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hey guys it's Whitney and welcome back to my channel today's video is going to be a messy to minimal it's a cluttering Marathon if you guys are new to my channel I recently went throughout my entire house and completely decluttered every space in my home and today I thought it would be really fun to combine all of the videos together to give you guys two hours of cleaning and decluttering motivation I usually post these videos on Thursdays and I know a lot of you guys can't get into your homes and declutter and clean and organize on those days so I figured I would post this on a Sunday maybe you guys have a little bit of time today to get some decluttering done around your home and I really hope this video can motivate you and inspire you to get some things done around your house today thank you guys so much for being here I know some of you guys are probably sick of seeing these videos but I am so happy that you are here today and without further Ado we are going to get into today's Marathon and thank you guys so much for watching [Music] hey you guys it's Whitney and welcome to my very first video for my messy to minimal series here on my channel if you guys are new here I am going to be taking you throughout my entire house over the next few weeks and we are going to be decluttering every single room in my home so if you guys need some decluttering motivation or maybe you are wanting to do the same I really want to encourage you to maybe put me up on your screen today and let's get some spaces tackled in our home I am wanting to take a step further to minimalism and I thought what better way than to bring you guys along with me I have so many areas in my home that I'm going to be tackling but today we are going to be focusing on the main bathrooms so this is the bathroom in the master bedroom this is a bathroom that my husband and I use and it was just time to tackle it there was a lot of spaces that were cluttered third I think it's been about a year and a half since the last time I've decluttered this it was definitely before I was pregnant with Maddie so it's been some time and so that is what we're going to be focusing on and I am going to be starting with the closet now whenever it comes to decluttering in my house I like to completely clear out the space before I begin decluttering it really helps me to see everything laid out in front of me and what I plan on getting rid of and it just really helps with the decluttering process so if you are feeling very overwhelmed by the clutter in your house and maybe you don't really know where to start I really hope that this series can help you I'm really excited to be doing this I am somebody who gets very overstimulated by clutter and so I know this is just going to help me overall and I'm just ready to tackle my house and I hope that you guys are too I am going to take a few moments to clean out my closet before we begin the decluttering process you are close [Music] all right so this is going to be the hard part um trying to be a minimalist means not having an excessive amount of things like look at all the candles I have which I'm probably going to give away all of these um I am really trying not to have candles in my house anymore so I'd really like to get rid of all of those um I have a lot of nail polish and stuff I don't ever use um just some like really random stuff so I'm gonna take a few moments and try to go through as much of this as I can and then I might go back through it and make sure I really was intentional with what I was keeping um and I'll kind of take you guys along that process start over here just because I kind of know like what all I'm keeping over on this side um again it's mostly like candles so I'm gonna completely clear out all of my candles and get them ready to go bye-bye [Music] but I know it's true [Music] [Music] like I got you smile going on repeat you're the star of my movie but now it's done still stuck in my seat [Music] s close to all right I think we've made some good progress um so a lot of the essential oils that I had I don't ever use them anymore so I'm gonna see if anybody wants them um and then most of the like medications and stuff that I did have in here were expired so I go ahead and throw those away um and then those two things I think I'm just gonna put them downstairs and that way you can kind of get rid of the first aid bin and utilize that for something else for my nail polishes I kept all of my neutral Shades I'm definitely a neutral girl as far as nail polish and clothes and things so I did declutter all of my like bright orange and things like that um and I have Santa has her own nail polish so I didn't keep those for her and a lot of them were just really old anyways um and then I did keep all of our travel stuff mainly because we are planning on doing some traveling this year and so it didn't make very much sense to declutter all of this stuff just to have to buy it all again so I am going to hang on to all of my travel sized kind of like you know products that I have in here that way I can just pick and choose what I need for a trip in this bin and then I do have all of my feminine products here I still need to kind of organize the toilet paper and then um I don't plan on keeping this I'm gonna see again if anybody wants that it's never been opened or used so it's pretty much brand new and then I have all of our towels I do still need to declutter all of my ribbon um but I mean I think I think I'm gonna do that later so we're gonna go ahead and focus on getting all of this stuff back into the closet [Music] [Music] [Music] and baby please don't okay so I have this rather large tub of like hair stuff so I cut my kids hair with the exception of Savannah um I cut ferrets here I cut Tim's hair and I mean this thing is just it's just trashed I also have like developers and stuff in here I don't ever do my own hair anymore so I'm going to declutter this and try to put all of it in here um I'm only planning on keeping like the stuff that I use for the boys hair and then like a haircut Cape I think I need to get a new one though because this one has it's just done it's run its course um so I might order just a new one this is a kid size one anyway and it hurts Tim's neck so um I think I'm just gonna get a cape and then I'm gonna clear all of this out and just get it a little bit more organized and baby please don't think I'll run away from you it's just sometimes eyes [Music] about you guys it's a little bit later in this day when I am tackling underneath of the sink and we are continuing with the decluttering process in my bathroom I am not superwoman I cannot get it all done in one day and you guys will see her in a minute I actually had to pick back up the next day but again I am going to be completely clearing out underneath of this cabinet again it's just the easiest way for me to declutter I can see everything and know what I want to get rid of and what is staying and it's just a lot easier to do it that way now I like to kind of follow the konmari method whenever I'm decluttering I don't follow it to a T I feel like I always have people come for me when I say that I take aspects of the konmari method if you're not familiar with that is you can find so much information online there's tons of videos and there's actually a book by Marie kondo she is who came up with this term um and so it's just her way of decluttering and I like to take again just aspects of her method and the biggest one that I take away from her method is getting rid of anything that doesn't spark joy that is one of her biggest things when it comes to decluttering is getting rid of stuff that you don't love um and a big thing for me I really like to get rid of stuff that I know I haven't used in forever if I haven't used it in the last year it's gone it's out of my house because chances are I'm probably never going to use it again I am really notorious for holding on to things thinking that I'm going to be using them later on or especially if it's like a shirt or pants or something like that I will hold on to it for eternity because I think that maybe by chance I will wear it another day you know but then I never wear it and it just sits in my closet forever so I am trying to be really diligent here and making sure I'm getting rid of anything again that I have not used in the last year there were a ton of products that I just don't use anymore and we're taking up a lot of space so I am going to be focusing on that whenever I'm decluttering and just making sure again that I'm getting rid of anything that does not spark Joy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I wanted to Trail off what I was saying earlier and kind of take away from that um I just had some thoughts while I was watching this video I am a Sentimental person and I know so many of you guys are probably the same way and so I hold attachments to so many inanimate objects I don't know why I'm like this but it was something that I really struggled with whenever I started my minimalism Journey if you will back in 2020 me and my husband really started to declutter our home and I've been slowly trying to take baby steps to becoming more of a minimalist and this year I'm very serious about it but I do still struggle with sentimental things I have all of my kids baby clothes and things like that that I just hold on to because it's just a memory for me and so I know decluttering can be really hard for those of you who are in the same boat and don't feel bad if you can't get rid of something right now it's not to say that you can't get rid of it later just try and take baby steps when you're decluttering you don't have to go full out minimalism in the very first step but I just wanted to say that and encourage you guys because I know how hard it can be to let go of things in your home [Music] wait when see this one's teeth are bothering her so she's hanging out with Mom it's like 10 o'clock at night right now and I'm trying to get this done and you won't go in at night no you won't so I'm hoping she'll tire out eventually but for right now she's gonna hang out with Mama you can hang out Mama yay [Music] things all the places [Music] [Music] sensation I hope I please one space I was really excited to tackle was my husband's shaving drawers is where he keeps all of the Tremors and things for his face and there was just so much hair in here and it was really starting to bother me and it's not even my space so I can only imagine how it was bothering him so I wanted to take a few moments and get this cleaned up for him and also organize his drawers I did ask him if this was okay before I started digging through his things and like rearranging everything my husband is the same way as me as far as organization he really thrives in an organized space and just not having a ton of clutter so I was very excited to do this for him today and just getting all of his little different pieces that he has and different heads and things like that all nice and organized in this drawer [Music] I'll be right [Music] you know that I'm a cubicle with you I feel like breaking rules [Music] anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] I had to convince my friends this time [Music] all right guys it is the next day I could not get all of this done last night with