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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and hello if you are new today i'm sharing with you an extreme the most extreme ever clean with me marathon so you are going to get cleaning motivation for your entire house and what i'm going to be doing is sharing some of the top cleaning products the top cleaning hacks all of the products i use to make cleaning easier and more fun for me i'll be sharing cleaning hacks that will make your life and cleaning easier and i'm going to be cleaning outside inside deep cleaning all over the bottom so you're going to see me declutter organize purge deep clean organize my refrigerator organize my bathroom and then see a complete room transformation i haven't put up a marathon video in a while but the idea behind it is i can put some of my best content that will show you all of the best products and cleaning methods so you can have it all in one place so put this video on your tv on your tablet your phone let's listen to some good music and get our houses clean i'm currently planning some really fun christmas content so stay tuned for that in the new year so i cannot wait for you guys to see all of those videos so make sure you're subscribed and have the notifications turned on because we have a lot coming out here on my channel i hope you all you all have a wonderful day and get a lot of cleaning done oh and enjoy some of the throwback clips of my kids i kind of miss those squishy baby faces hey friends today i want you to get ready for some extreme deep cleaning this is an extreme whole house clean with me that took me all day long to complete and when i say this is going to be extreme it's pretty extreme you're going to see me clean my whole house inside as well as go outside and get things done out there i deep cleaned windows from the outside we got rid of leaves and dirt we transform parts of our patio and yard so get ready for some major cleaning motivation and give me a thumbs up if you're ready to get moving and get things done [Music] i had a full day ahead of me doing a lot of deep cleaning and to be honest with you i was kind of excited because i was going to be able to go outside and clean you know i spend so much time cleaning inside and i don't go outside and clean very often so i was kind of excited to try something new but i wanted to get started by starting a load of laundry just so i know that that would be going while i was cleaning everything else i wanted to make our bed and then pick up the kitchen in the living room just kind of do basic things like picking things up off of the floor and the countertops putting things away before i went outside and started some major super deep cleaning but now it's so hard to breathe [Music] i can see it in your eyes if you have never been to my channel before and you're new i am jamie i'll go ahead and introduce myself i am married to my high school sweetheart mike and we have three daughters we have a five-year-old and two one-year-old twin girls and if you choose to subscribe you will get weekly motivation here on my channel i am here for you and i'm going to help you little by little get things done cleaning organization routines mom life all of that i am here to help motivate you whatever it is we are going to get things done together we're going to do it little by little i would love to have you subscribe so think about hitting that red subscribe button and make sure you turn on the notifications so you get notified of every video that i put out here on my channel and if you're new make sure you say hi to me in the comment section and even if you're not new you know i love it when you guys say hi and let me know where you're from i love seeing all of the responses of where people live it's kind of like our own little map in our community but if you guys are new here and you want to get to know me a little bit more on a personal level i will have a get to know me playlist in the in the um description that you can go and it has some of my top videos like when we brought the girls home from the nicu they were in the hospital for a little bit my birth vlog all of those fun personal videos so if you want to get to know me a little bit better i will have that playlist linked in the description what do you do to me you make it hard to [Music] breathe [Music] no one's gonna steal [Music] oh and make sure you stick around because not only am i going to be cleaning the outdoor windows in the front and the back of the house we recently bought a power washer so you're going to see me do some super super satisfying cleaning outside i used the power washer to clean off our back patio deep clean our patio rug and then the best the twins had spaghetti for lunch and they have super white high chairs and they were a mess so i took those babies outside not the actual babies the babies of the high chairs you guys know what i mean and i power washed them so it was amazing and satisfying all at the same time so stick around because we have a lot of fun and satisfying cleaning coming up [Music] leave everyone behind you're [Music] think [Music] all of this cleaning was getting done between the craziness of the day so taking care of the kids a lot of juggling going on during these long days but i have a great support system mike is we work as a team so he was watching the kids while i was doing a lot of the cleaning you'll see him in some of the clips throughout today but he was helping me with different things while the twins were napping avery kind of does her own thing being that she's five she can play or do activities but we truly work together as a team and i wanted to go outside and clean the outdoor windows and i got this new tool back in the spring i believe from lowe's but they have them at pretty much any home improvement store and it has a little sponge on one end and then if you flip it over there's a squeegee on the other side so it makes cleaning windows really fun and super easy and simple so what i basically do is just put some water with some dawn dish soap in a bucket and get to work i guess this is better you win sometimes lose sometimes no need to apologize it was the distance we had between us it broke us down in disguise no need to apologize but i can help that i miss you now and i need to reminisce [Music] i can't help that i miss you now something that you can't see here on video but it was so so so hot this day the heat index which if you're not familiar with what a heat index is it combines the actual temperature outside with the humidity that we have here in ohio and it was well over a hundred this day so it was like a wet and thick heat because it was pretty humid and i was sweating but it kind of makes me laugh because the last time i did this back in the spring for my spring cleaning it was so cold that i had to keep coming inside and then back outside i had to keep coming inside because it was so cold and my hands were freezing from using the water outside and then now today it's so hot that i had to keep coming in and taking breaks in the air conditioning because it was so hot like two separate extremes i can't help that i miss you now [Music] i can't help that i miss you now the temperature like where you're at right now is it hot is it cold what season are you in is it comfortable rainy let me know we've had a long stretch of super hot heat it's been record breaking heat lately here so let me know [Music] oh [Music] whoa i don't know if you guys can see oh that's sweat super hot and humid humid today um i am burning up so we're supposed to have a heat index of well over 100 today and it is hot out there i am dripping sweat um so what i'm going to do because we were going to do some other things outside i was going to use our power washer and clean some more things outside i'm really excited to try this baby out but it is hot i need a little bit of a break so i think what i'm gonna do is come in we're gonna get lunch going i'll do some more cleaning inside and then maybe this afternoon when the sun when it's shaded back there we'll go back out there and try out that and try out that power washer so stay tuned for some more outside cleaning but i have a lot more i want to do here inside [Music] sometimes when i'm thinking about us before we got lost and we parted back to back we would carry on and we do anything for what we started but this time we could breathe to continue cleaning inside i wanted to wipe down the front door area so the door and the baseboards and then clean the banister and vacuum the stairs this is something that's not a part of my daily cleaning routine so it doesn't get done as often as it probably should so i wanted to take advantage of the time that i had today and get that done and i'm trying to show you all of the products that i use for the different areas when i'm cleaning just so it helps you out a little bit and i'm sure when i put the camera on the ground to try to get those close-up angles when i'm getting the baseboards you guys can see how dirty our floors were i know you can't always see all of the dirt that is actually in my house doesn't get picked up on camera but i promise it's there but i will be taking care of that later the floor when i vacuum and mop at the end of the night [Music] for me [Music] foreign [Music] for [Music] for me [Music] it was a thirsty night when i first saw you those green eyes caught me okay so first off can we talk about how dirty these stairs were this was completely empty before i started vacuuming the stairs i emptied it right before i started so oh definitely something i need to stay on top of gross but satisfying because these floors are clean and i like to say they're fluffy you guys know what i'm talking about when you have fluffy stairs which means they're nice and vacuumed it's like the stair version of vacuum lines nice and fluffy [Music] every day when i was done with the stairs i moved on to deep cleaning the downstairs bathroom and this is the bathroom that is off of our kitchen and gets used the most by our entire family and it's also the bathroom that gets used if anyone comes over and not that we've been having really anyone over to our house recently but i still like to keep this clean and i wanted to also do some deep cleaning today like i wanted to clean the grout so mike had ran to the store earlier and picked up some groceries and i was able to score some lysol hydrogen peroxide bathroom cleaner i haven't been able to find this for forever so i was really excited to use it and i've been using a lot of my jaws cleaning products and grove collaborative because i could just order them offline so it's really easy and they've been keeping things in stock and i don't have any trouble finding them but i still like to use my old school tried and true cleaning products as well but if you do want to try the jaws cleaning products out which i will just say they are phenomenal i do have a code that will save you 25 so if you're thinking about trying them and you're maybe a little on the fence i would suggest trying them but save yourself some money the code and the link will be in the description everything has changed every [Music] but it's just like a foaming carpet cleaner um but i just throw it on my grout like this let it sit for about 20 minutes sometimes longer just depending on what i have going on and sometimes it won't get all over the ground like i kind of spot watch it because you can see where the grout is dirty where it's not um and then sometimes i scrub it and sometimes i don't but this cleaner just does a good job of cleaning the grout by itself so i'll let it sit here for a little bit i am going to scrub a few areas and then that'll be it easy way to clean if you're trying you wouldn't