Explaining their live choices - r/AskReddit

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will life forty-year-old virgins what's your story a cow walker is 51 never had girlfriend nor had sex nature has been a jerk to him he's an ugly a version of Danny DeVito with Strappies and mane of the acting abilities a friend of -39 and has never lost it he's super religious has had girlfriends but never got married or anything so he never had her sex well that's as far as I know maybe he has and is ashamed of it maybe he's gay and is in the closet maybe he's asexual I don't know normal drink drinking playing video games going to bars and traveled the world sort of a guy decent looking but not great he's maybe a little out of shape but I wouldn't call it ugly thing as he wants to be married before sex and also has super weirdly high standards like now that he's his age he still won't settle for anything less than a Kate Upton faps Ultra Christian my brother got his first girlfriend aged 38 there is hope for everyone not 40 but I know one guy who has a macro peen and is physically unable to have sex shame too because he's decently good-looking and funny makes out with a lot of girls is 6 feet 3 etcetera completely normal only know he's a virgin due to him admitting JT to me when he was wasted he's early to mid-30s op h mu and two decades for answer i know a 34 year old who has never even kissed a girl crippling social anxiety also hung up on a girl from 15 years ago who has never been interested i saw a pretty tipsy girl come onto him at a bar once and he almost jumped out of his skin he was nude having that crap I have a friend in a situation she has never been kissed even she is a little bit heavy but not obese and she is okay looking I think it is just confidence I know someone who was 33 lots of reasons religious / strict upbringing meant no way to interact with the preferred gender until after high school overweight in college wasn't actually a problem for men finding her attractive but it killed her own self-confidence so she never recognized when men hit on her hard investment banking career meant working all hours and getting much fatter so the cycle kept getting worse had lots of guys friends but never recognized anyone hitting in her finally got in shape got confidence lost virginity at weight she was an in college when she thought she was fat ironic I'm 41 years old and had sex only once with a prostitute I think women find me weird because of autism I actually work with one has like 45 I may be closing in on 50 has a strange guy works too much and way too hard saves all his money as generally stingy but kind of social I know he wants it but has to focused on work to actually make it happen this whole comments section makes me think there needs to be a dating site for social awkward people I would sign up in a heartbeat I lost my virginity at age 40 I had opportunities but just didn't realize them at the time girls would come flirt with me but I would just freeze in my mind would go blank I'm very shy and quiet I sometimes think I'm autistic but have never been diagnosed or tried to get diagnosed I always says something was wrong with me and I knew I wasn't normal I also didn't drink a lot or party I invited a co-worker over to watch a movie one night and she is also very quiet and shy I'll let her take the lead and let it happen that was two years ago and we are engaged now some of us are just ugly in both looks and personality no sob story along winded explanation needed years of intense social rejection and depression don't help but they aren't the primary cause some people are just inherently unapproachable pretty sure I know a 35 year old virgin he's creepy has the eyes of someone that doesn't see you he just looks past you in a serial-killer kinda way also he only tries to date 18 to 22 year olds combine this with his ultra-conservative religion and Greek family add a healthy dose of superiority complex he asked the buddy to take hmm to the shooting range once my buddy played it off but then told me when he wasn't around that he didn't want to get Chris Kyle since there aren't a lot of serious answers I was still on the love interest of a 39 year old virgin English isn't my native language please bear with me about 10 years ago I joined an online gaming community it was small and I became friends with a lot of people there we met up at different events in real life since I was one of very few women there the obvious thing happened and two guys developed a crush on me one of them is now my boyfriend of eight years the other is the virgin in question I cut contact about six years ago because he made me uncomfortable and insulted my boyfriend several times but I still check his Twitter from time to time he claims he still loves me after six years without contact that guy is one of the most socially awkward people I've met it took him 10 years to get as you needed read he still lives with his parents in his old bedroom he's never had a proper job he does work but he does freelance work for about ten hours a week he's constantly complaining about how stressful his job is that's a slap in the face for all people that work full-time really he's also constantly whining about having new friends and no girlfriend that he talks about women like we're a completely different species although he