Explaining Kamui

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yo what's going on everybody so I kaga here and welcome to today's video where we're going to be talking about comma we a spacetime ninjutsu tied to the mangekyo sharingan of obito uchiha like mini Mon gecko sharingan powers Kamui is really strong and also like mini mangekyo sharingan powers its name is rooted in Japanese folklore it's not directly named after a Shinto God like tsukuyomi Amaterasu kakuzu Chi and abilities like them but it instead refers to the power and authority of the Shinto gods as a whole as a matter of fact when translated into English combo we literally means authority of the gods so with a name like that one might be led to believe that comely is really powerful and rightfully so because it is it's one of the most useful and versatile ninjutsu in the entire series though I guess that's to be expected since it's among Jackie O Sharingan power even when taking that into account though I think comely is one of the best abilities granted by the mangekyo sharingan at least out of the ones we've seen so far especially when both of its variants are used in conjunction with one another but I digress so I'm getting way ahead of myself so let me get to actually explaining how the technique works so obito's mangekyo sharingan are unique at least in the sense that they both give him access to the same ability the same way both of shisui's manga kyo Sharingan give him access to koto a mizukami but the abilities are distinctly different and inexplicably linked together the same way Sasuke's Amaterasu and kaiketsu Chi are both of these eyes allow their owner to access an unnamed pocket dimension typically referred to as the comely dimension though each one goes about doing this in one of two completely different ways now while each eye is intended to be used for different purposes they both have very similar applications they are both ocular jutsu that involve the manipulation of space and as an ocular due to the space combo we seeks to manipulate is always somewhere within the users visual focal point at least to some extent oh because left eye allows him to project a portal to his pocket dimension out into space specifically directed at the focal point of his vision in other words this allows him to use a long-range version of combo we and its general purpose is to teleport people objects and other targets into the dimension using these long-range portals meanwhile his right eye allows him to create a portal to this pocket dimension centered at its own position as in the position of his right eye itself it's almost like VI becomes a door to the dimension in other words this allows him to cast short-range version of comely and just like the portals created by his left eye this portal can teleport people and objects into the dimension for whatever reason he sees fit that's a quick version of it anyway the mechanics of this jutsu are quite a bit more complicated than that getting into the specifics of this ability is really tricky let me start with the details of the left eyes ability since it's a bit less complicated than the right eye as I mentioned earlier I'll be toes left mangekyo sharingan allows him to project portals to Kamui's dimension forward into space and usually centered around the focal point of his vision the reason there's more to the left eyes abilities than meets the eye is its owner can control the shape and size of the portals they create and they can also choose how long these portals remain tangible doing so requires training of course as Kakashi had pretty much no control over any of these things when he first used it against Bader uh furthermore this portal acts sort of like a black hole as it draws everything near it towards its center and kind of forcibly drags its targets into Connolly's dimension as opposed to just letting them fall into it also the portals created by the left eye do not always seek to teleport the entirety of their targets Kakashi and obito can use this to their advantage by sucking pieces of an opponent's body in the comedy's dimension like when Kakashi completely tore off data is armed with this ability or when he used it to effectively destroy half of the ghetto statue and speaking of the ghetto statue the fact that Kakashi was able to teleport half of it into comas dimension practically confirmed that he has full control over the size of the portals he creates like I mentioned earlier this of course allows him to transport a wide variety of things in the common wheeze dimension ranging anywhere from something as small as a kunai knife to something as large as the entire eight tails while this form of combo week can be used defensively it is best used offensively and it can even be considered an instant kill move since Obito and Kakashi by extension could use this left eye too hypothetically my pasa person's head by teleporting it into Kamui's dimension the same way Kakashi teleported data is armed there oh yeah also one final note is Obito's left I can also eject things that it's teleported into common wheeze dimension like when Kakashi ejected Yuki's entire body oh the portal that the person our object is emerging from needs to be created at a range like all of the left eyes portals do also moderate seems to be capable of using the left eye to teleport himself into calm Belize dimension despite the fact that that should be a right I exclusive ability but whatever anyways speaking of now I think is about time I move on to the specifics of the right eye this one is a great deal more complicated so while the abilities of the right eye might sound inferior to the abilities of the left on paper this one arguably provides better abilities than the left does short-range teleportation might not seem as useful as long-range teleportation but obito can accomplish a whole bunch of really creative and unorthodox things with it for starters at least initially anyway while Kakashi was unable to teleport himself into comas dimension Obito could and well I guess that's not a huge advantage anymore now that moderate showed that it is possible to use the left eye to teleport oneself in the convoys dimension I do think it's worth keeping in mind because that might have been a plot hole regardless even if the left eye is capable of teleporting its user into combo YZ dimension it can't do so with the same level of finesse that the right I can't Obito was capable of using his right eye to teleport pieces of his body in the commies dimension but unlike what happens when he teleports a piece of somebody else's body in the common way his dimension with the left eye when Obito teleports pieces of his own body they will remain intact after he returns them by storing pieces of himself in comas dimension this way he is able to make either parts of his body or his entire body if he chooses to intangible of course intangibility allows Obito to phase through solid matter which makes him practically invincible when combo II is active when using combo way this way Obito does have a few weaknesses but they're pretty easy to cover so doing any sort of damage to somebody with oh beetles right mangekyo sharingan is borderline