Editing in Davinci Resolve 15 Start to Finish Tutorial | ThatModernDude

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what is going on guys Nick Carter here back with another video today we are doing a full tutorial on DaVinci Resolve I've recently switched and I thought I'd do a full edit tutorial on what it's like to edit a full YouTube video so we're gonna do some transitions some text effects a little bit of speed ramping general cutting color grading just the basic sort of stuff that you would normally do in and edit for a YouTube video so opening up DaVinci Resolve you get greeted with this project window and unlike other editors this is where you will open all of your projects that you're working on you will not have like an icon that will sit here on the desktop that you would double click on to open this is where you'll access it and in here you can create folders so as you can see I like to organize mine via a month and then you can create your new project I'm gonna go into November and I'm gonna create a new project we're just gonna call this editing tutorial alright and that's going to create the project and open up DaVinci Resolve now this is the first screen that it will open up to which is the editing page it might look a little bit like this but we'll get into how you can customize a workspace in a little bit now devonshire resolve is a little bit unlike other editors in the fact that the editing space is split up into six different sections and they're all down the bottom here so starting off with the one on the far left and this is your media work space this is where you can import your footage review your footage create your bins and all that sort of stuff there it's consider this your organization window and we'll go into more detail when we start editing in a second moving over to the right we have the editing window and this is obviously where you do all your basic editing your cutting fading in and out speed or everything all that this is what you should be familiar with with editing software's something new to DaVinci Resolve 15 however is the next one the next icon is fusion and fusion is a compositing software similar to After Effects except instead of layer based it's node based but with the Vinci result it's actually Bill right in which is so so handy it means you can do really advanced visual effects inside of the editing software and have it automatically update for you now I do know that Premiere Pro has the dynamic link feature but that actually requires it to open up After Effects whilst Premiere Pro is opening and you know it is a little buggy this is built right into the software no opening anything else so we will not be touching that today but it's good to know it's there there are lots of tutorials online but I think for the purpose of this tutorial in editing a YouTube video we're going to ignore the fusion tab today moving on from that we have the color tab and this is where we would color grade all our footage as you see here we have all our tools here and again we'll get into this later but all the color grading lots all that sort of stuff denoising a little bit of tracking can be done in this window here second to last is the Fairlight audio tab which is an advanced audio mastering mixer you can do advanced effects in here and it is really really powerful and again great that it is built into DaVinci Resolve and I'm moving on to the last one which is a little rocket ship and this is the deliver window workspace and this is where you would set your in and out points pour your timeline to export into whatever file or format you want add it to the render queue and you know start rendering and this layout is the reason why I have switched to DaVinci Resolve is because unlike other editing software's where you can do a little where you can do color grading and whatnot in the Edit window DaVinci Resolve is completely split up into these six different workspaces and so if you want to do color grading you must do it in the color tab if you want to do the best audio effects you must do it here it does allow some sort of basic you know effects building and color grading an audio and all that in the Edit tab but for the advanced stuff you want to go over here and I love this because it forces you to focus on the task at hand really just get to the nitty-gritty on what you're doing at the moment the worst thing I always hate is when you're busy cutting at an edit trying to build a story and then you focus on the color of the clip and then you start editing the color because you can at least hear you sort of forced to work little windows so with that out of the way we're going to start with the media window and as you can see is sort of divided into a few different sections so starting left to right we have our file browser here and if I click on these files here this is what's on my drive at the moment so consider this the computer window this is what's on the computer and down here is what's in the project or the media pool obviously we have our viewer for the footage we have our audio meters and then our metadata for our clips so we're going to navigate here as you can see I've got some favorite Caeser folders I access quite frequently so we're gonna go to the desktop and here I have a folder I created earlier called resolve 15 tutorials and in here we have our folder so we've got here a clip folder exports and beer oh my hero clip folder generally holds the main video clip for that project if that's the clip of me talking or whatever it might be b-roll is we all know what b-roll is and exports this is where I would save any exports from any piece of software whether that's Photoshop or DaVinci Resolve whatever that's where they yeah we can drag complete folders into the media pool and that is