Doomsday Prepper's ABANDONED Mansion | Found Secret Bunker with EVERYTHING Still Inside

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deep within a secluded Forest stands a custombuilt mansion once the cherished home of a doomsday prepper this is the Doomsday part what the I don't know what this is is he making bombs in times how close are we talk to the shepherd let us help you study for the final exam a man named Bill who achieved financial success as an entrepreneur constructed this dream home in the 1970s alongside his wife Evelyn and their two exceptionally gifted children Bill embraced his role as a provider ensuring his family received the finest education with both children graduating from esteemed ivy league institutions as a testament to his devotion he adorned their lives with all manner of luxuries including cluding a custom pipe organ that graced the living room for his wife however beneath the visible basement lies a hidden Subterranean chamber where Bill meticulously prepared for the prophesized apocalypse driven by his unwavering religious fervor an avid conception of films centered on the revelations and the imminent Return of the Messiah engaging with like-minded organizations he would have deep discussions about faith and the pending in times tragically in 2015 bill passed away due to natural causes leaving behind a void that would be mirrored by Evelyn's passing just 5 years later since then the property has languished in abandonment Frozen in Time with everything preserved within so join me today and let's see what's left [Music] be careful walking on the side over here last time Austin like or something yeah I'm watching now this this pool is nasty you can't even you really can't even tell it's here it's so overgrown don't even look like a pool man this would have been nice though with this big house this is the back side of the house everyone with the pool you know kind show you guys but you'll see a little bit more when we walk around to the front but this is just the backside as you can see it's falling apart the inside's full of stuff and we're going to check around the property though cuz this guy was a doomsday prepper so we're going to see if there's like some sort of Bunker or something let's walk around a little bit this is the front of the house guys it's going to be hard to fly the Drone but we're going to try it big old house I'm ready to take you guys and side this is going to be one cool video so I'm excited to show you guys what's left uh check out all my friends today down in the description I'll link them we got what's your channel gray X gray X we got Chase over here and we got uh ATB somewhere in the woods yeah he just ran away and Justin of course you guys know Justin so without further Ado let's go inside this beautiful mansion and let's see what's left hope you guys enjoy subscribe if you're new let's get right into it it's no surprise that the man chose this area to build his family home and shelter for the [Music] apocalypse is completely hidden from the road on over 30 Acres of forest let's take a look inside and see what else we can [Music] uncover all right guys so we just made made it inside of the abandoned mansion and as you can tell just by the little bit it is full of stuff abandoned in 2020 it feels like it's been abandoned a lot longer but yeah uh I can't wait to show you guys this shout out to uh at erback upstairs uh for hooking us up with this and joining along and everybody else I'll leave them all down in the description you'll see them throughout the video and stuff I'm not going to talk here too much let's see what's left in this place if you're new hit that subscribe button and let's go all right so I'm going to start you guys out at the front door as you can see it's blocked off a little bit so we're not going to stay here much longer I'm going to show you guys this little uh foyer when you walk in it's not too much but then we get to this huge living room and a lot of stuff is left in here and I can't wait to show you guys so so this is the front door it is a large door but there's this uh this mattress and stuff in front of it and all that and there's two closets on each side so right here looks like maybe this was the man's closet here's a leather jacket in here pretty sweet stuff makes you wonder what else could be hidden in this place like when I say everything is left in here that means everything was left all the decorations everything and I want to show you guys something crazy over there you guys can kind of see it a little bit it's a big organ usually guys I go through the entire house before I kind of start filming just to get an idea but this one you're going to get a raw reaction for most of it the living room we've seen dining room and the master bedroom but the rest of it I haven't even seen yet so you guys are going to be just as surprised as I am for everything still in this like little entry way we've got this nice glass shelving little knickknacks on it wonder what this was for it's just made out of wood then before I take you into this living room you guys can see Justin in here see how large it is and everything it's got everything left in it we're going to go into the office so there's multiple desk here and this guy was an entrepreneur as you guys know he ran a lot of businesses did a lot of stuff to make money as you can see lives in a mansion when you have an office in your house like this you know you're doing something good for yourself in life and there's everything still here yeah The Invasion the Star of Bethlehem they got two copies of the Star of Bethlehem end times how close are we so this guy was a doomsday prepper as you guys will see down in the basement he was prepping for doomsday but also you know ended up dying