Media Share & Table Manners | 2021-03-14

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the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated how are you folks how are you doing thanks for jumping to conclusions and assuming i was dead i'm glad you just care you know i was just talking to him dude he must have fallen over and i could totally can't get back up well at least liam if i did get in trouble you'd save me hello max jesus i'm surprised you're even conscious who knew time would be the one that would get him and not the cat jesus foxy thanks for the five subs how are you doing folks i'm a ghost all right okay well at least i'm a ghost with popcorn i'd rather be dead and have popcorn than be alive like you without your popcorn no i'm good am i being mean sorry sorry you know you're saying i'm dead well i went too far i went too fast by rubbing the popcorn your face kevin the unfriendly ghost we're going to say did you think i actually broke a tooth [Laughter] how are you doing folks you laughed no no no that's not how it works it's a media share it's not just me sitting here laughing at myself at myself not with myself does this count it doesn't it doesn't count um where are we foxy thank you very much for the the five subs again there gems in thank you for the two subs or the two months sub sorry my brain not working today i don't know if that's good or bad for my my media share it could be bad oh no i don't know sometimes it's just the stupid stuff you know uh agmo and ccc gangrel thank you for the tips hey jim well thank you for the two tips actually um emo dreamers blue smiles guy biwi little spark b dabrowski thank you for the bits uh oh you forgot daylight savings was the thing i kind of forgot to because it's the states that is changing right now right i think anyway i don't know it's hard to keep on top of everything uh kayla are i alive hd shiny lotus foster bob zippity uh live long ash kelso thank you very much for the subs r95k thank you for the five subs kim booble thank you for the tip plastic smiles thank you for the five subs as well christ almighty uh artemis leaf green uh thank you for the bits and shout out to your little sister cassie as well it's her first stream well i'm sorry your first stream was me taunting you with popcorn honestly if it makes you feel any better this is like mostly kernels it was the most depressing microwave popcorn i think i've ever cooked the bag was almost empty we don't answer is not dead he's still like slightly in frame what if i turn them a bit there that's fine stop taunting us you cruel god i'm sorry all right i'll stop talking about my popcorn just look i'm eating styrofoam all right if anyone comes into the stream i'm eating styrofoam harry thank you for the tip jimmy pagans thank you for the bits magic knight alex uh who cares thank you for the sub trex the story thank you very much for the 10 subs there jesus i appreciate all the support folks how how how is everyone doing this is joining in all you're saying is asmr with are you saying asmr you just want to asm more because i could do that with popcorn to start eating it into the mic mmm styrofoam my favorite flavor plain dc synapse thank you for the sub laughing at salad god maybe you should do the you laugh you lose challenge every video is just salad just normal salad nothing even happens dane elvis quantum scrotum strange name thank you for the tip i'm pro dragonfly ho 2.0 thank you for the five subs character cat thank you for the sub artemis thank you for the five subs beluga thank you for the tip binombrowski thank you for the 10 subs there that can help always very supportive thank you folks ladycraft boardy uh wambus zay uh alexany thank you for the bits zay was asking learning any new songs recently i've been learning um on the road again because i know i know that's a weird song to learn but i just started looking at random songs and then i started listening to it i was like this is oddly fitting if you actually read the lyrics so i've been kind of changing it a bit um but it's been a fun one to learn uh neon bright sky thank you for the sub you inspired me to start learning the guitar just two guitar things in in a row just wondering what was the first song you learned anyway here's wonderwall all right you're already you're already on the right track um what was the first song i think i started learning a few chords of um what was it free falling yeah free falling but that was only when i was just trying to get the chords down i think the first full song i learned was hurt and that's the the cover i put on my channel that was the first song i i learned um i wouldn't recommend it it's actually pretty hard out of all the songs i know that's probably the hardest one to play because it's not just strumming up and down you've got to uh pluck strings and then strum and i've i just found it hard to get my head around it um so i i'd go for something a bit more simple but there's plenty of songs if you look up like three chord songs it's fun um but yeah enjoy it it's fun uh it's it's a fun hobby it really is aggressive penguins uh sheila jackie thank you for the subs uh who cares thank you very much for the five hi brody thank you for the sub uh we climb thank you for the five subs as well jiminy pickens thank you for the sub mrs closer thank you for the bits belladonna papas and house thank you for the tips subs bits and everyone there just thank you so much there's a lot to go through i'm sorry i have to go through them so fast chips thank you for the tip um let me do a tweet and we shall get started in a minute or two um there we go i'm debating as well of doing i think i might do a youtube post i've never done that before and it's something i've always been meaning to do i'm just starting to get to the point where i tweet every stream i'm just really bad at streaming i normally i'm getting used to the tweets now though i start tweeting every time i stream um so that's a big thing for me me and social media don't get along i'm just not good at it um but i think i might do a youtube post because i know it's something meaning to do and a lot of other people do it like i see rt does it for most histories but i think there's a lot of people on youtube that still don't even know i stream what you want a riddle it's why do you want to riddle so bad all right worst riddle of all time if you if oh no this is just 25 of the hardest riddles ever all right that's what you get so that that's all that's what site am i on i said okay um okay how about this one i'm gonna give you a riddle uh okay i have cities but no houses i have mountains but no trees i have water but no fish what am i so i have i have cities but no houses i have mountains but no trees i have water but no fish what am i map all right that wasn't as hard as this site had led me to believe i just looked over immediately and everyone has solved it all right maybe that wasn't that hard you disappoint me for the last time what about riddles for kids these are so bad why why are they all so bad history's toughest riddles how about this um just retitled it jesus this this riddle is extreme it has its own little cinematic trailer i just got to do a riddle stream now instead oh my god these okay uh okay these are [ __ ] awful i this site is called and it's challenging hardest riddle is if a chicken says all chickens are liars is the chicken telling the truth and then the answer is just chickens can't talk it's just something you get out of a [ __ ] christmas cracker and everyone's disappointed sites are lame maybe there's a gap in the market where we can make our own riddle site i don't know it's something to think about that's just terrible it's like something like a grandparent would tell you how you just have to laugh dr blinsey thank you very much for the five subs uh let me get through these and then we're gonna get started and i'll explain exactly how this works um i'm just bored uh bappus jimothy pickens uh weekly thank you for the five uh belladon papas house master chibs troy link laura uh kaitro ash bosham foxy anonymous tip there ashams uh evil saucepin uh happy birthday by the way hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday um yeah locked down birthdays aren't that great by nay at least we can celebrate here this whole stream is now dedicated to you evil saucepan uh easy access jeans bridani shiros sudden cat voxey psychedelic giraffe thank you for the tip um i hope you're all right whatever the bad news is hopefully we can give you some distracting cold times i don't i i don't know we'll see we'll see the clips might be really funny and you might have a great time and if not i'll just make some funny noises if i had some keys i'd jingle them or something that always helps me it's like oh man i've had a rough day and as soon as i see the jingling keys just distracted for the rest of the day king moxie cherry isaac leaf green uh something after sudden cat ollie hey king moxie thank you for the two very kind and look at all the happy birthdays you're getting a chat fantastic um let me do i'm going to do this pulse perfect um post okay i did a youtube post and then is the stream time change permanent ah but i didn't change anything it was you daylight savings time sorry i'm not seeing you directly you didn't get to decide that but the streams at the same time for me so i don't know i don't know is it an hour later an hour earlier for you i i don't know which way it went but i i'm interested um oh what was that andrew thank you very much for that that's very kindly just to support me over patreon an hour later okay well that's that's probably better than going an hour earlier that would probably be not very favorable um comedy nerd which 31 thank you for the support uh right we can get started so what we do here let me swap over to this fancy transition there you go you got asmr up close now um so what we do we have a media share brie dolly thank you very much for the five subs this very kindly um i'm i'm much more zoomed in to provide a more intense experience for the stream yeah way too close um there will be a box i'm so bad at orientation here where there's like clips shared and anytime i laugh at a clip so i can laugh all i want now but i'm not going to because i don't really feel like laughing but when the clips are playing i can't laugh because if i laugh every single time i laugh like each clip i have to give 10 subs it's brutal it's honestly brutal it depends on the clips though it's very dependent on who sends what nice pen thank you very much my uncle got it for me many years ago it was actually a cool gift i don't know it's a weird gift it was like for a birthday he just gave me this pen i was just like you know what i actually like a nice pen i don't really write i don't really know how but i can hold it and people will think i can write i usually just match scribbles i my signature's just an x um very uncle thing to do it is he's just like [ __ ] yeah it's the kid's birthday happy birthday in his pocket anyway so uh people um who have donated to the stream they got an option to additionally send in clips jesus my orientation is bad and they'll go in this general area of the screen you know yourself if i laugh 10 subs i'll mark them all down at the end of the stream i give them all in a row i think i gifted a hundred last time was it 100 i did i rounded up though i know it was 110 the previous week the pen is a very dangerous weapon especially with me because i've got that swing and a hammer that's how i attack people was it 110 last week 95 no kind of been 95 because we were giving 10. i rounded it up to i think it was 90 and i rounded it up to 100. it was 80. oh jesus i'm nice [Laughter] god i i am so kind and so humble too people always say that about me kevin you're the nicest person i ever met and also the most humble um cursed uh pincushion mestro martin sally natalie uh college and curtains that's a very specific name uh dane snapney uh brittany beanie thank you very much guys i really appreciate it uh shuffle retro alien boy creations foxy zac uh komarov short live it thank you very much um oh i've got uh congratulations on the new job alien boy creations that's good that's good i i i love to hear it you know you love to hear it no worries that you can't be around a bit you know i maybe if you tried at least explaining to your boss that like you're kind of in a cult and you kind of have to go out when i'm streaming i'd appreciate it but like i won't hold it against you if you if you don't do it um second uh i'm gonna just just editing that post okay perfect and i think we're good to go shall we get rid of the music there it goes all right kevin now you're gonna have to start this as you mean to continue having no fun or laughter whatsoever okay well that's just good that's just that's just a golden retriever um all right donnie thank you so much for the five subs it's very kind here right start laughing now no because we've started there will be no more fun for the rest of the stream anyone here for a good time you're in the wrong person okay let's see let's get started let me try and get this oh volume's gone okay here we go no more fun stop it people in the wrong person did i say the wrong person you're in the wrong person please get out get out all right get out of that person go into someone else you can't see asthma well i i can't hold it the whole stream okay i'm going to start now i i don't feel like i'm going to do well today all right okay this is from the last time yeah this this is just to end the stream last time i think that's fine okay here we go this is just amping up to it i'm about to skip thank you pablo for the dogs it's really getting me it's getting me on a different it's not helping me at all to be honest i i don't feel like i'm gonna do well okay it's summer i got my hat on backwards and it's time to [ __ ] party oh no this isn't going to be good the first clip nearly got me and i