The FFXIV Male Race Tierlist

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well ask and you shall [ __ ] receive i guess this is the 14th tier list on final fantasy 14 on the races available in this game today we're going to be going over the boys the men the chads the misogyny we're going to be going over the same rules as before kind of sorta welcome to the opinionated tier list of the male races in this game and yes there will be more cringey singing you're welcome i'll solve this problem with my four hyper-intelligent brains i'm hungry i'm cold i'm itchy thank god for end walker because those unfortunate souls who have fantasied multiple times can finally look like the canon warrior of light i actually like the male variant a lot more than the female one when it comes to midlanders their animations are extremely subtle feel natural and real the best part is that you can look as attractive as thank red or even more attractive depending on your customization talents my only issue is that when i do hover over the male midlander i can't help but have the urge to create the warrior of light instead of being unique in my own design they get a b for boy [ __ ] i love the dishes tell me how long did it take you to find your twin the only answer i'll accept is three hours or less facial hair is your saving grace for the specimen your animations fall a bit short compared to your female counterpart but somehow this is the figure you use to hold on to that strong masculinity because aura is not your type maybe you don't want to seem edgy or and i say this hypothetically you are aware of the secret information that i will share when the time comes from male aura customization options are staler than your female counterpart but you still hold out on your own and please stop being mean to everyone when we [ __ ] up the mechanics at least 43 times [Music] take up the mantle and strength [Music] let's start off with the fact that you cannot look as attractive as these two but you can look scarily identical to this guy so that's pretty nice allison in this form are still lifeless in terms of animation they are a bit odd in terms of model in the objective eye but for some reason i still feel like they are more attractive looking than their female partners but that's for you to decide they look more honorable than their female counterpart but they still have the same if not slightly the same flaws as that of the females in they're tall honorable and they are nice people [Music] [Music] short evil and chaotic what could be better you and your female counterpart have not much of a difference besides that show of masculinity yeah facial hair and your movements are sporadic and feels like a mix of a man and an infant child mixed together it reminds me of a certain someone in a world filled with many forms of dangers from primals to gods and dragons and emotional distress it's funny that these guys can cause the most problems is it because of their size their ability to mislead people into thinking they're small and cute or is it because of their ability to call you out on a mogus [Music] is [Music] oh [ __ ] dude i'm not trying to get wet right you're a [ __ ] boy on the inside ain't ya everyone hates you for one reason and one reason alone the fact that you could have been a cat girl but was so toxic with your male masculinity that he chose a catboy instead despicable mikos have pretty good animation and some people have a certain twitch when they see those ears wiggle they have really good customizations that fill the dots that need filling either an old grumpy man a piss baby boy or a normal person besides it would be criminal of me to ignore our good friend graha now wouldn't it [Music] they get an a for you thought you had any form of edge in the male roster huh you thought you could one-up your female counterpart huh no if female robots are a rare species that you find in a cut scene then male roas are extinct these guys can only be found in the mcu even they [ __ ] them up you thought i was done roasting them name one main character or memorable side character that was a male robot i'll wait and if you said merle webb's right hand man then good job but i'm sure you forgot their animations are pretty much the same as the femrose and their customization is pretty decent so cool they get an s 4.0 [Music] they get a d for these nuts [Music] i should have used the crash bandicoot theme for this part of the video shouldn't i you know what i will you guys have a reputation for a ton of things that includes but is not limited to crash bandicoot ass animation edgy ass [ __ ] and the groom you have the tightest waistline though so goddamn and your customization options are just as fleshed out as your femora partners now you wanted to know the secret i mentioned in the highlander part didn't you scientifically speaking male auras are the ones that should canonically have the smallest penises and i don't say this as an insult but if your tallest is this and your shortest is this then we have a problem your animations are all right though so don't worry king i'm sure you know how to use it so you can please her wink people high wink doors they stand so tall carrying the moon and bombs they got those horns sharpened more than any sort they'll crush your soul unless they fall and they will fall get a c for cheeky gather around furries your time is come i pity the sorry fools that chose this race and thought they can wear hats i also pity them for having the requirement of getting a face transplant to change their hair how does it feel to know that you need a certain item to have claws how does it feel to have the most unique visual features that are so limited customization is pretty cool and fleshed out for how limited they actually are it's a fairly new race so i will give them credit where credit is due but what the [ __ ] is this come on now animations are pretty alright they feel a bit clumsy at times but carry a mix of a soft cuddly teddy bear and a lion ready to carry out your vore fetishes [Music] [Music] they get a c for cat nick i'm a guy by the way you're a better looking hero when you don't have the ears these guys are your representation of a true man's feelings being a bit if not too much smaller than the female counterpart and having the ability to be the best switch you ever experience you're the newest race added in the time of this video's conceived existence so naturally you're gonna look good animations are very simplistic but they get the job done pretty [ __ ] well and customization put the bun girls under the bus so goddamn hard best thing of all is that they got that gamer pose you know what i'm lazy to make an original song so one boy [Music] they get an s for simp and this is the final tier list if i offended you then by the time this video is up i'll be streaming over on twitch so come hang out if you like with that being said have a wonderful rest of your day or night wherever you're from and i'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: SamTheLemonBoy
Views: 67,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M1BlugIHpfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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