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[Music] throw on your comfy clothes throw your hair up and let's do some relaxing nighttime cleaning together I'm going to be doing some deep cleaning some cleaning all over the house making some snacks I'll be sharing some healthy recipes with you we're going to be doing a lot and I want you to join me give me a thumbs up if you're ready to get moving [Music] hey guys thank you so much for hanging with me I'm Jamie and I hope you're ready we're going to be doing a lot over two nights of nighttime cleaning I want you to put on your comfy clothes your pajamas whatever you're comfortable in doesn't matter what you look like you don't need makeup throw your hair up and hopefully we can do some cleaning together so I'm going to be deep cleaning my oven I'm going to be taking apart of vacuum to clean it we'll be cleaning multiple rooms in the house I'll share a healthy high protein raw cookie dough recipe that I'll have as kind of like a snack in the middle of my cleaning session I'll be making a snack tackle box for the twins for when Avery had her softball tournament and also sharing something that was really scary that happened this past weekend so a lot we're going to be talking about I hope you're [Music] ready [Music] you you [Music] I can't believe it's almost March I'm certainly ready for it it's still going to be cold here it I mean we've had snowstorms in the middle of April before but the weather is looking promising I think we're going to have kind of an early spring which is good but I hope you're doing okay I have a couple of friends who are going through some hard times right now I think in February it just gets to be like you start to feel like the winter is dragging on if you live in a you know a climate like us like March is still pretty chilly and it just feels like you know everyone's in need of some sun some vitamin D some warm weather to boost their mood so I just know right now is a tough time for a lot of people so if you're going through a tough time if you just need a a mood booster hang in there warmer weather is coming it usually improves everyone's mood when it gets warmer and sunnier but hang in there you're strong but I know it's tough but I hope you are all doing well and um here I was just setting out my clothes for the end of the night I knew I was going to have a long evening of cleaning and I just wanted to make for sure my cozy slippers and my little um it's not a robe it's like a fuzzy like I got um like cardigan thing that I got from Walmart so I like to have that on my by my bed so when I wake up in the morning and I'm freezing I can kind of wrap up in it I wanted everything to be ready for when I crawled into bed later that [Music] night I should so you can kind of see me I was singing so loud I don't know what it is when I clean at night I need to listen to music and when I clean during the day I'm most of the time listening to an audiobook or a podcast but there's just something at night I think I need like music can just be uplifting and honestly like I was just listening to The Back Street Boys it was a slower song I'll never break your heart so even if it's a slower song it's just uplifting so I like to play like 990s pop or 2000s pop music that I haven't heard in a while because it always just brings me back it it is it boosts my mood and kind of keeps me wanting to keep going and cleaning so I find myself listening to music when I clean at night and then during the day it's audiobooks and podcast but here you're going to see me there was a mess when I was in here in the laundry room I had noticed um I think some laundry detergent had got spilled on the floor and there was something else I honestly don't know what it was so you're going to see me um kind of wipe down the laundry room and then I'm going to clean the grout really quickly see [Music] you we so I know grout can be tough to clean and I have a few different methods on how I clean grout but one way that I think is more for maintaining it's not like a deep grout cleaning is I use resolve foaming carpet cleaner so I get it from Walmart I think you can pretty much much get it from any store but it's just it's a carpet cleaner and it's a foaming spray and so I will spray it on the grout just like you're seeing me do I let it sit for a few minutes sometimes I'll scrub sometimes I won't since there was clearly something that had spilled I did I was going to use my rubber made Power scrubber and scrub it a little bit but with grout you have to be careful you can't just scrub and scrub and scrub scrub away it grout sometimes it can wear the grout down um um so if I just see like a little mess something kind of on the surface I will spray the resolve foaming carpet cleaner and it brightens and cleans it um but yeah so this isn't like a Grout cleaner that's going to like just bring up years of dirt or if you have a lot of like heavy duty soap scum in a bathroom this won't do it it's more for like surface level basic cleaning um but it's kind of a nice little cleaning hack [Music] [Music] we chasing the easy [Applause] life we're chasing the easy [Music] life we're chasing the [Music] easy so stay tuned for a little bit later I will share the good week and the bad week with you and it