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(Wah-poosh) Top o the mornin to ya, laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to something called Pix2Pix Well, the website itself isn't called that it's just called "photo generator" But I'm going to call it Pix2Pix because that sounds really cool. I've seen this doing the rounds on the Internet Every time I go on Tumblr or Twitter, there's somebody drawing something and it's coming up, so, I thought it would be funny to do a video on it. I haven't really tried it out myself, so I don't know how this is going to work What it's supposed to do, is I draw here on the left, I draw a character like this, this is an example I didn't do this, Very, very clear I didn't do this, cuz I don't think any human with a mouse and hand could do this kind of shit But *laughs*, you draw something like this, and the game --- er the "game", the WEBSITE Generates what it thinks it's going to be. So, here is a pretty damn accurate representation of that. This seems to be a bit of a -- (Vowels?) an overdone one though because you can see there's a lot of shading and shadowing and everything going on I don't know if the processing actually does that, but I'm going to try that out for myself by doing, uh, wait, can I, oh I can't undo I can't go back. I wonder if I could just, draw on that person. Nah, let's clear, cuz it takes forever for it to actually work, so (aint nobody..nvm) I am going to just, um I'm going to draw my favorite boy My favorite little boy Uh, Bart Simpson Why did you -- what? Why? Why did you like -- When you double click it just stays going for some reason there we go , theres a pupil and theres another pupil uhh theres a nose theres a mouth *laughs* we'll draw your teeny tiny little neck and your head *laughs some more* *chuckle* its just like Bart! Thats Bart! Thats the Bart Simpson I know! Oh thats Bart! Oh mother of jesus *laughing* ahahaha what happened to your eyes?!?! Oh no, it does actually do all the shadowing Thats insane, it even tried to do the fucking hair! Oh my God, I have to save that. That's awesome! *laugh laugh laugh* That came out so well Well, well as in bad It came out fucking horribly! Okay umm I did get some- Some other stuff, I have a homer head over here And I'm gonna try and draw this as accurately as I can to whats here which might not go that well cos I can't fucking remember what homer simpsons head looks like off the top of my head we'll do a nice- round, heres an ear yes we - i can't draw fucking matt grainings initials in there cos apparently thats what it is homer's head his his hair and his ear are apparently the MG for Matt Graining which is really cool! ... i think. umm we need to draw your big fucking bulbous eyes cos everyone in the Simpsons has eyes that take up a third of their head ummm *contemplation* draw your other eye over here ayyy, this is looking pretty good this is my boy homie! my boy homer urmm *more contemplation* draw your mouth urrmmmmm.. yepp thats homer! hahaha! its actually starting to come together uhh we'll draw your little - there we go, you see thats the MG go look it up! i aint no foolies ummmm this is supposed to come all the way back up around god homer what happened to ye i know the joke in the show is that you're supposed to be you're overweight and obese and everything but those are some fine fucking chops i just gave ya uhhh theres his neck and thers his other neck oh sweet mother of jesus whats this gonna turn out like *laughing out of shock* it gave up on the other eye! and just said fuck it! it didnt know where the hair was either so it just said fuck it oh my god, you look like you got hit with a shovel JESUS! *shovel hitting face sound i suppose* ohhh thats fucking amazing why does it make everything blue though why does the blue always come in at the bottom here, no i dont wanna - well i will save the image ohhh mother of jesus i should probably just draw all the simpson family you know the simpsons are fun to draw i think - they have super simple faces oh man that is ama- what happens if i just do this what do you turn out as now hahahaha yeah its about the same, you kinda got a bit of an eye back though it messed up the eye before but it gave it back to him when i took away half his face i also like the kinda ghost baby thats going on in here in the background theres kind of a ghost face going on umm we'll take out your mouth see if it adds in a mouth nope, i like that its trying to give you like a quiff, like a little poof of hair coming out the front, its trying to make you look trendy homie im saying homie as in like homer cos thats what marge calls him *marge voice* hi homie oooo heres a good maggie simpson maggie will be easy cos maggie's just a starfish ooookayy theres one eye this is