FF14 But I Can't Leave Limsa

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I've always been fascinated by old school runescape's obsession with area locked accounts to enter a massive fun-filled game world and restrict yourself from using almost all of it seems ridiculous but the strange new ways to play the game always make them unique but then old school RuneScape isn't a story driven game with a main scenario Quest what could you even do in Final Fantasy 14 if you were locked to just one city maybe you could dance around with the hordes of people in Old aw or maybe lay down and soak in the sun in gridanya you could still find some fun but if you couldn't leave that would be the limit you would be stuck right where you started unless that city was limsa limsa is the only starting City where you're able to gather something if you could unlock Fisher and get the starting funds for some lures you could continuously catch fish off of the docks and that's not all limsa also has access to its own instance ocean fishing which has even more high value fish and with those fish you could earn Gill by selling to Merchants and purchase better gear off the market board and by making use of all the merchants in the city you could level up the three available crafting classes so here's the plan I'm going to get my Fisher to level 90 complete the fishing log from the upper and lower decks including the two big fish found in those areas get armorer blacksmith and culinarian to level 30 and get a 10 000 Point voyage and all of that without ever leaving limset these achievements will show our progress and to prove we never leave the city we can use the exploration achievements if I ever step out of limsa even accidentally for just a second I'll be given one of these achievements and be forced to restart the account with our gorgeous bunny boy created and the best possible name chosen it was time to start our long journey we were going to need high level fishing gear to complete the fishing logs which meant somehow getting a lot of money the upper and lower decks each have a unique Big Fish the golden fin for upper and the OCTA Mammoth for lower both of these fish required 300 Gathering as a minimum to have a chance to catch to get anywhere near that number we would have to rely on the market board so with that in mind we had to start scratching together some starting funds and we'll get those starting funds from completing every quest in limsa that I can which is surprisingly a decent amount as we go through the AFT castle for another Quest we take a quick detour to the mail Mogul the male Moogle is filled with all the account items I've accumulated over my years of applying very few of these are going to be usable and most will just stand as good fashion but there's one item in here that's integral to later in the run but it's a bit too early to talk about that for now the best items from this are the feather circlet to boost our XP until Level 25 in the Tantalus outfit to give us some nice new clothes after finishing up at the mail Moogle we've completed our last main quest All Too Soon the level 4 Quest onto Summerford is the first Quest that makes you leave limsa so we'll never get any further than this aside from the occasional combat quests like rats in The Wharf we finish up every side quest in the city and end up with a grand total of 1085 kill and to get every cent we possibly can we sell the potions and ethers we got from our quests leaving us with 1112 Gill for our fishing gear so we've gotten this far and I'm sure you're wondering how we're even going to unlock Fisher in the first place as men many of you may know to unlock any new class you have to complete the level 10 quest for your starting class the problem with that is for Arcanist and any other starting class the quests will require you to leave limsa and kill mobs so there are currently two ways to deal with this the first is what most would expect you make an exception leave limset to do the quests and come back and never leave again but since the main way for us to check if I've properly completed this challenge is to look at the achievements this would effectively ruin the account it would be way too easy for me to pretend like I never left blimsa and go run off to Summerford and so we come to option two there is another way one so ridiculous that it just might work hey to win baby the level skip available from the Mog Station will automatically complete the quests for any class you level up including of course the level 10 Quest this means that essentially if we give in to corporate greed it might count as the completion necessary to unlock crafting and Gathering classes though with the hope of having the perfect glim set account we shelled out 25 and it worked all those red class quests turned over to Blue the levels skip also comes with a lot of good items it gives armor a weapon and 500 000 guilt which I promptly threw away as I didn't want to trivialize things by starting with half a mil he had other plans for a large amount of money that didn't require buying things off the Mog Station something that anyone trying this challenge could do even if they took the first option final items thrown out and feeling a bit underdressed Fisher was unlocked after a quick stop to pick out a nice new outfit we had to complete the first quest in the next 15 minutes I was trying to get on the next ocean