Explaining the Reaper Death Seal

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yo what's going on everybody's flight kaga here and welcome to today's video where we're gonna be talking about the reaper death seal also known as the shiki fujian or a dead demon consuming seal an s-class forbidden foo and jutsu developed by the ouzo maki clan that allows its user to summon the grim reaper so despite the fact that this jutsu has only really been used twice it's actually pretty popular there's a whole lot of love for it in the community and understandably so it's really cool it's a sealing jutsu where you call forth the Grim Reaper himself and ask him to take the soul of your enemies that's about as cool as a ninjutsu can get but the mechanics are a little bit iffy because the series doesn't really explore them too heavily kishimoto just kind of has hit rusev used the jutsu and then just expects the audience to figure out how it works on their own luckily in this case doing so isn't really too difficult though based on what hiruzen tells Orochimaru and what was shown to the audience during the jutsus debut piecing together how it works is pretty easy so like I said at the beginning of the video this is a sealing jutsu and it's sort of a hybrid between a ceiling and a summoning jutsu because like I also said at the beginning of the video the grim reaper is summoned to perform this jutsu and I don't mean that in any sort of figurative sense somehow the creators of the reaper death seal managed to figure out how to call upon the powers of the god of death himself and summon him in the middle of a battle this is the actual Grim Reaper of the Naruto world now that said there is a lot more to this jutsu than just summoning the Shinigami after the user performs a series of 10 hand seals the grim reaper will arrive but additionally the soul of the summoner will be at least partially extracted from their body and before you ask why that happens it's because in order to use this jutsu a person has to essentially sell their soul to the reaper no exceptions no way around it that has to happen for this jutsu to be activated but of course this brings up another question the users soul is a lot to ask for on the part of the Grim Reaper especially just to perform one jutsu so I'm sure many of you are wondering what could possibly be worth it what sort of opie jutsu would be worth giving up your soul for well rest assured this is one of the strongest jutsu in the whole series it's s-rank for a reason trust me in exchange for the users agreement to have their soul trapped in the belly of the reaper for pretty much all of eternity they can seal the soul of their and me inside of their body inside of another person's body or inside of the belly of the Reaper making this a really effective suicide move as it's almost a guaranteed kill just about 100% of the time adding to the jutsus effectiveness is the fact that nobody but the jutsu caster can see the Reaper initially so presuming the target doesn't recognize the jutsus hand seals they are guaranteed to be taken completely by surprise which not only makes managing to avoid getting caught by the Reaper more difficult but it also makes resisting the effects of the jutsu itself significantly harder as well now to explain why I've got to get a bit more into the jutsus nitty-gritty because there's quite a bit more to it than what I've explained so far even after the Grim Reaper is summoned to the targets soul will not be ripped from their body automatically the jutsu caster still has to get close enough to their enemy for the Reaper to reach their soul and they also have to initialize the jutsu themselves as well at which point the Reaper will begin chanting and will attempt to grab hold of the target soul this really cool tattoo akin to a curse mark also appears on his arm though I don't know what part that plays in the process overall anyhow this is the trickiest part of performing this jutsu because while nina tauba lat this stage here oozes and ran into a pretty big problem while trying to steal orochimaru's soul apparently it is possible for a person to resist the effects of this jutsu if they are sufficiently stronger than the person casting it and this isn't helped by the fact that as soon as the Reaper grabs on to their soul the person on the receiving end will be able to see him granted one look at the Reaper just about caused Orochimaru to himself and keep in mind that this is the same Orochimaru who with both of his arms royally messed up took a look at version to cloak for tailed Naruto and started laughing so the fear caused by being in the presence of the Reaper is pretty serious and it does serve to offset a person's ability to resist this jutsus effects but if they are able to get past just how terrified they are of being in the presence of a Shinigami they can manage to fight back as the Reaper tugs at their soul and I'm also led to believe that any significant injuries or conditions that impede the casters ability to rip the target soul from their body will give the person on the receiving end an edge meaning if at all possible it's a good idea to damage the jutsus castor after one recognises what's going on that's easier said than done though because once the Reaper grabs hold of a target soul they're immobilized for the most part anyway the only thing Orochimaru can manage to do while his soul was being pulled out was to move his fingers a little bit which luckily for him was enough to call his sword back to him and since hiruzen was standing between he and the blade I'm sure you guys can figure out what happened and being stabbed from behind with a sword while really tired and kind of already on the verge of death from battling to ëtil tense a Hokage left Harrison in a condition where he wasn't really able to fully pull orochimaru's soul out and I guess that's another thing I should probably clarify before I go any further this is all only relevant because the techniques effectiveness is directly correlated with the jutsu casters ability to physically yank their targets soul from their body so again if somebody on the receiving end is strong enough to resist the physical force provided by the jutsu user then they will be able to avoid having their soul completely torn out but this also poses some benefits for users of the jutsu for example because Orochimaru had suppressed the personalities and by extension the ability to think of hashirama and tobirama after reviving them with arrow tense a key ruzhin was very easily able to use shadow clones to take their souls and incapacitate them despite the fact that these clones represented only a small portion of his full strength this of course seems to imply that since these edo tensei summons lacked the ability to think for themselves they were completely unable to resist the jutsus effects even when something is weak as a shadow clone was acting as a catalyst which means that edo tensei targets mindless summons and other things of that nature can be dispatched by the jutsu user without the sacrifice of their soul but of course it is a double-edged sword as it is this restriction that prevented Harrison from completely taking Orochimaru soul and forced him to settle for just removing orochimaru's arms this is also the only example of a piece of a person's soul being taken with this jutsu and I'm not sure what the effects would have been if your rusyn would have a taken orochimaru's legs but in this case anyway cutting orochimaru's arms off from his soul prevented him from using his arms at any point in the future which also effectively kept him from using any form of ninjutsu and it also caused excruciating pain to stem from them that could only be circumvented by switching bodies and temporarily at that the problems that plagued orochimaru's arms would always come back until he released them from the belly of the Reaper by using the Shinigami release mask on that note it is possible to release entities trapped within the belly of the Reaper by performing the dead demon consuming seal release which is a jutsu that can be cast by wearing a mask stored inside of a storage temple built by the Uzumaki clan this mask causes the Shinigami to possess its wearer at which point they have complete control over it if they so choose they can cut the Reapers stomach open and free all of the souls trapped inside this is how Orochimaru managed to free the first four Hokage along with his arms anyhow that about does it for the Reaper death seal thank you as always for watching the video all the way to the end of course if you have any ideas for future videos you want me to cover leave them as a suggestion down in the comments below and if I like your idea enough I just might get to it in the future anyhow that's all from me till my next video I'll talk to you later so i ka out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 2,877,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, genjutsu explained, sharingan explained, susanoo explained, naruto susanoo explained, naruto kamui explained, naruto kotoamatsukami explained, reaper death seal explained, naruto reaper death seal, explaining reaper death seal, shinigami naruto
Id: q0YL4QwKB3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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