Exploring my Minecraft Redstone World!

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ladies and gentlemen it is Christmas and for those of you who have been on my youtube channel for a long period of time you may know that during Christmas I like to give away the present of my redstone testing world now this place is where I design it and develop all of the redstone contraptions that you see in my videos you may also be able to spot a few things from the hermit craft series as well so all of this gets developed first in this place let's take a quick look around in the sensor we have got some my earliest redstone contraptions so if you want a reference this is where I started the redstone testing well these were the first contraptions I actually built in fact I'm fairly certain that this thing right here which is a silverfish spawner was the first thing that I ever built and are these all silverfish infested stone yeah they're all silverfish that have been gradually generated by this farm so this farms really interesting because what it does is the silverfish spawn they then go in here and they get pushed into the stone that's generated by this stone generator and then you end up with this massive block of them these are all silverfish so you can actually use that as an XP grinder so this was the first thing that I Chi built in this redstone testing world and then it kind of expanded out around it Matt there is so much history here you know I wasn't planning on doing this by actually I fancy exploring it for a little while when just regular clocks aren't cool enough you build yourself a redstone analog redstone clock this doesn't actually use daylight sensors so it's it's horribly out of sync this is a bit of a bad design well my 20th birthday cake so that 20 popped out of the cake and then the candles lit themselves this is when I was big into my father lighting so 20 I'm now 23 so that is well it's almost exactly three years old of course the mumbo door I actually built this to celebrate hitting 200 thousand subscribers on YouTube we're now at 2.7 million subscribers how crazy is that two hundred thousand subscribers I was so chuffed and I still love this door I think this might be one of my favorite doors in Minecraft there's not much room for improvement there really this is about as good as they get I am extremely curious and yeah it looks like ice totally broken down that's the problem of these old redstone worlds you know some of these redstone contraptions are four five maybe even nearly six years old lots the redstone changes mean that they just completely break themselves but one thing that is somehow stood the test of time is the good old fashioned 4x4 volt door and I can watch this all day long and every day long industrial tree farm fun fact I think I released this video on Christmas Day yeah I released this video on Christmas Day maybe four or five years ago and then the tree farm that I built before this so I built a tree farm very similar I actually built during my GCSE so I was 16 when I constructed it and I built it when I should have been revising for my GCSE maths exam that I had a few days after the video released yeah if I spent half as much time doing math as I did redstone that I wouldn't have 2.7 million subscribers on YouTube so I suppose it kind of has paid off for the time being I'm Stan wave machines still one of my favorite red-stained everyone knows everyone who has been on my youtube channel for a decent length of time knows the wave machines are some of the coolest things oh how many times record place your bets down on the comments section how many times in this video do you think I'm going to say the words I could watch this all day long I get a lot of people asking me what the stuff and things sign is this was just a goofy little prank that I created for hermit craft season 3 when slip Gator was still on a hermit craft server plain vanilla minecraft and he always used to say stuff and things so I built a stuff in things above his sheep farm I believe looking back it's not that funny I mean it's just something that used to say it was a very nice font though I'll give myself that uh yes to travel later the travel later now I wonder with the new pistol mechanics does it yeah I'm trying not to say it but I could probably watch that all day long now fun fact I'm actually I I've caught up with a new concept for a travel later it's gonna be much much slower than this but it's something that's been so well requested and that is a player conveyor belt I think I've thought of a way to do one I am so curious here if travelator work then why not why wouldn't this old-school elevator work yes so ah so close right let's try again it feels like it's going to work and then it stops nope no good and I'm not crashing into anything or anything like that that's such a shame because I don't even know why they stopped working can anyone explain why because when I first started playing Minecraft these things worked reliably and they were fast more full by full volt doors and this one is lightning speed I've got a lot of weird doors in my time like this is a four by three vote I don't even remember building this it's quite cool though and really small I genuinely have no clue what this is I'm racking my brain for it and I can anyone explain what this is what did it do potion brewing stations bane of my life absolute bane of my life there's just always something that doesn't quite work properly on them