knew something sudden was gonna happen but it's still [ __ ] almost got me okay that's fine i'm fine got this this person put in a lot of work jesus that's quite the effort how to run faster around like wikihow [Applause] but there must have been a death star canteen yeah there must have been a cafeteria downstairs in between battles where darth vader could just chill and go down i will have the penne you'll need a tray do you know who i am do you know who i am this is not a game of who the [ __ ] are you for i am vader darth vader lord faith i swear to god you're just trolling me with this you know it's not going to make me laugh harry but you you play this clip every single week sometimes more than once every damn time please give me another chance at least it's censored before the hit [Music] oh my god that's so well done that was amazing [Music] oh [Music] i love zelda [Music] hey bro can i get a sip of that water the clips are good today vinegar what it's vinegar it's a bridge just goes around the corner oh no walking [Music] it don't it don't go down probably it goes down no it don't go down oh it's only a matter of time before there's some real trouble what's wrong with it it'd be a nice spot for a new settlement in fact i know some folks that would love to set up there if it was safe if you could make sure the old workshop there is still in one [Music] congratulations microsoft for owning this absolute dumpster fire all right i've marathoned put the gun away cowboy come here cow doorway in the city i feel like the problem was that those clips were so good i am impressed usually you give me time like you give me a long anime one and i'm just like i don't understand and i'm just like recovering but i feel vulnerable today and you pick some good clips like any of those could got me it could have got me and then my cheeks start to hurt do you ever get that away were you well no you probably don't sit around trying to hold in a laugh for an hour so you probably haven't but it hurts your cheeks after a while we found your humor maybe so maybe it remains to be seen oh no oh no [Music] imagine seeing this dude in his car you're just parked next to him just like you gotta love it though he's just having a good time it's cool what is your favorite thing to do on the weekend you want to some more [Music] [Applause] no no will not do the cover of your latest comic book cannot be a woman getting stung by bees it's demeaning and offensive change it hmm no no no the problem with the cover cannot be resolved by adding yet more bees plus actual live bees plus actual live women getting stung by those bees change it hmm oh my god i need to watch those videos oh no not this [ __ ] [Music] i'm nearly making that noise myself what hop this time one hop this sweeping jesus right foot two stops left foot two i think you've gotten really good slide to the right crisscross chris cross shot shot real smooth let's yesterday i'm confused but i'm not annoyed i like this alternate pronunciations or spellings of the name benedict cumberbatch here are your best answers bandicoot splish and splash bender snatch creamsicle bennet donald cumber trump bacon dick pumpkin patch betty dick dick bennett couch comfortable benades cumber nuts ben uh i don't like that one breadstick crusty buns i can't tell if this is the worst episode or the best british guy silly name booper doop shoop to whoop benadryl cumbertresh benefit dumbledore oh i like the dumbledore one of you guys might know i'm a music teacher and i found that one of the best ways that i can process the whole transition to online learning and teaching is to write a song i do of popcorn so i wrote a channel styrofoam i'd like to share that with you guys now here we [Music] go [Music] okay it goes by many different names and period texts you'll see it as portable soup portable broth pocket soup veal glue i like this one portman stop it what is the name of thor's hammer mill miller mild nudge oh i saw this one junior jonathan it's a better name because this one's doing bits today now oh my god damn i've got my [ __ ] kids mercedes [ __ ] wicked your mind torment felicia tonight and i rake one now would you stop it there we go a little bit closer now i think this is where my might went wrong for the pool on the night now we all know while she was injured and it's not not really to do about that but you've got woody from toy story what's black and white and red all over a badger in a blender yes very good oh that [ __ ] woody one jesus i'm marking it oh i love wagon wheels oh another one and another one oh jesus what anything simpsons i'm just happy [Music] oh my god [Music] alex up here i was playing this recently don't worry it's unloaded it's unloaded now fastest hot dog shooter in the northwest i probably yeah that's so specific i can do it quick okay okay i'm just making fun of him for being like so specific like i could be like oh i'm the best pancake eater this side of cork or whatever but no he was actually genuinely impressive that was really good just breathe people this is a breathing exercise breathe along at home to relax it's like yoga i hope you relax now what the [ __ ] [Music] you guys watch weird stuff that's including my content anybody say they know the general i doubt it he looks so cold quiet and grand roberti is one of the most difficult to talk about because he's been immortalized by the glory and the worship he is a very great general and he's superb on both the offensive and the defenses [Music] said i wish he were ours my general accent [Music] that's just so well done i am acted off oh that was so stupid but i loved it that oh that was my favorite i think i really liked that one what even is wii sports you had a tough day at the office so you come home make yourself some dinner smother your kids pop in a movie maybe have a drink it's fun right wrong don't smother your kids oh my god thank you for that learning moment for the stream thank you thank you for the follows by the way holy [ __ ] that was terrifying [Applause] oh my god he's trying to warn you a hurricane's coming or something you shall not fly [Music] there's no point if my diaphragm goes i just gotta let it go you're allowed to shoot him in the knees bro you didn't roll your window down what is windy working today i think they're closed yeah me too hey is wendy working today dude i think we're at taco bell what how i like oh god those videos were so good just breathing exercises you know so that was good i liked that episode that was a good episode could use subtitles though oh i found some wild blizzies oh my god me one bite and the shack master the shot [Applause] i told you oh god well first and last appearance of the shockmaster oh no i love refrigerators [Music] is this is a very old video this is a throwback what is this is this pom pom pond those two had a comment to be fair out of all the people i was saying that i think they deserved [Music] it's fine as that was saturday i was like this is so stupid but then as it went on i was like it is kind of funny though what all right i don't understand there's a hawk nearby i think we're in the quickfire round rooster doesn't see it this time so i'm gonna sound the [Applause] alarm [Music] just a man in his [Music] it's me connor [Music] did you know this yes no i did not know that that's terrible died in a car accident uh hey come on get the site oh spoon can you download the foo fighters uh yeah hold on the actual band oh my god you know it's a legal downline copyrighted music i'm taking you in that is the earliest version of fbi open up i've ever seen who climbed the highest mountain in the world mount everest but he's gay i mean he's gay excuse me he's blind so we'll hear about that okay as we head to the break i'll look at the six o'clock how can you even mix those up in your head i don't understand i think these streams might be why i don't sleep well anymore i love the naked gun films i remember watching them when i was young and just just the humor on them is so unique whoa uh did did that whoa what um wait a minute wait a [ __ ] minute i'm i see what's happening here oh we're not like the same exact [ __ ] game [Music] so some total jerkwad just said that my laugh was gross so i turned around and i said yeah well your face is gross nice jesus christ thank you ladies and gentlemen and welcome if i had that laugh you'd never try and make me laugh jeff and jeff and jeff happy to welcome you to our program as well here are the categories first off jeff jeff jeff jeff jeff and jeff um let's try jeff for 200. jeff jeff what is jeff yes um jeff for 400. jeff jeff what is jeff that's right uh jeff 4600 jeff jeff jeff jeff jeff jeff what is san francisco no jeff and i'm your freestyle dance teacher show me what you got hey you know what you got confidence not bad but not bad [ __ ] having luck rather finding something i'm marking it with monkeys and banana stuff look at the pressure releases the positioning whoever stood here playing as his left foot he put some weight on oh this movie i didn't even remember where it was kevin o'reilly is currently the strongest human alive and also the most handsome and humble i like that video man that was a good one oh that thing's cute it's like bambi except not dead [Applause] bambi didn't die oh great news sentence was give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you nim's longest recorded sentence was give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you all the things to get twice humans the humans are yes where is like they're dead zero zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero zero one one zero zero zero zero zero one one zero one zero [Music] i was just laughing how funny it looks when his arms were freaking out where are you all right well i'm married morty are you invisible flip the pickle over me touch it and you're gonna tell me it's an alien dick or something come on flip the pickle morty you're not gonna regret it it's so well done the ai i've seen it before myself into a pickle morty what do you think about that i'm pickle homer pickle i love it i love it oh no lapd oh bear and man spook each other i liked that they both silently just ran off i know it's been tough since mom left then i want to give you something hold out your hand [Music] nothing funny about this this is sweet [Music] [Music] in this town there live texas red was it an outlaw of texas red was about to meet his death now the power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal mines you might almost say they've had a complete metal breakdown i'm so sorry i like it sorry i was trying to clap along to the song now you realize what that ominous entity was it was minecraft steve he's turned your world into his and now he wants to kill you oh my god oh that was so good that was so good i thought that was the legit guy who does the animated like really super interesting ones skeletor have to give subs instead of me now you are getting fat kevin what does that mean first of all no i'm not second of all you you are mean got him um yeah cur is cursed i can't remember the animated channel i can't remember when i've had a more pleasant day i got him yes that was some good laughing jesus the crowd went nuts who knew the real magic was his hidden skill behind it under mother hen it's a mistake mother hen i think we're about the same age sure unless time is linear i'll make your ass linear that doesn't make any sense i'll make your ass sense [Music] good news guys i spent all my money you can't bring that in here yes i can it's all terrain dummy you can't do i love community spiderman i like that a lot was a hero i just couldn't see it he was a thief a criminal he stole my suit he's a menace to the entire city i was chuckling quite hard there my diaphragm i think i'll give you that i'm gonna kill you i didn't mean it i'll give you that laugh because i think if i wasn't eating i would have laughed i managed to stifle it but usually when my stomach starts you know the diaphragm starts being engaged i count that so i just let my laugh go because otherwise i just like implode but this chef can't sing [Music] oh he's gonna save us [Music] that is the ultimate betrayal what the ship stage but i still need a bit of milk full fat which i've warmed in the microwave [Music] caramel dancing is that it say i'm still here siri e-man and crank dude i don't see a father in your contacts [Laughter] wow [Music] oh oh so close to me annoys myself sweet jesus i'm buying one of those fish tonight it has been decided grief for jesus grievous jesus extreme grief for jesus fabulous cliff our master he wants the shire rats now i don't take orders from orc maggots oh gosh sorry will have his prize we will deliver them [Music] i just love the like you tell them boss in the background all right so no hey guys finally broke into the infrastructure real estate business yeah that's right i own a street terrible it's [ __ ] terrible don't even know i do these dumb videos anymore it's not like i enjoy making them i just spend most of my days just trying to kind of forget about it all and to all the pain oh my god it's good that i own a bar too the card look that was good not laugh out loud funny but i like that a lot the hooves okay my producer tara cates just told me this isn't a horse it's a butterfly oh my oh bed bed come on he grabbed him by the scruff he sent him to bed don't come back again shut up suppose he's got a pointed stick to bed right now you mr apricot harrison sorry mr harrison come at me with that banana come on be as vicious as you like with it come on come on oh no now put something into it for god souls a banana like that thank you for the followers this is better now scream good right now attack me come on man attack me next i eat the banana oh i liked that a lot reminded me with my pen a while ago like [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so loud [Music] [Applause] you disingenuous dense [ __ ] obviously you