Keep Saying “Yes” to God // Pastor Jay Eberly // September 5, 2021

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second corinthians 1 18-20 as surely as god is trustworthy oh yes he is and faithful oh yes he is hallelujah i remember just recently talking to the tweets and a good testimony they got faithful faithful amen god is trustworthy and faithful and means what he says people might say something just to kind of be politically correct you know but god means what he says as surely as god is trustworthy and faithful and means what he says our speech and message to you have not been this is paul talking about the message he preached to the corinthian church the the message of the gospel has not been uh let's see it has not been yes that might mean no for the son of god jesus christ the messiah who has been preached among you by us by me and silvanus and to mo and timothy was not yes and no but in him it is always the divine yes okay i'm getting happy already is always the divine yes now let's keep reading get a little bit more understanding of what he's talking about this is the amplified next verse says for as many as are the promises of god they all they there's many of them they all find their yes answer in him christ amen they all find their yes answer if god said it if god promised it what's the answer when you go when you go to receive it what's the answer not you know because people have said sometimes god says yes sometimes he says no sometimes he says maybe sometimes he says wait a while you know god's ways are mysterious you never can tell what god's gonna do that's a lie anything he said in his word when you come to make your claim on it the answer is yes amen they all find their yes answer in him as many as are the promises of god there's a there's several ways you could look at that we're not going to take time to get into all that this morning but look at the next part for this reason this is the amplified for this reason we also now he's talking to us we also utter the amen amplified gives the definition then of what amen means so be it so be it you know we got to be careful sometimes somebody's preaching and people say you know the whole world's gone to hell amen just well we've got to be careful where we put our amen you know we don't want the whole world to go to hell and the whole world's not going to hell uh but he said after we read here that all the promises of god are in him yes and amen and all they'll find their yes answer in him then he says for this reason we also utter the amen the so be it the the uh to god through him in other words we say amen to all god said we utter it through him in his person and by his agency to the glory of god amen notice two particular statements here particularly in verse 19 that statement in him it is always the divine yes god never says yes and then no or no and then yes it's always yes now somebody can put a no on god's yes but that was them saying no to god's yes not god saying no does that make sense and then that's that statement in verse 19 then verse 20 for as many as are the promises of god they all find their yes answer in him if everybody else is telling you no go to him and get your yes the lawyer might say no the banker might say no somebody else might say no the the person you're doing the deal with might say no but if god said yes the answer is yes amen so all god's blessings have a divine yes on them god never puts a no on what he said in his word he always has a divine yes but notice that according to the way this verse is stated that's not the end of it we've got to add the amen we've got to add the so be it in other words we've got to add our agreement and you know that's why the bible says in mark 11 23 uh you'll have you know you'll have what you say not just what god said you and i will have what we say god can say yes and we say no and you know what it'll be it'll be no for us not because god put a no on it but but we didn't agree with it we didn't agree with what he said amen how many of you know that's what we're talking about as we're talking about when we say adding the amen when we say saying yes where god says yes and saying no where god says no we're talking about agreeing with god we're talking about uh uh you know not not fighting god we're talking about not arguing with god we're talking about now this is whenever his he speaks his word we we read it we read his word we read his promises in his word but what about when the spirit of god is dealing with us to do something arguing with god is us not being in agreement with the divine yes remember we were talking about on last last time last couple of times i preached we were out of a couple weeks or we were out for two services but remember we were talking about uh putting restraint on the devil by being doers of the word there are certain things that just doing the word it limits satan on because those those those promises the things of the things god said in his word have conditions they are the conditions for the fulfillment of what god said and when we uh do what he said in his word we're saying yes to the fulfillment side of it we're agreeing like let's just take an example seek ye first the kingdom of god we'll use an illustration sometimes we understand that better seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then you know nothing you never can tell what'll happen no all these things the context is all these things whatever you need to eat whatever you need to drink in that right whatever natural material financial things you need in this life will be added unto you hallelujah that's a yes to things being that's god putting a yes on things being added to you and added to me hallelujah he's not god's not the great subtractor he's the great adder actually he's the great multiplier he's not trying to take something from you amen i mean the church i grew up in and if you serve god you might go through your life with the top of your hat out and the bottom of your shoes out and see your britches out you know because he's going to keep you poor that's the way i grew up thinking that that's the thinking they had i noticed though they always worked real hard to get out of the will of god to get out of get out of poverty but anyway you know a lot of hypocrites well anyway i said it lord forgive me a lot of hypocritical statements made by people who say well i believe god wants us to be poor well then get stop working stop get you know stop going to your job getting a paycheck i mean don't be a hypocrite get a burlap sack wear it live under a bridge warm your hands by the fire eat out of the trash can you hypocrite you stop working trying to get out of the will of god well