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foreign [Music] hey guys I hope you're ready for three days of super satisfying cleaning I'm going to be doing some decluttering taking apart my cordless vacuum cleaning it entirely deep cleaning my couch dusting cleaning windows doing a lot and you're coming with me give me a thumbs up if you're ready to get moving [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I got this volume on my mind that I can't live without always eyes I'll kill me I think it's talking about everything that I like hey guys welcome to Jamie's journey I am so happy you're here thank you for hanging out with me thank you for making time in your busy schedule to hang out with me we have a lot we're going to be doing today this is going to be spread out over three days this was day one this was after a long weekend and when I say long weekend not necessarily like a long weekend where we had an extra day it was just a long weekend we were at home a lot which typically means there's a lot more messes inside and actually now that it's starting to cool off they'll probably probably be more messes inside just because we'll be cooped up for most of the winter this past weekend we had a bunch of friends over we had kids we had adults we had people over hanging out in the basement to watch the Ohio State and Notre Dame college football game go bucks if you guys watch that game oh it was a nail biter it was I was so nervous so scared um but we had a bunch of kids over so you'll see lots of messes over the next three days I'm just going to be focusing on some deep cleaning tasks and also cleaning up those messes from all of the friends we had over [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so the girls were pretty tired so like I said we were we had friends over for the game the game got over honestly I don't even remember the time it got over probably somewhere between 11 30 and midnight I think it was the latest that all of our kids had ever stayed up especially the twins but they were doing so great running around and having fun so they did like a they did a fashion show during the game like all the girls came down they did like a little fashion show where we all had to vote so it was kind of fun they were upstairs playing they would come down do like little dance routines and fashion shows for us and then they would go back upstairs so it was just kind of fun we have a friend group and it's crazy because they all have girls and so they're all about Avery's age um within um maybe a year or two the twins are by far the youngest but they just kind of tag along so it's kind of nice to like I feel like we're at that point where they can all play together but everybody was so tired this was actually Sunday night and so since everybody was up late I mean I was tired this evening Mike was tired the girls were tired and so I was like okay let's set a timer the timer was more for me because I was like I'm cutting it off at an hour I'm just gonna clean for an hour sometimes I have the idea in my head that I'm only gonna clean for an hour and then I just keep going so I was like nope I'm only cleaning for an hour I'm gonna see what I can get done in an hour and it was also fun because the girls weren't motivated to clean but once I kind of made it like oh let's see how fast we can get it done and they could see it visually there on the iPad it worked for everyone so we got it pretty much all done but it was kind of a fun little game you should definitely give it a try thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] microwave I almost had a hard time saying that I'm a little bit distracted I don't know if you guys can hear it I'm actually doing these voiceovers and in my closet and that shares a wall with Avery's closet and bathroom and Mike is in there right now giving them a bath so they're having a fun bath time I typically I wouldn't typically do it here because I wouldn't want you guys to hear I didn't want that to be distracting but I have dinner plans tomorrow evening so I'm like all right I'm just gonna knock it out tonight so I apologize if you can hear that in the background but what I was doing here was I was cleaning these windows and with my Bissell Steam shot hand steamer then I was also cleaning out the microwave in the best way method that I find as I take white distilled vinegar I put it in a micro microwave safe Bowl put it in there I think I put in for about seven minutes and then when it's done I take it out and I just spray some Dawn power wash and the the combination of the vinegar and the dawn power wash just breaks any you know Grime or Oils or anything that's in there it just wipes up so easily so this is a really good combo vinegar and Dawn and then with all of that heat the vinegar kind of coats the inside of the microwave and then you spray on the Dawn and it's a great Duo oh [Music] foreign [Music] so now that it's the fall typically in the fall and then the springtime is when I tend to shop for new clothes for the year um I'm not a big shopper in general I do most of my shopping online and I just typically buy a few new pieces maybe for the winter for the summer during those Seasons so I've been shopping like I typically shop at Walmart Amazon Target but my two well there's actually there's two boutiques I shop at which like if I want like a cute shirt for date night or to go out or if there's a you know Christmas program and things like that I'll talk about those I just don't get a lot from there because