have to know something about something or you couldn't tie your shoes that's the most important thing of all winning the truth put their trust in i love how passionate he gets this time and forest will have my full support as he does that well i don't know why he's talking to a tree solid clip i've seen it but i like it [Music] very good jesus christ hellmann big enough for the two of us [Music] i wasn't sure if something was going to come or if that was it but i liked it oh no [Music] how do people find this did you say so myself um it may have been pronounced wrong and it wasn't exactly look at that title how are you that really pulls you in questions and answers episode six really awkward when you're young and you can't spell your video commentary kind of awkward but anyway i must have been 16 there i think i was 16. hello i'm daniel that's stupid and that's sack over there how did we get young kevin and young dad like in a row buenos night date was that the same person did you know that the software is really good at recognizing my voice let's try it out [Music] yahoo i'm so confused we want popcorn start your home sorry what happened why didn't you meet us [Music] oh now they're getting weird hey sorry mr call um this just calling you back to let you know that i i love you and i need you [Music] i really i really want you to that can't be real that that is not real at least if it is real she's faking it and that i i i know you're dying it can't be so when you get this can you call me back i love you and i miss you there is no way it can't be it can't be real there's no way don't like whiskey it burns my mouth oh i love a whiskey now mr t look everyone it's the 80s i want to eat right now right right now i want to eat right now right right now oh okay experimental music there move the capo when you're storing the guitar leaving the capo on the guitar can cause unnecessary wear on the strings the frets and the capo itself now yeah out of sight out of mind hell yeah corn yeah yeah wow card yuck the poor weed [Music] [Music] the thing that amazes me about these ones is like this took a long time like a long time to make am i on acid i don't know only you can answer that well i feel like i'm on acid too and i know i haven't taken any i think i'm prepared you needed to see last week's stream to get that one but that one almost got me lots of food in there so i don't have to change it too quickly are you ready that was this hardcore save oh my god [Music] richie and we'll have you speaking of half an hour charming sorry in my culture richie cavanagh can't be loud enough i almost met him once i'll tell you later oh the poor donkey put a cushion there or something jesus cathedral city [Music] oh [Laughter] this is good hello anna um maybe i should take off some clothes no no no no that's good hey brett yeah um when does the massage start when do you touch me i'm just doing it very gently to get just to begin with i i can't really feel it yeah i want to feel it just they wouldn't see this in your seat yeah are you sure doug's gonna be okay with this yeah it's just a massage doug will be fine with it yeah oh my god that's uncomfortable peterson for yale taking the first approach [Applause] north carolina's goalkeeper has just left one impossible now so now the burden rests on yale scott sterling how much did you feel dealing with more oh my god thank you for the tip christ almighty but what is the clip appreciation johnson places the ball on the spot getting ready that man literally has a cannon for a leg he does here he goes winding up for the shot and oh the cannon has fired and hit sterling directly to the fight we caught that at a stunning 116 kilometers per hour now that's a lot of miles per hour magic thank you for the tip jesus christ that was too much now sterling getting checked out for that one spectacular save though he's not out of the woods yet on his feet now a bit shaken but not still this crowd absolutely loves this man and sterling this is fake right him back for now heals he approaches the ball with some determination here he goes oh way off targets yes apparently he thought he was kicking a field goal wrong kind of football i'd say good show back now to scott sterling ready for round two and shaw takes a moment here he goes with the approach oh sterling with a fantastic dive the ball flies straight through his hands and once again strikes him straight in the snores and let's see it again on the old instant replay every excruciating detail captured in hd perfection clocked at 129 kilometers per hour jesus christ two wonderful saves and two definite concussions they may replace him at this point he's done all he can yes his his trainer takes oh no like a mustache lion you know this isn't gonna be the end of it the crowd holds their breath as he goes in here it comes oh oh very anticlimactic let's see who they got to replace scott's scorcher he's still in the game and he's taking a very odd tactic now yeah it's definitely a sketch checked his face but it's just exactly a recommendation but here it go wait no no lampert needs to tie his shoe oh and that's why you do a double knot kids sterling still waiting for the kick to happen he's probably wondering when oh sweet buttercroft i hardly even care about this attempt let's go back to the legend three perfect blocks by sterling and his cat like fate reflection absolutely incredible though i must say sterling does not look well at all well you know football players like to add a bit of drama don't they they're going to take them out no wait they're both moved by the manager i mean he's doing a good job you can't argue with results this really just has to kick it anywhere except where sterling is sitting there is no possible way that north carolina can mess up this shot 158 kilometers per hour this man can do no wrong look at him beg for mercy when it's mercy that should be begging for him he has looked death in the eye and said take your best shot to us by putting him in the face over and over and over again if yale makes this final shot it's all over but now [Music] he's throwing [Applause] you know what regardless i think i'm gonna stifle a laugh but i enjoy that clip that was good and i've not seen it before i'll give it to you i'll give it to you i liked it i liked it a lot i love the good old duck army as well oh jesus that was a good clip i don't haven't seen it before this is also a good clip that's just lovely i probably would have laughed at the docks if i hadn't seen it before because i [ __ ] love that club oh no what how did you get interested in that type of thing terry my son he's good my son's good i don't know where he is where's my boy where's my boy where's my boy terry i can't find my son if you i'm so confused oh no oh no thank you for the follows i've never seen the stars of this one it's just hot too who painted the most oh no can an ostrich fly [Music] thank you for watching guys i appreciate it cars that break down steve if you think you're gonna find a bargain at big bill you can kiss my ass it's our belief that you're such a stupid [ __ ] you'll fall for this [ __ ] guaranteed if you i would a lot of dogs attacked my city oh oh no he's just passing on by i for one welcome our new overlords i'm fine with this the heavy breathing oh i like that a lot old white people in suits named carol johnson oh no [Music] all right i'm gonna give you that one because i was going i was [ __ ] going oh my god that was excellent i'm marking it oh my god i should have just laughed why did i what's so funny it's not at all it's carol johnson about nailing one of the telecom now mr bobby you've got a question for us tell us a question what who is mr blobby [Applause] [Music] jesus that thing is demented that is terrifying [Music] do you want me to shoot you shoot me in the [ __ ] face hey do you have any good ideas snuff i like that well if we only had more crime here they wouldn't be able to close down the station yes but there's never any crime in moomin valley unless we commit some i guess yes let's go and fill moomin valley with crime come on what let's go and fill movement valley with crime come on i'm sorry you can't have anymore that's all i had i don't believe you your bag's still full yes but not with food little mai what's in it then you'll soon find out what a lot of signs no walking on grass what is happening hello hello give me my dishes what she's a wolf in mouse clothing oh no oh it doesn't help that i'm thinking about carol johnson again [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is getting weirder now [Laughter] [Music] hey how do you make a sword again oh wait you go like this oh there's the creeper who's the content killer right here oh careful now brad you don't want to ruin the video careful now no he's [Music] oh my god he's phoning in those meows [Music] this potato salad oh no i made it myself [Music] well that was one of the most uncomfortable things i've seen all day and that's saying something among us i am solis jesus wiki thank you for that donation sorry my screen probably didn't help you it helped me but not you sorry my bad apologies [Music] [Music] i want to be so s play it i need to find a group this is just making me miss among us i never really played it with a group i played it once on stream with the group but it was kind of a mess because half the people didn't know how to play so it was all over the place including me i didn't know how to play either holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] joining us it has been a roller coaster oh no not scott sterling winner of this final set will be the national champions north carolina [Music] it's such a simple idea but it's done so well you gotta appreciate it forgot with his face yale now on the prowl to take the lead and carolina setting up what is bound to be a devastating return and here it goes oh jesus also this is why you were sending wiki i understand now praying the peaceful visage of head trauma we are all witnessing testify let us face them oh scott he's like yeah you're good go back yeah just complete sacrifice the blockers into sterling's awaiting fate back over the net and then right back to stanley's face like an obese homie pigeon that man will leave this court today knowing he gave everything he could if he leaves it all the crowd is now on their feet like mythical attitudes or scott is dying upon his back he's already dead yale has come back from the brink and is looking to put this one into the history book for yale should carolina finally push one through sterling straight to the man no [Applause] how is he so talented oh my god they lifted him up oh god i did not expect them to lift him up oh for [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] until next time holy [ __ ] scott all right i love this i've seen it already check for freezing temps okay i'm sure it got me the first time i saw it i'm going to set the tripod in the kitchen temperature seems a little low in the hallway there they do it so well you have reading of two in the living room no wait wait it's three leaving some equipment on the table oh my god what i hear photography so well definitely in this area you got handprints there's handprints on the windows oh i love it here man can we just go back to the van carol thomas give us a sign thomas carol thomas carol thomas come on out you little wimp what are you scared or something i love it it's so well done i gotta go watch some of their other content oh sorry cheeto [Music] i've been wondering what are midichlorians it's heroin and are you okay oh i love this kevin you need human contact oh no this is a different clip it's the glass to me kevin put your nipples up to the glass you need human contact kevin's good idea they're so erect they'll cut straight through the glass did you hear that that was a heavenly word skulker sounded like an uncooked turkey running down a hallway goodbye red dead [Laughter] that was extremely accurate [Music] thank mass you deserve reward here is your card back good as new catch back for everyone wait for the drop now [Music] who says white people don't have culture [Music] that is talent take a closer look at that snout [Music] from thank you so much for the followers guys by the way i keep just trying to say but i appreciate you following along [Applause] no thank you who is this person and why do they have the best laugh ever having one night stands that's what you're meant to do i'm scared of one night stands do you know why i'm scared of getting something yeah my friend he had a one night stand he you got the one that you can't get rid of kids that poor man did you just look at your daughter on the punchline of that joke that was brutal that's you that is my little std [Music] oh compliment for the wife [Music] is this is this just the music video i mean this is this this is great like it's it's a good song i like it holy [ __ ] [Music] jesus [Music] damn it feels good to be a gangster a real gangster honestly pretty impressive sorry that was so loud honestly pretty impressive call my name and save me from thanksgiving put my blood too i can't wake up before i come save me save me from the nothing i we come good morning you tell us something your mum doesn't [Music] know that is so dumb i like hot dogs do you get to go home for the rest of the day oh no could someone just try and at least protect them [Music] what do i find more strange here um the fact that you guys call americans rude because holy [ __ ] you guys you guys d plane like it's on fire you guys will kick a pregnant nun out of the way instead of being like how'd the nun get pregnant you know i'd just be curious i like that amazing if you hold a door for someone here they will look at you like what the [ __ ] do you want like they i like that that was a good job what the hell don't mess with anyone who starts a fight from the ground oh jesus player three has entered the game stop all these videos pay the quarter fine or