How to CLEAN a CLUTTERED House when OVERWHELMED - Part one

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hey friends welcome to another video we are going to be doing part one of my deep clean with me this is going to give you a ton of cleaning motivation this house is an absolute disaster it is trashed it is messy and we are going to take care of it today so I hope you guys are ready to get a ton done let's go [Music] [Music] I feel like there are two types of people you have one set of people that are really on top of things where they pull something out they put it away then you have another group of people that pull things out and it doesn't go back and a lot of mess and clutter may not really bother people but for me I'm kind of in the middle let me know where you're at in that scenario I'm in the middle because sometimes I do pull things out and don't put them up and sometimes I do put my things away right away we've got a lot of people in this house and a lot of people pull things out and don't put it away and I am a huge culprit in that I will be completely transparent I do teach my kids to clean up after themselves but they are also kids and if I'm not on top of them every single time sometimes it doesn't happen and I need the same sort of accountability to be honest with you especially when my mind gets cluttered and there's just a lot going on my house is the first thing to take a back seat so today I finally woke up and I realized I cannot live like this for what has happened and how did it get this way so I spent the entire day deep cleaning my home now this is part one because the video is actually so long because I did so much that I had to cut it into two videos So today we're going to be doing the first few spaces you'll see full Transformations befores and afters of how I'm going to get this house back in order so I can have more of a peaceful mind and home [Music] foreign [Music] the first thing I needed to do because it all seemed so very very overwhelming was just grab trash bags I'd recommend you do the same get yourself some trash bags some empty boxes baskets whatever you've got and if it's overwhelming just start with a small pile a small drawer a small task the goal here is creating momentum especially if this is something you've been putting off for quite some time you want to create that momentum and even if you have to set a timer for five minutes or play your favorite song or listen to a book this will really help just get you focused on what you have to do you want to take the guesswork out of it so just go through it quickly and like I've always said it's just get the trash first and then the next thing is anything that you don't want or you want to donate go ahead and put it in the other bag [Music] a feeling completely thinking about you be part of consistently think about you I know you're keeping secrets [Music] something different and I can't help this feeling I think I like it [Music] [Music] you're a mystery history [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because so tackling this bathroom has been on my to-do list in my mind for the longest time when I'm in here I see all of the things that need done taking out the trash doing the mirror the baseboards and I just as soon as I leave it is all out of my mind so this is a little tip that I have started to do once again and I wanted to share it with you all I will if I have my phone on me which generally I do not bring it in the restroom if I have it on there I'll just make a note right there and or if I am you know I have my Apple watch I will say text Chris and I will make them a note I will leave a little you know take out trash do this that and the other and he'll be like what and I'm saying I'm making mental notes and he already knows so that is really helpful also Post-it notes when I worked Post-it notes for my best friend and still to this day I love them so so much so wherever you have deep thought wherever that's relevant for you whether it's the restroom your room kitchen laundry room wherever that is relevant for you have a stack of Post-it notes and a pin or marker and leave notes there is nothing wrong with it while you're washing your hands in the restroom and you're still thinking go ahead and remember to put a Post-It note up or we often keep dry erase markers in our bathroom and Chris will leave scripture and verses up there like to-do lists things that are on our mind to do and that is also really awesome because you can just use some Windex and wipe it all down or use your finger and cross things out so a dry erase marker Works beautifully on these mirrors and helps you remember the things that you need to do [Music] the Sun [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I used to post a lot more cleaning videos on my channel and I haven't in quite some time and it feels really good to get back to doing that I also wanted to leave another tip that when it comes to cleaning having a little cleaning caddy in each bathroom really helps out a lot so when you're in the mood to clean you can just do it you see something anywhere just pick up a Lysol wipe or clean the toilet because I know that if I have to walk all the way into another room to go get those items to clean this area it won't happen I'll forget so if you can get yourself a little caddy you can go to the Dollar Tree they have a lot of really great things and great supplies too so just fill up your caddy for a couple of dollars probably five bucks and have one in each bathroom and it really will help you stay on top of your cleaning routine [Music] I'm