I spend most of my day in you know leggings sweatpants sweatshirts and you know athleisure essentially but I think a lot of people forget about Abercrombie and American Eagle they have so many cute basic teas long long sleeve tees that are good with leggings Abercrombie it can get kind of expensive but both places run good sales so I always watch out for the sales I just ordered some jeans from Abercrombie and a bunch of really really cute sweatshirts so don't forget about those places I always get asked about what stores I shot for my sweatshirts and my you know like Henley t-shirts I love a good Henley I love a good um like quarter zip sweatshirt big oversized sweatshirts I've been getting those from American Eagle and Abercrombie but watch out for the sales but just want to throw that out there thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay you might be confused this was actually filmed a couple of weeks ago so if you notice I don't have my fall decoration when I clean I just clean so I go around and you know typically when each week when I when I when I go to film you know I have in my head the things that I want to do you know I have my cleaning routine for that week and I know you know the basics that I have to do like you know every day or every week it's you know picking up vacuuming mopping that sort of thing but then I also choose a couple deep cleaning tests to tackle that week and so that's just kind of how I do it now occasionally there will be times maybe on a weekend or an evening if I just have free time and I decide I need to do something or maybe like I think this time something had got spilled so I knew I wanted to clean the couch I don't think I've cleaned this since we moved into this new house I don't think so um but occasionally that'll happen and I'm not filming or anything but then I will just film it because I'm like oh I can pop that into a video some other time because you know I don't clean the couch very often so this was from a couple of weeks ago that I'm just kind of popping in here and then after this day you're gonna see me doing more cleaning and that was from this week but I just wanted to put this in there because I think this is a little bit different than your just like everyday cleaning and it's just different so I thought maybe if some of you guys get bored or you don't have time to watch the whole video which I do appreciate if you guys do watch the whole video but I understand you're busy that maybe I would just put in something that's a little bit different so if you guys need to do other things you can do that but I am going to be taking apart my tinco cordless vacuum and completely deep cleaning it like completely taking it apart and deep cleaning it later on in the video so I'm going to be answering some questions you guys asked me so a q a as I fold laundry [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] even if you tried you wouldn't understand it maybe something's missing inside of you you know what let's just get into high point and low point to the week so if you're new to Jamie's journey I like to share a high point and a low point to my week just to create conversation and you know sometimes the lows are very low like last week other weeks like this week it's just pretty like I'd say a pretty basic high point and low Point like nothing too crazy but let's start with the low point we'll end on a high note so the low point of this week is that so I've talked about this before but I've had trouble sleeping I think since I was in grad school so I was in grad school in 2009 I had an assistantship where I worked in in in an inner city high school and then I also got my masters in curriculum and teaching I think just being in grad school and working and all of that I was probably a little stressed and I think that's where some of my sleeping troubles happened and it's just kind of been a roller coaster ever since up and down I go through cycles and knock on wood for probably the past six months I've been sleeping a lot better and I haven't had too many bouts of insomnia which have which has been really nice this week I did have one night where I did not sleep well and usually one night does not affect me at all it's when it starts to be two or three nights but something that I've really noticed as I've gotten older which I know if you're older than me You're gonna laugh and say oh just wait so I know it can only get worse but I notice that when I don't get my sleep I really get down I thankfully do not suffer from you know depression anxiety or anything like that I've had family members that have to help friends and family that have really dealt with it so I'm very thankful that I have not had to deal with that but I would say that when I don't get my sleep I really feel down and not in a way where it like affects my life but if I would say at any point um that I feel down it's when I don't get quality sleep and it's crazy because I think back too when I had babies and especially with twins newborn twins I think your body almost just goes into this um this mode you know and the sleep just doesn't affect you as much maybe then because I just don't remember feeling this way but I'll have a night like one night of getting very little sleep and the next day I just feel blah like I'm tired obviously but I just feel blah there's no other way to describe it and then I get a full night's sleep and I instantly feel feel better but I've just noticed that when I don't get my sleep it dramatically affects my