The History Of Susanoo (Naruto)

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[Music] the history of cesano from naruto susano is a gigantic humanoid avatar made of the user's chakra which surrounds them and fights on their behalf that has been handed down throughout all the generations of the uchiha clan it is the strongest ability available to those who have awakened them on gekko sharingan in both eyes welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the history of susano before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest tweets the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video attributes when activated susano forms around the user and becomes an extension of their will acting and attacking on their behalf by default susana was anchored to its user and they to it in its less developed forms it will move around with the user in its more completed forms the user will be suspended within susano being brought with it as it moves around this connection allows susano to shield against physical attacks one that becomes more difficult to penetrate as it is manifested more fully although susanoo is quite effective as a defense it is able to distinguish in what it blocks for example the user can still perform jutsu well within susano and the attacks will pass through it without complications others can be brought within susana with the user's permission and users can likewise choose to leave susano's protective structure the latter characteristic can be used against the user if an opponent can bypass susano however slightly and latch onto them they can be pulled out of susano with continued mastery susano can have increased defensive capabilities even at its rib cage stage as seen when a was able to crack a rib of sasuke's susano but conversely could not crack moderas if it is damaged susano does not regenerate and it can only be repaired either by advancing it to the next developmental stage or by dispersing it and then forming it anew also susano is only able to defend against physical attacks so they're still vulnerable to visual or auditory attacks for example additionally unless the legs of susano are fully manifested the user is still vulnerable to attacks from below susano draws on the user's chakra in large amounts so long as it's active sasuke uchiha describes the sensation of using susano as feeling pain in every cell of his body which only increases over time of usage as well as at higher developmental stages being among gekko sharingan based ability it also places a strain on the user's eyes the more it's used however it is not actually necessary for one's mangekyo sharingan to be active while using susano in fact madara uchiha is able to use it without any eyes at all development as seen with sasuke's learning how to use it susano has several developmental stages practice users go through all the stages every time they manifest it layering more advanced stages over earlier ones or stripping them away as is needed they can choose to stop at any developmental stage at its simplest level users only manifest aspects of susano's skeletal structure such as a rib cage for basic defense or an arm for interacting with the surroundings once a full skeleton is made musculature and later skin form until finally a complete humanoid is shaped in these early stages typically only the upper half of susano was materialized with legs becoming common once it reaches its full humanoid form however not all susano users can accomplish the latter feat in its next stage armor forms around the humanoid for further protection causing it to resemble a yamabushi in its final stage users stabilize the chakra that comprises susano and create a colossal form known as the complete body susano the ultimate ability of the mangakyo sharingan in this state susano gains a tengu like nose wings for flight and is clad with robes and ornate armor this form possesses power comparable to that of a tailed beast capable of leveling giant mountains and when enhanced by six paths chakra small planetoids with ease users can also channel their own techniques into the complete body susano as well as shape it around the nine tails to improve its offensive and defensive capabilities users are able to mingle the chakra that makes susano with chakra from other sources sasuke uses the chakra from jugo's sage transformation to make a senjutsu susano with markings reminiscent of the cursed seal of heaven spreading across it he later stores the chakra of the nine-tailed beasts within his susano drastically improving its strength and causing lightning to emanate from its back versions susano differs between users in terms of color design and weaponry some features are consistent however all susano constructs are deviations of the japanese tengu they also have two sets of arms one of which can form wings as part of its complete body form and six fingers on each of its hands all susano wield at least one sword itachi uchiha itachio jihao susano is yellow in the manga in the anime its skeletal and armored forms are red and its humanoid form is orange in its humanoid form its face is framed by locks of hair with an appendage on its chin reminiscent of a pharaoh's false beard when its armor is formed hitachi's susano resembles a long nose tengu and it wears a pair of magatama earrings itachi's tusano possesses a curved blade that resembles a dagger or tanto he rarely uses this preferring his sword of tatsuka wielded in its primary right hand and sheathed in a sake jar held in its second right hand the sword of tatsuka is an ethereal weapon with an enchanted blade that in addition to standard cutting can seal anyone at pierces trapping them in a genjutsu-like world of drunken dreams for all eternity in its primary left hand hitachi susano wields the yada mirror a shield that can change its nature depending on the attack it receives thus nullifying it according to black setsu the simultaneous use of the sort of tatsuka and the yada mirror made hitachi essentially invincible for long range attacks itachi can use susano to perform yasuka magatama in naruto shipoden ultimate ninja storm 4 itachi has an exclusive complete body susano form that retains the traits of his previous