ALL my Redstone Builds IN ONE VIDEO!

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my redstone world is absolutely enormous as you can see right here we've got redstone contraptions stretching off to the horizon in pretty much every single direction you look and a lot of you recently have been asking for me to do a tour of it taking a look at some of my favorite redstone contraptions and maybe some of the most interesting ones so I thought we would do that today now as far as I remember this is the first redstone build that I actually created in this place it was a silverfish spawner that then pushes them down into a stone block and then you get this big area right here which means that you create a silverfish farm you can see look these are these are all monster eggs so you actually got yourself a working silverfish farm and then when you punch one of these and hit one of the silverfish all of them begin to explode out of this block and they all fall down into a little chamber and then you could kill them off and if you get yourself tons and tons of XP this is just actually quite interesting build I wonder if I could do it better I feel like I could do it better now anyway next to that we you've got this rather interesting contraption that I didn't think was going to work but maybe we just need the blocks here no not quite there's a lot of these that are going to be broken unfortunately minecraft updates will have played havoc with these things but this is like a staircase that pops out of the walls we've got the Coldren swapper right here that swaps around your cauldrons when you actually run out of them this thing is a mob pop-up system we've got the working analog clock off in this direction over here this thing was pretty interesting and of course the famous mumbo jumbo saw this was a celebration for my 200,000 subscriber milestone so you can tell just how long ago this was I mean that must be what about 2013 maybe this is a pretty interesting one the working water door so the water flows down your door is closed and then hit a button and everything reopens that's quite an interesting concept and I'm assuming it works with lava as well for me it's actually quite interesting to just see which redstone contraptions are working which ones are broken this one's still functioning and it's like a two-way staircase systems who are staircase going up and then we can flick the lever and we also get a staircase going down as well that's quite a nice concept yeah with the slabs going up looks pretty cool one thing that I'm really interested to try is this the piston travel later now do I have high hopes for this or not I don't think it's going to work let's see hey it still does oh man if I was confident that this would work on the hermit crab server I would totally build it totally build that ah now this is bringing back a lot of nostalgia the original 4x4 volt door as fast as ever as compact as ever that is a bit of a beast for those who don't know this is kind of one of the first piston doors that I personally created they did incredibly well on YouTube people really really liked it and I started seeing them popping up everywhere which is it was a proud moment for me I guess speaking of piston doors this one's all my personal favorites the flush and seamless 2x2 piston door so you can see the Pistons actually get hidden away behind these blocks so they get pushed up and out the way that's a cool redstone circuit I need to build these things more often I mean it's not exactly a complex system one thing worth mentioning about the redstone testing world is that this is obviously the heart of it so this is where it all started and then from that point it just spreads off in all directions so the further out you go the older the register or the newer the redstone contraptions are going to be the later into the process the resident testing world they were built now by the look of things I've found another 4 by 4 volt on this I think this is the one that came after the one that I just showed you the reason I did this is because slime blocks were introduced into the game so you're making use of slime block mechanics and that meant that we could have two phases to the vault door so the first one I showed you that only had one face the backside of it was just covered in Pistons which wasn't particularly nice-looking whereas this one has got two pretty sides and also it's faster as well I mean look at that absolutely rapid I gotta say I was really excited to try this thing out the unbreakable cobblestone wolf I think I released a year ago I think it'll be about a year ago now but sadly something very odd has happened to this one I can't place blocks here I can't place blocks over here there's meant to be a sticky piston here it seems like the sticky pistons have dis pede but they're still there kind of I can't place any block I can't place blocks on top of these I'm right-clicking I can place blocks everywhere else even if I place a block there and then do this still nothing it's a very very strange there you got things like the whack-a-mole there we've got Russian Roulettes there's a Russian Roulette gun we've got a slime block based sugar cane farm this is my Morse code keyboard I wonder if this is still working so we hit this it does still work so we used to have signs underneath all of these and you can see some of them over here so if we press a here this gives the Morse code for a which is dot dash and it works for all of these buttons I went through a stage really like a Morse code I don't I don't really know of course I do still occasionally do hermitcraft builds in the redstone testing world as well so you can see there's the power beam from hermit crab season 3 there's the plans for nether base over there we've got some stuff for hermit craft season 2 that totem pole and also that tiny little tunnel that you can see down the bottom and then of course we have got this catastrophic failure of a redstone contraption catastrophic the passive mob farm that was awful what on earth is this thing though oh I remember now so this was the secret code machine so you could send messages to your friends in secret codes so you'd