understand it maybe [Music] hold up hold up baby i can't sit beside you while you're going on about your simple life nothing left you're thinking that maybe you're not different [Music] [Music] so after i wipe that all up it's kind of like foamy and it does kind of leave a film so i always go through and mop after i'm done cleaning the grout but i'm gonna mop down here the floors the kitchen floors later tonight after the kids go to bed so i'll just mop in here as well [Music] i guess it never hit you our conversation takes you with some interest from time i was kind of hopping around the house today and cleaning but that's kind of what happens because when we have the twins napping you know i don't really i would prefer not to be upstairs and mike was also helping me outside so we were just kind of hopping around and doing what we could when we could if that makes sense so after the bathroom i went into the kitchen and wanted to deep clean the stove and i used a little magic eraser that i had cut up to get off some burnt on water or food that was on the stove top i first used my jaws degreaser to get all of the debris and anything that was just sitting on top of the stove top and anything that was left over i went in with that magic eraser and then i lastly went in with my mrs myers baking soda cream cleanser so that's kind of how i give my stovetop a really good deep clean and after i put the baking soda cream cleanser on the stove i let it sit while i was scrubbing my sink and i went in with my sink using the bun a me and a scrub daddy sponge to give my sink a really good scrubbing [Music] with [Music] oh [Music] all right so now it is time to try this baby we just got her her i don't know if it's a her but we just got her i'm going to power wash our outdoor rug here and then the whole patio and i cannot wait i feel like it's christmas and i'm trying out a new toy i don't want to feel this way but it's not that easy you're complicating things for me no it's not that easy maybe just a little time can heal me but it doesn't feel the way what are you doing to me [Music] why'd you break my [Music] so we removed all of the furniture from the patio and then i wanted to power wash the patio rug first because i wanted to do do it on the patio and then i would go back through and do the actual patio but this power washer not only does a good job cleaning from the pressure of the water coming out but you can also add special a special soap solution to clean whatever your power washer is cleaning so we were able to use a soap to clean the rug and the actual patio and it was honestly a lot of fun and wait until you see me power wash those high chairs after the girls had spaghetti for lunch it was my favorite part i hope you come back to me yeah i'm just that stupid thought that we were meant to be yeah i'm just that stupid maybe just a little time could make it change your mind about us i thought that we were meant to be i'm gonna go outside with mommy and daddy too what did you have for lunch um i had skinny and smashed and i had grapes yep and we need to clean these up this is a mess from those girls so let's go clean this up [Music] [Music] i think one of my most frequently asked questions is where i got these high chairs from and they are from ikea and i think they were only like 22 or 25 dollars a piece so super cheap and even if you don't have a power washer they're super easy to wipe down because they don't have all of the padding we had one of those like normal high chairs for avery and i just knew that with twins there was no way i was going to be cleaning them up and to high chairs so these are just so much easier to clean up [Applause] [Music] the after and i think the best part about that was it cleaned the straps the straps had like old food crusted on them and it cleaned the straps so we didn't have to scrub i've tried scrubbing them before and i was thinking that i needed to take them out of the seats um but the power washer took care of [Music] that i think that was my favorite part of all of this it was so satisfying to get those high chairs so clean because you know i clean them every single day and i'm scrubbing them but i don't get into every little crack so that was a lot take me to a different place just the two of us and we can stay up all night kissing under street lights [Music] when we came in from outside i brought avery downstairs in the basement to quickly clean up the basement toys they really weren't that bad if you've been around for a while you know how crazy this basement can get and i didn't think it was that bad and i knew we could do it really quickly the twins were still napping so i knew i would actually have avery's full focus and we could go down there and quickly take care of it but when i'm done with the basement i was gonna go upstairs and finish cleaning up there before the kids went to bed and then after the kids go to bed i was gonna do kind of my nightly cleaning routine laundry vacuuming and mopping so a lot of cleaning motivation left so stick around all that time away from you i didn't think i'd make it without you by my side let me feel your love again just the two of us and we could stay up all night doing what we want to [Music] i wasn't planning on doing anything crazy up here i just wanted to wipe down our master bathroom vanity clean the mirrors and vacuum so kind of like the most basic clean that i do every single week when i don't have a lot of other time and then i also wanted to vacuum our bedroom and then avery's bedroom because she had cleaned up her picked up her room earlier that morning so i knew there was nothing on her floor and i knew that wouldn't last long so it was the perfect time to go in there and vacuum [Music] wanna [Music] [Music] me [Music] it's so crazy because it's that time of the year again that i need to start thinking about back to school shopping avery will be in kindergarten so it's kind of officially our first year of real school even though she's been in preschool the past two years it's like real school now you know um so i'm gonna start close shopping luckily i don't really have to do any school supply shopping our elementary the parents organization they actually give you an option where you can just pay like a flat fee and they go in and they buy and package all of the supplies that she will need for her classroom so it's kind of nice that i don't have to worry about going shopping or you know trying to find this or that or things being sold out they just kind of take care of it so so i'm super excited to watch her go to kindergarten she's excited to ride the bus and i just can't believe i'm gonna have a child in kindergarten [Music] you sleep [Music] i had to convince my friends this time [Music] once the kids were in bed i went to do my nightly cleaning routine pretty much the things that i do every single night which is take care of our floors and then after i was done with this i was looking forward to going outside before i took my shower and went to bed but i was going to relax outside mike and i were going to sit on our back patio it had cooled down a little bit and we were going to have our little fire just for relaxation part not that we necessarily needed the fire at all it was still pretty warm but kind of wanted that ambiance of relaxation outside but i'll bring you guys out there to see the cozy space of our back patio but what i wanted to finish up doing was vacuuming and mopping and as you saw from the clips earlier on in the video the floors were filthy and i'll admit they had not been vacuumed or mopped and i think three days which is horrible considering i have kids crawling around with their hands on the floor but it is what it is i just we got busy i filmed this after a long weekend a lot of fun activities over the weekend so the floors got neglected and that's okay so i was ready to really take care and deep clean these floors and give them a good [Music] mopping with us [Music] with us it's all or nothing [Music] wait a second i don't need you then [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and end the video here i hope it gave you plenty of motivation but mike and i are gonna relax and enjoy our evening outside in the peace and quiet um but yeah thank you guys so much for watching make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i really wanted to get it right trying to find some balance in my life [Music] hey guys i have so much jam-packed into this video you're gonna see that my house was a disaster and i'm gonna be doing a whole house clean and just tackling my entire house and not only am i gonna be cleaning my whole house i'm gonna be doing some serious deep cleaning and there are some super gross messes you're gonna watch me clean in today's video so if you're looking for some super satisfying cleaning motivation you're definitely going to find it in today's video i promise that if you guys stick around we have a lot we're going to be doing today and i would just love if you guys would let me know what you're doing while you're watching you know are you cleaning along with me are you watching to get motivated and then you're going to go clean but let me know what you're doing in the comment section but before i got to more to more of the serious deep cleaning in today's video i'm going to be deep cleaning a mattress my couch and then my shower drain i was just doing what i always do starting out by picking up the kitchen and the living room and getting the house set up for some all-day cleaning [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] so the plan for today was to pick up the floors and the countertops deep clean some of the kitchen i also wanted to clean the oven in the stove and then other areas in the kitchen before i busted out my carpet and upholstery cleaner and started deep cleaning and i was planning on deep cleaning a mattress and one of my couches and if you guys stick around you're gonna see what i pulled out of my shower drain when i was deep cleaning my master bathroom i did not expect this at all it was so gross and the smell was horrible so stick around to watch me clean that drain because i guarantee as soon as you're done watching me you're gonna go run and clean your shower drain as well [Music] what makes it work [Music] [Applause] make sure you stick around for some super satisfying cleaning later on in this video i'm going to be deep cleaning a mattress as well as using my carpet cleaner with the attachment to clean some spots on our couch and then deep cleaning our master bathroom where i took off the drain and it was pretty gross so stick around we're going to be doing a lot more deep cleaning [Music] i will stay with you until the end [Music] i get asked about this little tool pretty much in every video that i use it in and it's the rubbermaid power scrubber i got it from target but i think you can get it from multiple stores and it just lets me get into so many areas that i normally wouldn't be able to get into and i think one of the more common questions i get about it is isn't it the same as a toothbrush electric toothbrush or a just you know a regular toothbrush a cleaning one and i would say no because it comes to a point it actually comes with two different heads and one is pointed so it allows me to get into the cracks of the sink or around faucets or in other areas and i use it all over my home so if you guys want to check it out i will have it linked down below [Music] i will stay with you until the [Music] i just want to thank you for stopping by and watching this video and i truly hope you take something away from this video whether it's motivation or entertainment just something and i hope that my videos can add some type of value to your life and if you're new you're