forms including a retractable version of the yada mirror and a broadsword version of the sword of tatsuka sasuke uchiha sasuke uchiha susana was initially depicted as a dark shade of blue in the manga though it's purple in all other media because sasuke's development has often been marked by intense feelings of hatred his susano is noted to be much darker in composition compared to hitachi's whereas itachi susano appears relatively normal sasuke's possesses demonic horns a long appendage on its chin and a malevolent grin its armored form initially appears largely the same as hitachi's save for having jagged teeth around its hood after sasuke gains the eternal mongekyo sharingan however its appearance changes the armor's mouth taking on a beak-like shape and generally becoming ghastly looking in its complete body form sasuke's susano has a helmet that features a long tengu nose two spikes over each eye a slit stretching across its mouth three gaps on each of its cheeks and one additional gap on its chin because of his rinnegan sasuke can use the wings of his complete body susano to block out the light of the infinite tsukiomi when drawing on the power of the tailed beasts the armor of the complete body form is reduced somewhat exposing the humanoid within sasuke is able to perform his chidori through this so-called indra susano as well as fire release great fireball technique in the anime this form is capable of generating a sword instead of having it form alongside the complete body susano enabling the user to catch opponents off guard sasuke susano has a blade in all its forms a saber in its developmental forms and odachi in his humanoid form wielded with its second right hand and a pair of katana in its complete body form its primary weapon though is a bow manifested on the wrist of its left arm the bow can double as a shield a function that becomes more visually apparent in its armored form arrows are drawn from an orb held by its primary right hand and can be fired very quickly such that only kabuto yakishi while utilizing sage mode has been able to avoid one the arrow's properties can be augmented either with black flames in its armored form or lightning in its complete body state madara uchiha matara uchiha's susano is dark blue in color hisusano is made up of two entirely different sides that are conjoined along their spine both of which have a distinct face the front face has elongated canine teeth in its lower jaw bracket and two tusks growing from zed jaw while the back face has similarly elongated canine teeth in its upper jaw bracket and a single horn protruding from its forehead in its armored form the usual tengu-like armor splits from its forehead down revealing susano's eyes while obscuring the rest of his face curiously his armored susano appears to always form the tiger hand seal with its front hands and is the largest of its variation in its complete body form its head gains a long tengu nose and two lines running down from its mouth to its chin area as well as hair which is tied up at the sides modero susano wields distinct undulating blades that resemble chris held in the right hand of each side he is able to throw the blades as guided projectiles in the anime mater was able to manifest swords in all four of susano's arms the blades left traces of blue fire like chakra in the ground after impact and could unleash shock waves capable of obliterating numerous shinobi in a single strike in its complete body form the swords more closely resemble traditional katana complete with sheaths held in their secondary arms these swords can cut through mountains across great distances for long range attacks matara can use susano to perform yasuka magatama indra otsotsuki indra otsotsuki's tusano named origen susano is purple in color in its complete body form it is accentuated eyeholes a long tengu nose a spike over each eye a slit across its mouth and three gaps on each of its cheeks in the anime the skeletal form of interest susana was also shown shisui uchiha in ultimate ninja storm revolution shisui uchiha can use a green susano even after donzo stole his right eye it has blade-like appendages on its shoulders the side of its face and along its forearms its right arm wields a drill-like lance that shisui can coat with fire to create a vortex of flames it is also able to unleash a barrage of chakra needles in naruto shipped in ultimate ninja storm 4 shisui has an exclusive complete body susano form complete with a second pair of wing-shaped arms tengu-like features and wielding a large drill-like sword kakashi harake kakashi haruke's susano is light blue in color the susano he uses has only been seen in a complete body form it has the characteristic tengu nose a forehead protector like plating on its head two locks of hair falling at either side of its face a hole in its chin and a vertical mark extending across his left eye similar to kakashi's own signature scar it wields a katana but its most notable weaponry are the mangekyo shaped shuriken that can warp away targets on contact hagaromo otsotsuki in the anime hagarama otsutsuki showed a light blue susano capable of entering its complete body form and utilizing chakra blades two locks of hair fall on each side of the face and a single horn protrudes from its chin resembling hagoromo's facial hair it possesses a sharp tengu-like nose and a jagged mouth giving it a demonic appearance his susanna was much larger than the others reaching his size comparable to the ten tails did you enjoy your video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 970,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Susanoo, Uchiha clan, Byakugan, Rinnegan, Sharingan, Otsutsuki, Indra, Hagoromo, Kakashi, Hatake, Naruto, Team 7, Obito, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Minato, Kusa, Mahiru, Anbu, copy ninja, kurama, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Konoha, Yellow Flash, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Madara Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, uchiha, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Hinata
Id: ou6BKd0zjvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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