was a doozy um we essentially had an emergency room visit which I'll share with you here later um but there was I had noticed a small stain on our couch I haven't cleaned the couch lately so I busted out my Bissell carpet cleaner with Hydro steam [Music] couch [Music] okay so you know what makes cleaning even easier other than blasting some old school jams is a snack so this works with my kids it works with me especially when I'm cleaning at night so I'm going to make some high protein raw cookie dough to eat as a snack this is a go-to snack that I've been making lately and it's mainly because I'm committed to building muscle in my body and for me I'm an all-in or all out type of girl like when I'm committed to something like my goal is to get toned to build muscle so I'm like let's go all out let's go all in let's work hard push my body to build that muscle and I I know that nutrition plays a huge role in building muscle so I've been trying to be a little proactive about hitting my protein goals and with meals alone I find that I I'm not able to do that so what has been helpful is eating snacks between meals or after a workout that is packed full of protein this cook dough has been a perfect snack high protein so I'll share how I make that here in a little [Music] bit [Music] [Music] so after I show you how I make my high protein raw cookie dough recipe I'm going to make a snackle box which is essentially a tray of snacks healthy snacks for the girls to take to Avery softball tournament the next day I'll also share what I pack for myself on those long days for healthy snacks these tournaments as I'm sure some of you guys know can be long and there's a lot of unknowns with schedules so packing snacks helps keep them the girls entertained and happy I also don't want to just feed them junk either so that's why I made sure I placed a Thrive Market order before this tournament so I could get a bunch of good snacks that they like but also aren't junk I think one of the main reasons why I love Thrive Market is because of the variety I think the key to staying on track healthwise is finding a variety of snacks and foods that will keep you happy and satisfied I've been able to go on their website filter by high protein foods and even get creative like I've created my put together together my own snacks when at times I felt bored with what I was eating and Thrive Market saves me money every single time they have guaranteed savings if you have a yearly membership which we have at the end of the year if you don't save as much as you spent on the membership they will credit you the difference so there's nothing to [Music] lose all right I'm going to share with you what I got from Thrive Market in this order but one of the main reasons why I love Thrive Market is because it allows me to kind of step out of the box and try some different healthy snacks some different foods that I can't find in other places it just switches it up there is a variety and I think that is key to eating healthy and staying on track so one of those speaking of eating healthy I have been loving I actually already got into this this morning this is a Catalina crunch um keto friendly I'm not keto or anything but it's the honey gram cereal there's 0 g of sugar 11 g of protein and 9 G of fiber I've been crunching this up I like it with just regular milk or you can crunch it up or kind of like a graham cracker coating on some vanilla Greek yogurt it's so good and this has been one of my go-to snacks after a workout lately um I like the chocolate peanut butter as well we have two other kinds in our pantry you guys the girls even like this there's like a fruity kind I think I got in a couple orders ago from Thrive market so love the Catalina a crunch just drink it with regular milk I've also been adding this I tried this in my laugh last Thrive Market order it is milk made with flax seeds and there's 8 Gams of protein in it so I've been adding these together in the morning um if I feel like cereal but again I'm trying to get in around 100 g of protein in a day with my new strength training Journey so little things like this help and it really starts to add up I fell in love with this protein powder I don't know a couple months ago when I got it from Thrive market and I really really like it it's the Aloha brand it's vanilla sometimes when I've tried vanilla protein powders I don't know it's just I just don't love it's almost like a fake vanilla taste this is not at all it's just a really really good smooth vanilla flavor it's organic and it's plant-based so got that and then I've never tried these before but since I loved the protein powder so much I wanted to give these a try I'm actually going to take some of these tomorrow to Avery's softball tournament so I like to keep these on hand for games um like tomorrow we have no idea what the day is going to look like that's how tournaments go so I'm going to throw a couple of these into my bag just in case we don't get a time to actually leave and get like a true um breakfast or lunch Annie's bunnies for the girls so um double dark chocolate chip granola the girls have been on a big granola cake with their vanilla Greek yogurt in the morning so this is some pancake and waffle mix it's the Birch Benders I tried out this new