serve your sentence he does it so well and pay with your blood why won't you die oh he does it so well his commitment is just a plus i love it what would you do if there was a child right in front of you now this is what i do every day after coming from work and you take my dog for a walk in this business can you see no you can't see cause it's [ __ ] too dark hey you haven't seen my dog have you stallone you know still only like the cliffhanger movies can't see anything oh [ __ ] hey now i'm going on a journey to one of our famous beaches here in iceland ah [ __ ] dogs i'm on my icelandic beach hey dave let's come and have a swim with me i'm so confused if you [ __ ] paid me million dollars if i could have your hour i would rip it from your your hands before you be heroes you always save save your daylight save it don't let it run away in front of your face think about me it's too late you let it happen americans welcome back to our coverage of the ncaa men's volleyball championships between yale and north carolina if you're just joining us it has been a roller coaster of an evening both teams now tied at two sets of peace the winner of this final set will be the national champions north carolina leading by one yale and their team captain scott sterling love that man don't we all trying desperately to hold them here oh heels jones preparing for what may be the last serve of his college career and here we go excellent service we've already watched him getting murdered [Music] thank you very much for that that was a massive donation thank you very much for that i just don't know what to do now do we just watch him getting getting murdered again setting up what is bound to be a devastating return and here it goes oh no for god's sake and [Applause] him again is this real it is not thank god because this man would be dead wonderful save here just complete sacrifice the ball flies right past the blockers oh man it will cement scott sterling's legend status i think he's already a legend the crowd is going nuts if he leaves it all the crowd is now on their feet like mythical atlas who bought the weight of the world upon his back so too long to twitch just to see you guys [Music] oh no no this one's particularly brutal laugh i did kind of laugh to be fair but you know what i'll give it to you regardless for this clip because i feel like scott deserves it i did laugh i kind of forgot of the challenge like earlier i was so concentrated on not laughing and then i started doing this and i'm like ha ha funny that's just laughs oh skies i just love the reserves uh reserved for sterling one two three four five six seven eight nine ten are we up to 100 already one two three four five six seven eight nine we are we are up to a hundred subs already i didn't think i was doing that bad i knew i did bad at the start thanks guys for watching the video and celebrating another scott sterling win look it up in the middle and subscribe for more sports highlights and hilarious perfect saves on your favorite scott sterling moment we also want to thank coach jared meekum is he in moore joining us yeah thanks for having me do they have more scots scott sterling videos oh they do we beat you guys all right bulldogs [Applause] it was worth it just to see the outro of the poor scott just sitting there motionless you need to stop laughing i know i know it's hard mcclacken sean mcgoula sean mclachlin i don't know anymore lol sean mclaughlin i'm not surprised if that's wrong sean mccloughlin sean mcglory shin sand mclaughlin sand mcduck finn it's sean mca stinky potato stink sean mclovin sean mc but what about your grandfather's work sir my grandfather's work was doodle i am not interested in death the only thing that concerns me is the preservation of life while reading his mind had been elsewhere and he'd have to start the freaking page all over story time the store clerk believed he'd put the wrong cans on the shelf i'm confused tracer highlight intro hey vsauce michael here do you want to be infected with ebola [Music] what [Music] out dale is that you oh hank uh can i speak with peggy uh peggy it's for you it's dale yellowdale you don't know who i am but i know where you live [Music] wait did i laughs maybe white people don't have culture i take it back i'm confused i prefer the simpsons music did i laugh i don't can can the mods do a poll if i laughed or not i don't i don't remember laughing but it has happened before where i've laughed and i've just kind of forgotten uh as you do as a swedish i put the egg in there looking at the fishes it was all relaxing it was all nice it was wonderful it was so cool you could like swim up to fish and be like hey do that uh but then all of a sudden all the fish is just and i was like oh that's weird and i'm like out pretty far as well like this it's basically like this you see all the fishes just fly away and i'm like all right strange guess fishes do that no they don't in out of nowhere comes to giant fish with teeth sticking out like in my peripheral oh my god the timing that game is actually pretty scary oh my god the poor dog timing ever the poor dog thought there was an intruder oh let me check this pole no okay i'm confused that man is the hero it's a horror game is it actually a horror game [Music] arthur miller thought 1690 salem was relevant to 1950s america when he wrote this play what is the crucible you got it and oh sassy i like that [Music] it always comes back to smash mouth [Applause] module thank you very much for the 10 gift sobs jesus christ thanks very much for that is this stabilized [Music] oh no you had to replay you had to do it to him the most iconic laugh why did they why did they stabilize it [Applause] i'm so confused oh oh that was very uncomfortable was that just me [Music] did i say laugh i told him my brain was slow today probably because i'm eating styrofoam i meant cry yeah i'm a murderer we all know you're guilty guilty look goofy i'm nikki's best lawyer okay he wanted me on this case because he cares about you oh [ __ ] do it again yeah goofy where are you goofy shut up holy [ __ ] i see right now y'all think beyonce's baby is better than me oh my god i'm pregnant too i got bills to pay you shouldn't care if my baby was born at a dreadlock i know i'm not married but god said be fruitful and multiply and i'm just doing my math oh no [Music] because i'm not it's impossible impossible i'm an imposter imposter hey vsauce michael here do you want to be infected with ebola yup so you do admit that no go away goofy get out of my dreams you massacring a public elementary school jesus bella thank you for the table yeah christ the lady is that a yes what's that can i get a yes mister no exactly my client has done nothing wrong he killed 27 children clinically insane he's crazy mr goofy this is not a laughing matter i told you he's insane his wife miscarried mr goose what do you have to say for yourself guilty [Laughter] oh if you guys look at the map doesn't doesn't that tip look like a penis this is again a fun little stream joe banks 82 years young has come to this pond for the last 17 years to feed the ducks but last month joe made a discovery the ducks were gone some say the ducks went to canada others say toronto and some people think joe used to sit down over there near those ducks that's a laugh anyway i was laughing like 20 seconds ago i think around the six the sixth turn have you ever had a dream oh no stop you you what you could you do you would you want you you could do so you you you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything this is breaking news no how's my hair you know come on scott sterling what is this scott you had a tremendous game against north carolina and we've received reports that suckers all around the globe this is the volleyball one comment on that what are your thoughts all right oh my mouth hurts again disgusting soup for a face and you expect him to give you an interview right now huh no mirrors you'll scare yourself mojo thank you so much again i want to know is scott sterling returning to the field will he play again you know will global warming kill us all will taxes ever go down will my mom ever hug me no one knows but it doesn't look good scott your fans are clamoring to buy your jersey you know the jersey's not for sale okay no what is this get rid of this box right now okay clicking leave him be okay he's got road through her face come on give him sympathy where are you getting all these mirrors scott man i need you out we just have a few more questions going forward what are you looking there thank you i'm a big scott sterling no behind sign in my soccer ball i don't know man he's just okay he'll do it thanks scott sorry it slipped over here we've just received a word from our news station that the la galaxy wants to make scott an offer we'll give you updates as this story unfolds oh sorry it slipped again oh it's insane you people have no shame so do not click on this box scott sterling is a man not some commercial enterprise it doesn't matter how good this shirt looks or that it's reasonably priced i love it i it doesn't matter okay just don't okay bud no oh my god i was waiting i was waiting i thought something was gonna fall on his head at the end like a light or something yes blackening the summer skies with flaming wings and countless eyes please take pity on us all jolene your smile is like a gaming mall your voice [Music] is let's not get hung up on though i'm hung up was that that was edited surely i don't even know how that works to be honest and i'm 100 irish i think everyone in my family is 100 there no actually i have a cousin who's half irish her mom is irish and her dad is irish and she lost both her legs in a car accident when she was 12 so she's half irish now oh no doing unpaid labor for the guild well done lad the beatles are all dead i've noticed in watching some of the tapes on something that a lot of guys like to show defense from awkward positions say sitting in a chair uh you know having your back turned whatever so what i'd like to do is uh demonstrate a technique which i call defense against a guy in a chair excuse me yes oh i think that was offense not defense there corbin oh you've never seen the under god before now today we're going to do marching up and down the square that is unless and you've got anything better to do well what's this movie anyone got anything they'd rather be doing than marching up and down the square this atkinson would you rather be doing at kids monday python oh yeah of course to be quite honest sarge i'd rather be at home with the wife and kids would you now yes sarge right off you go now i knew he was gonna do that i like it oh shoulder flip a coin international space station we're on the international space station with commander williams and commander hobart commander williams is represented i'm just kind of floating there and hobart is representing the navy the nfc we're going to do a coin toss here here are both sides of the coin this is heads this is tails do you want guys to understand where you sing okay here we go the coin's gone thank you very much for the 10 subs are you doing your own challenge who is going to do a big trick are you doing your own challenge here oh oh dear son what what do you want joy i'm going out what's your problem oh son you can't go out dad it's a school night i'm 13 years old son you know when you were 13 what were you doing probably you were probably [ __ ] boring nixie how are you they took my [ __ ] eyes you're such brave thank you that's very kindy have you accepted jesus as your personal savior no i'm jewish uh dead mother you feel bad now i can only hope she knew about jesus fear not the lord god is one in the name of jesus what are you doing will you stop that that's like the one anime clip that i actually i liked i got it my sister mallory is a professor of history at stanford so let's go to the phones i thought it was scott sterling for a second i was like how are they going to hit him in the face this time hello is this malory it is mallory hi this is regis i'm with your brother matt he's going for a million dollars but he needs your help okay what's the question okay malory who was the 26th president of the united states is it a george washington what no let me give you all the options now i don't need the options it's george washington final answer no malory george washington was the first president i need to know who the 26th president was i heard you and i'm telling you it's george washington he was a founding father and he fought in the revolution yes and to honor him they made him our 26th president oh no they wait that long he would have been dead by that point isn't it theodore roosevelt theodore roosevelt i don't even think that's a real person oh no it's like the game well she seemed pretty emphatic but she's wrong wait it is scott are you sure yes this is basic basic american history now matt you could choose not to answer and walk away with five hundred thousand dollars no i'm pretty sure it's teddy roosevelt i'm gonna answer b theodore roosevelt are you sure what there's a lot of orphans counting on you same actor i'm pretty sure how confident are you a pretty confident i mean i was more confident before i started asking everyone it can't be washington right i mean there's no way i'm wrong about that one well i'm pretty sure it's george washington well it's just weird that everyone thinks it's him and my sister teaches history for a living so maybe would you like to use your final lifeline oh yes oh i thought it was going to be the audience actor sorry no actor this is real it has to be roosevelt now you could choose not to answer but if you guess ron you'll only walk away from here with thirty two thousand dollars and after taxes that's more like two thousand no i gotta go for it the voice is very accurate on that impression well a minute ago it seemed that you would reach out to germany yeah but that was before your little