i don't believe it's god's will it'll all be well well then how dare you go to the hospital and get out of the will of god huh you hypocrite you now we're just sucking the corn a little bit to show how ridiculous religion is they don't really believe that just the devil gave sodom a lie and they keep repeating it uh so no when he said seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and he'll add all these things unto you that's god putting a yes on things being added to you god god does not put a no on things being added to you there's a divine yes on it but there are also conditions well what is the condition he said there uh seek ye first the kingdom of god now that's the big one that's that's that's a big statement you could go 17 different ways with seki first the kingdom of god and uh we don't have time to get into all that this morning but by doing the by seeking by putting that into practice seeking first the kingdom of god you are adding your agreement you are saying amen to god adding all these things to you that's what this verse said we've got to add the amen right we're adding the so be it if god said seek ye first the kingdom of god i'll add all these things to it to you when we put the spiritual things first when we put the plan of god first when we obey god we obey the word we obey the kingdom the the what the word says in the that we do in the kingdom then we're adding our agreement we're saying yes i agree with things being added to me now the devil will say no you serve god you won't have anything you'll be without god will god will make life hard and you won't enjoy life and he'll make you marry somebody ugly and you know what i'm talking about you know there's a lot of religions just a lot of junk y'all were lawfully quiet out there this morning you know make you miserable remember jonah the devil told jonah some things about the plan he said go to nineveh and preach and tell them judgment's coming if they don't repent and he said i don't think so nineveh was north he went south he got the boat going the other direction right and remember he was eaten by that he threw himself over because he knew he was in disobedience and the fish came and uh swallowed him and then remember whenever the bible said that he said to himself he said uh they this is after it was all over he said they that observe lying vanities they forsake their own mercies when he said lying vanities he's talking about what the devil says about what god told you to do because god told jonah to go to nineveh and preach and the devil said you don't want to do that they're going to stone you they're going to this they're going to that they're going to this and you're going to look like a false prophet if it doesn't come to pass you know all these things the devil and so he he listened to these listen lying vanities it's a lie to say obeying god and doing god's plan doing the word following what god said to do will not work out and life will be worse off it's a lie it's a lying vanity yes it's an empty lying vanity anybody still glad you came this morning so uh you know others may put a no on things god said uh your own mind that the devil will tell your own mind that'll never work you know you've been broke all your life you've been you've been struggling all your life that's just the way your family is you know you know who makes you think you're anything different and so forth and so on it's not about natural family it's about who does the word [Music] i remember years ago we were preaching at a church and the pastor had pastor excuse me the pastor's wife had just been diagnosed with cancer and she uh and so we were good friends with these pastors actually and she said to us she gave us the doctor's report and so forth and i knew some of her family and i knew that her dad her uncle her brother i'm trying to remember who i was had died of cancer in her family on her side of the family i knew all that and um we were driving to we had preached at their church and we were driving to another church to minister i mean excuse me we weren't ministering we were going to another church just to sit in some meetings with them we were all going together and we were talking and fellowshipping where my wife and i remember right in the back seat and i said and the spirit of god came up out of my spirit and started talking to me and and so i started saying to her what the lord was saying to me and that was don't look at what happened don't let the devil tell you that what happened to your dad your brother your uncle and all of that and and let the devil tell you what's going to happen to you i said by the i was just talking out of what the lord was saying to me i said you were not the guard of their garden remember the bible said ye are god's garden they got a harvest of what they got by receiving the thoughts and what the devil said and all the thoughts of death and you can't live through this and so forth and so on they received all that but you can put a different seed in your heart and have been actually this lady had been put different seed in your heart and get a different kind of harvest it's not about genetics it's not about family it's not about something natural it's about the word and who does it amen somebody said that's hard well the family can come in too they can come into the word amen and she received that and lived many years praise the lord i said hallelujah she was she was healed of that and lived many years glory to god are you out there so somebody else can put a no on what god said but you just keep agreeing with god you just keep saying it is so it is so so be it it is so what god said is so about me amen hallelujah that'll keep you in the flow of this divine yes amen so uh all these things have a yes on them but we've got to add our agreement now agreement is more this is what i want to spend the rest of the service on this morning agreement is more than just words that we say uh you know like mark 11 23 that's certainly agreement what we say is agreement if we say what god said that's agreement but agreement is more than that agreement is also obedience amen um obedience to do what god wants us to do will you just humor me if you don't like this this morning will you humor me and say amen anyhow your flesh might not like it but your spirit man wants to get real answers this morning hallelujah now when it comes to obedience uh let's go over to first samuel chapter number 16. first samuel 16 and verse number one this was this this is the after king saul the old testament king saul uh god had chosen uh saul he had to be king you remember he had and saul at that time was very humble very uh you know remember he was uh he didn't