recipe that I saw on Tik Tok that is healthy full of protein that Avery loved she loved it I'm actually going to get up early in the morning and make this before her um early morning game but you guys it's like a it's a it's a healthy breakfast that's outside of the box it's not overnight o it's not cereal it's not regular pancakes but it's healthy impactful of protein and you will not feel like you're eating like a healthy breakfast so stay tuned for that recipe organic chocolate chips which I will share with you guys here a little bit later what I'm using those for I'm going to make a snackle box for the twins um like a little tray of snacks for the tournament tomorrow and I'm adding the skinny dip almonds these are so good these are one of my favorite things to get from Thrive market so they are the dark chocolate peanut butter chocolate dipped almonds they are the perfect snack if you just want something sweet um but these are my favorite they have multiple flavors but the the dark chocolate peanut butter is my favorite some salsa um some buffalo sauce Mike was asking to make or he wanted to make some recipe with buffalo sauce so we got this um it's made with avocado oil some of our favorite seasonings I was going to make Sloppy Joe's I haven't made Sloppy Joe's in a while and you guys know I don't love to cook I'm never going to be that Mom who C Cooks from scratch it's just it's not me and so I feel a little bit better when I can get seasoning mixes like prepackaged seasoning mixes they make life easier but they're just a little bit healthier you guys know what I mean so I don't know just makes me feel a little bit better about not cooking from scratch so this is the Simply Organic sloppy joe seasoning mix that we'll be making this week okay some lesser evil Himalayan pink salt popcorn this is one of our favorite we really really like this brand the Lesser evil they have a couple of different um like flavors of popcorn um but if you guys try any of this brand I don't think you're going to be disappointed this is just a really really good um popcorn in general is a big hit in our house um these are something new I wanted to try so like I told you there's so many options on their website this was something new that I had never seen before it looked pretty good some churo strips so grain-free cinnamon chips I'm going to pack these for the girls this week so just it's always kind of fun to go on their website and see what new things that are on there or things I haven't seen in a while so most of the time I will throw something completely new into my cart and then we've gotten these before but they are cheese balls made with real Cheddar 20% less fat real cheddar cheese baked not fried so these are another snack that we like that we get from time to time so we have we have been members of Thrive market for over 2 years and we love them we truly do if you're on the fence just give it a try I truly truly do not think you'll be disappointed I mean the variety alone I think makes it worth it so there is a link in the description if you join Thrive market today you can get 30% off your first order plus a free gift worth up to $60 again that link will be in the description and if you guys try anything out let me know if if there's something that you get from Thrive Market that you love leave it below in the comment section we can all kind of read that message me on Instagram I love to know what you guys like I've had a few things you guys have messaged me about I ordered them with my next order and ended up loving those so let me know what you guys love and yeah definitely give Thrive Market a try so I honestly don't have an exact recipe for this you kind of have to eyeball it and judge based on consist consistency thinking that you want this to be a cookie dough texture to guess I added in about two to three scoops of the Aloha vanilla protein powder this has been my go to go-to vanilla protein powder um that I've been using lately and then I added in some water to the protein powder this cuts down on the chalky taste and I kind of eyeballed the water but I try to get it so it's the consistency of maybe like chunky oatmeal and like I said it doesn't really matter and then I added about 2 tablespoons give or take of peanut butter and then two big spoonfuls of vanilla Greek yogurt mix it all up and then I like to add the big chocolate chunks from Thrive Market it is so good so with Thrive Market you can filter the catalog of products by diet and lifestyle product types and your favorite Brands so whether you're gluten-free vegan or keto you can shop over 90 plus diets and values I typically filter by high protein kid snacks or trending you're going to see me add these churo strips to this snackle box I found those in the trend tring section and let me tell you they are a thumbs up they are very very good they are cinnamon chips so as a Thrive Market member you'll save on every single order of the highest quality organic and sustainable products and if you find a lower price somewhere else they will match it there's two membership options a month-to month which is $12 a month there's an annual membership which comes out to $5 a month build at $59.95 for the whole year we have the annual membership and you will make back your annual $60 