light show and the music and everyone telling me i'm wrong i don't know what i know anymore no no it has to be roosevelt my answer is roosevelt are you sure think about the orphan's mask you are the devil regis we need an answer i gave you one but you keep making me doubt myself what is your final answer oh no we're not gonna get it are we dee george washington that's incorrect i'm sorry i'll perfect saying after all that he just immediately takes it once listen when i first joined this hospital i was strictly so dude you were the first real buddy i ever had but if you and he wish to be best buddies again i won't stand in your way i've got a best buddy sanch but some shed sticks no matter how long thank you so much for that hang back you got it i'm confused i saw pale oh my god it's like me um alexa would you set a timer there for seven minutes we'll say seven minutes starting now thanks very much um in seven minutes we're gonna close the queue and we're gonna swap we're gonna swap to a video game guys thank you so much for the follows that hold on i'll find it eventually hold up that's insane that is like the fastest that's filled up ever i think so thank you very much for that all right back in i have to try really hard i'm already up to 110. oh today snow is crippling much of the way oh i like that she just committed and kept going [ __ ] demented little nightmares not today but that's a [ __ ] little [Music] nightmare [Music] we've reached this part of the media share where they're all just cursed [Music] i don't like anything about this yes she is a [ __ ] [Music] b-i-c-t-h surprise get that coming out of my face the poor corn every food you can think of ketchup begins with a combination of organic ingredients coagulated blood urine cocaine nutmeg more cocaine and rubbing alcohol spiderman so i made a shortcut on my mom's phone so every time she types dirty clothes it says acid do you have any acid acid acid acid oh my god i have acid i'm not meaning to say acid i mean acid no not acid acid acid oh my god the commitment i'm [Music] oh no okay i know what's coming i've seen this clip oh my god that's making it funnier i okay i don't know what's coming i've never seen this clip hello now oh god why is that clip so funny to me i don't know why we're ready to get underway grand number one i'll relieve you at zero three zero zero hello now what first words out of your mouth are the most important you may want to start with something like this it's just this is just a whole video of him sitting down isn't it you don't look like a person who came here to relax mind if i join you no sir is there something wrong wes i like that way of sitting down i think i might do that myself i'm sorry to hear it i could sit down like that and make it cool right the enterprise computer system is okay i was confused by this flip but now i'm genuinely interested we went through some serious times it's a power move it really looks like a power move if you've had this vindaloo stuff oh brendan grace the other stuff is hard you want to taste this stuff irish comedian here's a song that could probably change your attitude about hot food brendan grace was great oh curry there's a burning thing oh no it makes no trending for a taste you must acquire not brendan fraser indian food is a hot desire [Music] my ass was on fire [Music] i don't know if he's still alive i think he might have died a few years back right after the break we're gonna interview he's a family friendly irish comedian climb the highest mountain in the world mount everest but he's gay i mean he's gay excuse me he's blind so we'll hear about that coming okay as we head to the break a look at the six o'clock this is more exciting than that time i saw bobby mcferrin fall down all those stairs i don't know who bobby mcferrin is but i like the noises he makes when he falls down the stairs just gonna check and see if the house is safe before i go to bed hey are there any stabbers down there no it's okay okay good thank you dorth tisha more loose in the area let me grow you the gary garage sugar skull yes [Music] a swear let's goofy swear feel it hello if you feel like you don't have quite enough kingdom heart this is a travel mode but it's almost like a magic trick because let me show you you can't knock it over but yet you can pick it straight up how is that possible try it it's the magic of well you can put your finger on the track you know what you're right though she does not have any of this false advertising she's like if we're saying it's not falling over it's not falling what's up everybody i think dogs should vote probably your only chance of getting elected yes i'm a simp sniper monkey i'd like to stop it yeah um uh someone who might be a little bit of a mortal thanks for the song oh sure um this is hey i'm just down in a bunch of ale perfect there we go perfect hideaway nice any wanted criminals oh god what were you literally just saying holy [ __ ] how did he find him tied away perfect escape from the lord so do you recognize any of these men i was hiding in the bathroom stalls oh i think i've seen this before i heard him he was singing along to the music at the bar do you remember what he was singing i think it was that song i want it that way backstreet boys i'm familiar okay number one could you please sing the opening to i want it that way really okay you are my fire number two keep it going the one desire number three believe when i say number four i wanted i never [Applause] oh chills literal chills it was number five number five killed my brother oh my god i forgot about that part viking what do you want to be when you grow up what's the right tip have you called a plumber to your home lately how superstitious are you how much money would it take to make you spend a night in a cemetery would you display this as a trophy do you have a pet do you have a sweet tooth do you believe in the power of a curse have you had your hearing tested lately planning a trip is the master of small talk man you've ever seen do you love to go a wandering beneath a clear blue sky have you noticed what big stars real estate agents have become are you careful with your personal records does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own have you ever visited a chinatown section in a major city have you ever visited a flea market you ever visited a truck stop did you ever have a job as a waiter have you noticed how many successful restaurants are theme based these days have you ever had the desire to write your initials and win hogan oh no what is this why do guys only want [ __ ] well kevin have you to which one [ __ ] okay i think we'll what the hell is that like a fire hose i'm gonna close the queue in just a second folks so unless you're literally adding one now i [Music] [Applause] god damn it chug oh my god [Music] as a waitress in a [Music] it's so well pitched oh fantastic all right we made it i'll count up the um things one second if your requests are off thank you mods i appreciate it this is just to ease me into the the real world again the mods always just like cue some videos to be like relax kevin do your breathing exercises all right i feel much better uh one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11. okay i pulled it together my jaw might hurt and my cheeks might hurt but i pulled it together towards the end that's 110 subs you know i did bad if i have to do it in two scalps i think like a hundred is the point it's like i feel like if i do like even 80 i did kind of okay but once you get into like the hundreds then it's it's not good you really gotta clench those jaw muscles oh oh [ __ ] hell okay let me let me give some subs i'm about to force 110 of you into a cult guys thank you so much for the follows as well by the way that is very kindly i appreciate [Music] asthma just fell over and died this is the one time where he's out of sight out of mind and he he actually he legit died um he fell off all right let me mute this i'm gonna gift the subs and then i'm gonna show you richie kavanagh because richie kavanagh is a musical icon and you need to learn about him i'm gonna give you the song about when he's talking about the chicken swearing um all right i'm going to gift i'm going to gift the 10 first okay here 10 subs incoming right now it's so simple i just do it like that this definitely is going to flag this money laundering it's just a matter of time it's very suspicious module thank you for the gifted substrate call me kevin thank you for the 10 there as well uh pre i really appreciate that you're a nice dude um bon bon thank you for hosting the channel nooken uh unca belle round handle um luna is drummer thank you for the subs and everyone else sorry i couldn't get everyone this these are some of the more overwhelming streams to keep on top of everything all right 10 new cult members welcome welcome i'm about to gift to 100 more here it goes if my browser will spawn come on we need more cult members come on okay there we go it's going through get ready oh we're almost about to hit the follower goal as well let's sync it up 100 subs coming at you sync it up sync it up sync it up sync it up sync it up come on process process payment successful yes thank you for the follows folks i appreciate it the 100 subs just came a bit late it was just processing it's like are you sure are you sure you want to do this welcome to the cult everyone you're welcome i don't want to be in a cult well it's not your choice anymore you get a choice in this decision i decide what's best for you now let me show you what um well genuinely thank you so much for all the followers i i really appreciate it um let's see richie kavanagh oh there we go chicken song that's the first one this this is iconic irish music you're gonna hate this here it comes all right add media and let me crank this up a bit all right johnny yeah he does both voices by the way this isn't two singers first time i heard a naughty word so that's richie kavanagh i heard it from the chickens mcgranny she went wild mcgranny says now johnny the chicken said on course big arse's either [Music] so this is a little taste of irish culture i saw him in a restaurant and i was like papa papa that's the man from the cassette tape cover so we used to have the little cassette of him in the car in a purple little casing and i said papa my hero let me say hello and he said no son he's eating his meal we will go now and i've never forgiven him this was only like six months ago papa oppy pick me up richie he's like oh jesus christ i'm probably bigger than him going at him like this it's so sad oh she's pretty pretty granny to be fair oh my god he's going for it i'll show you some of his other ones and just just a brief i won't show you the whole thing but these are just just to give you an idea of the kind of music he does i can't believe i didn't get a signature honestly it's one of those things like quack quack went the dock but the chickens went [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] lyrical genius hold on let me skip this one so this is about being in a rally car and just like like staying with her you know rally driver on the circuit for years now for jamming gears i revs around the corner under stress to beat the holy [ __ ] if we had richie's knowledge we were doing geo gesture yesterday and we were looking for gort and he just [ __ ] told us oh my god richie kavanagh is a philosopher the chicken did say [ __ ] off oh my god oh my god um hold on i've got a game ready for us here we're just going to enjoy the music do you think this is like going to get me dmcad i don't think so because i don't think he has a record label so i think we're okay and unless richie himself is looking for me but that would only be a blessing in disguise because i might finally get to meet him even if it is in court i take it all the way to court just so he'd have to sign legal documents so yes i have his signature all right um where's the game i was going to play oh yeah here it is all right i think you can see where this is going with the music already like i've really set the tone between this song and the last i'm gonna take you all on a date in table manners i'm gonna play a dating game where i gotta use my hands and i already struggle using my actual hands so using hands with intentionally funky controls is gonna be quite difficult um let me swap over to this one all right i'm not gonna stay with you anymore johnny but you've been real oh [ __ ] i've closed it and it's still going all right i hope he's not is he still there no no i think he's gone okay good i was worried that i'd like later on go back to that tab and he'd just be like stay with her johnny johnny mario thank you very much for the 15 solves that's very kind thanks for all the subs you gave jesus you gave loads i really appreciate it asthma is not actually you know asmr is dead i automatically was like asmr is not dead but i forgot he was actually on the floor apology sorry i forgot i forgot he was dead all right um we are on a date will be the title and we will play table no oh god this must not be a popular game okay there we go perfect and let me get the game up for you here this is going to be good this is why is that text there how how did i even do that that would be handy to know but i did all right i don't know how i even did that nuke thank you very much for the tip turn the bat bad feelings into a lovely time thanks kevin the cult well thank you for sharing that that's very kind here and thank you for the tip again nick you're you're always too kind um let's see oh i'm liking it yeah oh we could make the music a little better though oh okay i thought they were pulling left handed all right so how this game works is it's kind of like if you've ever done the um the games like hand simulator and stuff you know the style it's really awkward to hold things it's awkward to do anything and i've got to try and how do i oh i raise it with this i gotta try