think more highly of himself he he was a more of a contract kind of a person and uh god called him and chose him and and raised him up to be king and remember he was hiding in the stuff they had to go find him and they anointed him and god began to use him and then he began to get a little too big for his britches anybody know what that term means do you grow up in my mama's home yeah most mamas have that saying and uh he got he got arrogant he could no longer or would no longer respond to direction uh and the bible talks about some things about when if you read the whole we're not reading this verse but if you read there in the 15th chapter god says made this statement through saul when thou was little in thy sight god raised you up remember that uh but now basically you're too big for your britches and god can't use you anymore amen and then uh god had said some things about the kingdom being taken from him then first samuel 16 1 where i had you turn samuel was praying for samuel was like saul's spiritual father he was samuel was the prophet in that day and he was praying for saul and look where it says here first samuel 16 1 the lord said unto samuel how long will thou mourn for saul now he's praying and crying out to god for saul because god had rejected him seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait god rejected him i thought there was a point just a few verses earlier that god had chosen him was there not didn't god say he's the one yeah he did i'll answer that for you for those of you that aren't bible scholars he said yes he's the one he's my chosen he's the one i want to use but now something's changed how long are you going to mourn for saul seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel well that that was different than it had been god had chosen him but look at what he said fill thine horn with oil and go i will send thee to jesse the bethlehemite for i have provided me a king among his sons so god had chosen saw at one point hadn't he in other words and and god had i mean god had chosen saul and saul had said yes i'll obey you i'll do it i'll be king i'll i'll do that and he wasn't haughty about it he wasn't he wasn't high-minded about it he didn't think lookie looky look who i am he he was uh he was wanting to be used of god he was wanting to serve the lord in the capacity that the lord had him to fill and so forth uh he was a very if you read the whole story he was a very incapable man he did not have the the uh ability to be king uh because remember god had said to him uh there's a company of prophets coming down off the hill and you join yourself to them and the spirit of what's on them is gonna get on you why to equip him to be who he needed to be that's like a lot of us a lot of us don't have what it takes to be who we're called to be you know god doesn't call the sufficient he makes sufficient whom he calls because he he really needs us i'm getting somewhere somebody said what's this got to do with me just just just hold on he needs us to know he he can work with people better who know they can't do it on their own remember moses god called moses and he said god god i i i you you you you you can't use this is me i stutter [Music] and he's supposed to stand before the leader of the known world and say let my people go how's that going to work [Music] that ain't going to work he didn't call moses because he was sufficient the new testament paul said this he said not that we are sufficient of ourselves our sufficiency is of god somebody said well why would god pick me probably because you can't do it that's probably why so you'll learn to depend on him you've got to learn i can't do it but greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world praise god hallelujah so god had chosen saul he was a very incapable man and also very small in his own site you know what that means that basically means he didn't think more highly of himself than he ought to think he wasn't a proud man but he turned proud how many of you know people change they can they don't always have to but uh and so god had chosen saul and saul had said yes but through disobedience remember i said there's more to adding our agreement to what god's plan is and his promises and all his blessings there's more to it than just making confessions there's more to it what do we say there's more to it what is that more obedience is a big deal to uh to walk in all that god has for us in other words to add the obedience is us adding our agreement to the divine yes let's just take the illustration we use about seek ye first the kingdom of god well i can't do that you know i i got i got too much going i can't whatever seek first means a lot of different things it means put spiritual things before natural things is one thing it means so a person could say well i don't have the time to put spiritual things first i've got too many things going i can't get to church i can't i can't study read my bible i can't take time to pray and when church time comes seems like always something comes up seek ye first put spiritual things first amen and uh obedience to that what however that however whatever obedience means to you right now whatever obedience to seek you first the kingdom that's just an illustration you could use this for about anything god promised with that has a condition on it in the word anything he says putting that doing that in other words being obedient to it if it seek first the kingdom being obedient to put the kingdom first not just giving lip service to it but actually doing it actually doing it remember the bible said the willing and the obedience eat to go to the land but willingness is the heart attitude but god's looking for more than just willingness he's looking for the carrying out of the actions of doing it we can say i'm going to get to that i'm going to get to that well you could argue whether that's a willingness or not but it's certainly not obedience you got to be careful about putting things off amen so when when when saul was uh no longer responsive to the direction given by the spirit through samuel and was too big for his britches and thought well i know better and and so forth and so on the bible said god said to samuel i have rejected him somebody said god changed no no saul changed i said saul changed amen there was a yes on him being king still but saul didn't add his agreement to it by being disobedience we making any progress in this service and so saul changed the yes to a no god didn't change the yes to a no another story that you can think of along this line well let me before i say that let me say this in the earth god's plan moves forward with those who say yes to his plan don't don't