doesn't have a lot of money he spends it like crazy he's often spending 1,000 plus euros a month on action figures and video games but he doesn't even play them he has shelves full of unopened video games I'm not kidding and he doesn't even make that much money so I guess he's getting a ton of money from his parents he's completely dependent on everyone else every couple of months his computer catches a virus and he has to bring it to the computer repair shop but since money doesn't seem to be an issue he doesn't even try to solve the problem on his own speaking of money his parents are old and they have a cleaning lady first of all why not let him clean he lives with them and has nothing to do most of the time but no the cleaning lady also cleans his bedroom like why his personal hygiene is awful and he drinks and smokes a lot he's proud of his greasy hair etcetera he often tweets stuff like I haven't showered in five days just to get attention it's sad really he posts unflattering pictures of him constantly and is like look how ugly I am well he's not attractive he's smaller than me I am slightly above average height for a European woman overweight and wears clothes that look like they're from the 80s every time I got into a new hobby he did the same to feel connected to me I got into photography and bought a DSLR he got one too and never really used it I went on a diet he did too I started making YouTube videos he bought a cam and made one video too actually with all the expensive action figures he has he could definitely become successful on it but he seems to have no drive to actually do things he even applied to the company I was working for I'm a huge Pokemon fan on one event he wore a shirt that said I'm the biggest Pokemon fan on the planet or something along those lines he was 32 years old at that time and he wore it to impress me our community went to a bar later that night and he decided to light his lighter directly in front of my face he wasn't even wasted or anything it almost burned my glasses slash hair while he's not dumb he just doesn't seem to use his brain sometimes he falls in love with literally every woman that gives him a tiny bit of attention and he doesn't get when people are not interested he claims that if it wasn't for my boyfriend we would be together now he'll know he asked me out on a date after getting together with my boyfriend he insults my boyfriend openly on social media speaking of social media he has crushes on a ton of female celebrities and he collects nudes apparently he has a huge folder of tons of nudes of different famous people I don't know if a lot of guys do this but it's creepy F if you ask me he also had a date with a woman from Twitter once I don't know what happened that she blocked him afterwards honestly I wasn't surprised that guy is just a total train wreck he's getting help apparently but he also has a crush on his psychologist so I highly doubt it's working this is just the tip of the iceberg really there's a ton of really weird things he's done in the past but that would be way too long to write down 35 this August still a virgin haven't even been kissed or on a date I gave up on relationships and have resigned myself to being alone I'm 30 fat otherwise unattractive poor and socially awkward I work for an auto Glass Company and frequently go entire months without interacting with a woman within 10 years of my age that is not genetically related to me I fully accepted that I'm going to die a virgin 42 here I thought I had a date once it wasn't it sort of falls into three time periods age 17 25 I asked some girls / women out they all just claim out sin No except for the one the last few years of the period I stupidly started to ask why and because you're you was the top answer until the one went on in more detail and made me realized what because you're you meant and I gave up I threw myself into my studies researched anything that interested me and just read a lot about a lot age 25 32 I just didn't fry continued my self studies sure there were women I would love to ask out there was even one I did quite to my own surprise of course she said no and then some that I was still me and they would have said no I had a demanding / abusive job from age 28 to 30 that took everything from me I joined the gym at 30 age 32 now I lost 97 pounds between age 30 and 32 took up yoga and running I think I noticed women noticing me but I had convinced myself women don't find me attractive so I had to be imagining things my workout routine has lessons since then and I have gained back some weight but thankfully more muscle than fat I learned in my late twenties that I have a personality type that makes me hard to get to know which means dating is particularly difficult it was at this time I thought I was a high functioning autists I do have many but not all trays of one I've never been good at social stuff so I have huge disadvantage in the sociality needed for dating in the last five years or so I began to wonder if I have social anxiety to saw there instead of or maybe in addition to autism and in all this time I've worked overnights which adds another difficulty in dating I get the idea that I'm the better than nothing guy but I don't want to be the last option for someone I'd rather like a woman who wants to be with me and not has to be with someone I