mood I just feel very down and blah but then I'll get a good night's sleep get seven hours um and I feel instantly better so I'm just noticing that sleep is so important more so as I get older relax [Music] ing looking [Music] foreign [Music] okay so before I get to the high point this was another day of cleaning girls were at school so I was just trying to get some stuff done upstairs now really quickly something that I'm going to start doing so I don't know how many of you guys are familiar with ltk like it to know it um but I'm going to start linking all of the products that I use in each video in a link in the video's description and the reason why I want to start doing this is because with the if you go into the ltk app from your phone or on the website it gives you pictures of the cleaning tools because what I've been finding is I you know in my videos I utilize multiple vacuums or multiple hand vacuums and people will be like what hand vacuum is it most people just want the link they don't want like I don't know I just get a lot of comments like what vacuum is this what vacuum is that they're not clicking on the links so I thought it would be easier there will be one link if you go in the video's description it will be at the top and if you click on that link you're going to see all of the items that I'm using in the video and there's going to be pictures so it should be easier to find the links that you want now I will keep like General links in the description um those will always be there but just for the specific items products tools that I'm using in this video it will all be in one link so I just wanted to throw that out there because I think it'll just be a lot easier so you're not like you know if I link if I use like in this video I'm using three different vacuums so you know I just think it'll be easier for people to find the exact tool that they need [Music] thank you [Music] all right let's get to that high point of the week and I was you know thinking about it at dinner I was like okay let's talk about high point of the week we were talking about the girls day at school and all of that at dinner and I was trying to think of what I was going to say and I was like you know what it has been a very uneventful week and I think that whether maybe you're in the stage of life I am with young kids um kids in school homework running from activity to activity um all of that or maybe you're not in that stage of life but you're just busy for many reasons sometimes an uneventful week is a good thing like some days I wake up and each day I have my list of things that I want to accomplish that day but most of the time I don't get through that entire list because stuff always comes up right especially with kids like maybe I had planned on doing something at one point but then Avery had extra homework or we were going to read together or somebody stopped over at the house you know stuff always comes up that shakes up your day or your week and this has just been one of those weeks that every single day everything has gone very well we've had no surprises we've had less activities this week so Avery's in softball she typically has practice two two days a week and then the twins have a soccer game on Saturday but Avery didn't have practice this week she didn't have homework it just is like a low-key week where everything has been going well and sometimes it's just nice to have those weeks and you feel like you can kind of catch your breath and relax a little bit more so I've been catching up on some of my TV shows you know Mike and I have our TV shows that we like watching together and then I have my own shows I started watching Virgin River again the I think is it the third or fourth season but I really like that show that I love my real housewives um I've been watching Orange County and New York trying to think of what else I've been watching but I think those are the only ones oh southern charm on Bravo I'm a big Bravo girl so I've just been catching up I've been relaxing and catching up on some of my favorite TV shows and it's just been a really good uneventful week yeah thank you thank you so I always feel weird saying this um and explaining things that a lot of you guys probably already know but if you're new here you're probably wondering why we don't have a shower curtain in the shower and it's because the layout of this house which we did not choose well we choose we chose this specific floor plan um but we didn't design it or anything it was our Builders floor plan my oldest daughter Avery she has her own bathroom off of her bedroom and then this is a Jack and Jill so this bathroom is connected to the twins bedroom and then another bedroom which that bedroom right now is just the playroom it will eventually be one of Addison or Emery's room and then they will share the Jack and Jill bathroom but right now with the girls being so young they don't all need their their own bathrooms so the twins do use that bathroom like if they have to go potty in the middle of the night or you know brush our teeth and all of that but right now we're not gonna dirty another shower so that's why there's no shower curtain on there I do want to do some decorating in there but it's just not high on my list of things that I I don't know but I'm just keeping it pretty basic right now but I do I would like to add a little bit of sunshine in that bathroom like some rugs and make it a little bit fun for the girls I think I'm just gonna wait until something just really like till I'm