going to import the footage and as you can see here it will notice that the frame rate of the media we are importing is different to the project settings that is because the default project settings for DaVinci Resolve is 1920 by 1080 at 24 frames a second the footage I've filmed here was on my phone and I believe it's at 30 frames a second so what we'll do here is we're going to change the timeline frame rate and video format to match or you can choose not to for this argument we're going to and as you can see it's brought in not only the footage but some audio we'll get into that in a sec we can also double click into the hero folder and like I said it acts like a file browser so we don't have to drag the folder but it's just as easy you know but if you want to view the footage beforehand you can do that so we're going to drag the b-roll folder down as well now you can see we have all our Clips here we got four b-roll Clips we've also got the main roll on audio track and I'm also going to drag in a quick video preset which is my intro scene we're gonna chuck that in there as well and just a little bit of background music as you see it's nice how in favorites because now I can go through let's just find a quick audio track oh that is intense we'll use that one so as we see here now we have our media and we have everything lined up and if we click on things like we can get the metadata we can see what frame rate it was filmed that you can see with the b-roll I've shot it at 60 frames a second so it's going to be 2 times slower than the main clip and this is where we can start creating our bins so we can create a new bin here and I'm gonna call it the hero I'm gonna create another Bend and the shortcut for that is control-shift-n or command shift n we're gonna call this the b-roll 1 and M them or cutaway and then it'll create another one we're going to audio and now in Marcie see we've got our Clips here and what we're gonna do is drag all our clip since we're going to drag the main clip of me talking as you can see here little talking we've got the audio as you can see in this clip here I've attached a lav mic that's so I can show you how to sync audio and that's what this bit here is so we're going to drag them into the hero bin I'm gonna drag all our b-roll into the bureau b-roll bin drag the audio into the audio and we'll drag the intro scene into the b-roll as well now we can take this a step further we can actually click on here into the hero bin and we can highlight clips and actually change the color of the clips so if we want all our hero Clips to be say maybe let's just say blue so now that they will be blue we can also change our beer oil clip so that they are orange and let's do audio we can change that so it will be teal now it's always good to color code projects especially if they're large projects and you've got multiple devices that you filmed on so you can easily track down what you are looking for in the timeline but just here as an example that is something you can do and like I said you can right-click on things and you can get a lot of information just by that you can open up clip attributes and change the frame rate of Clips so while we're there we're gonna go to the b-roll clips I'm going to right click on all of them go to clip attributes and you can the video frame rate is set to 60 frames a second and if I play back the clip you're going to notice that it is at normal speed so we're going to want to change that we're going to want to play this at slow motion so I'm going to go to clip attributes I'm going to change that to 30 frames a second in the same speed as our timeline and that will mean that the footage plays a little bit as bad example plays a little bit slower than was originally filmed and in your own time you can go through and have a look at the different formats and options that we have here like I said there are a lot yeah a lot of options to go through and you know we can expand and close different sections here it's very very customizable but still focus on the task at hand which is organizing our media so now with all MIT imported and sorted we can move on to the Edit tab and as you can see here at the top we have all our folders that we have imported with our bins in the middle we have our viewer and then we have an inspector to the right and our timeline down the bottom again every tab in dimension resolve can be ever so slightly customized by opening up different sections so you can have this to be the metadata so if I click on a clip you're gonna have the metadata or I can have it as the inspector which allows you to change properties once it's in a timeline you also have this icon here this allows you to drop it down if you prefer the longer list I personally would rather have a larger time line and you can see on the other side we have that same option but again I'd rather have a large time line you may or may not have the audio meters available if that is the case you just need to click on the mixer icon here that will bring up the audio mixer and then just the three dots here you can change it to meters if you want or you can have it completely off that is completely up to you now before we start dragging footage into the timeline and cutting it together something you will want to know is that we have two things down here so if I go home that is going to bring us to the project manager page which is the page that we started with and then we have our project settings so our project settings are as pretty standard as we know and we can go through and edit them if we want we've got general option all the settings you would want to go and change and again before you start you can do this before or after you've imported your footage just keep in mind if you have changed the footage and