have an encoder and then your friends would have a decoder and it would send items through that is I love this thing I've completely forgot about it oh man that is so cool and next to it is another one of my personal favorite wrestling contraptions recently the gapless piston feed tape I just love the way that this thing moves I've mesmerizing it really is and redstone drawbridge that's not bad how many blocks is that there's six seven blocks so if you had a moat this would be a good redstone contraption to have I actually think we can make this bigger now I genuinely think we could do a much better job of that that might be something to do in the future then we have things like I'll have to pop up candy cane we also have now this is the hipster water fountain so the idea was was that you'd have ice and then you'd have this glowstone here and it would pop up and then it would melt the ice so that you has this system here it was a one use ordeal and it involved a whole ton of redstone and generally it didn't really work that well occasionally like the ice would melt and then the piston would push through it so then you just lose water but it was it was a cool concept this is one of those concept I spent hours on oh and I've just spotted this oh I remember this I built this on the hermit craft server and Exuma void essentially sent me a message straight away saying what on earth are you doing because if a creeper blows up next to this thing it will all go up and the shopping district was very densely populated it would have taken out about 50% of the shops at the time so you asked me to redesign it which i think is probably for the better yeah what was I thinking now this is another redstone build that doesn't work but I know that a lot of you are going to be very interested in it the idea of this one was that it was a mob translocation farm so what you'd have is you would have let's see if we can get inside here so we have we have sporting platforms here and then the mobs get pushed across and then they get sucked upwards by the Pistons that was back when the translocation bunk was a thing and you could be pulled upwards through Pistons and then it would take them up to the top push them all the way across here and then they'd end up on this platform I think yeah so they all make their way over to here and then you can kill them inside it was a nice concept wasn't particularly fast very very laggy and involved a whole ton of resources still looks pretty cool though you know I do kind of miss the mob translocation bug because look this was a puller and a puller wrapper so you could pull Rob's across and then send them upwards I mean that was that was a pretty interesting thing and I remember Mojang said that they were going to keep it and then they went back on it and said that actually they were going to be getting rid of it because it just really make too much sense which is a bit of a shame see good this is my gold play button door that still functions how big is that it's five by five that's not too bad what funny door I bought that for 1 million subscribers I don't think missile silos are ever going to get boring I remember was super excited for this video it didn't actually end up doing that well people didn't care about it too much which is very strange because it's a missile silo why do people don't care about a missile silo even in the demonstration I had missiles set up underneath this thing when I flick the lever they then launched out it looked awesome I think you should go back and watch that video another thing that I often get asked when you can see this thing in the background when I'm working on my wrist and testing world is what on earth is this thing this is the arena for my terrible treat minigame now this is like a quick minigame that I just worked on there was a fast project I can't remember how it worked it involved cookies and I think some monsters and things and it was like a bit of a a mob fight and you also had to pick up as many cookies as possible it was quite fun and it was a really fun project to work on I don't tend to do that sort of thing very often so I learnt quite a lot in the process but I'm still I'm still quite happy with the design I really like the brains are the back that's a good detail I sincerely hope this still works ah that is heart berry King this is my old piston mote why does that not function that might have something to do with it hmm I'm gonna try and fix it I think I've kind of fixed it oh gosh no it's all going horribly wrong again well you get the idea anyway it was a pop-up moat the moat would pop up and then pop back down you can retract or extend it whenever you want it I still like to occasionally pop over and play with this redstone contraption for me it's just always amusing it's the Face Swap combinations that you can create swap out the nose that button nose is just oh no oh this is the problem with redstone testing world builds is that they break over time and see if the hair still works at least the hair still works so my nose is just broken I've just got a broken nose this has been pushed over a few blocks nice is this a slime block hipster bridge woodie's oh no check that hole I mean it's a little bit frustrating because of course you kind of have to jump otherwise you're gonna be very slow over the slime blocks but that's cool two blocks wide as well and I'm assuming all of the retraction works that's really nice and then we have all the different types of piston doors you got this old fella the smallest 3x3 piston door you can possibly create this is just a standard flush piston door I'll hold up is this what I think it is yes this is one of the most popular piston doors on my channel the 3x3 spiral piston door and I can understand why it is a cool looking door like a seriously cool looking door really really nice stuff oh I should just fly around here more often I mean there's just so many things going on I mean over here we've got I think this is the movie theater is this the movie theater yep this is the movie theater we hit that and lights turn off we get the screen go around not the best film I've seen better but it's not too bad what's also quite