Explaining the Rinnegan

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looks like I'm talking about the Rinnegan today it's alright the running gone where do I even begin with this thing there's quite a lot to talk about here I guess a place better than any other to start out with would be the name running on translates to samsara I as the prefix renee is the Japanese word for samsara now for those of you who don't know what samsara is it is not a Japanese concept though it is an Eastern one samsara refers to the process of reincarnation or rebirth and it has its roots in many Indian religions particularly Buddhism and Hinduism now the Rinnegan is ties to this concept run deeper than just in its name each of the paths from the Rinnegan six paths technique are named after one of the six samsara crumbs of reincarnation the strengths abilities and artillery of each of the paths are directly related to whichever realm they're named after but I will get into that later for now I'm going to go ahead and discuss how the Rinnegan is acquired so to explain this I've got to go way back to the time of Kaguya and the sage of six paths when Kaguya first date the fruit of the Shinju she was granted chakra and a lot of it at that as a matter of fact she was given all the chakra like literally all of it and with this chakra came a multitude of abilities now one of these abilities was called the Renee Sharingan and it came in the form of a third eye that manifested on her forehead Kaguya son hagoromo otsutsuki who has been er known as the sage of six paths inherited the Rinnegan from his mother but not the renee Sharingan now hagoromo later gained access to the renee Sharingan when he became the jinchuriki of the ten tails but he didn't inherit it directly from his mother the best explanation for why this may have happened is probably just that Caguas chakra was deluded and split as it continued to be passed down to her family this is supported by the fact that the Rinnegan and the Byakugan were split up between copies kids hagoromo and hemara and furthermore by the fact that one of hagoromo sons indra inherited the Sharingan and not the Rinnegan anyway this finally brings me to the actual process of acquiring the Rinnegan now there are multiple methods of gaining the Rinnegan but they're all really really really really difficult so the first method is to eat the fruit of the Shinju tree however impossible since the Shinju tree merged with Kaguya and became the tin tales before being split into nine separate tailed beasts who were eventually sealed into nine different people the second method is to be directly approached by the sage of six paths and receive the yin half of his chakra but well that's not going to happen for most people another known way to acquire the Rena GaN is to recreate the chakra of the sage of six paths and it's possible to do this by merging the chakra of his two sons Indra na Shara since the respective chakras of Indra na Shara have reincarnated into various people throughout the history of the Naruto universe it's also possible to awaken the Rinnegan by merging the chakras of two of indra nachos reincarnates it is worth noting however that the results will not be immediate as when Madara Uchiha did this by combining his chakra with hoshi rama senju's it took a good few decades for his Rinnegan to actually awaken also acquiring the Rinnegan might require you to have the Sharingan as a prerequisite since it's implied a couple times throughout the series that the Rinnegan is the successor to the Sharingan and does with any other doe jutsu it's possible to acquire a Rinnegan through an eye transplant but well for this to work you have to find somebody who has a rag on and doesn't want it on top of that transplanted Rinnegan Arnold that easy to use either when deciding who the next carrier of his Rinnegan should be moderate specifcally chose a member of the Uzumaki clan and this is important because zu Maki are touted as some of the most durable tenacious people out there and they also have a notably high amount of chakra this was no coincidence either moderate wanted to make sure that the person inheriting his Rinnegan was going to have enough chakra to use it and be durable enough to use it this is further supported by the fact that Obito another Chi huh flatout said that he couldn't physically handle the power of both of moderate Rinnegan and as a result he was forced to hide one of them away so yeah getting the Rinnegan isn't very easy at all however for anyone who can manage to obtain the Rinnegan it's well worth going through all the trouble to do it the Rinnegan is incredibly powerful some of the running guns lesser abilities include the ability to see chakra the ability to create black chakra receivers that can transmit chakra and even control people and Nagato even showed the ability to master all ninjutsu that he was taught covering all five basic nature transformations and yang release oh yeah and keep in mind Nagato was just 10 years old when he did this but without question the most powerful technique that the running gun provides is the six paths technique and now calling this a technique isn't really accurate because the six paths technique is more like a family of techniques than an individual one now as you'd expect with a name like the six paths technique there are six different branches which all of the abilities granted by the technique are categorized under these branches are more properly referred to as paths and each of them are named after one of the six m/sec realms of reincarnation as I mentioned at the beginning of the video these six paths include the deva path the Asura path the human path the animal path the Preta path and the naraku path now i have no idea whether this was intentional or not but the hierarchy of the six realms of samsara seems to be reflected in the hierarchy of the six paths of the rena gan the heavenly realms diva and Asura are the most powerful paths of the Rinnegan and the hellish realms Naraku and Preta are the least powerful paths of the Rinnegan now that said the Naraku path and the Preta