Fallout 4: Top 5 Nuka World Secrets and Easter Eggs You May Have Missed in Fallout 4’s Final DLC

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and fallout 4 is Nuka World DLC occupies a special place in my heart standings right alongside Skyrim's Dragonborn and fallout 3's Point Lookout as among my favorite Bethesda made expansions ever immersing soul survivors into the chaotic environment that is an irradiated Raider occupied theme park nuke world shined with a variety of creative locations a colorful cast of characters and a narrative that transformed most of us from heroes into political cutthroats it was quite the experience this theme park was so large in scope that even today nearly three years after her introduction to players in August of 2016 there's still likely a number of Easter eggs and clever references and brilliant bits of environmental storytelling that much of the community never picked up on so if pop open an ice cold beverage set your mr. handy to do not disturb mode and settle in as we dive right into five new core World DLC secrets you may have missed in fallout 4 starting off the bolt tech among the stars attraction opened up in nuclear world space themed region of the park the Galactic zone as a part of a sinister collaboration between the nuka-cola and bolt tech companies while presenting itself as just another fun exhibit and a ride for families to enjoy themselves in within the attraction volt tech staff were instructed to manipulate guests into purchasing spots and bolts through a combination of fear-mongering and laughably false promises but that's just scratching the surface it gets a lot worse aside from evil marketing volt tech also used to the among the stars attraction to conduct radiation and electromagnetic based experiments on both its gasps and regular employees there's a small catalogue of terminal entries we can find on a computer within an employees only room of the attraction they were written before the war by an employee named Jay Hodgson the head operations engineer for the entire ride who notably was kept totally in the dark about the experiments the company was testing in these terminal entries he reports that himself and his staff had been experiencing extreme headaches nosebleeds and more since the exhibits opening as the diary logs continued they span the course of a few months it only gets worse mr. Hodgson describes guests suffering from the same symptoms as his colleagues and sometimes collapsing randomly he mentions a great frustration with the fact that volt techs medical staff on site insist it's all just some sort of heat sickness and nothing more we of course learn on other computers that the med staff was in on it Hodgson's final entries seem to suggest all hell breaking loose as people have gone from showing weird symptoms to going downright mad families are running out screaming people are randomly stripping down to their undergarments he finds himself suffering from extreme memory loss it's really gotten bad Hodgson develops his suspicions but he never really confirms them and the terminal sort of end on this little bit of a cliffhanger but I digress pay attention to that volt tech staffers name J Hodgson it's actually a reference by Bethesda to a real-life person Joelle Hodgson creator of the sci-fi comedy show Mystery Science Theater 3000 which he also casted himself in in the show Joelle played a man at trapped aboard a satellite by two mad scientists who desired to conduct experiments on him not tremendously unlike his fallout for namesake there's a little more to point out about this just know that someone um Bethesda's writing staff seems to have been a big fan of mst3k next on our list we head out to the safari adventure region of the park an area where beautiful displays of vegetation and african inspired wildlife that once wowed visitors over 200 years ago have has been transformed by centuries of radiation exposure into a total nightmare the central plot that defines the safari adventure when we visit it revolves around the work of a now long dead scientist by the name of Darren McDormand you see before the Great War dr. McDermott led a small cloning laboratory located beneath the Safari section of the park their work was ultra classified but they used their cloning devices to produce most of the animals that would go on to populate the park after the bombs fell Darren McDormand found himself the only survivor and for the next couple hundred years he was able to do quite well for himself the man gula fide radically slowing down his aging and kept himself busy by conducting an assortment of new experiments with his still functioning cloning technology now free from any nuka-cola supervision eventually as the decades became centuries the doctor began to find scavengers popping up all throughout the park so in a desperate attempt to keep them away and keep himself protected he created the Gator claw a lizard-like genetic monstrosity meant to defend the park that he started popping out by the dozens via that cloning tech however in some frankenstein-like irony his creations turned on him and murdered him to death now more and more Gator claws are still being flown infesting the safari adventurer and threatening the very survival of the park if you can't stop this now of course as you can probably imagine you will end up shutting off the replicator and saving the day following a short quest that's basically just a dungeon crawl