FAKE Super Slow-Mo in Davinci Resolve 16

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hey guys nicker and welcome back to another video and another adventure resolve 16 tutorial today we're going to be taking a look at slow motion and sort of like how to create a slow motion clip out of something that was filmed in 24 frames a second or 30 frames a second so normally when you want to put something into slow motion in post you want to film it at like 60 frames a second 120 frames a second or more and that's because you can slow it down to the viewable speed of that video whether that's 24 or 30 frames a second and it will play back in like two times or four times slow motion that's the technical aspect of it but sometimes when you're out there filming maybe you've forgotten to film it in 60 frames a second or 120 frames a second and you've just got this standard clip that you do want to slow down well how do you do that in davinci resolve and get a usable result let's jump in and i'm going to show you how you can fiddle around with some of the settings in davinci resolve 16 and get really usable footage from doing exactly that okay so here we are in davinci resolve and i have three clips that i have filmed at 24 frames a second i've got me cracking an egg i've got a friend of mine flicking her hair and then we've got a rock dropping in the river and if we select the clips and have a look at their metadata you can see 24 frames a second 24 frames a second and 24 frames a second so let's have a look at what would happen if we were just to slow these down as standard so what i'm going to do is i'm going to slow each of these clips down so i'm just going to highlight first one command r or control r change the speed 50 so i'm going to slot down by half and i'm just going to do that to all these clips awesome so now they're all slowed down so if we play them back you can see there we go and we've got the rock going on the river there so they're all slowed down the thing is is that the stock standard slowing down method i guess or retiming method using dimension resolve is what's called nearest okay this is the one that comes default built in and that's what's going to happen so if i use my arrow keys on my keyboard to nudge forward so if i go one frame two frame one frame two frame one frame two frames what you can see is that every frame has been duplicated to extend it by fifty percent so to slow it down by half to make it half speed basically it's just duplicating each frame and that's how you get it to go all slope that's also why it's so choppy when you watch it so if i same thing here if i nudge forward as you can see there that every frame has been duplicated and that's why it kind of looks a little bit choppy we can sort of change how that has been interpreted so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to select all those clips in our inspector go down to the we're going to be scrolling down to retime and scaling and we can change the retime process from project settings which is set to nearest which is just default for everybody so let's have a look at optical flow first all right so what optical flow is is basically an algorithm where it kind of interprets the frames in between so now if we watch this back hopefully you can see that it is a lot smoother we can go through here looks a lot smoother and we watch this one here the only thing wrong with optical flow is that if there's a lot of movement and a lot of detail you're going to get some artifacts and this clip here is a good example of it if you have a look at that hand there some weird stuff going on if i nudge forward some weird things going on there but if i you know if we play back here this clip looks pretty good there is a little bit of weird artifacting around the hands but it's not too much and this clip here is actually generally pretty pretty good and if i was to use well there we go there's a bit of weird artifacting there if i was used to the arrow keys you can see that you know it's duplicating it's it's sort of it's interpreting what would be in between those middle frames there and doing the best it can and optical fly fine works pretty pretty well but obviously as you can see here if we look around the hand there is a little bit of weird artifacting going on like there and there like there's some weird things going on where it just isn't quite getting it and that's sort of to be expected so i find that if optical flow doesn't work and you might find that it does for some of your clips davinci resolve has another option we're going to highlight all those clips we're going to change it from optical flow to frame blend and it's a similar method to optical flow but essentially all it's doing is taking the first frame and then the second frame i don't know kind of like blurring them in between each other so if i was to nudge forward you can see that every frame has an extra image but it's really not too drastically different so if we play this back you'll find it's a little bit choppier than optical flow but with none of that artifacting okay so it is a little choppy but if we have a look at the hand here there is none of that artifacting going on that we had that if we were to change this one to optical flow all right see we get that weird artifacting going on around here it's kind of you wouldn't be able to use that at all but then if we change it to frame blend we get a really relatively good result now there are a few other options in here so we can change the motion estimation here so we can change it from project settings which is generally set to standard faster so you're just going to get the fastest interpretation of those frames we can change it to enhance better that's going to slow that process down but you'll find that you'll generally get a smooth result and speed warp which is again it's better than enhanced and you'll generally end with a smoother result something that you can generally use so we select this clip we change it to speed warp and playing around with the settings is the best way because obviously every clip you do is going to be different actually enhanced better seems to be working better there and then if we change that to enhance better and playing around with the other ones as well i find that if we go to scale sorry resize filter and change it to smoother i think you can actually see the difference in this one so if we change it from to sharper you can see if you especially when you look in there if we change that to smoother it sort of just makes it ever so slight and i find that's going to work better because we're sort of hacking it i guess to get your slow motion you kind of want it to be smoothly we don't need a sharper image so by having it smoother it's going to give the illusion of better slow motion but that is definitely super usable and if we like we go here we have enhanced better and we're going to change it to smoother i think that looks really really good and if we change this to back to nearest which is what we had at the start see how choppy it is like it's just really just quite jarring as opposed to frame blend and even straight away like you can see it blends those frames together really well if we go to nearest and frame blend we get a result straight away that we can see there so we play that back we got frame blend or we got really choppy footage so yeah just a couple of different options is there pl obviously depending on your clip something might work better so for this particular clip optical flow seems to work really well but then with this one here obviously optical flow created that weird artifacting so we're gonna use frame blend for this one and just playing around with the settings depending on what your computer handle will give you different results so there you go guys hopefully you learned something from this video and you can go out and start using some of those clips that you filmed at 24 frames a second 30 frames a second and start slowing them down and getting some usable results from it if you enjoy the video guys make sure you hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content from myself and yeah until the next video guys see [Music] ya you
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 3,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16 slow motion tutorial, davinci resolve 16 slow down clip, davinci resolve 16 slow motion, how to use davinci resolve 16 slow motion, 24 fps slow motion, 60fps to 24 fps slow motion, 24 fps slow motion davinci resolve, how to slow down footage shot in 24fps, how to slow down videos for edits, how to slow down videos, slow down 30fps footage, davinci resolve optical flow tutorial, how to use optical flow davinci resolve, davinci resolve optical flow speed warp
Id: X7nIi3BPDK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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