new to my channel i'm jamie i'm a mom to three girls i am married to my high school sweetheart mike who we met in middle school so we've known each other for a really long time and i truly enjoy making content here on youtube i would love to have you be a part of my journey a part of my community my goal is to be able to make your life a little bit easier and help you out in some way so if there's something i can ever do for you just make sure you send me a message because i'm here for you and you know i i have this channel because of you guys so thank you i would love to have you guys join my journey subscribe and if you want to get to know me a little bit better i have a get to know me playlist that has more of like my personal videos my twins birth vlog and all of that so that will be right here and also linked in the description [Music] got no reason to be afraid you're glowing in the dark [Music] if you're wondering what's in that spray bottle that kind of has the purplish bluish bottom which by the way i got that spray bottle from glow grove collaborative but it's a glass spray bottle but it's my diy cleaner of one part rubbing alcohol one part water and about a fingernail size of dawn dish soap i really don't measure out exactly i'm just kind of giving you guys an idea i don't think it really matters the exact amount but i use this cleaner on my countertops to shine my stove you'll see me using it all over my house and if you make this cleaner i'm telling you you will love it i [Music] promise you're glowing in the dark glowing in the dark i feel it in my heart you're glowing in the dark glowing in the dark yeah you're glowing [Music] so just a way to get to know you a little bit better i am curious what is the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up so you know think back to when you were like five or you know what did you want to be first and foremost and the reason why i'm asking you is because avery just started kindergarten and she said she wanted to be a doctor and what's funny is that's what she said she wanted to be last year so it's just interesting because i'm i'm sure it's pretty rare that you know a four-year-old and a five-year-old you know would say the same thing you know that i want to be a doctor so i'm like does she really want to be a doctor maybe that's just truly her calling um for me i always wanted to be a teacher that is what i went to college for i never wanted to be anything else ever i always wanted to be a teacher it never changed throughout elementary middle high school i went to college i got my four-year degree in education and my master's in education so just let me know what was the first thing you remember that you wanted to be when you grew up [Music] oh [Music] you know you're beautiful so this is an area by our stairs because of the baby gate that we have here you can't really get under it all of the way and so the dog and cat fur and hair does dirt all of that collects under here and i've always been too lazy to do this when i'm vacuuming every single night so today i was actually tackling that i definitely have my lazy moments and times that i take shortcuts and this is clearly one of those areas and i also think that when you're watching my videos you may not see the full picture you may think that my house is clean but i have these areas and i just i want to be able to share these areas or not so clean areas with you because it's something you don't always get to see and i want to show you that i am real my houses you know really does get messy and there are areas that i neglect and i don't always clean so hopefully that helps [Music] so something i've been wanting to do for a while was deep clean avery's mattress i'm gonna get her room kind of picked up so i can put the mattress on the floor and then i'm gonna deep clean it i've researched this you can use a carpet cleaner to clean mattresses you just have to be careful you can't you don't want to get them too saturated um but and you also can use them and you also can only use them on certain mattresses so like i was thinking about doing our mattress but ours has a memory foam topper on it and you're not supposed to use it on a memory foam topper or memory foam mattress or specific types of mattresses avery's is an inner spring mattress and you can use this specific machine on her type of mattress and it kind of works out because her mattress was actually this may sound really bad but it was my mattress growing up so it is an older mattress we we kind of have it on our list like yeah we probably should get her a new mattress um but when we got the bunk beds it was like this was our guest bed because it was the the bed that i used um growing up like that when i was really little like in high school and then mike and i used when we first got married and then so we have this mattress and then we did buy a twin for the bunk beds so we've kind of had it on our list of things we need to buy and purchase but i figured until we do that i'm gonna deep clean it so i'm gonna get her room cleaned up so i can pull the mattress down and then we're gonna deep clean and then also there was an area on the couch downstairs where something got spilled the twins didn't spill it but they caused me to spill a drink on the couch so i am going to take this down really quick and do the loveseat area [Music] it took me for granted for too long [Music] that's why it's hard to understand [Music] i know it looks like the mattress was getting super wet but i was really careful and because i didn't want to get it too wet and then when i sucked up the water from the mattress i made sure that i kept going until there was no more water getting sucked back up and the mattress actually ended up drying pretty quickly it was all dry before avery went to bed this night [Music] that's why it's hard to [Music] i don't think you can really see maybe some of the marks yeah there's some watermarks right there and then a couple other stains i know guys i know [Music] picked you up and tried [Music] i know a lot of you have seen me do this multiple times already and every single time i am blown away by how much dirt comes out of these couches it's pretty satisfying to see it all come clean and i'm just glad that we have this machine before we get our new furniture because the plan is to keep up on it and not let it get so dirty but also not all carpet shampooers come with this upholstery attachment so i'm sure i paid extra for it meaning the machine was probably more expensive than a machine that doesn't have this but i think it was totally worth it i will have the machine linked down below i have two links one is from amazon and one is for kohl's i know some of you have gotten this machine from kohl's when you had kohl's cash or a kohl's coupon so two links depending on where you like to shop it's not a cheap machine at all but i am telling you we have earned our money time and time [Music] every again i feel i'm stuck in reverse somehow but it ain't no one's fault that i am stuck here known to blame this one feeling so hopeless i keep [Music] i feel the pressure on me it's getting real hard to breathe okay i brought this up here to dump into the laundry sink of course but ugh so gross [Music] in my mind [Music] i cannot [Music] and then when i was done with the mattress and the couches i moved on to the master bathroom and i was just planning on putting things away wiping things down like the vanity the mirrors cleaning the shower and then vacuuming and mopping and then you're gonna see me go into the shower i was not planning on taking off or cleaning the drain but you'll see i got down there and i decided to take it out and because there was only two screws there i was like hey i should probably clean out the drain because we were having some issues with the water draining well i was pretty shocked at all of the build-up that was in [Music] gaining there so why am i still so caught up with him [Music] i want to lay in my back every month that's in my head i wanna try something new live [Music] so when i'm cleaning the shower i will usually spray down the shower first and then i go and clean the toilet and that allows the cleaner to kind of sit there for a few minutes before i go in and scrub and i don't i feel like i don't really have to scrub as hard when i let it sit and to clean the bathroom i'm using the lysol hydrogen peroxide bathroom cleaner to clean the shower and the vanities [Music] something new [Music] is so then i went in and i was just wiping things down you know the easy part which is actually wiping down the shower but then i was going to go in and then get into the cracks and the crevices of the shower doors which i hate hate cleaning they always get so gross and they're just a pain to clean but i had my trusty rubbermaid power scrubber to really help me break up all of that soap scum that was on the shower tracking [Music] know [Music] [Music] no [Music] and then while i was in there deep cleaning i figured why not take the drain off there were only two screws not that hard right i was not prepared for what was under this drain so you'll see me taking the drain off and then clumps of hair was just hanging from the drain it was so gross it did not smell good at all like it wasn't like a horrible horrible smell but it smelled bad so i don't know and it kind of permeated throughout the bathroom i had to go in and spray something super nice because it just didn't smell good in here while i was cleaning who knows how long this clump of hair had been hanging there but i was glad to get rid of it and i hope i'm not grossing you guys out too much but this is just real life so right now you need to go clean your drain but but then to actually get into the size of the drain and the top of the drain cover i was using baking soda and vinegar and that kind of bubbled up and broke up some of the gunk and then i was able to easily wipe it off [Music] [Music] all the time all the time [Music] [Music] round [Music] and then i went in and vacuumed and mopped in the bathroom and to mop i was using my e-cloth mop and if you're not familiar with e-cloths they are mops or cloths or whatever you're using that you use just water to clean they attract bacteria i'll have a link below if you don't believe me or if you want to read about it i know it sounds crazy but i promise you they work so you just have to let the mop get the mop head wet with water and then it velcros right on there so i like keeping this mop upstairs because it's super easy like if i want a mop all i have to do is grab the mop head get it wet put it on the mop the actual mop part and i can mop super easily and quickly and i find that it's a lot easier to clean when i keep cleaning supplies on both levels of the house i used to not keep a mop upstairs and i probably would mop very infrequently just because i was too lazy to go downstairs and get a mop so keep supplies on both levels or all areas of your home and i bet you clean more frequently you're looking at me so cold get over yourself for you for real [Music] [Applause] where are you looking at me so cold one's love you try to make yourself feel better by taking me down once i fell but now i'm strong [Music] baby i will fight no there ain't nothing stopping me [Music] i will always get up again [Music] when i was done with the master bedroom i wanted to come into the twins bedroom and pick that up and this is what happens when we kind of just left them roam free in their bedroom which we do sometimes when they get really cranky in the evenings and they've had their baths and it's too late to go outside we i think they just get tired of being in the living room in the kitchen it's like cabin fever they get cranky and they whine so bringing them upstairs it's