Tour WINCHESTER MYSTERY HOUSE INSIDE America's Famous Haunted House

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[Music] well you might have guessed we're on the road again today job wreck and I are off on a little bit of a road trip probably the last one that all three of us do together at least for a while so we're heading out to a special place for today's vlog number nine nine nine of DS with Jordan the lion and that begins now here's a fellow YouTube celebrity and fellow passenger jaw we're driving about what five hours today former stop that's about it I'm trying to edit a video from yesterday so I requested him to go sit with brick and this is what keeps looking at me the whole time hmm I wonder what could be on Winchester Street maybe Sarah Winchester's house well my friends four nine nine nine we're marking one off my bucket list a long long long time ago I've logged what my bucket list would be my top ten things on the bucket list and frankly I'm too lazy to go look up and see which one this was but I know it was on there they don't allow us to do video but they do allow photos and this place has a crazy history including it's starting out as an eight-room house and now has 160 let's go check out the Winchester house now the name Winchester may sound familiar to you because there's a Winchester rifle her husband was the son of the man whom it created that and they had a child together the child died then her husband died she went to a spiritual woman and the woman said you're being chased by the spirits of people killed by Winchester rifles so you must move to California and buy a house and keep adding on to it forever and so that's what she did let's go check out the Winchester house we have a memorial plaque over here let's check that out first breakout pump to you this pumps they see there was built for 38 years 24 hours a day literally [Applause] built by Sarah Winchester widow of rifle manufacturer William Winchester this unique structure includes many outstanding elements of Victorian architecture fine craftsmanship construction began at each and eighty-four and continued without interruption until mrs. Winchester's death in 1922 the continual building and remodeling created 160 room house covering an area of six acres one hundred years have passed since Sarah Winchester first arrived in the Santa Clara Valley with nearly twenty million dollars and began quietly adding rooms to a small country farmhouse then three miles west of San Jose ten years have passed since the massive restoration of the Winchester house and gardens commenced as a tribute to America's and San Jose's Bicentennial 's today the Winchester estate is once again the showplace of the valley although the lady of mystery was called from her earthly home in 1922 we believe these events have permitted Sarah Winchester in her own way to achieve a new kind of eternal life this plaque was dedicated on Friday April 13th 1984 by the Winchester Mystery House right wrongs nobody once we go in its photos only so I'll do a narration for you all right it's tour time okay you can tell she loves her windows that is an overview of the entire grounds as it is roughly now this is the family tree of the Winchesters and Sara's family that was a tiny room that she just made because there was room under the stairs so she made it just small enough for her to use as a closet more windows I mean the whole place is pretty much windows now what he's showing us here is is you open that door you see it goes to nowhere just a wall this was originally the carriage room that they would bring the carriage out through so they're walking us through and taking us to where she would eventually make the barn and there's a staircase to nowhere to the ceiling that's old doors and old pieces of the house that no longer used here he's showing us that this was the the hay barn but that she collected and liked to buy the best so she bought Tiffany glass and there's one of those odd staircases that she designed that's right all the crazy stuff in this house was actually her idea she was the architect of this and there's some of her precious Tiffany windows yeah what a collection he said that she would use this as part storage in part for the hay there they're showing us a picture of her and then her departed husband William Winchester and he's telling us here her favorite is zodiac symbol was the spiderweb so we're gonna see spider webs all over the house this is the only known picture of Sarah in that carriage on the the grounds of the house now here he's telling us that the doors the archways are very small because Sarah was only 4 foot 11 so we're gonna walk up this quick turn winding like z-shaped staircase and the stairs are very very short because as she got older she developed arthritis so he's taking us up this to the second floor and it was about four twists and turns this is where she used to also keep the hey that's a view of the tower and then that's a looking down view on the staircase that we just walked up now this he's showing us all the wall coverings that you'll see all over the house because she invested about a third of what she paid for the house just in foreign wall coming coverings that she imported that's another overview of the house this is one of the sewing rooms that we passed by a garment room you'll see these kind of think it was like 40 rooms bedrooms all over the house and she slept in a different bedroom every night now the furniture that you're gonna see is not the original furniture because that's one of the few things that she left she bequeathed that to her niece all the furniture in the house her niece kept what she wanted and then auctioned the rest so there's like a little passageway that really has nothing there was a little office we passed by that's a view of the