Explaining Bijuu Mode

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nine tails chakra mode this transformation has been a series staple since its introduction in Chapter 499 and has been given many alternate names by members of the fanbase most notably Kurama chakra mode QB chakra mode often shortened to KCM and Bijou mode as the name of this transformation implies this is an ability that can only be accessed by jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox and is not a transformation that any of the hosts of the other eight tailed beasts have access to making it a particularly rare ability this is especially true considering how stingy Kurama tends to be about working together with the jinchuriki he is sealed inside of since it's very rare for anybody to convince the Fox to give them the cooperation they need from him to access this form in the first place most of the time when Kurama shares his chakra with somebody they will transform into one of three basic states that all jinchuriki have access to Naruto has transformed into the version 0 version 1 and version 2 forms all with kurama's health before so I guess it is worth noting that the cubies hosts can access the same basic transformations that other junchuriki can but I'd also like to clarify that at least in a fundamental sense anyway this transformation has absolutely nothing to do with the nine tails chakra mode from what I can gather this is a completely distinct transformation and just what a jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox gets in exchange for tailed beast mode or the ability to transform into ones tailed beast it's also worth noting that in the cases of the basic tune jerky transformations Naruto showed no level of control over the power he gained after transforming or when he would transform to begin with this is of course due to the fact that she and Kurama weren't on good terms but while gaining control over ones tailed beast would normally allow them to access the version one and two forms freely gaining control over the nine tails seems to give a person access to this form instead which leads me to believe that it's more powerful than any of the other jinchuriki transformations after all jinchuriki of the nine tails can enter the version one and two states and they can even transform into the nine tailed fox itself so the fact that both Naruto and Minato decided to use this form over all of the rest I mean you kind of have to assume that there are some pretty substantial advantages to using it so with that in mind let's go ahead and get to explaining how this transformation works first of all it's segregated into three different stages and while each of these stages have pretty distinct differences they all do share quite a few common traits with one another in the first level of the transformation or what is often referred to as KCM one the user will be enveloped in a golden yellow cloak of chakra a person does undergo plenty of other smaller physical changes when they transform the state but they're all pretty obvious and I doubt you need them pointed out to you things like the orange eyes and flaming aura are pretty easy to spot but a pretty significant characteristic of the transformation that I do feel is worth pointing out is the appearance of the six yeah Gotama markings around the neck reminiscent of the sage of six paths anyhow setting aesthetics aside let's talk about the abilities that this transformation gives a person access to obviously the form increases a person's physical attributes but it does so by a much greater margin than you may expect in this form Naruto became fast enough to dodge a punch from the Fourth Reich agait at full speed durable enough to tank the jubie's 10 pinchy attack and strong enough to go toe-to-toe with multiple COG a level opponents additionally in this state he has enough chakra to create dozens of shadow clones all with cog a level strength this isn't really debatable one of Naruto's clones fought with the Third Reich agait and the second su Chi cago and still managed to survive long enough to fight with moderate for an extended period of time even after creating all of these shadow clones all of which used up pretty much all of their chakra Naruto still had enough of his own chakra to go toe-to-toe with six jinchuriki at once with the help of B now this was only possible because Naruto was drawing from the cubies immense reserves of chakra which brings me to one of the forms initial drawbacks while in the nine tails chakra mode Naruto does something that the series describes as shelving his own chakra or in other words letting it rest dormant within his body since when Naruto first took the transformation he and the nine tails weren't the best of friends there always existed a pretty large risk that Kurama would try and take Naruto's shelter chakra while he was in this state meaning that the longer he used this transformation the longer he was at risk of being killed furthermore since Naruto doesn't pour his own chakra into the state that means being able to use this transformation relies entirely on whether or not the QB still has any chakra left if the nine tailed fox runs out of chakra Naruto can't access this transformation anymore however as the series has clearly shown us it takes a very long time for this to happen so it's not too much of an issue the only other issue with Naruto's initial use of this transformation is his inability to create a tailed beast ball due to kurama's unwillingness to cooperate with him this isn't exactly a drawback since it's not like Naruto could create a tailed beast ball before transforming into the nine tails chakra mode it's just a bit of a crappy result of Kurama being really stingy anyhow these problems are all pretty nicely offset by all of the extra capabilities this transformation has extending even beyond the physical bus it offers in this form Naruto is able to sense negative emotions which he was able to use to distinguish the zetsu disguised as members of the Allied shinobi forces from their real counterparts additionally Naruto's body practically reeks of natural energy in this form and the would release chakra present in many of the reinforced zetsu that he fought reacted to this by forming trees out of practically nothing the most useful ability that Naruto gains access to when in the nine tails chakra mode is the ability to create an almost unlimited number of arms and hands that he can extend from any part of the cloak surrounding him he has full control over the size and movements of these chakra arms and has a nearly unlimited amount of applications for them as a result not only are they incredibly useful for long range melee combat but these additional limbs enhance Naruto's abilities with the Rasengan