the baby and stuff so we are starting back out very next morning I'm wearing the exact same outfit but it's fine um I'm gonna go ahead and clean now I'm gonna focus on getting the bathroom cleaned up and then that way the whole bathroom is done so I'm gonna you know wipe down the mirrors the countertop I also really would like to clean our shower and just like finish doing like last minute things in here so that's what I'm going to focus on doing now and getting this bathroom all cleaned up [Music] foreign [Music] goal for this year I also really wanted to take more steps to more clean living and using cleaner products and trying to just make healthier swaps in my kitchen and things like that and I can get into that more in a separate video if you guys are interested in that but one thing that I have been trying to be better about is what cleaning products that I'm using in my home especially because I do have a crawling baby so I'm trying to be very mindful about what I'm using because her hands are constantly touching surfaces so I've been using vinegar a lot in my house here lately I know vinegar is not a disinfecting property at least some people will argue that it is other people say that it's not if you go on the internet it says that it's not so I don't really know if you guys have any input on that you can leave it down in the comments but I find that using vinegar really does help to clean you can definitely tell a difference in your floor when you are using a vinegar water mixture seriously it's like night and day I can like feel my socks sliding because that's how squeaky clean my floors are so I've been trying to do that more often I also used a vinegar water solution in the shower and it does a really good job of breaking down all of that soap scum so if you are interested in that definitely try out a vinegar and water mixture for cleaning spaces around your house it really does do such a phenomenal job foreign [Music] [Music] just taking some random soaps that I had underneath of my husband's sink and filling up these bottles I had been saving these bottles for whenever we decided to redo our bathroom and we still haven't done that and I've been holding on to these for about two years now so I was like you know what we're just gonna go ahead and use them we're gonna go ahead and make this space feel a lot better even though we're not going to be doing anything in here anytime soon I was just very excited to have a calming and relaxing bathroom but that is actually going to be it for my very first decluttering video for my messy to minimal series I am so happy that my bathroom has been gone through I'm going to take you through each drawer here and show you guys how everything is organized and if there is an area in your home that maybe you guys need help decluttering please leave me a comment down below maybe I can do some decluttering in that space in my house and encourage you and motivate you to get that space cleared up in your home but I am so excited to be doing this I hope you guys are too thank you so much for watching today I love having you guys here and all of your support and I will see you guys in my next video bye guys [Music] hey you guys it's Whitney and welcome to part two of my messy to minimal series here on YouTube if you guys are new here I am on a minimalism journey and over the course of the next few weeks in January I am going to be taking you room by room and decluttering my entire house and just taking the next step towards minimalism in my first part I did the master bathroom and in today's video we are going to be focusing on the kitchen this was one area that I was really excited to tackle today so if you guys are in need of some decluttering motivation you have definitely come to the right place I'm really excited to be sharing today's video with you guys I am just taking a few moments to quickly take you throughout my kitchen and kind kind of show you what I'm working with and what I have going on in my kitchen as far as what to declutter Etc so we are going to get started with my one cabinet this is kind of like a miscellaneous cabinet we keep a lot of our medications in here we keep all of Maddie's things in here and it's kind of just like the random cabinet in my kitchen I don't know if anybody else has a cabinet like that in their kitchen but that is what this one is used for and again whenever I am starting AIDS a cluttering project I like to completely clear out the space before I begin working it just makes it a lot easier for me to look at what I have in front of me and kind of figure out how I'm going to be reorganizing things and looking at stuff and figuring out what I'm going to be decluttering so here's a little overview of everything that I pulled out from that cabinet now in a previous video I pulled everything out in my kitchen at one time and I find that that was very over overwhelming and I will not be doing that again so specifically for this video I am going to do it cabinet by cabinet just to kind of save my sanity a little bit I was also working on this project throughout the entire day I am a mom to three so I do have kids at home with me so I was not able just to do this all in one swoop I did have to take little segments throughout the day and Tackle this project so I am going to quickly wipe out this cabinet and then we are going to begin to cluttering all of the stuff that I have in front of me this universe [Music] [Music] [Music] if only I had listened for a while I would have told you I was really overwhelmed when I began starting this decluttering process on the counter here but once I got going I got the momentum and it actually only took me about 15 minutes to completely tackle this cabinet it took no time at all I already kind of had an idea of what I was going to be getting rid of in here and what I was keeping and mostly in this video it's just going to be a lot of reorganization there will be tons of decluttering as well but strictly more so on the organization part I have been on a decluttering journey since 2020 and so I have decluttered my house multiple times throughout the last last three years and so I'm just again taking that little step close towards minimalism and just it's just making it easier for me to manage my house so I am using these acrylic containers I find that when I'm using a container that is see-through it's actually a lot easier to see what's in it versus something that I was using before I had those gray bins and it was really hard to see what I had and I found myself digging around for things a lot more than I needed to and honestly this just looks a lot nicer in the cabinet as well so that's kind of what I went for when I was tackling this cabinet and the other ones you'll see as well I kind of stuck with the same like clear bin Vibe going throughout my entire kitchen [Music] it was never under my control [Music] there's something to change [Music] I know I have three crock pots and I know that doesn't scream minimal you guys here but I also kept them because we use our crock pots often for parties for family get-togethers Etc I need multiple things warming whatever so I didn't want to get rid of all of my crock pots and then come Maddie's birthday in a couple months I needed them for food so I did keep them I did have a bigger silver crock pot that I actually I got like a crack or something in it and it was a leaky mess I do plan on seeing if anybody wants it or maybe wants to repair it I did get that white crock pot for my 30th birthday I celebrated my 30th over last weekend it's crazy I can't believe I'm 30 years old but that was one of my gifts for turning 30. but anyway we are moving on to this cabinet this is kind of where I house all of my smaller appliances so again I took a few moments wiped everything out and really this was just kind of figuring out how to have everything laid out in there so that it was functioning better for me and my kitchen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this cabinet I didn't have a ton to declutter it was really just a lot of spices that needed to be refilled and again just kind of like reworking the organization system that I had going in here this was a cabinet that used to be crazy and whenever I decluttered it a couple of years ago it's been working really well sometimes you find a really great organization system and this one definitely is it for me now I would say if you can find a rack like this and not necessarily the clear jars that might be a better alternative while I love the aesthetic look of the clear jars for the spices it's really not practical because half of the time the spices that I'm buying don't fit in that jar and so I have a leftover bottle on top of the jar if I could go back in time I would just find some kind of rack and just have the spices as is so that's my little tip for you guys sometimes um you know we make mistakes as far as organizing goes and this was one for me but I still really love the way that it looks and it still works for the time being but that is one of my biggest tips for this are you uh with us [Music] I have to convince my friends [Music] one thing I was really excited to tackle were my utensils I don't use a ton of utensils I kind of just hand wash everything as I go and so I really didn't need multiple spatulas and multiple spoons and things like that less is more here when it comes to minimalism and I also wanted to touch base a little bit on replacing things because I feel like there's this like misconception that if you're a minimalist you can't ever buy new things and that is further from the truth um being a mentalist is just reducing the amount of stuff you have in your house but you can still buy something new if something wears out you don't need to use your crusty Rusty potato peeler from Circa 2002. if you want to replace your potato peeler you certainly can do that it's really just trying to eliminate how many things of that one thing that you have you don't need 10 different spatulas you could probably go with just one or two so that's a big thing that I feel like it's a little misconstrued with minimalism is you can't have nice things that is not true you can still have nice things and still be a minimalist so I have this random hodgepodge of containers that I found in my garage and from just decluttering in general that I've kind of just been holding on to and I really wanted to take all of my baking stuff that I have in that cabinet that I just decluttered and put them into this stuff because one I feel like it will keep everything fresh a lot longer and two it just looks really nice but you can't lie it looks very aesthetic inside of the cabinet with everything in a clear jar but I also love that I can see everything and how much of it I have left now I always get questions about well how do you know when it expires Etc I am somebody who uses up most of my stuff before it would expire but if you are worried about that you can just take a sticker or even like a dry erase pen or whatever pen dry erase marker and write the date on the bottom of the jar that's what I did to label my baking soda and baking powder but again I use most of my stuff up so I don't feel like I really need to worry about expiration dates but if that is something that you are concerned about there are ways that you can write them on the jar [Music] okay