fishing voyage and to do that we would need some anchovies you know with all the fishing in this video it would be surprising if I didn't do a fishing for subscribers Joe uh while collecting those anchovies we gotta start on filling the fishing log with finger shrimps melt or Gobi mom kelp and laments and anchovies a few short minutes later the anchovies were handed over and ocean fishing was unlocked the quests turn in for ocean fishing also got us the greatest spoon we could ask for 10 versatile lures the normal price of a versatile lure is 300K if we were lucky and they didn't all break this could be enough to get us to 90 without ever having to spend Gill on bait which was really important since the Pacific Ocean fishing bait cost eight Gill each what a rip-off dude plump worm oh my God those are expensive and with that we have the most important unlock for this character ocean fishing I'll go over why when we get on the first ship for now we had some time before the next Voyage so I grabbed some pill bugs to get started on the next Fisher Quest questing started we had Harbor herrings and coral butterflies to the law rehearing later the quest was complete getting us new gear and a huge stockpile of bait crayfish ball bait wasn't exactly useful in limsa but it was a nice emergency fund of 99 Gil if we ever fell on hard times the next fishing Quest sent us outside of limset to catch a princess trout so this was the end of gathering Quests for now shortly after it was time for our first ocean boy after the obligatory dynamis wait times six minutes later we got a full boat and it's time to ship off as I mentioned earlier ocean fishing is the Crux of this character two of the five main goals are reliant on ocean fishing the 10 000 Point Voyage which would take an insane amount of luck with how limited my abilities are and level 90 fishing the fish on limp's docks give a good amount of experience from Level 1 to 15. but anything higher than that and it starts to be in the tens of hours per level while the experience from ocean fishing scales with your level so it makes reaching level 90 much more realistic and of course there's one more thing that makes it important oh okay I will take a three right off the bat oh oh my God a spectral my first fish is a spectral that's sick team kill I'm Gonna Be Rich hold on wait this is amazing for money spectrals are 16 get another one more money more Gill two spectrals in a row that's 32 Gil I'm Gonna Be Rich by the end of this if you didn't know the green Hue on an item is called dungeon Rarity those spectral butterflies weren't the only ones priced so high all of the dungeon Rarity fish from voyages were worth 16 kill there's an event in ocean fishing called the spectral current the current has a very rare chance to appear every time someone catches a spectral fish and of all the people on this boat I had the lowest chance to cause it since you have to catch a specific fish normally players will stock up on the three baits we saw earlier and use the preferred bait for each area but all I had was a versatile loot so rather than targeting any specific fish I just caught everything it would be absolutely ridiculous if I ever no way dude no way I got I've gotten four spectrals and I just pulled the spectral current okay wow alrighty then there goes my luck for the rest of the video this is what makes ocean fishing so overpowered during the current fish will bite much faster than normal and the animation for catching them is heavily reduced more importantly for us though all of the fish from spectral currents are dungeon-rated at 16 Gil per catch this was the best way for us to make money and we could do it three times per Voyage my low level and lack of gear meant we lost some fish to GP but other than that the first spectral went amazing I just pulled four spectral butterflies almost in a row got spectral current and now I'm rich out of my mind after getting spectrals in the next two areas I managed to stupidly high score from My Level 8650 for my first one reached level 30 got a new friend I got the little minion I know his name is the major general but I'm gonna call him the Admiral the Admiral is here to hang out with us for the rest of our fishing adventures and a nice bit of guilt from selling the fish 400 Gil for that that is insanely good money with our new riches in hand it was time to get a pulse on the market everything within reach right now was decently low level so there wasn't a point just yet it seemed like we we had a chance for better gear at reasonable prices once we leveled up but for now it was time to store up our Gill and grind out levels I mean I'm happy with this that was super super good for our first voyage with our setup complete and the first voyage done it was time to log off hopping back on we grabbed some mineral water from the culinarian Guild for boosting experience during voyages if you didn't know food Buffs will boost your experience gained by three percent nothing crazy but sometimes it can push you over the line while queuing in for the next Voyage we try to get some progress on our fishing logs that lose the new fish pretty quick 21 minutes later we reached level 42 and sell off our fish at 1978 Gill we're just barely below 2000 so I take the time to work on the fishing log and earn a bit more after catching an ocean cloud and missing the mooch fish again we're sat at a nice clean 2000 Gil