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foreign hey guys I hope you're ready for some extreme decluttering I am going to do some massive decluttering and I'll be sharing with you a room makeover we'll be doing some deep cleaning outside and cleaning up lots of real life messes so let's get ready and let's do this together [Music] [Music] thank you bye Mommy I love you love you kids are gone time to get to work [Music] hello to all of my wonderful YouTube friends how are you doing are you having an okay day I really hope this is a wonderful day for you if not you have tomorrow tomorrow will be better if it's not um if today is a horrible day for you but I hope today is great I hope tomorrow is great I'm feeling pretty good today so I like to front load my weeks with the tasks errands or things that I don't really want to do or that I dread doing I like to get it over with so as my week goes on it gets better and I'm finally feeling good so how are you guys doing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] when I have a lot that I want to do a lot on my mind I like to try to prioritize and make a list I am a huge list maker I have lots of lists on my phone I like to write down what I want to do and I'll be honest with you half of that list I did not get done which is okay because the main goal for this week was to declutter the playroom I'm going to be doing some toy rotation decluttering donating and a little bit of decorating in there oh and organizing so that was the main task and I got that done so I didn't get a lot of the list done but that is okay there is tomorrow there is next week but I was starting out this day so you saw the kids leave Mike was taking the kids out of the house for the day they were gonna go have lots of fun and I was gonna start decluttering our playroom has been driving me crazy ever really since we moved in it just never got properly organized I never properly decluttered everything because we moved if you guys are new here we moved into this house on December 30th so we were packing and moving during the holidays it was kind of hectic I also lost both my grandparents around that time so I just felt like I never properly decluttered so finally I was gonna go in I was setting up aside the time get the kids out of the house so they can't be there to tell me they want something or whatever and I was going to declutter and boy did I declutter [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] well welcome to Jamie's Journey if you are returning thank you for coming back and just making the time to hang out with me I appreciate it because I know your time is precious all of our time is precious so the fact that you're making time to hang out with me I greatly appreciate you and if this is the first time you're coming over to Jamie's Journey welcome this is an amazing Community I think that's my favorite part about it we just have an amazing Community you'll see it in the comment section so feel free to introduce yourself tell me where you're from but every single week you're gonna find lots of hopefully motivating content cleaning organizing um just ways to make life easier that's always my goal I am a wife and a mother to three daughters life is busy life is wonderful and if I can find shortcuts whether it's cooking or cleaning or hacks that's my goal so I would love to have you guys subscribe and come back every week or whenever you can but just know this community is amazing and I would love to have you here thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so I was trying to do a good job to show you the quote-unquote real life messes that goes on in my house if you saw the refrigerator I'm sure you guys saw those clips what was on the refrigerator I don't know what it is um it was just I think it maybe was yogurt but I'm like where one of their hands filled with yogurt and then they touch the refrigerator I don't know what it was but between that and then the patio doors which I'm going to be deep cleaning the patio later on we needed like a little patio refresh and deep clean but that patio door the kids constantly touch it on the inside on the outside then it's also pretty dusty and dirty out there we are in a neighborhood that's a fairly new neighborhood and we are surrounded by houses getting built so there's a lot of dust getting kicked up outside so it was pretty dirty and I love my hand steamer this hand steamer I'll have it linked Below in the description just does such a good job of cleaning any dirt off but also leaving a shine without any streaks I just couldn't believe how good it cleaned those window panes and here so the stainless steel refrigerator and dishwasher was pretty messy and so I had my steamer out I'm like I'm gonna try it on the stainless steel appliances I've never done that before it did a fantastic job on the refrigerator but the dishwasher honestly nothing can get the dishwasher streak free no cleaning product so I like to shine it periodically with baby oil that gets off any watermarks [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] with my little cleaning warm-up that's something that I like to do I just don't like jumping into a big project right away I just number one it's just like with anything you know it's like gotta get your blood pump in you want to get moving and I just like to do like a cleaning pre-workout and this is what I was doing just popping around and doing all of the things that just I felt needed to be done picking up wiping down wiping down the appliances and those window panes to the patio that had been driving me crazy lately so I was doing that and then I was going to go and tackle the playroom so cleaning work or pre-workout super important and not only that but there's nothing more frustrating than tackling a big project maybe you're doing deep cleaning in a room or decluttering a big space and obviously that's exhausting right so then you get done and then you come downstairs like for me I'd come downstairs from the playroom and see this big mess in the kitchen and I would just be frustrated and feel defeated because at that point I'd be tired so I kind of like to get warmed up number one but then also kind of set a clean stage so when I'm done with the big project I can feel good and be like okay that the whole house isn't clean but most of the house is clean [Music] got it [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay so coming in here what I wanted to do was dump all of those bins out I wanted all of the toys