so it's 8 45 at night right now I'm almost done I still have to do underneath of the sink but I figured I would show you guys what I have so far in each cabinet I still have to clean up the kitchen um but it's fine so you guys saw this cabinet this is kind of like our multi-purpose cabinet if you will I have I did add some lollipops up there just like for a treat for the kids formula the baby stuff I have baby snacks in here and then like all of her eating utensils and things and that one and then over here I have all of our medications and then this is all of our supplements and things like that um this one is first aid stuff and then all the way up there is just candles essential oils things like that that I don't use all of the time you guys know I'm trying to get eliminate candles I do have a few more I want to use up and then the rest is just wax melts so that is what I have going on in here it's looking so much better um now I did declutter these three cabinets just like a random day right after Christmas time but I'll share it with you guys anyway this is my junk drawer I mean look at this I really decluttered our pens and just like things that we use it's just so much easier to manage all of this this one is mainly just like our bags I would love to eventually get one of those organizer wood things you guys know what I'm talking about that like hold all of the bags but you know one step at a time and then this is our silverware drawer again I would love to get a bigger like a bamboo holder just so I have a few more slots for some of this stuff but it works for now this is what that is looking like um in here I just have all of my like small appliances or blender toaster I have a pineapple core and Chopper my mixer my coffee grinder and then our air fryer I didn't really do any decluttering in this cabinet mainly because I mean it was already pretty minimal I did declutter some of our mugs but other than that everything else is pretty much the same as it was before we are running low on dishes that's why it looks so empty and then coming over here again I didn't do too much in here this was mostly just reorganizing and like restocking the spices and stuff but I did declutter one of my measuring cups because I don't need two of them so I did do that in there this I definitely decluttered I don't know if you guys remember what it looked like before um I would love again to get kind of like a divider or organization type of system going on in here but for right now this is just going to have to do now in here this is where I keep my pots and pans I haven't shown this yet um I recently got Caraway pans I don't know it's probably been about six months and I love them so much that I don't use any of my other pants so I went ahead and decluttered them all I'm going to be donating them I do need to fix this it was here but this kind of got all cockeye and I need to just kind of I need to get some new tape and everything to fix that up but that is what that looks like my baking cabinet is like a night and day difference it looks so good I can see how much of each thing I have left and it's just a lot easier to manage I did label I'm sure I'm gonna get questions but like so this one is baking powder and that one up there is baking soda I did label these because I didn't want to get them confused um and then that's cornstarch flour sugar brown sugar and then I have like my random miscellaneous things mini chocolate chips chocolate chips chia seeds flaxseed and some pecans so and that random bin up there is just like all of our like sprinkles birthday candles things like that so that is what I have going on in this cabinet this is depressingly empty only because all of my kitchen towels that I keep in here are being washed so that is why this is looking very bare in here um and then I have nothing in this cabinet at all you guys saw me pull everything out I didn't put anything in here so it's completely cleared out and then this one is all of our alcohol related things we don't drink a lot in our house but I do like to have girls nights with my friends every now and then so I didn't want to get rid of our things that we use to make mixed drinks and stuff so I have it all up in that cabinet away from the kids um and I still needed to clutter this but I think I'm going to save that for another day because I am tired guys so I'm gonna quickly declutter the sink now and then get this kitchen all cleaned up [Music] so many years has gone by but I think about you about you all the time it looks like you're changing and all why didn't you why didn't you call [Music] me [Music] [Music] I want to be transparent with you guys here I love these little drawers so much and I would love them even more if they didn't come all scuffed up um I don't want you guys to like go and order these and then be all ruined and I you know recommended them to you they're great drawers but they do I don't know if it was just mine um I did see a couple of other reviews in there that they were scuffed up I just took a magic eraser and thankfully I was able to get most of the scuffs out but these do come scuffed as a little bit disappointing there's nothing worse than spending money on something and it doesn't come the way that you had hoped foreign [Music] all right so I wanted to show you guys because I had a lot of you saying that you wanted me to show you what all I decluttered and so for starters I have one and two there on the top those are the trash bags that I decluttered so just like expired things things that I wasn't going to donate Etc and then over here I have two full boxes of stuff that I'm going to be donating to Goodwill or just seeing if anybody wants this stuff some organization things I have again that crock pot a hodgepodge of like random utensils this is just like a mattress pad that we had gotten for free when we ordered our couches but that's random couple of mugs in there um again just some like drink stuff I have this basket and then I literally have an entire pots and pans set in here so whoever goes to Goodwill they're gonna score big because these are still like perfect condition um I just never use them anymore because again I have those Caraway pans and I love them so much I don't use anything else and then again just some like other random things in there so that's everything that I decluttered from the kitchen I also have a ton of clothes and baby items and like random miscellaneous things that I'm going to be donating as well a lot of the baby stuff is going to be going to a local shelter here or it's not a shelter a local non-profit organization that helps teen moms so I'm going to be donating all of the baby stuff there and then I have some Christmas stuff I just have so much stuff to get out of my house and donated also I'm going to be doing a garage declutter because you guys this is a mess this is an absolute mess I need to go through this garage so bad but it's been a little bit cold here I'm kind of waiting for the weather to warm up or if we have like a random warm day to tackle this so definitely stay tuned for that what can I do anyways you guys that is actually going to end today's video and part two of my messied and minimal series here on YouTube thank you guys so much for all of the Love on the series I'm having so much fun doing these and I really hope that they are motivating you and inspiring you to get some decluttering done in your home as well leave me a comment down below letting me know what you guys want to see next on my channel and where I should declutter next and of course stay tuned for part three I'm so excited to be doing this decluttering journey with you guys as always thank you so much for watching my videos and I will see you all in the next one bye guys foreign [Music] hey you guys it's Whitney and welcome to part three of my messy and minimal series here on YouTube today we are going to be tackling a few random areas in my home including my kids bathroom and a hallway closet that used to be our craft closet and you guys will kind of see what I have done instead of that and I'm just really excited to bring you guys along today's video you guys seem to really be loving this series and I am so excited to be decluttering my home today so if you guys are in need of some decluttering motivation you have definitely come to the right place if you missed part one and two of this series I will be sure to link them down below for you guys but we are going to get started upstairs now this little closet I have in between my kids bedrooms it's like right when you come up off the stairs and we had originally use this closet for all of the kids crafts Play-Doh coloring stuff you name it back when they were really little and would get into everything but now that my older two are four and six and a lot more trusting stuff like this I decided it was time to find a way to utilize a space downstairs that I could have all of their craft stuff down there my daughter Savannah she is four she loves all things coloring Play-Doh you know all the craft stuff and I wanted those things accessible to her um of course with the exception of Play-Doh and things those are kept a little bit higher which you guys will see here in just a little bit so I decided that I was going to change this Closet in particular to all of my Cricut stuff you guys know I've worked with Cricut many times on my channel and I just have such an abundance of it and I'm getting ready to use a lot of it for Maddie's decorations and things like that for her birthday and so I just needed a space to be able to keep all of this stuff I was keeping it in a box and it just was not working out so I'm going to take a few moments here and kind of go through everything in this closet there's a lot of stuff that I was not going to be keeping I was going to see if anybody wanted it instead of keeping it my kids don't really use a lot of the stuff that's left up here everything that they do use has since been brought downstairs [Music] I know I have a ton of Cricut vinyl honestly it's a lot more than I would like to have I think once I'm done with Maddie's birthday party her birthday is coming up in just a month and a half and I had plans to make some of her birthday decorations using my Cricut and so I think after I tackle that project I'm gonna come back in here and declutter some of the vinyl colors that I just don't love or um I wasn't a fan of or I really just don't use and see if maybe there's anybody in my local area who could get some use out of them so I think I'm going to do that here in the future but for right now I'm kind of just organizing everything and making sure everything has a place there were a few things that I did get rid of um just some like random scrap pieces of vinyl that I had laying around that weren't really big enough to use for any type of project so I did take a few moments and do that and then this little caddy thing that I have right here I'm putting all of my like utensils and pens and things and again just trying to really organize all of the stuff that I have and what will be the most functional all for this closet [Music] [Music] [Music] and it wasn't all bad baby [Music] [Music] all right so I wanted to show you guys my little closet that I made here so this is my now like cricket and craft closet I have like some other things up here that aren't