miss that this morning i want you to get that in the earth god's plan moves forward with those who say yes to what he's dealing with them about amen and those who say yes become god's plan those who god taps on the shoulder says i want you to do this i'm not just talking about the call to ministry i'm talking about anything in the word i want you to start putting church services before your job you know i want you to i want you to begin honoring uh the uh you know the word which says don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together you know you're here so i'm preaching to the choir don't think i'm beating up you know it's all those people out there that's who i'm talking about i'm just kidding but uh whatever it is you could take any anything in the word any any condition any word any truth any promise any word that god gives that has a condition on it and and apply it to what i'm talking about when god taps you and says i want you to do this uh you are god's plan he wants to use you when we say no listen to me god moves on our agreement and his plan moves forward with our agreement if we say no now god will give us some time to get that right sometimes but there'll come a time when god will say all right you are no longer my plan i'm moving on to somebody who says yes amen i'm not saying he'll do that overnight how many of it who gives us he gives us space to get these things right space to repent especially if we don't know any better but as time passes and we know what to do we know what to do god's dealt with us what to do and he's dealt with us what to do and he's dealt with us again and in prayer it came up again and it comes up all the time now and it's just constantly we know it but we're not doing it there can come a time god will say all right my spirit will not always strive with man i'm going on to somebody that'll say yes and you might say well that's a relief god let me alone uh-uh no [Music] no you'll give an account yes we will amen give an account amen well thank you for all your enthusiasm the plan we we all have plans for our life i know i had like i got i was a teenager started making plans for my life i had my plans oh yes sir don't you mess them up either don't you get in the way i don't want anybody getting in the way i got plans no sir this is what i want to do and i got this planned out and that planned out except there's something starting you know something started calling to my heart about the call of god that i had i got baptized in the holy ghost and the call that had come when i was about eight years old 10 years old something like that probably more like 8 years old that call came rushing back in what are you going to do with what i said to you back there when you're 8 years old well in order to put that to drown that out i i turned to rebellion trying to drown that out you remember i don't know if you said it here but you might some of you that have heard randall greer preach he said because he was in prison for murder remember he says that publicly i'm not putting him down he thank god he's redeemed but he said he in prison for for murder he said he discovered there were a lot of people in there excuse me an extra high percentage of people in prison men in prison particularly men who were who were who were called to the ministry and he said he discovered why it was because when that when they didn't want to say yes to that call they didn't want to respond to that call in order to try to drown it all out they would sin harder and rebel harder and it got them into more and more trouble and that's what put them in prison they're saying no well how'd that work out for them remember paul god his name was saul on the road to damascus in the new testament he said so it's hard for you to kick against the pricks somebody said no it's hard to serve god no no no what's hard bible said the way of the transgressor is hard that's what's hard you want to get in the easy flow just keep saying yes maybe your mind doesn't understand it all and maybe your mind doesn't even know where this is going to this this agreement this yes is going to take you hey we're on for a ride where we go your mind might not know but just know he's got your best interest at heart and payday always comes it might not come on every friday but payday always comes oh i'm talking to some folk i'm talking to some folks don't kick don't buck don't match wits with god don't act like you know better i got a news flash for you this morning you don't know better father knows best he knows exactly where the good life is remember ephesians and what is that ephesians 2 10 in the amplified taking paths which he has prepared ahead of time living the good life i'll tell you broke days aren't the good life sick days aren't the good life god's got a good life but it happens as we say yes yes i want you to do this oh glad to do it glad to do it yes the flesh says we don't want to and the mind says i don't know where that's going to take me we say shut up yes yes yes listen where you're going you're if you've got it all figured out where you're going let me let me assure you you are not following god's plan because he won't tell you everything all he won't sit you down at 17 years old with his calendar and say all right by the time you're 21 this is what you're going to be doing by the time you're 25 he's not going to do that it's a faith walk [Applause] just the way god is he likes faith he he's going to require you to walk by it it pleases him that when you don't understand what me obeying me what me saying yes to this means when you don't understand it you can trust him and say it please when you can trust him and say i don't know where this is going to take me but i know the one who's taken me there and he's good oh yes hallelujah and all the blessings of god are in that in that in that yes in that agreement a lot of folks they think well you know i'm just not making enough confessions well whatever the lord's saying to you but how about this area right here faith work so god god never gave us faith to uh you know remedy all the effects of disobedience he gave us faith to obey and shut the door to the devil to where he can't get to us faith works a whole lot better in obedience than it does in disobedience thank god we can repent if we've been in disobedience we can repent we can get it right and we can use our faith and we can get things cleaned up that the devil got in and messed up but listen it's a whole lot better and we'll progress a whole lot better in the plan for our lives if we won't use our faith that way but just our faith use our faith to keep saying yes i'm preaching real good this morning whether you're saying