like browsing the aisles at Target or Walmart and something like really sticks out [Music] foreign [Music] trying to get your attention you make me nervous [Music] I wasn't brave enough yet just to talk to you [Music] sweaty Palms ain't making it much better something about you feel so special [Music] I am telling you I love this damp duster so it's a Scrub Daddy that's the brand Scrub Daddy damp duster and it's the sponge is actually hard and then you run it under hot water and it gets soft and so you're essentially dusting without chemicals without a cleaner and it just does such a good job I couldn't believe but like I don't know why I was surprised I haven't cleaned these blinds in a long time the blinds are pretty dusty but I just love seeing all of the dust that comes off of them it's just it works way better than just a rag or anything I love the stamp duster even the windowsill like how did that Windows windowsill get so dirty I have no idea but then what I do is so you just use it and then if it gets a lot of dust on it you go you just rinse it under water and you can use it again so it's just it's it's a really really good cleaning tool I use it on baseboards blinds I mean you can essentially use it on anywhere that you have to dust but I don't know if you guys notice but they are building a house next to us so I think I heard at one point it might be maybe a model home I'm not sure but then I I think Mike said that they were gonna go away from that and someone did purchase that house so we will have neighbors I think right now they're saying almost 18 months from start to finish so it'll certainly be a while before we get neighbors um but they did start construction so it's been kind of loud um but I don't know it'll be fun hopefully they have some little girls or girls can have some friends to play with [Music] [Music] so it was time to deep clean this vacuum and this was so long overdue this vacuum I kind of it got really dirty because I think it was in August so sometimes I will use baking soda to deodorize mattress couches and all of that and some had fallen on the ground I think there was too much that had fallen on the ground at some point and I accidentally vacuumed it up and when I did that you have to be careful because if you use baking if you vacuum up baking soda it can clog up your vacuum and So what had happened was some of that I I had kind of cleaned it out I didn't take it apart but I did clean out a little bit but some of like you can see right there I think some of the baking soda had gotten wet some in some areas and then just kind of clumped up in the vacuum and I've been so lazy since then that I have not cleaned this and I've just been using it so it was time to do it and I just had the time today so I just took it apart make sure you take out the filter um I pulled the filter out and I run that under hot water and then all of the other parts if I can run it under water I will if not I take the isopropyl isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth and I just kind of um wipe it all out properly but if you have this vacuum you're just taking it apart essentially you know rinsing the parts that you can underwater wiping them down with a you know this cloth is a dry cloth with some alcohol and then you'll see me get into that that base part here in a minute what I did was I took a penny and you'll see this little circle part right there you stick the penny in there and then it all pops off so essentially if you're cleaning any vacuum you're just going to want to take all of the parts off that you can and then you know remove hair wipe things down with the damp cloth run anything under water that you can go to YouTube and search how to clean my Shark vacuum how to clean my tinko vacuum it might not be your exact model but maybe it can give you some tips or tricks on how to clean your specific brand of vacuum and that's what I do but it's not too bad another tip is to take you'll see me do that here in a minute but I take a butter knife and I wrap a Clorox wipe around it to get into some of the grooves because you'll see I'm going to go in here and I was able to wipe all of that gunk out I know so gross but then there were some areas that I couldn't get to so I took the Clorox wipe wrapped it around a butter knife and then was able to get into those cracks and crevices to get all of the excess gunk out that's such a gross word but it's true [Music] foreign [Music] so I want to tackle this area it is nice to have this area like a designated junk area you know stuff like if we get a paper Avery or the twins bring them a paper on Monday we need it for Thursday it's just kind of nice to set it all right here but what ends up happening is it becomes a drop place for everyone so we have some Halloween decorations we have some socks those are clean Avery had double layered her socks this morning I don't know why um and then they ended up bothering her so she took those off but this just becomes a drop zone for everything um so I find myself frequently coming in here and just doing like a forcing myself to do a five minute declutter [Music] watch the clock [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just what I do when I'm out this is an area that I actually need to go through I'm already starting a list in my head of areas that I need to declutter you know we moved into this house last December and when you move in you kind of just you do your best to organize it in some way but there are areas that you just kind of