necessarily Cricut um but this is how I organized it I have all of my um bigger mats that I couldn't fit anywhere else there are some of my paints and here is my hot glue gun and then in here I have all of my like specialty Cricut stuff there's like coasters in there and like different papers and things these are all my tools and my pens and some of my smaller mats that I have here and then I have all of my machines and then down here I just have my little cutter thing there and this first bin I have all of my smart vinyl so this is what I use for my Cricut Joy um and the reason why I have these colors on top is because I am going to be making some of Maddie's first birthday um decorations so that's why those colors are on top and then in here I have all of my iron-on stuff and then down here I have all of my Cricut Explore stuff that I use in like some other random things in there so that is how I have this closet organized and then right here I have this box this is everything that I saved from that closet that I'm going to be adding downstairs and I'll show you guys how we have that set up and there's Maddie and then this is our um dining cabinet so this isn't a dining room this is supposed to be a dining room but we don't have space for a playroom so our dining room is our playroom and we have this beautiful Hutch right now that is acting as our crafting stuff and when the kids were younger the upstairs closet was perfect because I could make sure they weren't getting into it or anything but now that they're a little bit older it's not practical Savannah likes to color and draw a lot and they are just a lot more trusting with stuff like that so I will kind of show you guys what we have in here so far I did this right after Christmas time when we got all like the new Christmas presents and stuff this has since been kind of discombobulated but we're gonna fix that up here in a minute and then I have just some of their little stuff here this is Play-Doh um and then down in here we have I also need to fix this up but this is all of their board games and puzzles and just like anything else this is a sensory activity stuff like that um so we just have a lot going on in here so I'm going to reorganize this bring down that box that I showed you guys and kind of figure out a place for everything inside of this cabinet what are you doing Maddie she just had a bath because she was covered in head to toe in yogurt weren't you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I originally had these little things um with their paper and coloring books and stuff on this shelf but I decided to move them up so that I could make some more room for the caddy that's going to have all of their crayons and markers and pens because again I know my daughter she just she'll call her all day long um it's like her favorite thing to do so I wanted her to be able to easily access those things so I wanted them short enough to where she could reach them so here I'm just taking a few moments again organizing all of their crayons and markers and scissors now I right after Christmas I had gone through all of this stuff got rid of any broken or dried out stuff so I knew everything that was in here for the most part was good so again just taking a few moments to organize all of this stuff we thought life was gonna be all right as long as I could have you next to me [Music] we're growing up said we'd be on forever you taught me how to love and nothing could be better than you and me you and me all right the cabinet is done um so down here again this is where I keep like all of the board games so this whole side right here is board games um they got quite a few for Christmas and then actually I think all of these are from Christmas so except for the Gabby dollhouse one but those are all their board games these are all of their puzzles mostly Savannah's because she's just very much into puzzles and crafts and things these are all kind of like craft type things so you have some like paint markers this is like a wood car activity jewelry making kit sensory activity and then down here we have like educational things that we can do together and then again up here we just have all of the rest of our craft stuff so stickers there's like flash cards and um card games in that bin this is all of our markers and crayons and pins pins pens glue stick scissors all of that fun stuff and then up here I I already had these pre-made in the closet upstairs but we have our color paper white paper these workbooks are just like preschool book ings like that and then right here we have coloring books and coloring pads all of that kind of stuff and then again up here we have Play-Doh and then in these side bins we don't have anything in them but we do have them if we need them in the future but that is what the craft cabinet is looking like it's so organized and I just love how it turned out baby it was you and me [Music] [Music] we're going to move upstairs into my kids bathroom now this was filmed over the course of a few days I am not super mom I cannot get it all done in one day here lately I've just been taking one small decluttering project and doing it each day I just find it's a lot easier for me especially being a mom of three so if you guys are finding issues with finding time to declutter don't stress yourself out too much do something very small if you can even if it's just a drawer or a cabinet or something of that sort that you do not need to go all gung-ho in one day you can just tackle a little bit at a time I know I know as a person you really want to get it all done in one day but you know life just happens it's not practical I don't want you guys to think I can get all of this stuff done in one day because that's not practical for me either um and I've just been taking it little spaces at a time so on this day I tackled just kind of like the vanity area that we have here here their bathroom wasn't really all that like crazy it just needed a good organization system there was a lot of stuff that I did not keep in here a lot of cleaning products that we don't use anymore that type of thing that I did to clutter um but for the most part this face really just needed a different organization system [Music] I know that I told you we're over I swear that I'm sober just listen I miss you is [Music] happy birthday [Music] I am also going to be cleaning the bathroom in this video I just needed a really good deep clean um and here's kind of an overview of everything that was pulled out of the bathroom and I didn't show myself going through this I thought my camera was recording and I guess it wasn't so I did not film that part but I kind of just went through again and got rid of anything that we weren't using or just didn't really belong in the bathroom we had a few things like that a lot of hair ties Etc um I did keep some in here though but I'm going to take a few moments and go through this little drawer thing that I have here Maddie she when I first originally organized underneath of the sink here she was it was before she was born I had a lot of like newborn type of things in here so I needed to go through and fix that Maddie is 10 months old which is crazy and that's another project to look forward to on my channel I'm going to be tackling the girls room I'm going to be going through their dresser they're their closet they also have like this little nightstand thing that I need to go through I'm also going to be completely deep cleaning the room and I think I might do a bedroom refresh in that video let me know if you want to see that too just literally a couple little things nothing fancy but let me know if you guys want me to include that in that room um that will be next on my channel so definitely stay tuned but here I'm just finishing off kind of organizing things and making sure everything was clean we're gonna clean the toilet and mop in here and that is actually going to finish off the bathroom foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so why didn't you why didn't you call so many years has gone by anyways you guys that is actually going to end part three of my messy and minimal series I know it was short and sweet and to the point but again sometimes we just can't get all of it done in one day and that is okay so I want to encourage you guys to take small steps in decluttering your house and I hope that you enjoyed today's video and you leave my channel feeling motivated and inspired to tackle an area in your home today as always thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you all in the next one bye guys [Music] can you feel me I told you I'm not you hey you guys it's Whitney and welcome back to my Channel today I am bringing you part four of my messy to minimal series if you guys are new here today and you're unfamiliar with my channel I am in the middle of a messy to minimal series I am decluttering my entire house and I'm going room to room and just taking a step further towards minimalism and I am just so excited to be doing this there is nothing more freeing than decluttering your home and removing all of the stuff that you are no longer using out and just having less to manage and I'll get more into that in just a little bit but here I am giving you guys an overview we are going to be tackling my daughter's room today I have a four-year-old daughter and a 10 month old daughter so this is a shared nursery toddler room type of vibe we're going on in here so we are going to be tackling this today and I'm actually starting out with the dresser so I am a stay-at-home mom and I do have my girls with me at home so I had to do this in various steps throughout the day and over the course of a couple of days but I decided to start out with a dresser because I felt like it was the least overwhelming in the entire room and that is my biggest tip for you whenever you are decluttering if it feels like it's too much Start small start somewhere that doesn't feel overwhelming or you have a pretty good idea of what is going to be decluttered and it will just make you motivated and wanting to keep going so that is my biggest tip for you I am starting with my four-year-old's hair drawer this is where she keeps all of her bows and hair ties and things to do her hair and you guys saw a before clip it is just a mess these girls have way too many bows when I I had Savannah four years ago I had done the whole like little poppy bow subscription and it just I had so many and she doesn't wear bows a whole lot anymore she's more of like a headband or just a ponytail type of girl and she did not need an excess amount of bows now I still feel like this is a lot um I might go back in and declutter even more if I find that she hasn't worn a bow in some time I might just go ahead and get rid of it but for right now I feel like this is a fair amount I tried to do like one of each color or type of category and then I am just gonna take a few moments here and go through all of the hair ties and the clips and just try to like to clutter anything that maybe doesn't fit her hair so my four-year-old has this full-blown head of Gorgeous Hair I feel like she has more hair than I do and some of those little tiny hair ties do not work on her hair so I knew I could get rid of those and then I'm going to spend the next few moments just kind of organizing this space and getting it a little