amen or not so saul said yes and then he changed it and said no we've seen people do that amen and what are we supposed to do now don't don't talk don't talk don't look at me like i'm being cold just look at what god told samuel to do god said to samuel how long are you going to keep mourning for him seeing i've rejected him he said go fill your horn with oil that's the holy ghost i'm going to send you to somebody as a replacement oh hallelujah you and i might have to learn to do what god told samuel to do stop crying over those who said no come on now amen when somebody we even love somebody dear says no to god's plan that doesn't mean we say no to god's plan and that doesn't mean we sit around and and cry about it we we've got to do what god told samuel here and get full of joy and full of the holy ghost and go anoint somebody to take their place because god's plan is going to get done on the earth [Applause] somebody says that's not my plan like i was as a teenager that's not my plan i got blah blah blah don't talk to me god and uh boy i've been there two times in my life where i wasn't wanting to hear what well i'm talking about big times there's been other times and smaller things i'm talking about the the plan big things like the plan and that i didn't want to do what he said and both times things started going south quick you know what i mean south quick tell your neighbor quick and uh somebody said god did that to teach you no i opened the door to the devil and i had to learn the hard way you've never done that you old sanctimonious sitting up in here been in church all your life and always said yes immediately but pastors had to work out his salvation a few times you know hallelujah god doesn't always lead us to do what the flesh wants to do i'm not doing anything in my life i had plan we've all got listen let's just get a hold of this we've all got our plans but god has a plan an end-time plan and he's looking for laborers he's looking for some people to do some things some do he doesn't do it by himself we're laborers together with god he needs people who say yes they crucify the flesh what they're playing they put their plans on the altar you know what i mean by on the altar ah pastor that's that's old traditional stuff no that's bible putting things on the altar is bible it's called consecration yes sir yes ma'am good old-fashioned consecration not my will but thy will be done it'll get you a long ways down the road all the people trying to get all the blessings with their faith and disobedience you'll be you'll pass them up you won't even see them in your dust just keep saying yes to the plan yes to the plan your faith will work so much better than theirs amen so you can see here where uh when in in king saul's case god didn't change his mind saul put a no on god's yes and god's plan moves forward with the ones who say yes god said to saul you're my choice saul said yes he changed said no god said all right i'm going to find the next person that says yes he went down to david's well jesse's house david's house and anointed david and david said yes but here's the thing david kept saying yes to his whole life this is going to be something you're not going to do one time yes it's going to be something you do for the rest of your life yes lord yes lord i want you to turn the tv off i want you to fast the internet or something like that i want you to take some time to pray i got some things i want to talk to you about yes lord amen well god doesn't talk to me about things like that let me rephrase that for you you're not listening he's talking to me about things like this all the time i'm always checking getting checked getting checked well that's because you're the preacher and you're the what the lord said to me one time this era will come to pass through uh obedient consecrated and believing people he didn't say preachers he said people poke your neighbor and say i know you you're a people hallelujah god needs all hands on deck well i remember whenever i grew up on the farm i was uh i clean up nice but i'm a farm boy at heart i was telling pastor debbie the other day i said we're we're we were driving down the road uh anyway i won't get into all of it but i said we're unique she said what do you mean i said we like luxury rich stuff but we like the country you know we like the woods i like to be alone three days and not grow my or not shave my beard you know what i'm talking about but you put us in a louis vuitton store we're like hey yeah [Music] i'll take one of those i said we're some people don't know how to figure us out but anyway i figured god's in both of them why did i get on that i don't know how i got on that but anyway praise the lord tell your neighbor you might be unique too you know but this era is coming to pass through consecrated this is the way he said it obedient consecrated and believing people when i was when i was uh i know how i got on that now i grew up on the farm you know i clean up nice but i'm just a country boy amen finally god taught me to preach and so i you know i knew when harvest time came don't ask for weekends off to go do something with my friends because when harvest time comes all hands on deck all day and half the night you know what i mean just it's it's everything's about getting the harvest in well guess what season we're in god there's a call there's a call going out he's looking for some people i'm thinking if i what i don't have the reference i got it here somewhere i think it's ezekiel 22 there were certain things happening in the land and god said i sought for a man that stands out to me i hear those words i sought for a man in fact sometimes i hear that in my heart i'm looking for for for people i'm looking for some people his eyes are running to and fro looking for somebody he's looking to use some folks well you say i might not i'm not called to the ministry i didn't say anything about fivefold it might be some some here i know some are called the fivefold but how about just some good faithful church folk that are doers of the word that have their life rather than needing to be constantly let me put it this way uh rather than constantly being a liability i don't i don't try to i'm not trying to say that mean i just mean you're the one always needing something grow up to where you have something that you're always supplying come on now that's called growing up just growing up spiritually just just uh you know having having faith to deal with stuff on your own you know what i'm talking about that's a supply amen hallelujah so uh god's looking he's he's looking for some folk his eyes are running to and fro uh and uh he's looking for end-time laborers remember jesus