The Binding Coils of Bahamut - FFXIV Recap

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[Music] the tragedy of bahamut is one of man and dragon spanning thousands of years but our story starts not all too far in the past it was in the waning days of the sixth astral era eorzia stood at the precipice of disaster the guardian empire had amassed a powerful army seeking to fully conquer her lands led by the fourteenth and seventh legion and the respective legati gaius van belsar the black wolf and the white raven nail van darnis struggling to contend with the heroes of eorzea and the primals of the beast tribes nail and the seventh legion envisioned a radical solution to their wayward subjects in waiting project meteor a plan requiring lost knowledge of ancient allag was devised in order for garlamald to pull hydeland's lesser moon dalamud down from the heavens crashing it into aorzia from which the garlians then might rule and rebuild from its ashes in these same days the archon luis leviour arrived in eorzea convinced of dire portents that hearkened the seventh umbral calamity he was determined to help save the realm despite the opposition of his native charleon and the protestations of his son discovering that dalamud was in fact no moon but a space prison designed as a celestial cell for a primal nail and the seventh legion created a mechanism by which it might be contacted creating a castrum from which nail might transmit to the moon in order to call down dalamud the grand companies of aorzia put aside their differences and gathered their forces to assault and destroy the outpost though they succeeded the white raven took flight and atop a formation of rocks above kurthus initiated the final activation signal which reached out to the artificial moon and began the chain reaction that would bring about dalamud's final descent clearly gone mad and chanting both to dalamud and what lay within nail was defeated by a group of heroes and his body's aether was drawn into the lesser moon his defeat however was too late to halt the inevitable impact luis suarez seeing the seventh umbral calamity was doomed to come to pass began a desperate plan in order to halt the moon's descent he would travel eorzia bidding its people have faith in the twelve that their belief might prove sucker for his aims the moon ever approaching despite the defeat of their leader and the oncoming apocalypse the soldiers of the seventh legion were ordered and proceeded to gather and assault the heart of eorzea at the flats of cardinal the grand companies of aorzia forced to defend themselves met them in battle as the red moon hung ever lower and shards of it proceeded to break apart and rain hellfire upon eorzea meeting with unmatched ferocity the heroes on both sides stood fought and fell in droves it was all for naught however victory or defeat regardless the red moon descended eventually breaking apart to reveal the elder primal bahamut finally free of his ancient prison after five thousand years of confinement and torture by allag friend and foe fled as one in that moment and as bahamut swept across the land blasting it with fire and darkness despair gripped the realm as the seventh umber calamity began even amidst the darkness a light broke free luisa's plan was initiated a primal summoning of the twelve based in the aether of the realm and the prayers of all the people of eorzea who wished for one thing salvation the plan seemed like it would work as the primal was brought forth and began to seal bahamut it was not enough bahamut broke free of his fetters and as the elder primal stood drenched in shadow and flame prepared to cast its most mighty spell to end the land luis suarez with the last of his strength cast magics of all thick throwing those heroes still left upon the battlefield into an ethereal rift where they might be frozen in time until it was safe to return to a realm reborn in a flash of light a lone hero returned to the world five years later only to discover that the realm had survived muhammad's assault and that the elder primal had mysteriously disappeared with no one sure how it had been halted or defeated what's more luis was missing and presumed dead and the people of the realm suffered only hazy recollections of those events at cardinal even those brave heroes who stood upon the field as bahamut made ready to end the realm were little more than blurry shadows in the memory of the people beyond this the seventh umbral calamity had marred the realm with astrally polarized aether resulting in large shards of corrupted orange crystals the hero who returned known to us as the warrior of light aided the grand companies of aorzia in defeating the lingering darkness of the realm and bringing about the end of the seventh umbral era and the rise of the seventh astral era it is at this dawn where our story begins as the echoes of the past ring out in the early days of the seventh astral era the warrior of light went about contending with primal threats of the land having faced down the primals summoned by the beast tribes once more they were left to contend with a looming presence eryange informed them that as they slew primals another presence the same one that had roared at the dawn of the seventh astral era was growing ever stronger as if the slaying of the primals and the subsequent release of aether was feeding it as grave as this seemed there was hope as the second of the levier twins had offered her aid ali say sister to alfino was to act as the warrior of light's companion in their investigations meeting her in lenocia she reintroduced herself as it had been quite some time since the two had first and last met going over their current information she reiterated the events of kart now and dalaimu's fall explaining that the calamity had affected the very