more functional for my daughter [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thing that I've really been loving about this decluttering journey that I've been doing is I feel like I have a lot less in my house and a lot less to manage and that was one thing that I was really struggling with I felt like I was always drowning in the housework there was always piles all over my home just stuff scattered throughout the entire house and it was so bad sometimes that I didn't even know where to begin cleaning because it was chaos all over my house and since I've been decluttering and being more intentional with what I've been keeping I've noticed how much easier it is to manage my home and I hope that this can encourage you to declutter your house you guys because I feel like I spend a lot less time picking stuff up around my house I can focus more on cleaning projects that I usually can't get to because I'm too busy just cleaning up the random stuff throughout my house I can actually you know clean the blinds and do more of the deep cleaning projects that I don't usually get to do because they always get pushed to the back burner so this is my encouragement for you guys to maybe get going on decluttering maybe you've been thinking about it for some time and you're really wanting to take that step I want to encourage you to do that because it is so freeing and it has been so nice to manage a lot less stuff so here this is my baby girl side of the dresser and I wanted this top drawer to be a lot more functional I still had it very much towards like a newborn baby um and I had all of her diapers and things in a caddy and it just wasn't working out so I wanted to utilize that space a lot better [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] going to move on to the closet now and this was definitely the most overwhelming part so I wanted just to get it done that way once it was done I felt like I was in the home stretch and whenever I'm decluttering a space again I usually try to clear out the area but I felt like I could get away with just kind of working around the closet and I felt like it worked out really well for me so I'm gonna spend a few moments here and just kind of start digging around and sorting through the things in the girl's closet before we get too far into today's video I did want to mention that it is in collaboration with my friend Marie here on YouTube Marie is a mom to four and she has some of the most relatable content over on her Channel if you guys are a mom and you need somebody real life real life messes all all the good stuff Marie is your girl she will not disappoint she is such a sweetheart and down to earth and I genuinely love her videos I'm going to let her introduce herself here in just a minute but if you're coming over for Marie's Channel today thank you so much for being here and I really hope that you love my channel and will stick around and subscribe hey y'all my name is Marie I'm a stay-at-home mom of four kids from Georgia my channel is all about motherhood motivation and homemaking including all things Decor organization cleaning cooking and all-around motivational mom life I love connecting with and inspiring other mothers and women through my content life isn't always rainbows and butterflies and I'm not afraid to share the reality of ups and downs in life which encourages other mamas that they aren't alone in certain situations normalizing imperfect motherhood is my motto I'm just the mom tried her best and our best is enough I'd love to have you stop by my channel And subscribe if you haven't already and I hope to see foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] at the end of this video I'm going to go through the room and kind of show you guys how I have everything what's in everything kind of like a room tour but of the organization system that I have going in here but for the time being I'm still working on the closet it did take me about an hour and a half to do this again I do have kids at home with me so I'm not able just to like sit down and get going sometimes I do have to stop and take breaks but here I'm just going through Maddie's clothes I am organizing them by color I know that's silly but I just felt like it looked really nice inside of the closet and then when I'm done doing that I have quite a bit more stuff to go through out in the room I have stuff that I was keeping stuff that I was donating stuff that needed to go to Goodwill there is just a whole lot of things to go through it's really hard when you have kids that are so far age Gap apart because I have to save Savannah's clothes and put them away but then we're holding on to them for years until we can take them back out again and it just it can be a lot to go through so I'm going to take a few moments here get all of this figured out I had some stuff I needed to box up and other stuff that needed to be bagged up and then I did have to bring it all out of the room that's the biggest thing about decluttering I feel like the decluttering itself can be um easy at times it's trying to figure out time to be able to get rid of the stuff that you've decluttered out of your home and that is my biggest problem I don't always have time to like run to Goodwill or run to shelters and drop things off and so I have piles and piles of stuff accumulating around my house that need to be donated I don't know if anybody else gets through this when or goes through this when they are decluttering but I feel like that is the biggest challenge is not necessarily the decluttering but trying to figure out the time to be able to remove all of the stuff from your house foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right guys we are making some major progress here I'm almost done kind of like sorting through all of the girls things and like putting them away all right and then in here I have everything that I decluttered from the closet you guys like it when I show this so I'm going to show you I did just set it here in our bathroom because we don't use this bathroom and it's just a great place to have it for right now um but back here I have one and two bags these are donations clothes that are a little more stained a little more worn that I can't donate to the teen shelter because they only accept pretty much like brand new items so I went ahead and put those in bags for donations and then this pile is what is going to the teen shelter so there is a shelter in my area that helps out teen moms and they accept donations and the Teen Moms can shop around for free so I have a lot of brand new baby items that I'm just gonna go ahead and donate to them I have a whole pile in the garage as well so I'm going to load all of that up probably tomorrow and see if I can stop by and get rid of all this stuff I have like a baby carrier I never used all of these clothes are super gently worn she said they would take very gently worn clothes so I'm gonna tell her if there's anything in here that doesn't work out let me know and I will come pick them back up but and then I also have like a whole thing of diapers I never used so that's all going to the baby shelter and then this pile is everything that I'm keeping but needs to go up into our storage area um Tim and I keep going back and forth about a fourth baby and I don't want to just Purge everything and then us decide that we want another baby and then not have it anything again because that's what happened with Savannah um or Maddie um so I am going to hold on to these things for the time being we are going to make that decision in the fall um and then if we decide not to have another baby then I will get rid of this stuff and probably donate it to that same shelter because again all of this stuff is like pretty much new um so I think I have newborn in there this is like zero to three and like um hodgepodge of other baby items and then this is actually for t5t stuff that just needs to get put away for later so and then again I just need to come back in here finish putting some things away we're gonna deep clean in here and then we're gonna do a little bit of a bedroom refresh I am hot and sweaty right now and I need to eat something it's two o'clock and I haven't eaten anything yet so I'm gonna go eat and then we will resume a little bit later [Music] travel the world all the spaces inside your heart okay guys we're on day two now I'm finally able to get into the room and clean it and start decorating I finally finished all of the decluttering and going through stuff so it just felt so good in here and I was really excited to finally move on and get going on this now most of the stuff that I got for the girls little refresh I got from Amazon everything was pretty inexpensive I'll be sure to leave everything linked down below but I was really excited just to kind of spruce up the bedroom a little bit um this mainly got sparked because Savannah's comforter that she did have on her bed for whatever reason there was a giant hole in it I don't know where it came from and the stuffing was just piling out of it all the time constantly and it was just becoming a mess so it was time for her to get a new comforter and I thought you know what I might as well just give the girls a little bit of a bedroom refresh so I'm going to spend the next few moments here just getting the beds made and just decorating throughout the bedroom pieces inside your heart destination [Music] [Music] you're gonna oh you're coming back you know that so I thought this changing of the knobs on the dresser would be an easy quick little DIY project real quick but it actually turned into a nightmare for whatever reason the screws on the previous knobs were just really cheap metal I could not get them out they kept stripping and it just I know it wasn't me it was the screws I I'm not I know how to work a screwdriver and stuff and so I don't know what was going on for the life of me and I was getting really frustrated it was making me like hot and sweaty and I just like didn't know what to do I was able to get them all done except for the top um on the top drawer the right one it just for whatever reason it just kept stripping and stripping and I tried doing tape I tried doing rubber band it just wouldn't come off so my husband actually had to come home or when he got home that day he ended up cutting it off and I was able to put the knob on after that but I don't know what was going on with those screws [Music] [Music] [Music] don't care about no goals no one else to hit my phone up none of that pretentious life no no no don't need no all right so the closet is all done down here I decided to put all of their blankets um and then here I think I have like extra bags and this one is some shoes that doesn't fit Savannah yet up here we have clothes for Springtime for Savannah and then these are clothes that Maddie has outgrown but I haven't been able to like put away yet mostly like 12 months stuff um which still fits her but like I mean off season things so like a lot of Christmas outfits and whatnot and then this one is just like miscellaneous stuff that doesn't really have a place some of her like musical Globes and things like that we have the girls hats right here and then in this first one again it's just like random baby stuff I have like my love every books in here some like flash cards and things her Milestone cards and a