like a change of pace change of scenery it just changes everything and just changing things up a little bit helps with their mood and we're not taking them out a lot of places any you know right now just because of everything so they don't leave the house too often so they get bored really quickly so bringing them up in the in their bedroom kind of helps out a little bit and we'll shut the door and let them kind of go for it and have fun and this is why it gets messy [Music] no one else can see all you ever do is say how far you wanna go baby i can tell it's just for sure every line designed to let do your kids get toothpaste all over the countertop in the mirror just like mine it's like what was she doing in here just playing with the toothpaste all over the countertop because that's what it looks like [Music] [Music] say [Music] when we are together you're afraid to hold my hand trying to understand what if this doesn't just some more chit chat to kind of get to know you guys a little bit better what are you looking forward to as the year comes to an end and i know we still have plenty of more months left in the year but it's been a year for everyone what are you guys looking forward to i am certainly looking forward to you know the holidays i feel like all of this stuff happened at kind of like a dead time um in the year like not a lot of like fun holidays and hopefully we have you know halloween and then thanksgiving and christmas and all of that fun stuff that i know for me i get to look forward to with my kids and the twins are a little bit well they're old older this year they won't know what's going on but it will be fun so i'm looking forward to those type of things and then before my nighttime cleaning session i wanted to fold that load of laundry that i had started earlier the more in the morning and get everything quickly put away and i find that if i start my laundry in the morning and i do a load every single day it helps keep the volume down and it doesn't take me as long to fold or put away it's like breaking it up makes it much more manageable for me i don't dread doing it as much if i know that it's not a huge load to fold and put away so that's what helps keep me on task and forces me to do at least one load every day [Music] cause [Music] so am i [Music] and then after the twins went to bed avery was actually still up because she had soccer that ran a little bit later tonight and so she came home she took a shower and her and mike were having a snack before she went to bed but i had gotten the twins put to bed so i was gonna finish up my nighttime day cleaning session so what i typically do at night is i vacuum and mop i always wait until the end of the night just because the floor will get messy and dirty throughout the day so the floors were actually really dirty tonight and i was looking forward to finishing up and making sure the floors were really clean we're just good friends [Music] um [Music] but that's actually going to be it for today's video please give me a thumbs up if you found this video motivating and you enjoyed it don't forget to let me know what you're doing while you're watching this video make sure you have the notifications on and that you're subscribed and i want to thank you a million times for sticking around this entire video and continuing to come back and watch my videos every single week you guys are amazing i cannot say that enough so thank you and i will see you guys next time bye all right and here's proof of a satisfying day of cleaning so all the bad is from today i will admit i have not vacuumed in a while so i'm gonna go empty this right now so i don't forget next time i vacuum [Music] or will we stay just like this [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait a second i don't need you hey friends i'm so glad you're here for this huge disaster whole house clean with me this video is going to give you so much cleaning motivation i am super excited for this video in particular because it's one of the best i think the best cleaning videos i have ever done it's super long i clean for eight straight hours and i was deep cleaning i was organizing i was decluttering there's so much satisfying cleaning like the most satisfying cleaning ever in this video you're going to be so motivated you're going to want to get up and clean your whole house with me again i'm going to be cleaning all of the rooms in my house i'm going to be deep cleaning i'm going to be trying out two different cleaning tools that i've never tried before and they are both game changing cleaning tools that you absolutely need in your home especially the one i cannot rave about how good this cleaning tool was you're going to need it in your house you're going to need it to clean some areas increases and crevices i was able to get so much gunk and dirt from places that i had never cleaned before so this is a game changing tool you need in your life and i'm going to be showing it all to you today i also have a costco haul so this what video is going to give you all of the motivation that you need to get your house ready and going and clean for the new year so let's get to it wait a second i do want to mention that this video was filmed right before christmas so that's why you'll see my christmas decorations still up i needed to do a huge deep clean before people came over for the holiday and i was planning on taking a big break from cleaning so i just thought i'd film this for you guys so just so you know but i just started out by cleaning up my kitchen and living room putting things away putting things where they go and before i get started with the rest of the video i do want to mention that today's video is a collaboration with my friend emily here on youtube she's been one of my longest friends since i started here she has a channel called crazy cleaning mama and you're gonna find so much cleaning motivation over there she also has a family vlogging channel so you can get to know her family even more but this girl is pregnant with her fourth child so she is juggling it all over on her channel her kids her family youtube so make sure you go check out her video she's going to be doing a full house whole house clean with me so you get double the motivation this week and i'll have her channel and her video linked down below or just the best you've ever had or just the best you've ever had [Music] [Applause] if you're coming over from emily's channel i am jamie i just wanted to introduce myself i'm a working mom of three girls my oldest is four and a half and i have twins who are nine months old and i am just trying to juggle it all try my best to not lose my mind i make videos every single week here on my channel a lot of cleaning i have a lot of organization decluttering videos coming up here in the new year as well as i make videos on mom life lifestyle just trying to make my life as easy as possible i would love to have you subscribe if you do come over say hi in the comment section i love getting to know you say something interesting about yourself because i like getting to know who you guys are i also like sharing interesting facts about my life so each video lately i've been sharing something about me that maybe you guys don't know so something i want to share with you which probably you guys know is i met my husband in high school well actually we met in fifth grade camp so we went to the late later part of elementary school middle school together high school we started dating in sophomore year of high school so we are high school sweet sweethearts and so because of that i've never lived alone so obviously i lived with my parents until i was 18 and when i was 18 i went away to college lived in the dorm then lived in an apartment off campus and then as soon as we graduated from college at the age of 22 he proposed we were engaged we moved in together so i have never lived alone and i thought about that and i don't know if that's unique or not but i just something i wanted to share with you guys so if you guys are new here thank you for coming introduce yourself tell me something interesting about yourself and even if you're not new tell me something interesting about yourself i love getting to know you guys [Music] oh and just so you guys know my basement was a complete disaster wait till you see it it was just a complete disaster i had so much to clean today so you guys are in for a real motivating cleaning video today [Music] if you guys are enjoying this video will you please make sure you give me a thumbs up it's something that is super simple and really helps me out i greatly appreciate it so this is one of the cleaning tools i just got it is a new swiffer and this is something that's really unique because it the swiffer comes on a little handle that extends you can get into all of the corners the cracks i use it to get you know up high in my walls i could see some cobwebs up there i als also used it to get on top of my cabinets which i had not cleaned up there in a long long time and so the handle just makes it super handy to get up there get into areas that you can't really reach especially if you're really short like me so i will have the link to this swiffer with the handle down below so you can check it out but i'm so glad i stumbled upon this and it's a cleaning tool you guys definitely need [Music] [Music] i can't let [Music] oh [Music] if you guys want to get to know me a little bit better i will have a get to know me playlist as well as a cleaning playlist right here also linked down below so after you watch this video you can go check those playlists out so the get to know me playlist just have some of my favorite videos that are non-cleaning so maybe if you're interested in more of my life other than cleaning you can go there and check me out but if you want more cleaning motivation i have a cleaning playlist and it's really cool because you can save it to your youtube account and it's like all of my latest and greatest cleaning videos so we can clean together and it's kind of like cleaning with a friend which i personally think makes cleaning much more enjoyable along with making sure you're subscribed make sure you have the notification bells turned on i'll show you guys what you have to do for that but that way every single time you get notified when i put up a video youtube what i have been finding you guys have been telling me is that even though you're subscribed you're not getting notified or it's not in your subscription box if you are subscribed to my channel but if you turn on the notifications you will get notified you won't miss any of my videos and with the new year and all of my decluttering and organizing videos coming up you're not going to want to miss it so make sure you go and turn on the notifications i wanna see [Music] also make sure you come over and follow me on instagram i try my best to update you all on the youtube community tab and in youtube stories i'm trying to get better with that but instagram is kind of my go-to place if i want to share things you know pictures of the girls so come over find me over there if you have instagram come find me i will link my instagram down below [Music] the only reason i keep sneaking out at [Music] night [Applause] [Music] i've been absolutely loving this vinegar gel cleaner to clean my stainless steel sink after i'm done like deep cleaning it so i'll use a variety of products to really deep clean my sink and then i like to go in with this and kind of shine it and buff it with a microfiber cloth and it just does a good job of adding some cleaning power power as well as just shining it and buffing it i wanted to go in and scrub out and really clean my oven so i started using to clean it with the bar keeper's friend it's a cleaner that i