the - these are rick and morty eyes, this is how justin roiland drew the rick and morty eyes like the pupils in the show, he would just draw squiggles like that to add pupils instead of drawing dots and then it just stayed so the rick and morty characters still have pupils like this because of that dude im full of trivia today theres her nose this is going ABSOLUTELY awful ummm lets start drawing in your head thats the maggie i know and love *laughs* and then we draw the little pacifier, oh no its so hard to draw anything with a mouse! there it is! yes! okayy, oh nooo *chuckles* whats it gonna be im sorry maggie OHHH DEAR JESUS HAHAHA ohhhh noooo WHAT IS THIS?!?! BURN IT, KILL IT - do you have a beard??? oh noo, it tried to give you glasses, it thought thats what i was trying to do i mean i cant fucking blame ya, does it just process the exact same thing everytime, yeah I CANT BLAME YA SOFTWARE because that was atrocious oh no, okay lets move off the simpsons ookayyy, well we're kinda back to the same thing again im gonna draw rick from rick and morty, rick sanchez ummm so its gonna be like this, he has a bit of a bean head goin on urrmmm, wubba lubba dub dub thats his nose, this isnt going well thats fine, and then we draw the pupils like they would in rick and morty see now it doesnt look-it kinda looks like mr poopy butthole in a way just a tiny bit, just a iddle biddle urmmmm, give rick his uni brow ohhh nooo hahah these are like the- they look like war lines but they're like creases cos hes old, theyre wrinkles theres his mouth, we're gonna draw in some teeth oh god how is this thing gonna handle teeth ohhhh godd you know what this hasnt turned out bad this is actually pretty good for what im looking at see to you guys it doesnt look like him yet cos i havent drawn in the hair so you draw the hair like this just big ones - yeah see now its coming together right? except for that one its cos his hairs blowing in the wind leave me alone :( there we go, there we go! *clapping* thats a good one right there, i have high hopes for this one what does it look like? does it look bad? i have a feeling it might look bad ohhhhh noooo oh huhhuh ohhh oh you do not handle teeth well ohhhh nooo its like it just said hair is supposed to be up here, we know thats hair but whats all this shit down here you got the ears, you got the nose, you got the - oh well you kinda got the eyes youre making it look like hes just got butthole eyes and then this you didnt take as, as eyebrows, this you took as wrinkle in head and you kinda got the wrinkes here right, but the teeth! ohhhh rick, tiny ricckkkk jesus wubba lubba dub NO! morty should handle a fair bit better cos morty is a way simpler ... design and hes got actual like hair hes got old-old man hair uhhh we'll draw your pupils there we go good old morty! good old morticious and hes actually got like simple enough eyebrows, it kinda looks like his head it upside down right now if this was like his mouth or something kinda not really, i dunno what im talking about, leave me alone and then we're gonna give you- see this, this is the part thats gonna mess *laughs* this is the part thats gonna mess it up because its not gonna know that this is a mouth oh no *laughing* WHY HE WAS SO SIMPLE he was much easier than the other one, you still couldnt get it right! i call BULLSHIT on that first picture it showed us as an example! theres no fucking way this isnt even that bad, thats a typical looking face... well except the mouth- lets, lets see what happens if i just do... a mouth like this okay, you kinda brought life back into him okay we'll do the eraser, lets take out this- lets take out the eyes and lets see if we can actually fix this if we just draw dots if we just draw dots on him NOPE it just gave the fuck up it looks like-again it looks like your face got hit with a shovel like everything is supposed to be 3D and sticking out but someone just went *weird noise* and your face all got flattened into your skull it got the hair right though- it got the hair and the ear kinda right, lets add a litte bit more definition to the ear I CLEARED IT FUCK GOD DAMMIT ALL- okay lets actually try and draw a face im drawing this face right here, jimmy generic face i think that thats a good face to start off with and i think its gonna be good i think this one is actually gonna go a bit well we'll see how i fair THATS ALREADY TERRIBLE - it occurs to me, oh god, im drawing like fucking romulans or something *laughs* it occurs to me that i have no idea how to draw just like no idea - im gonna give you nostrils like this cos that to me is how the face looks *laughs* this is how all faces look apparently they used to call me picasso- you look like someone from like aquaman or something doesnt he? i think so - and we're