Fallout 4: 5 Unsettling and Creepy Locations You May Have Missed – Fallout 4 Secrets

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and the irradiated wastes of fallout 4 present a far different world than the one most of us know despite wrapping itself at a level of ironic satire that can at times be quite hilarious the Fallout franchise also has a pretty terrifying side to it that the title occasionally shows and it's that spooky part of the game that I really wanted to hone in on today sure the Great War may have ended over 200 years ago but boy oh boy are the horrors it created still very much lingering in this Fallout universe so sit back and relax as we dive right into five of the creepiest locations in fallout 4 starting off we have the Boston mayoral shelter you can find this bunker on the far western edge of your map just south of Fort Hagen as the name implies this place was once a large shelter built back in the day to protect Boston's mayor Hilden brand and his family in the event of a nuclear war its current occupants are a small division of Institute since so clearly something went wrong there and it's the story of what exactly went wrong communicated by a number of hollow tapes and terminal entries that left behind by the mayor and his family that really give me the chills you see his own journals make it clear that back before the bombs fell mayor Hildebrand was quite corrupt he knew something was coming and so allocated millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars to build he his wife and kids a lavish bomb shelter to take cover in for when the Great War finally came and it shows this place was clearly super expensive just walking around you'll find basketball courts gourmet kitchens even a home theater the mayor really went all out in ensuring that he and his family would endure the Great War in the lap of luxury well when the nukes finally did drop on the city the first family made it to their shelter and for the first few weeks all was great sure the outside world was in chaos but within this base the Hilton brand family continued to live like but then things began to turn a crowd of people who survived the initial nuclear blasts began to gather outside of the shelter somehow they found out about its existence and they demanded to be let in mr. Hildebrand initially figured he could just tell them to bug off over the intercoms it's not like they could do anything or force their way in besides a team of guards was also protecting the place 24/7 alas the crowds numbers started to grow rather alarmingly soon what was once just a dozen or so was now hundreds of angry people now banging on the entrance demanding not only to be let inside but also promising to kill the mayor things they had taken a turn for the worse eventually the family began to panic realizing they had overestimated the bunkers defenses and underestimated the potential strength of the masses outside they realized it was no longer a matter of if but when the mob would break through and stormed a bunker we can listen to their tapes where various family members break down in tears knowing the horrible fate that awaited them once the enraged crowds got in a terrified mayor Hilton brand developed a plan in response though he would take his own life by dropping a radio in a bathtub and have his wife present his body to the crowds outside hoping his death might be enough to calm them down and caused them to either disperse or at the very least leave his wife and kids alone hi sweetheart hi sorry it had to end this way I tried to build a place where our children could live comfortably you know I'm a family man and know our children come first spits taxpayers money the mob has broken through that it's only a matter of time before they reach the lower level as a last resort to protect our family I give you I give you myself take my body to the people tell them I died a coward they will leave you in peace I left the key to the safe with one of the attendants I forget his name I love you so much sadly only hours after the mayor died before his wife had even known he'd taken his own life one of the riders outside managed to somehow get a bulldozer and they rammed it into the shelter's defenses breaking them down and the hordes began to pour in overrunning the guards and butchering the first family before looting the shelter clean it's this somewhat satirical yet objectively sad story that makes the mayoral bunker such an unsettling place to visit it doesn't help that if you're not aligned with the Institute some of the sins here have a nasty habit of jump scaring the player and there's also a death call lurking behind the gym that similarly will try to spook the daylights out of you but there is a lesson to be learned here don't misuse taxpayer dollars and if you do make sure you invest in much better security next on our list is the med tech research laboratory located just southeast of Malden before the Great War med tech was the largest known manufacturer of Kem's in the United States and the games have always sort of suggested that maybe they weren't the most ethical corporation but what we'll see inside of this building and read in her terminals reveal a far more sinister company than we ever could have imagined this being the company's chief research lab medtech conducted a number of experiments on test subjects here but the thing is these test subjects weren't volunteers like you would imagine instead they used human slaves various computers revealed that the corporation's executives purchased and procured subjects from