conformed it that you know you just need to keep that in mind but you know if I wanted this to be a 4k timeline I can just go in here and change that to 4k if that's something I wanted to do but we want to start editing and we can do a number of different things we can right click go timeline create new timeline we can drag footage onto the timeline um what I'm going to do is just right click new timeline create new timeline keeper does that what we're gonna do is going to have a two video tracks two audio tracks gives us a little bit of room to play and leave it empty or and we're just going to call it our main edit timeline create and it is created our timeline here something to note if you are in a bin and then you drag this down onto a time onto a new timeline rather than one you've already created it will create a timeline in the bin so it's something to keep in mind that's why I like to create the new timeline just outside in the master folder so that it's not hidden so there is that so now we've got our timeline down the bottom and it is split into our video and audio pretty standard stuff if you've ever used Premiere Pro it'll look very familiar we do have this dividing line to separate our audio and video tracks see why we have that in a little bit when we start going into graph editing all our Edit tools are along the top again very similar to every other additives underneath we have our timeline view options here as well so rather than talking about it let's drag a clip down onto the timeline so if I double click onto this it's going to open up the source so all it's done there is close the inspector so if I open the inspector it's gone if I double click it again it's gonna open up this source and I can go through here and you know look through my footage but what we know is that this footage has its own audio track and I've recorded a separate one hence the little click there at the beginning so we're going to want to sync that audio so that it plays nice and clear once it's on the timeline and then very easy to do like other software you want to select both the audio track and the video track right click and you will have an auto sync audio down the bottom and you get a few options so your whoops obviously got a timecode option if that's something you use and then you have waveform waveform I find is what majority of people out there going to be using unless they've got a more professional set up for both of these options you have to so if you click the based on waveform or timecode one it will completely overwrite the audio track of the original file or you can append the new audio file um there are reasons why you would do both but generally with YouTube videos you don't want that base audio track especially if you've done like the clicks at the start you know what's going to sync very well so we're gonna do auto sync based on waveform and nothing happens and that's sort of annoying but you just need to trust that it's actually done it and if I drag this on to the timeline here okay so this video it's got a very likely audio but something you notice here is the timeline we don't have any audio waveforms and the video tracks quite small and that's where we can you know play around with the timeline view options so we have our minus and plus to zoom in and out or control minus or command minus and plus to zoom in and out of the timeline then under here we have our view options so the first icon here is a timeline tab and that's so that you can open multiple timelines at any one point if you're working on say if you're working on a wedding and you do a timeline for the highlight reel but then you have a timeline for say the ceremony and then you have a timeline for the reception that's how you could have a so you could open new timeline and you know making you edits that way then you have the subtitle track whether or not you want that on or off just leave it off because I don't use titles and then this icon here which is audio waveforms now all of us want audio waveforms so we can turn that on and as you can see we get our waveform back then we're gonna equip view options there are a lot of options again the easiest way to learn a software is maybe watch a video this video first and then go through and just play around but this will change how everything looks and furthermore you can train change the track height and the audio track height I don't need these thumbnails here so I tend to use the last one and then I just bump the audio track height up a little bit and have it like so and that gives me a nice clean sort of clip to work with and as you can see because we color-coded this bloom it is blue in the timeline so what we're gonna do is we're going to go through and edit this footage so before we do I'll play it through I've deliberately filmed this footage to have pauses and arms in it so that you know it simulates what a YouTube edit or a video edit would look like so okay so this video is to simulate what it would be like to film a YouTube video with pauses and hours and arms and so we're gonna cut all that out and make it look good so as you can see that very quick clip but you know simulates what a real video would be like you know you've got to correct yourself a lot in post so the first thing we want to do is get rid of these clicks at start which I've done to sync audio swing zoom into the timeline here and that's where all these tools at the top come in DaVinci Resolve is exactly the same with editing as Premiere Pro or Final Cut we have the same tools like blade and ripple delete and all that sort of stuff but it does have a really cool feature called trim edit mode and this is the one I recommend you use when getting started with DaVinci Resolve because once you've used it for like a day you'll realize it's