City and this whole standoff began the mayor shot his security guard Danny Sullivan twice in the chest as we first arrived in the city it's him who confesses to the players at the mayors of synth as he bleeds out on the side of the road will be given an optional objective to help Danny Sullivan before we go up to confront the mayor what this usually means is basically approaching the guy and giving him a stim pack if you do that his life will be saved and levon however if you don't assist Danny he actually dies later on in the game so the choice is pretty simple just give the dude a stim pack and it go on your way or let him pass away but did you know there's some other ways we can save Danny Sullivan too if we approach any of the doctors in the city that being dr. Crocker who surprisingly isn't busy hunting fairy godparents or doctor son we can approach them and tell them hey Danny's been shot he needs your help and they'll actually go and administer in healthcare Danny Sullivan's been shot what someone's injured I'll be right there excuse me I have to work hold on Danny let's get you patched up thanks doc doctor give this man some space he's wounded this functionally completes the side objective as well and ensures Danny survives without you needing to give up one of your precious stimpacks furthermore if curity a former medical droid is your active companion you can have her save Danny as well and get some unique dialogue take a listen hold on my friend here can help I will administer first aid and trauma stabilizers do not wait too long his injuries are most severe so it would appear Danny Sullivan's fate is anything but sealed and finally last on our list we have something that's about what you can do and more about an event that can happen to you depending on some circumstances so if the sole survivor is ever wandering the waist alongside Nick Valentine who is an active companion you might get a unique random encounter that won't occur with anybody else the pair of you will be ambushed by a small group of raiders okay that sounds normal enough but then something remarkable will happen the Raiders will disengage their leader will recognize Nick and order his men to stand down take a listen to some of the dialogue ceasefire it's thick stop it's Nick Valentine Nick Jesus if I know with you from the start I'm never to jumped you like that oh yeah don't don't mention it it's glad to see you made something to yourself I suppose I think we're just gonna go I owe you big time whatever you need it's yours the small group will remain passive towards the player for theoretically the rest of the game or more specifically until they D spawn from it interestingly these are some of the only passive Raiders we can ever encounter and depending on what you're wearing they might even have unique dialogue as if you're wearing a volt suit from either volt 111 or volt 81 or really any of the bolts in the game they'll in fact comment on it a vault silly hate to see the poor bastard you took that from that a volt sue what kind of gang wears vault suits you from up north or something a bunch of weirdos up there it's a neat little experience here we were thinking we were ready to get ambushed by some of the most ruthless men in the Commonwealth and it turns out they had a history with Nick that kept us safe and with that we are going to wrap up five more things you probably didn't know you could do in fallout 4 part 5 thanks for stopping by everybody which of these intriguing somewhat hidden opportunities did you find to be the most notable and what hidden details and easter eggs in fallout 4 or really fallout 4 or Skyrim for that matter do you know of that we've yet to explore leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,567,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 4 Top 5, Fallout 4 Secrets, Fallout 4 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do, Fallout 4 Easter Eggs, Fallout Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Fallout 4 Tiny Details, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 Facts, Fallout 4 Mods, Fallout 4 Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: -XWl0_rwToY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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