and have a successful date despite the the awkwardness of oh [ __ ] all right okay this is actually a little bit more awkward than i thought it would be oh this is beer no [ __ ] i didn't get much of it in the glass i definitely got more of it on the table uh wait right button while moving the mouse i did that already this is like tea party with head same idea same idea all right there's my tutorial done we're logging into tinder i'll leave you guys to sign what do you think what do you think of jamie likes dogs travel and gin original right what do you think is that a yes or no also he's got the old thanos beard going on here which is is pretty much a yes from me all right i i see oh god that is mixed that is mixed reactions but i i think it's more like yes [Music] travel in a pandemic oh you're right no no irresponsible uh i enjoy romantic dates away again we're in a pandemic over here nobody ever reads this do they it's not very original i enjoy long walks on the beach but also cozy nights in okay what about this one kimberly what what is this i like the app is called blunder there's a blunder coming on here my profile username generate new bio my irrational fears red wine matches and physics they're not irrational what's a bio that's not original this dating thing has had give again [Music] i knocked the stake onto the floor the other day i like that it's a conversation started all right what do you think grandma yes it was a mistake you see that's the kind of pun you put in your bio no okay a lot of people do not like you kimberly sorry all right what about thomas oh he loves traveling god damn it even the fact that it says original right and it is literally copying the last one no do you only have three okay what about this one he's got a bow tie an earring what is this brown patch up all right all right d yes what would we lead with can are you d1 for me and use their name all right they matched i'm i'm gonna take them to the steakhouse because my bio was about steak let's do this let's [ __ ] do this it's time because thank you for the follows that's very kindly thank you very much thank you for just stopping by spending some time with your old cult member he called me kevin can you light the candle i hate using matches is this a match one second let me just sprinkle this on my food first there we go waiter i'm done with this all right now yeah hmm [Music] oh my god he barely even flinched i just this is the only problem with you is the bow tie so if i could just all right okay bow tie flame retardant good idea and what am i lighting on fire again the flower no the candle all right romantic just throw it on the table oh god that's not going out that's not going out okay it's gone it's gone harrison yay so what's your ideal first day um i'd have to go with arson me too all right what do you want you want wine oh it almost went flying jesus we both would have had a bit of a wine then wouldn't we anyway come here hold up no i didn't mean to break his glass i meant to just break mine hold on all right there you go oh there we go i'm getting rid of the bad part of the wine i'm getting rid of the fat i'm putting the fat outside of the glass i'm a chef these fries need some salt um where is the salt oh it's over by you i'd have to ask you to pass the salt so that i could salt your food is that good just just tell me when and don't be one of those people who goes when don't do that or the date's over i would do that and then i'd laugh about it is this enough do you okay that's enough jesus christ all right well good thing i'm not looking for a long-lasting relationship because i don't think you're gonna be long-lasting with that sodium intake pepper time pepper oh oh you want some pepper in your wine it's just there you go oh oh my gosh you want my hand in your wine i didn't mean to do that how do i move it how am i moving it sideways i was doing it a second ago oh hold on there you go jesus careful with your hands oh i'll say it says me says me this meal needs ketchup well you do know that ketchup has cocaine in it don't you i learned it from the internet i'm being interesting oh god how do i oh there you go just shake it all about do they have brownies here i'm pretty sure there's literally a brownie on the table isn't there i thought i saw there you go hold on here my little sweetums just stuff the whole brownie into his mouth wait what are you pointing at oh are you are you done after all that you don't even want to eat but i get the bill oh he got half my name right he said call me oh i like that what is this how did he win because i'm a good host that was a good date d-bomb liz zesty hannah toxic and a cute angle uh blueberry module thank you for that again kessel drop beads a ruby heat doritos scott the drunken irish sleepy bones muse sarah natty viper and giraffe thank you for the subs uh oh thank you for the hype train jesus i didn't i hadn't realized i mean how could you not get hyped i don't know what these oh these are on locks i see i don't know i i feel like i was pulling most of the weight there do we want a second date [Music] you know what let's go for it good date but the d is kind of needy yeah that's what i was thinking too they're not really self-sufficient like if we're out in a restaurant i have to literally spoon feed the guy like what's it going to be like as a home life the guy's going to be wearing armbands all the time in case he falls into the toilet all right what do you want you want beer okay i want this and i want this i just want to play with the flame thingy oh jesus christ okay did you see how i just caught that do you mind pouring both our beers well no one else is gonna [ __ ] do it because you're [ __ ] useless it feels like a lot of liquids coming out but it fills extremely slowly all right all right now we'll just where's my glass there it is i'm gonna need it i think i need to go gonna need to go on the spirits here to put up with d look at me he's just [ __ ] staring at me all right you you take what's left there's some great options on the menu is that just going to be infinitely pouring over there it's just pouring all over the place where is the flamethrower oh effect's sake i only ordered it to get the flamethrower i don't think i should be calling it a flamethrower all right we oh my god red panda thank you very much for the 50 subs christ almighty jesus christ almighty thank you very much for that we have a beer and a blow torch i'll have the special the beer in the blowtorch please right bend it thanks so much for that that was that was way too much but thank you very much for that christ almighty i think you fueled the train all by your lonesome there jesus christ thank you so much [ __ ] hell i appreciate that a lot 50 new members to the cult did i get a sub i don't think so you it comes out with a little symbol next to your name the little k if you got a sub and if you have twitch prime you can get subs for free i don't normally say that i don't like to to bait people or anything it's just i know that a lot of people from youtube coming over don't really watch twitch so if you want one and you you don't use twitch much you can get one for free scotty thank you very much for the 20 subs as well jesus christ almighty you're very kind way kinder than that call me kevin guy um have you ever heard of twitch prime yeah for those of you who come actually out of curiosity are there many people who are here from youtube that either don't watch twitch or this is their first time coming on over because i did a youtube post for the first time ever [ __ ] he's waiting on three pizzas oh [ __ ] hold on hold on hold on no pizza pizza pizza why do you want [ __ ] three pizzas oh [ __ ] all the pizzas on the floor all right my love here eat eat the pizza hold oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go eats the [ __ ] pizza hold on hold on hold on i'm mid days folks hold on one second come on the [ __ ] pizza oh come on you're not gonna be pissed off at that are you i'd understand if you're pissed off at the the infinite beer that's spilling all over your side he wants pepper on his pizza like just i can do it for yourself um but i'm just interested because we lots of noobs it's good to see you guys it's good to see you in live fashion i don't really do youtube posts that much um why do you want so much pepper on your pizza do it yourself um i'm well i want something but i'm not sure what i mean you literally ordered three pizzas now you want fries can i just get the [ __ ] blowtorch um but it's nice to see people coming over from youtube i don't normally do post but i need to i need to do more but welcome everyone who's who's joining us new and i guess that's where so many followers are coming from this is a really toxic relationship it kind of is all right i don't understand what you want i think i think what you want is fries and then you want me to oh [ __ ] sorry about that um you know what no i'm not apologizing can you light the candle hold on i'm still preparing your food you're like a [ __ ] toddler hold on all right that's that done and then we'll light the candle at jimmy pickens thank you very much for the five subs nukes cola thank you for the five subs as well again very very kindly um where's the candle it's down here flammable why am i tilting my head it's such a gamer thing to do it's scented just hold it underneath and just start burning them i can't pick up the camera great now it's on my crotch um brownie time dessert oh it's back um uh nixie or nikki thank you very much for the five subs jiminy pickings nuked cola it's very hard oh my god how many brownies did i order this bill is going to be massive you really really it's not good enough that i put it in front of you i got to actually put it in your mouth i know you're like saying it's romantic and all that but it's not there's food everywhere let me just cook this up for you a little bit hold on is it actually oh ah fire burn ah jesus christ all right there you go [ __ ] eat the thing go on eat it geez this is a stressful day cherry uh green ninja uh cornum atoria twinkler uh black beanies um amiga death deegan sunshine spicy hawk drop giraffe thank you very much everyone red panda thank you again so much for all the subs and sky same to you as an an insane amount thank you very much a couple of things moving forward just thinking you really give this sub but it's nice to see people coming on over i appreciate it i like i know a lot of people coming from youtube like a lot of you might not watch a lot of twitch or it might be a bit far into you um but it's nice to see over here i know you could be doing something else with your time so i appreciate your you're spending it with the cult live here on slash richie cavanaugh fan yes fire that's how the date starts all right well let's tackle that bow tie well even the so satisfying cali thank you very much for the five subs and dead cookie thank you as well all right hold on there you go this is the problem here it's just all this is their excuse it's like oh i'd love to prepare the food myself but i i'd ruin my bow tie all right this is not working apparently is the desk flammable oh yes the desk is flammable okay um hold on hold on oh god oh jesus do we have a fire extinguisher we do have a fire extinguisher let me get that for you honey bun ah all right there we go we won't be needing that anymore i imagine um what do you want wine here you go my love it is the fanciest you know it's only called ketchup if it's from the ketchup reach of france oh god i've knocked your glass can you prop it up at least you really are [ __ ] lazy aren't you i'll just i'll just knock it off and let it reset i gotta sub it yay mary jacks thank you very much for the 10 subs there as well you're too kind folks thank you very much for that all right ketchup why is it not oh there we go yes would you like some ketchup on your wine oh that's nice oh i'm getting thirsty just looking at that i'll put in a drop of wine with it as well oh much how thick it would be oh thick would you mind pouring us both a glass like what if i don't want wine i'm drinking ketchup no wine for me thanks i'm more of a ketchup kind of guy oh a de-spawn or maybe he drank it oh a d like ketchup there you go lovely all right and for me come on there you go bone apple tea d looks like the candle is out really you want me to go near the fire again really you're like you know what this date could use more of more fire all right picked it up at a bit of an odd angle there let the table on fire but d doesn't seem to mind so spoiled for choice yep i'm just eyeing that fire like who ordered the arson uh let's see oh this is a bit of a boring meal i'm not gonna lie for a steakhouse oh god oh i tried to like catapult it to him heads up let's just throw the tomato adam okay you want this okay well to be fair you already got your steak somehow there you go and what else did you want why do i just have pizza thrown everywhere i don't remember ordering a pizza uh pepper where's the pepper is this pepper this salt um oh there's the pepper it's hiding the eye coordination is just so bad your table is on fire i'll get to it later i'll get to it eventually don't worry this meal needs some ketchup all your wine oh [ __ ] you didn't get enough ketchup already like i've already drank my ketchup but i'd like a bit of ketchup just to spice up the meal you know there you go would you like a refill on your ketchup here you go it's like of a four-year-old serving a dinner there enjoy and pizza oh you want me to feed you the pizza how romantic pizza that's been all over the table oh hold on all right i'm gonna just grab it by the sloppy side and if you could just eat the crust um yeah i haven't washed my hands in weeks oh really you're so keen for me to go with the fire extinguisher again um more actually there we go three of them light pizza on fire i can try ah all right i keep lighting the table on fire by accident all right the