Explaining The Mangekyou Sharingan

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the mangekyo is one of the most interesting abilities in the naruto universe due entirely to the fact that the abilities it grants differ from person to person when it first appeared in Chapter 1 42 of the Naruto manga the manga Kyo Sharingan was shown to be incredibly powerful capable of leaving Kakashi in critical condition in just a couple of seconds next to nothing was explained about the manga Kyo Sharingan for quite a while after its first appearance save its incredible power and Itachi's inability to use it repeatedly without consequence as a matter of fact the actual design of the manga Kyo Sharingan didn't even appear until an entire arc later in Chapter 224 while Sasuke was busy recalling everything that had led up to the massacre of you Chi Hawk clan it was later explained in the same series of flashbacks that the mangekyo can only be awakened by killing one's best friend though it was later clarified that as with the base Sharingan the mangekyo can be awakened through trauma or stress of any kind the name of the mangekyo sharingan translates to kaleidoscopic copy wheel I like Lee in reference to its appearance as opposed to the regular Sharingan which for the most part still resembles a regular eyeball among Akio Sharingan tends to merge the iris and pupil into some sort of pinwheel shape while the iris still remains red and the pupil still remains black both sort of intertwine leading the black portion of the eye to form in the shape of a pinwheel it's a bit difficult to put into words but I think you'll get what I mean if I just show you some examples as you can see here the design of the mangekyo sharingan differs from person to person though they tend to follow the general pinwheel trend that I mentioned earlier there are a few filler only designs that look really exotic leading them to break the whole pinwheel pattern but they are well Feiler only so I won't count them but anyway as I mentioned earlier the difference between various mangekyo sharingan is more than just cosmetic different manga kyo possess different abilities as well while all of these abilities are vision based that is to say they are all connected to the user's vision in some way they still differ quite drastically from on another in some cases the abilities of both the persons manga kill will be linked with one another as is the case with characters like Sasuke and obito though in other cases a person will have two completely distinct abilities that are more or less no correlation with one another as is the case with Itachi regardless of what the abilities are the jutsu granted by the mangekyo sharingan tend to be incredibly powerful Itachi possesses a modder a su an inextinguishable black flame ignited at the user's focal point and tsukuyomi one of the most powerful genjutsu in the entire series capable of altering the victims perception of time and dishing out unreal amounts of pain Obito possesses Kamui in both eyes though each eyes ability differs the left eye allows him to teleport far away objects into his pocket dimension so long as that object remains within his focal point and his right eye allows him to teleport his own body or objects within close range into the same pocket dimension whether he can face through matter by teleporting parts of his body into the dimension or trap people and objects in the dimension and eject them at a later time there are plenty more examples of super-powerful abilities granted by the manga Kyo Sharingan but I think you get the idea by now also as is the case with the base Sharingan it is possible for nanu Chiyo to use the manga kill Sharingan again Kakashi has done it but this can only be done by evolving a previously transplanted showing on or by transplanting another manga Kyo Sharingan both have been done before as Kakashi evolved a previously transplanted Sharingan into the manga kyo and Danzo just transplanted a Sharingan that had already evolved into the manga Kyo Sharingan from shisui uchiha additionally as is the case with the base Sharingan nanu chia will suffer a much higher chakra cost to use the abilities of the manga kyo Sharingan though it seems that with training this cost can be reduced one ability that is shared across all who possess the mangekyo sharingan is the Susanoo a giant ethereal samurai thing capable of absolutely devastating enemies the Susanoo can only be used once in Uchiha has unlocked the powers of the mangekyo sharingan in both of their eyes but gaining the Susanoo is well worth the effort this thing is massive and once it evolves into its full body form it is capable of completely devastating most shinobi in Naruto universe through sheer power alone and with minimal effort with a half body Susanoo Itachi managed to tank Kirin jutsu powerful enough to completely demolish the entire Uchiha hideout as is the case with the mangekyo sharingan itself the appearance of the Susanoo differs from person to person in both shay and Colour Itachi's as red Sasuke's as purple moderate is blue shisui's is green etc one side note about the Susanoo is that it doesn't seem to be necessary for the users Sharingan to be active when the Susanoo is used Itachi used it without even the base Sharingan still active and moderate used the Susanoo with both of his eyes missing as you'd expect these abilities generally take a lot of chakra to perform but additionally repeated use of the Hmong geckos powers will dull the sight in potency of the users eyes until eventually they go blind and lose their Sharingan entirely Sasuke Itachi and Madara eventually all suffered