portable sound machine these are all of the extra sheets for the beds and then in here again just like some random I have like collab stuff in here and then just some extra bags in there as well now these are all of Maddie's clothes this is pretty much all all she has she has a couple of things in the dresser but mainly it's just pants so this is everything she can wear pretty much for the next couple of months I think most of this is 12 months and most of this is 18 months um I tried to keep it very simple with their clothes I'm trying to be more mindful about what we're bringing into our house and kind of creating capsule wardrobes for the kids as well I plan on doing the same thing with Savannah in the future for right now I went ahead and decluttered anything that I knew she didn't like to wear or it wasn't like her favorite shirt but everything else I did keep for the time being and this way it's a little less overwhelming for her whenever she's picking her shirt in the morning I want to say she has about 15 shirts here to choose from so I feel like it's a pretty fair amount for a little girl and then that's pretty much all of the clothes she has again except for pajamas and pants um in this first drawer I have all of Maddie's like bath Essentials that way I can also pull this out if I had to um some extra Binkies all of her little bows that she's currently wearing she has some that are clip in and some that are headband um her hair is not quite long enough for clipping but sometimes I can get away with it if the bow is light enough and then I do have diapers and wipes I know I don't have the changing table up here anymore but um it's still convenient to have this in here for bed and bath time and then I had just have some like spare um these are like disposable changing pad liners that I can bring with me so I have a few extra ones back there and then just of course her diaper rash cream in here so that's everything that I have in that drawer now it's laundry day for me so that's why these are looking a little bit bare but in the middle is where I keep all of the pajamas she has socks stockings and all of her leggings and then down here on the bottom line I just have some extra swaddles we don't really use them a whole lot but I do like to pull them out just in case she needs like a light blanket or something like that I'm still waiting for Tim to fix this drawer so I will share what's in that drawer um in just a moment this drawer is all of Savannah stuff so her leggings pajamas socks and underwear and then in this and then down here I have all of our extra wipes and then I have a spare rest machine hatch machine I am just keeping it for the time being again in case we decide to have another but I also have a bunch of friends having babies very soon so I can always gift that as well so that's what we have down here in this bottom drawer there's no doubt in my mind your love it is [Music] I'm going to finish off the bedroom by vacuuming and that is actually going to end today's video I hope that you guys enjoyed part four to my nasty to minimal series I had a lot of fun just going through the girls things and bringing this little room refresh to life I hope that you leave my Channel today feeling motivated and inspired to get some decluttering done in your home today as always thank you guys so much for watching my videos and I will see you all in the next one bye guys [Music] I'm dancing to the pounding of your heartbeat your eyes sing the sweetest Melody don't care about no goals no one else to hit my phone up none of that pretentious life no no no don't need no pills to get high there's no doubt in my mind [Music] it's not bad [Music] hey you guys it's Whitney and welcome back to my Channel today we are going to be doing part five I believe of my messy to minimal series here on YouTube today's video is going to be a little bit different though I'm going to be tackling some of the smaller areas in my home we're going to be decluttering a hallway closet going through my freezer and going through some cabinets in my kitchen I'm also going to be doing a ton of deep cleaning in today's video I'm going to be going through my closet and doing some decluttering and organizing in there and I'm also going to share really cute Valentine's Day baskets for your kids if you guys need some ideas on what to get your Littles for Valentine's Day so stay tuned for that I hope that you guys are ready this video is packed full of tons of motivation and I'm very excited to be here today with you guys thank you so much for watching it means a lot to me that you were here today and we are actually going to get started on my hallway closet it is winter time here in West Virginia and so our hall closet gets a little discombobulated pretty often just because we're constantly in here pulling out jackets and boots and hats and gloves and all of that stuff so we are going to get this tackled today and get it functioning a little bit better for my family we're going to be getting rid of some jackets that don't fit some sweatshirts and all of that but before we get started and get through the decluttering portion I'm going to completely clear out the closet you guys know I love to do this whenever I'm decluttering just so I can see a fresh clean slate in front of me we're going to be cleaning the floor in here and just getting this freshened up for the winter time I think [Music] I am okay foreign I had started to vacuum the closet and then I realized how dirty the wall was so I tried to scrub it down with a magic eraser the problem is we have flat paint on the inside of our closet so they're a little bit harder to wipe down but I think I did a good job for the most part and once I've kind of cleared out the closet and I vacuumed down this little shoe holder we're gonna go through all of the jackets we had a lot that didn't fit especially the little ones a lot of sweatshirts and stuff that no longer fit them as well and I got this question on my last video about why I was donating some of Savannah stuff when we have another little girl a great question and I wanted to answer it here in the video If you guys maybe were wondering the same we actually have so I have an aunt and she has a daughter that is Barrett's age and she gives a lot of clothes to us for Savannah because they're about two sizes apart so she just gives us all of her hand-me-downs and then we have them for Savannah the next year but with that she has a ton of clothes and so we just have an over abundance of things and the last bit of clothes she gave to us they were actually a size that Savannah was already in and so I had a ton of clothes I didn't really know what to do with them all Maddie's not going to need that many clothes to begin with so I went ahead and decluttered what I could and kept what I thought Maddie could wear in that season depending or based off of what sizes she's been in so I just wanted to clear that up a little bit if you guys were confused as to why I was decluttering some of Savannah sings that is the reason foreign [Music] foreign I went ahead and bagged up all of those clothes and don't worry I was not throwing them away I just put them into trash bags to bring them to donation it's just easier I never have spare boxes laying around so I went ahead and did that and then we're gonna move into the kitchen and get some decluttering done in here I'm going to be going through my Tupperware drawer that you see right here and then I have that little drawer in the bottom of the oven that I needed to clean out as well and you'll see my little helper here throughout the entire video I am a mom to three two of which I have at home with me so whenever I'm doing these projects I do have kids roaming around it's just part of life so you will see them throughout the entire video but I'm just going to take a few moments and Tackle this and I figured while I'm doing this I'd go ahead and introduce myself if maybe you guys are relatively new to my channel my name is Whitney I am a 30 year old wife and mom to three little ones and my husband and I live in West Virginia and here on my channel you will see all things cleaning decluttering and organizing a little bit of Home Decor sprinkled throughout as well but I am trying to be more minimal in my home so that is the reason for this series I'm wanting to take a step further into minimalism and just live a more simple life so I figured I would take you guys throughout the journey and I would love to have you hit that subscribe button today and join the family and I really want to encourage you to leave a comment down below saying hi so that I can welcome you to my channel foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I was influenced to buy this steam shot I've seen a few YouTubers use it I know Jamie's Journey has one I've seen her use them in her videos quite often but I see it a lot on Tick Tock and I just really wanted one so I was very excited to use this I feel like it does a phenomenal job at getting all of the like nooks and crannies and I'm just so excited about this I really want to actually gift one to one of you guys very soon so stay tuned for a giveaway I'm going to be doing that this month on my channel because I think everybody should have a steam shot I think it's the coolest thing ever we actually use this on our downstairs toilet we do have a little boy and so things get a little Grody in there and it worked so well so again stay tuned for that because I'm wanting to do more giveaways on my channel this year it's something that I'm really trying to do um you guys know I give like coffee money every now and then but I really want to do actual like gifts just a way to say thank you because you guys seriously are amazing you're some of the most incredible people that I've been lucky to quote unquote meet here um virtually meet some of you guys so it's just been a wonderful Journey but now that we are done with this we are going to move on to the freezer and get this gone through I really just needed to kind of organize this and get rid of expired food so I'm gonna take a few moments and tackle the freezer foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] guys the freezer real quick I mean it's not Pinterest worthy and beautiful but it is organized and that's all that matters up here I have all of our like fruit and vegetables here I have like quick bite type things I have like some ravioli some chicken nuggets french fries things like that these are all of Maddie's Frozen stuff so I have like her little sides that she eats some breakfast options and like her meatballs and mac and cheese and then down here is all of our breakfast stuff really we just have french toast sticks um pancakes and some hash brown potatoes and then on the side I just put the ice cream and they have all of like our cold packs and like teethers and things like that on the side but again it's not beautiful and Pinterest looking but it is functional and I can see kind of what I have in here instead of everything just kind of being jam-packed in thank you foreign [Music] [Music] now that I've done most of the deep cleaning in the kitchen I do still have the microwave to tackle but you guys will see that here in just a little bit but I'm going to go through and clean the kitchen I really just wanted to get it done on this day it was starting to