impossible the first of these weaknesses is that he can only remain intangible for five minutes continuously this isn't too much of a problem since there aren't a whole lot of situations where Obito will need to stay intangible for five minutes at a time and more often than not he can just face through objects before materializing again and calling on the effects of Kamui when needed but in rare instances it is possible to use really excessive amounts of force to exploit this weakness such as when conan set up a literal ocean of paper bombs meant to detonate for 10 minutes straight the second of these weaknesses is that Obito can only attack targets while he's materialized since it can switch between tangibility and intangibility very quickly it's very hard to capitalize on this weakness but for somebody incredibly fast like the third or fourth right or somebody with the flying Thunder God technique like Mina's onami kaze it is possible to damage Obito during the split-second that he is materialized the last of these weaknesses is incredibly situational and practically non-existent as a result of that when Obito and Takashi fought in the fourth great ninja war Kakashi discovered that their eyes were connected to the same tight space and also realized that while Obito stores parts of his body in the comely dimension Kakashi can teleport weapons like kunai or even entire people like Naruto to that dimension the damage Obito while he's there this pretty much completely nullifies Obito's ability to face through matter but again it's incredibly situational since it only applies when a beetle is fighting Kakashi anyway Obito's right eye does give him access to quite a few other abilities for example as they can do with this left eye Obito can eject people and objects that he's teleported into Conway's dimension with his right eye though in this case it is it on that close range making this application quite a bit easier to use and quite a bit more versatile as well it also seems to require less focus to do this with his right eye though that may be due in part to the fact that the only person to ever do it with obito's left eye was Kakashi and Kakashi was using a transplanted Sharingan as a non-key ha which comes with a whole lot of negative side effects so I can't say for sure anyway Obito can also very easily teleport both himself and other people into Kamui's dimension with his right eye and can also choose to eject himself at any point in the outside world allowing him to effectively teleport you can teleport himself other people other objects you name it though it is worth pointing out that if he's transporting something other than himself he needs to be making direct contact with it and it's also stated that it's impossible to trace his chakra or the chakra of anybody he's transporting with him when he teleports this way meet at so even says that this is a more potent space-time ninjutsu than the flying Thunder God technique and that's like the teleportation jutsu so that's gotta mean something now when both sides are working in conjunction with one another they're capable of some pretty crazy stuff not only are they capable of teleporting targets twice as fast when they're both focused on one thing at the same time like as in fast enough to outspeed a truth-seeking orb but additionally somebody with both of Obito's mangekyo sharingan can create two portals to combo ease dimension and connect them these two portals can be further used in conjunction with another space-time then jutsu like Caguas uomo so here Asaka ability Obito was able to connect the portals created his left eye with one of the portals Kaguya was creating to another one of her dimensions and used the portal created by his right eye to teleport through that portal it's a bit confusing to explain verbally but if you read the fight with Kaguya you'll see what I mean synchronizing with another space-time is very taxing on a user of Kamui as it pretty much sapped Obito love all of the chakra he had left when he attempted to do it and this brings me to common with chakra cost along with the risk of blindness associated with it obito's repeated use of combo he has had no negative impact on his eyesight whatsoever the only time his eyes have ever started to bleed were immediately after he first used comma we in the battle against all of the blood mist ninja that he massacred and when he used comma we in synchronization with Yamazaki Osaka that's it Obito has never once shown any sign of blindness or impaired vision and while Kakashi initially showed signs of fatigue after using comma we I mean heck he was stuck in the hospital for like an entire month after using comma we on day tour a couple times through training he was able to increase the amount of times he can use combo we per day so I'm not sure about the blindness he did state during the war that he was getting close to going blind too though he used it way too many times for me to believe he shouldn't have been blind by that point already he was given chakra from Kurama so that might have had something to do with it but I'm not entirely sure a lot of people attribute obito's resistance to the ill effects of his manga Kyo Sharingan to the fact that he has hashirama cells and I guess I can by that I'm not entirely sure why that would have an effect on how much chakra combo we would toss since Obito has never once said anything that implies that , we was about to cause them to run out of chakra but I mean whatever anyways espera Kakashi I cannot think of a similar justification because I know for a fact he does not have the cells of hoshi Rama send you but I mean whatever it doesn't matter that sort of stuff is all really up in the air and it's kind of up to headcanon so yeah I'm gonna just not so yeah that's gonna do it for today's video Heita ended so abruptly but there's really nowhere to go from here on the subject of comma we regardless I think it's really cool and I'm glad I finally got to talk about it because I've been meaning to for a while a lot of you guys have requested it so thank you combo is really cool I had a lot of fun making this video but anyways yeah if you're new here make sure to subscribe and if you enjoyed the video make sure to hit the like button if you have any ideas for future video topics you want me to cover leave them in the it's below and I'll get to any of them that I like at some point in the future anyway I have a huge backlog of videos I already need to do but whatever that's neither here nor there I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of the day and I do hope to see you in my next video till then talk to you later so I K out why [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 2,241,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, reanimation jutsu explained, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, genjutsu explained, sharingan explained, susanoo explained, naruto susanoo explained, naruto shippuden susanoo, naruto kamui explained, naruto shippuden kamui, naruto explaining kamui, kakashi kamui, obito kamui
Id: 1_WlBiH-5UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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