Faith in the Mercies of God // Pastor Jay Eberly // September 12, 2021

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mark chapter number 10 verse number 46 and we're going to read down through verse 52 came to pass or they they came to jericho and as he went this is jesus it went out of jericho with his disciples a great number of people blind and a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of timaeus set by the highway side begging how many of you know we are just we had to just get this right right now how many of you know whenever you go to heaven and meet blind bartimaeus it would be wrong to call him blind bartimaeus because blind bartimaeus got healed so uh he said at this point though his name was blind bartimaeus the son of timaeus he sat by the highway side begging and when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out oh i like his faith he began to cry out amen when he heard he grabbed a hold he heard jesus was passing by he didn't just just sit over there and just wait and see if god and all his sovereignty would come by and do something about his blindness no when he heard he reached out and grabbed a hole that's what faith does when uh he heard here now in uh verse number 48 or no excuse me verse number 47 when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out and say jesus thou son of david heal my blind eyes hmm well isn't that what he wanted huh is that what he got that's not a trick question isn't that what he wanted isn't that even what he got that's what he wanted that's what he got but that's not what he said jesus thou son of david what did he say have mercy on me anybody in here ever needed mercy before mercy is for folks that don't have it all together yet mercy is not for whenever you did you crossed every t and dotted every eye on every verse in the bible you a hum danger i'm telling you humdingers don't need mercy but but the rest of us need some mercy sometimes mercy he said thou jesus of net uh he cried out jesus of nazareth son of david have mercy on me have mercy on me hallelujah now he's crying out for healing we don't know uh all the details of his situation but apparently he needed some he needed not just healing he needed some mercy in other words he might have got himself into this predicament somehow how many of you know there's people i've seen this there's people that come into church get out of you know get come come get saved and come out of the world and and uh whenever they come into the church this could really be all of us but when they come into the church i mean there's a lot of stuff hanging on them that's just their own doing how many of you know just just if i hadn't been out there sinning if i hadn't been out there doing this and doing that all this stuff yeah i'm saved but all this stuff hanging on me whatever you name it i mean you could name a hundred different things oppression depression it's just everything you can think of messed up our lives messed up our marriages messed up our you know we didn't raise our children right and and uh you know just just just just it's our own fault no you can't even blame the devil i mean he had a whole lot of help from us you know what i'm talking about the devil's not all that in a bag of chips he can't just do stuff without co-op even without our cooperation even sinners you know sinners can even say no to the devil huh well now you do in case you didn't they have a will doesn't mean that they can completely be free from everything but they can say no to a lot of stuff you know anyway so but uh have mercy on me you could have damaged your body because of a past lifestyle damaged your marriage damaged your family blew your brains with drugs ruined your liver with alcohol do we need to list anything else i mean we just know all this stuff out there all the all the heaviness all the torment all the oppression all the regrets all the all the all the other because of past mistakes or maybe even mistakes after we got saved anybody ever i know for me i got saved and i i didn't i didn't uh get it all together right away still don't have it all together you know and we need mercy but i got good news for you go to ephesians don't don't lose your place here in mark 10. but go to ephesians and we know this about god something let's just dig around in the mercies of god a little bit would that be all right just somehow or another i was praying in the holy ghost and this kept coming up and i'm thinking oh i'll take some of this i wanted to make sure it was for all of us and it just seemed to keep coming this morning so we're going to minister on this this is chapter number ephesians chapter number one well you know ephesians 1 let's go to ephesians chapter number two you know how it talks about we were dead in sins you hath quicken chapter 2 verse 1 who were dead and sins we lived according to courses world prince of the power of the air spirit not worked in the children of disobedience we had our conversation in time past the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind we're by nature the children wrath even as others and so therefore it didn't go very well with us i added that part but verse number four but god glory to god but god who is what rich in mercy rich tell your neighbor he's rich you thought he was rich with gold streets he is rich with gold streets but he's also rich in mercy oh somebody say hallelujah rich in mercy say it out loud he's rich in mercy i'm looking for the verse i don't have it up here right now but the bible calls him the father of mercies plural amen no that didn't hit you like it should in other words we know about the mercy of forgiveness of sins but that's not all he's all the only area he's merciful in he'll wash you of sin and cleanse you and fix all that and then he'll start restoring all the damage oh you know how many of you know god does not want his people living with regrets because of the past he wants to he wants to take all those things that we have regrets about and restore them fix them and make them as if they never happened come on now uh there's there's something better than just living with you know memory of how what it would i where i messed up and what it would have been god's the god of second chances and third chances and four chances four ten five chances how long do you think god will go on your chances go to lamentation we'll find out how long god will go lamentation the lord is this this just kept coming i was praying in the holy ghost and this verse kept coming up and i'm telling you what i got so blessed lamentation chapter number 3 verses 22 verses 22 and 23 