The Casuals Are Upset with these Ashes of Creation Changes

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the game doesn't exist yet how can what Stephen said be wrong when he's the one developing the game not us now the video to be honest I think that's a terrible argument but okay okay what up boys so continuing our Crusade Across The Valleys of thin air we arrive at our second usual stop post monthly live stream Community drama overall I think everyone was pretty pleased with what was shown however across Yonder where the copium doesn't flow the distant sound could be heard groaning whimpering the casuals were screaming to the High Heavens oh I am concerned that freeholds are not participation trophies and I actually have to play the game to obtain one I've got five wives 16 jobs and 15 dogs I've got time to earn anything in the game and for your viewing pleasure we're going to be laughing at these casuals today by giving my take on why I don't throw a hissy vid whenever a controversial ashes of creation update drops but before we get into that our beautiful patrons and coped out the ones who twitch dubs and I would love for you to grab yourselfa Go Buck Gola because if there's one thing you can count on whenever a live stream drops it's the tears of people who have never read a single page of the wiki and uh hopefully today as an absolute degenerate who has read most of the wiki I'm gonna give you my perspective when it comes to watching this highly anticipated MMO during its pre-alpha 2 development stage now with all our bollocks out of the way all right so after the reveal of this long-awaited Freehold system a couple of the mechanics involved really sent the casuals in to a frenzy for all the wrong reasons we got many many posts on the forums Twitter and Reddit and they're still popping up about how X will ruin the game and how why is terrible design etc etc complaints about the limitations of the world the focus on processing the bidding system and all sorts of misunderstood information that just makes me feel a little bit awkward are these people more coped out the Wazoo than I am I am a huge consumer of copium right I live and breathe this game and something as huge as this would likely elicit a huge response from me massive changes across the board potentially game breaking problems I should be furiously riding that wave so people can validate my existence because I'm parroting their concerns but I'm not and there's a perfectly good reason for that you see the game doesn't exist we've just seen an unfinished system highly focused on one specific aspect of the game be explained during a mere one hour presentation there's 500 other systems that are linked to the freeholds that haven't been spoken about publicly yet because well they're still being worked on namely the node system which is getting an update this month and I don't think that's a coincidence do you so then that begs the question how can we make blanket statements like X is bad when we're still missing crucial information related to the rest of the game a few more examples are the currencies in the game how the story arcs actually work the economic values the Caravans the housing the PVP implementations the travel times but most importantly the size of this goddamn world I think a lot of our misconceptions are coming from our misunderstanding of just how big ashes of Creations World actually is one thousand 200 kilometers squared for the whole map hosting a land mass of 480 kilometers squared is an unfathomable amount of space I've said it time and time again but the riverlands alone is roughly about the same size as the whole of New World's vanilla map just think about running from the bottom of new world map all the way to the top and then consider that that's one of 18 available biomes in ashes of creation so with that context don't you think that we're missing very crucial information when it comes to giving feedback on certain things now don't get me wrong feedback is of course a very important part of this game's open development process we've seen that they've taken various pieces of feedback and added them to the game a great example of this is the great sword stance is being added during the Tower of carving showcase as people were asking for alternate Idol animations it's not something that I would be prioritizing but regardless the they took the feedback and acted upon it now another thing I see a lot of complaints about is how much that they've drastically changed things and that the game no longer reflects its original vision and to that I'd say that you're just straight up wrong the freeholds were always intended to be end game housing they were always intended to be processing focused and they were always intended to be limited in number as a goal for all players to obtain if they really want to and I can prove that with a quote from Stephen from over a whole year ago now do you expect most players who want a freehold to be able to get one or will they be prestige symbols owned by a small fraction of players I think the answer is that if a player wants to achieve a freehold they can achieve the Freehold however the amount of effort resources and time that's required in order to achieve that Freehold is a large amount amount it is something that is a a Monumental achievement for you to to get that Freehold and the reason why is because freeholds tie in very heavily to the processing uh artisanship aspect for some processing can be done in nodes but the best