third voyage I joined in a bit late so I got to watch everyone run off and have fun without me while waiting for the ship we get the last normal fish for our fishing log the blue octopus there were only two fish left to get and both required at least 300 Gathering so now we were just fishing for Gill we didn't get the special current but I did get my Megalodon wait the Megalodon didn't count as a shark what is a Megalodon if not a shark for the first time on this character we got unlucky and had one area without a spectral current if we got a spectral current in the next area we could make up for it but it hurts a lot to miss one when that's the main way we make guilt counteract that bad luck we got a buff from some passing Dolphins to increase our chances of causing a spectral and started one about a minute into the area Dolphins also provide a buff that increases your GP regen so I could use my abilities all that I wanted without much issue then I pulled in a bit of a special fish 690 points oh that one was huge and then I got another one we ran out of time for the final cast but finished this area with almost 4 000 points I started with just 900 so this had been insanely luck if I could finish all three Voyage missions and get some good fish in the next area this might be our 10 000 Point run the spectral came in late with only two minutes left on the area though we still managed to get over 5 000 points but we only managed one of the three voyage missions so our bonuses for voyages were low and we ended with only 8 900 points incredibly close but not enough this just served as a reminder for how ridiculously lucky we would have to get to get our 10 000 Point Voyage with our third voyage complete we reached level 51 and earned about 400 kill after the voyage I did a bit of window shopping on Market board to see what our future gear could look like most of the left side equipment like chess pieces or pants were ridiculously expensive the only items that were manageable were main hand tools and some accessories for our left side equipment we might have to rely on the shops in limset the prices are still expensive for how weak the gear is but it's a lot more realistic even if it doesn't give many stats early the next morning we queue in for another voyage and spend some more time at the market board originally for this challenge I wanted to be self-sufficient Not only would it be cheaper to make the gear myself but it would also expand the goals to leveling all of my crafting class so to check if this was even possible we grabbed a level 1 tool from the fieldcraft supplier though to no one's particular surprise we aren't able to equip any tools for classes that we haven't unlocked for your quests and we're once again left with just three available Crafters dreams crushed and 69 gilpora it's time to fish it was our first time ocean fishing without a full boat so we had to Hope people knew what they were doing I'm really hoping for some luck here on getting the spectral current because we've only got 12 people dolphin buff has arrived thankfully things went well and we got all three spectrals with plenty of time to use them level 56 and just under 400 Guild for our fish things were going great the funds we needed to get equipment were still far Out Of Reach thankfully I had a plan for how to handle it there was one thing from much earlier in the run that would get us enough for high level gear but first we needed to hit a good level for it so we're on to the fifth Voyage while waiting for the ship I took the chance to practice spinning mobs for solo only zamel attempts with a full boat and all spectrals who reach level 62 and hit 3100 kill 62 was a high enough level to get one of the best fishing rods for limsa for just 1500 kill is level 62 rod on its own gave us 242 Gathering now we were just 37 Gathering away from finishing the limbs of fishing logs but with how much Gathering equipment costs even for low-level gear that was no easy task so it was time to unveil my secret plan the 1000 Gill we started with wasn't our only starting fund another was just a bit more hidden silver Chocobo feathers are given to players for making a character on a preferred world and for players that use the recruit a friend program these feathers can be traded in at the Calamity salvager for high-level combat gear which can then in turn be sold to a merchant for a ridiculous influx of kill so with the 10 feathers from the preferred world and 10 feathers from recruit a friend we can get eight pieces of level 80 armor every armor piece sells for 1625 Gill bringing us just short of fifteen thousand Rich out of my mind it was time for a shopping trip the cheapest armor still comes from an NPC so we would end up spending a lot on low quality gear a linen dutlet gets us to 293 Gathering and some hemp and work gloves push us over 300. you might be thinking couldn't you have just used food Buffs to do this rather than buying the equipment uh yeah probably I didn't think of that until just now but either way we were finally able to finish our fishing logs after spending plenty of time sitting around waiting we pull in our first big fish the OCTA Mammoth was the last fish we needed for the lower decks and also a very expensive fish 25 kill per fish is a huge incentive to catch this but it wasn't very consistent at least it was some extra money outside of ocean fish with another OCTA mammoth