it is the lord's mercies now let me before we go any further the word mercy or mercies and compassion or the same greek or hebrew word in the bible so when we talk about mercies we're talking about him having compassion on us so he said it is of the lord's mercies compassion because he's compassionate that we are not consumed it's because the lord's merciful that we're not crispy critters that we're that we're still alive that we got up with a heartbeat this morning our eyes opened whenever the sun came up that's the mercy of god you know we grow a little bit and we start getting the word in us and we start thinking well you know it's just because of me i'm doing the word and we know we have our part but if the lord hasn't been merciful on us to help us see that word we'd still be as dumb as that post right there the lord is merciful he helps us i mean we have our part but without him doing his part we'd be we'd be just we couldn't do nothing we we would be failures we would be world champion failures at everything marriage and everything you just name it we'd be we'd be we'd be uh we'd be olympians yes sir we'd we'd just be top-notch at losing you know what i'm talking about scallywags and losers that's about all we'll be amen we just we'd die with no name no influence nobody around to be at our funeral we we would the lord is merciful i said the lord is merciful hallelujah but i bet but i have my part pastor i know you have your part but you wouldn't even know your part if the lord wasn't merciful on on you and merciful on me i wouldn't know my part thank god for his help so we find here back in mark chapter number 10 that this blind bartimaeus he cried out for healing let's read the rest of it he cried out and said lord son of david have mercy on me and he charged many charged him that he should hold his peace but he cried the more a great deal thou son of david have mercy on me and jesus stood still and commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying unto him be of good comfort rise he calleth thee and he casting away his garment rose and came to jesus and jesus said answered and said unto him what wilt thou that thou should or that i should do unto thee and the blind man said unto him lord that i might receive my sight said that's what he did want but he didn't say that he cried out for mercy and jesus answered and said jesus said unto him go thy way thy faith oh thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole isn't that right and immediately he received a sight and he followed jesus in the way faith his faith well what what did he have faith in what what did he cry out for huh mercy he had faith in the mercies of god god wants to do that in many lives this morning he wants to devel you to develop faith in his mercies faith in his word yeah but whenever you come short and you find i haven't really been doing it i've been out there doing my own thing i didn't care they weren't paying attention i was i was dumb i was whatever you know carnal and distracted and we get in trouble for it anybody ever got in trouble for it [Laughter] god wants us to have faith in his mercy amen i'm not talking about just living like we want to and and just saying lord do this for me anyhow while i continue to do my thing no i'm talking about running back to god and saying lord there's i messed up i messed up forgive me i i'm getting in trouble for it how many of you know god that god's best is not that we learn the hard way by having tests and you know testing trials are not always because of being out of fellowship with god but i mean you can have tests and trials because you're out of fellowship doing your own thing and god wants us to learn to not have to have a a a uh a beaten by from the devil you know before we run back to god there's something better than that but but you can learn that way somebody said that's a good school i learned well well yeah but the tuition is real high and it's dangerous very dangerous you don't want to be just just uh you know living like you want and saying well god will just bail me out no you want to just stay as close to god as you can walk in the light you you have and but but if you find yourself you know having messed up he doesn't want us to just sort of resign ourselves to the consequences for the rest of our lives there god is a god of restoration yes he is somebody needs to thank god for it and like blind bartimaeus god wants us to have faith in the mercies of god amen i'm not planning on living on them but if i need them i've got faith in them in his mercies all right now let's go back here to lamentation let's see how far his mercies go let's go back we were reading that we didn't finish it it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed say consumed because his compassions that's the same thing mercies and compassions fail not oh thank you lord that's the part that came up in my spirit i was praying in the spirit that came up in my spirit let's keep on reading is the lord's mercies that we're not consumed because of his compassion his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness oh glory you somebody said i ran out of all yesterday's it's a new day his compassions fail not now now i don't know if i'm hearing the shout and i i want to hear here if you look up the word consumed first first part of the verse the lord's mercies that were not consumed circle consumed and then because his compassions fail not circle fail if you look up the word consume and the word fail both of those words in the hebrew mean identically the same thing and let's let's look listen to it just a minute you're all listening to me and so both of them mean to use up so that they run out or they're all gone in other words they're you it's all spent it's all gone sort of lacks money you ever used up your money and it's all gone till the next paycheck or whatever that's what that word means to consume or fail it says they consume they fail not but we're talking about the word without the not so far the words means the word consume and fail means the identical same thing it means to use up so that they run out and it's all gone in other words there's not we spend it all it's all gone but what he's saying is you can't use up all the mercies of god you can't do it so that god is finished given mercy you can't do it because he said his mercies fail not they fail not amen he'll never say i'm done my mercies are are all spent up i don't have any more you've exhausted all my reserves of mercy and i just don't have any left huh because there are always still more of god's mercies left if i read that verse right