Explaining Six Paths Sage Mode

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yo what's going on everybody swag kaga here and welcome to today's video where we're going to be talking about six pad sage mode and by extension six pad senjutsu now I've already made a sage mode video though if you haven't seen it already you don't need to because the differences between regular sage mode and six pad sage mode are both significant and very numerous I can already hear quite a few of you asking well swank okay what is six pad sage mode and my immediate response would be to say that it is the most busted ability in the entire series but if you're actually expecting an in-depth explanation well actually yeah just imagine the most busted ability in the whole series in all seriousness there are two ways to gain access to six pad senjutsu one is through six pad sage mode which can be given to somebody directly from hagoromo otsutsuki the sage of six paths but this only happens in very rare instances when hagoromo deems somebody worthy of it the other known way for a regular person to gain access to six paths send you to is to become the jinchuriki of the ten tails which after setting aside the actual process of encountering the ten tails can be done by performing a jutsu called the six paths ten tails coffin seal however sealing the juubi inside of oneself requires that a person has the Rinnegan so I mean there's really no easy way to gain access to this ability that's a good thing because it's really strong like really really strong now there are practically no differences in these two types of six paths enjutsu use all six paths sage mode and the six paths ten tails coughing seal have radically different requirements they produce pretty much duplicate results there are practically no differences between the abilities this form gives Naruto access to and the ability this form gives moderate access to Naruto's powerup is a bit different from moderate admittedly because of his ability to draw from the chakra of all nine tailed beasts at once but that doesn't have any real direct relationship with his use of six paths than jutsu I know Madara gets a renée's Sharingan and can summon the god tree and a whole bunch of other stuff as a result of becoming the jinchuriki of the ten tails and that Naruto can use the powers of all nine individual Bijoux and still enter his nine tails chakra mode but those are all indirect results of the methods they use to gain access to six paths send you two and not effects brought about by six paths send you to itself from what I understand even the changes and appearance brought about by becoming the jinchuriki of the ten tails have nothing to do with the person's ability to use six paths and jutsu on that note I'd also like to clear up a pretty widespread misconception that this is Naruto six path Sage Mode even though it's not the only actual direct visible sign of at Sage Mode use is this right here Naruto's eyes look the same as they do when he is in the sage mode enhanced to nine tails chakra mode the differences of course being that he is no longer coated in a cloak of QB chakra and that there is no pigmentation around his eyes all of the other extraneous changes in a person's appearance are due to outside causes not directly related to six path sage mode Naruto's yellow chakra cloak is due to his ability to enter nine tails chakra mode mutter and Obito's respective resemblance to the sage of six paths is due to their use of the six paths ten tails coffin see also on and so forth so now that I've established that the abilities granted by six path sage mode are universally the same regardless of who the form is being used by let's get into what these abilities actually are in the first place so obviously first of all accuser of six pets enjutsu or six path sage mode will gain access to all of the benefits that a user of regular Sage Mode or regular send jutsu will and for those of you unaware these perks include increased strength increased speed increased sensory capabilities and the ability to use natural energy and send you two techniques users of this form are also able to combine send you to or natural energy with their basic ninjutsu or taijutsu techniques in order to increase their effectiveness though of course six paths send you to takes all of this to a much higher level than basic sent you to does while Naruto did have some pretty good physical showings in regular Sage Mode the power boost Naruto experienced after entering six path sage mode was unbelievable for example he was able to dodge the sage arch storm release light Fang which is a technique said to move at the speed of light his sensory capabilities were bolstered so heavily that he was able to sense the respective positions of each of moderate limbo clones which are said to exist in another plane of reality altogether and of course all other users at six pad send you to have their abilities amplified to a similar degree a weakened moderate for example was able to go toe-to-toe with guy after he opened up the eighth gate without really trying all that hard I might add I'm pretty sure you guys get the idea the first benefit provided by six pets in jutsu is an ant version of regular sage mode the second perk is the ability to fly it's not really explained why but yeah users of six paths and jutsu can fly with the use of buku jutsu users of six pets and jutsu also have a ridiculous healing factor as shown when moderate lana regenerated destroyed parts of his body and they gained complete immunity to basic ninjutsu attacks that aren't enhanced by send you to or natural energy in some way I mean it's borderline impossible for a normal person to kill somebody who has disability furthermore six pepsin jutsu users also gain complete knowledge and control over all five basic elemental nature transformations the in release yang release and yin-yang release and this ultimately manifests in their ability to use the truth-seeking balls or the Gerudo dama i already briefly explained what these are in my guinea yang release video the truth-seeking orbs can be considered the pinnacle of ninjutsu or the height of its physical applications as they can nullify all ninjutsu and be applied in ways more numerous than any of the five basic elemental natures can suffice to say these are pretty busted too but I didn't explain every aspect of them in that video so okay I will probably do an individual video breaking