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[Music] what a beautiful day is on these beautiful days I have to think about the thing I love the most oh yeah you're what happened here no what happened my steamer money no what don't worry Tommy I come bearing a gift what who's the speaking it is I the God of wallets I have decided to bless you with the greatest gift of them all to many people either have terrible wallets or no wallets at all this is a major crisis I have decided to help here Tommy this rich wallet is yours now take care of it young man thank you so much gods of the wallet thank you and with that back to you Tommy Thank You Tommy from the woods and it's true I need a new wallet and that brings us to today's sponsor rich wallets Tommy's getting sponsored by the world company hell yeah I am I need to modernize myself look at this old thing how about using this 20 years takes way too much space in my pants it's time to modernize myself and get rid of this old boomer wallet I got $19.99 Christmas from my grandma let's open up this bad boy and see the new world a few moments later well look at that bad boy it's so sleek and well made with like titanium plates and look how small it is compared to big wallet damn let's test that bad boy out did you know this fing has 30,000 five-star reviews get down well guys I felt a bad boy and it seems like all my important stuff is fitting right in especially the streamer money if you know what I mean and compared to grandmas old wallet I'm saving a lot of space what guys boomer Tommy just modernized himself and now it's time for you to modernize yourself do you want this what what is that well do you want this so much space so guys get 10% off rich Wallace today but free worldwide shipping and returns by clicking the link in description or going to rich com / Tommy can see not broke because it's titanium yeah okay guys I'm gonna enjoy the space my pants now with my new rich wallet take it for a walk have fun in the video boys and goodbye [Music] I'm a Tommy I want you to play us a Tommy that's you that is the true you you see that that's you stop being yourself and then life will be better welcome to another day with a fat balding boomer that you are watching and nobody knows why but that is life and we are in a normal boy oh boy we haven't been in here for a long time we are in a normal or it's a fine game hey who's in here Dex me because TD camber and Leonard man never seen these guys before seems like the only way to ever have a multiplayer game nowadays is with these guys but what is complaining about South Africa I wouldn't mind it's like we don't have a big South Africa game on YouTube I'm always kind of thinking about YouTube content that is a big reason why you don't see me play Italy or or Japan or India or or or Spain because lately on the topic a YouTube channel that I always use as a kind of encyclopedia of my good content I feel like the YouTube channel is a summary of good streams I had and I'm always looking for new things to do on on content wise many of you guys always say Tommy played the Vikings in ck2 and I completely disagree of that because if you check my youtube channel there's like five [ __ ] Viking videos on YouTube let me play spot on ck to know we already had the ultimate content on spot on CK too and I want to create new [ __ ] dude I used to be so beautiful with long hair I can't wait to have long hair yeah now I'm gonna show you my issues with horror games here we go and I want to use the knife cuz when you use the knife you lose a lot of piece of [ __ ] Maconie Maconie went into my stream settings deleted a file there then implemented the the sound file then made a test donation of something so I get [ __ ] like this I had to do it look at Maconie being an unsub but the worst one is this dude a hundred and nineteen sub so how long is that ago last year did the [ __ ] microphone oh you can't see on stream you can't see my face on stream I'm a new streamer did I can't handle jump scares I can't look at my face I just can't I can't jump scares are the worst man hey did you guys know I'm playing like four guys you guys know that this is right right what is the biggest force one sec I want to play eSports obviously the district force the biggest so this seed this is a mistake this has to be district force and not a shitty [ __ ] [ __ ] we're gonna play cape and natal let's see where I get infrastructure in Cape that's big we're gonna start off that now though we're gonna obviously start with washing tank that means we're not gonna start on Cape because that's bigger later and rebuild for sifts what if you know a new meta new meta watch this new meta I get free infrastructure on Cape and I built two sifts on Cape and then two here that could be a good move that is a good move obviously starting with the heavy tank and we are [ __ ] their constructions can useless I don't forgive time for this be clever that's already do this South Africa's I'm trying to make better here I'm trying to play very good and I think South Africa does not have the time for random bullsh trying something new here trying something new and that's it that's the whole game