i'm not adding anything to that emma there are always more left oh yeah if there's more of his mercies left there's still more of his blessings left for you you've not used them all up either but but but but you don't understand i've failed so many times yeah and you don't understand you cannot exhaust his mercies glory his mercies never come to an end amen and what the devil brings into our lives doesn't bring us it doesn't have to bring us to an end notice what he said it's by his mercies that we're not consumed what does that mean come to an end we are no more huh are you paying attention we're just looking at the meanings of these words let me say it again because we've not consumed all of his mercies all that the devil has done has not and will not consume us will not come to an end hallelujah hallelujah all the devil does will not bring us to our end uh the problem let me tell you what the issue is here the issue is people stop receiving his mercies i said they stopped receiving his mercies am i in the right room they started they start getting condemned that they've failed so many times you know what i'm talking about and uh the devil starts selling them a bill of goods he reminds them how often they've failed amen and they begin to believe that they're not worthy of any more mercies so they stop receiving his mercies but that's not an issue of god running out of mercies that's an issue of man failing to receive any more mercies i i get shocked sometimes at the mercies of god come on now but see you need to you need to have the kind of faith that shocks people the kind of faith in his mercies that people get shocked when they think boy i'm telling you what he's been a scoundrel that dirty rat they don't deserve anything they deserve to be judged everybody's ready for the fire to fall you know everybody's standing back and just watching say man i'm gonna i'm gonna watch this and you you get faith in the mercies of god and cry out for mercies and god delivers you and raises you up out of that and all the phariseesical all the all the religious you know do gooders amen and here you are running your race blessed [Applause] because of his mercies that's the kind of faith we need to have the kind of faith in his mercies that just never quits believing he's a merciful god and he's still got more from me come on now i said come on now but see if we start getting condemned that we've failed so many times and start listening to the devil as he starts telling us how many times we've failed we begin to believe we're not worthy of any more mercies and in those cases it's not god's mercies that have been all used up it's that we have failed to receive them you know what i'm talking about so the devil is able to bring an end to us receiving and the trial brings that person to an end but it wasn't god that ran out of mercy it was the enemy that took them out and got them all condemned condemnation just mark this down it's one of the greatest enemies of your faith you will ever face condemnation the greatest enemy of your faith you'll never have a bolstered a a strong faith that reaches up and receives if you are condemned living under a cloud of guilt and shame and because of the past all that is is a failure to have faith in the blood i said that's a failure to have faith in the blood and that's another way of saying a failure to have faith in his mercies amen hallelujah we'll look at that in a few minutes we'll get to that but are you enjoying this right now see all these things are a faith issue a lot of things come back to a faith issue amen it always does listening to the devil talk to you will consume up all your faith and you won't have any more faith to bring to god's never-ending mercies when i say listen to the devil talk to you i'm talking about him reminding you of how how short you have come where you should be what you have not done what you have failed to do amen we've all we've all become acquainted with that accusing voice there is the bible says over in revelation 12 11 there's a the accuser of the brethren satan is the accuser of the brethren he'll never congratulate you you'll do things that please god to the utmost and the devil will go yeah but he doesn't have any encouragement in him he doesn't have any you know anything to to boost your faith in him he's always trying to tear you down tear you down tear you down tear you down tear down your faith that's just the way he is he's a he's the accuser of the brethren but the bible said we overcome him by the blood of the lamb i know we're just reminding you of what you already heard but boy it's good to be reminded isn't it we overcome him by the what the blood of the lamb and that's there's not a period there is there and and the word of our testimony in other words we're talking about what the blood has done for us we're talking about it you ought to talk a lot about the blood talk a lot about the blood talk a lot about the blood be be mouthy about the blood [Music] be outspoken about the blood when the devil's yak at yak yak you get out you get your words to talking about the word talk you've got to have faith in the mercies of god somebody said i don't have much faith in the mercies of god there's a whole series on it on the on the brick there's what we call it we call it the vault there's a whole bunch of stuff just go get hallelujah we preached on the mercy of god for weeks in this church praise the lord hey don't don't get mad at me for getting excited about this because i'm not all that i am because i'm all that there's a lot of things in my life because of his mercies endure forever so if i get happy don't you you just don't bother me all right [Laughter] man what i i i want to wait to heaven until i see these videos but i want to see some videos that what would have been i don't want to see them right now unless i can handle them but it might be something i don't think i can handle what would have been if god hadn't been merciful on me thank you jesus somebody say i'm developing faith in his mercies see the fact that mercies is plural means there's more than just mercy on our sin isn't that right there's there's mercy on our bodies mercy on our brains and our heads and our families and our the consequences of our mistakes amen isn't that good news those are all things in the mercies of god and we're to have faith enough to not run from god whenever we've messed up but come running to him and call out like like blind bartimaeus call out for mercy [Music] amen you know in the court of law they're going to say how you plead guilty not guilty whatever you say if you stood in the