grounds beautiful grounds now this is one of those crazy little tight staircases I think they're about two to four inches high the little steps now the reason she did there some of those spiderwebs we talked about the reason she did that was because she was trying to confuse the ghosts now she had one of the very first showers and she designed it herself so it shot out from the side jets and she was 4 foot 11 so you could really only use it if you were 4 foot 11 and in that that shower that bathroom everything was 13 she loved the number 13 that's showing the that I had originally heat inside the house one of the few houses electricity also and those were the original where the knobs would have been to work the shower pretty innovative and there's a little room that we passed by and you can see all the natural light that comes in all these little staircases they said for new employees they had to have a map when they walked around to bring her anything because they could eat very easily get lost and not be found and not no one would know where they were all kinds of natural light windows little rooms that go to nowhere doorways that when you open them go to you basically fall out out of the house there she had one of the early elevator systems she had three elevators in this pulley style that's a circular room that we just you know just happened to be built right in the middle now this was the room that Sarah passed away in she liked to sleep in a different room every night to confuse the ghost but this was they say her favorite room and this was the one that she spent most more nights than others look at the fixtures they said she spared no expense on fixtures the Winchester and there's some of that wall covering that she spent so much money on they said the Winchester rifle was um netting her $1,000 a day in profit so she would never ever be without money she just continually built and spent money on this until the day she died 24 hours a day they said that the the people that work for her worked for her sometimes 20 to 40 years and they made double what anyone else in that field would make so here's another room it's kind of crazy to think of like the innovation that went into it now they said that she had like 40 bathrooms all over the property but only one that worked only one indoor the rest were to confuse the ghosts now this is the seance room this was the room that she's probably spent the most time and their windows all around it she used to go in there nightly and speak to the spirits sometimes they said that they would they thought that the spirits told her how to build a house she would try to make peace with them but they also said that that room as you can see was right over top of one of the kitchens and that she they believed she liked to eavesdrop in there and at one time got locked in there and they couldn't find her but eventually you'll see that there is a little doorway right behind him and he tells us that's the closest thing to a secret passageway there is in this house and that that's how she she had that installed or built on after being locked in there and that she would eventually use this to get out a lot of the times and it was very small and it leads to this room that was never finished you can see there's no wall coverings at all is just the the individual planks of wood now the house is made of Redwood but she didn't like the look of Redwood so she had it all painted so that's all painted redwood beautiful isn't it though it's in the style of Queen Anne now this was the innovative green house that she created she loved gardening and that's a view out of the greenhouse window she loved color she loved natural plants and natural light and everything so in this green room what she did was she created this floor and those were movable wooden planks so they could spray down all of the plants in there with water and then pick up the planks and that was metal underneath and all the water would drain into a corner that's the original sink that they used to water all those that's an elevator that when Sarah got older and couldn't get around as well she still wanted to do this I'm gardening and working this room so they made an elevator there so that's the how deep that really was it's one of the bigger rooms in the house 47 fireplaces all over the house now we're in a room that he's showing us how there's just randomly a toilet that doesn't work in a room there's another bedroom I love the archways in there look at that old up 100 year old sink with marble now this was the Asian or the oriental room they called it because everything that she bought there that was in that room she got in Asia and you'll see that and that beautiful it's all silk and bamboo and that's hand-painted wallpaper that she had imported from Japan and there's more that infamous foreign wall covering now this was interesting because it goes down to a for a different staircase entrance now here they're showing us that there's a window built into the floor right there for no particular reason a hundred and sixty rooms beautiful isn't it there's a small little fireplace little sitting room now like I said she didn't like redwood so she had all the wood painted and this she had painted with the quills of a feather to get that look to get that wood graining look that you see everywhere and then of course the beautiful stained glass everywhere I walked around a corner and saw that just randomly now we're starting to enter the section of the house in the front that was damaged in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and she was actually trapped in this room that we're going into and when 30 rooms of the house were destroyed during that earthquake scheanette they're some of the original fixtures from the house from the damage some of the original