out and I was just popping around and kind of grouping like things together so here was my plan A lot of these toys were repeats um or like for example we have a lot of baby dolls right so I was trying to put all the baby doll stuff all the baby doll clothes all of the princess dresses and dress-up clothes all of those in separate piles and then what I was going to do is then hop around to each pile and then properly declutter each pile but I wanted to look at everything first and slowly go through this this was a very tedious project but a lot of this stuff has just been compiled that mop so that's a play mop I picked it up and it was sopping wet I'm like why is the play mop sopping wet I have no idea kids always surprise you with something I felt like it got better as they as they've been getting a little bit older but I still find little surprises but anyways this was a pretty tedious this was the tedious part about all of this but I was going through every little toy you know how kids get all those like little tiny toys from maybe a birthday party or different places you go so lots of little toys a lot of stuff that that had accumulated um this is all toys accumulated from when Avery was a baby there's four years between Twins and Avery and so a lot of this is just piled up from the past eight to nine years so I'm like all right let's get to this and let's declutter and make this space a lot less chaotic foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign so what I was trying to do was as I was going through this I was not only setting things aside that I knew I wanted to keep and putting those in the piles but I was also automatically throwing stuff away stuff that I knew that the kids didn't use or they didn't need I was throwing that stuff away and then I was also creating a donation pile so most of the stuff we're giving away we're donating but of course I was coming across toys that were broken or missing lots of pieces or things like that that I was able just to throw away put in a basket a garbage bag and get rid of and then the other part to this was like for example the girls wear dress-up clothes every single day they play dress up they play house they play school so there is a lot of dress-up clothes but the girls use those every single day that and like their baby doll stuff so what I was going to do with those specifically oh and some of the play food we are getting rid of the play kitchen or we're donating that we're donating the play kitchen but the girls still play with food because they'll they'll play like house or something like that and so with the play food the baby dolls and the dress-up stuff I was going to cut a lot of that in half and then we're gonna do Toy rotation and we have the perfect spot for that I'll show you where we get to keep all of it it's just the perfect spot in here I was using so if you notice those baskets I'm using I'm repurposing baskets that I already had so when we moved there were a lot of baskets that didn't really work in this house or different decorations or organizers I've kept all of those and this is a playroom yes I want it to look nice and you're going to see me add some decorations and curtains and all of that here in a little bit but I'm not trying to spend a lot of money let's repurpose what we have so I was using those linen baskets that we had in a closet in the old house and then some white baskets I know the white baskets really kind of clash a little bit with the linen baskets they make them almost look yellow but I just didn't want to have to go buy more linen baskets just to buy them when I had perfectly good baskets so just trying to make work just trying to work with what I have relax [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so here I was kind of bouncing around and trying to get stuff out of the room just to see it just I guess to give myself some motivation you know when you see that progress you see the room getting cleaned up it kind of motivates you so I was trying to like the stuff that I had piled up that I knew I was either throwing away or donating I'm like let's get it out of here so I was doing that and then just trying to keep the stuff that I'm keeping in this room trying to organize that but let's talk High Point and low point to the week if you guys are new here I'd like to share a high point and low point to my week sometimes it might be more serious sometimes it may be really kind of stupid and like something very basic but just sharing I guess my high and low Point um for the week so the low Point let's start out negative so we can end on a positive low point is I've been having a little trouble running lately and I'm not really sure what it's from so I do lift weights one to two days a week I will say I've kind of fallen off that band bandwagon here for a little bit just because I enjoy running when it's warm out and I know here in the next month or two I'll be inside working out five days a week so I'll start kicking up maybe three three times a week lifting weights but I've been running a lot outside and I've been getting side cramps and you know I know I'm properly hydrated I'm properly fueled with lots of protein and fiber and carbs so I'm not really sure what it is um it has gotten better um I do I'm thinking it might be hormonal um I am getting ready to end my cycle I guess and so I'm wondering if that's what it is it just never happened before during this time of the month so I'm thinking that's what it is because now that the cycle has fully ended um I I don't have that issue but for the past probably week and a half every time I would run I would start running and I would get a side cramp and I had to stop I couldn't even you know power through it's important that I want to listen to my body as well so just having troubles running and I love running it's my therapy just being able to go and not have anyone like I'm not looking at my phone no one is bugging me no one's emailing me texting me I have nothing to do I can just let my mind go and be free and sometimes I come up with my best ideas when I'm running and it's just my me time it's my therapy so I've been kind of missing that but like I said it's been getting better since my cycle ended so I'm thinking it was all just due to that the joys of Womanhood um but yeah it was kind of a bummer there for a while I felt like I couldn't wait to get back to running [Music] and then here so I'm going to go and break all of these down I'm going to save all of these until I organize the