99-Year-Old Lady's Astonishing Abandoned Mansion Left Behind for Decades

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Welcome back, everybody, to  the Bros Of Decay. I'm Lesley,   behind the camera, like usual. Mr. Danny, hello! "Hello, everyone!" Look at where we are walking today. Geez, it's  not even possible to drive here with a car or   even to ride a bicycle or something. But we are  on our way today in Portugal to a noble, simple   farmhouse. That's how I called it because the  owners of this place were definitely noble   people, but they live in the literal middle of  nowhere, Portugal. We have to take this route,   go past fields, go past cows, and it's going to  be quite an adventure to even reach the house. What are these roads used  for then, do you know that? "It's just for animals. It's literally for  the animals to go to the fields. That's why   you don't even drive on this. Like,  it's impossible. This is just rocks." Danny, what the hell do you have in your mouth? "I'm a farmer. I have to behave like a farmer." I think we are reaching the gate of the  farmhouse over here. So the fields of this   place are still in use to this day, and there are  literally like ten buildings on this property,   but not a single one of those is still in use.  However, we have to be very careful because   there are cows with horns on the field,  and we don't know if they are dangerous. "I don't know, but we'll traverse it very  carefully and, yeah, just take it lightly." "Okay, ready?" "I'm ready." "Yes, let's go." "Okay, two, yep." From now on, we are in imminent  danger until we reach the farmhouse. "I hope the cows are not surrounding the family." "No, that would be terrible." "Yeah, I can hear the bells of the  cows in the background already." Finding a farmhouse in the middle  of nowhere takes some dedication. "Yeah, definitely. Smash a like  for that because we are dedicated." I already see a cow in the field over  there, and I also think I see the farmhouse.   Okay, the cow is just minding his own  business, eating some grass over there,   and we are getting our first glimpse of this  wonderful place in the distance over there. "Oh, there's a second cow." It doesn't really look very  noble from the outside, does it? "No, it doesn't, but it's  in the middle of nowhere." "That's true. For them, being  noble is about what they have,   what they did, not the house especially." "Yeah, but such a view in  the middle of nowhere, wow!" "That's beautiful." The cows seem to be minding their own business, so  we can slowly make our way towards the farmhouse.   It's getting hot already, right? "Yeah, it's early in the  morning, and it's already warm." So, we see the facade of the house. This is  the place that we're going to document today.   It looks actually absolutely wonderful from here.  It looks like a very tiny house. I'm excited   to see how it looks on the inside. So let's  waste no more time; the gate seems to be open. "Okay, sir." "Yes, sir." "Okay." Open her up. Let's start an epic documentary! Our journey leads us into the depths of  Portugal where we discovered the forgotten   house of the Pimentel family that dates back  to the mid-1800s. This house has been in the   same family for generations, and they are  considered simple, noble people from a   family that was known for producing wine on a  large scale for the whole region. The family's   legacy is apparent in every  nook and cranny of the house,   from the traditional architecture to the  vineyard that still stands to this day. Since 1995, family members had been moving out of  the house because there was nothing around here,   only Maria, her daughter,  and her husband remained.   In the year 2000, the family had a  birthday party for the oldest tenant,   Maria, who turned 99. It was a celebration  with the whole family, but unfortunately,   Maria didn't get to live until she was 100 years  old. When Maria passed away, they also moved out,   leaving the house with all its valuable  possessions behind, frozen in time.   Walking through this house is like taking a step  back in time. The walls, floors, and ceilings   all have stories to tell and their presence  can still be felt wandering through the home.   Let's go on an adventure through this historic   house and uncover the intriguing  stories of the Pimentel family. Everybody, as you can see, I just  completely dressed up in an authentic   Portuguese traditional outfit.  I'm saying that right, Danny? "Yep." This is an outfit that was worn on  Sundays, mostly. This was an outfit   that's very occasional, as you can say.  And one thing I have to mention, like,   a lot of people have asked this in the comment  section: do we take these outfits ourselves,   or do we take them from the abandoned  places? No, we let them be made to size,   and this one is actually from Danny's  grandfather and your father as well, right? "Yeah, that's correct." So it has been in Danny's family for a  long, long time, and it's perfect to film   an abandoned Portuguese location. This house is  magnificent. Let me take you to the first room.   