super super quick this works very similar to how Final Cut Pro works in the sense that I can click here drag and as you see the audio and clip moves along and basically it is ripple deleting everything behind there and now I've cut that bit but we can undo that and you can do it multiple ways so we could get the Blade tool and you know we blade with a blade there and we can select that we could delete it and then we've got a gap and delete the gap or we could click the footage and we can shift delete and that is a ripple delete so there are you know your standard editing options but DaVinci Resolve has the trim edit mode and I love it so I'm just going to use that and we're gonna quickly do that and cut right to the waveform there quick note as well is if it's snapping to the playhead which it is at the moment n on the keyboard is the fastest way to turn that on and off and you can see that here is the snap tool going going on and off so we're gonna go through and we know we've got this gap here but we want this bit audio so what we're gonna want to do is cut so we can either use the played tool or you remember the shortcut which is command B or ctrl B then we can play a little bit pause and I'm just pressing spacebar to do that and go through again you can you know you can shift delete and ripple delete like that but again I still recommend that you use the trim edit so what I do is I've cut now that I've cut that footage there with the trim edit tool selected shortcut T you want this little icon here where it's got that rectangle there you don't want that one you don't you want that one you don't want that so once you've got that icon there you click and drag and you can see it tells you how much seconds you're taking off and we drag it right to there and you can what we can do now is do it again and we know we don't want that so we can trim to there and then we can just drag that to there now we have so now we have our all beat the Christmas rush now we have our footage cut but what I've noticed here is this cut here is a little bit too abrupt so what we want to do is actually extend this one so with the trim edit tools still selected you just click on the other side and you just drag and it gives a little bit of a gap here so where we have you know the lowland speaking so could actually probably be a bit longer drag it out a bit more video with pauses and so that's there like so now once we now that we've done that okay so this video is to simulate what it would be like to film a YouTube video with pauses and hours and hums and so we're gonna cut all that out and make it look good so we're gonna move on to doing our b-roll edit so we're gonna go to our b-roll and we've got our Clips here so we can click in here we're gonna go through the clips so we're gonna want to start a start with the tree let's start with this tree and just like every other like I said editing software's are all very similar we set out in and out points with I and O or we have our keys here so I'm just gonna select I I'm gonna go forward a little bit or and we can either drag this clip from here onto the timeline and as you can see what it's going to do is gonna put the audio and the clip or we can choose to just drag the video or the audio and so we you know this is slow motion we don't want the audio so we're just going to drag the video and append it like so and we've got it there in beautiful slow motion and it's orange because we color-coded it so I'm gonna go through and quickly select the other clips so we're going to just select that and go forward a little bit there and got to get the chickens because I love the chickens we're just gonna set the out point to there and drag it in so now we have our b-roll lined up like so let's close that and that's fine so what I think we're gonna do is we're gonna speed ramp transition from this one we're gonna go super quick into this one and then play that out I think that will look really good and we'll leave this clip alone so speed ramping we all do it it is quite a common editing technique there are a few ways to do it right clicking on a clip gives you options and you'll see that we have retiming controls here so we can change the clip duration or we can change the speed so we can speed the whole clip up if we want to change how many frames a second it plays for you know we've got a whole lot of options we have real time controls which is the one we'll use the most and we've got the real time curve graph and we'll look into that in a second as well to close the graph we've got this icon here when you click and close this is where the audio and video separator comes in handy as a matter of fact because it automatically ducks everything there so the fastest way is command or control R and you can see that here that's the shortcut it's got there for real-time controls and you do that and it looks very similar to Final Cut Pro if you've ever used that it's got these arrows they dictate what way the footage is going so if you reverse the clip the arrows are pointing the other way it's also got the speed that the whole clip plays up which is 100% so it's playing at normal speed at the moment and then you have this little is very hard to see but we have this little drop-down arrow right there and that allows you to add some points so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go forward to say here and we're going to want to add a speed point so we click on that little arrow just a normal click and we add a speed point what this does is it now splits the clip up so we have this section playing 100% and this section playing at a hundred percent and we can speed or slow down this section so if I click on this black dot there change speed we can change it to eight hundred percent the normal speed I play that