and they're always reliable to like 99.9 percent they were so tricky to make compact I'm actually quite impressed that I managed to make this thing work because this would have been a labor of love and also a lot of hate mainly hate in fact I think ah the water door does this work yeah I mean it's a pointless door I can still get through it when it's technically closed but check that out oh maybe maybe the timings need changing a little bit for the current version of Minecraft I remember on this I remember building this and I was so proud of it when I did it and I'm still pretty proud of it this is another one of the oldest this is a really really old redstone contraption oh nice is this is this my hidden this is my hidden minecart system by it totally doesn't work but I wouldn't mind building another one of these I have no clue once again yeah absolutely no idea this is a slime block based shrew came from that is honestly one of the most inefficient designs in the world is so inefficient is absolutely awful but it does it looks really cool let's be honest look how many resources it required though that is it's just so hilarious whack-a-mole the good old fashioned whack-a-mole I remember this I was so proud of this redstone contraption so look I okay all of the items are missing from the randomizer that's unfortunate but I was so proud of this redstone contraption and I still haven't proud of this redstone contraption I released it a nobody cared is it I remember it was one of the biggest flops of a redstone video I've ever created and I feel like it deserves the love so please please put your love for the wrecking ball down in the comment section for anyone who's a fan of hermit crab season 4 you might recognize this the power beam from my nether base yeah this is this is pretty sweet I can't remember if it looked that good when I actually built it on hello craft I mean how could I ignore these things the unbreakable wall systems one of the most popular redstone videos that I did in 2017 so last year might be 2016 on my world I think is 2016 yeah I think it's 2016 this was one of the most overkill redstone contraptions I think I've constructed but also one of the coolest so there is a really really simple way of doing this but this is my gapless piston feet tape and it is so satisfying to look at goodness me I'd forgot about this one oh this is as empty dispenser I don't know it looks like it's something from I build your silly redstone ideas though because I'm fairly certain this is me dabbing and that is a waving cat no clue what this is this oh my right I've just remembered so if we pop inside here so this is a mob farm and it is a translocation mob farm can anyone remember the old bug that if a piston extended onto your head then retracted you'd actually get sucked up through the piston it was a menu it wasn't so cool this was like the most ridiculous and absolutely enormous totally inefficient mob farms there ever was seriously but mobs would spawn in there that then be pushed across and then then go into these translocation elevators and they'd be pulled up the farm like this and they go all up it wouldn't be particularly fast it would cause all the hack in the world and then they'd be pushed across in another translocation system so they'll be pulled along like this and then they'd make their way into a little killing chamber at the end and this is where the player would kill them it was really send you all bumble ooh old oh no I believe was his name complete with redstone temple of knotch style stuff very cool oh and yeah this is another thing from hermit crab season 5 these were the storage silos for the cactus farm the thing that's fun about my redstone testing world is the fact that you get little bit of history like this like this is this is a little setup that I made for a thumbnail so you just get lulled in little slices of videos here in there ah here's the garage that I made for good times a skull that was a really cool redstone door Thank You Skaar for challenging me to build that because that was a really really fun redstone build and as you can see by the redstone is decently complicated but it's not ridiculous that was a fun project to take on I want to do more stuff like that in survival minecraft gigantic toilet because why not now I know this makes it look like I designed the Redstone for the most - relocated machine but we have to understand is is that green he I gave him a download of my redstone test world he then did the redstone in my redstone testing world and then he came back he died he gave me back my redstone testing world yeah that's that's what happened it sounds unbelievable I know but yes you're just gonna have to trust me on this one another one from Houma craft season for the time I legitimately got a charged creeper in minecraft and I wanted to build a plinth before I got charged creeper and managed to rename it without it exploding so I could keep it and I managed to keep it in this Monument that's probably one of the proudest I've ever been but another time that I've been incredibly proud is this it still works and it's that is so cool to me I'd wanted to put one of these for years now if you're wondering what these kind of crazy-looking wacky tunnels are these aren't you from 360 degree redstone videos are used to do them occasionally they were kind of like little experiences that the viewer who go on so you kind of go through here I think this one was for Halloween and