that's total game guys black taking the tank guy to get the medium to faster yeah 85 days are going to meet him - and I'm gonna have the bonus I think we're playing good so far I like the meta where I did infrastructure first I like that I'm actually Fabien hosted with 1k viewers Fabien you [ __ ] know me viewers don't want to see map games hey what's up guys welcome FPS viewers on Twitch and the next route let me just real one sec guys thanks for the host we have [ __ ] FPS virus now 1k we need to do something Thank You Fabian here we go let's go bear how do you please game oh here we go I got a shotgun here we go I'm reloading with the shotgun we're shotgun we know reload fake phibian [Music] I kill this one oh [ __ ] more shotgun I have two shotguns nice this is it bake bake bake lean it back back here Vivian please join me oh there's someone here careful you see in here careful careful [Music] [ __ ] my mama's gonna walk in I saw her I saw a shadow and saw a mob shadow but you didn't come in I fixed you gave up still better game played on Rainbow six cereal here we go [Music] it was cheating he was cheating he was cheating but he was obviously cheating secure what bro dislike things I can click and then I get all that [ __ ] Italy did not lose he made a puppet you my friend but I will meet these more factories soon for the tanks I can finally build convoys very important they actually show to that earlier convoy is so poured for some Africa alternate level support to support your troops if they're not Africa anymore also am a very very big thing about South Africa's preparing for naval nation stairs this meta where Italy will naval made you and try to next year so I need to defend my ports big big meta big big meme that people invade South Africa because it's not defending itself we need to do that China I don't even I don't even wanna look at it I hope Spanish push it back it seems how does the metal work on the train with me the bigger of this division is the more income of extreme makes sea 0.0 free every time you make the division bigger it gives you more very important for the matter of South Africa's I just remembered instead once you have everything choose you only build heavy tank tools you don't build anything else because the UK will give you enough water ice don't waste too melts on motorized I'll do it right now cuz there's nothing else to build but once it's done everything you need you get from UK that's a good matter so I can make heaviest heaviest heavy service service yeah guys I think you have to go [ __ ] defense right for defending domain bro I'm going offense if I don't give a [ __ ] man [ __ ] it I don't care I don't care I'm gonna attack these [ __ ] I've got a [ __ ] defend [Music] okay okay I'm just chillin waiting for water the division is almost done speed baby gimme gimme okay we're reaching the 41 almost here I'm going with seven otherwise not eight to have better stats on the tank it's gonna cost me model we're gonna ask him requesting these four motorized ship that holy crap how crazy is dad look at that I just gotta focus from the UK that gives me 10 percent or tank output damn that is that's sweet man it's good [ __ ] dude destroying everything in eastern Poland I'm showing right now once you make it put in a tank and you try to focus on [ __ ] defend the main it's student you see nowadays I mean these guys are more matter than me because I don't play eSports games anymore and it seems I mean it doesn't seem like it that that the matter of hope for right now of these kids that play a sport all day where I was playing role play the game is so much about generals now which I get I really sought in Singapore when Japan at the level a general the game seems to be very much now about good generals especially Germany Japan and France Germany Japan and Russia or else it's on about girls go generals I think for big issues that I don't have the mechanical tools [ __ ] I'm gonna stop training later cuz I'm actually starting to get afraid now I'm actually [ __ ] behind no god dammit what am i doing but France said he's gonna give me something to 10% boosts no it will help you learn them and have less than ready and guard all the ports and the you think I'm a genius because even if I had full production efficiency research the efficiencies the efficiency right now would be 43% in 20 days I will get 60% efficiency cap if I play like right now where I play with early industry I would still be at 44% right now I think I'm playing genius I think I'm playing God a few moments later they got across my tank is not done there Mike thank you I watch you fall over three point I tell you what doesn't matter if I'm straight I feel like I'm not very connected to the matter anymore because I don't play the dogs on earth [ __ ] 60 there was no pet reason atomic Samara I know but if you don't play if you don't do something for a while you kind of look up to date anymore with how to be on a percent the best if you don't play football for one month you're probably not gonna be you're probably gonna be a bit worse that's quad yesterday it's gonna kill or infinity oh no I'm just gonna die I have nothing ready I am