Explaining the Susanoo

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There are so many people who don't understand the extent of a susanoo and how the susanoo works. There are also alot of people who don't know what is canon when it comes to the susanoo.

I'm not trying to ridicule anyone either, just inform. Swagkage did a great job on this video and I was looking forward to him explaining the susanoo the most.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Clutch21312 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Putting a clickbait tittle in all caps pisses me off more then anything else.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheHeadlessScholar 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Don't tell me what to do

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love how months ago I sited this youtube channel to tell you how you were mistaken and you told me how stupid I was

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

you need to work on making titles dude

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2017 🗫︎ replies
all right what's going on everybody swag hug here and welcome to today's video where as you can tell we're going to be talking about the susano i briefly covered the susano a bit in my mangekyo sharingan video a little over a year ago but i didn't explain every aspect of it well i did explain a bit of the requirements to unlock the susano and i briefly touched on the different stages of development it has there's a whole lot more to it than what i explained in that video so let's go ahead and jump right into it susana was the ability a person unlocks after they've unlocked the abilities of both of their mangekyo sharingan and as you can tell this means that it is a sharing on exclusive ability there's a bit of a widespread myth in the naruto community that a person has to be able to use amaterasu and tsukuyomi to activate the susano and that's not the case moderate can't use amaterasu or sukuyami sasuke can't use tsukuyomi so we certainly can't use amarasu or tsukuyomi and kakashi and obito definitely can't use either of these abilities as i explained in the mangekyo sharingan video omangekyo sharingan grant a person different powers so unlocking a specific set of abilities isn't required to use the susano at all the only prerequisite is for a person to be able to use the abilities in both of their mangekyo sharongan and after that the susano will begin naturally developing susano literally translates to he with the ability to help by all means and as one of the only ninjutsu that entails the creation of another being i think this is a pretty fitting name for it now for all two of you who don't know what it is the susano was like an extension of their creator's will and it comes in the shape of an ethereal humanoid armed with various weapons the susanoo is typically thought of as both the ultimate offense and the ultimate defense though this description applies to hitachi uchiha's susano in particular and how the reason it's thought of this way is that the humanoid created by the susano surrounds the user as it's being formed this means that a user of the susano stands on the inside of it and as you can probably imagine it has to be pretty big to compensate for that both of these traits complement each other very well and contribute greatly to the technique's effectiveness in battle it's also important to keep in mind that the susano is incredibly sturdy and since it surrounds its user this means that attacking them while the susanna was active is very difficult to do to further add on to that its large size allows it to both attack enemies from very far away and dish out attacks with incredible destructive power so for anybody at jonine level or below the susano is a nightmare to face off against of course such a ludicrously powerful technique does come with a pretty high cost like all mangekyo sharingan techniques do and this cost is likely the highest of any of the abilities granted by the mongol the first and most obvious drawback associated with using the susano is that it requires a monstrous amount of chakra to keep it active there's not much more to say about that that clause is pretty self-explanatory but further adding on to this sasuke explains to the audience during his battle against the five kage that using the susano causes the user to feel an intense amount of pain in every cell in their body whether this was a literal explanation or hyperbole isn't explained but sasuke does point out that the pain is excruciating even when using the susano's lower stages this seems to imply that higher levels of susano use entail a more intense feeling of pain but i'd also imagine that later stages of susano drain a user's chakra more quickly as well the final drawback associated with using the susano is the progressive deterioration of its user's eyesight though this issue is a bit more complicated than it might seem at face value so first of all while it's not actually necessary for a person to have their mangekyo sharingan active to use the susano repeated use of it does contribute to a person going blind over time just like their other two mangekyo abilities do if a person causes themselves to go blind this way by over using their mangekyo sharingan abilities they will not be able to use their susano anymore after that point this was clearly shown to the audience when sasuke susano completely disappeared after he went blind from mangekyo sharingan overuse however if a person goes blind for other reasons they will still have access to their susanoo as shown when mataro was able to use his usana with both of his eyes missing and though this source isn't quite as credible as also shown when shizui was able to use his susano with just one eye in one of the naruto shipping and ultimate ninja storm revolution cutscenes one thing that makes the blindness caused by susano overuse pretty difficult to work around is the fact that progressing the susanoo to its higher stages requires that a person become seasoned and using it it's necessary to have experience using the susano to evolve it which also means that to access more powerful stages of the susano a person has to use it repeatedly this is pretty counter-intuitive because by the time somebody has evolved it to its armored state they will have already either nearly gone blind or completely gone blind meaning that all of the time and effort they spent training to use their susano will have gone to waste as with every other mangekyo sharingan ability it is possible to bypass this drawback by acquiring the eternal mangekyo sharingan which also serves to slightly lower the susano's chakra cost as well now as i've alluded to all video long the susano does have various stages of development that a person can access once they've unlocked them after first acquiring the susano a person will only be able to access its initial stage though as i mentioned earlier repeated use of this usana will eventually allow a person to access higher levels of it it is worth noting that a person can still access