processing is done on freeholds and we want to make sure that there's a little bit of a throttle or gait on the amount of effort that's necessary to achieve that influence over the processing market and and that means that it it takes some time to achieve it so ultimately to ask that question anybody who puts the effort in should be able to achieve a freehold but it is going to be a major achievement for that character just because the Freehold is very difficult to attain doesn't mean that you don't have a space for housing and furniture that you can achieve through our apartment system or an in or the static endnote housing those are alternate methods as well but they do not have that aspect of the best processing is done there the best processing is done on the Freehold Intrepid have always been consistent with their design philosophies and almost nothing has been changed drastically from the original systems proposed during the kiss data the biggest one is probably the ocean but again it was a change that was made to actually bring that original Vision to life their intent has always been to make the best possible choices for a fulfilling long-term satisfying massively multiplayer online role-playing game experience and the intent has never changed so no saying that the devs know the game better than we do is not a terrible take it's a take from someone who's been following the game for three years and understands the goals that the developers are aiming for but what's the moral of this story well I mainly just wanted to give my take on this really pathetic Community drama and concerns because reading through it especially as of late as has gotten new eyes on it has really started to make me face palm it's not about only the sweatiest of players will get the freeholds in our it's not about massive guilds owning all the land it's not about the casuals are going to be missing out it's not about the game isn't for everyone it's about bringing back what made MMORPGs great bringing back genuine worthwhile goals to achieve and the freeholds are exactly that freeholds are not a participation reward they are a long-term progression goal that give you access to literal end game Artisan processing that includes cooking Alchemy ingots hides cloth as well as one of the most in-depth Artisan systems in the game animal husbandry this shouldn't be available to every half-assed dad gamer with four jobs 16 kids and 24 dogs that's why MMORPGs in the current year are completely unplayable garbage because their whole progression curve is designed to reward people who can only play for two hours a week MMO should not and were never ever designed for that kind of limited play because it results in garbage like new world if you think that you're gonna miss out on the chance to own a freehold or a house in in this game it's probably because you're someone who doesn't care enough to earn it in the first place or the more likely thing is that you simply don't know that freeholds are just one of the four housing types this isn't like Final Fantasy xiv's housing it's nothing like Final Fantasy 14's housing I don't know where this dog came from it isn't like eso's housing it's not like wildstar's housing and I'd even go as far as to say it's nothing like arcade's housing either this is a housing system that does allow every player in the game to eventually own some form of housing because housing is Step One Of Ashes of creation's most important mechanic the citizenship system and if you have no idea what that is then that alone should be enough to tell you that there's more to this game than you understand to conclude listen don't get me wrong right most of these concerns this feedback and the criticisms they're great if we were in the middle of playing Alpha 2 when we actually have the context of the game's overall design and we're playing it in real time but something says to me most of these concerns are probably gonna disappear once we play this game in 2077 but as usual I am just one nerd just for lunch for a good MMO and I'd really love to know in the comments how much of the game systems are you aware of as a casual follower of this project I think my perspective is obviously slightly warped due to the fact that my literal income revolves around a game that quite literally doesn't exist so let me know if these Niche systems matter to you as a consumer or better yet the Freehold Manifesto teased in this live stream should have dropped as this video went live so come drop by the stream at forward slash narcoverse roughly two to three hours as this video was uploaded because we'll be diving deep into that juicy article to see how ashes of creation is handling the future of their cosmetics and all see you in the next one because [Music]
Channel: Narc
Views: 2,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashes, AshesofCreation, Ashes of Creation, AoC, MMO, MMORPG, Beta, gameplay, Fighter, Summoner, Mage, Tank, Cleric, Player, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14, Elder Scrolls Online, ESO, Runescape, Classic WoW, FF14, Lost Ark, LostArk, LA, Alpha Key, Review, Quest, Release, Class, Overview, Help, Dev, Instance, pvp, Raids, Release Date, Cosmetics, Asmongold, thelazypeon, NDA, Purchase, TBC, Classic, News, Combat, Test, Sharif, Steven, New, NewWorld, New World, Endgame, Freeholds, Crafting, Farming, Concerns, Community, Forums, Reddit
Id: Ch2EZ96-l34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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