Saved by Grace through Faith

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the book of Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 verse number 9 read for me Romans 5:9 much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him our justification is by his blood not by our effort and because he has justified us by his blood we are saved from the road to calm we are no more waiting for the judgment of God we have already been delivered from that judgment because we have accepted what is dead Barela resurrection has provided for us read verse 10 for me of that romance of the five for is when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of him by the death of his son that is what reconciled us by the death of his son read on much more being reconciled we shall be saved our elevation is by his life our salvation is by his life it's not by something we do it's not by a rule a set of rules and regulation is not a code of conduct is by his life that we are saved read the next verse for me 11 and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atone we have now received the atonement don't you leave us your salvation is for all the love of God is on by ask can I get powerful amen let's look at the scripture here quickly let me do a little reorganization Acts chapter 2 verse 47 sometimes we read it and some people misinterpret it wait for me praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily such as his mission some people conclude that the Lord added to the church that if the Lord doesn't add to the church people will not be saved now by that statement what you're trying to introduce is preclusion meaning there are some people that the Lord will not add and there are some people that the Lord will add now that's that that verse has to be reconstructed so we can understand what that first really see now what it means is it's not that the Lord Himself adds what is what what is supposed to say from the original is the Lord added to the church daily as they were being saved as they were being saved the Lord was adding them to the church as we went for evangelism as we share the message with them as we please forgiveness or fuse to them and they received it and they we are saved the Lord added them to the charge it's not that we sit and unfold our hands and say well the Lord will add no that's very lazy we have the responsibility to go out and preach the gospel to how many creature to every creature meaning everybody ought to hear the message when they hear the message and believe the message that we preach because when we preach the message right the people will believe the message remember the gospel is the power the gospel does not have power the gospel is the power when the gospel is preached and people hear the gospel they receive power they receive faith to be saved nobody has failed to be saved nobody has faith to be saved nobody has faith to be saved the gospel does not demand faith the gospel supplies faith the gospel that we preach does not demand faith it does not say do you have faith to be safe it does not say do you believe in Jesus no the gospel does not demand faith the gospel supplies faith so as we preach the gospel faith is supplied and as a people hear the gospel and receive the supply of faith they believe when they believe they are saved when they are saved the Lord adds them to the charge I don't know from communication at all the Lord added to the church the people as they were being saved that's the way it's supposed to read so the judge grew as people who have been saved how by preaching why because we are Culebra's with God we are Culebra's with God so that rules are preclusion that rules are the fact that there are some people that God wants to be saved and there are those who doesn't want to be saved God wants everybody to be saved the love of God is owned by us if we're together can I keep our Philemon look at Acts chapter 13 verse 48 to 49 another reconstruction acts 13:48 2:14 err wait for me the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to eternal life believe that word ordained to eternal life if it is not carefully translated it will mean that there are some people that have been ordained to eternal life and there are some people that are not ordained so we have to look at that sentence that word very carefully what it should be is the translation the proper translation should be as many as believed we are appointed to eternal eyes as many as believed we are appointed to eternal eyes not ordained as believe believe in was what appointed them to eternal life believed him was what appointed them to eternal life they were not all day as in the sense of in all day it was their belief in the gospel that appointed them to eternal life so reproduce vasami verse 49 49 of Acts 13 and the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region it was published throughout the region meaning nobody is kept out it is for everybody it was published throughout the region and those who believed we are confirmed those who believed were confirmed so it is faith that defies individuals not God it is safe that DFAS individuals not God remember for by grace are you saved so salvation is by grace meaning it is for everybody grace is goes bad in salvation must part in salvation is faith and even their faith is not of yourselves it is the gift of God given to a man at the point where he hears the gospel that faith is the gift of God given to a man when the gospel is preached here is his faith by preaches Kaiba Doga look at look at Galatians of the three look at Galatians of the three verse verse two Galatians three to read for me this only would I learn of you yes receive Jesus spirits by the works of the law or by the bearing of faith by the Corinthian hearing I'm sure something has brought that for you by the hearing of faith received the spirit of adoption receiving the spirit of regeneration receiving the spirit of life in Christ Jesus by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith so faith is hard faith is hard by the hearing of faith Romance of the Tennessee socially aware preacher and how can the preacher preach except they be sent then he now says faith commit now when the preacher who is Saint comes to preach in the process of his preaching faith comment and how does he come by hearing hearing what he are in the message of Christ years ago we used to see that comment by hearing a hearing a hearing and urinal he is explaining that this is how faith comes by hearing then you know explains that what you have to see Alfred a treat to come here in the message of Christ is not here in here it is third calms once you know hearsay twice to be saved usual say it once and once that fate comes and you respond to that faith you are saved you are not said twice you are saved one and there is no progressive salvation salvation is once and for all you don't get born again in a process no Jesus didn't die in a process the same way she died once you are saved once by the hearing of faith faith is hard how is it hard through the gospel which gospel the message of Christ the message of Christ officials to eat Higa Banga officials to eat wheat for me for by grace are ye saved through faith by grace are ye saved through faith readon and that's not of yourself this faith is not of yourself faith is god-given this faith is not of yourself honey so nobody will just say I had faith as one saved nobody can tell about it I love God our tired of sinning so I decided to give my life to God nothing like that you cannot be to lada nobody can come to me except I call him how does he call people because people do the preaching of the gospel when the gospel is preached that is the call of God when faith is supply are you respond to that page you are saved I'm teaching here I'm not talking about the message of Hellfire I'm not talking about motivational speaking nobody can be born again by motivation of speaking no no no nobody can be born again motivational speaking locks that the credibility to pull a man out of hell into heaven enterpreneurship cannot get him a seat what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul enterpreneurs he'll start in charge it's a noble man to gain the whole world but when you gain the whole world is not enough to save you nobody gets born again by hearing business principles nobody gets born again by hearing success bottoms I don't know what is bottom when I shed bought you know what kind of body now this is where some people get angry with us your anger does not shift the position of scripture after your anger you will cool down the scripture remains the scripture nobody how do they get born again believe in your heart confess with your mouth how shall they believe all whom they have not heard how how how is motivational speaking him enterpreneur skills is it him whatever success bottoms whatever well transfer is it here whatever breakthrough oh how can they believe all whom they have not had so what they have to here is a room what they have to here is a room is a room not an it not a formula what they have to hear for salvation is a room not a formula not give the five steps not the zip of hell not the scientific analysis of hellfire what they have to hear to be saved is the message of a whom that's why Galatians Paul speaking to the church argillaceous is a mobile that you are socially moved from him him who him him him whom that they must hear you've got area of you it is a hearing of him that's supplies fate then when faith is supplied you believe when you not believe you are saved teaching good well it's very important it's very in fact this is fundamental by grace through faith what is the grace he was mentioning Jesus died and paid the price with his death that is what we are seeing at Greece the death of Jesus that paid the price that
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 6,406
Rating: 4.8202248 out of 5
Id: lSFdoD437Cg
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Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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