This was the office of the family, the simple  noble family as we call them. But from the office,   you can look into the square of the garden,  which I'm going to call the patio. In Belgium,   we call it a "square farm." This is actually a  noble mansion, between quotations. I wouldn't   exactly call it a mansion, but it's massive  and it has all the furnishings that you   would expect inside of an abandoned mansion. Look at the room that we just entered. The   Pimontel family, this was the family that  lived here for generations. They built this   place in 1850 and conducted all their  business from this room over the years. Here we have a couple of pictures  left on the table. Look at that,   that might have been Francisco,  right, in his younger years? "Possibly, yeah." Francisco is the son of—sorry, what  was the name of the mother again? "Nilsa." Nilsa, sorry, yeah, even difficult  for her. And this is most likely her   son in his early days. Did you have  mandatory military service back then? "No." That's probably the reason why Francisco was  in the military back then. Here we can see   a family picture in front of the house. See the  mountains in the background and the side view of   the house over here. And we've got another lovely  picture of this family. This picture is literally   deteriorating over time. Fortunately, they didn't  take out these pictures when they left this house   behind. Even a couple of gun bullets, wow! Maybe  we can even find a gun inside of this house. It's   not common to find a gun in Europe, but there is  a possibility in such noble houses like this one. Lots of encyclopedias from over  the years that they collected. Wow, thousands and thousands  of letters left behind. Jeez! Okay, and then everybody, let me show you a  very, very special room inside of the house.   This is a living space. This was their main room  where the family came together in the evening,   where they would sit on the bench over there.   Absolutely wonderful, and also, from the  style, a very noble room inside of the house. The first thing I see in this room are these  wonderful pictures here on the wall, probably   their ancestors that they proudly displayed  over here. The starters of the Pimentel family,   or might this have been a picture of them being  married? Sorry, I forgot the name again—Nilsa,   Nilsa and her husband back in the time.  I have no idea; it looks very, very old. "Yeah, this looks 18th century  or 1800s, beginning 1900s." Now, I got that picture next  to it. It looks like a priest. "Yeah, it's definitely a drawing." "Yeah, beautiful though." And this lady over here, probably also a  member of the family, in the same setting,   also in the church. It looks like, or in a  very historical building in the background.   Lovely wallpaper, I love  the gold plating on there. No, this might have been... No, no, this is  nothing else. No, this is definitely the daughter.   Oh, she's called... Yeah, the daughter. I have no  idea. I have not found that. We always do a lot of   research inside of the places and outside of the  places to find the family history, but sometimes   you just cannot get the complete history. So this  was definitely one of the daughters of the family,   but we have no clue who she was or what  her name was or what she did in her life. Look at that, the family was definitely  very important. Except for wine production,   they probably were also involved in politics in  Portugal. And did we find out which flag this was?   No. So here, they're conducting a business deal  between the two countries. And I love this book. Popular, this is a book completely dedicated  to astronomy. You can see the moon over here   and how they preserved it back in those days.  Because nowadays, we, of course, know much more   about our universe and everything. But if I could  read this, I would definitely do so. Are you also   interested in astronomy, Danny? "No, not at all." That's very unfortunate because you could  read this whole book, probably. Yep,   wonderful. Oh, this place has been abandoned for  a long time, 22 years already. You can definitely   see the pieces of furniture are slowly falling  apart. You can see a hole in the wall over here,   forming. Very unfortunate that such  a noble place is going to waste.  And this is actually an emblem from the family.  We have looked at it, and it says over here,   1740. And this is a registration of  their nobility. Am I right about that?  "Yep." You see the family name, Pimontel, and the  family crest is even above it, over there. Yep,   and this is a letter that they tried, I  think, to get the crest to be considered   noble. Even the Portuguese flag has worked  into their crest. Absolutely amazing. And these red curtains, look over here, bro.  There's this little eye on the curtain, it's   literally chilling there, but they are wonderful.  Wow, they could open up the doors over here,   the shutters, and the light would flood into  this room. It would be very magnificent. Look over here. You've told me this a lot  of times, but back in the time in Portugal,   they would fly around with a helicopter, take  pictures of every single house, and then ring   the doorbell and ask if the owners wanted to  buy the picture. Wallpaper is now covering it. Also, a family member and the corset she is  wearing—her whole waist is literally crimped   together. That's also a traditional  Portuguese thing, right? The corset?  "No, it's not really. Because I know in  France, it is. In France, in the noble times,   or in former times, the women would  always wear a corset for a slim waist."  "Yeah, it depends on the dress and stuff." "Okay." A couple of artifacts left here. "Oh, the food bell! Do you think that these  owners of this place also had servants?" "Uh, yeah, probably like one, one maid.  