court of law and said i plead for mercy they'd say you can't do that isn't that right but but guess what at the throne of grace you can do that amen you can do that the bible says that the blood of jesus which by the way jesus took to the heavenly holy of holies he presented on the altar before god god lives ever mindful of the blood because it's before him constantly and jesus blood was offered up there but the bible says jesus blood speaks of better things than abel's blood i know we've shared on this but boy it's it's just it just refreshed me so much last night just meditating on it speaks say it out loud it speaks of better things than abel's blood what did abel's blood remember cain killed abel remember that and god said whenever he came to talk to cain he said where's your brother well i don't know i'm not my brother's keeper you know uh well his blood's crying out from the ground remember that in other words god heard his blood cain's blood i mean abel's blood talking to him god's god heard the blood speak what did it what was it saying to god if jesus blood speaks something better than abel's abel's because jesus blood speaks of mercy go to romans chapter 3. we'll look at that while you're turning there i'll just quote this jesus blood speaks of mercy it uh it we'll read in the third chapter here that romans chapter 3 let's go ahead and read it now i was going to wait but romans 3 says in verse number 25 i'm going to read it in the amplif well let's let's read it in the king james first and then we're going to read it in the amplified king james whom god hath set forth jesus talking about jesus to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare the right his righteousness from the remission or for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of god now he's set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood now king james says that but listen to the amplified whom god hath put forward before the eyes of all as a mercy seat now wait a minute where did he get that if you look up the word propitiation in the king james that's what it means a sacrifice that propitiates or restores man to faith has mercy on him and restores him to favor jesus blood was was the sacrifice that restored us to favor and gave us mercy brought us mercy hallelujah remember what he said in ephesians but god remember we were in sin bound and all that but god who is rich in mercy see he's talking about why god did what he did when we were yet sinners he's a merciful god he's a merciful god you think he ran out of mercy well we got saved now he wants us to be you know live right well he wants us to live right but he knows we still need more mercy that's why it's new every morning amen while we're learning why i said while we're learning yeah while we're learning you ever seen a child learn to walk they take one step down on their little bottom do you get them up and spank them what's wrong with you you're a slave maker walk no you're merciful yes sir amen in fact that first step you're trying to get it on video look at that that's the way god is he's not well you're a christian now you know what to do now you didn't do it you did you took one step spank no no no god saw you take that one step and he did he does what we do yay and here you are back where you were on the ground come on come on you did the word two days plunk back down god goes yay but wait a minute you're back where you were yeah i know but god said yay i'll give you more mercy while you're learning while you're learning i'm still learning i've come a long ways but i'm still learning this so uh he said let's go back to the amplified but who god hath put forward before the eyes of all as a mercy seat now if you know anything about the old testament that's drawing on old testament terminology that remember he told them to make the first the tabernacle then the temple and it was had an outer court and enter court and the holy of holies and in the holy of holies was the ark of the covenant and that was called the mercy seat you remember that and uh the reason it was called him it would have been a judgment seat but the high priest went in there once every year and put blood of an animal on that altar turned a judgment seat into a mercy seat well the heavenly holy of holies jesus entered in with his blood the bible says in hebrews very plainly he he took his blood into the very holy of holies in heaven and he put his blood in on the altar before god and his blood is speaking something better than abel's abel's blood abel's blood said an injustice has been done and vengeance must be paid a penalty must be given out jesus blood says a injustice has been done but the the blood of jesus speaks of mercy because jesus took that penalty that's why that blood was shed because he took that penalty so when that blood is before the father it's speaking something different than abel's blood abel's blood said vengeance must be given justice must be done jesus says blood says in the heavenly holy holy justice has fallen on jesus and now mercy can fall on all who come to the father through faith in the blood that's why he said here his blood the amplified brings out this statement propitiation uh means a mercy seat in the in the greek let's read the amplified whom god has put forth before the eyes of all as a mercy seat and propitiation by his blood the cleansing and life-giving sacrifice of atonement and reconciliation to receive to be received through faith hallelujah i said hallelujah can we paraphrase this through faith in the blood we have a mercy seat or through faith in the blood we can get mercy but i messed up yeah that's what the blood's forced for people that messed up amen amen [Laughter] oh thank you jesus thank you jesus it's for people who messed up now go over to exodus 25. just a little old testament reference concerning this mercy seat anybody need this this morning oh yeah tell your neighbor we're developing faith in the mercies of god amen i don't want to have to live on it depend on it i want to live on doing the word but but boy i don't want to i don't want to drop this no no no no how many of you know this is why we want to be people who show mercy because when it comes time we need it we want to have a rich supply we have sown it we reap it now i'm talking about with other people other people giving us mercy now psalm what did i say exodus 25 verse number 22 god said this there i will meet with thee and i will commune with thee from above the mercy seat from between the two cherubims if you know how this ark of the covenant was made it had two golden cherubims that's angels