Lerne Color Grading | Davinci Resolve (Color Page Tutorial Deutsch)
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Channel: Andreas Abb
Views: 138,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmemacher, filmmaking, fotografie, a7iii, sony alpha, drohne, tutorials, premiere pro, davinci resolve, review, kamera tutorial deutsch, Davinci resolve 16 tutorial deutsch, Davinci resolve 16, Blackmagic, Davinci resolve 14 tutorial deutsch, davinci resolve tutorial, kostenlose Schnittprogramme, kostenlose videoschnittprogramme, videoschnittprogramm kostenlos, schnitt tutorial deutsch, Davinci resolve tutorial deutsch, color grading tutorial deutsch, color grading davinci resolve
Id: 66O1EV1wVdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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