Yeah, this is a small noble family." "Yeah, as we would say, a simple noble family,  which we have said many times before. Right now,   a lovely bench over here to the side. I love the  design on it! Wow, this braiding is so beautiful,   and a very typical Portuguese bench as well. And  then, we have a grandfather clock standing here,   unfortunately without a clock face anymore,  but a beautifully carved one. Maybe the gun is   inside of here because that's where you would  store a gun. And, unfortunately, it's empty." "Okay, and from here, we can go further into  the hallway. We now go to the next section of   this house. It's in the square, like I told you  before. Every single room is on the right side,   and in the middle is that garden that we saw. And  over here, we have the first bedroom of the house,   a double bedroom. At a certain point, a lot of  people would be living inside of this place,   but over time, of course, because this  house is literally in the middle of nowhere,   the numbers started to diminish, and  less and less people started to live here   until only Francisco, his wife, and  (sorry, again, I forgot the name) Nilsa   used to live here. And Nilsa was already  very old, so Francisco took care of her." "This was definitely not their room. Let's see  what kind of artifacts are left here. Well,   I really love this! Oh, it's like a sort of a  dividing screen, but with these little emblems   in there, a religious depiction. Of course,  these people that lived here were very, very   religious. Back in the time, that was common for  Portugal, especially for these noble families."  "Christmas, yeah, wow!" There's even a couple of pictures  left in this room. Look at this one,   a man with a pipe. I love his style. And then  we've got a young lady over here, probably   also a member of this family. It's so sad to see  all these pictures left in this place. There's   nothing more to this side. That chair is  interesting. What's so special? Oh, this is a... Yeah, exactly, you're right, and a very special  one, though. Yep, beautifully carved. Wow,   there's even a star in here, as you can  see, the holes are made into a star. Beautiful. Let's actually put this all back  nicely, like we found it. Also, there's a fresco   on the ceiling over here, a very typical fresco.  Normally in Portugal, you see crown molding,   or it's crown molding with all those wooden  sphere milks, but there's a fresco in here. I see a bull over here, and it's actually  very funny because this whole house is   surrounded by these types of animals.  I think if we look out of the window,   is that possible? We can see the cows because I  can hear them, actually. Oh yeah, standing there.   Oh, over here is one to the right side. Wow,  they're just walking around the house over here,   it's wonderful, minding their own business.  I also really adore this hallway that we have   here, with the skylight up top. Actually, in our  series that we are filming right now in Portugal,   we have seen a skylight in almost every single  house, right? Yeah. Oh yeah, I haven't seen that   before. I think we are just lucky, or is that a  thing in Portugal? It's kind of a thing, small   skylights, just to have natural light because  back in the day, there was no electricity. No,   that's true, and I really don't mind them,  I must say. Yeah, if the hallway didn't   have this skylight, it would be like dark,  it's black. Wonderful chandelier over here,   or crystal light fixture, as you can see. Oh,  have a look at this room, absolutely magnificent. Look at that bed; it looks like it's  completely made out of copper pipes. The bed is still made, as you can see, with the  pillow still at the top. And what do we have   over here? Republica Portuguesa. There's  some sort of an award again, right? Uh,   it is saying that he graduated. This is from a  college or university. So Francisco graduated   from university with this degree. Wow, I don't  know what, because I didn't read it, but yeah. A vanity here to the side with a jug to  wash yourself back in the time on there.   Look at the painting that we have on this one.  Absolutely beautiful, and it complements all the   other pieces that we see on top of here. Even  the comb and everything still on there. Wow,   look at this upholstered chair in the corner.   Actually, there's a very small seat over  here. Yeah, like, I'm not going to sit on it,   as you can see, it's completely filled with  probably mouse feces or something like that.   The best we've seen are bats inside of the  house. You haven't seen it? No, I don't know. Stop it, Danny, no, not again,  not again. Yeah, there's a   baby crib over here on the left side. Oh, now  I'm thinking about the bats while filming. It's   during the day; they are sleeping, no worries.  Okay, I hope we'll not encounter them. And then   all the candles that we have over here on top.  These are religious candles for a church. Yeah,   you think they would have a religious ceremony in  here sometimes, or a priest come over to pray? I   don't know because I didn't see the whole  property, but I would say that they have a   chapel. We are going to go in search of  a chapel later on in this video. Yeah,   I think because these people are very religious,  with this farmhouse for sure, absolutely.   A couple of things up here I want to  try out. This is a seat, of course,   because I was just talking about it. Yeah, I  feel like this part over here is very small,   but I don't know why. It's also a very low seat,  but it is, however, a very beautiful seat. Though,   I love the upholstery on there, the yellow.  I think they are lower to the ground because   they are used for putting on shoes. Oh, yeah, in  the bedroom, with the clothes and shoes on. Wow!   