just sprinkled all over and i sprayed some water on top of it and i was kind of letting it do its work while i went in to clean out my fridge because i wanted that to sit for a while on my oven and cleaning my fridge out is one of those things that i like to do i mean obviously i like to do it probably on a monthly base basis at least but especially before i have people over i like to go in there you know organize and get rid of things i knew we had food in there that needed to be thrown out i also wanted to rearrange things make room for things and then wipe everything down with a vinegar and water mix that's what i do to clean because vinegar is a wonderful cleaner you can use all over your house but also be i like using in my refrigerator because if i don't pull everything out like i did today then at least i know i'm using something that is safe to consume so i wanted to wipe everything down make it clean and i just personally think that there's nothing better than a shiny clean refrigerator and then when i was done with this i was going to go back and really deep clean my stove or i mean my oven [Music] wish me the best [Music] i will have these containers linked down below i got them from amazon and they're just my favorite way to organize my refrigerator so they will be down below and then i really wasn't going to organize anything um because i was going to go to costco later and when i brought stuff back from costco i know i'd be more organizing and putting stuff in here so i just kind of threw those in to the refrigerator right now but i would go back later on after i went to costco and put some things to organize [Music] and i am not with you [Music] make sure you stick around for the costco haul and then after that i'm going to show you one of my favorite cleaning tools i've been waiting all day for this cleaning tool to be delivered and then once it was and i tried it out i just could not believe how awesome this tool was so make sure you stick around because i'm going to show you all of the creases and the crevices and everything that it was able to clean up it's pretty amazing [Music] somebody else [Applause] [Music] you baby i am going crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i don't wanna lose [Music] is [Music] that makes [Music] i've been waiting all my life [Music] i can't lose [Music] homework [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy [Music] guys are probably going to laugh at me but as i was cleaning the toilet here i was rocking out to some old school music some jessica simpson was playing on my phone i had some old school jessica simpson michelle branch some in sync i don't know i was playing some music that i had not heard since high school like early high school like 2001 yes i graduated high school in 2004 and 2001 was my freshman year of high school i think so i was playing some music so if you guys need some motivation i can promise you go back think of some songs or go to youtube and play some music videos for when you were in high school or maybe college and when you bring back some of those songs you haven't heard in years i promise you it will get you up it will make you feel good i was just i was really feeling it at this point which was perfect because i kind of feel like it propelled me to keep going for the rest of my cleaning session hey so i just wanted to check in with you i just finished the whole downstairs which took me four hours guys four hours straight you guys have been saying that you like to know how long it takes me to do everything um so obviously i got started super early this morning and yeah all of that which you just saw took me four straight hours almost exactly four hours and i still have to do the whole ups stairs um so the girls are still gone right now um i know they're gonna be here soon so that is my motivation i want to take a break right now but i don't really have the luxury of doing that i mean i could but then i won't be able to finish what i need to so i guess that's my motivator is i need to keep going before those girls get home um i'll be able to clean continue cleaning when they're napping but for the most part i gotta get going so so i'm gonna go upstairs i gotta take this basket full of stuff that was all down here i'm gonna get laundry started and then say you don't want to be with me [Music] so most of the time i like to start in the downstairs area of my house with the kitchen in the living room because those are the areas that are the dirtiest and where we spend the most of our time and it's just almost easier to get that done first so i feel like i'm one of those people that's like let's tackle the hardest thing first and then after that i just feel better and move on to the easier areas in my house so after i did the downstairs i moved on to upstairs and it's just not as bad because we don't spend as much of our time here so i was just going around i was picking up things wiping things down the twins room really wasn't bad at all because they're babies so we don't really ever go in there too often and then with avery i already had her clean up her room so everything was cleaned up i just had to go in there and kind of vacuum and maybe wipe things down so the upstairs wasn't bad at all and it was just nice to kind of go up and knew like i knew that i wasn't like deep cleaning or anything it just makes me feel more motivated and it's easier to keep going [Music] [Music] so don't come [Music] don't even bother calling just get lost you pretty little [Music] oh [Music] [Music] but i'm getting stronger i'm getting [Music] stronger if you're wondering what i use to clean my mirror it's in eat cloth and i've used these before on my channel but i still get a lot of questions on them so it's a cloth where you don't have to use like a cleaner or a spray cleaner or anything with there's a whole science behind it i know some of you guys have messaged me and you're like i'm a little skeptical of this but i promise you i'm not going to sit here and act like i know what i'm talking about but i promise you if you go to their website they have all these tests done and there's a whole science behind it but you can use a wipe or a cloth and just use it with water and it cleans and i love using it on so many surfaces in my house so if you're curious i will have the link down below i need to let you know that i need you i miss tonight [Music] [Music] so i know i've been talking about that cleaning tool well i was hoping that it was going to be delivered so i had ordered it and it was supposed to be delivered today and i know i mentioned earlier that this video was actually filmed right before christmas and i don't know about where you guys live but we were having issues in our area where packages were not being delivered they were way late than their estimated time so i didn't know if it was actually going to show up today i was like hoping that it would be because i knew it'd be cleaning all day and i really wanted to use it so i was kind of crossing my fingers and lo and behold at the end of the day it was delivered so i had planned on cleaning the bathroom and then i was done with that i did have to run to costco and when i got back with that i was gonna try it out and i was super [Music] excited [Music] [Music] so [Music] here in a minute you're going to see me using the rainx glass cleaner which i love using on my shower doors because i can clean it and then it's actually a cleaner along with a rain repellent or water repellent so it just cleans the glass doors and then it repels water so keeps it cleaner for longer hey so i just got back from costco and since that was on my list of things to do today and since you guys like grocery hauls i thought i would show you everything that i got and i'm pretty happy because i got a lot of things that were on sale so go ahead and show you what i got so guilty pleasure of mine mozzarella sticks i love mozzarella sticks these are really really really good um and so if you like mozzarella sticks definitely try these i picked up some dawn you know this is a staple in our house um skinny pop yogurt yogurt tubes for avery juice boxes for avery sparkling water so i primarily drink straight water all of the time but every at least once a day i need something other than water so i like sparkling water and spin drift is my favorite but i also drink lacroix because spin drift i can really only find at costco so if we're not going to costco i get lacroix kirkland's kirkland's laundry detergent this is our favorite this was something on sale we typically don't get the honest company shampoo and body wash for the girls um but this was it was four dollars off so i went picked that up these are staples pretty much every time we go to costco we get those and i just picked those up for something new to try avery eats one of these every morning for breakfast i got these bottles just for christmas um christmas celebrations we are big fans of champagne around here and um we really really love prosecco and it's 6.99 for a bottle so if you like champagne you like prosecco definitely try this kind out these we always get as well avery loves these and to be honest with you guys i love them too they're really really good um body wash for mike and i loaded up on some allergy medicine so i noticed that our allergy medicine is way cheaper at costco than walmart so i just picked this up my doctor had suggested i use this in conjunction with taking that every day um and i just i bought one of these at walmart and one of them was 13 and this whole thing was 22. so definitely saving a lot of money when we're using these every single day applesauce cups for avery kodiak cakes you can use make waffles pancakes a lot of different things with this stuff we always have these on hand chicken because if you guys been watching my channel for a while you know we're always eating chicken um cheese now i've never bought cheese from costco but i make a lot of macaroni and cheese for christmas celebrations we have like a million christmas celebrations and um my crockpot macaroni and cheese i guess is pretty popular so i'm always requested to make that and so we just go through a lot of cheese around this time of the year so chicken nuggets another staple from costco and then jiff peanut butter i love peanut butter it's my favorite thing like i could eat a peanut butter sandwich every single day for lunch it's my go-to when i don't know what i'm gonna have so that's everything i picked up so if you guys are new we do shop at walmart most of the time we also shop at meijer which is i think local to the midwest or a midwest store i could be wrong but mainly walmart and then costco and then occasionally aldi i love all i love their organic selection i just i love this the store but right now time is very important to me and i don't have a lot of time to go grocery shopping that sounds so bad um thank god for walmart grocery pickup because that's the only reason why we're able to have groceries every week so um like we haven't been to costco in probably two months um so i do love aldi but right now i just don't have the time to go shopping [Music] after i was done going to costco i wanted to go in and put things away i wanted to organize things and put them in the refrigerator in a nice orderly fashion and then after that i had to go upstairs i had a load of laundry i just wanted to get folded and then i was going to try out that new cleaning tool i've been talking about all video long you guys are probably like come on just get to it jamie but i was really excited to try that out and then dun dun dun i had to clean a disaster of a basement so i had still had plenty of cleaning left to do but let me tell you at the end of the night i was tired but very satisfied with