down how the truth-seeking orbs work in detail but let me provide the best basic summary I can for you here in this video like I mentioned in my yin yang video the truth-seeking orbs are the pinnacle of ninjutsu and I do not say that lightly as they are composed of all five basic natures yin release and yang release if they are further imbued with yin yang release their composition will allow them to nullify all ninjutsu with absolutely no exceptions unless than in jutsu these orbs come into contact with is enhanced with natural energy furthermore truth-seeking orbs push the concept of shape transformation to its absolute limit their shape can be altered they can be merged together split apart earned in the weapons I can't really think of anything that a person wouldn't be able to do with the truth-seeking orbs given to them by six Pattison jutsu their effectiveness is exacerbated by the fact that a user of six pad senjutsu has complete and total awareness of all of their surroundings at any given time thanks to the sensory boost provided by this ability so suffice to say there aren't a whole lot of ways to counter the truth-seeking boards hence me calling them busted like pretty much every other aspect of six Pattison jutsu no that's the extent of the capabilities provided by six five sage mode and six pad send you to at least on a basic level but like I mentioned in the ninetails chakra mode video Naruto's QB chakra mode interacts pretty interestingly with 6th ed sage mode so let me get to explaining that like I promised I would so first of all Naruto's truth-seeking orbs don't seem to appear until he enters his Kurama chakra mode I don't know why they just don't neither does the six pads enhance staff that he seems to carry while in this form actually since his truth-seeking orbs never showed up after his battles with Kaguya and sasuke it's possible that Naruto can summon these truth seeking orbs that will and only chooses to do so once he enters the Kyuubi chakra mode the only other reason would be back actually I have no idea so the wave 6 path Sage Mode interacts with the Kyuubi chakra mode is very confusing because Naruto's appearance when using both at the same time has buried like greatly let me take a page out of Kish emoto's book and play a flashback to an earlier point in the video Naruto's eyes look the same as they do when he is in the sage mode enhanced to nine tails chakra mode the difference is of course being that he is no longer coated in a cloak of QB chakra and that there is no pigmentation around his eyes I am going to place emphasis on the fact that I mentioned that there is no pigmentation around Naruto's eyes when he enters six pads Sage Mode as opposed to regular sage mode what I mean by this is you know that little orange stuff that shows up around his eyes when he goes into Sage Mode it's not there when he enters six path sage mode see look I'll keep this in mind because it is important so when our uu toe first combines his nine tails chakra mode with six path sage mode it looks pretty much identical to KCM two with a few noticeable differences for example we black under the coat portion of his chakra cloak is a lot more accentuated now and - the yellow chakra surrounding him looks a lot more like a jacket than it used to but of course the most noticeable thing is the fact that naruto space isn't affected by the chakra cloak his face looks normal but the rest of his body is coated in golden chakra so since he seems to use his regular nine tails chakra mode in the last and boruto naruto the movie a lot of people are under the impression that naruto can no longer use his six path sage mode well that's not true and let me point out why and a few instances in the Burrow - manga and in the Burton movie Naruto has entered nine tails chakra mode and also entered sage mode however there is no pigmentation around his eyes that would otherwise signify regular sage mode which leads me to believe he can still use six path sage mode despite the fact that his face is still yellow like beef it's really weird I know oh yeah he also retains the ability to fly so let me there's that too anyway when naruto first gains access to six path sage mode its interactions with his nine tails chakra mode are the most direct like I mentioned earlier the chakra cloak doesn't cover every part of his body and this is most apparent due to the fact that his face is left almost completely untouched there are a few more subtle changes in appearance that I haven't pointed out yet like the fact that his chakra cloak manifests horns similar to those on moderates headband and those coming out of Caguas forehead I mean in all honesty it just seems like the point of this transformation was to make Nora to look like in a serial version of Usher I mean as a matter of fact I'm pretty sure this is something that everybody unanimously agrees about there are a whole lot of naruto Ashura parallels after naruto takes this transformation and I mean with the use of shadow clones he even uses his Kurama avatar to create a battle avatar similar to the one Ashura used against indra but uh yeah I think that about covers everything there is to say about this sixth stage mode on its own isn't actually all that complicated but a lot of the stuff tied to it like the six paths ten tails coffin seal Naruto being able to draw from all nine Bijoux at once should be chakra mode itself they're all quite a bit more complicated and it makes explaining the concept of six path sage mode because of how heavily it's tied to these things a lot more difficult than it otherwise would be but hopefully you leave this video have formed at least a little more informed than you were before you watched it thank you for watching the video all the way to the end as always it means a whole bunch to me more than I can explain and I hope to see you next time till then talk to you later so I cog a out bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 3,597,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, reanimation jutsu explained, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, genjutsu explained, sharingan explained, susanoo explained, bijuu mode explained, naruto bijuu mode, nine tails chakra mode, six paths sage mode, naruto six paths, rikudo sennin naruto, explaining six paths sage mode, rikudo mode explained
Id: c8srPIYH4D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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