Okay, so we have this room over here,  and I saw one more room to the side. The room is very empty, though, but it  also used to be a beautiful room back   in the time. It looks like this used to be the  dressing room for the room next to here. Yep,   everything is left behind. Look at that, all  the pillows, all the costumes, everything is   still in there. For some weird reason, there's  also a calendar for the month. Oh, really? Yeah,   I didn't know that. Wow! And then we have the  wheelchair of Nilsa left here. She turned to   the age of 99 years old, and at the end of her  life, she was bed-bound. Probably to take her out,   they needed a wheelchair. A lot of  religious depictions everywhere. Oh, wow, I know this place. I'm sorry, no problem.  This is Óbidos; this is in my city. Oh, really?   Yeah, I love this town. What do you think? You  haven't taken me there yet. It looks like a very   colorful town. Yeah, it is; it's very colorful.  Definitely show a picture or a video. Oh, yeah,   yeah. Do you remember when I told you about  the cherry liqueur? It's from there. It's a   completely medieval town. I love it; we have to  visit it. Yeah, and you guys have to as well.   You have to visit Portugal, though. Yeah, look  at this. This view, you cannot beat it anywhere   in the world. These people had literally the best  view ever from their houses. Wow, the river, the   mountains. Let's see what this next section, this  next hallway in the house, has to offer. Already,   you see a lot of things that pique my interest.  First off, over here, we have the bathroom of the   house. Wow, it's also still completely intact.  Look at that, the ivy growing up there, taking   it over from the outside. There's even a toilet  roll left behind after 20 years. Come on, that's   just crazy. If you tell this to your friends or  family, like, "Oh yeah, we find these abandoned   places with everything left," nobody literally  believes you until they see the video. Yeah, wow,   and all the shampoo bottles, cleaning products,  everything of the family is left behind here. Yes, you may not. It's not,  it didn't start at zero;   it's not properly... Oh yeah, I'm because  you're not 80, 85, almost. No, I'm not 85,   I'm about 75. Everybody, if you want to  know, kilograms, so do your own conversion. Here we go, another wonderful  bedroom inside of the house,   and this looks like a bedroom of Francisco.  Everything is still completely in place,   and it looks like it was left in the last  moments that people lived inside of this house.   Look at the praying beads, still neatly hanging  here on the side of the bed. Francisco would be   sitting at night, praying away for his mother,  who was probably in the room next to this one. Carefully place that back. Also, some medicine  is on this side. The bed is still made,   of course. Of course, Jesus is watching over him  when he went to sleep. Danny, I see something in   the corner of my eye now, over here on this  side. I love these; they are candle holders,   and back in the time before electricity existed,  they would light these up and walk like this   through the house, for example, across the hall to  the toilet or to get a snack in the kitchen. Wow,   this is a relic from previous times; I truly enjoy  it. The half-burned candle is still on there.  What do we have over here? A  little vanity, as you can see.  All these pictures, the very  recent picture of a lady. Look at that.  "11 photos," it says here, right? Yeah,  the photo lab sent them these. Peace, bro. These are the three generations: the  mother, the daughter, and the granddaughter.   The great-granddaughter, the great-grandmother,  and the grandmother. There's a generation missing,   as the daughter is missing. Yeah, jeez, look  at them together, Francisco and his wife.   That's also the daughter; that's  probably the same one. These two   look like the same one. I have no idea; there were  so many brothers. Yeah, that's true. The family is   enormous. Oh my, sorry, I forgot the name again,  Nilsa. And here, Nilsa is having a great time,   probably. Oh yeah, this was her  99th birthday, what we found. Oh,   this is the party. Look at that, here she is with  the candles and everything, and the whole family   is over at the house. You see, they're having  a party over here. The family is huge. Oh,   I already saw this room; this is the dining  room, bro. Oh yeah, wow, that's amazing. Okay,   I'm going to show you these pictures later  when we are in the dining room. Then,   you hold on to them. We will place them back  properly afterward, but I really want to show   you them together with the dining room. See, all  the clothes Francisco wore are still left in here,   even a box of cigars that he used for nails now. Thank you, Danny. Built-in dresser, all his  suits where he conducted his business with,   still neatly left behind in here, and all his  ties as well. A big stack of ties, wow! You see,   every single one of them is pre-knotted. Yeah,  so he probably didn't know how to do it. Yeah,   it's annoying to do; it's very, very difficult. I  don't like to do it, and it's complicated. There   are even more ties down there. Oh, jeez, he had at  least a hundred times inside of his dresser. You   see that? Can you grab the green thing, this one?  No, the green one. They are the same. Oh yeah, oh,   that's the same scarf. Yeah, it's the exact  same scarf. Yeah, you have it right here,   truly Portuguese. Thank you for helping me out  with these clothes. No worries, my pleasure. Here,   we've got a picture from when Francisco got  married. The beautiful church behind him. These are most likely his  working clothes, and even   here, we see Portuguese people always put  ropes behind doors. That's a rope. Ah,   that's a belt rope, yeah. And then, down  there, I just put it back in the field with. I think I just did this. Yeah, let's place it  back immediately. Okay, let's stop here, yeah. Again, a very nice hallway. Want to do the game  again? Okay, three, two, one, blanket! Blankets?   