path are still pretty opie the Naraku path grants are in a gun wielder the ability to summon the king of hell and with the king of hell the Summoner can interrogate others and restore injuries like most aspects of the Rinnegan the Naraku path is influenced heavily by Eastern mythology as Naraku is pretty much the Hindu equivalent of hell and in the rocker resides a lovely fellow by the name of Yama now Yama is the king of Hell or the lord of justice and people are brought before him to explain their sins so he can think of a proper punishment for them not the person brought before Yama wise to him he will rip out their tongue as a form of punishment this is pretty much exactly what the king of hell does in the series if the naraku path asks a person a question and they refuse to answer or lie to him the king of hell will rip out their tongue and effectively kill them immediately the King of Hell also has the ability to heal any injuries of a body he ingests now while putting your body inside of this thing's mouth is probably pretty intimidating there's no need to worry because he flawlessly heals all injuries like you could go in with a distorted body missing an arm and a leg and you would come out just fine the Preta path is capable of absorbing and thereby nullifying inju - in any form as a result it is often used for long-range defense but it can be used for taijutsu blitzing since the Preta path allows for chakra absorption through physical contact with another person the ability to absorb chakra is likely influenced by the prey to creatures native to the prey - realm in Buddhism praetor humanoids that suffer from a perpetual feeling of hunger and thirst they will never be able to satisfy and Naruto could have very easily symbolized this in the form of the prey - Pat's constant hunger for chakra and hoo boy this is where we get to the really old peace stuff coming up next is the human path which allows the Rinnegan wielder to literally rip out a person's soul it is primarily used for information gathering as the process of ripping out somebody's soul allows a run-and-gun wielder to read that person's mind but this also doubles as an instant kill ability since ripping out somebody's soul kills them immediately the animal path grants a Rinnegan wielder access to some of the most powerful summons in the Naruto universe these summons include a giant multi headed dog that sprouts more heads every time it takes damage a giant panda that can be used to shield the Rinnegan wielder from just about any damage a giant drill beaked bird that the Rinnegan wielder can fly upon the giant chameleon a giant oxygen try no giant crab and the animal path even allows a person to summon other people as shown when Nagato used it to summon the other paths of pain in addition to Conan on top of that the animals summoned by the animal path seemed to be completely immortal as even if they are killed they can just be summoned again pretty much immediately afterwards and furthermore a user of the animal path can see through the eyes of all of the creatures that they summon making it nyam possible to attack the summoner from a blind spot the animal path is likely the most direct reference to the concept of samsara as in Buddhism animals who served humans were doomed to be reincarnated into animals again which is flawlessly represented in the immortality of the animals that the Rinnegan allows a person to summon the Asura path allows a person to sprout four extra arms and fire [ __ ] missiles and laser beams seriously the Asura path is absolutely ridiculous it gives the user access to a bunch of different weapons including the aforementioned missiles and laser on top of a bunch of extra weapons like blades rocket arms jet propulsion and a bunch of other stuff additionally the Asura path grants the user the ability to sprout two extra phases which of course increases that users field of vision by quite a bit the Asura path takes inspiration from both Buddhism and Hinduism as its three-headed six-armed appearance is a reference to a common depiction of Asura and Buddhism and the Asura people in Hinduism had an ability called Astra that allowed them to use magical equivalents to modern-day missiles and such among the six paths the one that is in arguably the most powerful is the diva path which grants our Rinnegan wielder control over attractive and repulsive forces this control comes in the form of three main techniques Shinra Tensei bond shortening and chi baku tensing Shinra Tensei is the manifestation of the rena guns ability to manipulate repulsive forces and is an omnidirectional wave of force that pushes things back the variable amount of range in power the size and destructive capacity of a Shinra Tensei wave are directly proportional to the amount of chakra poured into it well the exact scope of the possible size and strength of the Shinra Tensei isn't known Nagato has made the technique into everything from a small barrier that lightly pushes enemies away to a catastrophic wave of force capable of destroying all of Konoha the only downside the Shinra Tensei is the users must wait at least five seconds between uses so it can't be used repeatedly this cooldown timer will be even longer with more chakra intensive uses of Shinra Tensei as well but nonetheless the technique remains an indispensable asset for both offense and defense bon shelton ian is the complete polar opposite of Shinra Tensei it is a unidirectional wave of force that pulls people and objects toward the user as opposed to pushing them away from now I don't know what the exact range of the technique is but I do know that it can be used to attract multiple targets at once additionally it has the same 5 second cooldown timer as Shinra Tensei does and I don't think it's possible to increase this timer since bond shortening has a static power and range the next ability Chewbacca Tensei is easily the most powerful ability granted by the Rinnegan like bond shortening it makes use of the roentgens ability to control attractive forces but on a completely different scale the technique allows the user to create a black