with wings stretched out touching one another from between the two cherubims which is upon the ark of the testimony the ark of the covenant we call it of all things which i will give thee in commandment unto the children of israel so now i want you to see the first part i will meet with thee i will commune with thee from above the mercy seat now listen i will meet with thee and i will commune with thee now that's talking about what he referred to back there in romans 3 25 right so because of the blood he said that's where you get mercy it's a mercy seat that's where you go to get mercy but that's also notice he said i'll meet with thee and i will commune with thee so any time you go to god and have a meeting with him bible says come boldly to the throne of grace why we're going to meet with him talk with him right anytime we come to god we need to come through the blood through the blood don't come claiming i did this i did that i know brother hagin said years ago and i never forget it he said he pastored all those years he said it seemed like it seemed like peop people get saved just get into the church seemed like they received a lot easier than people that had been in the church 20 30 years he said the reason was is because the ones that first came in they knew that their song was i'm just coming like i am and uh you know like that old song there's this old song that says uh just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me they knew they didn't have any merits on their own you know they just come pleading mercy amen believing in god's mercies but after being in church for 20 30 40 years well i do this and i do that hey you still need mercy you still are healed because he's merciful you still get bailed out because he's merciful i'm not saying don't do the word you know you know what i'm talking about but we walk in all the light we have but yet right on the other hand still if it wasn't for his mercy none of it would work and we wouldn't even know how to make it work hallelujah i mean we start progressing in the things of god and and we grow and let's let's take the area of prosperity we keep on increasing and so forth and we're able to give bigger and you know maybe somebody pays off the church building or something like that you know why you're able to do that you got born again you were broke busted and disgusted but you know why you're able to do that because he's merciful so don't don't come asking for a front row seat because you paid the church off it's not all you it's because of his mercies he showed you how to do it if he hadn't shown you how to do it oh i'm preaching to somebody so when you come you just say the lord is good and his mercy endures forever look what he enabled me to do his good and his mercies endure forever i was born again all messed up you know didn't didn't know how to add two plus two here i am paying the church building off thank god for his mercies thank god for his mercies remember whenever they went out to the battle remember there in second chronicles 20 they had three armies come against them greater than themselves and and they said you know the spirit of god's moved and said you don't need to fight in this battle set yourself stand you send the singers out front so they put the singers out front and they say for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever and they kept saying the lord is good see that's what you need to be talking all the time about his mercies and uh the bible says when they started calling on the mercies of god and speaking of the mercies of god and confessing the mercies of god and singing about the mercies of god and praising about the mercies of god that power was released angels were dispatched and what they couldn't do they they got they got something that they weren't able to do why because they made much of the mercy of god they just kept talking about the mercy of god is this sinking in today glory praise the lord why are you where you are today well i believe god and so forth yeah without the mercy of god you wouldn't even know you wouldn't even have known where to learn about the faith you wouldn't even know to show up on sunday morning you yesterday where we are is because of the mercies of god glory that mercy seat in the old testament was a physical location in the new testament the mercy seat is anywhere there's faith in the blood of jesus you don't have to go to a building today isn't that right it's anywhere there's faith in the blood of jesus amen one of the first things that one of the first benefits of faith in the blood is restoration to fellowship with with god isn't that right and so the moment you exercise faith in the blood that will be when you have a meeting with god but i've messed up put some faith in the in the blood of jesus put some faith in that mercy that that blood speaks of amen as soon as you do you're going to have an encounter because faith brings people into encounters [Music] you're going to experience something that you didn't deserve you didn't earn you weren't in line for amen somebody said how'd you get that not without blood the bible said the priest used to go into the holy of holies not without blood remember this the history says i don't know you know it wasn't in the bible but if history tells us and and tradition tells us they'd put a rope around that high priest's ankle so in case he didn't do everything right they'd pull him back out because he's going to die in there that's the presence of god and he's a sinful man but he's going in there with the blood of animals which which in the old testament covered sin didn't didn't purge the conscience but it covered sin and so he went in there not without blood somebody said how did you get that not without blood how did you stay alive through that not without blood not without mercy some of you looking at me like this isn't a good sermon and i know it is not talking about it i'm not taking any credit the holy ghost started moving on me and sharing this with me not without blood how did you get that how did you get through that you messed up you you destroyed this in your life that in your life what happened that caused the blood it's because of mercy because of mercy and there's going to be folk you know blind bartimaeus had people all around him to tell him shut up you messed up shut up but he had he said i'm not shutting up i got faith in the mercy of god i got faith in the mercy of god and you're always going to have a bunch of pharisees around you they better not be in this church but there's going to be pharisees around you that are going to say you messed up now