membership back in savings if you don't Thrive Market will credit you the difference ORD is over $49 ship free and it's seriously so fast it's as simple as that you place the order shows up fast you don't have to tip and there's no additional fees again there's guaranteed savings if you have a yearly membership and at the end of the year you don't save as much as you spent on the membership they'll credit you the difference so there's nothing to lose on this order alone I saved $40.95 so I packed the Aloha peanut butter chocolate chip protein bars for me my little bag this is the girls snacking on their snackle box during the game it kept them entertained and this was the first time I tried these protein bars and I give them a thumbs up protein bars can be kind of tough but I really did like the so when you guys go to thrivemarket.com Jam journey you get 30% off your first order and a free gift worth up to $60 so click the link in my description box or go to thrivemarket.com Jam journey to again get 30% off your first order and a free gift worth up to $60 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so after I was done scrubbing it I like like using this it's a double-sided razor I almost never use the actual razor part but the other side is a plastic razor and you know with your oven on the glass it gets those those brown spots that can be really hard to get off this little plastic razor does a trick it's the perfect addition when you're deep cleaning your oven I will have that linked down below but I guess are we ready to get into good week and bad week I will say that the week and the bad week are kind of related because the bad week when I said there was an emergency room visit so you guys are seeing this on I was cleaning on Sunday night Avery had a President's Day softball tournament and she was pitching and this girl crushed it and she got a line drive to the chest um luckily if you guys are if you were a softball player like when I played softball back in the day we did not wear masks so now the girls wear masks in the field which get you know gives me peace of mind especially after this but she just got a line drive straight to the chest now we're playing inside it's um like a big inside dome and there's just obviously not a lot of room for spectators and parents to watch so the parents are sitting all the way in the Outfield so we don't have a good vision of the field we're not up close my is one of her coaches so he was on the sideline so I was kind of sitting behind her all the way in the Outfield so I didn't get a really good look of what happened of course I saw the play I saw it hit her and then I looked over at him and Mike is very laid-back he is like he never gets worked up he never gets stressed he's just like a go with the flow he doesn't get too high with the highs doesn't get too low with the lows and he almost never worries and I've always said to myself if Mike starts to worry about something that's when I know it's bad then I really need to worry because I'm always the warrior and I looked over at him she did not fall to the ground she was standing up I look over at him and he starts sprinting out to her and because I was so far away I had no idea was she knocked out was like how serious was it I ran over there so not to leave you on a cliffhanger but I've been talking for over 2 minutes so I'll take a break and we'll visit this back because I don't want you guys to worry she is okay I will say that and then I'll finish the story here so I'm not talking too [Music] long [Music] [Music] so real quickly if you need to clean out your vacuum what I would suggest if you're not sure how to do it is go on YouTube and type in what vacuum you have and it should show you how to take it apart and how to properly clean it the one thing is don't forget to take out the filter and clean that I think that's one part that is often missed but you should be doing this regularly um but for the most part most vacuums have one of those where you just take a coin like a quarter a dime and you can kind of like twist it and then it should kind of come apart or as much as you can maybe to get a roller out that's what this with the tin Co that's how it does um I took a quarter spun that little that kind of released the bottom part and I was able to take out the roller I clean the filter kind of wipe down the inside of the canister and I was able to use the rubbing alcohol to get in there where the um roller sits because that can get pretty [Music] [Music] dirty I was going to go sit down for a second in the living room that I was like Jamie the couch is wet you can't go sit there so I was like all right sit right here for a second I need to just kind of like decompress um before I actually go to bed we don't me and the twins don't have to be up until 6:00 um Avery and Mike I think have to be up at 5:30 at the latest this is Avery's last tournament until June so we have a little bit of a break so even though it's an ideal to wake up early on a non-school day um it's fun softball is her sport she loves it she you know isn't complaining at all about getting up at the cadon and um I enjoy watching her play so no big deal at all um but I plan to do some more cleaning I'll share some more recipes dinners um breakfast that pancake