throw stuff so this is one of those areas and then now that we've been in here almost a year it is time to go through and declutter so I definitely want to go through these cabinets here soon we'll see but stay tuned because I'm going to be answering some questions that you guys asked me doing a little q a when I fold some laundry here in a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] don't mind stopping me now [Music] it's just what I do when a mouse [Music] [Music] all right so I'm just gonna get into some questions that I got and then it will continue into when I'm folding laundry so one question was I would love to see more of your workouts and what you eat I know you do mainly cleaning content but I'm so interested in your health Journey here is my one piece of advice I get asked a lot about the workouts that I do I'm going to tell you I mainly run four to six miles um two to three times a week I have a spin bike that I do spin workouts in if I need like a just a quick 20 minute workout that'll kick my butt and I do Caroline girvin on YouTube it's free she has strength training workouts so I kind of mix those in for about five to six days a week and the key here is not the workouts that I do I think people think that the workouts maybe that I do are superior than you know maybe other workouts or they see my consistent routine and think that the workouts that I do could work for them and here's what I'm going to say my biggest piece of advice if you want to work out find a workout or Fitness program that works for you okay I love to run but I know a lot of people don't my husband hates to run he hates it so if running was what he was forced to do he would not work out six days a week but you know what he does work out six days a week because he does strength training everyone is different everyone has their own preferences and I know life I know life is busy for you I know you don't want to work out because you know what I don't want to work out five to six days a week I mean there are some days I want to work out and other days I don't you have to find a workout program that works for you because it's not the specific workout that will create results it's the consistency and the discipline I have worked out for five to six days a week consistently for years as long as I can remember even throughout pregnancy I never not get in five workouts a week unless I'm sick or something crazy comes up but I always make the time for those workouts so my workouts aren't special I would say it's just the consistency and discipline so running because I love running but you it's the spin workouts and Caroline girvin strength training but you try different things put your you know try there's so many different apps I've tried a lot of different apps and sometimes they work in specific seasons of my life sometimes I'm just feeling like I just want something fun and upbeat and I've used the obey fitness app that's a fun one open fit is a fun app try different apps and find something that works for you because at the end of the day you're only going to see results if you're consistent even if it's walking walk five days a week and you will see results if you're doing nothing so just find a workout routine that works for you and stay consistent another really good question someone wanted to know what was one of the hardest seasons of life that I face that you have faced and how did you overcome it so easily this one is easy this one is going through infertility so if you guys didn't know I have PCOS which was the main cause of infra infertility in my part so I could not get pregnant we could not get pregnant um with our first child I ended up going on Clomid with which is a fertility drug to help me ovulate and that I was able to get pregnant with Avery after three cycles of Clomid between Avery and the twins Mike developed some male infertility so because I had infertility already he had it at that point we had to do IVF we did two rounds and we finally got our Twins and just we started trying to get pregnant with our second it was Avery was a year and a half and the twins weren't born until she was four so those years I mean every single month ever it was charting it was tracking it was scheduling it was being let down every single month like I just can't even begin to tell you how hard it was and um I remember when we made the decision to do IVF and I remember it was a really hard decision because we felt like it's so expensive like should we do this we already have a child you know luckily we had Avery and we're like maybe this is just it for us and it was just so expensive we're like should we do this and once we made the decision I remember telling a friend I almost feel like I'm finally able to come up from underwater and breathe a minute because when you get to IVF everything is on somebody else the doctor is controlling everything you're on a schedule and it was all taken away from me um infertility can be very it's a very emotional mentally draining and emotionally draining process and it's all on you tracking what cycle it is are you ovulating should I do this should I take this should I take this medication and it just gets to be a lot and when you go through through IVF you're just told to take this today do this we're going to control this and I just felt like I was able to let go and have someone take it over and after years of that it was just absolutely draining so definitely one of the hardest times of my life another good question and I'm not going to