also don't think it would be fair to burden a woman with my quirks and foibles that I've gotten over the years also the social stigma of being over 40 and never even having a date seems like a Rob's tickle in itself it's impossibly high standards Christians and redditors one of my best friends since grade school is 39 and has never had sex or had a boyfriend she is from a very religious Christian family and she still lives with her parents although she does work full-time she was always kind of awkward as a teen and put off an asexual vibe she wasn't ever jolly in the usual ways and she was into martial arts I wouldn't say she is ugly but she isn't all that pretty either although when I saw her last summer she was wearing makeup and I thought she looked good she never talked about boys as a teen but I spent the night at her house many times and never got the feeling she was into girls either that said lately she has been really down about her situation everyone else from her church has gone off and married and her younger sister has had boyfriends into normal dating life it would be very difficult at 39 to find a guy who would be okay with waiting until marriage to have sex and I know she would be unwilling to do anything before marriage I feel bad for her I feel that her religion has failed her but I wouldn't ever say that to her unless she openly expressed doubt about it to me she is the sweetest kindest person I know I hope she finds what makes her happy whatever that winds up being I play for tonight it's simple no one I'm attracted to his mutually attracted to me I work out I'm involved in sports and like to travel I've met tons of interesting people and made lots of friends most people my age are now married and the ones that are single aren't into me I started to realize you can enjoy a full life without being in a relationship but I would love to share my travel trips with someone I'm romantically involved in I'm 37 so not quite 40 but the thread is kind of dead and people are answering at lower ages I was born disabled mostly affects my legs I can walk soetoro-ng even taught myself how to ride an actual off-the-shelf non adapted bicycle a lot of it was just bad luck parents split up change schools started getting bullied home life was a mess going to school sucked ended up with depression and low self-esteem at a young age and no clue neither of them were abnormal wandered through life for a decade before even realizing depression was a thing and I might have it by now I'm a senior in high school and missed lots of opportunities to date went to college because my state basically paid for it if you graduated high school with a pulse and a B average depression still existed tried to get help but didn't really understand counseling went to several most of them were and helpful tried dating a friend once but there was no spark also she was a terrible kisser rushed a fraternity that happened to be coalition met some cool people still friends with a few of them got really good at reading others if I was observing a pair of people interacting still not very good at reading people flirting with me became pretty close friends with one brother completely missed the signs she was into me we maintained contact for the last 16 years and last spring she said something silly but also flirty to me on messenger I asked another friend about it because I wasn't sure what to make of it she said my old friend was flirting with me i couldent wrap my head around it so I flat out asks yep she's flirting with me it blew both our minds she had wanted me to notice forever and I had honestly never had a clue she got married six seven years ago but they've had problems since they were dating they recently filed for divorce she's moving in with her parents who live about 25 miles away I don't know how long it will take us to feel comfortable enough to be intimate with each other but I don't think being a 40 year old virgin is possible anymore hoping to kiss her by September edit her ex-husband is a six feet seven cop who is emotionally abusive possibly bipolar and they live in the same house for now she can say we adjust friends I kiss her and that goes out the window he suspects we are seeing each other heck he even suggested we date last summer so things are weird I'd rather wait till she and the little one are safely elsewhere before locking lips if for some reason I do make it 40 it won't be for lack of a partner and the way things are going I won't be the only one with blue bits if we have to wait another 19 months she wants to take me to st. Augustine for my birthday next spring I asked a month after my birthday this year that's only seven months away lots of barriers to break down and skin to explore if it happens by then but as long as we are on that path and further down the road we'll both be happy gonna marry her in a couple of years but we want to enjoy each other for a little bit first and not rush into things I'm a 32 year old virgin female it just never happened I only discovered I was asexual when I was already 27 feet it doesn't mean I don't want to find someone to have a relationship with I know a person who's 52 and still a virgin he once ran over his car over a couple of homeless people he has also killed a black buck yet he roams freely on the streets I kept my virginity so that if a volcano ever