using my Robo Rock The Wet Vac all over the floor to pick up any of the things in here like it's a vacuum and it works so well getting any debris off the floor while mopping now obviously this is sped up quite a bit but I go over this pretty slow I like having this on hand because it's one of those things let me just tell you you do not need it but it was one of those things that I just could not stand how nasty and sticky my fours were and I didn't want to pull the mop out every night so I got it and we use it regularly I like being able to have this now I don't think anything can replace a good old-fashioned broom and mop or hands and knees scrubbing I think that's the best but we don't always have time for that so to do a light pickup if things get spilled in the kitchen or the bathroom I love having that on hand again you don't need it but it can definitely make your life easier if you find yourself wanting to mop often but not wanting to go through the hassle pulling the mop out now I love my mop I have a permanent Link in my description box for this mop this is a small business family owned business and I saw him advertising on Tick Tock and I just I appreciated what he was doing so much he was so determined and so genuine that I had to have his product I wanted to help I just wanted to to help purchase from uh his business because it was straight to his family and I have absolutely been in love with this mop ever since it has far exceeded my expectations and it is more durable it's got an extending handle it comes with attachments and now it has a new bucket with different reservoirs for the water so the dirty and the clean water never have to mix it is incredible and so if you want to support a small business but you want to actually have in my opinion this is my opinion um the best spin mop on the market you've got to check this out [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] ing all at once but on this particular day Emma's babysitter came over and I decided to just really utilize this time not only that and I don't know if it was a little gloomy outside it was starting to rain this was the day before the hurricane a couple of weeks back but when I woke up today and I walked into the kitchen I looked around and I or could not believe the state of my house and I'm being honest when I tell you that I just in that moment it was like a realization and I thought how did I let this get this way and I immediately started with the negative self-talk and how could you do this what kind of mom are you and I just started going through all of this and then I said no stop instead of using all of the shame or guilt or whatever negative negativity I was saying to myself I wanted to take that same energy and put it into making a change I am learning that you can't change what has been done but you can move forward and make a change so on this day like I said it was like I was seeing it all for the first time and I really didn't have a ton of energy but I was digging in deep to wanting to change the way I was feeling in that moment but in that guilt it was a lot of guilt a lot of Shame a lot of embarrassment and I truly feel like I had just been blind to the mess into the Clutter and I've talked about this and you see on the screen it says what is color blindness clutter blindness the term used to describe the inability to see clutter and it goes on you can read that there but I actually Googled it and it's true it's your brain's way of adapting to your surroundings in the same sense have you ever heard of being nose blind many people don't know what their homes May smell like of good or bad because we're used to it we're accustomed to it so does the same thing with the state of your home so if you're looking around and you're thinking I don't know how it got this way I want you to know that it is true it's not just me it is a strange phenomenon on the adaptation of our brain to the area that we are in and it happens to most people so if you're feeling stuck in that state it's never too late to get started and you don't have to take on everything it can some people can do it very quickly and for some people it can really genuinely take years and years to go through their entire house and declutter things and get a good cleaning routine that they feel comfortable with and so they can keep up with it so that is my goal since I've done this cleaning this was a couple of weeks ago I have been able to stay on top of it I needed to do this deep clean not only for my home but for myself and I have felt really proud of myself I have felt lighter in the sense um just physically mentally spiritually I have felt lighter I have felt just the weight lifted off and I really feel like if you take this opportunity to just tackle a space in your house you will understand that feeling that I'm talking about it's really good and I love it and I had forgotten what that felt like I was so overwhelmed with everything around me everything going on in my mind everything going on around me that I just didn't feel like I could do it it was like I was literally not only blind to it but I was paralyzed when I would have a moment like oh I need to get things done I would walk out and I'm like oh no or I would get interrupted and I felt defeated but you really have to work hard you have to be absolutely intentional with working hard and pass through push through those emotions because most of us don't get unlimited time to clean or be creative or to do to do the things that we really want to do but if we allow the frustration of being interrupted or feeling overwhelmed