cool it's just seeing things from the old hermit craft service for exam well this is the slime dog shop this is the sugar cane farm that we built in hermitcraft season four in the industrial district we have got that which is our charged creeper holder which I still can't believe I'm asked to cash that's a thing and then totally unrelated to hermit craft but considering is right here we have got the build that I wanted to do for years I had always wanted to do this creating a system this shows the number that you press look we press press number nine number nine pops up I'm still proud of this redstone build because you do not know how long it took me to work out how to build something like this people were doing it way back in the day and I don't understand how because I was using modern mechanics and this thing's still pretty big as this just been running the entire time I think maybe unloading the chunks is slightly broken it a little bit but still we've got a working solar system very nice moons made of cheese everyone knows that a lot of people said when I released this thing that I couldn't have possibly built it it must have been built by greed which I take as a massive compliment that's very flattering it did take me quite a long time to design and I have to say I am quite happy with it but no this was yeah this is entirely constructed by me and of course all of the redstone stuff on the inside making it function that was all done by me as well I do everything on this channel for anyone who's wondering everything in this redstone testing world was built by me no one else has touched it including this guy this guy was definitely built by me and it's probably one of my proudest built I mean that definitely looks like a spoon and that face is just I mean spot-on sometimes you just build things and they're spot on this this is spot on I'm trying to speed around a little bit and just take a look at the ones that I find most interesting but I couldn't fly past this guy without making some comments hermit crab season for the mum baat jaam baat this guy simply seems to still be alive I mean I must have just not loaded him that much he's still going strong no he's just got his slightly unhappy face he's not dead yet I think this videos going to be about half an hour long I'm just gonna keep going until I ran out of redstone contraptions there are some really cool things going off in this air we've got the the 6x6 person door that all vault door that things working nicely this thing is this is my my use of this machine that comes down from the ceiling which once again that will never get boring but it seems to be slightly broken that piston doesn't really just needs an update I don't really know we've got the self building house once again another redstone contraption that just will never get boring self building things is always exciting to watch we've got the monster door this he's pretty interesting his teeth will swap over so that you can actually make your way through and then they look back off what on earth is this thing is this is this the 4x4 hidden nether portal let's see if this is the works it does almost there's so many redstone builds in this world that almost work but sort of don't that's just how time works in my craft unfortunately that he's fancy though oh just come across this thing this was my concept for a slime block based mob farm and it was big it was it wasn't designed to be built almost like there there was no way that anyone was actually going to build this thing but it looks crawled oh you can't really see it it happens too fast but the idea was was that the actual platforms themselves would retract dropping out all of the mobs out the bottom I mean look at that that is a satisfying thing to watch I actually think I should build something like this on the hermit craft server this is a fun little game let's see if it still functions yes you basically place bets on which one you think is gonna win so I'm placing bets on blue come on blue No will you do it blue oh oh come on make you come back no oh we came we came third dam is such a fun little game though it's essentially randomized powering of the rails and then eventually the minecarts make their way down completely random you have no clue who's going to win I it would be fun to build something like this on the hermit craft server and maybe even charge the hermit's to pay so it's like a gambling game and then if their one wins then they get like three diamonds back hmm that that could be quite cool well I was just standing here I was watching about the clips I realized that this is the blaze farm this is the crazy blaze farm that was the biggest pain in the backside to build this was seriously horrible to build I don't say that very often but it was it was a real challenge let's see does that switch it on and the minecarts gonna come out are there any mine carts oh okay so some mine carts have popped out as I say things often break in the redstone testing world but that was kind of the concept but as you can see it stopped working and the blaze are not being sent out down the tube at all ah this was a challenge there were just so many builds in this place I had not anticipated how many builds there would be also quite I hadn't quite anticipated how many would be broken to be quite frankly honest with you I have no clue no clue oh I see I see what the idea is I think one of the main problems with a lot of the builds here is the fact that when I went into some of the snapshots it erased all of the items inside droppers which means the mana stable circuits like this one stopped working so any builds that were built before that point they don't have working monostable circus does anyone remember this let me know down in the comments section if you remember this especially if you're an exam avoid fan if there's one bill that I want to work today it's gonna be this one it just has to be this one and go oh that is a nice thing to watch oh that is that that is a nice thing to watch the armor stand wave machine it still works and it is still looking really cool what a fluid wave that is you don't normally see motions that fluid in Minecraft surprising