caught I pawned them off to the nearest Fender and log off until the next VoIP many days later on May 22nd Final Fantasy 14 got its new major patch 6.4 the dark throne with the usual new msq and a lot of other things we can't make use of there was one update that affected lims ocean fishing got a new higher level route the Ruby route upon seeing this I stopped reading immediately and headed to the docks I was incredibly excited what would this new route hold higher value fish better experience more achievements to add to the list hello Gamers welcome back to another day of limsu new patch just came out so I'm gonna see if maybe there's some older accessories that are cheaper that could give me some GP maybe it looks like they're still just as ridiculously expensive but either way new patch new patch said it included some funny new areas for our ocean fishing and so of course our ocean Fisher must participate and so excited as I could be I sat waiting for my big moment ready to cast out to unknown lands we registered aboard it is time to go but for some reason the voyage wasn't starting nothing too crazy I suppose I was on dynamis after all but something felt off okay so once this ocean fishing trip is over I'm gonna hop over to Crystal with his character just to get the ocean fishing trips to go a bit faster because it's nine minutes now before we can get on this boat and I had queued up for that has it opened it's taken a while the time waiting for the boat gave me a chance to check for any other stat upgrades we can get I had thought for a while that I would never be able to meld my gear but having never checked the Materia melders and limsa I had a bit of hope that maybe I had a chance but sadly even the Materia melder requires you to talk to mutemix so melding my gear was once again not enough the Materia melder won't actually meld my gear until after I've unlocked it from you to mix so we're not getting saved there 15 minutes later the queue ended and we got on a boat with just seven people not even a full party my concerns from earlier turned out to be more than just a vague bad feeling I was still on the same boat route I was used to and there were way less people than usual so as I fished I looked into things a bit and I was crushed I have to unlock it no way dude really the new ocean fishing route had to be unlocked in kugane which means all this update would do is ruin the ocean fishing I could access I'm dependent on other people right because I can never use the bait to get spectrals because I just have to use versatile lure because that's the most cost efficient so I'm relying on other people using the proper bait to get me spectrums our little seven-man crew own only managed to get one spectral for the whole Voyage so things weren't going so well for me level 67 and around 200 Gil worth of fish we were going to have to hope that this was just a dynamos problem with a horde of folks on crystal waiting for the next Voyage it seemed like things might not be so bad until that horde started to disappear oh no they're all going to the new one aren't they stuck on a seemingly endless wait time we distracted ourselves with a new friend at the end of the queue 15 minutes later we had a boat of 10 people once again confused as to why a Megalodon is not a shark this Voyage went just as bad as the last one another boat with only one spectral current it was looking like I had to change my priorities and start using the funds I had on hand level 71 and another 200 kill it seemed like we were getting further and further away from our ten thousand Point Voyage after catching zero OCTA mammoths to supplement our income I had a sudden Revelation it was still a way for me to complete my fishing quests while I couldn't leave limset to catch the princess Trot I would need I never had to I assumed earlier that I would have to catch the fish myself but in actuality all you need to do is hand one in so grabbing two off the market board for 200 kill we managed to complete another fishing quest in the hopes of getting more gear upgrades we took the next Quest unlike the princess trout I needed five Navigator daggers and they were much more expensive on Marketplace not just the Navigator daggers every other fish we needed for future quests just kept getting more expensive so our fishing quests were at an end but it was time for a similar type of grind the first crafter to unlock is culinarian this was by far the most useful class of the three Crafters but the ability to make food for my Fisher plus I could use the fish I caught off the docks for materials in my craft after getting dressed we start off with the easy part of the grind each crafter has one major hurdle when leveling them the materials I could buy from NPCs would only get me as far as the level 15 recipes once we were working through 25 to 30 we would almost exclusively have to rely on the market for for now we took advantage of the early levels and stocked up on everything we would need for culinary the next Quest required us to be a level 5 and it just so happened we had an extra princess trout to get us there but after accidentally improving my quality instead of progress we failed the craft instead we used the lumens and anchovies we caught earlier for fish meal after leveling up we're met with a worst case scenario it has to be a grilled trout are you kidding me I'm such an idiot our slip up from earlier