etheric channels of aorzia creating irregular pools of aether and forming subterranean tunnels all throughout eorzea's underground one of these caverns lay below castrum occidents in eastern lenocia following the etheric fluctuations that had alerted urianje in the first place they began their descent ali say further explaining along the way her grandfather louis swa's role five years prior his mysterious vanishing and her deep desire for closure on the matter descending hundreds of yoms underground they were greeted by a sea of corrupted aether crystals an inordinate amount of aether being required in their formation there must have been a source knowing of dalamud's history and presuming garlamald's desire to investigate the remnants of the mechanical moon that had sunk into the earth they pressed on only to discover the defense systems of dalamud were yet active and they would have to fight their way through finding their way through a maze of crystal tunnels and remnants of elegant technology they eventually came to an open part of the cavern the two witnessed the wing of bahamut half made of the very crystal that surrounded it proof that the dread worm had in fact been defeated but if the primal had been slain then why was his physical form not dissipating like that of other primals with their first clue as to louis swa's fate but now holding many more questions the two ventured ever deeper as an enigmatic figure watched traveling down first one thousand then two thousand yarms deep they fought their way past all manner of twisted creations of allag arriving upon a landing which to alice's shock turned out to be the outstretched talons that was once the hand of bahamut after the sudden shock a question lingered if his form was still corporeal then the aether of bahamut had not returned to the land and thus what had caused aorzia's resurrection in the first place before much consideration could be afforded the two were beset by dragons of marisidia colored in elegant artifacts known as neural links which allowed for their enslavement besting the dragons and arriving inside a large shard of dalamud alisay sought to activate its mechanism in the hopes of furthering progress as it awoke it opened to show the decapitated head of bahamut with a crystalline heart of darkness pulsating with life it was being stimulated by pylons three that surrounded it with the fourth being the one upon which alisay and the warrior of light stood though it seemed no longer active having been shut off by alice's tinkering these pylons known as internment hulks were the very binding coils of bahamut themselves distressed at the revelation that luis sua's sacrifice had been for naught alisay resolved to retreat until she saw the shade of two figures from afar one of which seemed to be louis sua begging for him not to leave alisay watched the figures vanish and so she and the warrior of light fled using an ethereal exit out of the binding coil that transported them above ground the duo found themselves not in linocia but in northern thanolin many moms away from their starting point it seemed the tunnels that house bahamut's broken form ran throughout eorzea a giant spiderweb with bahamut's heart located beneath kartnau unsure of their next move but resolved to defeat bahamut and discover why her grandfather would not return to them alisay returned to urianje to prepare for her next course of action discussing the revelations discovered beneath the ground urianje surmised that bahamut itself was draining the land of its aether and regenerating slowly beginning to stir the binding coils were in fact not only a method of containment keeping muhammad in a kind of stasis but also saw that the elder primal was unable to die and forcibly sustained even after his prison had broken apart and bahamut was defeated the binding coils were acting to maintain and restore his form as they had done for five thousand years inside of dalamud knowing what his resurrection would mean for the realm ali say in the warrior of light prepared to shut off all three of the remaining coils and thus remove that which kept bahamut alive readying to once more brave the deaths of aorzia the entrance to the second binding coil of bahamut was located in the northern region of the black shroud its ingress a massive shard of dalamud that stood grim over the twelve's wood before arriving however the warrior of light was pulled aside by alfano levadeer who spoke of his concern for his sister not for her physical safety as she was more than capable of handling herself but for her reasons behind fighting she seemed more focused on saving her grandfather than the realm he sought to protect alfino implored the warrior of light help her to discover a better reason to fight for the salvation of aorzia before taking his leave upon arrival alisay and the warrior of light braved their way towards the shard of dalamud the air around it humming with corrupted crystals and aether fighting their way through corrupted flora and fauna and arriving at the entrance of the structure they found themselves face to face with a ghost of the past nail vandarnus the white raven stood clad in their armor looking the same as that fateful day above kurthus ali say calling out to them elicited confusion as if the name was unfamiliar uncertain how nail had survived but sure of their tempering alisei and the warrior of light resolved to contend with this threat but nail merely offered a warning to go no further and retreated giving chase for yom after yom deep into the elegant construct facing mechanical and etherochemical malcreations the two eventually arrived in a chamber that appeared as if an exact recreation of that final battle against the white raven five years prior with dalamud hanging low on the horizon finding the shade of nail there