to keep hitting us we'll never get anything done foreign [Music] I've seen a couple of questions about my vacuums this is the Kirby we purchased it about a year or so ago and it is a beast but it will last probably a hundred years and it works better than anything I've ever used um I love the way it refreshes the fibers on the carpet and it really makes the room feel just night and day difference clean lighter fresher also I feel like it makes the rugs feel cleaner so this thing has a lot of things that it can do it can do windows it can do carpet cleaning it can it's actually kind of crazy all the stuff that it can do however it is a beast and she is very heavy and the back of it broke to where it doesn't lock in place so trying to carry it all over the house has been difficult so if you see me using another vacuum that is the shark and I like that one because it gets under you know the beds and you know low-lying Furniture so a handheld one is the shark and this one is the curvy [Music] you don't have to be ready [Music] can do whatever you like you don't have to leave [Music] it you gotta go get it for yourself [Music] tears [Music] there's many ways to be happy we can do whatever you like you don't have to be ready [Music] you don't have to leave [Music] [Music] I like you you are like me when Chris came home he had to go do a quick service call again this was right before the hurricane so the kiddos were home and he had to do a service call and Drew was at work he was coming home shortly and they don't call off work generally until it's pretty close but schools will go ahead and cancel as a precautionary measure but when he walked in after I had cleaned the kitchen which you'll see shortly his face was like whoa he looked at me and he kind of looked around and he had a grin on his face and he's like how we doing and I don't know it just felt I just felt really happy that you know a of course he noticed he always notices things like that um but I felt proud of myself and I felt like he was proud of me and that really just spoke to my heart in that moment as a mom I feel like we can often feel kind of invisible and I shared a message my son had sent me last week on Instagram where he just said hey Mom I just want to let you know how proud of you I am for getting up and going to the gym in the morning and trying to keep the house clean even though the boys mess it up but I just want you to know how much I love you and I'm proud of you and oh my gosh he goes to work my oldest he's 18. he goes to work about six o'clock in the morning um and so when I saw that I woke up to that it just made me feel incredible very thankful for that sweet message he he chose to send me and I had told him I said you know as a mom I just sometimes feel invisible and like nobody notices um they don't people notice if you don't make dinner but they don't talk about how good your dinner is or they notice if you haven't unloaded the dishwasher they don't notice you know that you did unload the dishwasher or you know just things like that and that's normal I think most of us feel like that from time to time it's not every day by any means but when Chris came home and he noticed and he appreciated it really spoke to me and I was just really excited and thankful that he did and it has felt really really good to stay on top of it and I also realized that you know it is easier to function be creative be kind be all of those things in a clean and organized space it is for me at least I can't speak for everyone but it is for me and I've noticed even for my children when it comes to the house or their bedrooms especially especially their rooms my kids do better with less stuff and so do I and we do better with clean spaces cleared off countertops made beds clothes put away and so for some people that really doesn't bother and so if you're someone that have it you're a maximalist and have in stuff everywhere doesn't even phase you please do not feel that I am here trying to shame or make anyone feel bad I am simply coming with my own experiences I am coming with my own realizations about my life and my home and my family so I don't ever want to come here and you feel like well we have stuff everywhere and I like it that way promise you I am coming here with a genuine heart of compassion and love and understanding and Grace because I I want that for myself as well but if if you don't clean like me or you or do you do well in a home with a lot of things everywhere that's okay I want to celebrate that for you I my goal here and the whole point I started this channel was for no one to feel alone I just wanted to be here for someone because I know what it feels like and I have learned a lot about myself and my family and about why I have gravitated towards cleaning and decluttering and organizing my whole life and I just feel like it's necessary to share that so that's why I'm on this platform I am never ever here to make anyone feel less than or shameful or guilty please don't ever take any of my words like that because I can promise you that's never my intention and if it has ever come off like I know it all or you know you should feel bad about yourself if your house doesn't look like mine or you need to get rid of things that you love if I have ever come off like that I just want to take a moment and sincerely say I'm sorry that was never my intention and I'm not saying that I have to somebody I'm just saying there are many people who watch this these videos and if that has ever come up in your heart I just want you to know that's not my intention I come here with love and I