threatened my small village I could throw myself into it to save my family and friends as I live in Canada it was not really the wisest decision ask me again in like 20 years and I can give you an serious answer from a healty straight no no sexual perspective watch the 40 year old virgin with a guy I liked and we ended up well you know I told him that at least he's not going to be a 40 year old virgin he was not a virgin he was 24 I just wanted to sleep with him and he was super okay with that not quite 40 yet 31 but it's trending that way confidence is definitely a huge factor meeting new people is difficult for me I've had a few girlfriends but none lasted longer than a month and I didn't feel comfortable making any moves within those short time frames incoming seriousness pardon me for not using my usual account I don't really like the idea of people plumbing through my post history after sharing something extremely personal anyway yeah I'm one I'll be turning 40 in a few months never done the dirty deed long story short it's a series of events I guess I was a bit of an unusual kid likely suffering from a form of autism as I was told thanks to therapy sessions and tests much later having ginger hair was an added bonus for kids to constantly pick on me and sometimes fight me and with constantly I mean constantly for years even when changing to classes with different kids it's like I had a sign on my head please bully me I could not rely on my parents due to a number of reasons my dad being a first class selfish a-hole and my mom having depressions so I had no choice but to survive both school and home until I was 19 never had a girlfriend at school there were ones that were nice to me but I felt it was likely out of pity which for me was worse than being bullied anyway this part of my life basically molded me into an introvert filled to the brim with anxiety issues I found a job went living on my own found a few friends through work and kept on trucking for many years pretending that I was okay I've remained a shy loner through my working years met a lot of women due to my line of work but nothing ever happened with anyone I figure this is because of the gigantic wall I've built around me over the years as well as me being a nice guy I've had female co-workers that really liked me I even found the courage to ask some out I learned the meaning of the word friendzone the older I got the lonelier I got work got harder since people like to walk all over me because I simply allowed it I wanted people to like me depressions got worse and worse I burned out eventually and have been sitting at home for years now I have 4 years of different therapy under my belt sometimes it felt like I'd be okay finding myself again through therapy but time after time real life would weigh down on me and bring me back to step 1 I saw less and less of my friends who had girlfriends got married and so on a part of it doesn't really mind it much it kind of hurts seeing other people so happy don't get me wrong I want people to be happy I just wish some of this happiness would spill on me as well a few years back something snapped during group therapy I stopped going and have been sitting inside my homemade castle ever since recently I've been forced to at least see a therapist once in a while which I do I have a dog and a few family members I sometimes see but other than that my life's pretty empty I've sort of accepted that I'll never find someone nearing 40 currently without a job without friends driving a car that nearly falls apart I'm not really prime estate in the world of singles oh well relationships are not meant for everyone I guess technically not a virgin but I'm almost 42 and in my first serious relationship I lost my virginity in my mid-twenties then went almost two decades with no sexual contact for me it was mostly a lack of confidence and self-loathing I've been obese my entire life and have several disorders and ASD it made getting close to people very difficult I'm not one to have meaningless sex either so I was celibate I had a bit of a renascent last year have lost over 100 pounds found my self-worth and confidence and have been in an awesome relationship for the last ten months I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to die for feeling and loved or run want it the loneliness was overwhelming at times I don't know how I made it so long since I haven't seen a lot of upvoted answers for this asexuality I'm 17 years or 240 but I want to get there without sex and ideally die without sex still want love and romance though makes things difficult I will be a 40 year old virgin I'm just not good at meeting people and I don't like going to clubs bars etc everyone on this thread I have a co-worker actually who is sounds a lot like the I'm asking for a friend line we hear a lot apart from asexuals I doubt you'll get that many serious answers when you hit 50 you evolved to become a noncorporeal being I'm gonna guess the real story as they just didn't have sex I was deathly afraid of getting pregnant and ruining my life as a team then at college sort of the same and then dated a religious guy for many years that ended badly and it took me a long time to get over it then a string of guys who I just wasn't into and sex isn't something I want just to get it over with then I went back to school and focused