it is an absolute leg machine though so I think we need to switch that one off there are a whole bunch of other interesting bills around here though like that is the two-way 2x2 trapdoor this thing I think is going to be a combination lock yeah that's a really simple combination lock we've got stone generators we have the granny Christmas presents giver we've got the one-way pressure plate this is the laser security system yeah it's so weird how I can just instantly recall each one of these nah I wouldn't be able to think of all the redstone contraptions I've ever built but just seeing them I know exactly what they are straight away it's really OTT hold up is this the Stargate is this the Stargate system that I created no it doesn't have javis redstone oh no I so wanted to try that thing out it's been ages and in further disappointment next door to it is the crowd goes wild machine and microns missing my actual crowd is missing Oh still this thing works and this thing is seriously impressive so we have got ourselves a spiral staircase now that may not sound particularly exciting the interesting thing about this one is is expandable which means that you don't have most spiral staircases depending on how you build them we'll get down to about here and then you have to have a tunnel going off in this direction because there's going for your redstone over here this had to be built and made very big to make it expandable now you know I don't consider myself the best of redstone I certainly don't consider myself the best at redstone but occasionally I have my moments of of slight smartness and I think this might be one of them this is probably one of my most controversial wrists he ordered the remnants of it the redstone pimple popper fortunately none of them are working but I'd suggest looking it up it was a system where it would squeeze a spot and the spots would pop and I know we were talking just a little bit earlier on about moments of smartness this is not what this moments of smartness this is just me being goofy the gigantic circuit board looking contraption I always love this thing because it does actually look like a circuit board that is the grid mate I've mentioned this many many times now it's essentially a randomized maze there's a lot of mazes around the redstone testing world there's tons of them for example this one this is the changing maze so this uses sand and dumpling extenders down underneath which then push up and pull down some sand I mean that it changes as you're going around it now that is that's a big challenge oh and there's another maze over there that is the invisible mazes this invisible one yes you stand on the pressure plate and that will push up a block because you essentially have like a grid almost so you got on like this and you can see it shows you where you can go but you can't see where to go when you're actually walking along it I like this idea wretchedly yeah this is a pretty cool one there's a few others as well I like mazes I'm interesting that sort of thing in fact these are the mazes that we've just recently built on the hermit craft server for this labyrinth if I remember correctly this was for a 360 video so what we had if we can find the input let's see if we can find the input on this one I think it's maybe somewhere over here oh I remember now so I set up the camera so that it would be over here it flows up like this and then I went underneath the redstone build and I was just hitting these buttons and these blocks would pop up and the point of the 360 video is you had to look around and see which colors had actually popped up and you only had to take note of them and then down the commentation you had to put in your list of the order of the colors popping up 360 videos are interesting I don't know I don't know how I feel about them I personally don't really like watching them that much but if you want to see more of them then let me know and I'll work on other fun concepts like that one in fact there should be another one around here somewhere well this is a pretty good example of one this gigantic tunnel right here is the 360 redstone tunnel so as you make your way through here different things would be going on we'd have things exploding stuff happening on the corners yeah it was good fun these these things are pretty fun to work on they're always interesting people tend to like them 360 videos war if you're wondering why my redstone testing world it's quite a lanky place it's because of things like that that I just leave running there's like there's probably thousands of them throughout the world rainbow beacons another one of those bills that will never get boring I mean I wouldn't personally advise building one of them because this is the sort of thing that if you're playing on a server the server owner is going to send you an email at 3 o'clock in the morning saying what on earth are you doing why are you building such ridiculous redstone contraptions that are essentially fast-paced redstone quartz with transparent blocks move around pistons and beacon up these but they do look cool I mean seriously they do look really cool let's be honest actually went through a bit of a phase with the rainbow beacons and this is definitely one of the most impressive ones oh my word now you know why said earlier on about the lag yeah if you built one of these I think I don't even think the server owner would send you a message I think you'd just be banned straightaway and everything from your base would be dismantled oh this thing yeah the redstone another cube I love stuff like this I seriously do like these sorts of redstone contraptions just small little things fairly simple but just interesting to look at I want to do stuff like this more often I think in the future this thing's compact man and it fits inside it fits inside the nether cube holy mackerel oh look there's the RV there's the RV from hermit crab season 4 and next to that I think we have the smallest Rube Goldberg machine yeah this was this this was a little concept where I wanted to create a just a cube of Rube Goldberg for those who don't know what Rube Goldberg machine is it's essentially a chain of events that