cost us much more than just finding a new way to level 200 gilgon from our pockets and Masters men to ensure we complete the craft the high quality trout is made and we get some fancy new boots at level 9 we were starting to get more and more recipes we couldn't get in limsa but there were plenty of low-level ones we hadn't done yet but if sweet cream and smooth butter gets us to level 11 and ready for the next Quest the level 10 Quest was an easy one only using materials from the NPCs two grilled dodos later our Quest was complete and got us a better chess piece while leveling there was one thing I noticed I needed to follow up on culinarian is the only crafting class I've seen that can turn one material into multiple two Buffalo milk will turn into five smooth butter and a high quality butter is worth two guilt that means that I could buy Buffalo milk from the NPC for eight kill use one fire Shard and profit one gift was it amazing no but it was much more consistent than the OCTA Mammoth and I could do it between Voyage the only problem was the fire shorts this hinged on fire shards costing one Gill each when checking the market board we were way off a price for this to be profitable so it seemed like we were out of luck at 62 Gil per fire Shard there was no way to make it work even if I couldn't do it indefinitely through the market board I still had a lot of fire shards I could use at 702 fire shards if we used smooth butter we could make around 1400 kill since things were so limited I wanted to look around first if my questing fire shards were all I had I wanted to make sure whatever I did gave me the most money per craft and with leave quests locked behind the msq this was our best way to make money with crafting the first option was fish meal for zero Gill we could catch three anchovies off the top and make 12 fish meals the issue was the time it would take to catch 2100 anchovies to use up all of my fire shards and then craft it all then I found the perfect I purchased three Gill we could purchase rock salt from an NPC to craft a table saw an effective profit of nine Gill per craft or three if I quick synth normal quality that's three Gill for 12. that's a lot of money if I did every single one of these craps at high quality where's my calculator that would be 6K oh my God I threw one together to start things off but for now it was a proof of concept to show that I was in fact sitting on a pile of money for whenever I needed it right now I needed to save my shards as I didn't know how much it would take to level up my crafters and purchasing more shards off the market board was not an option so we're back to leveling my culinary some tomato sauce akura beans for kokura butter and some maple sugar her three high quality Pearl chocolate crafts the level 15 Quest needs to meet nicob and we can buy all the items from NPCs to make another Quest down we get another upgrade for our shoes with a level 21 to 25 crafts available we start quickly running out of options from the NPCs one of the few items we can still do is a dark pretzel and three pretzels later we're level 20. for the level 20 Quest we need some dried plums which we'll have to get off the market for the pixie plums were a bit expensive but thankfully someone was selling a single plant 390 kill later the plums were made and the quest was done we had avoided new headgear up to now because of the Friendship Circle the circlet gives a bonus to experience gained below level 25 and since we were about to lose that experience boost on my culinarian we take the new headpiece for later but the anchovies we had on hand we threw together some fish meal and started completing all of the lower level crafts for experience olive oil more kukuru powder a bit of flour some pie dough doing in for the next voyage and some high quality rabbit pies to use on my Fisher oh full party thankfully my issues from earlier seems to have calmed down and people were doing normal ocean fishing again with our rabbit pies as a snack it was time for a well-deserved good Voyage which of course means it's time to lose our first lure and no spectrals in the first area and in the second area we got the spectral with just a minute left final area we got the spectral pretty quickly but we did lose out on a good bit of experience from the first zones at least it was a full boat 6 800 points level 74 and just over 400 kills now it was back to grinding culinarian who grabbed some super cheap Antelope Shanks discover popoto's are from Market board way more expensive data center hop to find some for cheap Rob some for two Gill on lamia make three Antelope sues grab a cheap I'll go Chuck and craft an all-goat stake to hit Level 25. luckily enough all to Goat steak just so happens to be the item for the Quest level 25 done and some fancy new gloves obtained we were in the final stretch looking to use up the rest of the old coat we grabbed some Highland parsley off Market board and make a Furniture item Riviera sup it only gave us around 9 000 experience but it sells to a merchant for 150 Gil each not including shards this was a nice profit off of Market board items with a cheap stack of 26 Alco Chucks we get to work seven crafts later we're out of Highland parsley sell off all of the suppers and finish our leveling with all goat's sakes culinarian was 30 and our first crafter goal was complete to finish things off we grabbed the level 30 Quest