beforehand so it's kind of uh kind of crazy to see that in here makes it kind of more surreal the coming climax of History Financial guidance like this guy was this guy was getting ready for the world to end Adam blamed Eve Eve blamed the snake and the snake didn't have a leg to stand on can't sleep don't count sheep talk to the shepherd let us help you study for the final exam when the storm rages sometimes the Lord calms the storm but sometimes the Lord lets the storm rage and calms the child wow I did not expect to find stuff like that and you can only imagine what else is written in all this Against All Odds Israel survives another Against All Odds looks like a bunch of copies of it lines of in Inspiration the Mind money music nature age of eyes death this is all pretty deep stuff in this advice Divine Law this is crazy so it makes you wonder what is all throughout this debt isn't Immortal per se but taking on debt you have no intention to repaying is and doing so in the name of the state or the people may give you the political cover you need to explain why your recklessness you disguise it has concern for the good for the public good or for society but no morally speaking when you sanction it you're contributing to the impoverishment of the company or the of the of your economy and the the basement of your own morality Noah good thing when you see it in Noah's ark Noah did not start building the ark when it was raining like just seeing all this stuff about like Doomsday crazy crazy to see it all the Revelation the end of days pray and be rich this place was abandoned in 2020 so there's going to be like these starucks things which I actually love these I drink these I drank one this morning actually we don't really know what to expect that this guy has so this is the first on the channel where we're seeing um a person that was literally getting ready for the end of the world and uh had all this stuff to get planned for it and down in the basement all that stuff we're going to try to stay down there as long as we can but I don't have a mask and it is very very moldy and nasty down there but we're going to show you it anyways so I want you guys to see it so we're at this like little work table inside of the inside of the office here nothing much going on though you know you got stuff in the drawers like this full of [Music] [Music] pencils a lot more stuff we could go through but we want to get on with this tour of this house and see what else is Left Behind we might even find even crazier stuff let's head out and let's go into the living room and let's see what's left in there it's pretty crazy so I'm ready to show you guys all right guys now we're entering the living room and check it out huge room by the way big Windows letting all the natural light in there is like this metal stuff covering these windows but the top ones are still open so we get all the natural light inside of this place I want to give you a view from this this side check it out really comfortable stuff here and since it's only been abandoned for a few years it's still going to be like comfortable feeling and not like hard but you got a nice couch here the coffee table the two reclin ER actually these aren't recliners they're just rocking chairs this is like the coolest thing in here this is freaking orgon like that had to be built inside of the house I can imagine like Doomsday they're like playing some scary music on this thing apparently that thing's like worth a lot of money I bet it is worth a lot of money they built it into the house I think it's electronic it's pretty sweet this is so cool got another piano over here this P probably does work but check it out this living room is mint sup Justin another one bro don't leave me hanging don't leave me hanging look like they tried to stop a leak didn't really do much but got the nice fireplace this is like something you see like an office gas fireplace not real burning wood nice fireplace either way a lot of people move to gas fireplaces anyways here's your staircase not too fancy I mean this is more of like a cozy type home this is what they got going on looks like we have a desk here wonder if there's anything left in it just spider webs that's all that's in there vintage Oak is what it says inside though I'm just excited to be able to show you guys something like this it's so big it goes over there to another living space I'll show you guys here soon but this is what we got going on in here even got a nice chandelier hanging up I'm glad that's still here and it's not been taken down or anything but so crazy to find a doomsday prepper house with all this stuff in it it still feels very 70s in here although it was abandoned just a few years ago and Miss Oregon I just can't get over it so wild [Music] all right now we're entering this is like a breakfast area I'm pretty sure CU it's right off of the kitchen kitchen is not too incredibly big you got all these okay surely that's not the fra Pino like all dried up in there uh no there's more well there's more in the cabinets like that can't be right no cuz there's bottles of this stuff too looks like some sort of like reminds you of like like a hamster bedding hamster bedding that's what it looks like yeah could be cat litter little chandelier here the wallpaper like some flowers so this is the kitchen guys all the cabinets are open and they're deep cabinets look how deep that thing goes it's like how do you get back there for stuff you would add to have this has to slide out yeah this slides out so you can if you have stuff back there that's pretty cool I've never seen that that's a pretty neat feature it's even deep back there too how do they how do they do this I've never seen this in a kitchen before super neat though see all the silverware is Left