gonna, we, i cant do colours so so im just gonna have to do something like this - you look like a fucking vampire a SEXY vampire, yes! my sexy vampire boy! umm and then your lips - ooo, ooo la la ooooo someones got those voluptuous lips you got mad bastard eyebrows though! there we go, there we go HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FUCKING DRAW WITH A MOUSE ON THIS THING! its like drawing on microsoft paint, actually paint is better, paint has more precision this thing is all over the place ohhh...ohhh OHHH..OHH..OH KILL IT OH NO i mean it tried, it almost got it what happened to this eye what happened to you - what happened to my beautiful boy process again- oh no, it kinda gave you teeth aswell it tried to figure out teeth but lets do - lets just do like aaarrrr whats that gonna do to it NO - you just dont like mouths do you? ummm okay we'll draw a line nooo jesus, i cant fucking draw anything and then we'll draw under and over that looks a bit better - fix the mouth, ooohhhh noo my mutant baby oh my disfigured shovel face boy nooo god the hair looks great though, the hair has a very johnny cash vibe going on and the ears- not too bad - kinda fucked up the nose a small bit but thats my bad because it doesnt look anything like what was here lets see if i can fix this, thats a bit better thats a bit gooder ummm lets see if i can make these connect yeeessss, yess you do look like a 90s cartoon character nose, can you fix fix said nose! THERE IT IS - thats a nose if ive ever seen one okay lets fix this eye, im gonna make him beautiful i wanna make him the most beautiful boy the world has ever seen there we go hehehe father why you give me life *in weird voice* please, please fix his eye OH NO IT MADE IT WORSE its like you took a sharpie to your face and just started stabbing your eye until you couldnt see no more its my fault though, what am i drawing?! that doesnt look anything like you is it the same i think its the same, what happens if you just try and draw like a regular old emoji face, like a little smiley face oh no ohhhh goddd is this just gonna be *laughs* its an alien baby *laughs* oh wait its trying to figure out that this is the chin so maybe if i go like that ohhh no thats worse is that worse what have you got for me, what have you got for my boy, OH its an alien demon! hahaha i love it! he is my new child and i shall treat him good forever and always come on little zalphor its time to go to disney land and maybe leave you there and never come back *laughing* thats a sad alien right there lets give him like mad hair hes just like why did i come to earth to try and kill these people why do we probe them ohh nooo no no no i dont like anything that youre trying TO DO WITH THIS you should be stopped software, this is sky net level bullshit this is the stuff we should be stopping not not not terrorists not not war and racists, THIS this software, its gonna rise up and kill us all but also we should destroy all those other things aswell well that does it for this video on pix2pix this was fun despite how simple the software is the end results are just so over the top ridiculous looking that you cant help but love it whats that gonna turn out like, probably just a little flat nose because i dont know how to draw noses! i am very curious to see what would happen if somebody with actual artistic talent and merit puts their mind to this thats a bit better you look okay now, you look alright so if any of you out there wanna try out this thing, if any of you out there can draw and draw well and you take your time to draw something really good in this i wanna see it, actually if you draw anything in it i wanna see it anyway so tweet me, link me, tag me whatever i wanna see them, i wanna see what people have i wanna see what people got out of this, i'll leave a link in the description for you guys to go off an play it cos i wanna see what this can turn into cos im fascinated by it but anyway THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS EPISODE IF YOU LIKED IT PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS AND HIGH FIVES ALL ROUND *WOPOOSH WOPOOSH* THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEO *music* nooo my dick butt boy *laughs* (immature -.-)
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,441,768
Rating: 4.9361615 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, pix2pix, pix2pix game, pix2pix website, download, play, picture generator, picture software, drawing game, drawing to photo, realistic drawing, render, mspaint vs reality, expectation vs reality, funny, funny moments, link, drawing vs render, picture generator jacksepticeye, pix2pix jacksepticeye
Id: oFeofdnsoSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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