who proclaimed it to be a holy sanctuary of bahamut nail attempting to summon forth the primal's power began to glow alisay struck out with her magic removing nail's helmet with a single spell and revealing not a man as assumed but a woman beneath claiming to be an amalgam of memory and soul born from the remnants of nail van darnis absorbed by bahamut the being transformed into a draconic demon and a pitch battle ensued though a struggle the warrior of light struck a mortal blow and as nail fell to the ground in defeat the projection of the simulated battlefield faded away seeming to only be an elegant illusion as nails stood there her form fading away her old self seemed to return relinquished from bahamut's control in her final moments memories of the past and anger at becoming a pawn of the very primals she sought to destroy filled her ali say begged for more insight on the fate of her grandfather but had her pleas fall on deaf ears nail merely imploring her to march on and steal herself for what lay ahead if she'd have her answers a piercing light broke the silence and its beam shot through nail's chest as a familiar voice boomed out commanding her to cease her chattering nail now free and fading was of no further use to bahamut and so was forevermore silenced seeking the source of the light and voice alisay in the warrior of light rested upon the second coil and the frame of bahamut now half restored to its original form giving voice to her resolve to save the realm alisay shut off the second binding coil leaving only two left to deactivate as the duo began to withdraw a surge of energy blasted alisei aside luis suarez standing before them demanded alisay cease her quest to prevent bahamut's revival displaying nothing but contempt for his once beloved granddaughter alisei was left confused and broken-hearted as louis suave revealed the truth of his tempering disappearing with one final warning determined to free her grandfather's soul ali say swore vengeance at the slumbering remnants of bahamut before retreating from his hollow returning to the surface the two scions began their search for a final entry point to the remaining binding coils searching various other shards of dalamut across aorzia resulted in little success until a method was devised to reverse engineer the ethereal currents used for egress from the prior two coils to travel down rather than up an ingenious plan developed by alfino lavior much to ali says chagrin posing a question to alisay alfino questioned not her resolve to defeat bahamut but from where the resolve came were her actions for the sake of aorzia merely a borrowed dream from their grandfather with the question posed alfino stated his intent to join the team for their final foray into bahamut's den teleporting into the first of the two binding coils the trio were greeted by a site of the now familiar elegant mechanisms and a sea of pods containing all manner of elegant chimeric creations questioning once again from where bahamut was drawing the requisite faith and prayer to sustain its form ali saying co pressed onwards battling their way into a chamber housing row after row of twos containing mericitan dragons coming to the realization that alag was keeping them in a perpetual state of waking slumber and enslaved using neural links the dragons were a horrifying sight ali say relented that they and bahamut were to be pitied rather than loathed and the actions of ancient allag were not only immoral and cruel but shun a spotlight on the failings of mankind despite this alisay's resolve was unbroken as regardless of the sins of the past muhammad represented a terrible fate for all those of the here and now regardless of their race or creed further in did they witness a representation of dalamud envisioned from within and the site muhammad must have stared at unblinking for thousands of years his hatred and fury building with each passing moon once again the twins were reminded of the tragic history that dalamud represented breaking through into the precipice of the third binding coil the three psions witnessed bahamut near completion in his physical form without hesitation they sought to disengage the third coil but as they approached the console they were stopped by the tempered shade of louis soi refuting that the tempered shade spoke for the person her grandfather was and standing in the face of his scorn the twins refused to back down in retort the tempered louis suarez told them of the history of bahamut and maracidia five millennia ago in the twilight years of the third astral era the alligan empire went to war with the world in order to conquer it its most bitter fight was with those of maracidia led by the dragons tiamat and her beloved bahamut though they fought with all their might bahamut was slain and in her grief and desperate for salvation tiamat and her brood summoned forth bahamut as a primal only this primal form was a cruel and pale shade of the dragon she had loved and though it sought to wreak devastation upon alag this merely played into their plans as they captured the primal bahamut and placed him into the core of their new false moon dalamud using him as a living heart from which the moon might send the energy of the stars from the heavens down to the earth and into their crown jewel of the crystal tower the tempered luis sua called into question the difference between the dragon's desire for salvation and aorzia's plea for such at cardinal and what distinction might be drawn between the two standing as a bastion for her grandfather's legacy alisay fought back with her faith in the strength of mankind to stand together louis sua's mocking response dismissed her faith and belief calling into question how man could even agree on which direction to stand interjecting and tiring of his grandsire's