whole house because you never know I could repurpose them I was repurposing things in there so I will break these down keep them this is garbage this is donate donating all that and then in here this is a toy rotation and I'm sure some of you guys are gonna be like you still have too many toys which you wouldn't be wrong there but I think one thing to keep in mind and this is something I am keeping in mind is we are stuck inside for six plus months out of the Year we're inside we're cooped up and the twins are only in school three days a week for a couple hours in the morning and you know they get on their tablets they watch movies they watch TV but obviously I want them playing together playing with toys more than I want them being on a screen so um we will probably keep most of these toys and then probably right before maybe right after Christmas I'll go through because I'm sure they'll get some toys um from our family I'll go ahead and then get rid of more as we bring more in but just something to keep in mind um it would be this is just me trying to justify it but if we were in a warmer climate maybe I could justify it but we just we're gonna be inside probably from mid-september to late April early May so it's just something to entertain the kids um thank you [Music] what I'm going to do for the next couple of days I want to get some plastic bins for the toy rotation toys I'm going to rotate get some curtains a curtain rod some wall art some wall decorations and the rug and then I'll show you all of it and we have a really good place for toy rotation when I was in here trying to figure out where I wanted to put the toys um our storage right now in the basement is an absolute disaster like I'll just show you I'll have a clip here I'll show you how bad it is like it's so bad Mike and I it's on our list um I think once we get back to school because you know it's so crazy right now just like getting the kids back to school once they're back to school maybe we'll take a Saturday or Sunday knock that out but it is a mess so I was thinking I don't put the the bins in there but I know eventually a lot of that will go it'll be cleaned up we can put it in there but then I was in here and I was like we kind of have a perfect place and that can remind me because I think I said before one of the main reasons why I didn't do toy rotation before is just because I didn't want something else to have to that I would have to remember but look at this space up here it's above the closet so what I asked I said Mike do you think we have a couple plastic tubs we can put up there out of the way you really can't see it and I mean when I'm in here I'm sure if there's something up there it'll occasionally catch my eye and then I can be like oh perfect we'll pull that down so that's what I'm gonna do so stay tuned we'll finish up this room here in a couple of days some toy rotation so I got these plastic bins from Target I went there the other day we were school shopping for Avery and we are going to pack this stuff up [Music] I don't think I said my high point of the week but the high point of the week is that big brother is back on if you're a big brother Watcher I feel like we're a cult following not a lot of people love big brother but it's something that Mike and I watch together and it's a dedication it's three times a week but it's something that like Takes Me Away from the day-to-day stresses and just lets me focus on just something completely different it's something Mike and I do together and I look forward to it every single year so big brother is the absolute High Point to the week [Music] that I don't wanna let you go so this area could not have been more perfect for toy rotation obviously we don't throw anything else up here so it's just perfect and it helps set a reminder I don't know just so happy to have this little area to put all of the for rotation items and then here I wanted to add some decoration on the wall it was looking at a bunch of different options and I just didn't want to spend a ton of money because this room will eventually be either at a center Emery's room bedroom when they get older and so I didn't want to put a lot of holes or marks in the wall I also just didn't want to spend a lot of money so I got these printouts from Etsy and then I got some really cheap frames from Target I was looking at Michael's and I didn't find anything that I liked and then I found these they were 15 a piece for a frame um at Target and they were perfect just what I was going for all right so I got this rug just because I knew I wanted to add a little bit I wanted to add something here in the middle so I got this rug and I like it but I don't know I'm on the fence I like it but when I put it down I'm not like absolutely yes that looks great but I like it so I guess I'll come to you guys what do you guys think do you think we need this do we not before you answer before you answer so with the twins being four actually Four almost four and a half what I'm kind of envisioning is putting a little table and chairs up here right there in the middle and we can keep some crayons and markers and those type things they're not quite at the age yet where I feel comfortable that I can fully trust them with markers and crayons if I'm not there watching them so typically when they're down when they color or do any type of crafts it's downstairs on the kitchen table I'm always there um do I think they're gonna do anything like color on the walls or color and other things no but we're not 100 out of the woods yet with that um so we're not gonna put a table and chairs up here yet so it's kind of my my vision and I just think it adds a little bit of decoration but also purposeful because a lot of the play will happen here so I'm gonna show you guys some overviews of the room and you can let me know do you like it do you not like it you can give me your opinion I think the other thing with this was that it adds a little bit of color it's a very cool room in here with the white Cube organizers I probably would have went with the wooden ones Walmart make a like a natural wood color one but I'm not gonna buy new Cube organizers just to get the color that I want um so there's a lot of white obviously um a lot of gray the walls are like a beige grayish grayish color so this is my attempt to kind of add a little bit of color warm it up a little bit so this is it probably looks like in person it looks a little tiny bit yellow um like not yellow like a creamy color and these curtains I