said the harvest is plenteous the laborers are few he's not just talking about you know preachers he's talking about people to pray in fact that's the next thing he said pray you can labor in this end time by by prayer you can labor in helps minister you can labor in giving you can labor in going you can labor you know preaching and teaching you can labor by sharing jesus with people over the back fence of your yard backyard praise the lord you can labor god calls something you know minister or or well yeah a minister in the area of government amen god needs some sound minded people in government right now it's more than just being saved it's having your mind renewed and you've got and you've got a sound mind to think right about stuff anyway let's look at another case this is isaiah chapter number 16 excuse me isaiah chapter number 38 the story of hezekiah amen well before i go there turn to isaiah 6 isaiah 6. we'll get to 38 i think if you don't take me off track laugh it was supposed to be funny isaiah 6 8 god shows isaiah a vision he said whom shall i send and who will go for us notice that voice must have echo he's in he's seeing a vision if you read the whole vision he's seeing the throne room he's so seeing the glory of god in the throne room he's seeing god's train filling the temple so forth and this voice comes out of the throne whom shall i send and who will go for us so that must that voice must have gone out all through heaven and maybe even through earth probably through earth then said i here am i send me. then you read and god says all right here's what you're going to do notice the message the call went out over the many. but who was chosen the one that said yes huh now i'm not saying everybody's five-fold i'm not saying that at all there is a call remember i'm looking i i mean ezekiel 22. i'm looking for a man not just preachers people to pray if you read that account it was somebody to pray and i'm talking about ezekiel 22. i'm looking for somebody to stand in the gate the gap make up the hedge you know whenever you're you get off work and you you want to do your favorite thing and you got that unction to go pray and you say no or we say no i've said no you know i got something i want to do you know and uh what that is is us not agreeing you know what i'm talking about there have been many times i'm thinking of a situation just happened recently actually i needed to get ready for a service how many of you know ministers ought not just you know walk off the golf course pull set of notes out of the file and go preach they ought to pray seek god be in the presence of god get the mind of god get quiet where the voices of others are quiet down and all you're hearing is the voice of god so forth and so on but anyway i i and so i i live that i there's been a few times i couldn't do that god was merciful you know i remember one time i was preaching at the church one time i got in real late i mean the plane was delayed for hours and i was in real late and i had to get ready i had to go to the hotel change clothes get in the car with the pastor and go to the church and i'm sitting back there and the pastor is one of those chatty you know chatty pastors and i'm thinking i'm humoring him i'm saying yeah that's right you know i'm trying to talk to him but i'm saying in my mind i'm thinking just be quiet i want to pray can you just let me make this back seat a prayer closet because there's another guy in the front seat yeah and but but you know no i said god you know it wasn't because of me that i didn't have time to get quiet in this help me and boy i preached the best sermon i've preached for a long time you know i know when it's good and i know it's not don't you dare say you do too don't you dare no but i so but but anyway so i was i was in a situation where i needed to get ready and the lord i'm trying to i'm trying to get my mind quiet trying to just listen to the lord and get ready for this service and the lord kept prompting me i needed to go call somebody neither i know if i call them it's going to be a long conversation it's like lord you know but i kept getting prompted i kept getting prompted i said lord all right and i went and called him and it was a long conversation but in that conversation something was said that i knew and when it was said the whole sermon that i was to preach just went like this it's like it's like god unrolled it like a like a scroll in front of me and i knew every point i needed to preach i don't know but what i'm saying is when you obey god will take care of everything else god will take care of everything else that's not the way i normally live i get quiet and everything but you know you know there's there's some things that we think have to be a certain way whenever really the way it needs to be is we just obey that's all free i don't even know where that came from anyway who well who will i sin who will go for us then i said here am i send me so the call went out over the many god's looking for some laborers he's looking for somebody that yeah they have their plan but they're willing to say god has a plan and he has a plan and i have a part in it and i've got something to do for god and i'll say yes yes i've said yes to a number of things that after i got into it the lord let me know you weren't the first one you weren't my first choice but because they said no they are not my choice you are now my first choice [Music] we don't know i'm not preaching this as doctrine but i'll just say it we don't know we don't know if mary was the first one an angel appeared to or god dealt with about you know thou art highly favored among women and you know to have to to to receive the mercy the seed of the messiah into her womb we don't know she might not have been the first one you ever thought about that she might not have been the first one not saying that she was yes or that she wasn't but but uh why why don't we have record if there was anybody else why don't we have record because when people say no they're not a part of the plan god moves with who says yes all right isaiah we got to wrap this up isaiah said who will go for us and so forth here am i send me so many our bible says many are called isn't that right many does many mean many is it just you know we've got a church a few hundred uh many means maybe two huh no that wouldn't be many would it many would mean just many of us many of us god's spoken to us so many are called the bible said but few are chosen here's the question who gets chosen those that say yes and then obey isn't that right hallelujah not only are they chosen for god to use they are admitted into the blessings that are only accessible by that by that obedience