the first high quality request also needs us to grab some Raptor shank and Sun lemon off the market board after seeing some outrageous prices we grab a raptor shank for 500 kill and 10 Sun lemons for a thousand a high quality Raptor shank made the level 30 Aryan Quest was finished and now as a level 32 we can take the moment and see we profited off leveling my crafter the quest rewards almost always counteracted the cost of leveling and after selling off our final items we were over 10 000 kill one of three Crafters finished it was time to take a break until our next void Revitalize the next morning we try and hop on another boat stuck with the early morning wait times even on Crystal I had to do something to fill the time so it was time to start crafting blacksmith and armor are unlocked we had around five minutes to get through the first level both quests required one bronze and get so I crafted one on each class as we handed them both in our ship was ready to set with 13 people on board I didn't have the highest of hopes but all we needed was a bit of luck we start things off with a very light spectral but still managed to get a good few fish my big moment pulling up the spectral current no somebody got it right before me and it was a spectral That was supposed to be my moment come on the first fish we pulled up this spectral showed us just how lucky a boat could be ooh shark that's a really good shark and another one okay that's really really lucky another 500. another 500. this is amazing that was insane I've got almost 4 000 points not including any of my bonuses by far the best chance we've had at our 10 000 Point achievement now it was all up to the third area and any bonuses if I could complete all three Voyage missions or cause a spectral I had it no question right as a group of dolphins arrived we got the last spectral I didn't cause it but the dolphin buff gave us all the GP we needed to catch Plenty of Fish and all of those fish pushed us up to 5400 points but there was still a problem that spectral and this entire area hadn't been enough to complete either of my remaining missions so it was left up to fate I just had to hope my bonuses would be enough oh 20 no way you've gotta be joking dude if I had just gotten one more mission after being 97 points on off one of our goals I was feeling a bit dejected so I worked on leveling my last Crafters at least there was one goal I could control we had been given 60 copper ore from the level 1 quests so first order of business is turning them all into ingots an inhuman amount of bronze ingots a new hammer for my blacksmith three more hammers for my blacksmith Quest a hammer for my armor from bronze plates and three bronze hoplands gets us to level 12 on my armor while completing the level 5 Quest and level 11 on my blacksmith while doing the same since I had gotten all of the crafter gear from my culinarian quests I could take the sellable items this time making these quests even more profitable for the level 10 quests we needed 12 bronze plates and 12 bronze rivets easygo acquired we were getting through these quests at a Breakneck Pace it sure would be terrible if there was suddenly some problem preventing me from doing any more quests next is a bronze helmet our first craft of iron a bronze buckler a fancier helmet a bronze spatha and a big spiked ax compared to my culinarian these quests were going great I was consistently over leveled for each segment and I was raking in tons of gill from rewards with both quests handed in armorer was level 19 and blacksmith was eight since I needed the experience I took the chance to make new tools for level 21. we got 2u Lumber off the market board and crafted a new hammer for my blacksmith and armor one iron plate later both classes were at level 20 and it was time for the next Quest wait what well you must also attach a single Materia to it no way dude I have to actually hop every single world and hope that there is a cross pane Hammer with a material on it for sale somebody has to do that right because it's a quest people will do that and just put it up for stupid high prices yes but it's 27k no way dude and there wasn't even a hoplun with a Materia for the armor request there was nothing I could do I hopped around worlds for a while but it was rare to find one in stock let alone one that had Materia in it I showed earlier that the only out I had the materium Elder NPCs wouldn't meld until after you unlocked it yourself so I would need almost triple my current kill for a level 20 Quest so we sold off all the extra bits and Bobs from our questing so far and we had to finish getting to level 30 on our own since questing was finished we'd be slowly draining our funds until we leveled up which was only made worse by the insane price of iron ore even from NPC Iron Ingots into rings and Joint plates and iron plate and Ash lumber for an iron skillet more iron and lumber or War ax and iron Hatchet the war acts into an inferno act skewing up for the next voyage and some iron pliers right as the voyage became in the middle of a craft alright just give me two seconds I'll get to the voyage in a minute we missed out on Final spectral but we ended at level 80 with a bunch of new fish to add to the collection a few voyages ago I decided to start stockpiling fish instead of selling them to Merchants so we could see how much we had at the very end back to business we're crafting