its lower levels if they choose to even if they have access to the susano's final stages since the susano's various forms vary quite drastically from one another in terms of appearance power and abilities this is a very nice skill to have access to now while each subsequent level of the susano is vastly different from the one that preceded it all of them do have a handful of traits in common the susano is capable of protecting its user from physical attacks at all stages though its durability varies depending on what level is being used of course this does mean it is possible to break through a susano with brute force though doing so becomes harder and harder as a person progresses it to its higher stages in the rare event that the susano is shattered however it will not regenerate and will only reappear once its user conjures it again additionally while no physical attacks are capable of passing through the outside of the susano it's possible for a user to launch ninjutsu and other attacks of the same sort from the inside of the susano in other words the barrier-like exterior of the susano will always defend its user to the best of its ability though never at the user's expense this does come with a few weaknesses of its own though since the susano isn't completely solid this does leave its users susceptible to sound-based attacks and visual genjutsu but since the sharingan makes a person almost entirely immune to visual genjutsu this isn't much of a weakness anyway aside from this a user of the susano will always be suspended within it regardless of what stage they are using now it's generally very difficult to pull somebody out of their susano without breaking it first but in the rare event that this is done the susano will immediately dissipate even if a person was able to escape from inside of their susano this would just cause it to disappear so there's no use for doing so these are the only similarities between the various stages of the susano and they're also the only similarities between the susano of various people as many of you know already the power abilities and appearance of a susano is tied directly to the person who owns it this means that even at the same development stage the susano of two different people will often be very different with more than enough distinct differences to tell one apart from the other the most notable of these is the color difference for example sasuke susano is purple hitachi's is orange and matara's is blue but there are a few more subtle differences between individual susano and i'll get into explaining them as i explain its various development stages the susano's first stage allows its user to create its literal skeleton complete with a rib cage bones and even a skull for a face this level of the susano can actually be broken down into various sub stages as it actually takes a while for a user of the susano to advance all the way to the point that they have developed a full skeleton somebody who has freshly unlocked the ability to use their susano will initially only be able to manifest its rib cage this can be used for defensive purposes but not much else the only differences that exist between users across this stage are its color and its durability it seems possible to increase this ribcage's durability by using the susano repeatedly as made evident by the fact that the fourth reikage was able to break through sasuke susano at this stage but couldn't do the same thing to moderate the next substage of the skeletal susano allows its user to manifest arms and this is where differences become a bit more apparent while hitachi and sasuke just created basic arms with clenched fists at the end of them in this stage the arm created by modera during this stage is actually bladed and has a sword in place of a fist typically at this stage users of the susano only create one arm and it isn't until they advance to the next stage that they create two the next sub stage of the skeletal susano is the entire thing it doesn't involve the creation of an entire skeleton but rather the entire upper half of a skeleton now despite what i just mentioned about the susanos arms it is possible to advance into this stage without creating two arms and modera has even shown the ability to do it without creating either arm both of these stages grant the susano offensive potential that the basic ribcage did not have though obviously it isn't until the entire skeleton is formed that the user is able to use this stage of the susano to its fullest the differences between various susano at the final level of the skeletal stage are very minor if even present at all to begin with as in most cases a person susano will not conjure weapons at this stage an exception to this role has been seen when sasuke conjured a sword in his skeletal susano's hands during the fight against kabuto but it might be possible for all users of susano to conjure this weapon at this stage since having a susanoo that wields a sword certainly isn't unique to sasuke anyhow though it's not as durable or well-armed as later stages of the susano the skeletal stage is still pretty powerful and difficult to fight against if the strength of sasukes is anything to base this on one punch from this level of the susano is enough to kill somebody donzo actually died after being punched by sasuke's skeletal susano and had to use izanagi to return himself to life also i guess it's possible to create four arms for your susano at this stage even though susano users don't do this all the time so i don't really know if there are any limits on it throw that out there this ability is also retained in later stages too so yeah i guess that's worth keeping in mind anyhow the next stage of the susano is what is typically referred to as the humanoid susano at this stage a person susana will typically have a more human-like face than the skeleton seen in the previous stage and the ribcage that's visible in the skeletal susano can no longer be seen here in most cases at this level the susano will begin to materialize flesh and will then materialize clothing of some sort on top of that of course at this level the susano is obviously more powerful it's more durable and its basic attacks have a wider range but what really sets it apart from the skeletal stage is that the humanoid susano is typically granted a unique weapon based on the user itachi and matara can both use the yasaka magatama beads at this stage and matara can additionally conjure four swords in each hand of his susanoo while hitachi gains access to the totsuka blade which can seal anything it comes into contact with and the yada mirror which can reflect any physical attack sasuke gains access to a crossbow and after he gains the eternal mangekyo sharingan he can light the arrows he shoots from this crossbow on fire with a matarasu or even shoot arrows composed entirely of amaterasu's flames with enton kagatsuchi shisui susano wields a hybrid between a drill and a spear in this stage and he can also shoot out needles composed entirely of his susano's chakra and he can even coat this drill in flames