know on camera probably look white but they are for sure a linen color they are definitely pull a slight like a very very slight beige color so it warms it up a little bit um and I think that kind of all goes with this so you guys let me know what you think yes to the rug note of the rug if you're indifferent you can let me know as well I'm also going to get the girls opinion because this is their room so I'll ask them when they get home so we'll see [Music] things a few things I want to talk to you guys about um ever since we moved in here we haven't wanted to make marks or holes in the wall unless we absolutely have to I think it doesn't matter if you have a new house or not I think that's mostly the goal but even more so I think when you have a brand new house you're afraid to mark it up or make any holes in the walls so what we've been doing when we did the twins room we use these command strips so they're command strips that hang picture frames and so I also plan to use these I'm going to add some family pictures in our basement um but it's just so nice because you can use these you don't have to put holes in the wall and then if you make a mistake or you want to remove them it's okay so we got these I'll have them linked below and then I came across these on Instagram so they are hooks so you can hang a curtain rod but you don't have to drill into the wall so they just stick you can kind of see they just stick there's like it's like similar to a command hook they just um this little part comes off they stick on there and that's what we used up there so it was really easy to hang so if you're like me I don't try I don't use a drill I always have my keys to drill for me um if you're like me or if you just don't want to put holes in your wall or if you're unsure if you're decorating a space and you know it may only be like that for a year or so um get these make it a lot easier so I will have both of these linked below especially because in this room specifically this is going to be either Addison or Emery's room you know I don't know where is the bed gonna go what are how are we going to decorate it this will be one of the girls rooms I don't know I just feel like in this room since we know it's going to be one of the girls rooms I just feel better about not putting a lot of holes in there um because we'll probably decorate it when Addison or Emery moves in here so just another option if you're looking for that all right so our patio needs a little cleanup a little refresh so we did this what we got new furniture and deep cleaned it I think that was in May so now that it's August we had some we have some bird poop on the patio some lines from the doormat um I think everything just needs to be hosed off and wiped down and clean I'm going to shake the rug use my power washer just gonna make this a little bit cleaner [Music] okay so this was another day and I just wanted to do a little patio refresh it was a nice day the girls were kind of having a lazy day inside they were playing school and then they wanted to watch a movie so they were going to have a lazy day inside Mike was it was the weekend so he was home and he was doing stuff in the garage so I'm like all right let's go out and refresh this patio this is our favorite this is one of our favorite Parts about this house when we moved in our old house we lived in a neighborhood we still live in a different neighborhood but this neighborhood we live on the outskirts of the neighborhood we obviously don't have anyone behind us we don't have any neighbors currently next to us so it's just so quiet and then the old neighborhood it was just a very busy neighborhood there was always someone outside you could always you can always just hear stuff and I think that why we love this house so much is because we are in a neighborhood so we get the benefits of having close neighbors buy and safety and other kids for our kids to play with and ride bikes and all of that but we also have no one behind us and it's quiet and so it's just that's how we love sitting out back and I just have felt like the patio was pretty dirty because it's outside we have a lot of dirt getting kicked up they just started building a house um a couple Lots down so a lot of dirt getting kicked up and I just wanted to give it a good cleaning I will have everything linked Below in the description the power washer there was an attachment that helps put soap out on the concrete from the power washer I'll have that I will have the scrub brush and as much of the patio stuff I can have I will have it all linked below I'm done minute for the sky don't let me down but here in a minute after I did this I think it was actually later that night Mike was putting the kids to bed I finished up and then we were gonna sit outside and relax I'll show you what it looks like at night it's one of our favorite things to do one of our favorite things we've been doing this summer just Mike and I after the kids go to bed enjoying our backyard [Music] will you stay with me [Music] foreign so peaceful you guys are new we actually lived in that neighborhood right across the street from this road so it was really close but it was a big neighborhood we had someone probably if you would cut a line halfway in our backyard that's where our neighbor's fence line was and then they had an in-ground pool so we were used to having neighbors there we had neighbors very close to us on each side so it is just so crazy for us to just come out and hear silence or we hear the geese they're very loud they like to squawk but I will take that any day over a house being close to us this is my favorite I'm telling you and then that base the basement this fall I know I'm gonna love that so it's like oh we got our back patio we have our basement it's just this is this is what we wanted this is my favorite favorite part of the house other than the basement foreign
Channel: Jamie's Journey
Views: 135,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, cleaning motivation, relaxing clean with me, clean with me 2023, cleaning motivation 2023, decluttering and organizing, room makeover, room transformation, 2023 cleaning motivation, 2023 clean with me, jamies journey, jamie's journey, homemaking, plan with me, homemaking with me, homemaking motivation, deep clean with me, after dark cleaning motivation, organizing, extreme declutter, closet declutter, cleaning videos
Id: qPoE59_7lAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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