Oh no, these are towels. So, yeah, this is for  the bathroom, of course, because the bathroom   is next to here. Wonderful chest, however,  with lovely leather upholstery on there.   Beautiful piece, and I love the paws  down below as well. Wonderful chest. Danny, look at this. Here, you can see another  angle of the house. So, the helicopter that came   over took multiple pictures, and they probably  purchased all of them. The property is enormous.   Look at this one, here's the chapel. Oh, I  was right, okay, yeah, there is a chapel on   this property, and we definitely have to look  at it. Wow, here we come into another bedroom.   The traditional sink, without running water,  of course, is completely full of bath sponges,   if you're right. Of course, I still have to—I  still haven't seen a single bed inside this house.   Wow, this bed hasn't been used in a long  time. Sheets are all laying on top of there.   A lovely picture above it, the young lady  holding a child. Even the purse is left behind. This really falls apart. I have no  idea; it would be definitely some   sort of liquid inside of here. You  can see this hose here to the side.  I have no clue, meaning, what was  inside of here. No clue. Look at this,   it's like a mini chapel, yeah, inside  of this room. It was a closet, and   they literally converted it into a chapel.  The bar for hanging clothes is still in there,   and the person that lived in this  room converted it into a chapel.   This is a ton of money, yeah. The  Bible is left here on a lovely stand,   candle holders above there, and here we've got  our beloved Jesus as well. Wow, what a room again. Geez, this floor is literally bending  over here. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, oh my God. No, no, no, no, no. It's just... oh my, it's  falling apart. What? I just want to look;   that's me, so curious always. But that one is  literally falling. Yeah, yeah, you have to be   really careful where you walk inside this house.  Lovely display stands over here. Unfortunately,   there's nothing on there anymore. What do you  think would be there? Something religious?   No, no, a vase, a vase with a  flower. Yeah, I see, I know my stuff.   And then over here, we have  another perfectly made bedroom,   and this must have been the last bedroom of Nilsa.  Nilsa, right? Yes, yeah, I can remember things.   Lovely bed, as you can see. It's also a very short  bed, I would say, because back in the time, people   were smaller, and especially Portuguese people.  We Dutch people, we are very, very big, but in   general, Portuguese people nowadays are taller,  but back then, they were really small. You see   it in simpler houses than this one, I would say.  You see very small doorways, very small beds, but   these noble houses had, of course, bigger beds,  bigger doorways because they were just more noble.   What do we have over here? A couple of picture  frames. Wow, again, full of pictures over here. Oh wow, she looks beautiful. Is that the family? Yeah, I think so. All the  brothers, and here is Francisco, maybe when   he went to the Army. You can see the daughters as  well, here. Wonderful. So many memories are still   left in this place. That's a picture of Nilsa,  I think, in the living room, in the dining room.   You take this one as well. I'm going to show  you where it is exactly in a minute, okay?  Put these ones back neatly over here on the  nightstand. What a room! Look at this enormous   statue. It's Maria, completely carved out of  wood. And "as Dr," where does that stand for?  The rest, I don't know. Is it like a  prayer? No, no, no, no. It's the name, Mary. With the crown still on top of her head,  absolutely wonderful. Here, Nilsa burned   her last candles before she passed away at  the beautiful age of 99 years old and a half.  And here, we can see her clothes as  well, still hanging in the dresser.   This is a beautiful coat, yeah. No verse on the wall. What does it say? "A  memory of college with a smile of peace." And   it's a collage, wow. Yeah, so somebody got  this when he probably graduated, probably.  Oh, it's also a really beautiful  painting over here. Look at that,   somewhere in the jungle, painted  in '72. Oh, it's a real one? Yeah,   hopefully, that's a real painting. Lovely  light fixture as well here in the hallway.   Ah, there's one more bedroom to this side as  well. Look at that, isn't it just wonderful?   I think it has been turned into a sort of  knitting room, or ironing room, or washing   room back in the time. Oh, maybe back in the  time, this was the maid's room. Maybe, yeah. Yeah, be careful. This must have definitely  been the main room. This is the smallest   bathroom inside of the house, with a skylight  in there. Even though that's really nice,   that's a nice feature of the bedroom, but  it's the smallest bedroom of the house,   so you're probably right. There's even a calendar  over here on the wall. That's just the year 2000.   That's the year when this house got abandoned. Watch out for that playing voice. Yeah,  that's absolutely wonderful to see: a   Sigma sewing machine. Also, a beautiful vanity in this room as  well. Here's my birth year, 1997. Mm-hmm,   she had a very 1997. Okay. Oh, there is a basement  underneath here. Yeah, we have to show you in a   minute, but that's dangerous. Get ready, because  this is the most opulent room in the entire house.   Let me welcome you inside the dining  room. Wow, isn't that just magnificent?   