Behind Still rocking with the old stove though the J air Mrs Dash they know what they know about that good stuff Old Bay yeah they know about good cooking but we are in the South you know everybody Cooks good down here look at this little drawer like that opens up like that oh these people are smart look at this the hot sauce this is this is like the mild sauce in my glove box in my car I keep a bunch of these because you can never can never go wrong with some mild sauce from Taco Bell or some hot sauce either or but I wonder why they did it like this this have a bunch of jars of it check it out this is the pantry what is all that up there it's all black this place is wild pretty nice stuff got going on here this is a got a double oven so you cooking big meals bunch of these Starbucks Frappuccinos they really liked it seems like at least the mother did thankfully there's no fridge so we don't have to open that up cuz you know we open them in every video if there is one and the last one that we opened was pretty nasty but there's not one in this one so so right here is another part of the kitchen as you can see you can tell this is totally '70s cuz the way this is built a lot of ' 70s homes were like this where the sink you can see into like another living space and stuff like that so you guys can see how it was built look at that spider in there e it's nasty moldy food it's probably cereal or something gross we're entering the secondary living room living space right now now we got a couch here and this feels like really cozy and Alex was even saying this earlier like it's like a cozy house like it doesn't feel like a I don't know it doesn't feel like your typical like Mansion like where it's fancy and stuff it's like cozy it's out here tucked in the woods and everything got the shag carpet from the 70s so nothing was really updated too much and some of this furniture is still still old check this out wonder how long that's been there it's one of those stick on ones you also got a fridge over here there's a fridge yes ah I heard you say you didn't have one come on all right I guess yeah smells great smells wonderful in there some egg rolls or something oh my God that's a you smelling it yeah I smell it kind of how it smelled downstairs earlier yeah that's where all the doomsday stuff is too all right so now we're going to walk right over here and we're going to see all of this stuff so I wonder what was right here it's like a musical note poster here I want to give you guys a look of like how we're in the woods right now now you guys can see out there we are just tucked back here came and see the road we have another couch here it looks like somebody was sleeping on this couch cuz you got the blankets and a pillow and stuff somebody could have even been squatting in here who knows we did see some people walking down the road earlier saying him or know usually hight traffic roads with houses like this typically have squatters this is like a I believe that's Venice Italy right there I've never been there looks like they're really into stuff like Europe European things and check it out guys this place is not going to last too long this part of the house anyways look at it it's caving in so bad but let's work our way over here and get out of harms way with that it looks like here's a little TV stand hidden in the corner over here with some speakers and whatnot and looks like they're watching VHS Messianic signs looks like looks like the office somebody in the office in the house a lot of Polaroids left in there nice leather couch another one to match over here wonder who these people were this like some very old portraits maybe this was a past relatives or something like that but this is the secondary living room like I showed you guys told you guys about so this is probably your more um family room this is where people would have actually hung out and then the other one would have been more formal and things like that because the the organ and the nicer furniture and whatnot but check this out right over here we have a whole record player actually hold CDs and whatnot then you got all the records still down here on both sides it's a really cool record player too I have one similar to this in my house really cool to see those find those [Music] [Music] [Music] places so now we're going to move on to arguably one of the coolest places coolest rooms in this house that I've seen so far the dining room as we walk into the dining room you guys can already tell this is super fancy really nice stuff I mean it's all set all the plates are here the cups the silverware not very much silverware but some there I just love to see dining rooms like this cuz they look so fancy we got one two three four five six seven eight eight chairs I wonder how much they used the dining room probably I mean I would say a lot it was just a family of four the sons had grandchildren and whatnot so for the the owners and stuff of course you would need a bigger table to fit the whole family I at this china cabinet still full of all the glasses not all of them I guess cuz some of them are gone this is what this looks like one thing I do love about this is look at all these chairs here this is pretty cool guys there's even another cabinet of uh of China and stuff here and the Cabinetry itself is beautiful but you can see this glass is like curved never seen curved glass like that but safe to say guys this is this is a beautiful dining room love to see stuff like this but when it comes to a dining room I mean there's not much to show you guys to make this room a very long part of the video but just love showing you guys what's left you guys get the gist of this room it's gorgeous all right so now it's time to move along and we're going to stay on the bottom floor