all the cleaning i had done so if you need more cleaning motivation there's still a lot more to be done [Music] okay so now it's time this is the cleaning tool i've been talking about all video long it is the rubbermaid power scrubber it comes with two different heads and so i i guess what sparked this or sparked wanting me to try this out was a couple of weeks ago you guys probably saw in my video i was cleaning and i didn't even think about cleaning the drain in the sink but i had come across a drain that was super gross and i thought maybe there's a better way to clean this and i was kind of researching online and i came across this tool and i thought it would be perfect to get in all of the creases and the crevices although those areas that are really hard to clean i thought this would do a really good job of kind of loosening all of that gunk and all of the gross stuff that you get in hard to reach places and so i thought i would try it out [Music] it ended up working really really well on my drain and then i was like maybe i'll take it into my shower and i wanted to use it on the door tracking and then in the corners of the the doors where soap scum and whatever else i i don't even know what you want to call it all of the grow stuff that kind of like collects in the corners and so it was just so crazy how well this worked so what i did was i would use the rubbermaid power scrubber to get in there and loosen everything up and then i would take in a wipe and just kind of wipe everything up and i feel like this is so gross i'm a little embarrassed for you guys to see this but who knows how long all of this had been in there and i just feel like this is a miracle cleaning tool that you need and i just can't wait to try it on so many other areas all over my house just follow every move touch me [Music] let me know you want it too [Music] all we need is [Music] just let me feel you closer so then to round out my whole house cleaning session i had to go downstairs and clean up the complete disaster of a basement again because this was right before christmas i wanted to go in there by myself i wanted to clean up you know kind of put the toys where they actually go and just not where avery throws them i also had planned on removing a lot of smaller toys because i knew there would be a lot of kids over on around the holidays and i don't know if you guys do this too but when we i know we're gonna have a lot of kids over i will hide certain toys toys that make a big mess or toys that have a lot of little pieces because obviously we have plenty of toys for the kids to play with they can play with each other and i just don't need every single toy to be out because then that just makes for a bigger mess at the end of the night so i also wanted to go down and not only put things where they go but also kind of pick up all of the toys with a lot of tiny pieces and i was going to put them away like somewhere where the kids will never be able to access them and so that was part of my reason for going down by myself and then i also wanted to you know wipe things down i wanted to vacuum and mop [Music] i want you to know [Music] just let me [Music] me [Music] just [Music] so [Music] [Music] but that's going to be it i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you found it motivating let me know if you found it motivating down below give me a thumbs up make sure you're subscribed and make sure you hit the notification bells because i have a lot more fun exciting videos coming this way on my channel in the new year and don't forget to check out emily's channel i will have her channel linked down below in her video and i will see you guys next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey friends so today i'm so excited because i am going to be deep cleaning and i am talking deep cleaning every inch of this bathroom before i organize and then decorate these drawers are not organized at all and we need a better system in place so i'm going to be organizing all three of these drawers under each sink and just getting a better system in place for these girls and i'm going to be doing it on a budget try to keep the cost low and i'm going to be decorating this bathroom as well join me and let's get ready to completely transform this valve [Music] i was so ready to get started in this bathroom and as you can see the drawers were a mess the rugs in here didn't even match i decorated this bathroom when avery was a baby when we first moved into this house and i didn't know if our next children would be boys so i decided to keep it pretty gender neutral with the decor and i just went with a simple whale theme i obviously kept it pretty simple um but now that we have all girls i want to make this a girl bathroom you know i don't want to make it super girly or overwhelmingly girly but i do want to put a little girly spin to it so that was kind of my motivation and inspiration for decorating today and this video is also going to show you guys a lot of my top cleaning hacks that will make cleaning easier and faster for you and i am talking game changing cleaning hacks that i use when i need to clean quick and just little shortcuts that will make your life easier when it comes to cleaning [Music] okay [Music] if you're new here if you're new to my channel i'm jamie i'm a mom to three young girls and hopefully when you come here to my channel it makes you smile that i can inspire you to get something done i am really passionate about cleaning and organizing decluttering and just trying to be the best mom and woman that i can be all while trying to maintain my sanity i would love to have you guys join my journey i have a lot of fun exciting videos planned here on my channel so make sure you hit that red subscribe button and the notification bell and come say hi i love chatting with you guys i will respond to you i like building a community here so definitely say hi if you're new or even if you're not new go ahead and say hi [Music] i wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you [Music] [Music] i cannot wait for you guys to see all of the organization that i did in the drawers in the vanity i got some bins that were super cheap all under five dollars so super cheap from the dollar tree and target and then i cannot also cannot wait for you to see how i decorated this bathroom honestly the bathroom turned out way better than i thought it would so this is a true room transformation and i was so so so happy with the outcome so just make sure you stick around because i'm going to show you everything everything that i got how everything looked and i'm just excited there is so much that i would change about the way i treated you i don't deserve a second chance i know that i'm way too late cause i messed it up and there you go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh there you go [Music] to clean my walls i was just using some dawn dish soap and water i find that this combo does a really good job of cleaning my walls and getting dirt and fingerprints and watermarks off without taking off the paint because i find like a lot of cleaners do a good job of getting it clean but then they also strip the paint for the wall so dawn and water for the wind [Music] this is my little rubbermaid power scrubber which i love because it lets me get into all of those hard to reach places i'm using it to get into all of the cracks around the base of the faucet where i notice that a lot of it's kind of like just gross stuff kind of collects back there because water will sit there when people grab the faucet handles and things like that and actually the first time i used this power scrubber on my faucet there was like little blue soap scum that had built up around the base of the faucet and so this just does a really good job of getting all of that stuff up and i love using this little tool it's battery power powered and it's angled at the top so it helps me get into all of those hard to reach places [Music] with you [Music] so i'm just curious just as a way to build a community and kind of see where we've all traveled what is one place that you want to visit let me know down below i personally would love to visit australia i would love to go to california i live in the midwest ohio but let me know some places you would love to visit so something i haven't done in a while is wash the bath toys and all i did was soak them in some vinegar and water my first bucket actually wasn't big enough so i had to go get another one but you can use bleach but i've read that vinegar does the job it's a good cleaner so i just wanted to use vinegar and then i also have cleaned the toys before in the dishwasher but i try to stay on top of these as much as possible but honestly it doesn't always happen like as often as i would like to so i definitely wanted to handle that today [Music] i'm just [Music] the top of the shower may be one of those areas that you're forgetting to wipe down and clean and obviously it had been a while since i cleaned up here but make sure you get up there and clean the top because it can get pretty dirty [Music] [Applause] [Music] it broke us down in disguise no need to apologize but i can help that i miss you now and i need to reminisce i really wanted to just deep clean my shower so i was cleaning it twice just because i had the time and because i was just focusing on the bathroom today i can't help that i miss you now [Music] make sure you guys come over and find me on instagram i'll have it linked down below but it is jamie lynn's dot [Music] journey [Music] i can't help that i miss you now so i featured this cleaning heck before on my channel but one of my favorite ways to clean and upkeep my window tracking is to use a sponge so after you deep clean your window tracking like really clean it you know with the toothbrush and all of that all you have to do is maintain them so i just take a regular old sponge that i got from walmart you put two cuts in it down the sponge so you can kind of see where i made the marks with a marker so i set it on the tracking then i marked it with a marker and then i made cuts based off of the window tracking and then it just kind of slides easily and you can keep up with your window tracking and keep them cleaner for longer and i also wet the sponge with water really quickly before i run it down the window tracking and then they look super clean and it just i don't have to deep clean them as often [Music] oh [Music] how do we end up here in the corner looking like enemies [Music] are we enemies [Music] okay and then i went in and wiped down all of the baseboards and the doors i find that the baseboards in the bathrooms tend to get pretty dirty because a lot of the dust and dirt get stuck to the baseboards when they're wet from someone taking a shower and the steam and the kids splashing when they're in the bath so i just used endus to in a microfiber cloth to clean everything then because this is the kid's bathroom i also wanted to wipe down the doors specifically the bottom half of the doors there was a lot of marks and handprints toothpaste all on the bottom [Music] so i am incredibly happy with how the bathroom turned out and i want to thank you guys because you guys always uplift me you give me support decorating is not my thing um i say this in every decorating video it's not it doesn't come easy to me it's overwhelming um but even when i put something together that probably isn't the best or doesn't look the best you guys find such a supportive and nice way of telling me and you're just always so encouraging so i want to thank you you know this is a community you guys say that i help you i motivate you but you guys also provide support to me as well and i can't thank you enough for that so thank you for always being