using his fire released youtube to increase its effectiveness and make surviving getting hit by it pretty much impossible skilled users of the susano can also manifest legs for their susano at this stage which drastically increases its mobility now the only people confirmed to be capable of doing so are the only people who have access to the eternal mangekyo sharing on in the series matara and sasuke so i don't know if a person is required to have the eternal mangekyo sharing on before this can be done or if this is a trait that's only unique to certain susano now if you thought this level of the susano sounded powerful enough well we still have three more stages of the susano to go the next level is the armored susano which isn't significantly different from the humanoid susano aside from its color appearance and size this level of the susano doesn't seem to have too many differences spread across its various users though it's a bit hard to say because sasuke hitachi and madra are the only people to ever pull this stage of the susano out and all three of them do it very briefly obviously it's more powerful and more durable than the humanoid susano and it obviously looks quite a bit different since as its name implies this stage of the susano causes it to manifest armor on top of the clothing and flesh it manifested in the previous stage but aside from that i can't tell you much about it i will say that moderaz is gigantic and sasuke and hitachi's both look pretty similar but that's really all i can thing to say about it it also doesn't seem to be possible to sprout legs out of this form of the susano since neither matara or sasuke do this despite the fact that they could do so in the previous stage i could be wrong about that but you know just thought i would mention it anyhow this is typically the last stage of susano that a person can access before they go blind from mangekyo sharingan overuse and before modera showed up in the series it was thought that this was the extent of a susano user's capabilities even when sasuke gained the eternal mangekyo sharingan he didn't exceed this level of the susano though it is worth pointing out that he did show a lot more finesse with using this stage of susano he gained access to the asuka magatama beads and he could coat them inside of a matarasu and he showed on many occasions that he was able to combine his use of susano with both of his mangekyo sharingan powers next we have the perfect susano or as it's officially called in the data books the complete body susano this susano is to the armored susano what the armored susano is to the rib cage susano in terms of appearance it looks really cool but it's a bit ridiculous moderate perfect susano is probably bigger than his statue in the valley of the end is so to say it's bigger than the previous stage of susano is a massive understatement setting aside size and looking at pure aesthetics though the complete body susano is almost completely different from any of the previous stages it has tengu-esque armor and seems to wear a mask with a combination of robes and armor plates most perfect susano are also armed with a sword though madras is armed with two shisuis is armed with his lance and kakashi's is armed with kamui shuriken and each and every one of them comes with a set of wings that allows its user to fly it is so dumb dude by unsheathing his sword and dragging it across the ground mataro was able to create shock waves capable of blowing apart an entire mountain range he claims that the perfect susanoo has power comparable to that of the tailed beasts and i mean i don't know why he would make a claim like that when it's clearly stronger than the tailed beasts especially in the case of all right it is dumb that he has a susano but try and look past that for how dumb this next bit of information is anyway hagoromo he has a susano that's like the size of the tin tails in the filler where he can use perfect susano so um this ability is like stupid dude sasuke was able to slash through like entire chibaku tensei planetoids like they were nothing at this stage of susano maro was able to use it as armor for the nine-tailed fox and sasuke and naruto have been shown combining naruto's hailed beast mode with sasuke's perfect susano on multiple occasions to create this behemoth of a creature that's almost unstoppable but this still isn't the most powerful form of susano in the series after sasuke absorbed the chakra from all nine-tailed beasts at once his susano evolved into what many people call the final susano the ultimate susano or the indra susano something along those lines that i mean it looks awesome but it's super over the top it's essentially exactly like the perfect susano with the only difference being that the mask is lifted up and all of the crevices between the armor are emanating pure chakra now there are a few more aspects to the susano that i would like to go over but because of how personalized it is many of the things i'd like to talk about involve discussing the abilities of individual susano from various people and while you might be wondering why i didn't cover how it's possible to unlock the perfect susano well that's because it varies from person to person and i mean if i were to do that i'd be here all day i wouldn't have enough time to get this video out so you can expect me to break down the abilities of individual susano in separate videos that i plan on doing where i hope to break down the entire skill set of individual characters so yeah this is where i'm gonna end the video off sorry about that in advance but you know i have to get out two videos a week and there would be no way for me to make like a 20 plus minute video and still make the deadline it was actually hard enough making this 15 minutes so anyhow thank you so much for watching the video all the way to the end this was a bit more lengthy than usual so i appreciate your patience if you're new here and you made it this far consider leaving a like on the video and subscribing to the channel to get updates when i post new content and if you really love me you can check the description for the links to my twitter and patreon account of course as always leave any ideas for future video topics you want me to cover down in the comments below the susano video was one that was requested a bunch so you know but yeah i'm rambling now so i'm gonna go ahead and end the video hope to see you in my next video and i hope you guys have a fantastic rest of the day but uh until then yeah talk to you later swaikage out bye [Music] oh
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 4,508,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, reanimation jutsu explained, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, genjutsu explained, sharingan explained, naruto susanoo, susanoo explained, naruto susanoo explained, naruto shippuden susanoo, mangekyou sharingan explained, naruto mangekyou sharingan, naruto perfect susanoo
Id: 5dCmEOgdJgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2017
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