when we say yes to being used we're also saying yes to all the blessings that are connected to that [Music] suki suki hallelujah and so because isaiah here you know he remember isaiah also was the one in just a few chapters earlier isaiah 1 19 the willing and obedient eat the good of the land isn't that right so those that are saying yes to god's plan they're saying yes to being used just remember this if you keep saying yes god can keep using you if you keep saying no there's always somebody else you know the whole kingdom is not built on me not built on you it's built on divine agreements whoever and listen somebody said boy they're too valuable they're too valuable and they said no god listen there's nobody that god can't use if they say yes amen so don't ever forget that as long as you keep saying yes god can keep using you if you start saying no there's always somebody else i don't want to just be i don't want to be somebody that god can't use how about you so uh there's many things god's already said yes to our lives about but we have to add our agreement it doesn't matter that he said yes okay isaiah 38 have been trying to get there let's wrap this up isaiah 38 is the story we won't if you read the whole chapter you can read the whole the whole chapter gives the account of hezekiah's healing the old testament king hezekiah he had been sick and you know the bible said god sent if you read the chapter you can see all this god said this is isaiah 38 god sent the prophet isaiah to hezekiah and said set your house in order for you're going to die and if you read the whole account which boy it it would be much more we would be much more effective in preaching this if we read the whole account we'll just point out a few things but if you read the whole account you'll find that hezekiah turned his face to the wall you remember that and he prayed and if you read that prayer very carefully there's things in there that you can read right by if you don't if you if you don't read it carefully uh like for example isaiah 38 verse number 20 it says god was ready to save me isaiah 38 we were reading that verse is verse 20. did i get the right verse there god was read in other words the whole time no listen listen god came and told the prophet to tell him set your house in order you're going to die somebody said well then that's god's will you don't know god you don't know god basically god was sending the prophet saying under the circumstances because isaiah said the lord was ready to save me you might say well i don't agree that he was well just look at what happened hezekiah made some adjustments and the prophet didn't even get out of the courtyard god sent him back and said tell him i've seen his tears i've heard his prayer i'm going to add what was it 15 years was god ready to do that the whole time [Music] the fact that he didn't even get out of the courtyard just because isaiah if you read hezekiah's prayer he said he put all his all my sin behind his back in other words in that prayer hezekiah had made some he repented of some things some disobedience we don't know we don't have record of what it was isn't that right somebody said god changed his mind no hezekiah took his no off of god's yes the answer was yes the whole time are you learning anything people say well i don't know what happened god this that that that that situation this person had that problem and so well the answer was heaven's the answer the whole time was yes i mean to the blessings rather than what they're experiencing to you not having to deal with that now i can't always change other people's no but i can change mine isn't that the truth if we could change everybody's no then we'd get saved for everybody this person doesn't want to get saved father i'm going to say yes for them i'm going to pray the prayer for them you can't do that i mean how many of you know the way the lord wait wait god sets things up it's over there in the book of revelation it's close to the end of the book of revelation whosoever wills let him come that's the way god sets it up whoever says yes to my offer come on now that's just the way god rose god is a god god has a will but he also has made us free moral agents he's given us the power of choice we can say yes we can say no i said how long ago was it i said in the service i just said it by inspiration you don't ever want to hear god say never mind you might say i'm off of the hook no you don't know god when he says never mind look at what was happening to king saul when god said never mind actually did happen he was dead within a couple of chapters that mean god did it saul did it isn't that right hallelujah y'all glad you came this morning i had other things i had in mind to preach but the lord kept in with me about this one so take it up with him don't get mad at me take it up with him the lord did you see that verse isaiah 38 20 the lord was ready to save me in other words the whole time even when god said you're going to die he was there the whole time ready for hezekiah to adjust that so that he could save him from dying isn't that an amazing amazing oh man you need to chew on that whatever you've been going through the answer that's not god putting you through all that it's just some area of us needing to agree with god some area of starting to say no to disobedience and yes to obedience hallelujah so it was hezekiah who had shut the door on god's yes by his actions look at the 17th verse let's just wrap this up here isaiah 38 verse number 17. i think this is what i referred to isaiah 38 verse number 17 he said be behold for peace i had great bitterness but thou hast and love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption for thou has cast all my sin behind my back there was something that was blocking god's yes now every person you know without a renewed mind every person that hears that might take it differently and some could take it in condemnation like you know i've got some great sin it's not always this this is just one case if you if there is some disobedience you know it. well i just don't know well you're praying and it keeps popping up lord show me what it keeps popping up lord you push it back down lord how many of you know we know but uh but we we can see here that uh there was things that he had to get removed out of that remove that from that divine yes so what do we know god's plan moves with people that say yes everybody say it out loud yes lord amen that has to be maintained that yes has to be maintained isn't that right and so uh saying yes to god's will will keep us usable it'll keep us in the place where god will keep adding and take us into the next step of his plan sometimes people don't know