through and it will speed up at the end there and that is really a very quick you know very quick speed ramp and we want to do the same to the next clip so we control command whatever you do the are what we is the start of it to be quick and then the last of it to be slow so we click on the black arrow add speed point and then change the speed like so now we have the two clips which speed into each other like so but it's a little bit rough and that's because these are hard speed cuts it's going from a hundred percent to eight hundred percent in the matter of one frame and we want that to fade so to do that we want to right click on the footage and we want to go to read time curve and this doesn't look right and that's because it's retiming the frame which is a little bit complicated but what we want to do is this drop-down arrow like I said it's very intuitive but the drop-down arrow here will give you a lot of different options we just want read time speed so a quick read time speed and turn that off and so now this frame here is the speed of what the clip is doing and we can drag lines up and down depending on how fast or slow we want the clip to be to adjust the keyframe here and it is a little bit hard to find but it you know you just got to click around once you've got it all we do is click this one here and it changes from a linear point to a I think it's a Bezier Bezier I don't know anyway it does this nice fade in and out and we can change the handles here to increase the fade make it more dramatic so what we're gonna do is make it nice and I think maybe a little bit more dramatic and I'm gonna do like that probably bit more like so yeah we'll leave it like that and to get out of it you hit the X on the speed change and then you get the graph and you can close the graph like so and we're gonna do the exact same on the next clip so right click retime curve we're going to want to zoom in a bit so we get the options change it from frame to speed I'm gonna find that point click on it there make it like that like so fade it in and now we have a little bit of a speed right you know rough it quick and rough but it does the trick and get out of that get out of it and we bring the last clip in so now what we've done is we've synched audio cut a clip together and cutting out you know the arms and ours we've also now done a little bit of a speed ramp in the b-roll and last few things left to do is we want to maybe add a transition between these two transitions are kept up here so we have our effects library our edit index which is sort of like a history of edits for the item that you have selected and then you have a sound library we won't touch on the edit index or the sound library we just want to look at effects and we have this is where we have titles generators audio transitions video transitions it's all here so we're just going to go to video transitions and as you can see we've got a whole bunch of different transitions we're just going to do a cross dissolve for this one I'm gonna click and drag onto the clip until you see that little box and you've got your transition so if I play this through fades in like so and we can adjust the length or the shortness of that transition make it nice and quick you can also click on it and delete it maybe do a dip to color dissolve I'm not sure how that'll look weird that yeah that's just you know or we can do an IRS one lots and lots of different transitions all that looks kind of cool bit of a star trekky vibe going there so we can do that and now we've got our transition maybe we want to put a bit of text so we can get our titles and there are a few options here let's just do a normal text dragging on to the timeline resizing this is all very similar to how all other editors work and if we click on the text as you can see we have all our options in the inspector again this is pretty standard stuff so I love chickens I'm going to change the font to whatever we want it to be that looks pretty cool change the size we can also fade it in and out if we wanted but we'll leave it as so we've got a title we've got a transition got our edited clip now we just need music so we go back to our media pool at the top here go to our audio and we've got our audio we're just going to drag the whole clip down then what I might do for the sake of just this video is gonna drag this over just so that we have some you know some big beats to start with we're also going to resize it to the end here now to do a quick fade in and out you can see we have these handles here you have these on every clip available if you zoom in if we zoomed in on video tracks you have them there on a video track is opacity on an audio track it is the audio level you can control the main audio level by going to the clip volume but for now let's just do a fade out chill fade the audio it bug you there for a sec so as you see it fades out and we can control the kind of fade if you want it so if you want it to be like a weird or you can make it a very very slow fade so we'll leave it like that you can go to the other side make a quick fade there just a very quick one and now we have audio it totally doesn't fit the mood but you can see a problem is the audio is too layout I think it suits the chickens oh so what we want to do is want to duck the audio this song whilst I'm speaking now we could go through and you know create some keyframes by option clicking and all this sort of stuff and you know docking it that way so I'm just option clicking to do that but there is a better way so we're going to actually move onto Fairlight audio now to do that going over to fairlight and as you can see here it is looks a little bit different so top right we have our video clip and it's small because we don't really need to watch we're dealing with