by a ridiculous amount the craziest Rasengan based ability that Naruto develops as a result of gaining access to these arms is the ability to create a mini rasen shuriken on the tip of his finger by sprouting arms out of its sight now I don't know how many of these abilities Minto gains access to in his nine tails chakra mode they imagine he can do everything Naruto can especially considering he actually has the cooperation of his half of the nine tailed fox the next level of the nine tails chakra mode is officially named Kurama mode but is typically referred to as KCM - and is what Naruto gains access to after he and the Fox end up on friendly terms and he learns that the nine-tailed Fox's name is Karami I won't bother explaining the visual differences between KCM 1 & KCM 2 since you can clearly see them for yourself and the differences between the two forms are obvious and accentuated enough that it's easy to distinguish which is one in which is the other the most important differences lie in KCM twos abilities and there are quite a few distinct ones that make this a good deal more powerful than the previous stage for starters since Naruto now has the nine tails cooperation he's able to create a tailed beast ball and the bijuu dama created by somebody using the nine tails chakra mode is no joke even with only half of the QV seals inside of him Naruto was able to create a bijuu dama capable of deflecting five other bijuu dama at the same time furthermore Naruto can compress the tailed beasts ball into what he calls the super mini tailed beast ball which he can use to deal massive damage at close range he can also project it forward as he can with the Rasengan by using the arms he can while in the ninetails chakra mode another miscellaneous skill he gains access to is the ability to share kurama's chakra with anybody in the immediate vicinity this causes them to enter a state similar to the one tailed version one cloak Naruto accessed in the final Valley against Sasuke which needless to say makes anybody affected by it significantly more powerful that's really impressive considering Naruto used this ability on every member of the Allied shinobi forces and they all got a significant power boost in terms of everything else KCM too is just like KCM one except better it's like a compressed version of the full tailed beast mode that most jinchuriki can access giving naruto access to the increased agility control and precision that come with his smaller size but also giving him access to the raw power that comes with transforming into a tailed beast additionally naruto can manifest parts of kurama's body while in this form anyway such as when he manifested kurama's head to catch a shuriken in between its teeth or when he manifested kurama's tails to block one of Obito's fire released you too so as you can tell KCM 2 is quite a bit more powerful than KCM 1 is and I do mean this of course in terms of raw physical capabilities our toe is faster more powerful more durable etc etc this is especially advantageous when considering the fact that since Naruto and the nine tails are both working in tandem now Kurama no longer has any reason to disrupt Naruto's chakra out of spite this means that Naruto can enter Sage Mode freely while in KCM 2 furthermore Naruto claims that it's even easier to gather natural energy while in this state than it is in his base form and while I doubt I need to tell you what stacking the physical and sensory buffs provided by Sage Mode on top of those already provided by KCM 2 makes Naruto into a total monster and this isn't even Naruto's limit in the nine tails chakra mode the third stage of the nine tails chakra mode is its counterpart to tailed beast mode and it allows a person to transform into the nine tailed fox without actually transforming into it instead of actually becoming the QB Naruto and Minato conjure avatars with the same size and shape as Kurama this stage of the transformation has very similar mechanics to the Susanoo as its user will be suspended within and will move with the avatar they have created though of course it has no resemblance to the Susanoo at all and instead looks like a blend between the chakra Club created by the nine tails chakra mode and the Kyuubi itself since this avatar is a full-scale replica of the nine tailed fox for all intents and purposes a user of this transformation has full control over the nine with the added benefit that they can use any ninjutsu that they have at their disposal as well for example Naruto and Minato combined their powers to create a humongous Rasengan while transformed into this state not to mention Naruto is still able to stack sage mode on top of this form as well furthermore this transformation can be combined with a Susanoo through majestic attire Susanoo a technique that allows among Gekko Sharingan user to cloak the QB avatar in Susanoo armor this is a technique that Naruto and Sasuke have used on multiple occasions and one that practically mirrors moderate use of a similar ability where he used his perfect Susanoo as armor for the actual nine tailed fox finally naruto does retain the ability to enter the nine tails chakra mode while using six path sage mode and through the use of shadow clones was able to use the traits of six path sage mode to combine three Kurama avatars into one three-headed six arm two behemoths of the creature one that practically mirrored the avatar a Shura created during his battle against Indra I do think I'm going to save explaining how nine tails chakra mode interacts with six path sage mode for when I do with six Pat's and jutsu video so hey be on the lookout for that so with all that said I think I'm going to end the video here hopefully I covered pretty much everything important though if you do have any questions leave them in the comments below and as always if you have any ideas for future video topics you want me to cover feel free to leave a comment with any requests you may have of course if you're new here make sure to hit that subscribe button in that like button if you enjoyed the video and if you really loved me you can check the description for the links to my Twitter account and my patreon but either way I hope you guys have a fantastic day talk to you later so i ka out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 2,825,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, reanimation jutsu explained, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, genjutsu explained, sharingan explained, susanoo explained, bijuu mode explained, naruto bijuu mode, naruto nine tails explained, naruto kyuubi mode explained, kyuubi chakra mode explained, nine tails chakra mode
Id: ueLdy0Fop8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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