supportive and uplifting [Music] resolve carpet cleaner is honestly one of the best ways i have found a clean grout and it's just nice because i can leave it on here i'll typically leave it it just depends on what else i'm doing but maybe like 20 minutes you can maybe let it sit longer if you want to but there's very little scrubbing that i have to do and honestly what i'll do is i don't really scrub it too much i kind of pick the areas that i know the grout was pretty dirty and i'll just scrub there and that's really it but this stuff pretty much does all of the work for you and that's why i love [Music] at times it now somehow i'll give you my attention you've got to know that i i ain't a person who understands all the clock so just so i can kind of get to know you a little bit better i want to know what your first job was it's always interesting to hear what people's first job was mine was working at a call center where i would call people so cold calling and have them do surveys over the phone so if it was like for a big grocery store you know they would hire us to say are you satisfied not satisfied what do you think about this have you seen these advertisements it was a super easy job but kind of the worst job because people always thought i was selling things when i would call and they would hang up on me they were not very nice to me on the phone and yeah so that was my first job but i want to know what was your first [Music] job [Music] but somehow i need you close i'll go wherever you go but i just don't know i just don't know if i'll dance with the lights on if you're gonna be moving oh i have a clean super clean bathroom it smells so good in here and super clean now it's the fun part now i'm gonna organize um the vanity and the drawers and then decorate so are you excited i'm excited i feel like this is gonna turn out exactly how i hoped and i think i'm gonna love it and even more so i'm pretty sure my girls wait a second okay so when i had plans to organize i wanted to keep this on a budget low cost as possible and i got these from the dollar tree these two things i've used these in my pantry before and then these um from the dollar tree and then i got these from target but they were all super super cheap like under two dollars and you get multiple containers in a pack so i am not necessarily happy about this color i mean i guess at least it's a girl's bathroom but i have so i picked these up like two weeks ago and i've been looking online i've been looking i went to three different targets that we have within like a half an hour um and every single place in the past two weeks have been sold out of the white two pack one i think these are just gonna have to do for right now and just stick out like a sore thumb um because i do need this size for brushes so i'll just keep this and i know i'll be able to use these somewhere else in the house and then whenever whenever i'm at target i'll keep my eyes open for some white ones that i can just [Music] you drive me crazy [Music] so i know it seems crazy but we have so many hair ties you know things for the hair all of the hairs that we have with the kids but the twins use different hair ties than avery and it depends on with avery if she's playing a sport playing outside or if she's wearing something for school she kind of chooses what she needs based on all of that i'm sure if you're a girl mom you kind of totally know what i'm talking about so i wanted to make for sure we had a place for everything and everything was organized and separated so we know exactly where to go when we need something and then it's so easy for her to see where everything goes so she can put things away in the proper places when she's done doesn't mean it's always going to happen but at least there's a system [Music] but i there know where my heart is just to pull me out again [Music] is [Music] okay so i will show you really quick what i did in in here um so i just use these dollar tree bins and i have ones that are similar that are more square that i like for my pantry and in the linen closet but with these just because of the tighter space i like how they're long and not as square and so i just have some cleaning supplies down here i like to keep some cleaning supplies in every bathroom that way it's easy just to grab and clean really quickly when i when i want to wipe things down and then over here we really don't have much in here but we just have a ton of storage with the big linen closet and we uh we have a linen closet in our bathroom the master bathroom too we just we have a lot of storage when it comes to the bathroom but i really only have one girl using this bathroom right now you know the twins don't really like they have a ton of stuff to put in here so i know as they grow their stuff will grow so having having extra space is not a bad thing at all all right so up here i organize brushes toothbrush flossers and then all of the different hair things if you're a girl mom you know there's so many hair things you have like the different type of hair ties um these little clear ones the twins use a lot so i have those clips and all of the girly hair things and then here headbands some of avery's um detangler spray some of her sport headbands and then clips and then big jojoba big jojo boat this is something we never use but i like having a backup in case mine would ever go out but actually right before school starts avery's gonna be going to kindergarten so we'll be doing her hair every morning it'll just be nice to be able to grab something or sometimes she likes even doing her hair and she'll throw on a headband she knows exactly where to go to get that to get ready in the morning loving me was all you tried when you were around i've been told too many times now okay so now for the super fun part it is time to decorate and pull this room together again like i'm just so excited ready to get this done ah you guys i'm already so excited i love it i love it i love it already and i don't even have all of the decorations put up here but it's perfect i like how it has a flare of girliness to it with the ruffles it's white and you know i like my white and bright for my house so it's perfect [Music] when i put up the shower curtain i noticed it was super wrinkly and i wanted to steam it so luckily we have a little handheld steamer but while i was heat it was heating up i decided to start decorating above the toilet and i had mike hang at the brackets to the shelves the night before so it would be ready for me to go and decorate and i know a lot of girls here on youtube like using the power tools but i'll admit i don't i let mike handle it leave it all up to him he takes care of that for me and i'll just do the decorating [Music] i will have everything linked down below but i got the shelves from amazon and they were pretty cheap considering how expensive shelves can be and then all of the decorations i will have a link below i got i think everything from target and amazon mostly amazon some things from target i did order two signs off of etsy one of them was not here at the time i was doing all of this so that will be going up on the top shelf or there's that space but i am so excited for the sign i love this saying i and i think it will be perfect for the girls bathroom and then i get these jars from the dollar tree so super cute a little added decoration but a way to store q-tips but also super cheap [Music] it's so funny because we got this handheld steamer at our wedding shower and i remember getting it and being so confused and thinking when will i ever use this but at the time i was 23 years old and i just was like there's just no way i'm ever going to use this i had no idea how many times it would come in handy so so glad that we got this handheld steamer it's just something that you don't really want to buy but you're glad that you have i got this little tray from grove collaborative and i like it because it's white so it blends in with the top of the the countertop and i like putting everything on the tray just like i do in my bathrooms because when i want to quickly wipe things down in the bathrooms i can just quickly pick it up and wipe under it it's just quick efficient and just an easier way to [Music] clean so i have one more thing that i'm going to do today i have some letters some wooden letters um with a little saying i want to put here on the wall but i need to stain them so i need to run to the store and get some stains i can stain those um and then i'm also waiting i'm also waiting on a sign for up there i don't know if it's gonna be in in time for this video but i will show you guys as soon as i get it i'm so excited i just love the saying on this sign i think it'll be perfect for the girls bathroom so i do have a sign that's going to go there need to stain those letters so what i'm going to do is go run to the store get some stains do those letters and then i'll probably wait until tomorrow to hang the letters and hopefully the sign comes in and then i'll kind of give you then i'll kind of give you a reveal of the completed transform bathroom assistant [Music] [Music] is [Music] so okay so i will give you guys the grand tour and the transformation of this bathroom so this rug i got from amazon and again everything that you see here if i can link it i'll have it down below in the description so i got this rug from amazon and it's also a bath mat so we can pull it over when the girls are taking a bath and it's made for the bathroom which is nice i found these letters on etsy and i thought they were perfect just be you for a girl's bathroom as they're sitting here getting ready you know i just just be you love that saying and i think it'll be a great daily reminder for our girls as they grow older and then right here i have this little tray that i got from grove collaborative and i just like using it here because i can just pick it up i like to keep the vanity area as minimal as possible so it's easy to quickly wipe down and then i got this toothbrush holder from target all right so over here i got this from target this sign from etsy which another saying that i think is perfect for a girl's bathroom um but i also like how it kind of goes with the rest of the decor in here some washcloths that we can easily grab um a candle i doubt we'll be live lighting that too much with kids and then q-tips for the girls and then the last thing was the shower curtain that i got from amazon as well i am super happy with how this bathroom turned out so has touches of girly perfect for a girl bathroom but also not overly kiddish or it's not really kiddish at all but it will be perfect as they grow and i also like it so i hope you guys enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up if you did and so you're probably like jamie where are you i'm in my parents new house they built a house earlier this year and yesterday the whole fam was here we had a cookout the girls made a mess a mess was left in the kitchen and i told my parents not to worry about it that i would come and take care of it so this video is going to be filled with a ton of cleaning motivation and also i have some new exciting cleaning products i want to try out so i'll be showing those to you guys um showing you how well they perform as well as some new cleaning tools if you guys stick around when we're done and the house is clean i will give you a tour of their house sit back watch me make your to-do list and then get ready to clean or clean along with me and let's do it [Music] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey friends i'm jamie and as i stated earlier in the video i'm at my parents house they built this house and moved in back in march and it was a lot of fun for me to come and clean a new space if you're new to my