Everything is still present from the day that the  family lived and dined here. I will start off with   this ceiling because that's the most beautiful  one in the entire house. Crown molding on there,   look over here at the middle piece, the middle of  it. And then underneath, we have this oil lantern. Look at all this china that's  also displayed here on the table.   It's made in Portugal. Yes, it's  not China, but that's the name for   it. We have another name in Portuguese. Okay, but  the general English name is china. Yeah, can you   give me the picture that I just gave you? Because  I already see where it was taken. The last one,   come over here, Danny. Stand over here.  This is literally the picture right here,   and there, in front of you, you can see the seat  where this picture was taken back in the time.   Nilsa would be sitting on this exact  seat here in the room in this picture.   This is a memory of her. Here she rests. Look at this cabinet, this display cabinet,  completely filled with crystal glasses,   all from the dinner parties that happened inside  this room. Oh wow, what's down there? Cups and   crafts? Oh my god, wow. Probably presents from  when they went somewhere to another noble family,   probably. Oh, I was stuck. You're  stuck, you're stuck. Yeah, okay.  I'm gonna leave her here. Beautiful. Look at this cabinet  over here. And can you give me   the other pictures? Because I also  remember this one. Thank you, sir. I've seen this one somewhere between the  stack of pictures that we have over here.   This is all in the dining room, perhaps, if you're  asking that to yourself. Oh, excuse me, yes,   this is the one that I wanted to show you. Look at  that! That is in front of this cabinet over here.  Francisco and his wife. Plates on there, very Portuguese. This cabinet,  in general, is super, super Portuguese. Yeah,   I'm literally bumping into everything.  And then, we have another very high one   beside it. Look at the carvings that we  have up top there; they are magnificent. Plates and everything are still in here. Oh,  this looks like a mythical creature. Yeah,   that's carved in there. Everything for  the teacups, everything is still in there.   Portuguese crest – where's the  Portuguese crest? – all on top of there. Beautiful, for sure. That's a real memory. Let me see a couple more  pictures. This one is taken from that wall.  And we have this one taken here. Nilsaw  was sitting over here in the corner,   and it's directed from that angle towards here.  And that's her 99th birthday. Just imagine them   celebrating it for one last time, 20 years  ago, inside of this exact room. You can still   feel the atmosphere; you can still see the  people, the family sitting inside of here.   There's one more thing I haven't shown in this  room yet. There are these beautiful upholstered   chairs. Look at them! Even the mythical  creatures come back on this beauty. Wow! And another thing that I noticed: they absolutely  made cushions for the chairs because they're kind   of uncomfortable, let's be honest. Let me try  them. Okay, I'm sorry to ruin your peace a little   bit, but it's just wooden. Yeah, it's not very  comfortable. Though, yeah, you're right. So, with   this cushion, this must have been amazing. You're  gonna have to dust me off at the end. Yeah, okay,   this is much better. You're right, it's beautiful,  and they're exactly made for these chairs.  Okay, here's another chest. This one seems to be a little bit broken. Is that  a chest even? Oh wow, look at the carvings! Wow,   it's amazing. Again, mythical creatures are  everywhere. That's really the theme of this room.  And then, we have this painting made in Porto,  as you can see, but it's really deteriorating.   Oh my god! Oh, she scared the  hell out of me. You were right.   What's with the bats inside of this  room? Like, literally a split second ago,   I saw this bat flying. Oh my,  I'm really scared right now.   And, there are three in the corner here. Very  good, four in the corner. Oh my god, they're so   cute! They are, they are cute, and they'll just  bite you. Yeah, oh my gosh, they're literally   everywhere. Wow, this is sort of an extra  area to the dining room, the preparing site,   exactly the side kitchen. You can see they had  it there. Yeah, they don't clean up their stuff.   Wow, and this side there, let's just  leave them, trying not to wake them. In this side area, it leads into the kitchen of  the house, as you can see. It's a very traditional   Portuguese kitchen, a very small one, definitely  nothing noble. So the servant, yeah, would work   in here, and she or he would prepare the food  for the family. This cabinet completely fell on   top of the sink. Oh, what used to be attached  up here? Yeah, you're right, Danny. Oh my god,   oh, there are a lot of them up there. Oh my god,  actually eight bats inside of this. Jeez, okay,   I can't even... Oh my god, just please, sleep  very carefully. But okay, this is an interesting   kitchen. But those are animals that are active  at night, so we shouldn't bother them too much. Everything is left behind in this kitchen as well.  You can see that it has been used, not like 20   years ago for the last time. Everything is still  there: the food, the coffee inside of the cabinet.  