first and we're going to go ahead to the master bedroom and see what's left in there and then we're going to go upstairs and everything's going to be a surprise up there for me too so guys I'm excited to show you let's go check it out and let's see what's left in the master all right guys now we're walking down the hallway heading to the master bedroom and there's a there's a bathroom right here and it looks like a closet or something but in this hallway we've got all this all these books and things like that hats magazines pamphlets raisins do it yourself encyclopedia see what kind of books they got advertising how I made a million dollar in mail order the magic power of emotional appeal real estate financing manual pretty cool stuff then you come right here into the bathroom and I mean it's pretty nice the wallpaper is like the shiny um silver wallpaper and there's six of these mocha Frappuccinos in here and like I get it cuz I love these things too I drink these all the time me and and my girlfriend we drink them all the time and uh it's it's nice I don't like mocha though my favorite one right now this is so off topic of everything of Abandonment but my favorite one of the Starbucks drinks right now is the white chocolate mocha so good or the caramel I can't go wrong with it but let's leave the bathroom now there's not much to see in it as you can tell it's pretty neat either way but let's go to the master bedroom so we come back here and you get this big room we have a couch similar to the one that's in the secondary living room right here pretty neat to say the least they got boxes of stuff hats I'm going to show you the closets first cuz it's uh these two big walk-in closets and this reminds me a lot of my grandparents closet cuz it was like this we got all these suits and jackets everything like that we got some wrapping paper in the back there it's surprising that I haven't seen a gun in this house but with it being ran through the way it is maybe the gun was taken you just typically think that in the South there's going to be a weapon of some sort the closet is still full of all of this stuff so here's the other side of the closet this looks like her stuff now but there's more flannels all that sitting back here more the same jackets and whatnot got stuff up top there a box of something there's all these letters and and whatnot who knows what's all up there never know what you could find in a place like this as we look around look in this box we got a bunch of CDs little players and speakers and whatnot these boxes but we're going to go around the other way bunch of really neat stuff in here guys I'm like really excited to show you guys this but check out the master bed this is a king-size bed with some nice furniture in here you see this couch is also in the living room too another one of these so maybe it was also in here at some point let's come over here to the dresser Olympus it's a camera battery thing some gloves full of ties and whatnot so we're going to come to the bedside there's spiderwebs I'm walking through literally to show you guys this but check it out yeah have this nice four poost bed looks like the bed itself is too big for the frame but you know probably slept more in the middle and one of these comfortable oh this is a heated blanket so maybe they had some back problems or something got the heated blanket on there Hot Melt patches yeah definitely had some some like back issues of some sort more patches down here socks yeah definitely was uh definitely was in pain probably in the back that's why I you sleep with those there's a chest over here though nothing in it there's a couple knives but that's it and this is their main dresser this is the inside the living room as you can see there's that couch that we saw looks so different this is on the fireplace look at this sewing machine we got a Singer sewing machine those are those are awesome love seeing these now sometimes guys sometimes they'll hide guns under the bed so I'm going to try to take a look underneath the bed and see what's left in there I don't really know I don't see anything under there you guys never know until you look but that is the master bedroom safe to say it's pretty large and they have all the windows covered up with some metal sheets so it is dark in here we're in this big old mansion [Music] now it's time that we head upstairs and we see what's left up there I'm in for a surprise you guys are in for a surprise so let's go see it let's check it out hope you guys are enjoying thus far if you are hit that subscribe button check out all my friends down below and let's head upstairs and let's see what's left it looks like it's cool but this is like the first time I'm seeing it y'all already seen all these I ain't seen this yet so looks like there's one two three four five rooms up here yeah this room over here is pretty good all right that one in the corner yeah and then in there is pretty good too get a whole view downstairs see the crew God this place is cool all right wait I miss s room right over here this was like a kids' room or something yeah that actually goes outside too which is funny oh roof access that's sick I wouldn't trust my kids with that though what is my cat thinking so this is some sort of bedroom it's been kind of cleared out there's nothing really in here maybe this could have been like a grandkids bedroom somebody has graffitied in here a little bit but you can see the dog toys looks like they did have a cat at some point in time but they did clear out this room mostly over here we got some bras some belts what not this looks like a girls room now that I'm looking at it a little more old sink here August of 2019 so 2019 2020 this place was living in and now it sits completely abandoned so this is like