channel i am grateful and thankful that you're taking time out of your day to hang out here with me and watch some of my videos i hope you will feel motivated while watching this video and every single week here on my channel i post content that will motivate and inspire you either to get up and get something done or even just make you feel like you're hanging with a friend here on my channel you're gonna see a lot of real life messes i have three daughters a five-year-old and twins who are one years old so you're gonna see a lot of real life messes and like i always say my goal is just to balance and juggle everything that life throws at me without losing my mind so please think about subscribing hit that red subscribe button and the notification bell say hi to me it's so important that i create a community here where we can all uplift and encourage each other so please say hi in the comment [Music] cause you're section only reason i am [Music] [Applause] free [Music] reasons [Music] so a lot of you watch my videos know that i don't have a gas range stove i have a glass cooktop stove so as i was preparing to clean my parents house i wanted to try out some new cleaning products and this easy off was one of those products i wanted to try it's obviously not all natural or anything but hey sometimes you just need some good quality cleaning products that's going to take care of the job and i will tell you i was very impressed with the easy off it's an oven cleaner you can use it all over your oven or your stove and i really liked how it performed i also wanted to clean the range hood i feel like that's an area a lot of people forget about so i first went in with a degreaser and i used my jaws to kitchen degreaser it was full of grease up there and then after that i went in and shined it with my e-cloth stainless steel rag and it looked brand [Music] on new [Music] right now [Music] together [Music] a way to get to know you guys a little bit better and create that community i was talking about i want to know who's your favorite band what's maybe your favorite artist or band i would say if i had to pick one my go-to is eric hard church breathe so while the oven racks were soaking the directions say to let it soak for at least a half an hour but i wanted to give it a really good time to soak i moved on to other areas in the kitchen and i was going to pop into the master bathroom because that is the other room in their house that really needed the attention other than the kitchen so and then after i'm done with the master bathroom i'm going to come back out and do a lot of scrubbing and deep cleaning of the kitchen and then move on to other areas of the home and give you guys the home tour [Music] so these shower doors is something i really want to focus on um and hopefully if you guys have clear shower doors you can benefit from this this is obviously something different that you don't get to see at my house because our shower doors are frosted [Music] but that is my goal to scrub these so i don't have any marks left we took our bikes to the lake after school this day and skipped many storms from the beach and one thing you said was listen i will have you so while the oven racks were still soaking i hopped into the master bathroom because that was the other area i really wanted to focus on besides the kitchen it's the second most used room in their house so i made sure i knew exactly what their shower was made up of before i started using cleaning products in there and the shower walls and the bench those are porcelain tiles so i wanted to use a mix of vinegar and water to clean those porcelain tiles and then the floor is made up of marble and i just use a mixture of hot water and dawn dish soap which is a neutral page balanced cleaner that that's safe for the marble on their floors but it also helps effectively clean it and i also got this new scrub brush which turned out to be amazing in their shower so i picked this up specifically for my parent shower it is a scrub brush i got it from target i'll have it linked down below but it's specifically used to scrub i mean you can use it for so many different areas in your home and i love it because you can see it does a really good job of being able to get into that crowd haven't changed a bit in my heart [Music] like [Music] [Music] is this was after the first step and you can already tell how clean the doors were and then i moved on to the second step which is a seal treatment and it helps create a water repellent protective seal you just wipe it on and it helps maintain the brilliance for up to 18 months i was sold when i read that it would help repel the water on the shower doors [Music] perfect because you can see a true view of how clean the shower door is all of the soap scum is gone and it's shiny sparkling no fingerprints nothing [Music] heading to vegas [Music] i'm gonna make it worth [Music] when i was done with the shower which i started with the shower first because it was going to be the hardest portion of cleaning the bathroom and when i came in here i wanted to tackle the hardest part of the bathroom first get that out of the way before wiping down and cleaning up the vanity and then vacuuming and mopping here in the bathroom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as soon as you guys are all done watching this video i want you to come over and find me on instagram jamie lynn's with an s dot journey it's also linked in the description come over see more of my day-to-day life you can see more of my kids but come over and say hi [Music] [Applause] i think we could go far we don't need and then i came back out to the kitchen to finish that up and by this time the oven racks had really sat there for close to an hour at least so i just used this new scrub brush that i picked up from target which i thought would be a very versatile scrub brush that i can use in so many areas of my household to help me get into all those nooks and crannies that you know i like to get into so i was using that to scrub the grates [Music] [Applause] [Music] and everything pretty much wiped away really easily on the actual stovetop and i just use a paper towel to wipe all of the easy off spray off of the stove top if that makes sense all of the burnt on stuff that was sitting on there and then i put some dawn dish soap on a paper towel and wiped away all of the residue left from the easy off and the stove top and then i shined it with some of my jaws glass cleaner and it looked brand there in new mind but i just don't know i just don't know if i'll dance with the lights on if you're gonna be moving on solo wait a second cause they're playing the best song i'll be there if you reach out to me [Music] now it was time to scrub the sink after those dirty and gross oven racks had been sitting there and i didn't want to use anything too harsh or abrasive in their sink because it's not stainless steel like i have so i simply used dawn dish soap and vinegar to scrub everything away and clean it and then i was going to go in and buff it with some olive oil and make it look sparkling clean [Music] i just don't know if i'll dance with the lights on if you're gonna be moving on solo wait a second cause they're playing the best song i'll be there if you reach out to me there was a void in my soul [Music] but i just don't know i just don't know if i'll dance with the lights on if you're gonna be moving on solo wait a second cause they're playing the best song i'll be there if you reach out to me [Music] what do you do to me you make it when i was in the kitchen i first noticed some food and splatters on a couple of their cabinets so i figured while i was in there i would do a quick wipe down and i was using the mrs meyers spray my mom had in the cabinet and typically i like using a multi-surface spray for cabinets or i'll just use a mix of dawn dish soap and water hot water it usually depends on how dirty or messy the cabinets are and since my parents don't have young kids in their home every single day and because they are newer cabinets they weren't that bad so i was able just to use that multi-surface spray [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] then one of the last things i wanted to do before i wipe down the countertops i wanted to wipe down their appliances and to wipe them down i use my trusty old e-cloth i personally think this is the best stainless steel cleaner out there if you're curious about them i will have a link down below there's also a 10 off coupon code you can use but you just wet the rag with water and it helps attract dirt and bacteria and i know it sounds a little made up i was a little hesitant at first but the proof is in the results you'll see they really do work [Music] so you guys probably realize that my mom keeps a little bit more on her countertops than i like to i've had people make comments about how bare my countertops are which is funny but hey it's true i'll admit i like a clean slate just so i can quickly wipe things down i just find it a lot easier to clean things up if you have don't have stuff on your countertops but it's not my house so i was able to make do [Music] no between to apologize [Music] but i can help that i miss you now and i need to reminisce [Music] i can't help that i miss you now [Music] so when i was done with the kitchen i did want to pop into the little entryway they kind of have like two little lockers i just went in there obviously it wasn't too messy because they don't have kids but i just went in there and i wanted to vacuum because they do have their cat which i'm sure you've seen him around the house joey is his name [Music] so my mom didn't want me going in there and cleaning her room she really didn't want me showing her room much at all um and i say my mom but it's my parents bedroom i guess i just because i talked to my mom i guess i just said my mom but i obviously respected that but i did want to go in there and vacuum for her and it was definitely a little different since they have all hardwood flooring in their house um you know i'm used to like vacuuming and mopping but we have a lot of carpet in our house so it was kind of different to vacuum a house that doesn't really have carpet and i don't know if mike and i will ever move we've tossed around the idea of moving but we're not like set that we have to but we've also thought maybe we would build maybe maybe not we're not really sure but we if we do build i don't know if we would put in all hardwood floors i mean i feel like i've heard arguments for carpet and hardwood so let me know like what are your thoughts how do you feel about carpet versus hard all hardwood [Music] so [Music] stay tuned because i am almost done and i will give you a little mini home tour and show you more details but i'm going to say this again don't forget to come over and find me on instagram come over send me a message say hi i will get back with you i love chatting with you guys over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] i really wanted to get it right
Channel: Jamie's Journey
Views: 806,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie's journey, minimalist mindset, slow living, clean with me, homemaking, speed clean, joanna thornton, amy darley, brianna k, decorate with me, declutter, clean with me 2020, minimalism, declutter with me, cleaning with me, doing the most, declutter with me 2020, minimalism decluttering, simple living, speed cleaning, intentional living, minimal mom, cleaning motivation, bathroom declutter and organization, closet declutter, closet declutter 2020, organize with me
Id: TbTHQ6Ww5To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 21sec (10161 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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