you just you made your bed hard you're going to sleep on it [Music] well if you don't have faith in the blood yeah but the blood will soften that bed you know [Applause] amen glory to god some of you have been around too long and you think you're all that and you don't know how to shout about mercy anymore there the bible says mercy this is james 1 mercy rejoices against judgment in other words mercy delights to bless whenever judgment is due mercy god's a mercy for god and he loves the bible says he he doesn't have any any pleasure in the death of the wicked it says he delights in mercy when people uh whose lives are are destroyed or whatever happens uh you know just totally messed up or whatever happens uh because of their own wrongdoing because there is a sowing and reaping law in the earth yes there is yes sir but god doesn't get any delight in that when people mess up and they get they they get into a whole lot of trouble because of it he has no delight in that and if they just put a turn and put a little faith in his blood and put a little faith in his mercy the bible said mercy rejoices yes amen against judgment it's looking god's looking for places ways to bail people out hallelujah i said he's looking for ways to do it so with faith in other words when the devil when you've messed up when the devil's yakity yak yak the accuser of the brother he's yakity yakyak he's saying all that he's saying just trying to really he's not he's not just trying to harass you he's trying to undermine your faith it's all about faith so he's trying to rob you of your faith rob you of your faith in god's mercies and in the blood second of all he's trying to deny you of the bailout or the the mercy or the blessings he cannot just keep you from them but he can talk you out of them if you listen and try to tell you you're not worthy you're just going to have to live you know beneath what you could have had do you know what i'm talking about and uh he's trying to deny you but don't be denied when you've missed it [Music] put your faith in the blood of jesus i said put some faith in the blood of jesus when you apply the blood by faith the devil will be the one denied you need to learn to deny satan not be denied the blessings of god you need to deny him what he wants to do in your life he wants to keep you without faith he wants to keep you you know condemned he wants to keep you and say it's too late you messed up now don't misunderstand me it can be too late to get faith but it's not god's not saying it's too late i don't have any more mercy that's not the issue the some people get denied because they waited too long to get faith you understand what i'm talking about so it's it's too late in that sense but not because god said it's too late it's only too late to get faith people don't have the the the time because maybe something is life-threatening or something like that and they've and and so they don't have they don't have that kind of faith and they don't have time to get that kind of faith because you can't just turn on faith and have a whole bunch [Music] it takes time to hear these kinds of messages and and get built up but listen it doesn't take a long time if you put forth a wholehearted effort toward it and don't just play games but wholehearted you jump in with both feet you can pass you can pass up you can get to where you need to be get there real quick glory because you need faith to tap into what i'm talking about clearly it's not god who's saying well you know i don't have any more because we already read there his mercies can't be consumed up they can't be spent out they can't be you know but but uh you can see the difference between what i'm talking about and people saying god's out of mercy praise the lord for the truth so don't you be denied you deny the devil amen praise be to god praise be to god now let's just uh wrap this up by looking at this hebrews let's see here let's try to save some time hebrews 11. hebrews chapter number 11. hebrews 11. i'm telling you some of the people in the bible who were used the most when god got him when he found them they were a mess take paul he was messed up he thought it was his duty to kill people glory david you know we think david he's a mighty man of god yeah and he he he had sex out of marriage and killed a guy so he could get somebody else's wife you know those aren't the front row kind of christians you know what i'm talking about those are those are scallywags amen anyway hebrews 11 you find hebrews 11 i'll tell you there's hope for all of us there's just hope for all of us hebrews 11 verse 28 i want you to see remember this whole chapter about faith hebrews 11 chapter about faith look what it says through faith this is another way that somebody used their faith this is talking about moses moses kept the passover and the sprinkling of blood lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them ah now now you remember back there in egypt whenever the death angel was passing through they put blood on the mantle and what's that doorpost you know and all that and uh when the angel the death angel that's that there is a spirit in the spirit realm called death death is not an angel from god death death is the last enemy that will be put under foot and when that death angel went through uh egypt you read it very carefully it was not the an angel of god it said that god the lord hovered over their houses when he saw the blood the word hovered over there and then and the death angel passed over passed over that house where the blood was there was protection and that's what moses it says here through faith say faith he kept the passover and the sprinkling of blood unless he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them so when that when that death went through you remember all the firstborn of all the egyptians even their cattle the firstborn of everything the firstborn of all the children they all were were destroyed that night why was that why did that not happen in israel because they followed the instructions killed a lamb put that that lamb represented the blood of his blood was shed and then that blood represented the lamb of jesus i mean jesus the lamb of god that was slain from the foundation world and that blood they were looking forward to the blood of the lamb and and type i mean if they could get this in type we can get this in reality they were everything everything under the blood was protected amen everything under the blood was protected now let me ask you a question were the egyptian sinners let me ask you another question was there any sin in israel's camp at that time