the bathroom but it's carpeted bathroom which is weird at the same time you know you're not used to seeing that too much' 70s house is a little bit more but looks like we got our shower and our toilet here nice little walk-in shower this is the closet and it looks like it's probably a shared closet I want to say because it goes through this door too and it's quite large so definitely a share closet I want to say um you got all these hangers still here you've got all this this is such a cool place wonder what's like left back in here there's boots back there still got some shoes left behind and more of the girl clothes on this side look at this Istanbul wonder if they went to Istanbul that's where I got all these tattoos done guys is in aemo and then they also had a washer and dryer up here so I wonder this is like probably their laundry room kind of a mess though look at this map historical map of England and Wales this is like a cloth I feel like they were Travelers definitely feel like they were Travelers so this is like just a huge closet that's shared with everybody they could have been a bedroom I don't know that's strange but maybe they built it like this for a reason pretty sweet though we're going to come out this solar panel thing this way it was saying was turned on I don't know what that's used for May seen this something like that before this room was more of the library of the room or of the of the house so they had all the books and stuff stored up here you can see all these books here wow look I think they did go to Turkey I think they did go to Turkey they were Travelers for sure honestly they probably wanted to travel before doomsday day to get to see everything that they wanted to see in life before it happened which makes sense and also they had the money to do it cuz they're rich having all this this huge house here I'm so happy I get to show you guys this place we have been doing some really good spots this trip and uh this is by far one of my favorites of this whole trip it's the biggest one so far too so yeah I'm loving this all these books in here not typical you see library in places but we have seen it before now we're going to look a little bit more at this shelf in here we're going to move on to the bedrooms and see what's left and then we get out of here but you guys are going to want to stay tuned cuz we're going down to the Doomsday room which is all the way in the basement so let's go check it out but let's check out what's right here first and these are the bedrooms we got way more books here we got some trophies it looks like they kept more of the cuz this is some of like Europe stuff looks like they kept more of the Doomsday stuff in the office downstairs it looks like this is writing about a book or something you got family photos and stuff down there lots of really neat things so let's check out over here we got a bedroom we're coming into oh wow check that out this was definitely a kids room as you can tell look the comforter is Betty Boop which I have not seen that ever and then there's a teddy bear here and obviously there's a crib and is that Blue's Clues I think I think that's Blue's Clues and more Betty Boop and look at this this is also in the house this looks like it's in that uh this is in that family room maybe that's the child that was staying in this bed but who knows I don't really know how everything was done closet full of clothes full of really nice clothes too at that a lot of stuff jammed up in here too I mean guys this is just the second bedroom we're seeing I mean third technically but there's no bed frame for this bed but it's still here and it's made it's got some clothes on it really cool to see that stuff and it looks like this is the kind of house where every room is kind of connected to each other check it out this trophy is for 1989 door is more access to the roof so I wonder if like I mean this was definitely like some sort of shared room we're going to walk through here though we're going to see what's in here they got a map of the world and we got the comforters on here and then they have this little section of the of the closet which we're kind of stepping on everything to get in here but I want to show you guys what's left we have some dog toys some bows here's the thing of France and you guys know we we've been to France you guys have come along on the adventures to France before but the fact they didn't want this house is blows my mind wow look at the wallpaper in here I've never seen this what the heck there's even another section so this is probably another shared closet to this bedroom they were really smart kids look at this this looks like a camera bag but there's nothing in it then you got shoes down here boxes of papers basketball trophies now we're going to head out of the closet and into our next bedroom which doesn't look like anything's really left in this one much so check it out I'm not going to stay in here too long cuz I want to show you guys the basement and all that crazy stuff down there let's check out it's in these closets at least got some books The Destroyer bunch of different copies of the Destroyer roer yeah just not much going on with this bedroom up here but you know now guys we're going to go down and we're going to see the basement and the Doomsday stuff you guys are not going to want to miss this this is crazy they have like 10 of everything down there and uh you guys are going to see that he was a jack of all trades cuz there's car parts there's stuff to build anything and it's just like it's cool so I can't wait just take you guys down there roll the Montage this cool house and then I'll see you guys in the [Music] [Music] basement [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys time to head down to the basement where