tiles everything she said she just left it damaged never replaced it and it's that's how close it is it's right in the front of the house the new entrance of the house we would call it now that's some of the damage that was done to some of the local buildings in San Jose just to let you see the the Winchester house was damaged pretty significantly it used to be seven stories high and you'll see a picture when it had that now it's only four look at it I mean unbelievable but yeah she just closed it all up and quit going in there now here here's a room that was called a lost room and they found it a few years ago and there was furniture and everything's still in there and there's some of the damage to the house yeah they some people believe that she never fixed this part of the house because she thought maybe that was what the spirits wanted or maybe there was a reason but her house wasn't significantly damaged the way some others or because it was built on a floating foundation that they say helped it to survive look at all that damage up there and they said that since she created all this now those right there on that door that's showing her krob the crowbar marks that they used to pry open the door to get her out that was the room she was stuck in I just love the detail like I was photographing everything that just so you'd feel like you were walking through the house as though you were and and I feel like you really get that impression right here now look at that flooring its original flooring now this room was someone was sitting at that desk 24 hours a day if Sarah needed anything she picked up her phone and called that office right there and they would flash what room or what section of the house she was in on those numbers and someone would have to go find her and take her whatever it was that she wanted so there are no blueprints to this house there's another bedroom that she probably would have slept in now here you can see on the wall where the original steps were and then once her health got worse how they kind of readjusted the step height and that's what's primarily these kind of steps all over the house then this is one of those little rooms that you can barely see because the way it's situated but we've made it to the top floor and we're basically it's all open area up there so I'm just showing you every angle all the way around the house that I could see you can see where there were walkways and there's all there's so much of the house that we can't explore today but it's unbelievable there's so much that I'm sure is still closed off that they don't even know about you can see they did a massive restoration a few years ago but even the tiling on the roof needs to be fixed you can tell now we're gonna start working our way out of that very top floor and he's taking us by where all the tops of the greenhouses are and everything and we're about to go into that little building down that staircase pretty phenomenal for someone that doesn't have a architectural background you know and then that was my last shot right before we went down to the staircase he's gonna take us and show us a little bit more of the house we've seen about 2/3 of it now and he constantly keeps telling me hey watch her head because we're he and I were both pretty tall there's an original bathtub that would have been one of the servants quarters they said they said if she had employees that had families and they couldn't afford you know they just started working for her couldn't afford accommodation sometimes she would help them with that sometimes build them houses on the property and the property now is acreage why is significantly smaller than it was when she owned it so they said she was extremely extremely generous with her money now check out this she just put a weird zigzag little room staircase in there and it's right to the left of where he's standing and what he's showing us here is that those stairs were the original stairs to the original 8 bedroom house before she started adding on to it so everything that you're looking at would have originally been the front yard that's an original Winchester calendar here he's showing us one of the kitchen areas the laundry area there's the original sinks 100 year old sinks and where the heat would have come in and then those are all broken fixtures that used to be on the house there's just a room with those in them and since everything's made of glass there's her spiderweb again since everything's made of glass you can see in every room she didn't seem to like secrets now we're walking into I believe this was the baking area the bakery baking kitchen that was the original stove and now we're walking through so I believe he's showing us here that this was originally meant to be a twin to that dining room but that she never got it finished she liked to do twins of things that's another bedroom that we couldn't really see I liked those and they were all over the house so I just decided to show a couple of them I just thought that was an amazing room now we're walking through and he's taking us into a believ where the ballrooms are but I just every turn you took you could see that there was definition some sort of engraving all over the wallpaper in the windows there was just always something to look at and it was always fascinating every every bit of it was a work of art now this is another one of those where those two rooms to the left and to the right were twins of each other but mirrored this was a one type of ballroom that she created and then this was her more grand style ballroom and this one she really really went all out putting the organ in there and all of her favorite pieces of art and in fact when you see those windows when I go closer right there she put special like Shakespearean sayings on them and then look at