The SECRET for Instant Cleaning Motivation! πŸ™Œ πŸ’ͺ😍

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in today's video i'm going to show you how to instantly feel motivated and actually excited to clean your house this secret actually works you might be skeptical but i'm going to prove it to you i do this all the time but i don't always share it with you because truth be told it's embarrassing but i'm putting myself out there because i love you and because this works i learned this secret from a tony robbins event that i went to a few months ago i did not pay for this event because it's bonk-a-donks amounts of money it was a free invite that i got from a friend so i went to this event and this is the best thing i learned i'm saving you a butt ton of money this is it this is the secret three s's to getting instantly motivated and the first is state it's changing your state and what that means is changing your state of mind like feeling energized we're gonna do this weird thing right now i need you to stand up i know this is why i don't share it with you because it's embarrassing but i need you to stand up wherever you're watching this and actually give this a try there's science behind it but changing your state means that you're physically feeling and making the motions that you would feel if you were excited about what you were doing were faking it so imagine for a second i came into your home and completely cleaned and organized everything what would you feel like how would your body react you'd be like maybe you do jumping jacks some people clap some people make the motions with their body that they feel when they're excited so like can we fist pump can we finger guns i don't know we're doing something we're bouncing on our toes even if you're just clapping your hands when i do this i instantly feel motivated and excited to clean my house anytime i look at a sink full of dirty dishes or laundry piled on the floor i feel defeated like my energy gets sucked down and then i definitely don't feel like doing anything we don't do things or want to do things if we're not feeling excited about it but we can trick our bodies and there was like a bunch of sciency reasons and i glossed over that part and i tuned out but basically your body and your brain don't know the difference so if you're like wooing with your body your brain starts sending you chemicals that you would feel if you were genuinely excited about something if you were genuinely motivated so we can fake our brain into thinking we want to clean the house i hope you're doing it do some like ruining motions right now and the second part the second trick is story and this is something that we tell ourselves often ugh i have to clean the kitchen i don't want to do the dishes because the truth is we don't really want to do the dishes but we can instantly change this a little bit by saying i get to have a clean kitchen i deserve to have a kitchen that has no dirty dishes in the sink i deserve to have a house that doesn't look like a hot mess sandwich i deserve a clean house i want you to say that i want you to say i deserve a clean house i'm gonna give myself a clean house and you have to say it out loud which again is a little bit embarrassing but nobody's seeing you i'm doing this in front of you i can't see you i know it's embarrassing i know it feels uncomfortable but this works okay it does it works you're changing your state you're changing your story you're tricking your brain and the next thing you know you're doing the dishes and you feel happy about it i don't know man it sounds crazy but don't knock it till you try it so i hope you're up right now i hope you're like wooing a little bit and i want you to change your story i deserve a bedroom that feels like an oasis i want you to make your bed i'm gonna make my bed because i deserve it let's move to the bedroom can you bring me with you do you have a phone or a tablet the point is wherever you are i want you to get up i want you to feel excitement fake the excitement and fake a new story because you're gonna feel it working and you're gonna actually want to clean your house and the last part the last trick is strategy and that means actually having a plan and this is simple as printing off a cleaning checklist and checking it off and we always think that it's the plan that's going to get us there the strategy if only i could find the perfect cleaning schedule or if only i had the perfect step-by-step solution but that's the least important part if we're in state if we're like feeling excited and if we know we can do this and we want to do this we don't need a plan we don't need a strategy but that does help so when you combine these three things the state the story and the strategy you can feel motivated to do anything even scrub a toilet my friends i promise you this works my house is a disaster right now i'm faking excitement to clean it and i'm gonna get there and i'm hoping you're doing the same thing so we're gonna clean together right now i want you to look around your home pick something that you wanna do that you deserve to have done something small a clean counter wipe your bathroom a sparkly toilet whatever it is let's get up let's start fist pumping let's do some jumping jacks and let's tell ourselves enough is enough i deserve this this is a gift to myself because i'm gonna feel amazing when i'm done you feel motivated let's do this [Music] [Music] let me know in the comments below if you actually got up if you did a little whoo if you clapped your hands if you actually tidied something or if you passively watch this video i'm not judging i'm just curious because i know this can be uncomfortable i remember the first time doing this at this tony robbins event i was mortified it felt like i was in a zumba class you know where you're just like i don't want to do this i feel uncomfortable but it worked it worked so i'm curious let me know in the comments below if you felt motivated if you got up and actually used your body and used your words to trick your brain i also want to let you know that i'm launching a 30-day organizing bootcamp that uses these strategies today it starts today i'm so nervous but i'm gonna put the link in the description so you can learn more about it where i walk you through every single space in your home and i up your energy i put you in state we change your story and i give you a strategy for success it's if this was cringy for you you probably don't want the boot camp but if you feel motivated and you want more check out the link below and thanks so much for watching i hope you liked and i'll see you guys next time thank you guys so much for those of you who have stayed to the end we have a bearded dragon named daenerys targaryen because she's a bearded dragon and i love you know game of thrones but that's not the point the point is she's a lot like her mom and that she likes junk food only she's supposed to eat fruits and vegetables and healthy lettuce but she likes the meat okay so she likes worms but i'm having a hard time finding them right now so i bought her crickets i came home with like a big bag of crickets i asked for a dozen they gave me three dozen 36 crickets i didn't know where to put them so i just dumped the whole bag in her cage and they're like crawling all over her it's crickets everywhere the next day there's none left in her cage and i'm like she ate them all you do you danny i get the binging on junk food but then we started finding them all over our house there's a crack in the back of her tank and all of the crickets climbed out so every day we're just like there's not only do we hear them at night chirping which is so annoying but they're like the dog's trying to eat them he's rolling on them there's crickets in the bathroom there's crickets in the basement there's crickets in the kitchen there's crickets in the living room we're watching stranger things last night there's crickets hopping around there's just it's in an infestation that i purchased i purchased these crickets and they're all over my house so i don't know what we do about this i feel like almost letting her loose to catch them but she's also like her mother and that she's very lazy and hardly moves so i think she wouldn't run for them i don't know what we're gonna do i guess we're just the cricket house now anyways i thought i'd share with you thanks so much for watching and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 311,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, cleaning hacks, cleaning motivation, how to get motivated, motivation hacks, motivation, motivational video, tony robbins motivation, cleaning routine, clean with me, cleaning motivation 2022, how to want to clean, how to want to clean house, how to get motivated to clean, how to clean when depressed, how to clean when overwhelmed, 10 minute cleaning motivation, motivation to clean, do it on a dime, What I never told you ❀️
Id: e20baZQYbps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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