make it very known that all are welcome I'm just sharing my own experiences and what works for you hoping that I can help you because I genuinely care about you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music] thank you let me tell you another little thing that I have learned in my house if there is countertop it will have something on it more times than not it becomes a catch-all another thing I've learned if I have a designated bins for things like I got this little container here for mail it gets filled with so many other things I just will put things in there to get them off the countertop and then it gets over it overflows then I put it in the AKA junk drawer so I'm learning that if I don't just put things in their rightful place and I just have a place to like put stuff like mail put stuff I it will accumulate accumulate so much more again like I've talked about and so many people have talked about that clutter's a magnet and even good clutter is a magnet so even if you've got a nice little vignette on your countertop for your K-Cups and your coffee or your whatever don't you notice that more times than not more stuff will accumulate there it'll be a spoon that you use that morning or maybe an old K-Cup or a pod or the creamer sits there it's just like why does it happen like that so one of the things that I have been really working on and being diligent with is well I moved that mail holder first off and it leaves that area open right now I've got fall Decor on there if you saw my last week's video you know that but if I move it where it's not so accessible less things get piled in there and windmill comes out and say there's a bill or there's something that I need I will address it right then and there instead of it going into that slot because a I generally won't remember what to do and like I had said other things will just get shoved in there so I don't know that's just what I've learned for me it's it's not buying more bins to organize is not buying more things to put things it's just get rid of those things to address those things to have homes for those things don't buy more bins for those things [Music] [Music] [Music] on my way [Music] a really quick and easy way to make your kitchen feel so much cleaner and bigger is just take everything off of the refrigerator I like to have things here like you saw the the little acrylic boards and calendars pictures and whatnot but I like having this really clean too it makes the kitchen feel so much more open and cleaner so that is a tip you could also get a bulletin board or like a cork board for maybe the side of the cabinets use some command strips that's what I'm thinking about doing or have a little Command Center somewhere else that's not as noticeable because when this is cleaned off and it's clean the kitchen just feels fresher even with a sink full of dishes I encourage you to try it thank you so when I did this cleaning I did an all-day cleaning I had so many hours of the day I think when I looked at my watch I'll see if I can try to find the clip where I took a picture of my watch I think it was almost 10 000 steps just by cleaning the house it was literally all day and I got about almost four hours of footage and I'm not I I had to speed it up so much to be able to get um to make it into a decent size of video but I didn't want it to be an hour and a half long so what I've decided to do is go ahead and make a part two so I usually won't post on Tuesdays generally I've been sticking to the Thursday at noon um as long as YouTube cooperates properly sometimes it takes a really long time to upload so I've decided to go ahead and stop this video here and I'm going to do a part two for Tuesday at noon so go ahead and mark your calendars go ahead hit that subscribe button if you are new I'd love for you to consider subscribing and joining my online community here where we just love on each other and encourage each other wherever you are at and we're going to have that bonus video for Tuesday and you'll get another full long video of cleaning motivation where we're just going to tackle this home and get it back to where it needs to be and then the following Thursday we will have a declutter and organized video of just tackling some more spaces the kids room the linen closets things like that so thank you all for so much for being here I didn't really intend for it to stop here but now I'm already at 32 minutes and I'm realizing there's no way this is going to be another hour and a half long so we're going to stop but just I just want you to know how much I love you and I appreciate you and I'm thankful for you if you want to be notified hit that notification Bell and you'll be notified when the new video is up I cannot wait to see you on the next one I hope you have a wonderful week and I love you more than you know you are loved you are worthy and this world is a better place because of you see you soon bye friends [Music] foreign
Channel: Lynn White
Views: 181,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messy house, messy house clean with me, how to clean a cluttered house, how to clean a messy house fast, clean with me 2023, cleaning motivation 2023, whole house clean with me, 2023 clean with me, clean with me, cleaning motivation, new clean with me, all day clean with me, speed clean with me, deep clean with me, extreme clean with me, 2023 cleaning motivation, speed cleaning motivation, homemaking motivation, homemaking, Extreme clean with me 2023, lynn white
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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