use as a puppet for bahamut's words alfino posed the question whether or not the shade held such scorn because he was a thrall of bahamut or because he was now in fact a primal revealing his true form at last luisa changed into the immortal phoenix a symbol of rebirth stating that if they sought answers they would have to claim them a battle for truth began putting deed to words the phoenix fell and the light of louis soi was at last free appearing before his grandchildren in his last moments with his sanity fully restored luis sua imparted to them how proud he was and the truth of what happened that day at cardinal as guardians and ayorzians fought under the falling moon and muhammad awakened all seemed lost but as louis swa activated his plan to summon a primal of the twelve and it began to seal away bahamut there was a spark of hope alas bahamut's rage and power was too great and it broke the shackles of the twelve destroying their primal facsimile with muhammad preparing to obliterate the continent luis sua cast the warrior of light into the future with all he had left preparing to meet his end however it was not to be as the aether that had been spent to summon the twelve now drifting above the cartinal flats mixed once again with the prayers of eorzea and luisa's own conviction to bring salvation to her people infusing him with the power of a primal it transformed him into the phoenix a symbol of salvation and renewal using all of his might luis suarez struck one final blow through bahamut fracturing the elder primal's form luisoi then relinquished his hold over the gift given to him and much of their combined aether rained down upon the land beginning its restoration but bahamut still lingered through hate and rage and drew the last of luis was soul and aether into himself taking hold of him as one of his thralls what remained of bahamut crashed into the ground and fell deep beneath kartnau still holding on to his and the aether of the phoenix preventing the land from fully restoring itself though dalamud was a wreckage the binding coils still functioned and the housed dragons of merisitia still proffering their faith the structures sought out their charge burrowing their way underground so they might continue to maintain the elder primal imploring the warrior of light to finish the fight and end bahamut once and for all luis suarez shut off the third binding coil and prepared a portal to the final coil for the three to use turning one last time to his grandchildren luis swan imparted onto them the need for their hopes and dreams to be their own and not an extension of his proud of the people they had become he spoke of his belief in their conviction and as a final gift he imparted the remaining aether of the phoenix to his grandchildren that they might ever walk in the light as he faded away alisay alfino and the warrior of light prepared to enter the portal and end bahamut once and for all preparing to shut off the final binding coil bahamut roared and fired a mega flare nearly ending the party preparing a second volley alice and alfino stood together a bastion of faith and resolution against the dragon's darkness using the very tomes their grandfather had given them on the day he left for eorzea they formed a shield made of their magics and their grandfather's aether to stave off bahamut's attack buying enough time for one final act they knew that shutting off the final coil would not be enough and sent the warrior of light deep into the very ethereal heart of bahamut where they would fight the primal incarnate through a sea of flame and rage dragons of maracidia and elegant synthetics the warrior of light prevailed weakening bahamut enough that as the final coil was shut off the elder primal's form began to dissipate his aether returning to the land and all was still taking a moment to rest the twins wondered over their next course of action should the truth of the phoenix become known it would only draw people to its story of salvation and all too likely result in the people of aorzia attempting to summon the primal if parties such as garlamald or ishgard learned of the elegant technologies and ability to enslave they would seek endlessly for that power they decided to consign the truth of bahamut their grandfather and the events that day at cartnow to be forgotten that the realm might be able to move on to a brighter future for the final time the party ascended back above ground weary and battered but alive the twins said their goodbyes alfino and alisay going their separate ways both with their own paths to walk time later ali saying the warrior of light met at the burning wall thanolin one of the vestiges of dalamud's fall alisay professed her hope for a better future for this realm reborn and offered a flower in the memory of those who had passed promising that when next they met she would have a tale or two to tell alisay left the warrior of light's side the two not knowing when their paths might next cross the story of the binding coils of bahamut is a window into the events of the calamity and the time before a realm reborn but even more than that are its truths on the ancient tragedies of this star the crimes of alag the pain of the dragons and the threat of primals and though this story is but one chapter in the warrior of light's tale it is one which affirms all for which they stand this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives 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Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 4,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, FFXIV, final fantasy, binding coils, bahamut, ARR, a realm reborn, synopsis, ff14, binding coils of bahamut, raid, louisoix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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