alongside a primitive man named Seto it's a long story anyway what you may not have known is that it seems Bethesda at one point or another likely intended for this quest to go a lot differently than the way ultimately turned out as in the games files there's in fact an NPC for dr. Daren McDormand he can even be spawned into fallout 4 through the use of console commands implying that despite not existing in the final release bethesda seems to have wanted him to be a character who could interact with the sole survivor perhaps their original vision for the quest would have seen a still alive McDormand enlists the players help in dealing with the Gator claw problem he created or maybe they just wanted to use his corpse for something though I find that unlikely as he does have faction allegiances attached to his NPC data which is uncommon for automatically dead characters whatever his true original purpose in Fallout 4 was going to be we may never know perhaps only the walls that Bethesda's offices hold the true answers coming in at number 3 the players introduction to the nuchal world amusement park and indeed the entire dlc itself will come after radio transmission leads the bolt weller to an old Transit Center where a wounded wasteland er named Harvey can be found lying next to a train that leads to the park Harvey will explain that he's recently escaped from the nightmare of an amusement park that is Nuka world desperately fighting his way through Raiders to get here but his family's still back there and he'll ask you to hop on the train and go save them this will be how we first end up traveling to the new location now as players with good charisma will learn through passing a couple of speech checks for any player will learn by simply progressing a bit deeper into the expansion storyline Harvey's full of nonsense he didn't just escape Nuka world and he doesn't have a wife and kids he wants you to go rescue he's actually working with the park's leading Raider gangs to lure unsuspecting travelers to the region he's not exactly a totally bad guy long ago he used to live at Nuka world as a free man but when the Raiders came to the theme park and enslaved all the locals they forced Harvey to start doing this tricking people to going into the park and threatened to hurt those he cared about if he refused and again if you're too nice to him during your first meeting the dude will just throw the towel in and admit everything to you saying it's not right to let someone as kind as your character go to a place like that unknowingly so yes he's doing a bad thing but he's not a terrible human being and definitely not nearly as sadistic as some of his associates well this first meeting with Harvey believe it or not doesn't have to be your last as after you've gone to the park and are declared the new Raider over boss the next time you're out in the Commonwealth and mind you the Commonwealth proper not to Nuka world Harvey will become the subject of a possible random encounter where we can find him on a roadside apparently trying to trick more unsuspecting wastelanders into heading on over to new co world when we first approached him he'll at first mistake us for just another wanderer but quickly realised his mistake and recognized the sole survivor as the new over boss also making a strong point of apologizing for getting you into this whole mess in the first place and exploiting his own unfortunate situation remember he doesn't really want to be doing this oh thank god the Raiders have my family oh hey boss just wanted to say no hard feelings alright you were in on this yeah pretty much but it's not what do you think I mean it's it's just I didn't really have any choice in the matter you've lied to me I know and I'm sorry but if you ever cared about anyone you'd do the same thing from here you've got a few options a refused his apology and attack him for what he did be sort of just blow him off see accept the apology or D not only accept his apology but also free him telling Harvey he's no longer obligated to Lauren new wastelanders and is free to go on and make something of himself Harvey for his part will obviously be as static upon hearing this news and will utter some enormous thanks before running off into the sunset with a giant grin on his face why do you stick around and keep doing this guess that's all I'm good at since I fooled you the gang leaders seem to think I've got some sort of special talent suckers well I'm the over boss when I say you're free to go you're serious aren't you ain't gonna say no and believe me it'll be a cold day in hell if you see me in the Commonwealth again it's actually a pretty cool moment if you understand all the context maybe Nuka world isn't always about being the bad guy after all at least one person will have some good come their way thanks to your actions back at the park assuming you chose to help them that is for fourth spot Oswald the outrageous is the Gullah fied protector of Nuka world's kitty kingdom section prior to the Great War he was a magician at the theme park entertaining children with a variety of all inspiring magical illusions after the bombs fell he much of kiddie kingdom staff and many visitors were able to find shelter in some tunnels located beneath the kingdom it unfortunately didn't take very long for those survivors to begin to fall victim to radiation poisoning however and one by one they started dropping like flies or gula fine and going totally