more pliers the crafts for level 26 to 30 use steel ingots we were going to need some bomb ash off the market for thankfully people were selling it for cheap but rarely in small amounts to finish off my blacksmith who makes him seal ingots steel nails and steel rivets to reach level 30. we used seven of our eight bomb ash for Blacksmith so we needed to improvise a bit for armor iron and bronze ingots bronze rivets and Rings an iron plate to make an initiates Olympic and an iron alembic iron helmets to make fancier iron helmets the final Steel Ingot for steel rings a brass and get from an NPC to turn our iron alembic into a conical alembic many more Olympics more bomb ash off the market board and some steel rings to finish things off level 30 armor that is all three Crafters at level 30. and with that in just under 14 hours my crafter goals were finished now there were only three goals left level 90 Fisher the limsa upper decks fishing log completion and the ever elusive 10 000 Point Voyage we catch our first fish on the upper decks to unlock the fishing log and get ready for the final Big Catch selling off all the crafter items we had left it was time to take stock of our remaining funds one way to make the 10 000 Point Voyage easier was to use triple hook but with just 6200 kill left there was no way we could get the 350 GP to use not even with our beloved crab cakes after around an hour it was time for another Voyage now that we were level 80 experience from ocean fishing would slow down drastically since the road to 80 buff had fallen off road to 80. a buff you get for making a character on a preferred world had been doubling all of our experience gains since the very beginning without it things are going to feel a lot slower we missed one of the earlier spectrals but in the final area I pulled one up myself the worst possible one we could have gotten because there's only a minute left but I did it all the same it was from me you're welcome everybody but even with the bonus for spectral current it still wasn't even close to ten thousand while waiting for the next Voyage we go hunting for the golden fin but it ends up getting away it was only enough time for one attempt and right after we get the First full Voyage we've had in a long time after getting lucky with a strong fight Mission and using identical cast for sharks we managed to get all three Voyage missions done with a full boat of people and all three missions finished it was looking like a perfect storm to get ten thousand but that would be too easy as if the game was apologizing to me right after the voyage we landed our golden fin there she is that is the goldfin caught and all of the lipsa fishing logs are completed just two things left level 90 fishing and a 10 1000 volt later that night around 1am I couldn't sleep and decided to do another Voyage in my sleep deprived super I forgot to record my audio but hey that's what narration is for the first spectral came early giving us plenty of time to rack up points and we ended the first area with 1800 there was no spectral for the second area but I took the chance to stack up as many angler Arts as I could three stacks of angular Arts could be used to get 150 GP back so when the next spectral came we could do some incredible combos with five minutes left and the dolphin buff activated we got our final spectral identical casting a high value puffer fish and one last eel gets us over 5100 points and right at the end with 50 seconds left we managed to finish all three Voyage missions I had never been happier that I couldn't sleep just like that there was only one goal left the easiest of the set Fisher at level 90 after using the mount I would never be able to summon it was time to rest waking up the next morning we hop on a voyage and end up with 4 million experience left tonight the next Voyage would be our last with a heavy heart we cue in for our final oh fishing Voyage standing Atop The ship's figurehead we take in the sights one last time and then surrounded by the lights of the spectral current our journey came to its end as the sun sets on our final voyage there was just one thing left to do our collection of fish had gotten ridiculous it was time to sell everything off for all that fish we made 3 400 kill as a final farewell I wanted to spend it all and there was a high level Gathering earring just Within Reach so after making use of our fire shards for table salts with one final sale to our favorite NPC at long last we had our first new accessory without ever leaving Lim Salamence not a single area in lenosha nothing in thanolin nothing in central shroud still on the level 4 msq that wants me to leave and go to Middle lenosha we have gotten everything everything I set up to do is done all of my Crafters are at level 30. my Fisher is at level 90. we got our 10 000 Point voyage and the mount that comes with it that I'll never be to use we've got honestly some really good gear for how limited our money has been 19 hours and 41 minutes for a perfect limsa account I'm really proud of this one I really am Goodbye Mr dolphin goodbye
Channel: Rath Games
Views: 24,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 14, ff14, ffxiv, Limsa, ff14 Limsa, Limsa Locked, Limsa Only, Rath Limsa, Limsa Fisher, Limsa Challenge, ff14 Challenge
Id: gclcHIwPEys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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