that wallpaper in there I mean she really spared no expense and when she passed away they said the work just stopped immediately like that second there are some places in the house where the nails aren't even completely nailed in because they just stopped and within five months of her passing the house was open for the public to see now here he's showing us another one of those cabinet doors that leads to nowhere there's nothing there and a doorway when you opened it up it just went to another door so we're passing through and he's showing us this is the one of the areas where they would have baked all the goods and that was a view into Sara's private dining room where she always ate her meals we're actually in the kitchen area looking through so he's showing us that they would have prepared all the meals in here and then they had a little sliding glass door to the side that you'll see right there they would put the food in there and then a servant or someone would come grab it and take it to the table for her right through that other set of doors that was the big exhaust vent and he was showing us to suck all the hot air out and she you know like I said she thought of everything but this is a window then just looks into a courtyard there's an original cement sink with one of her favorites OD AK signs right there in in the center and then that's what's when you look out the window it's just a couple of statues right there in a little courtyard so in order to get to the dining room we actually have to walk all the way around that in like a horseshoe and now we're entering Sara's private dining room eat all of her meals very beautiful room pretty big too especially if you imagine that she was very small petite woman now where he's at over there he's right in front of a lot of the costumes from the winchester movie that came out recently and that's just a view from where he was standing over to the dinner table those are the original costumes and he said that they filmed some of the exteriors year but the bulk of the movie with all the actress was all done in Australia and that the the costumes are on loan here and Helen Mirren played Sarah Winchester which was funny because they said she's a very tall woman and Sarah was not and that's Helen Mirren's costume well I hope you guys enjoyed that tour that's probably about a billion photographs but I wanted you to get it really good taste of what we saw and all the perspective of it we saw I think a hundred and thirty of the 160 rooms so including the ones damaged by the San Francisco earthquake so pretty cool tour well we haven't seen it all believe it or not I can actually come back because they have a tour of the gardens as well as a tour of the basement but what we're gonna see now is we're gonna pop in and check out the firearms museum quickly I really dig in much of the souvenir t-shirts oh yeah I definitely got some old ones I see 1860 to 1866 [Music] 44 caliber if you don't know much about the Winchester the big deal is that it was 15 consecutive shots without reloading here you can see it's called Henry's patent repeating rifle so it was the big repeating winchester repeating rifle most effective weapon in the world they called it the weapon that won the West [Music] there's a case called the evolution of the firearm so kind of shows all the different developments from the repeater at the very beginning under the winchester model 55 the pin fire Wow look at that display that's incredible those are all actual real bullets and everything that we put in that case oops you crave [Music] so now we're gonna wander through a little bit of the garden that's the tank house and they even have a Winchester Mystery House sign on the side of it advertising oh that's nice that's the Foreman's house drying shed he said that she had a lot of apricot and prune trees here well brick are long wait is now over was it worth the wait at what did you think of the mystery house there was a really wild place I can't believe some of the stuff we saw in there I mean it was some if so many places it was really really beautiful but like then there was just like weird things that are unexplained like doors just you know empty I went to know where every four three four floors up and it's like a death of you yeah they said that she was 411 I think or yeah course not 411 or four foot ten I think is yeah something like that so a lot of it was really tight quarters and low spaces and everything but you got a souvenir what you get oh I got one of these there were just so many places there were you really had to kind of pay attention to what you're doing okay I need to have one's watching stead also too because it isn't designed for somebody like us yeah I showed him there some of the where some of the staircases have been removed and she had put those little ones so that she could use the staircases as her health is failing these stairs that were like each step was like two inches so it's like yeah you know there's like 10 or 12 switchbacks to get get up one totally worth the money though I think it's a great tour for anyone there's a lot of fun god we win [Applause] well my friends I hope you enjoyed blog number 999 come back and see me tomorrow see what we have up our sleeve for vlog 1000 thank you all for watching for 999 days for the Winchester Mystery House until tomorrow have a great night [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 384,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, los angeles, anthony bourdain, tourist, adam the woo, Winchester, Repeater, William winchester, Mystery, House, Haunted, San Jose, Winchester mystery house, Sarah winchester, Ghost, Spirits, Seance, tour, inside
Id: tTNY-xF0umE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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