from this blindness the Sasuke reached this point much faster due to how frequently he used a monterosso and Susanoo together against the 5k game luckily there is a workaround for this in the form of the eternal mangekyo sharingan the absolute pinnacle of youichi Oz my Tivo jutsu the eternal mangekyo sharingan is what it sounds like a breed of the mangekyo that lasts forever unlike the base manga Kyo Sharingan repeated use of the eternal mangekyo sharingan will not result in blindness although it still costs chakra to use the manga Chios techniques additionally evolving the Sharingan into the eternal mangekyo sharingan seems to increase the finesse and power of the mangekyo techniques the Susanoo in particular before I get into that let me take a brief moment to explain how the eternal mangekyo sharingan is acquired the process is pretty simple all you've got to do is swap out your manga kyo sharingan with somebody else's granted the exchange needs to be done between two chi ha with strong blood ties ideally two siblings and additionally progressing the mangekyo sharingan into an eternal mangekyo sharingan may only be possible if the person receiving the transplant has already blinded themselves I'm not sure about that but that's been the case with both characters who have unlocked to turn among Akio Sharingan so it's possible regardless once the transplant is complete the person on the receiving end will evolve their eyes into the eternal mangekyo sharingan without losing access to any of their previous abilities additionally the designs of the original manga Kyo Sharingan will be merged with that of the eyes that were transplanted though this does not grant the owner of the Sharingan access to any new abilities Sasuke didn't gain access to tsukuyomi and moderate didn't gain access to any of a zuna's techniques do whatever love may have been also it's worth noting that the eternal mangekyo sharingan is incredibly rare as Sasuke and Madara are the only two characters seen with the ability like ever but anyway getting back to what I was saying earlier having the eternal mangekyo sharingan doesn't really grant a person any extra abilities instead it just makes their existing abilities more powerful and takes away their previous restrictions while Sasuke's Mathura su didn't seem to get buff too heavily by the eternal mangekyo sharingan the Susanoo seems to receive quite a boost in strength now granted Kakashi and Indra have both used the perfect Susanoo without access to the eternal mangekyo sharingan but well injures a special case since he's the son of the sage of six paths in Kashi well he got access to his perfect Susanoo through some really weird spirit transfer process so I don't know if that counts either that and an ultimate ninja storm for Itachi and so we have perfect Susanoo and they don't have a tournament get your Sharingan but that's a game so I don't know if it counts either but okay regardless of the requirements to do so evolving the Susanoo is possible and I actually think it's something that I should touch on when first used the Susanoo takes a skeletal form and only parts of its body namely its ribcage and arms will appear when called forth through continuous use of the Susanoo the user can eventually manifest an entire skeletal upper body which they can further evolve into a humanoid form complete with flesh clothing and a unique weapon in most cases the final evolution of the Susanoo that can be reached with the base manga Kyo Sharingan is the armored Susanoo which is as it sounds Susanoo clad in unique armor that heavily reinforces its defenses with the eternal mangekyo sharingan modern sasuke managed to progress their Susanoo even further by manifesting a lower body that grants the Susanoo an incredible boost in mobility like now it can jump around with legs and stuff it's crazy it doesn't end there though as the final stage of the Susanoo is the stabilized perfect Susanoo or as the fourth data book calls it the complete body Susana the power of the complete body Susanoo is allegedly comparable to that of the tailed beasts making a one of the highest level techniques in Naruto Madara effortlessly shattered mountains with the shock waves is perfect Susanoo created and Sasuke has managed to slash through planetoids with ease again I'm a little unsure how the perfect Susanoo is acquired but I think in most cases it is only accessible through the eternal mangekyo could be wrong though there is a bit more to the Sharingan than all of this but because of how personalized disabilities tend to be covering everything would take a really long time so I think this is where I'm going to end off if not for the fact that it could be its own video topic I would speak about the Rinnegan here but all I'll say about it here is that the Rinnegan is an evolution of the Sharingan and the most powerful though jutsu in the world of Naruto if enough of you guys want me to I'll gladly cover it in a future video but for now I'll leave you with this hopefully you all enjoy the video and I look forward to speaking with you soon so I cog a out Oh
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 4,648,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swagkage, manga, anime, itachi, naruto shippuden, sakura, sasuke uchiha, uchiha clan, naruto, dragon ballogy, story, sasuke, uchiha, ninja, sharingan, hokage, uzumaki, tobi, shippuden, rinnegan, explained, in depth, 101, mangekyo, kakashi, sharingan explained, the sharingan explained, explaining the sharingan
Id: 0KhHE75GGoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2016
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