pizza is a little burnt will i try feeding it to him if it's burned can it wait i'll burn it some more all right there we go yeah yummy pizza oh my god i can't even pick it up because it's [ __ ] roasting all right hold on hold on oh [ __ ] my hands just can't handle it i just bumped it straight into his eye wait can i use the fork okay okay i can pick it up but i can't use it i just threw everything all right there you go it comes here comes the rocket ship what do you mean you don't want it eat it eat it you just start saving him eat pizza all right i gotta get your meal ready hold on i'll just try and avoid the fire oh there you go there goes the wine how how hot do i make it is that hot enough okay apparently so that is black let's celebrate with some champagne do you mean ketchup what are we even celebrating this has been a disaster i guess we could celebrate the fact we put out the fire that's something to celebrate will your finest champagne please throw everything else on the floor oh i'm trying to oh i was trying to aim the champagne at him aim the champagne oh not even a drop got in your glass but he's happy the bill oh my god my bill my happiness was good though that's important am i able to like dress up uh oh my god is it is it i'm not sure how to meet josiah thank you so much for the 25 subs christ almighty that that is very very kind of you thank you so much for that super super kindly thank you very much what was my build 2000 how is that a three star date it was more the conversation that kept it going i think i want to see can i go because they get really hard am i done this one wait can i i don't know if i can go on the next date or not what does this say man train signal a sequel to wait tables what what does the text say oh i have a computer oh this is getting better [Music] all right i can't use it i can barely operate my hands i'm just curious if i can go to the next one because they get like there's ones on the boat and stuff and mitchell thank you very much for that that was very kind faith thank you for the tip uh friend the french fanboy thank you for the resub red is blood runs with knife the real raven and uh glock um quiving is it thank you for it the queen i hope i'm getting that right thank you for the five stuff i really hope i'm getting it right because cuiving is my name and iris stuff i'm getting that wrong that's that's really bad i'm just not sure how to spell my own name and irish all right let's light up that candle wait there are three candles now why are you complicating the desk i like how this restaurant now just knows they when they seat me they give me the fire extinguisher they're probably looking over at me already like oh my god our insurance premium is already so high um what do you want you want me to feed you again all right let's let's heat up those chips let me wait let me get you some chips first wait tomatoes off the menu how am i supposed to give it to him oh my god is that is that jack daniels i'll take some of that burger why can i not get tomato what what am i supposed to do maybe i can maybe i can take it out of the burger oh task failed successfully uh okay i don't i'm gonna try and feed you that not that you can't eat that that is metal i mean you can try if you want all right i'm gonna just try and feed him this tomato yes i'm a genius all right i don't really have time to dilly dally hold on maybe he can just eat straight from this like kind of a like a horse eat up eat up come on you're so picky honest oh oh i don't even have that grip that's just caught between my fingers please just eat it why are you not eating this oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god is this enough of the burger for you oh [ __ ] here's the cheese from the burger you don't want cheese do you oh this is going bad hold on hold on give me that chip mmm for you okay they like that my hands aren't as steady as they used to be so you're making me pour everything have you seen me um is it this this wine i'm i'm still happy i figured out that the wine stuck all right let's just make this all reset hold on there you go knock everything off there perfect is this yours i like how the candle holders spawn the top of the candle all right you want this that's done and beer where beer beer is the beer for me get out of the way all right that hand positioning i'm getting good stop looking at your phone you're the one failing the date now can i just angle this you know what i don't think i can hold on i'll just try and get their attention they're being super rude like i'm over here trying my best granted it's not very good but i'm still trying oh my god my fingers are turning to rubber my finger d help me my fingers stalk oh my god okay there we go oh my god the stretching of the fingers all right hold on we're there oh okay there you go my steak needs to be you don't have a steak are you talking about my steak oh that's not pepper that's the fire sticker all the time [Music] let me get the pepper that's the salt where's the pepper where's the [ __ ] pepper am i blind i cannot see the pepper anywhere am i [ __ ] blind hold on look i gotta go searching pepper [Music] pepper where is the pepper ketchup by the ketchup that's the salt oh it's behind the ketchup good spot how the hell did you see that um feeling some shots i'm kind of feeling like shots too gotta be honest with you shots will go down well right about now all right shots shots shots and oh we need some of that other stuff as well all right hold on hold on i should already them all in one go but i couldn't resist getting three bottles all right is this her shot glass this is my measure and single okay great single shot i mean i'm not single i'm with d all right oh all right you know what the easier strategy rather than trying to stand stuff up is just to throw it off the table will you please look at me dee oh perfect i just threw my shot at okay we've missed that one ah this date isn't going well at all oh [ __ ] i dropped the flammable thing i'm getting stressed out d you're not [ __ ] helping the matter you they're about to leave oh you should be the one to [ __ ] leave more all right does that there after effects say all right i got it there at least he's so pissed off clear the table look at the little smile and it's just destroyed in front of him that's one for the gram just like oh yes love eating out again the fire extinguisher and all that uh bezel danny uh barony heyo scared thank you very much for the bits getting completely smashed my help but your hand-eye coordination maybe i still got two hearts why did i get this i don't know if that's blood or ketchup either would be fitting all right next date oh did dee send me this i'm not going on another date with d they spend the whole time on their [ __ ] phone we're going to a sushi place let's find someone else oh it's liam it's liam's still here how can we how can we dump d i don't i'm just pointing like i hate you maybe i can just leave it there use it as a dartboard oh i have so much space to explore as a disembodied hand oh can i use these date leo all right liam wait i just want to see can i oh that's disappointing all right liam you're on take on a date so want to go out yeah let's do this [Music] seduce after already agreeing hey baby what are you up to uh sure confirm absolutely let's talk about something else a joke hey there can you spare a few minutes for me to chat you up lol what i take that back don't apologize i liked it oh okay seduce i'm throwing a house party and the only person invited is you cool so you're not gonna be there holy [ __ ] liam you're gonna lose the day good point i shouldn't talk that always ruins my chances doesn't it uh sushi it sounds like a typical conversation with liam it kind of does except liam would talk about eggs more liam's savage jesus christ i still have some styrofoam left hey liam i'm going on a date with you like i just showed up no okay i just ruined someone's order wait he wants a candle this seems like a [ __ ] fire hazard and by this i mean me hold on hold on all right liam there's your candle ta-da let me get the uh where's the um uh matches that'll do i prefer the flamethrower but the matches will do i'm just resting my hand across blocking all of the meals look a conveyor belt is a bad idea for a restaurant anyway i get it you're trying to be quirky with your sushi and whatnot but like what if i just want to reach across and lightly i'm on fire [Music] is it gluten free yeah i don't think um i don't think there's any gluten in the candle liam you can eat it up oh my god all the meals i haven't got my order yet and if i haven't gotten mine no one else can get theirs you want a can of something all right how about a can of this liam this is gluten this is raw gluten liquid form hold on let me get you a glass in fact let me just steal this glass i'll fill it as it moves that'll impress him come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes and now we'll simply give it to the next person i can't make up my mind you want well it sounds like you have here's one just threw it at him uh there there you go liam ah one and this one's just on the dirty conveyor belt well it was probably clean before i got here to be fair but i'm spilling everything all over the place uh why are the glasses so dangerous like my fingers keep getting stuck in them oh there's the can from earlier um i'm scared that this isn't just infinite food grab the one next to him is there one next to him i don't see it oh wait there is one next to him it's just standing upright corky little fella here you go sorry this one's a bit broken but i'm sure it'll taste just as good all right oh that looks delicious well then just take it it's someone else's order but [ __ ] it here you go a little free trial didn't hurt anyone um where's the waiter i don't think this is a restaurant that has a waiter you just eat whatever other people order off the conveyor belt all right i'll take the dirt please thank you oh just ordering some squid so oh that was worth it for the little train alone i don't actually want the squid though um ah there it is dirt this vehicle in the chat is freaking out all right i missed the dirt hold on oh more dirt all right there you go and now since you like me feeding you directly in your mouth so much would you like some squid helium oh yes you you start eating one tentacle and i'll start slurping on the other and we'll meet in the middle just like that movie you know all right i'll i'll leave it up here for now i thought i was actually going to get stuck up there oh wait he actually wants one okay well this one has a bit of hair on it all right you don't need plates do you maybe you do hold on [Music] put the plate on top of the food this is a very trendy restaurant they do things differently here [Music] all right there or do you want me to or you want me to order you a fresh one a non-hairy one picky eaters man they actually drive me nuts all right i'm like the pickiest eater in the world oh my fingers stock again leon help liam all right got it got off my food is a little under seasoned um what do you want uh you want this thing what is this is this sauce if there's ketchup in here i'd be so happy no it's just filled with ketchup everything is filled with ketchup i accidentally ordered more i think [Music] there you go i'm seasoning everything everything other people have ordered is going to come just soaking it is soy sauce isn't it can you serve my food in winter that'll be ideal what you mean you want to sit here and just hibernate until winter liam i don't know if i can wait that long oh you do actually want me to hand feed you this sushi hold on this squid here you go hmm legs first there you go legs first thumbs up yep that's a three star date if i've ever seen one i ruined the food for everyone in the restaurant that's not bad liam says call me i like it i like to watch can i ollie if you're a delight liam you've the patience of a saint am i able to where can i change my stuff all right late oh cool so you're not gonna be oh take me out again sometime yeah okay apologize sorry i'm not really allowed outside doesn't matter seduce i'm glad i have my library card handy because i'm checking you out gir tiger lol confirm woo you have a way with words do i all right seduce again then ice cream soup and you all things i want to spoon gur tiger lol you have a way with words liam can i get a girl tiger in the chat oh you already did it as i said it looked up i see it guys thank you for all the follows that's very kind to you i appreciate it a lot thank you so much for following the channel all right let's uh let's just confirm on that whoo oh i liked that that's nice um i don't remember this being here i'm gonna put some ham on my tablet oh my hand is floating away and i'm not sure why all right all right there perfect whatever the ham ends up clicking on i'll go with that because honestly it'll make better conversation than i would um wait do we have this is pale as a ghost there we go that's my complexion um nail style color is it oh there we go a nice bit of clashing oh my god that looks awful let's give me a watch so i can tell how long it takes me to do everything probably not a good idea um yeah i like that very very soul it shows i'm unique as a person even more so if i have it on every single finger hold on there you go and the thumb most important one of all there you go i pity the fool tattoo oh i'd love a hand tattoo i want one that says gir tiger lol emotes how do i do that do i emote [Music] how do anyone know the controls for table manners i don't [Music] i don't know how to do that all right i'm ready i think yeah i'm the ham just started oh my god that hand gur tiger lol oh it's awful all right back to the sushi place [Music] f4 oh yes you got me block d can you block d i'll take a look at my phone after this day and we'll try i would gladly block d he's no liam um what what is this i'll take your meat block