music down the bottom we have our track so we have audio one and audio tool and all these other options here so we're just going to have a very quick look on how to easily duck audio and it's all done with the dynamics so as you can see here we have a 1 a 2 that refers to the audio track 1 an audio track 2 there so what I want to do is we're on a double click on the dynamics box here for audio 1 and calm down you know it is it looks intimidating but it is very easy all we need to do here is click two buttons we want to click compressor and then we want to click click we want to click send so that's gonna send the signal from audio 1 and it effects the entire track not just the ones you have selected it is the entire track it's gonna send that audio to a track to listen to and that is gonna be audio 2 so I'm going to double click on that one and again two buttons compressor and this time instead of send we're gonna do listen so that basically says audio track 2 is going to listen to the audio sent from 1 and going to control the level so if we listen to it we can't hear anything and that's because we need to control the threshold on diet dynamics for audio track 2 and so if we drop the threshold down as you can see it's controlling how much the audio is docked so if we listen to it without we play it back here we turn the compressor on listen still selected we've dropped the threshold down to negative 46 you can probably drop it a lot lower than that okay so this video is to simulate you can notice that there is a little weird bit here where it goes between these two audio tracks it's because it is every time there is a little bit of silence in the speaking track it bumps the volume up and we can just adjust the hold here again you just play around with these settings but it's basically this is how long it's gonna hold the zero like when it dips audio Helen that holds it for so if I tried that now probably go a little bit longer to be honest there we go and now if we listen to this [Music] yes it is still quite loud but now it automatically ducks and that changes over in the editing tab so now that we've ducked the audio we just do a little bit of calibrating and pretty much done so the color grade we go over to our color tab and you can see it's populated with all our clips one thing to note is every time you make a cut on a clip it is going to add another clip here for you to color grade and that's because when your color grade you want to have more control you don't necessarily want to color grade the entire clip the exactly the same but I find for youtube videos you kind of do so to avoid having to copy and paste the same color correction to the exact same clip three times we go back to the Edit tab we can select those cuts that we made select them all right-clicking on it and create a new compound clip and we just create that main clip and go create and now we have just one section we can always right click on it and open in timeline and that's going to give us a separate timeline with the cuts and we can you know edit this and it will continue the edit here so now we've got that in one compound clip we go back to color we can see we've just got the one clip here so every color correction we make will affect the entire clip which is fine for what we're doing so the color editing tab can be very very intimidating I'm going to show you the three windows to worry about to begin with so obviously we have our footage window and that's just gonna play through the whole clip and as it goes from that it'll switch to that clip next clip etc etc every clip once you have the clip selected that is the clip that you are editing to the right of that we have our nodes try not to worry about them too much it's not as intimidating as you think especially in the color editing tab down to the bottom we have all our options and that is intense but the ones you really want to look at : wheels color curves and the key we use the key for the Lots color curves we'll use for contrast and color wheels we used to control the majority of everything else and then we have our waveform vectorscope all these lovely lovely things that we are used to in other editing software's so to create and edit we're gonna select this node here and we're going to adjust it so using and this isn't a color correcting tutorial at all but the way it works is you can adjust the tint of the gain or the highlight by doing that again with the mid-tones and again with the shadows and you can reset every parameter just by clicking the reset button there you have the overall intensity as this slider down the bottom there and then you can control individual contrast saturation all that sort of stuff there so I'm just going to do a very quick edit in this one node selected here so I'm going to drop the highlights a little bit so that they're under drop the shadows a little bit just a little bit and maybe drop them bring the mid-tones up just a little bit and we can use command or control D to hide our edit and you can see we haven't really done a whole lot you look around here you can see a little bit of a change but not a lot and that's just command D that I'm doing then now what we want to do is name this so if we right-click on this node we can node label and we're just going to call this base for base correction now we want to create another node to create an extra edit I recommend creating a new node for every edit that you do so for the base correction you want to node for that then a node for the contrast and load for the light you kind of get the point so we can go color nodes add serial node and really when you're starting off just use this one don't worry about the others for now just the serial mode and obviously we have the shortcut for that so we hit that adds another node