the Doomsday stuff is so let's head on down I'll leave the way golly there's so much stuff down here theom not bad at this little smell stinks down here there's so much to see so he's going to have like flat washers everything is like labeled down here too Philip screws all that stuff he's got parts for everything spider webs oh my gosh look at all this need any screws you got thousands right here thousands and thousands of stuff man it goes all the way down here there's basically two basement there's this one that we're in right now and then there's the Doomsday one which is a little bit further which is packed full of foods non- perishables and stuff like that but I'm going to show you this part of the basement first and then we're going to head down there it's really dark and smelly so we're going to try to get through this I'm going to show as much as I can but I had don't have a mask so just Stacks and stacks of stuff beds cabinet like what would they storing down here there's even a bed down here stinks so bad what is this ew stinks really bad it's lot of chemicals and whatnot throughout the place check this out concrete stain wood stain oils all different kinds of oils like I said guys there's so many tools down here oil spilt oil right there oh my gosh it stinks so bad car parts this is all car parts right in here feels creepy down here I don't even know where everybody else went I think they went to the other basement I'm in here alone now scared creepy super creepy okay we're back to this little shop area so we're going to go to this side I got to find these stairs yo where all at come around there so basically the smell is going to hit me in the face uh it just gradually gets worse as you come down okay all right all right here we go I'm probably just tripping but cuz it's not nearly as bad as it was this is the Doomsday part yeah there's just a bunch more stuff like up there yeah oh my gosh I don't smell anything bad too yet or really bad yet yeah check it out bushes baked beans looks like minced garlic popcorn salads got a bunch of this what is this concord grape stuff there's a crib down here little creepy one two3 crib what else is over here uh a bunch of CH well it looked like this part would have been covered up by wood where you couldn't really tell it was down here there's even stuff stuffed up there it makes you wonder if there's a part on this property that goes down like a bunker honestly there probably is that's a imagine I did not think of that self-treating homeschool look at this this is a little shaver is that what that is yeah looks like a radio but it's a shaver still more parts down here there's parts for everything there's Wheels over there like for shopping carts is there yeah there's a bunch of light stuff here door knobs yeah and he has like a million more on that other sh his old Pitchfork dude yeah I know stabby in the foot old tools down here look at all these boxes yo what's in them what's the tab on them hold they got switches on them they do have switches on them what are they for what does it feel like it's got stuff in it why does it say on no it does hold on we need to open this I don't know what this is is he making bombs I'm not going to hit the own switch I know that yo what the what is it is this guy making bombs it looks like lunch boxes but it has a toggle switch and a red button and then you open it what was this guy making and he has them in Bolt too what is this if this dude wasn't a prepper I don't know yo yeah check in there it's an ammo cartridge he has a bunch of ammo one there's like a bunch right here I don't think there's ammo in that one but there might be like little bomb dude what if that's bombs like what just making like honestly it wouldn't surprise me I'm honestly kind of freaked out because with how he pled stuff I wouldn't be surprised if it was booby trap in here look that's got a wire running to it I didn't realize that there's tons of them yeah and they have switches and buttons that's creepy dude imagine like one just blows up right now well that's the end of us we're standing face level with it this a giant turo that's crazy I did not expect that when you opened it you want try to get by here yeah look here's ammo boxes yeah back here surprised he doesn't have a gun safe down here there could be a hidden one there more ammo boxes what are these silver balls here silver balls yeah I don't even want to know what those are oh I see one wait what proba whoa whoa whoa whoa dude what happened something's pouring out of them what yo what if they're like grenades oh dude those might be some kind of explosives they have stuff in them this feels like it would be an explosive with the way this guy is the way this whole shelf is with the ammo and the chemical smell too look there's even big ones too that is strange I wonder if that has to do with the chemical it's a little scary though that they're all over the place there it's definitely homemade because like it's like a lunchbox yeah not what I expected now guys I don't know if that's what we're thinking it is if you guys know if you guys have seen anything like this comment down below what you think it is this place is really strange and with the way this guy was it it wouldn't surprise me if there was some sort of explosive or homemade things especially for doomsday prepping so if you guys have any ideas comment down below what you [Music] think [Music]
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 708,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, abandoned family mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, bigbankz, doomsday, prepper, end times, preppers house
Id: PELfFjp_FxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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