get through a majority of these so maybe I'll pick up and do it next week or the week after that but someone wanted to know actually it was the same comment someone said what is the best thing about Mike and one thing you guys struggle with so the best thing about Mike is he is the Ying to my yang I have a type A personality I am a go-getter I'm very disciplined I am I can get in my head a lot I overthink things Mike is not at all he is very laid back he is ambitious in his career but he's much more laid back in every other aspect in life and he just does what he needs to do and then he's good he's relaxed and I am go go go if I finish my to-do list I move on to the next list so laid back honestly he's just always like Jamie it's fine I got it I'll take care of it if there's anything he can do to make my life easier he'll do it because sometimes I get like all worked up and he's like it's not that big of a deal I'll do it I'll take care of it so I think for me I just like he's my safe space if I feel overwhelmed I feel frustrated I feel like out of control I can go to him and he calms me and he just says like it's gonna be okay he's one of those those people that it's kind of like when you're a kid you look to your parents that if you go to them and they're scared or they're worried about something that's when you know it's bad and that's how I look at him is he's just he's my calm you know um and he's my rock I've been he's been at my side since we were 15 and I hate to say like we've never had any like serious issues I mean of course we've had some super highs we've had some super lows but in the grand scheme of life there's never been anything like seriously Rocky or anything that seriously tested our relationship and so I just like I trust him with all of my heart and he is just he's my rock now after I just sang Mike's Praises for almost two minutes um the follow-up question to that was what's something that you guys struggle with and I think that's important to talk about because just like any other couple we have our arguments we have our disagreements and I would say the biggest thing that we struggle with like on a day-to-day basis is we approach things differently we operate differently I am a I never procrastinate ever ever I don't work well under pressure I like to work ahead I like to get ahead and Mike is I'm gonna wait till the absolute last minute and that's when he works best and that drives me crazy like if I'm like hey can you do X Y and Z he's like sure then I'm like waiting is he gonna do it is he gonna do it and he's like I promise you I will get it done so he that's just like a small example but we just operate completely just completely differently like you know how some spouses work together maybe in a specific industry Mike and I could never ever work together we've talked about this a million times because he just does not operate like I do we would argue way too much if we ever worked together um I'm also I don't know if you guys would be surprised by this but I am kind of a doom and gloom person I am definitely a glass half empty person and he is a glass half full he's always looking at the positives and I'm like if I'm worried about something I'm like it's just not gonna go right it's gonna go bad and he's the exact opposite so we just approach a lot of things differently now I think that's why we work so well together but I would say just struggling with especially when you're working together like we are a true partnership we work together to raise three kids so when you put two people who are complete opposites you know obviously you're gonna have you know little disagreements or things that you struggle with I would say luckily it's honestly not as bad as it probably should be since we're so we're so different but maybe we just are so different that we just balance each other out um and I guess it works with us but I will answer more questions in an upcoming event we're here we're at the end thank you so much if you're here thank you thanks for sticking around to the end I'm tired I probably look tired I did not sleep well last night I've been sleeping really really well lately I've had sleep problems in the past but I don't think I've had any sleep issues in like it's probably been six months so I've been doing a lot better but I think that I slept really really good I went to bed earlier than normal for whatever reason like the past for like three nights in a row consecutively and I just got lots of sleep and I think last night I just don't think I was like as tired um so I'm tired now I'm sure I'll sleep good tonight um but that's it thank you so much for being here I appreciate you I hope you have a wonderful week and just know you can handle whatever comes your way this week I promise you can okay all right I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Jamie's Journey
Views: 273,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, relaxing clean with me, speed cleaning motivation, clean with me 2023, speed clean with me, 2023 clean with me, after dark clean with me, extreme clean with me 2023, homemaking motivation, 2023 cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation 2023, homemaking, jamie's journey, jamies journey, plan with me, after dark cleaning motivation, homemaking with me, deep cleaning, cleaning routine, after dark clean with me 2023, real life clean with me, fall clean with me
Id: HInI9FS7Dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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