right-clicking on that let's just do contrast for this one and we want to go to the curbs and we can just do a little S curve in here again this is not a color correction tutorial a little bit and at any point command or control D will turn on and off the Edit that we've done and you see it adds a little bit of contrast there in my face creating another serial node so option S or whatever it is on Windows we're gonna create a lot so we're gonna call this one lot and to add a lot we can do it by going to the lots window over here with this node selected so if I have this node selected it'll apply the light to this one it's nice to keep it organized by clicking that one there and it comes with a bunch of lots built in I'm gonna use my purchase han from Peter McKinnon we're gonna do kodak killer and as you can see if I click on it it's going to give you a nice preview of what it looks like so we can actually pick whichever one we think looks best I'm gonna do Kodak killer so I'm gonna double click and you'll see that it's applied that there but that is a very intense look so to change that we need to go to our key which I mentioned before I know this is a lot of information but like I said the only ones as a as you start off is the key curves and color wheels don't worry about the rest for now and all we want to do is the key output what you see here is consider it like the opacity so as I drop that down you notice that the effect of the lot has changed rag that up and you can see the effect change so we're gonna still intense at 0.5 that will leave it at 0.5 then I can always turn on and off to see the change that we've made you can see here that the clip number has a color ring around it now that's to say that yes you have now color corrected this clip these ones don't have anything because we haven't made any edits at the moment I make an edit it changes color but what I want to do is just copy and paste this to the rest of them so the easiest way to do that is select all the clips you want to copy the color grade to right click the color graded clip and you will see an applied grade it's weird that it works this way but by doing so it now has applied that grade to the entire clips that we've now added and you'll see that in three two one and that is kala grating you can go into so much more depth but it does require a separate tutorial but that is sort of how I you know will do a YouTube video again your one node there with the nodes selected you color nodes add serial node that adds your next one and then you add your next one and that is easy don't need to do any more than that and all the color is now edited in this main one here as you can see it carries all the changes over for you so we now color grade the clip we've done a little bit of audio editing a little bit of a speed ramp with a transition and title we've pretty much edited our clip all we need to do now is go to the deliverer tab this is where we can control not only the section that we want to render out which generally will do the whole thing but maybe you only want to render this first section and that is dictated by here so we rendered by the internet or we just render the entire timeline it's up to you and we can select our sex our render settings up the top here so for YouTube obviously you're going to want to use the YouTube setting and you can use the drop down arrow to do 720 1080 or 2160 trolling the name of the file the location of the file and you can also go into extra details if you want to I find the base settings are very very good and again if you're uploading to Facebook or any other sort of website this is the YouTube setting is the one you're going to want to do it compresses the file quite a bit Vimeo compresses it a lot less and you're going to end up with larger files so you're gonna YouTube is generally the better one for YouTube hence why it's set up that way and so we're going to name this our editing tutorial browse to locations we're going to browse to the folder on the desktop and I've got my exports we're gonna save it to there add to render queue and now we have it here and I can just start render and by clicking that it will render it out and it's all done so now when I go to the desktop we got our exports editing tutorial now we have our file completely edited and everything all and dusters so there you guys have it that is a quick tutorial on how to edit a YouTube video in DaVinci Resolve it is very hard to get it all into one video because it is a very complicated piece of software it does take a bit of time to get used to it but by following the steps in this video you'll have the base knowledge that you'll need to create your very own YouTube video very basic edit I look forward to doing more tutorials on the minty resolve and going more into say the color tab the fusion tab and the Fairlight audio tab but like I said this is just for the basics that you need to know to create a edit for YouTube if you enjoyed the video guys hit that thumbs up button down below and make sure to subscribe for more videos you
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 103,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thatmoderndude, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, how to edit a video in davinci resolve, davinci resolve, how to color grade in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 15 review, how to duck audio in davinci resolve, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve 15, how to speed ramp in davinci resolve, how to import media in davinci resolve, how to add luts in davinci resolve, how to sync audio in davinci resolve, davinci resolve vs premiere pro, color grading
Id: XeMbZxgTVps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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