lead to an outcome this is like a long chain of events we've got almost an pushes we've got I think this was sheep they get dispensed and have to walk onto that pressure plate we had some items being pushed around all sorts going on in this tiny tiny little space that you can see here I love rude but that's another one that I love Rube Goldberg machines a great fun but people stopped reaping and interested in them yeah I'd built quite a few of them in the past so maybe it's something to revisit but I don't really know we have some cool stuff going on over here these are the realistic piston elevators all the different versions of them that I've built I think these might be some of the older ones because I did just try it out and it doesn't seem to be working none of the items are in the hoppers which means that I think it must have gone through some updates this must be one of the older ones I've built a few of them because redstone changes and you get new techniques and you can improve them so I guess this must be yes one of the slightly older ones and these are all the different designs for them over here we have I'm guessing this is just another one we've got that that's for the death games I think what on earth is this thing huh for the first time for the first time in this video I could not tell you what that is I have absolutely no clue if anyone knows let me know all the mini temple of not just see if it works I'm assuming not this is quite an old one again his eyes have opened though so he's got his little face oh we winked yes he likes me that means that he likes me this is good okay so not just a big fan of mine apparently we can take it official from the micro temple notch of course based on the build by FV disco which was one of the first resident builds I ever saw and one of the ones that actually got me into minecraft redstone the bar we've got this was my most complex redstone contraption of 2016 I think that's what I said and I released it on the 1st of January 2016 and all it did was open and closed his source I think this one cheesed quite a few people off but you know I like I like to poke fun I like to say that make occasionally I guess you could call it trolling yeah you know just say I dabble in it occasionally okay just drop it into videos every now and then now if you're wondering what these things are these are giants potion Brewers so they brew I think just a whole bunch of potions in batch and then they make their way into the chest at the end but as you can probably tell from that yeah this is definitely not working these will definitely be empty it's such a shame that between minecraft updates things like this happen I mean look Chester disappearin items are disappearing from the droppers I suppose there's nothing that you can really do about it we've got things like dance machines there's the stay out of my swamp sign that I was working on for the bottom of the Shrek this is I believe this is another potion brewing station I think either that or it's like a shocker box storage system it might actually be a shocker box storage system I think that might be what it is I think this is stuff and things this is why I built in slip Gators bass is a bit of a prank we have just so much history here it's bringing back all sorts of memories color combination locks this thing I wonder if this thing still works yet so this is the color combination lock that actually uses beacons for the colors as opposed to colored blocks a little bit silly to have the color of your combination lock broadcasted to the rest of the world but still fun project to work on we've got things like this is like a fancy lighting system that was it so Corrales always had really cool looking lights in his bills like this they look really modern so I thought I'd see if I could make them toggleable and I did and it's pretty compact as well look at that but aside from all that I think that just about wraps things up I mean I'm fairly certain we take a look a pretty much every single important redstone build in the redstone testing world we will chandelier lighting here it's funny how you just recognize certain circuits and this is one of those circuits so I just know I just know the look of it that shouldn't an it lighting straight away and I'm impressed that is still working then of course you've got the mob farm over there so this is the mob farm that I used some hermit crab season 2 season 3 in season 4 so that's done the rounds quite a bit lots a history as I say tons upon tons of history oh and if you're wondering this is the sugar cane pillar sugar cane brick wall tunnel I think that's a good point to end on oK we've we've gone through pretty much every single redstone build in the redstone testing world and yeah it's given me a whole bunch of ideas give me a bunch of inspiration as well and it's given me I don't know it's just brought back a whole ton of memories of fun redstone contraptions that I've worked on in the past but I'm sure I'm sure there's a few things that I missed out on so if you do want to take a look at this thing in a tiny bit more detail then you'll be happy to hear it is up for download a link will be down in the description if you want to download my redstone testing world and play in it yourself just take a look around or even use it as your own redstone testing world you just have a cool place to work with then go ahead a link will be down in the description feel free to click it and then you can go into your ya downloads and transfer it into your Minecraft world saves folder and then you'll be able to play as I say in my redstone testing world but unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that is all I've got time for today I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did visual said that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and as per usual check out the latest film on the filming channel link will be on the end screen [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,050,999
Rating: 4.8981476 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: AymvLzXPWuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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