you know there was you can't put 10 people together [Laughter] even in church today you know there were people that slept with somebody else's wife the night before don't look at me sanctimonious like that you know there was sin in israel's camp [Applause] but they got under the blood [Laughter] they didn't deserve that right neither did we but we got under the blood they deserve a scallywag i like that word this morning that was a scallywag adulterer right there he deserved to die but he yeah he did but he got under the blood he got under the blood and everything under the blood that night was protected praise god this doesn't make you shout you just don't have any shout in you but notice the way the verse starts out is so powerful i'm trying to quit we're going to get out of here through faith that's the whole thing right there through faith he moses kept the passover now notice and the sprinkling of blood now if you read through the bible just back up a chapter you're in the no back up to the ninth chapter hebrews 9 look at verse 19 through 21 for when moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he he took the blood of calves and of goats remember those are all types of the of the blood of jesus uh with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled circled that he took the blood and sprinkled both the book of the uh the book and all the people saying this is the blood of the testament which is which god has enjoined unto you made binding the white weymouth translation says or ordained laubeck says ordained this is the blood of the testament which he has made binding or ordained uh and moses moreover he sprinkled with the blood both of the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry circle the word sprinkled i want you to notice and then you could go back to verse 13 look at verse 13 for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying the flesh circles sprinkled how much more shall the blood of christ see through the eternal spirit without offering himself thou spot to god purge your conscience see back then it just covered them but the blood of jesus goes deeper than that it doesn't just cover our sin it clean it goes all the way down into our spirit and takes out all the guilt purges our conscience that's that nagging voice of accusation that tries to keep saying you messed up you messed up you're guilty you don't deserve any blessings the blood of jesus goes all the way down there and purges all that to where you you open up like a flower in the sunshine to the blessings of god and you say father i'm worthy all that sense of guilt is gone [Applause] i'm telling you what there's some folk in here you've been living under condemnation you don't even know it there's been that yakin the yak yak for a long time you need to get knowledge of the blood and put some faith in the blood and put and and notice the word he kept saying sprinkled he kept sprinkling he kept sprinkling there's another word you need to use whenever it says sprinkled every time you see that in fact right in your bible right applied the bloodshed is not enough it had to be applied [Applause] shedding that lamb's blood the day before the passover out in the backyard shedding that animal's blood was not enough it had to be applied and how did moses apply it through faith through faith through faith through faith you say i've messed up through faith i plead the blood i call for mercy back then they applied it with a hyssop that's just an old that's just a bush out in the they just go out and get a bush it was kind of brushy and they could they could dip it in that blood and apply it that just a hyssops not important that was just something that's like a paint brush that's what that all was but the important thing was that it was applied you could have the blood of that that lamb and a blow bow in the back of the yard and that death age will still come in there and destroy the firstborn because it wasn't applied see god's jesus bloodshed was not enough you've got to apply it you've got to apply it you've got to take the paintbrush of your tongue and start saying something about the blood start saying something about the blood he said but i'm so unworthy start saying he has remitted all of my sin and his blood through the through faith in the blood has provided me a mercy seat and where i should get judgment i've come for some mercy come boldly to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace in the time of need come on somebody shout again praise god for the blood thank god for the blood but that's not enough it's got we got to have some faith in it we got to start saying i believe like blind bartimaeus he used faith in that blood he used faith in the mercies of god people tried to tell him to shut up he said no i got faith i got faith forget about the people around you that think you don't qualify think they're more sanctimonious than you more self self-righteous than you and they think they've got it all together and you lowly scallywag don't so you got to pay the penalty but if you've got faith in the mercy of god you'll pass them up you'll pass them up they'll be back there in their self-righteous stew trying to earn the blessings of god and you're saying mercy mercy and you're taken off [Applause] stand with me to your feet i did it i preached myself happy i'm eating i might need to go to lunch with somebody just to preach it again i just thank god for mercy [Applause] mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy and god is rich in mercy he's loaded with it he's so loaded if you didn't even use up you know ten percent of it yesterday maybe yesterday was one of your better days you know well he ends up 10. they're new this morning anyhow and you got all that you didn't use yesterday plus all that came new this morning i think you're gonna make it i think you're going to make it i in fact i know you're going to make it if you got any faith at all in you in the mercies of god you're going to go far [Applause] [Music] you're going to go far but i don't deserve it see that's what we're trying to get out of you this morning you're right you don't deserve it but see the blood is for things that we don't deserve we do not deserve a lot that we get but we didn't get it because we saw that we got it because of his mercies hallelujah [Applause] did you need that like i needed that [Applause] i think i'm just going to feed on this for the rest of the day praise be to god praise be to god [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] hallelujah but i'm just warning you again there's going to be people around you they're