breakfast I was kind of telling you about the healthy breakfast that's really really good I'll share that with you guys this week and I have some more cleaning so stay tuned for that um um yeah hopefully I have some good news on how Avery's tournament went um when I do some more nighttime cleaning but stay tuned we're going to do some more cleaning [Music] together [Music] so those were the Sloppy Joe's that we made with the sloppy joe mix from Thrive Market I kind of like using that pre-made mix um the girls really really liked it so I told Mike we should be making these a little bit more it's perfect something perfect to keep in the pantry cuz you can keep the little seasoning packet and we always have ground beef okay so this is actually another night of cleaning and I'm just wearing the same clothes if you're confused so okay going back to Avery so I I I watch Mike run over to her so I go over there and she was okay she was obviously crying um there is a girl on the team and her mom's a p pediatric ICU nurse so she jumped right in and started doing like the physical examination started listening to her chest um listening for like an abnormal rhythm of her heart and all of that so I was just glad that somebody with some medical knowledge was right there and so she listened to her and said she should be okay um but of course Avery set out the rest of the game we brought her home and um we decided we wanted her to go to the emergency room we actually messaged her pediatrician and they said have her go to the emergency room not urgent care and get her all checked out so so she did she had an EKG and a chest x-ray everything came back normal but she has a gnarly bruise um we've kind of now since it's done and over with um and she's okay you know we kind of like say like oh you're so tough and you know you get like a cool battle battle scar essentially um but I guess it was just really scary cuz it was right in her chest right where her heart is and I think what scared me was when we had gotten home like I watched Mike out at to get with her and when we got home he walked in the door he went and he grabbed some ibuprofen or Tylenol and he looked at me and I forget what he said but I looked at his eyes and they were glassy and I could see how emotional he was and it was just crazy for me because like I told you Mike just he never gets he never gets worried never gets worked up and I could see the how scared he was and the emotion in his eyes and it was just very powerful because he's just like he's never a worrior and it it was it was a lot it was an emotional day for sure but we're just glad she's okay um I'm proud of her for how she handled it she was strong when she didn't have to be I mean accidents um injuries are going to happen when you play when you have activities like that when you're playing in sports and this unfortunately I'm sure will not be the last injury that she has so you know also just trying to teach her that this this stuff does happen we're happy she's okay and proud of how strong she's been so that was I would say for sure the bad week cuz it's very scary that that thought of like oh my gosh is this incredibly serious that was scary the good week is she is okay and I thank God that she's okay [Music] my my my my [Music] my [Music] [Music] so don't forget you can click the link in the description box or go to thrivemarket.com Jam's journey to again get 30% off your first order and a free gift worth up to six worth up to $60 if you guys try anything that you really love let me know so I forgot to close out this video I didn't really forget this evening but I was going to fold laundry the next day and I was like oh I'll F we had a lot of laundry to fold from the busy weekend and so I was like oh I'll fold that on camera and then close out the video and I kind of totally forgot so what Mike and I did was we had a lot of laundry so we he took a break um and then we sat down and we just kind of like chatted caught up sometimes you know when you're busy with kids and life and things you're just kind of like passing back and forth and so sometimes just taking a lunch break or taking some time to fold laundry and just kind of chat um Can going to be a way to connect so we did that um and I did not film it and I did not close up this video so so thanks again for being here sticking around and hanging out with me hopefully you are feeling good for the upcoming week I know it seems like a lot right now but you got this you can handle whatever comes your way I promise you so thanks again for being here and I will see you guys next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Jamie's Journey
Views: 35,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house cleaning 2024, spring cleaning 2024, spring cleaning, plan with me, sunday reset, deep cleaning, clean with me, clean with me 2024, cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation 2024, cleaning videos, cleaning house, cleaning routine, night time clean with me, after dark clean with me, night time cleaning routine, jamies journey, jamie's journey, sahm, sahm routine, stay at home mom, homemaking, homemaking routines, cleaning
Id: DixX48-vWCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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