straight straight blockaded this is just bad I know this is just I'm just gonna die I was trying to save my tank that's what I can do good cotton why bread every chip tweeted I always say that these many players know the game they know nothing there's no destroyers no air nothing man I shouldn't always I mean I [ __ ] up yeah but [ __ ] these guys play every day and this is what they do no destroys nothing Oh at the pump well I knew that was coming I knew that was me and more slots in decided that you see you need to always defend your borders South Africa it's a big matter right now invading South Africa especially if you de streamer they want to come for you but okay I knew it was coming ham trading for you so redder [ __ ] I a bit ashamed of my gameplay here I'm sorry I'm not gonna say sorry man I didn't know in a while but it's gonna be fine you just put a division in a little you see that's what I mean I'm not joining the battle maybe I can get a reinforcement tick and I could actually save this never thousand more now it's just love 20% chance if evenly placed tanks like this this whole story community they all do the same thing shitty twenty with infantry and spam tanks that's the only thing they all do it's efficient as [ __ ] so I can't blame them but you will never see 14 force coming from any of those to be fine I don't think infantry leader trickster Mountaineer ice Mountaineer damn and improvisation expert look like I said man it seems like generals all right what's that mean elevations everywhere like you yeah seven of June we have content on dirt here submarines are the true kings of [ __ ] movie for dude draw in the war gets too fat look at all these dead [ __ ] gun what at least yeah you came here we go now Philip Vince is not to thank us yeah just calling all your - we gotta kiss Nick you know I can't read now fizzies congruent content you can push it in Malaya you probe this Creek Newton talk green and a lot either he switched agility subs they're all like ways like if we have a very big New Japan units not gimmick adding anything yeah kami what Japan is just gonna die here now I'm telling them dad seems a through a brain noobish it was so unlucky human forced help me Wow never seen this much defense on in Japan and look there wow this guy's an airport hey I can't push their focus taking benefit is there a no orc but like how many we need to stop anyone invade Osaka and no DNA no nothing this is this is like every game we ever have every MP game I have with Oracle guys always ends like this like second but [ __ ] when I'm so scared for Russia Russia's doing great job I mean he's playing the shitty bankers technicon crystal boys shook a breakthrough oh wow thank us let's go East Africa moment yeah beer greener could we get some cast their place my trainers microwave is entwined did today I'd know here [Music] [Music] everybody good press done and we have ladies in there and I'm sending you like Kenya said yeah yeah we need that I'll keep that kept in yet [Music] I chose this game chat easy easy win bro I feel bad for Germany what is shitty Italy it was I told her you were gonna win it seems like in the end we became a very good sober Africa it's a social place over Africa still I'm so behind I'm this was not a good South Africa way to behind my 10th division was done way too late I'd never upgraded my tanks I'm missing all this [ __ ] I don't every drooping I don't have maneuver I don't have war economy I was wasting all my [ __ ] into stability I put 1000 ppm disability and I'm still not at 100 it's ridiculous man yeah that's what this was not a good South Africa in the late game we got good like these these tanks are monsters now the stats must be insane 32 initiative beautiful great who could be better even not bad but yeah that was not a really good summer became damn Wow they both I think that for Germany bad Germany seems like very good player and then this idiot Italy player who also left now damn GG med big folks ops please press the follow button it's very easy man the content is cancer but listen sometimes you gotta support cancer what I don't even know that's the ending song boys I'm gonna play World of Warcraft all night I love you I swear to god man you guys I'm Street alright I think so I think I'm streaming tomorrow this is the ending song man love you boys have a great evening see back tomorrow man wha-wha-wha I love it bye-bye [Music] now you're sitting yourself [Music] now the city
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 289,528
Rating: 4.938189 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 mp, hoi4 in a nutshell, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 multiplayer diplomacy, hoi4 competitive, hoi4 esports, esports, hoi4 tryhard, tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4 south africa, hoi4 south africa guide, THE STRONGEST TANK IN HOI4! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN TOMMY PLAYS SOUTH AFRICA!? - HOI4 Multiplayer, strongest tank, hoi4 what happens, hoi4 turkey, hoi4 new dlc, memes, man the guns, hoi4 dlc
Id: 4CgeYJvYZrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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