going to be all self-righteous and religious and say you've messed up you just don't deserve all this you just keep on like brian bartimaeus just keep on saying mercy lord mercy have some faith in them disregard what they're saying and have some faith in the mercy let them gnash with their teeth pine away be jealous you know and just be mad and religious and all pruned up you know how some people get religious all pruned up and you just go on and and they they they get see the happier you get the madder they get [Music] but you just let them let them alone just leave them and you go on and be blessed hallelujah i did it i preached myself happy i'm thank god lift your hands and worship him somebody needs to receive some mercy right now just begin to call out on it mercy lord i receive your mercy thank god for your mercy mercy over this area of my life mercy in my body mercy in my family i've messed up my family mercy mercy on my marriage i said that and i shouldn't have said it it created a problem mercy father give me mercy i know you have mercies for me i receive it right now i receive it right now i call for the blood of jesus for the power of the blood of jesus the mercy and the blood of jesus then i apply it to this situation i say this thing this thing will not put me in a hole that i won't get out of for the rest of my life i'm up out of this place i'm up out of this place thank you father thank you father i receive it hallelujah i receive it i receive it i receive it i didn't say i i'm wor i didn't say i've earned it i'm saying i receive it i receive it hallelujah anybody ever made bad financial decisions i made one back well i've made several but i mean the one i'm thinking of back 15 years ago maybe something like that i'd have to go back and look but and it it messed us up anybody know what i'm talking about and i got a call from a man [Music] he started he started speaking mercy to me i don't want to go into all the details right now but he just started saying mercy some things about he wasn't he was i think he was a christian man but he wasn't quoting the bible per se he was just speaking mercy to me and i was i didn't really how many of you know you can be under the condemnation of something don't even realize it so much but he started speaking mercy to me and i'm like yes sir yes sir yes sir all right i had to get off the phone because i'm about to burst into tears cause that was ministering to me so much ministering to me so much and i got off the phone and i said lord that was you talking through that man that was you talking through that man hallelujah i think we're doing all right today glory to god thank god for mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy falling like a blanket falling like rain all across this room and those that have the faith to reach up and say father this bailout this need mercy i need in this area to bail me out i receive it because you never run out hallelujah you never run out thank you father it's falling all across this room it's falling all across this room it's falling all across this room thank you father thank you father thank you father we thank you for turnarounds now yes some things that have been there for a long time turning now turning now in the name of jesus thank you for the dispatch of angels right now we thank you father god for the anointing ministering to those situations right now thank you father thank you father thank you father whatever it is we thank you that it's working mercy is working praise your name praise your name praise your name praise your name praise your name one of the things that can try to i guess bother you the most if you don't receive mercy is raising your children before you knew how to raise them and them not turning out right you know what i mean thank god for mercy you don't have to live under that cloud you know that glory be to god i said you don't have to live under that cloud you can get the mercy of god and then start calling for mercy on their behalf [Music] glory to god we're not preaching being lacked spiritually and not doing our part we're just putting faith in this this morning and we need it how many of you know where we're we need faith in the word we need faith in his mercy hallelujah lift your hands again and thank god he's working on your behalf he's working on your behalf working right now working on your behalf in jesus name and then whenever the manifestation of the mercy of god shows up people say how'd that happen you'll say not without blood not without the mercy of god yeah that'll be a good testimony won't it i think those are good i don't know maybe maybe just go to testimonies as people who did the word and it worked glory to god people see god whenever they see a manifestation of the mercy of god and they can say listen i need that i need that one of the greatest things you can say to somebody is i find no fault in you because you forgave them you know anybody ever done you wrong they came and said i messed up forgive me looks at them and say i forgive you i release you and i see no fault i find no fault in you it's as if it never happened and people go uh you can't do that oh yes i can oh yes i can and our relationship's the same as it was before that happened i had a pastor friend of mine talk to me about some things opportunities financially to invest and it didn't all go like we had planned i'm not saying i uh you know i'm learning to follow the spirit i've got a lot of things working for me but you know i wasn't as sharp back then and he felt terrible you know he's the one that talked to me about it so forth and i said my decisions were my decisions and i said can and this is a divine connection and i said this thing will not get between you and i i said don't you feel bad i said that was my decision and my decision was my decision i don't know why i'm saying that somebody needs this in other words he didn't he didn't stranglehold me and tell me to put money in there i chose to i said so that's the way i look at that and that's the way i look at you i said there's you you have not done me wrong at all you don't owe me anything nothing i said we're not letting the devil get this is a divine connection we're not letting the devil mess us up amen and we have a good relationship today just just as if it never happened yey man
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 161
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0meW9NxkSow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 5sec (4205 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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