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I've never used this before and I've seen a lot of people ask me to use it this is called pigs to pigs and apparently you can turn your line work or your sketches from from that into a photorealistic image but apparently it can do really well or really horrific aliy so today we're going to see how effective it really is gorillas and gentlemen welcome to draw with jazz oh i'm java and today like I said I'm using picks to pick I'll put the link in the description like I said I have never used this before I haven't seen much about it other than what people have told me about it so I thought why not experience it's the first time and share it with you and if this is actually a demonstration as to what it thing can accomplish then I'm impressed at the opening gate so let's give this a go wait before we clear this I'm just I'm gonna use the eraser and let's let's get rid of these lines here okay process so I've just gotten rid of these little lines by the nose and look at that it actually did that that's kind of cool I'm going to keep playing with this face that they give me let's play with the hair looks let's go bald there you go process okay I guess it really wants to do here so it obviously has some specific things it wants to use and hair is one of them and there you go all of a sudden it's got a much neater hairstyle let's clear it let's see what we can do from scratch I think I think first things first and almost universally my way of scouting out a tool like this is to use the Jazz avatar so let's let's do that the Jezza avatar always looks different and bad if I'm not using construction lines it seems like the hair color is non-negotiable so unfortunately it's not going to be your classic sandy blond jazz' it's going to be a dark haired jazz ah this looks more like markiplier than jasmine this is awful but I just I just want to get to seeing the result you ready [Music] haha Wow oh my god let's go nice and simple I'm just going to see what it does with an emoji let's go really simple all right and I think it still needs hair so I'm just going to give it a little cowlick alright process that is truly horrifying that could be like that could be an antagonist of a horror game not gonna lie like that is really creepy let's let's start let's get serious the Mona Lisa what is the pics to pics Michael Lisa I'm really being careful with my Mona Lisa a because I don't want it to look like a thumb like last time and be because I actually want to get this program to to do a decent job of representing it will make your progress I gotta say given that my drawing tools are crapper than the original mspaint I'm feeling pretty good about this so far okay so I don't know what effect like line shading would have or anything so I'm going to keep it simple for the first iteration of our Mona Lisa we'll see how this goes process you know is not bad it's got like the bluish tinge it's even got like the outfit that looks like cloth although that Mona Lisa smile leaves something to be desired and I'm definitely getting the impression that it wants to work with a masculine face let's see what line shading does if I just add a little bit of shading to the side of her face like she has in the original piece and let's try and thicken up the eyelashes a little bit let's see how this looks yeah now it doesn't really make a difference it just sort of gives her a facial hair [Music] process and oh that's getting messy alright let's let's see what old Mona Lisa looks like let's give her some aged lines some by their mouth like this let's see what hack it all the Mona Lisa looks like process Oh [Music] that's kind of creepy I'm going to clear this let's work with another classic traditional art piece this is going to be a bad representation of the screen painting by Edward ed Edvard Munch mooch all right process edward munch Edvard Munch oh it needs hair my bad all right process not bad that's scream by pigs to pigs let's have some fun let's step away from the classics let's let's go with some more modern characters all right badly drawn Peter Griffin I don't have to do ready process that that's that's no no no that was anticlimactic all right let's be frank it wasn't very good with Peter Griffin let's just let's just play around with some different facial proportions right go really wide load mouth like this in fact give him some creepy teeth hairstyle like this come on picks two picks show me what you got that matter those teeth look like turned out to look like a really creepy mustache again this hair full upper around the face this is good this is good to go we need a helmet it's pretty legitimate process that it looks like your creepy next-door neighbor right so I'm doing someone without a jaw at all scribble in the hairstyle show me what you got it's it's getting confused with the hair and eyes let's trim back the nose all right let's see how it does with this ah man that's creepy let's go Jack Skellington he doesn't have hair so I have no idea how this is going to turn out wow that's really cool it put hair there whether I liked it or not but oh my goodness I wonder if it pulls more of this face hair away if I just add a bunch more hair oh my goodness it's like Elvis Skellington Elvis skeleton let's give him some sideburns not bad all right well if that's the way you're gonna roll we're going to do Elvis next does that look enough like Elvis I feel like I feel like he's pretty Elvis II all right there's Elvis come on picks two picks this is exactly what you want to work well apparently not a little serial killer II but still not bad feel like it wants another pencil mustache all right what do you get yep it definitely wanted a pencil mustache let's go back to cartoony Mickey Mouse this is a this is Mickey Mouse don't question okay show me the Mickey oh that's precious let's let's just do some sort of an alien creature here all right this is my alien you know some spots on process you know that's not bad doesn't look like an alien but he looks like it did disgruntled office worker let's go demonic this is horns he's a very casual looking demon let's see if he turns out just as casual on the piece ah nicer awesome that worked out really well it's like a cross between a demon and a gym goer who's really into protein I want to know how good it is with expressions I'm going to give this guy a really wide smile just like really happy this is a really happy guy how happy can we get processed not bad I'll tell you what I think we need a little Photoshop retouching here some bright teeth and bright eyes oh there he is Wow oh my god that's amazing let's try Ronald with dogs that's bound to not be creepy oh no oh no I have no idea how this is going to turn out but I can only hope oh no this needs to be recolored in Photoshop all right we've got his red hair and nose here some white this is this is the magic of this program that's what's missing it means Photoshop recoloring and then mwah alright we need to finish off on one more thing I want to do a grand finale I'm going to take a selfie you ready I'm going to get in position actually I think if the pictures of like the other way it's like this so show teeth or not all right I wish I could trace oh I can make this as accurate as possible but I'm just going to do my best I'm going to take my time and this is going to be our last piece to see how closely we can reproduce myself your face and the anticlimax of all of this is that my drawing of myself is just absolutely terrible what other details are we missing we've got the mouth in their nostrils nice and big in Photoshop I'm going to bring my picture across and on top of my sketch and let's just to make sure we're doing this right look it's pretty close I need to bring out the mass here a little bit I need to bring up the jaw a little bit and the ear needs to come up and in jaw needs to come up let's let's do that I think the mouth could come up a little bit too and I think I think that does it I think that's an okay sort of representation obviously not perfect you know you wouldn't look at that and think that's me really but I'm just trying to get as close as I can this is a bit that really matters everything's at stake here this is our last generation oh my goodness I kind of look like I'm from like Hawaii or Japan or something like that and it's actually one of the neatest generations that we've gotten look at a hair that's that's a stylish hairdo well look I don't know what else I can add to this I think I think the results have all spoken for themselves I hope you enjoyed this I'm interested to see what you can come up with I'll put the link in the description tweet me and share me some of your more interesting outcomes of all of the art experiments I've used this is definitely one of the more interesting but that brings me to the end of today's video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to leave a like if you did and subscribe here to draw with Jazza if you want to check out more fun with art sort of videos we do tutorials and challenges and experiments and all sorts of fun stuff thanks for watching lace and joanne and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there you can also check out my behind the scenes daily vlog channel daily Java that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 4,997,824
Rating: 4.9345379 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6, WHEN ART BECOMES REAL!, when art becomes real, art, real, pewdiepie, let's play, pix2pix, transform, turning
Id: 9cgFPttB_RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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