bother me um honestly I've been feeling a little bit burnt out I've been decluttering and decluttering and decluttering this month you guys know I feel like I've been manic posting here on YouTube and just doing so much I was starting to feel it it was starting to catch up with me um I did take a few days just to kind of like mellow out before I tackled my house and this is when I started filming and with a decluttering it came a lot of like not only physical exhaustion because it is a lot to go through your entire house but also emotionally exhausting um I am somebody who struggles with sentimental things and I actually came across a video that I would love for you guys to go watch because I think if you're wanting to become a minimalist I think this is a great video to watch kind of before you start the girl who posted the video the channel is a to Zen life and she posted a video about the Dark Side of minimalism and how decluttering quote-unquote ruined my life and I really resonated with this video but mainly the point that she talked about she had said decluttering too fast can be an issue and one of like the dark sides to being a minimalist and I could not agree more so a lot of times you will see people decluttering really quickly and maybe they're not emotionally ready to do that and eventually they will declutter their whole house and then they'll realize that they wish they hadn't gotten rid of something and you'll see this a lot and I feel like with minimalism at least for me I feel like I compare myself to a lot of people like oh this person has way less than me like I feel like my house should look like that but minimalism is a very relative term it can look different for everybody and so she was talking about how people declutter too fast or maybe they're not ready to declutter and I struggled with this in my last video I decluttered my girl's room and I didn't show it on camera but I actually broke down and cried because I didn't feel ready I didn't feel ready to get rid of some of the baby stuff I have of course sentimental attachment to it I'm not like ready to be done having kids even though I really should be and so I decided to keep some of that stuff because I can always go back and declutter it I can't have it back if it's something that I really wanted but I can always in a year from now if I know I'm done having kids I can go back and declutter it later when my heart is ready and when I'm ready to do it because right now my heart is not ready to get rid of all of Maddie's little baby things and that's okay okay it's okay not to completely declutter your entire house in one sitting it's really important to take baby steps and do it when you're ready you don't have to like go crazy and get rid of everything so if you're wanting to become a minimalist I really really want you guys to go watch that video because she touched on some really great topics that was just one that really resonated with me and one that I really struggled with thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign I'm going to finish wiping down the kitchen and then I'm going to share these really cute syrup bottles by the brand Molly Molly now this video is not sponsored but they did give these to me to share with you guys and I actually have a coupon code for you guys as well that I will leave here on the screen and of course I will link it down below for you guys as well but how cute are these it comes with a ton of different syrup different options that you can put on the bottles and I only have Hazelnut and vanilla so that is what I'm going to use here but they look really nice over on my coffee bar and I think that they're just super cute so I wanted to share them with you guys if you guys are interested in checking out Molly Molly I will have them linked down below foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign I'm actually going to move upstairs into my bedroom and get some cleaning done in here I'm going to make the bed and just do some quick tidying up and I'm also going to be tackling my office in just a minute and doing some just light to cluttering and organizing in there and just getting everything cleaned up foreign [Music] [Music] all right we're going to move into my office like I was saying I really wanted just to get some cleaning done in here this is definitely a space in my house that gets neglected even though it's where I spend a lot of my time because I do work a lot um but it just it's kind of in the corner of our bedroom the door is always closed and I never have to look at it so it just stays this way but I really wanted to take a few moments and just go through everything and even do a little bit of organization in the drawers and just kind of get things tidied up in here and functioning a little bit better for myself I love a clean space especially to work in and so I'm trying to be a little bit better at making sure this area is clean especially when I go to work foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so my office isn't perfect but it's functioning I think eventually we're gonna get a new desk in here and maybe a chair and just make it a little bit more comfortable for me um but I did my best to kind of like tidy up as much as I could this like basket is full of all of Barrett's stuff he's done this year and at the end of the school year I'll go through it and like say what I want to save I have all of my books that I've read that I have hard copies of over here and then these couple I still need to read down here I just have some like sentimental things that mean something to me this is a box that my brother got me from Spain actually um so I just have all of that displayed here like little Savannah's hand print and stuff so I have all of that here these are all coupons that I need to use very soon and then all of these are books that my good friend lent me that I still need to read so I can give them back to her so I put them there that way they're kind of in my line of sight and I can remember to read them I have been a Kindle girl lately and reading on my Kindle a lot so I tend to forget all of the hard copies that I have and then in here I just put all of my Sharpies I have some push pins my headphones that I use for editing um and then over here I have ah I have all of my pens and highlighters for like when I write my planner and stuff like that for work but yeah like I said it's not perfect it's not like the most beautiful looking office ever but it functions for me I love working in here it's kind of my like little space if you will um but I do plan on eventually just kind of like freshening things up in here I wanted to quickly share these really cute Valentine's Day baskets with you guys if maybe you need an idea for a friend or for a kid or even a spouse and everything I got was from the Valentine's Day section at Target and then the baskets themselves are from the target dollar spot they also have some really cute Valentine's Day stuff in the Target dollar spot as well but mine was pretty much picked through when I went back to grab some stuff but I thought these turned out really cute you guys know I love my little gift baskets for my kids and I figured I would share them with you guys if maybe you needed some ideas after I'm done sharing these I'm actually going to finish off the bedroom by vacuuming and that is actually going to end today's video I hope that you guys enjoyed it and you leave my channel feeling motivated and inspired to get some cleaning done in your home today as always thank you guys so much for watching my videos and I will see you all in the next one bye guys foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey you guys it's Whitney and welcome to another messy to minimal video here on my channel if you guys are new here today I am on a minimalist Journey on my channel I have been going through my entire house and completely decluttering everything and just taking a step further towards minimalism so I'll be sure to have the rest of the videos in the series linked down below so if you guys missed all of that be sure to go check out the description box but we are going to be tackling my garage today and I actually saved this video for last because the way that I decluttered my house this kind of became a dropping zone for everything else that I was removing from my home and so I didn't want to declutter this first and then have to come back in here and fix things up again and so we are going to be tackling the garage today we are going through all of the cabinets we're going to be getting rid of some of the pie files that I have throughout my entire garage and I decided to take you guys along with me I am starting out by clearing out this cabinet here this is where I keep a lot of my household essentials and towards the end of the video I will take you on a little tour of the garage and kind of show you how I have things organized in here but for right now I'm going to take a few moments and go through this cabinet and just kind of figure out a better organization system as you guys can see there's a lot going on in these cabinets and the organization system that I had going on right now just wasn't really functioning for my family [Music] foreign [Music] thank you this cabinet here has mostly food related items now if you're confused why I have food items in my garage it's just extra Pantry stuff that I don't necessarily need in our pantry inside of the house but I wanted a place dedicated for these things so we did get these cabinets and this is where we keep all of our extra stuff canned goods mac and cheese popcorn things that don't really expire very fast and I'm able to keep in the garage I've never had any issues with the food being bad being kept in the garage but I will say our garage is insulated so I don't know if that has something to do with it but I'm just going to take a few moments here again just kind of go through things I did have quite a few expired canned goods that I did have to get rid of and then I wanted to figure out a different way to organize this cabinet as well so again I'm just going to take a few moments and dig through all of this stuff and just get another organization system working in here foreign foreign [Music] I'm going to move over to this corner now this is right by the door that goes into our laundry room and then into our kitchen and this kind of becomes a dropping zone if I need something that needs to go out into the garage I will just throw it in this pile we had shoes that I needed to get rid of that the kids outgrew I had shoes that I needed to go upstairs and just a lot of random things here so again I'm just taking a few moments and going through all of this stuff and I will kind of work around the garage there are just a ton of random piles so instead of me explaining what every little thing is that is just kind of what I'm doing the way my brain works whenever I'm cleaning is honestly complete chaos because I feel like I'll start one project and then I'll go to the next and then I'll come back to the one I was working on and it's just a scramble so if you see me moving around a lot in the garage that is why I'm just trying to figure out how to go through everything if I'm being honest I was very overwhelmed I didn't really know where to start especially on this side of the garage where all of the stuff