How Did Kakashi Use the Perfect Susano'o?

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yo what's going on everybody swag Gaga here and welcome to today's video where we're gonna be talking about how Kakashi managed to manifest a perfect Susanoo because I know this has been bugging a lot of people ever since the chapter where he did it came out for obvious reasons it's very difficult to wrap one's head around the idea that a Kakashi who had lost both of his mangekyo sharingan with no Susanoo experience whatsoever was suddenly and without warning capable of manifesting the final stage of the Susanoo all while under the enormous pressure presented by the fact that he was fighting Kaguya otsutsuki for the longest time even i had no idea how on earth this managed to happen but there's actually plenty of stuff present in the series that justifies Kakashi's ability to do this and i'm gonna be going over all of them in this video the first and typically largest problem many people have with this is the fact that Obito had to use Kamui to travel from the afterlife to the living world and somehow in Turkic ah she's body so that his soul could give Kakashi sole access to his mangekyo sharingan for a limited amount of time now understandably at first glance it takes a whole lot of suspension of disbelief to just accept that this happened but considering some of the stuff that's happened previously in the series it's actually not that far-fetched now I'm gonna come back to this later but before I proceed just keep in mind that obito's eyes were enhanced by six paths chakra at the time that he did this as Kakashi mentions later that six paths chakra does enhance one's ocular capabilities so knowing that it might not be too much of a stretch to say that Obito six paths enhanced eyes are capable of to some degree establishing a link between the world of the living and the world of the Dead it's also worth keeping in mind too that when Obito did this he wasn't in the Pure Land but he's instead in Naruto's equivalent of purgatory this has made very apparent by his conversation with Rin where both of them make notes about the fact that neither of them are ready to pass on to the afterlife yet and I'd imagine since purgatory is somewhere between be Pure Land and the living world it's probably quite a bit easier for him to establish a connection to the living world since he hasn't fully passed on yet and he's quite a bit closer to it than he otherwise would be furthermore it's not really out of the ordinary for a Naruto character to have some sort of dominion over these Souls present in the afterlife I mean after all Nagato managed to use his Rinnegan to transport the souls of all of the people he'd killed back to the living world including the soul of Kakashi which was at the time of his revival still lurking around in purgatory because for whatever reason likely due to the many regrets he had at that point he wasn't capable of passing into the afterlife quite just yet now barring all of this in mind the Rinnegan is at least in basic terms just a six paths enhanced Sharingan so the fact that it's capable of doing something similar to what Obito did it does add validity to Kamui's ability to create a connection between these two planes and of course setting Nagato s ability to revive the dead aside Orochimaru Kabuto and tobirama are all capable of summoning dead souls through Edo 10 say not to mention Kaguya is Renet Sharingan is capable of creating portals to other dimensions and the sage of six paths did exactly what Obito did to Kakashi but instead to Naruto and Sasuke so the series had already set a precedent for this sort of thing happening it's not something that only Obito has accomplished granted I'm not entirely sure how he transported himself into Kakashi's body seriously that part was like really weird but anyway I don't know if he was actually interacting with Kakashi on a spiritual level or if he just projected himself into Kakashi's mind but whatever it was like I said it was similar to what the sage of six paths did when he gave naruto and sasuke each half of his power and if it is just a simple mental projection sasuke was capable of doing the same thing at the beginning of shippin and he used his Sharingan to project an astral form of himself into Naruto's mind in order to suppress the ninetails then of course Minato & Kushina did similar things by leaving fragments of their chakra sealed inside of Naruto's body so that at some point they would be able to project a part of their soul into Naruto's mind where they would be able to have a conversation with him and to give him assistance at specific times of need now regardless of how Obito managed to do it the link he established with the world of the living is without a doubt tied to the same roots that some if not all of the abilities i've just mentioned are the most logical hypothesis for what exactly happened is using his six paths enhanced Sharingan Obito established a connection between a target Ori and the mortal plane and used Kamui to transport himself there before projecting an astral image of his soul into Kakashi's mind by using either a fragment of his leftover chakra the same way Minato & Kushina did or by using his Sharingan the same way Sasuke did to suppress the ninetails where he was able to temporarily give Kakashi the gift of both of his manga Kyo Sharingan so now that I have at least sort of established how Kakashi came into possession of Obito's eyes let's move on to how on earth he managed to use the perfect Susanoo with a pair of bass mangekyo sharingan well like I mentioned earlier obito's eyes had been enhanced with six pads chakra and this isn't something that Kishimoto came up with out of thin air granted it is stretching things a little bit but Obito likely still had a residual chakra of the juubi present in his body thanks to his time as its jinchuriki not to mention it wasn't too long before this happened that he absorbed some of Juby jinchuriki moderate chakra along with the chakra of some of the tailed beasts as well and again Kakashi clearly states that six paths chakra enhances one's ocular powers and once more this isn't something that tea shamoto just came up with on the spot evidence of this can be seen all throughout the series combining the chakra of Indra and Ashura to form the chakra of the sage of six paths produces the Rinnegan which is a clear example of the same thing happening then of course when sasuke received some of hugs are almost chakra his eternal mangekyo sharingan evolved into a Rinnegan and prior to receiving this chakra he wasn't capable of using a perfect Susanoo after his meeting with hagoromo however sasuke could use it with no difficulty as if it was an ability he'd had for his entire life despite the fact that unless he was paying close attention to mater as battle with hoshi rama in the background he shouldn't have even seen what the perfect Susanoo looked like before then so for Kakashi a combat genius gifted with two mangekyo sharingan one he's been used to using for years along with the additional blessing of the chakra of the sage of six paths to manifest a perfect Susanoo after seeing Sasuke use it up close and so frequently nonetheless yeah I guess it makes a lot more sense than I initially gave it credit for anyway that's about all for this video I'm pretty sure I've done a decent job explaining the subject though if you do have any questions about it leave them in the comments below and I'll make sure to answer any that I see as always thank you for watching the video all the way to the end I really appreciate it if you enjoyed the video while you're here maybe consider subscribing and leaving like and if you have any ideas for future video topics you want me to cover leave them in the comments below but above all else have a fantastic rest of the day and until my next video I'll talk to you later so I could get out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 1,991,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, sharingan explained, naruto susanoo, susanoo explained, naruto susanoo explained, naruto shippuden susanoo, mangekyou sharingan explained, naruto mangekyou sharingan, naruto perfect susanoo, kakashi susanoo, kakashi perfect susanoo
Id: XMnVvbKdSP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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