You guys have good coffee, thank you. Here we have an ornate entranceway  into the house, as you can see. Oh, there's one thing I have to point out in this  room, of course. Look at the tile on the wall,   obviously magnificent, and it's worked into  there, leaving it on the same level as the wall   part of the house. And here we come into another  sort of, I think if I'm right, this room used to   be the breakfast room of the house. Here  the family would have breakfast, or lunch,   or something like that. This is a smaller, more  casual dining room. Yeah, I would say more of a   tea room because breakfast in Portugal is not like  a big thing. It's more of a tea room; it's not a   big thing, breakfast in Portugal. No, we have  small breakfasts. We don't have big breakfast   extravaganzas like in France. Tea room, back in  the day, tea room. You could be right about it. It   was very important, the teacups everywhere,  yeah, beautiful ones, even. Look at that. Again, it's displayed here on  the wall. She looks wonderful.   Another depiction of hunting, all the hunting  dogs next to there. Oh, I love this one, bro! I think we even walked here when we went to Porto.  Yep, this is Porto Antigo, 19th century. What   century is that? Just, uh, 19th century, so second  century Port, wow, the 1800s. As you can see,   beautiful portal, and it still looks like that  until this day. Beautiful place in Portugal. Oh,   look at this one! Oh, wow, the horse  garages and everything, brother, oh my God!  Wow, and this, my friend, is a real picture   of that place. It's not a painting,  not a drawing, but a real picture. Okay, this place is all back, the Tea Room.  I love the crest up there as well. Oh, wow,   the plates with the crest on them, are absolutely  wonderful. And I think you could even sit here   in the evening, enjoy the fireplace, drink a  cup of tea, maybe smoke a cigar or something   like that. That might have also been something  that this room was used for back in the time. Here in the hallway, some other artifacts left  behind. I love this basket that's filled with   these enormous keys over here, probably to  open the barns around the house and maybe   for the house itself as well, who knows? Oh, and  this room is also so cozy and lovely, absolutely   adore it. It's a bit of a newer room inside  of the house, a sort of sitting area. Anyway,   I would say it's one of the latest  additions, looking at the furniture.   This is very, very old, yeah, this is handmade.  Yeah, yeah, this is considered art in Portugal   because we don't do it anymore. I don't  know how to translate this to Portuguese,   but these are very, very traditional. Oh, I  thought they were like 20-30 years old. No,   excuse me for that. Wow, they are,  however, very beautiful, though. Yeah,   those books and the shelf look so recent.  Yeah, yeah, that's why I probably said it.   It's also really nice to see all the books  that they used to read back in that time,   and even a little plushy, maybe from  the grandchild, still left here. Oh, I'm going to place him back correctly.  Ah, it's wonderful! And yet another   picture of the outside of the house, the aerial.  Oh, I haven't shown this one yet. Here we have   all the keys to the house, the Casa Grande, the  grand house, not the big house, the big house. From everywhere, oh my gosh, it's the place where  they put the wine and the oil. Oh really? That's   probably down below then. Probably, yeah. So  there's one last room before we show you the   basement, and there's this little side room  over here. It's not really that interesting;   it's just next to the hallway, as you can see.  But there are a couple of things in here that I   really enjoy. For example, there's this cow's hat,  as you can see, this braided cow's hat. I really   love it. I'm sorry to correct you; it's a donkey  hat. Is this a donkey? Yeah, I think so. Really?   I thought it was... Oh wait, now that I'm  looking at it, I don't know. I think it's   a cow hat. Let's let the people decide  in the comment section what this is.   And then, this clock face over here as  well, a wonderful cast iron clock face. Okay, I think it's time to go very slowly down the  stairway over here. It's going to be an adventure,   bro, and especially with these clothes on, I  don't want to ruin anything. Yeah, so you're   going to ruin my pants for sure. No, I'm not,  I'm not. I'm going to do it very, very carefully.   This garden hasn't been traversed in 20 years,  and we're going to do it for the first time.  Bro, this is really something, yeah! Oh, I don't want to ruin your clothes. Wow, look  at the windows over here; they're so beautiful.   Okay, I'm going to make my way through. I already put on my scarf so  it doesn't get caught. Yeah,   oh my! I can see a part of a wine cellar in  there. This looks very difficult to traverse;   I'm not going to do it, but you can see it  from over here. Oh, you can see it? Yeah,   the bottles on the... Oh yeah, there are  hundreds of bottles lying on the ground here. I see a little pathway over here, so  somebody at one point might have walked here.   Okay, I'm going to do it very carefully.   Danny said he was going to do bad things to me.  I'm going to kill him if he ruins my clothes. I'm joking, everyone, by the way. Sort of, sort of. Oh my God, nature is literally doing its job.  Look at these flowers! Yeah, aren't they just   beautiful? Oh, do you remember the last house we  filmed in Portugal? They had the dried flowers   on the table. Yeah, it's these ones. Oh wow,  really? I'll link it up here. Yeah, they dry off,   but when they are green, they're like this. This,  yeah, exactly, exactly. That's when they're ripe.   That's what we saw on the table. Yeah, when  they are in full bloom, they are just beautiful. When you let nature do its thing,  you can create amazing things. And,   turning around, look at this garden over here and  the windows up there. This house is magnificent!   Oh, you know what? It really does remind me of  that one house we filmed in Portugal with the   chapel as well. Oh, the chandelier chapel!  