feral this was a really hard experience for Oswald a lot of these people that started to gula PHY he had been surviving alongside for months they had become sort of like his family so to watch them go into this terrible state was just something he couldn't really handle Oswald himself well he did not only gula Phi but become a glowing one somehow managed to retain his cognitive faculties and didn't go mad effectively leaving him as the last man truly standing in all of Kitty Kingdom now he spends his days developing and maintaining a variety of elaborate traps and defenses meant to keep the Raiders away from the kingdom believing that one day he might be able to find a cure and save all the lands current feral ghouls but until then they must be protected personally he's one of my favorite characters in the entire Fallout universe I feel as though he combines a creative backstory pure but misguided intentions and incredible effectiveness to be one of the game's strongest and DC's eventually most players will end up either murdering the poor guy to death or talking him down and helping him realize the error of his ways before disabling the region's defenses and allowing human settlement back into Kitty Kingdom but his story aside Oswald's very own name yet again seems to be another real-world reference by Bethesda in a few terminals we can find near the Playhouse it's revealed that Oswald's full name is Oswald Oppenheim er this seems to be a nod to Julius Robert Oppenheimer an American theoretical physicist best known for his leading role in the Manhattan Project the creation of the first atomic bomb you may have heard the famous quote I am become death destroyer of worlds before in media that was coined by dr. Oppenheimer following his work on the bomb in fact Nick Valentine even mutters those exact words in the far harbor DLC if the player chooses to destroy the children of Adam's HQ by activating the nuclear submarine inside of its nuclear payload additionally originally that was going to be the only Oswald related fact but here's a bit of a bonus one while we're still talking about him if you approach the magician while wearing a full set of power armor he may say this alluding to the Wizard of Oz what's wrong Tin Man having trouble finding the Wizard personally I would have figured you for the scare so it looks like the folks over at Bethesda had a good bit of fun while crafting this oh so intriguing character and finally last on our list this one is likely the most well known of all the details we've covered so far as it quite rightfully made a pretty positive mark on the community around the time the DLC first dropped but in the video like this I think it absolutely has to be mentioned evan is a man living in an isolated cabin slash trailer just south of the nuketown US a portion of the park he's an especially unique character notable for the incredible amount of just genuine kindness that'll show towards the player his dialogue is exceptionally welcoming and he'll even give the Soul Survivor a recipe book to craft nuchal of a special variant of nuka-cola for free well Evans character is in fact not only a reference but more of a tribute by Bethesda to the author of a reddit posts brother you see back in late June of 2016 you slash new j-47 created a thread on the AR /fo 4 subreddit largely to thank Bethesda for providing him and his brother Evan with so many positive memories unfortunately at the time the thread was originally created Evan was in the hospital and would go on to pass away shortly after the post went up which the author provided some updates on well this reddit post caught Bethesda's attention and they sent new j-47 a large care package as well as a heartfelt letter and when the new choral DLC finally did go live they attributed the character you see and we're talking about to Evan pretty cool this whole thing unfolded only a few days before the DLC itself actually went live so Bethesda likely had to rush to get the character added to the game and voices dialog it's a pretty cool gesture by the developers I'll try to include some links in a pinned comment down below so you can read the whole reddit thread yourself and see what the author had to say you you can get a little bit sketchy with links but I think we'll probably be okay anyway it's neat that Evans memory has been immortalized in one of his favorite games and with that we are going to wrap up my top 5 new for World DLC secrets in fallout 4 thanks for stopping by everybody Nuka world is a pretty big expansion and there are definitely a few Easter eggs and little references here and there that I just couldn't fit in today so hopefully we can do a part two sometime in the future or I'll just find a way to incorporate all those into a more general ten tiny details video anyway thanks again for watching as always like ratings are very much appreciated and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,212,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 4 Secrets, Fallout 4 Nuka World, Fallout 4 DLC, Fallout 4 Top 5, Fallout 4 Top 10, Fallout 4 Easter Eggs, Fallout Easter Eggs, Easter Egg, Fallout 4 Lore, Fallout Lore, Fallout 4 Legend, Fallout 4 Tiny Details, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Things You Didn't Know About Fallout 4, Fallout 4 Mod, Fallout 4 Mods, TheEpicNate315
Id: OXgKxqVuLMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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