please oh there we go fancy cooking some food you see liam's lazy but at least he puts in a nice way he's not just like give me all right you need you want another meat block let me you know what hold on all right there you go one meat block for each and just to show you that i will go through anything for you he's like no stop what are you doing what are you doing why are you doing this to yourself i am showing you that i have a fiery passion for you oh wait your food's burning hold on ah it's too hot to hold now um wait you want more okay i guess i overcooked the first two more all right larger look at that such wasted food i wonder does liam care that i've changed entirely like in my appearance since we last met i imagine not he strikes me as the type of person who doesn't care like in general because i've been destroying the place and he's not said a word there you go how can i oh god i really have to use chopsticks don't i hold on all right how do i how am i supposed to how can how can i do this i ca it's too [ __ ] hot i don't know how to do this oh wait hold on i got it i got it i got it all right oh [ __ ] sake what are you doing oh my god perfect sake hang on to it all right there you go good yes and where's the other one the other one's probably cold by now i can just pick it up no no no no no good i thought it landed on the i don't know how to drop this thing liam help there you go thank you um this has got to be cold by now come on there we go i guess i'll just go with this one did that get to my plate just just just nudge it nudge it okay i can i can't can i take yours do you mind this didn't go well i at least i gave you that shows that i'm caring this food needs some seasoning all right that soy sauce has been pouring forever it's just bottomless oh i ordered the bottomless soy sauce can you pour some drinks would you like soy sauce right that enough pepper you think yep looks like it um what did we want what drink is this oh it's just beer all right okay at least this should be easier unless i have to pick up the bottle with chopsticks i should be fine yes pour that out nice and quick we're [ __ ] speed running now slimy people thank you for the sub norsemen uh s star girl ordinary dingo greyhound thank you very much for the sub oh we need to reset this spot this always no it's it's stuck in my thumb hold on all right surely that reset yes wait where is it okay there we go is that going in there we go killer cats tambien jessica conkey rand norseman uh sakius boscia batgirl norseman again clinkhammer rocky matt ling lang arctic fox uh is aoscar bernie thank you very much folks not liam texting d liam is not texting d stop is you're not are you no no no he wouldn't need a new one let's stop it everyone shut up maybe if two people are like this on a date then i might be the problem no no hold on he and knowing liam he's gotten some tragic news and he has to attend to it otherwise he wouldn't do this what oh god i have to cook it all right i think that's actually cooking even though it's not on it um hold on okay this this is going bad there are liquids everywhere that's not what you want okay that's that cooked it's not even on the plate i don't know how it's cooking there we go and now i can just nudge the plate when it's done dude why is this guy trying to light me on fire he's probably texting the emergency department break up with liam i think he's gonna break up with me oh wait no he's happy i want something but i'm not sure what you already have that how maybe i can just flick it flick it over there you go there you go and i can i can reach this can't i it's a little bit dangerous the the hot plate really makes this difficult all right water it's a bit boring where's the i don't know what liquid is what there's so many liquids everywhere um oh it's all over the menu and everything i don't see the water where's the water am i oh there's the water is it wait what is this no this isn't water it just looks like the wait is it maybe it is maybe this isn't water actually in here oh yes okay what is this no water only saw the soy sauce i thought this was soy sauce but there we go it's the mine just poured straight out again really you know my one weakness is hand-eye coordination and you keep testing me on it for some reason i haven't eaten at all that thing is burning my hand it's not burning you clearly just thicken come on dude do it yourself come on yes how did you eat that if it was that hot um this eat up yes and now meat cube hold on i might need the chopsticks but unfortunately these chopsticks are also on the fire hold on grab them grab them there you go and now we'll stop timing me come on oh wait wait hold on are the chop my fingers are freaking out liam stop it i'm so upset i just want to feed him meat come on there we go i nudged it out of the way maybe i can just do this with my hand again fact no no no no come on come on just catch it just ah come on oh man now it fell on the floor oh wait there's another meat cube oh i don't have enough time i don't have time maybe i can just eat it over to him catch that actually wasn't too bad it almost got him unfortunately we're out of meat i feel like i've disappointed him a lot what who are you oh no oh no what was that he gave me that look i did something wrong that that was a tough one that was a tough date i'm not gonna lie tweet cause vinnie monica slimy people norrishman name of the bits all right let's try and block d that was so upsetting i can't believe i don't know if i can face liam again after that um styling customize your hair or are these oh these are achievements i see uh the take on a date block yeah block i'll show you let's call liam wow that was fun okay maybe it wasn't too bad seduce hey want to get in my car drive somewhere nice and watch the stairs hmm maybe all right vroom vroom oh no i just got a small talk aware of this a single cow can make roughly 200 000 glass of milk in a lifetime i see confirm absolutely uh oh this is going really bad this is really bad should i preemptively break up with them [Music] the oh right let's try one more date i can still win their hat i don't know it's getting even more complicated i'm afraid i'll spill the train well i certainly will like i know you're afraid of it but like at least there's a chance of you not doing it okay i got it all right i'm gonna try and not knock anything because it gets too chaotic i mean i was trying not to knock things earlier too but i'm gonna use more of my focus there slowly perfect and we'll just put this down gently on the hot plate all right that's fine oh there's a bit of meat there wait i didn't even knock that one do i have to cook it i'll leave it close ow owie i get so injured from these dates i need tomato wait why is it all the way over here okay no no [Music] just grab any of it what even how are these i gotta figure out how to use chopsticks why is that bottle moving okay wait it's cooking what do you there you go this is the hardest part trying to feed him i've i'd literally just said like a what like 30 seconds ago that i was gonna try not to drop stuff okay there you go eat no just come on all right that's good enough for now i guess all i can hear is liquid and it's so frustrating all right why does it keep dropping oh okay you know what ow ow all right i think i got it off yeah there we go i got it off the hot plate at least hold on i thought it fell on the hot plate again there we go ah third degree burns all these rings are just like heating up and making it worse the food's a little under season oh sweep jesus what do you want um oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you want uh one of these two of these place order you also want to squid [ __ ] hell come on curry hurry hurry where is it oh my god i just sent that [ __ ] flying what is it these no no no no no no no no no no it dropped on the [ __ ] hot place oh sweet jesus no no no no no no no no no come on grab it this is getting so stressful all of a sudden all right there's one um here's another one here's another one all right there you go there's the second one and where's the other thing you wanted oh um what was it this this okay order order so that one comes out this side doesn't it yes grab it grab it grab it oh my where'd it go no no no no no no come on dude i work so hard for this all right what do you want on it what do you want he hates me he [ __ ] hates me all right where's the soy sauce i think you could just rub it on the table at this point uh all right finally i did something i can feed you this squid anything that i don't have to cook myself is fine it's just when you get he's involved is when things start falling apart oh god the conveyor belt's clogged order this side oh no my thumb those glasses are dangerous wait did it oh it's coming on this side hold on there's such a build up on the conveyor belts table manners with chaos mod on i mean it's pretty much like that already i don't think this needs any chaos mod imagine it though all the things just spawning in is that it he's okay with it he's like yeah take it or leave it next time please leave it because i went through so much uh evil sauce but thank you the rest of three months and birthday score i hope you're enjoying your birthday i wish i knew how to do finger guns he's still saying call me at least oh video is going live video is going live ah we're almost on to the next one but we didn't quite get it it's getting quite hard i think i'm trying to spot the last one i'm wondering if the next one's the boat i think there's one with a boat and like i think like stuff starts to like slide it's oh my god it's already stressful enough let me just check in with liam first and just and see what he's doing give him a call thanks for the great day joke let's play a game winner dates loser carry on confirm i'm not good at this small talk i'm what after all that whatever souls are made of yours and mine are the same barf small talk shrimps have a heart in their head i guess they have love on their mind okay tell me more awesome well you are a charmer okay the way to liam's heart is shrimp facts but i don't think i really like feet can i lick your toes and stay 1000 feet away from me i'm i will never forgive myself for that um it's better this way it's better this way it's just like what all right well it's that relationship over i guess loli thank you for the bits i leave for two hours to come back on my break adam third wheeling great bambi tambi thank you for the sub uh dan's odds uh lexi thank you as well um oh god i think we're gonna finish up with that disaster of a lion jesus christ why why did they do why did they do the foot line like they weren't responding to normal conversation they're like now is the right time to ask about the foot thing man my chances were ruined with that one line and i thought it was going so well up to that as well [Music] i'm so disappointed [Music] so disappointed in what happened here today [Music] god damn it all right guys we're we're gonna finish up here i think um but thank you so much for all the support today was so fun nick thank you for the result for years well jesus lexi thank you again um i hope you enjoyed both the media share and the richie cavanagh and the dates other than the foot line you know um i i super appreciate your company thank you for all the subs um the uh sophie thank you for the bits renee thank you very much for the sub jillian thank you for the sub nissa holic thank you as well um but yeah you've been super supportive i really appreciate that and thank you so much for the um uh for all the follows i really appreciate that because i know you could be watching anyone else and the fact you're choosing my little community means a lot so thank you thank you for your company your time and most of all you know uh we're gonna raid richie kavanagh god i wish maybe then they'd pay attention to me i just want richie cavanagh uh no i i just posted a video if you want more of me if you've not had enough i literally just post a video it went up three minutes ago so you know if you want a manual raid there go ahead just the comments are like call me kevin ray i think it'll just confuse all the youtube people but whatever um i'm gonna i'm just gonna do a quick tweet on that video actually um you can find my youtube channel below if you're not familiar with me over on youtube i know most of you are pretty sure most of you came from there but there are a lot of people finding the community through twitch which is awesome to to see um right i'm going to tweet that out uh if you want to check that out as i said youtube channel's below me um it's on the forest i think it's a pretty fun one i hope you enjoy it uh but we're gonna rate uh raid the chat games i think they're they're starting um little nightmares too or maybe they're midway through it i'm not sure i didn't want to check it the last time because i didn't want to spoil it because i was playing myself and i didn't know um where they were at um but yeah i hope i hope you enjoy the raid over there and uh have a good evening have a good day have a good night morning wherever wherever you might be and um i i hope to see you again on tuesday for my stream at 5 00 pm gmt i'm not sure take it away on your time zones because obviously there's uh there's daylight savings and stuff like that in the state so it might have changed from the usual time but it's 5 pm gmt if you want to check out my next stream uh gir tiger lol thanks for joining folks i hope to see you next time if you're not familiar with the stream then this is probably really nasty to you but that's the idea all right thank you for joining me and bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 108,927
Rating: 4.9466119 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: krebsF75BU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 3sec (10983 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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