I will link that one also up here. But the   garden area of that one is a little bit bigger,  and it had the same feel as this house. Yeah,   it was beautiful, and the story was also  beautiful, with the woman whose house got   struck by a storm, and she had to go to a  monastery for the last years of her life. I think we have ended up in a wine cellar  over here. You can see some barrels. Yeah,   look at that! Whoa, oh my God, that's massive!   One of the occupations of this family definitely  was the creation of wine for the region   around here. You can see, opening this up... There are still a ton of bottles left behind over   here. Wow! Most of them are empty, but I can see  a couple of ones that still have a cork on them.   So, you want to decide? This one still has a cork  on it, and yes, it's solid in there. It's heavy,   but it's solid. It's been a long time, yeah,  a long time. Look at all the dust. Yeah,   it looks like a bottle that you would  find inside a pirate ship. Yeah, wow! That's amazing! The big door would be opened up  during the harvesting season;   all the grapes would be transported in here, and  the barrels would be transported out of here.   This door has been used a lot of times over the  years. This building is prevalent, and over here   we have another section of the wine cellar. And in  here, there are even more barrels. Look at that!  All empty, unfortunately. Otherwise,  you could have a nice drink, bro.   Well, you wish. Yeah, I definitely wish. Okay, let's see what more we can find over here. So, I saw that there was one last room over  here. There are rooms behind there, though,   but we're not going to traverse that. That's just  crazy. Yeah, we cannot do that. But over here,   we have one last room. Oh, it got dark  for a second. Yeah, and this seems like   a sort of working area. But I saw,  Danny, there is also a door over here   that seems like it can be opened. So maybe  we can go into the field through this door,   then we don't have to go through  all those shenanigans again. Let's   see if there are no cows. There are none. This one hasn't been opened in a long time. Can you hear the cowbells outside? Look at that!  Wow, the view from here is literally amazing. Where are they? Let's have a quick look. They are all in there, all in the field  down there. Yeah, they have massive horns.   I don't want to mess with those guys. Let's go up. There are a couple of rooms over here,   or a couple of buildings, probably  barns from back in the time. Oh, sorry. Oh, they had a wonderful outside area. The house from the outside is amazing,  right? Yeah, a massive chimney up there. It even has sitting benches over here  outside, where they could sit in the   summertime and enjoy a nice glass of wine after a  day of farming or whatever these people would do.   I'm very curious about where the chapel is.   Do you have any idea, Danny? I have no  idea. Maybe we can go up the stairway here?   No, that seems very overgrown. Then we have  to go through the front gate again, so... The silence it all makes is insane. There's a cobblestone - or no, this is not  cobblestone, this is just a stone road - that they   constructed to drive into this place. And then the  house itself, you can see it from here, beautiful!   No way, man, have a look over there. What we've  got in front of us is the chapel of this place.  That's something we cannot miss  out on in this exploration. A family that had their own chapel is always  considered a very rich and noble family.   Let's see if this one opens up.  Unfortunately, it's completely stuck.  1970... 1912, bro! 1912, yeah, 1912.  Oh, I think there are some windows on  the sides that we can look through. Oh, we are in luck today! Is this  open? The door is wide open for us   to enter into this place. Oh, very wobbly. Beautiful gold altar! The  family could come and pray.   Wow! Even the thing that  the priest drinks wine from,   everything is still here. Little compartment  where they stored the holy book. No, no,   that thing you have in your hand, this would be in  here. Yep, fits perfectly. Though, yeah, and there   would also be a statue up here. It looks like the  Maria statue we saw in the room. Yeah, oh yeah, it   used to be in here, but then they moved it to her  room. And the crown up there is just fascinating!   Look at the crown molding as well, around  this chapel. What a beautiful place! Wow, what a fascinating place that we explored  today, from the Pimontel family. They really had   an awesome life and an awesome mansion. I really  want to thank them for their lives and the story   that we got to share today. With that all said,  please like the video, subscribe to the channel,   or write me a nice comment down below. Also,  watch Danny's channel; his link is in the   description. Thank you! And there's also a link in  the description for Patreon, where you can support   the channel and help me and Danny go around  the world and explore these amazing places.   With that all said, thank you so, so much, and I  will see you next week in another epic episode. Bye-bye! Love you!
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 360,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, exploring, explorer, abandoned palaces, abandoned portuguese house, abandoned portugal, abandoned portuguese mansion, portuguese farmhouse, abandoned with everything left behind, abandoned noble house, abandoned noble farmhouse, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned noble palace, exploring millionaire mansion, abandoned places portugal, noble portuguese family, exploring abandoned portugal
Id: Ikl9LlgG3C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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