on that and my new career and suddenly I'm 40 and never officially lost it got to 33 almost 34 before I got married went on numerous dates even had a girlfriend for several years but our beliefs don't permit sex prior to marriage so never had it though got fairly close a couple times I'm not far --is-- my personality isn't critically flawed I just well I bought into the nice guy ideas in the several year long relationship was with someone who has borderline personality disorder and was very abusive needless to say she broke me as a nice guy crap and being anyone other than myself which lent an authenticity that actually allowed me to find dates with quality women all that being said thankfully I did wait for sex instead of leaping at the first opportunity or the red-light district as did my wife she was 35 when we got married also a virgin never had a boyfriend never was even kissed she spent a number of years overseas as a missionary teacher while I was in the Army went on a couple dates of the army but no real relationships and no sex so she never really met anyone when she came back she went on a few dates but the guys were mostly creeps looking for a lay or an eggo massage eventually we met on an online dating site kicked it off slowly at first in April of 2014 and were engaged before Christmas at that point we both knew what we were looking for in a partner and didn't feel like spending a year plus dating plus a long engagement and for those that think we were crazy for not having sex before the marriage or trying out others edit seriously autocorrects trying pigs others it was worth it it was so worth it we have something special physically and emotionally and spiritually special to just the two of us the deepest intimacy a couple can share I hated waiting but I wouldn't trade it away not me but a Kalka dude is 45 and has never been laid because he has obscenely high standards but this leads to social anxiety to the point where he won't even approach a woman he's interested in he has no problem talking with girls who are clearly solid aides but because they don't meet his standards he won't make a move I've seen girls that are out of my league throwing themselves at him and he'll do nothing he's charismatic and looks decent but he just really sucks with women it further increasing the virgin equals loser stereotype and people absolutely dumbfounded by the idea that some people don't think highly of having sex or are asexual I wonder what percent of 40-plus male virgins are priests 30 something s still holding her vCard I'm not religious I'm not socially awkward or a recluse I'm a confident person and even tans Mac you do not resemble a swamp monster went to a Catholic all-girls school but I'm not Catholic now I was never taught sex was wrong or told to wait until marriage there was a lot of slut-shaming at my school on Monday mornings if you even did so much as walk down the street at a party with a guy once I danced with a bunch of different guys they asked I was polite at one of the local high school's annual dances and went back to school a few days later to find out I was the town bike good times so after that I went out of my way to avoid all that jealous teen girl drama from high school to college I was really busy with sports / work and other things so not having a serious boyfriend made things easier I did date I did make out with guys I just didn't keep anyone around for long and I'm not a one-night stand kind of girl or going to just sleep with a guy after he buys me a slice and a drink there's a bunch of other crap I can write about my teen and early twenties but I'm not damaged or emotionally scared by it so I'll skip over all that out of college I was really busy I traveled and really worked hard to try and make it in my industry during this time in the back of my mind I was always terrified of getting pregnant or getting stuck somewhere because of a guy I never wanted to be married till I was old and in my 30s ah to me marriage always equal your life was over and there was so much I wanted to do anyway I feel dated went to bars flirted and all that stuff just no hooking up I still do all that but a while ago it got to the point where I realized I had no sexual experience and even if I did meet a guy I wanted to date more than a handful of times I really didn't want to have a conversation with him and disclose all that because that would make me seriously vulnerable I'd lose the perfect perfect image I have going he could end up being a jerk and tell everyone or we could sleep together I could suck at the whole sex thing and he'd disappear having to explain to someone you've only had sex once so you're probably terrible that it sounds even worse than having to admit you're still waving around that previously mentioned vCard which is still where I'm now on the outside I'm a fairly successful confident smartass and without sounding like a jerk I'm above-average looking so to have to fess up to some guy who has probably seen and done everything is way more of a gamble than I'm willing to take make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together
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Id: Rqc5pYwtvNg
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Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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