was you'll see me kind of standing around a little bit and just kind of eyeballing stuff because again I was just very overwhelmed and it's okay to be overwhelmed when you are decluttering that is just normal and just a part of the process whenever you are going through your house so if it takes you a little bit to go through something that is completely normal you have to remember all of this stuff is sped up and I'm only keeping the clips where I'm actually doing something active but there was a lot of me just standing around and looking around and just trying to figure out how I was going to tackle this mess so this video is actually going to be the last little bit of my messy to minimal Series in my house because I at this point I have completely gone through everything in my house I've taken you guys along with me again I will have everything linked below if you guys missed a video and there's like an area that you want to maybe watch and get an idea on how to declutter but I am going to be starting some decluttering projects in the next couple of weeks I'm going to be tackling my mom's house first so there will be a few filler videos in between this series and then the next series that I launch because again I am a mom to three and so sometimes it's really hard for me to produce and just get these videos out to you guys so stay tuned for that I'm hoping to officially launch the next messy to minimal series on my channel hopefully in March I'm trying to wait until after Maddie's first birthday I just have a lot coming up in the month of February we have her birthday March 4th so I'm trying to shoot for mid to end of March for that series it's not going to be as much of a minimalist Journey as I did with my house just because my mom's a little bit different than me when it comes to stuff but it will be an amazing decluttering journey and I'm really excited to take you guys along with me over there um so far we are going to be tackling her linen closet and tons of spaces in her kitchen and of course some other areas around her home so make sure you guys are subscribed and you don't miss that series because I am so excited to just get into my mom's house and do some decluttering over there foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] guys we are getting somewhere it's still a lot but there is some organization to this chaos this is all baby stuff that I'm gonna see if one of my friends wants um it was used stuff that I couldn't donate to the teen shelter um so I'm gonna see if a friend wants it and if not I will go ahead and donate it to Goodwill or something like that same with that little thing up there and then this little corner is all of the bins and stuff that I have kind of Saved I'm going to be using all of these and repurposing them for either my mom's house or my mother-in-law's house whenever I go to do some decluttering projects over there so I am saving all of this it's kind of just in a stockpile right now I need to find some kind of box to put them all in and then coming over here this is where a lot of the stuff is um all of this right here and that tub and those signs are all going to Goodwill it's a lot all of these boxes are like full of stuff that need to get donated and then these are a couple of bags that I'm going to be donating as well just some clothes um so that is everything in this pile we have these tubs we're going to be putting upstairs we have our old fireplace that we need to figure out what to do with um we just don't know what to do with that so we're gonna see if everybody wants it for free if they can kind of like fix it up it does have some like dents and things on it so we'll see about that we have this massive box we need to get rid of and just like some odds and ends this needs to go upstairs as well and again just some like random stuff that needs to get put away but for the most part everything is looking good everything is kind of finding a place a little bit we also have all of this trash over here that we need to break down and figure out what to do with as well so it looks a little bit chaotic still but again there is a little bit of an organization going on now it's mainly just trying to get rid of all of this stuff and then you will see a really big difference foreign this was a completely different day when I am tackling this a little bit of the garage I did you guys saw a little clip of me I showed the trunk of my car that was the first load of stuff that I took to Goodwill I do have a whole other load to take which I will show you guys here in just a little bit but now I'm just kind of focusing on the odds and ends of the garage I did most of the decluttering but I still had a lot of stuff lying around a lot of things I needed to find a place for stuff that needed to go up into our little attic and just a lot of trash and just stuff everywhere so I'm gonna take the next few moments here we're gonna get rid of those last little bit of piles that we have laying around the garage and then I'm also going to be wiping down some surfaces in here and vacuuming the couple of rugs that we have out here as well [Music] foreign I'm watching this back and I had a thought my one of my last garage decluttering videos I had on my channel a couple of years ago this girl was making fun of me because I was vacuuming the rug in my garage and I don't know why it just made me think of that but like I don't really think it's that weird to vacuum the rugs in my garage you guys will have to let me know if you think I'm strange doing this or even just sweeping and if you guys have a garage do you sweep your garage you guys will have to let me know if that's like a weird thing to do I don't know I didn't really think it was that strange but I would love to know what you guys think down below foreign [Music] so we're pretty much done in here it looks I don't know if you guys remember what it looked like before I'll be sure to do before and afters after sharing this but it is such a huge transformation over here um so we are still have a little bit of a work in progress this is all stuff that needs to be removed from the garage we have this big box that needs to go this needs to get taken back to Comcast and then I have a bunch of baby stuff that I need to ask my friend if she wants and if not I will donate it and then this is all donation stuff here for Goodwill I already made one trip but I have another trip to make as well and then all of this stuff is all of the bins that I saved to take to my mom's house to do her home and then I have like her portable heater and like some other things that I have of hers that I borrowed in this bin and then this bag is also stuff to take with me as well but once we kind of get all of this out of here it's going to really open up our garage we have our kids little power wheel here and we'll probably just end up parking over here somewhere but for right now it is looking so much better this stuff here is stuff that needed to go up in our little attic that we completely forgot about that I had found after we put all the rest of the stuff up there so that needs to go up at some point and then this seat I need to check the expiration date and the manual and stuff but I think we're going to use this for Maddie she's getting ready to get out of her infants seat so we do need a convertible seat for her and then again moving over here it's just looking so much better everything has been pretty much cleared out of this corner as well and I'll show you guys the insides of the cabinets um again these are not perfect this is not a Pinterest perfect organization system but it's going to work for us all of our snow stuff up here we have toilet paper grocery bags tissues paper towels and then I have just some like household essentials bags trash bags things like that and down here we have some jump ropes because we're trying to get in shape over here and then in this one we have all of our pantry items that don't go in the house so we have some snacks all of our like extra canned goods and things like that are out here um some like flour or anything some baking stuff that I don't use all the time but I you know I need that for birthday parties and things like that so I have all of that stuff in here now these cabinets over here again are not perfect by any means but they work for us we have like this whole cabinet is dedicated to all of our paints and stains and just anything that you would need for Like Home Improvement projects we have all of that in here um we have paint for like every single room in here that we've used for touch-ups and stuff and then in here again it's not beautiful this is actually a little chaotic I need to go back in here when it's a little bit warmer out and go through all of this again um we just have like random they have like a snowman making kit but we didn't get any snow this year so we were able to really use that um some Bubbles and like random cleaning Essentials and then this is like baby um there's like magnets and stuff in here that I can use to make our house more baby proof some candles for emergencies and then these are all of like our manuals and stuff for our appliances that we have in the house um coolers this is all party supplies all of my home decor that I'm not currently using and then this is our power washing stuff so it's kind of organized again but it's not perfect by any means this corner we kind of have our just like random we have like a vacuum and our power our carpet washer over here in the corner and we also have some random toys um we are thinking about bringing the dollhouse inside for the girls um Savannah's been asking to have that brought inside so we're going to make some room in the playroom and bring that in these toys I think are gonna go bye-bye but we're gonna go through the kids with we're gonna go through them with the kids and see what they think about that but again everything is looking so much more clear in here um we just have to get rid of all of this chaos over here I'm going to share some before and after shots here for you guys so you can see the complete transformation of my garage but that is actually going to end today's video I had so much fun doing this video and honestly I'm so relieved that it is done it was like the last little bit of this series and I really hope that you guys leave my channel feeling motivated and inspired to get some cleaning done in your home today as always thank you guys so much for watching and for all of your support on this series and on my channel and I will see you all in the next one bye guys foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Whitney Pea
Views: 405,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme clean and declutter with me 2023, clean and declutter with me 2023, clean and declutter with me, 2 days of speed cleaning motivation, stay at home mom motivation, stay at home mom cleaning motivation, declutter with me 2023, konmari method clean and declutter with me, konmari method, konmari declutter with me, clean and declutter, cleaning motivation, konmari, whitney pea, whitney pea declutter, sunday reset, sunday reset routine, messy to minimal, bathroom declutter
Id: TbScl2P1G_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 25sec (8125 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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