what they're missing because they said no back here somebody said well god ought to show us and be easier to say yes that wouldn't be faith it wouldn't be faith you got to trust him i don't like it that way well don't don't talk to me i didn't set it up that way god won't force anybody to do anything against their will amen to agree let's wrap this up to agree with god is to cease to struggle with what he said amen to cease to struggle with what he said it means to not accept the devil's no because the devil will say sometimes you can't do that you might as well just give up right now you can't do that don't accept the devil's no where god put a yes don't accept the devil's doubt fear or unbelief amen and don't accept the devil's unwillingness make that verse in first john a part of your confession all the time his commandments are not grievous because the devil will try to when god directs you to do something the devil will try to bring a heaviness on you oh i didn't i didn't want to do that that's going to make me miserable you know what i'm talking about don't look at me and i had sanctimonious throwing a voice you know what i'm talking he wants to bring he wants to put a heaviness on you and and make the will of god grievous his commandments are not grievous it's us that turns them grievous by unwillingness for i wish he'd quit preaching i'm almost done don't you're believing and it's coming to pass just keep on believing amen hallelujah but i don't know what he's saying to me just start with the word just start with what the bible already says that'll get you in the flow of agreement with god and then as you start practicing that he'll start talking to you about the specifics oh glory there's a there's a good nugget for us right there hallelujah are you glad you came this morning hallelujah so that's those specifics will come and uh you might as well just write down job 22 21 because i'm out of time but in the amplified job 22 21 it says agree with god show yourself to be conformed to his will and then great good great not not just a little bit of good great good good good that you got to stop talking about because everybody's going to wonder what are you robbing banks or what are you come on now great good great good will struggle to get to you no it'll just come in obedience things just start coming just start coming i know pastor nancy made a statement we were just out with her you can uh stand with me to your feet we were out with her at her birthday party her big 60th birthday party and uh she uh she uh they gave her i i think the check was 67 000 different churches and and that wasn't even all of it if you add it all up it's way over that because we gave some here that wasn't in that check and other churches gave it more directly and and she said she got up and she said whoa she said all i got to say is it just pays to keep obeying god that's just all i got to say and that's that's the same testimony all of us should have it might look at the beginning when god says do something it might look like it's going to cost you something but just know in the long run it never costs to obey god in the long run it pays [Applause] might not show up by the end of the week but it will show up glory to god poke your neighbor and say all i know it just pays to keep on obeying god and keep on being faithful keep on saying yes and that includes saying no to the flesh doesn't it yeah yeah let me let me just encourage somebody the uh sometimes people say well you know i want to i want to get the word in me but i'm not a reader or you know i want to get the word in me but i i can't pay attention to audios or something like that i don't think god said oh you're exempt from joshua 1 8 because you're a.d.d or you don't like to read can you just do pastor and i pastor davey and i a favor don't let us hear that statement again believe god the bible says proverbs 4 my son attends to my word and you need to start making a confession something like this god wouldn't have me do so or ask me to do something that i can't do god can heal add he can teach you to pay attention see that's that's one of the conditions that's one of the one of the obedience things we're talking about glory to god pastor turn to your neighbor and say he must've been preaching to somebody behind us this morning there's just [Laughter] everybody on the back row there there and we got them this morning lift your hands up father we are so grateful for the truths of your word thank you for what you have planned for all of us we add our agreement to it we raise our hands in surrender and submission in honor to your direction and we say yes to all that you said in your word as we obey it as we walk in the light of it i thank you you take us into all the blessings of god and you're able to use us we say out loud father here we are use us make us a blessing you're looking for laborers we say yes to all that you want us to do [Music] hallelujah therefore we're going from glory to glory more and more usable and more and more of the blessings of god in jesus name hallelujah give god a shout this morning amen amen amen amen here's what i've had to learn to do i've seen this many many times you'll have to learn to do it if you haven't already and that is when others that you love are walking beside you and they just start not wanting to go on they they don't have the convictions that you have and the commitment and you have and the consecration they start getting lacks and they start you know yielding more to the flesh and letting thoughts in that don't belong to them that'll make the the obedience hard and they start you know you want to keep on running and they start slacking behind and you love them and you want them to come along you got to you know and you're praying for them you love them you want them to come on but if they choose to say no you got to get a hold of yourself get a hold of your emotions i'm talking to somebody and say listen if i was at a party and they started drinking strychnine and they offered me strychnine i'm not going to join them just because they're drinking it i'm going on i'm going to live i'm going to live and not die i'm going on with the plan of god you love them but you can't stay loyal to them as far as in their disobedience you have to stay loyal to the one who keeps prompting you the one who's called you amen and let me tell you something god will bring you some more holy ghost filled faith friends amen glory to god
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 241
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ULlVV2vu3vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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