gravity sphere that they can release into the air freely once they do everything nearby with the exception of the user of the technique will be pulled into the gravity sphere which includes people objects pieces of the planet this will continue to happen until enough is clung on to the black gravity sphere which will eventually result in the creation of a small planetoid characters at the chakra of the sage of six paths have shown the ability to create more than one gravity sphere at once when moderate did this he used it to create multiple planetoids that he immediately dropped on Naruto and Sasuke during their battle and when Sasuke did it he used it to seal all nine tailed beasts inside of the planetoid created by Chewbacca tensing Nagato has also shown the ability to use telekinesis through the Deva path in ways that are clearly distinct from Shinra Tensei and banjo teni for example he managed to lift Hinata off of the ground before throwing her back into it with enough force to nearly kill her on top of that he displays the ability to fly which no other Rinnegan user has been able to manage so I can only assume that Nagato is experienced with the Rinnegan allowed him to use telekinesis to levitate in the air that's just a hypothesis though so don't take it as a hundred-percent fact also despite the name of the six paths technique there is a seventh path the users of the Rinnegan have access to called the outer path with the outer path wielders of the Rinnegan can summon the demonic statue of the outer path also referred to as the Gedo statue create black receivers that they can transmit their chakra through which they can use to control up to six different bodies at the same time as a matter of fact Nagato use this technique to control up to six corpses at once and dubbed them his six paths of pain it's also possible to distribute the powers of one of the first six paths of the six paths technique to each of the bodies being controlled though this will cause the person controlling the individual bodies to lose access to the powers themselves on the flipside it is possible to control up to six bodies at once without giving them access to the powers of the Rinnegan as shown when Obito controlled six jinchuriki at the same time and allowed them to keep all of their original jutsu without giving them access to any of the Rena Khan's abilities in either case the person controlling the bodies is able to share vision with the bodies being controlled greatly increasing their field of vision and allowing them to dominate the battlefield by eliminating blindspots users of the outer path can also use the SEM sera of heavenly life technique which allows them to bring one or more people back from the dead this technique is distinctly different from the editon se technique as it actually returns the soul of the person being revived to the realm of the living however more often than not use of this technique will cost a Rinnegan wielder their life so it's not used very often like the manga kyo Sharingan the Rinnegan also seems to give each person that awakens in personalized abilities moderate possessed the ability to project clones of himself into the invisible world of limbo attacks from these clones look like nothing more than invisible acts of force and it wasn't until Naruto and Sasuke gained six paths powers that they were able to tell that the clones were there at all Sasuke's Rinnegan allows him to switch places with objects that are within his field of vision though his Rinnegan is distinctly different from moderate in the sage of six paths since it is lined with tall moe similar to a Sharingan momochi keys Rinnegan allowed him to absorb ninjutsu through one palm and then released that same jutsu from the other palm I'm not sure what the abilities of hagoromo are Kaguya whereas they were never shown but I'm sure they were probably pretty cool speaking of Kaguya as I mentioned earlier when she ate the fruit of the Shinju tree she was given access to the Renee Sharingan and I still haven't explained what the Renee Sharingan is well it's actually surprisingly just like what you'd expect just to blend between the Rinnegan and the Sharingan it as the visual prowess of the Sharingan and the abilities of the Rinnegan there is one key ability that the Renee Sharingan gives a person access to and that is the ability to catch the infinite tsukuyomi on the moon since it is reflected on the moon the infinite tsukuyomi is again jutsu that will trap everybody across the planet inside of it the only way to resist it is to have a Rinnegan yourself but considering how hard I explained it is to acquire one that probably won't be an issue for somebody casting the infinite tsukuyomi and aside from that there really isn't anything else to talk about I think I've covered pretty much everything there is the matter of how certain Rinnegan looked different from others but I mean there's not really much to discuss there Sasuke's has Tomo moderates and the sage of six paths are just purple Momo she keys is red but that's about all there is to say about it so that said I hope you enjoyed today's video if there anything I missed don't hesitate to let me know in the comments below and if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below if you have any requests for topics you'd like me to cover in future videos like this feel free to let me know in the comments and I will see if I can get to it sometime in the near future this has been swag gog hey I hope you have a fantastic day thank you for watching the video to the end and I'll see you guys next time so a cog a out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 9,843,370
Rating: 4.9261556 out of 5
Keywords: naruto, sharingan, anime, itachi, naruto shippuden, sakura, sasuke uchiha, uchiha clan, swagkage, dragon ballogy, story, sasuke, uchiha, ninja, manga, hokage, uzumaki, tobi, shippuden, rinnegan, explained, in depth, 101, mangekyo, kakashi, nagato, byakugan, the rinnegan explained, pain, pein
Id: m-VHMy6XiaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2016
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