across the United States it's left unclear who exactly they were purchasing these people from it could have been mental health facilities prisons perhaps even some shady underground third party but one thing is clear none of the test subjects at this place wanted to be here all throughout the building evidence of people being held in captivity is abundant handcuffs are all over the place skeletons can be found in restrained positions fridges are filled to the brim with human bones there's even a few locked cells with now feral ghouls inside of them terminals admit that many of their human guinea pigs would pass away or suffer side effects so horrible that they'd have to be discarded there are even allusions to them using children in their research it's genuinely horrifying what was once happening here within the executive suites some special terminals have entries that disclose other admittedly less unethical practices by the company such as attempting to introduce their products to schoolchildren and medtechs efforts to intentionally get large populations hooked on their tens only to later sell them addiction therapy treatments at a massive markup ultimately we learned that just before the bombs began to rain over Boston the upper management of this building somehow received an advanced notice and while they quietly slipped out they also initiated a lockdown protocol that guaranteed and no one else would be able to enter or leave the building as to quote prevent a possible outbreak this is why when we enter the lab it will still be heavily defended by network of Auto turrets and it's littered with the remains of both staff and patients alike everyone but a few suits were abandoned and left here to die though knowing what the med tech employees were doing to unwilling individuals maybe some of them might have deserved it coming in at number three no list of fallout fours most unsettling locales could be complete without a mention of Dunwich borers a large mining query in the Commonwealth's northeast right next to Hugo's hole upon visiting this location and delving deep into its depths at first nothing seems very special just another Raider occupied dungeon but as you venture further and further down it will become clear that such is not the case the sole survivor will soon begin to suffer these short flashback like events where for a few brief seconds you can watch those who worked here before the war perform their duties and just walk around it's really weird terminals in the lower portions of the query reveal that the Dunwich company wasn't just trying to collect stone at this site but instead trying to dig something up throughout portions it's also possible to hear audible thuds in the distance followed by shaking almost as if something big if was stomping about the whole setting has an extremely eerie vibe to make matters worse when you're about halfway through the place Raiders will be replaced by federal ghouls as the primary enemy you face here which really doesn't help when you're going through dark places ultimately as you reach the end of boors you'll witness one final flashback it seems to depict a ritual of sorts being conducted in front of an audience that may or may not be captive they do appear to have their hands tied behind their backs it's incredibly terrifying once that ends you'll be able to dive into a small under or cave which leads straight to a metallic sculpture at the bottom which is just ginormous and an opening in the cavern will lead you into a chamber where unique blade Graham the zoo I know I mispronounced that tooth can be looted on this weird altar of sorts it's an incredibly strange affair overall dunwich borers stands out as among the freakiest and most mysterious environments not only in Fallout 4 but in the entire Fallout universe this isn't even the first appearance the Dunwich company has made in the franchise back in fallout 3 the Dunwich building was an office complex owned by the company that boasted similar rapport asked and eerie vibes that really creeped players out though ultimately also wielded no definitive explanations the name Dunwich itself in fact stems from the HP Lovecraft work the Dunwich horror implying that whatever this company is or was trying to uncover maybe Lovecraftian in nature oh well for now at least it seems this creature has yet to reveal itself to the world above and I just hope it stays that way for 4th spot we have what is the smallest spot of this video but in my opinion it's also actually the most disturbing follow the train tracks just away south of Overland station and you'll eventually encounter a handful of disturbed and overturned train cards on the surface of the blue one I'm approaching on screen now there will be a tiny somewhat hard to detect hatch open it and after a short loading screen runs its course you'll be greeted by a frightening sight the skeleton of a woman lies in a pool of blood at next to an assortment of miscellaneous items including a ham radio which is playing the following if shiverin recording on Luke anyone can hear this my son and I are trapped I need help we were being chased but weren't able to escape into this train guard and whose were in here though this woman and her child were being pursued by what was almost certainly a feral ghoul the recording honestly left me pretty shook the voice actor did an absolutely amazing job with those lines well the poor woman's fate seems rather obvious whatever happened to the child is a bit less clear the feral ghoul or whatever creature was after them isn't here anymore and there's