yeah there was things that like flew out at you and exploded here and they're actually pretty good fun I might do another 360 redstone video at some point because yeah they're pretty sweet though they were cool this is my original realistic elevator holy mackerel it is so over complicated that is so ridiculous it definitely doesn't work I remember I've tried it out recently it doesn't even attempt to function yeah yeah no no it's a mess it is a total mess and it's just that's that's disgusting to look at but I'm fairly certain it used like a mechanic of piston feed tapes and things to push yeah to push the slightest so silly this gigantic redstone contraption was actually it was a joke it was a joke reddit does nothing people ask me about this all the time it literally does nothing that was the point of it it was my most complicated redstone contraption of the year I released it on New Year's Day like three years ago and just opening closed these doors this is my smallest Rube Goldberg machine so this thing is it's kind of like a chain of events that all go through to activate something I'm proud of this that thing's tiny and there's lots going on here that's cool to look at I might do another one of these this is an extremely extremely recent redstone video but one that I'm incredibly proud of and that is of call the prettiest volt door took me hours upon hours absolutely ages but what build now if you're wondering what this whacky looking thing is so this is my mob phone we've all seen this mob farm before I I built this in a bunch of hermit crab seasons but then underneath we've got this water catchment zone which then sends the mobs through into an old-school mob sorter and this would sort out the creepers from all the other ones and then I think I had a set of skeletons here which would then shoot the creepers and then they would drop yeah it was a music disc farm so that yeah this is a gigantic music farm is it a bit of a silly redstone video really melih I look back on it honestly I could look around this thing for hours I mean I'm I'm just as I'm rediscovering things that like we haven't even covered most of it seriously there's so much to look at here I mean we've got gigantic potion brewing stations that's what these things are these things are absolutely enormous my redstone banner system this was another total flop of a redstone video one that I was incredibly proud of and you know I'm still proud of it I think it's cool changing mazes resist this is an invisible maze yeah a pressure plate based invisible maze the crowd goes wild a machine this is one of my favorite register videos for ages I am so you love this thing I would always talk about this sadly all of the armorstands have clearly disappeared so it's more of like a crowd no no crowds not going wild machine oh of course my hidden staircase spiral hidden staircase very nice I've always loved hidden staircases in Minecraft there's a few things doors hidden staircases combination locks they will have my bread and butter when I first started out making redstone videos and all of them have a soft spot in my heart they really do I'd use this thing quite often for thumbnails it's just one of those builds that if you get the right angle see like this what I do right if you get that angle if you can get all of that redstone in and then you just take a screenshot like that then blur it a little bit it makes a great background to a register and thumbnail I can tell you that look out for it in some of my most popular videos because I can promise you is there oh yes my little corner of pimple poppers I often reference this people sometimes say you know what's the sin redstone video you've made or the people say down on the comments section this is a really stupid pointless redstone video whenever they say that I point them back to this video and I'm like look okay I've always been ridiculous here is my pimple but this is that this is a redstone video that I thought people wanted to see a redstone contraption which pops a pimple and loads of white sheep blast out of it I was like 21 when I made this as well I will it's not even like we can talk it down to being young I think what I'm going to do is I'm gonna leave you guys to explore the rest of it I mean I've kind of flown around for I've been doing this for about an hour and a half just I just the nostalgia wave hits me this is what I do occasionally is so fun to just check out the builds there in here there's so much stuff there really is I mean there's so much history in here I can't wait when I'm like 70 years old hopefully I still have this somewhere and I can show my kids like this is this is where I dedicated a lot more time in my childhood yeah it's just it's interesting it really is interesting maybe I'll take a screenshot on frame on my wall who knows who knows what's gonna happen anyway well downloads obviously down in the description if you don't want to check it out for yourselves download it and just fly around take a look mess around with the redstone contraptions do whatever you want explore but anyway I hope that you've enjoyed this little recap video if you have please wasn't that like bun if you really loved it there make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is pur Mambo and I'm out ah see ya later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,087,922
Rating: 4.9578161 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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