no evidence of a child's remains that we can find suggesting perhaps he got out though I think if we're being honest we know that the Fallout universe is never that forgiving oh wow it's moments like these that make me think the Brotherhood of Steel is very right in their decision to never show feral ghouls any mercy and finally last on our list we take a trip to the Hallucigenia laboratory in downtown Boston before the war pollution was a company that developed and sold various non-lethal crowd control chemicals to the United States military and various police forces that non-lethal part is important politicians couldn't just allow forces to open fire on civilians so they needed something less morbid to quell the various riots and protests engulfing the country leading up to the great war similar to the medtech building we covered earlier this location was Hallucigenia laboratory where they were testing many of their early products and as soon as we walk in it will be clear something is not right a green mist wanes through the air and throughout the building various gunners are engaged in firefights but their aggression isn't directed towards the player instead they're fighting each other they've gone absolutely insane listen to some of their dialogue and you'll hear manacle screaming and weird crime clearly something's up with this green mist some further inspection of the location reading various terminal entries and really just looking at the environment will provide some context to what's happened here Hallucigenia hoped would be the pinnacle of crowd control a special gas grenade that would go after a targets neurological network and nervous system effectively compromising their brain and forcing them to stop rioting alas things weren't going the way they hoped rather than calm down test subjects exposed to the gas experienced huge increases in their regression and ultimately their brains were left so compromised that most of them would die within a few days of inhaling it the company just couldn't get it right similar to med tech they needed some less than willing participants as well to staff their experiments though rather than do what med tech did and just buy slaves Hallucigenia trick test subjects into thinking they were getting themselves into something less dangerous than they actually were so I guess that's a little better maybe eventually the company accepted that they were just never going to be able to develop the formula they wanted so rather than admit defeat throw their hands in the air and you know just give up they instead still try to market and sell this product as a non-lethal device of crowd control and just lie about what it would actually do they invited various executives and government employees to their facilities were there with staged experiments to make it seem like the Hallucigenia as safe when in all actuality it was anything but for better or worse nuclear fire engulfed the world before Hallucigenia dak Chu Alesi use by many police forces so I guess they kind of got away with it though sometime between then and now the piping must have won array and now Hallucigenia out there some other holotapes and terminal entries also admit that the company wasn't actually bringing in any money they were losing billions upon billions of dollars every quarter but simply falsified their expense reports to investors and lying to everybody pretending that they were profitable as for why any Gunners came here anyway well that's a really interesting story in its own right in fact it's one of the bigger mysteries in the fallout world you see the Gunners were hired by someone to enter the Hallucigenia and recover quote-unquote pre-war technology things didn't go as planned and here we are but many players are very curious of who this mysterious client that hired them actually is the emphasis on pre-war technology makes the Brotherhood of Steel a prime candidate that's kind of their whole thing trying to recover pre-war tech though they're very hostile for the gunners as a faction and have their own strong military forces so it seems unlikely they would hire them for something when they could just do it themselves it's the same deal with the Institute sure they'd have a reason to want to secure some tech but they have their own military forces that can get it rather than relying on some weird mercenary faction oh wow regardless of why they came the Gunners here met a horrible fate and it will be up to you to put them out of their misery and with that we are going to wrap up five of the most unsettling locales in Fallout 4 thanks for stopping by everybody which of these chillin spots left you the most creeped out leave a comment down below this is far from a comprehensive list of every scary place out in the wasteland so let me know which ones may or may not deserve an appearance in a potential part 2 to be uploaded sometime in the future anyway as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone you
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,213,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 4 Top 5, Fallout 4 Top 10, Fallout 4 Secrets, Fallout 4 Locations, Fallout 4 Easter Eggs, Fallout Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Fallout 4 Mysteries, Fallout 4 Theories, Fallout 4 Lore, Fallout Lore, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 Tiny Details, Things You Didn't Know ABout Fallout 4, Fallout 4 Mod, Fallout 4 Mods, TheEpicNate315
Id: xThRdcaT0kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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