Everything Wrong With The Martian - With Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

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Some things (I know Jeremy says the book doesn't matter):

1:11 - It is explained in the book that his blod from the antenna wound helped block up the hole in the suit.

3:44 - Again, the book. They did, Lewis brought disco.

4:29 - Book. The storm at the beginning was a recordbreaker.

4:39 - Book. He is also a mechanical engineer. Convenience!

6:47 - Book. Don't blame the movie.

7:56 - Book. Big one. The MAV was sent along with the previous mission so it could land with no fuel, and use drills and a converter to make the fuel neccessary to get to orbit. Also, it is 3200 km away. The book makes a BIG deal about the trip, but in the movie he just teleports there. Also, he can't just go to the MAV and go home, since the MAV was just designed to go to Low Mars Orbit and Rendevouz with the Hermes. Obviously, the Hermes was close to Earth at this point.

10:00 - Mars' atmosphere is very thin, to the point where parachutes don't work for landing. Also, as long as the Hab Canvas(that's what it was) doesn't break, it would be fairly fine in terms of aerodynamics. However, in the book(can't remember movie) the Hab Canvas breaks and the aerodynamics takes the MAV off course.

10:47 - Depressurizing a room at the front by blowing an airlock. Slightly different.

11:00 - The line was in the book.

Despite of all this I still enjoyed the video and eagerly look forward to the next one! Just wrote this up for anyone interested.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fsxthai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe I'm forgetting... But didn't "Prometheus" begin on Earth? With Alien God sacrificing himself to create all life?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KngHrts2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's a clichΓ© to say at this point to say that the book was better than the movie, and it's not always the case anymore, but I feel like this is one of those instances, they cut so much out of the movie and it makes the plot a lot less interesting, and tacked on an extra bit on the end that was completely unnecessary. I know the internal monolog and actual science of the book are hard to convey in movie form, but it feels like the story really revolves around that in the book.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KriLL3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

No 'Community outtake' for Donald Glover, that's a paddlin.

But in all seriousness, 90sins...this has to be one of his lowest scores- and Yes sins mean nothing.

but I really wanted NDT to provide more commentary like he did on Interstellar. I also want to hear NDT's commentary on the 'physics' in Batman & Robin

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sunnymentoaddict πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

There are a couple of sins in Tyson's trailer for the Martian. At 1:15 of the vid Tyson has Hermes departing from low earth orbit. It arrives in Mars orbit 124 days later.

Hermes ion rockets are capable of accelerating the spacecraft at 2 mm/sec2.

At 2 mm/s2, it would take Hermes more than a month to spiral from low earth orbit to earth escape. That wrecks Weir's 124 day trajectory.

Most of that slow spiral would be through Earth's Van Allen belts so radiation would fry the passengers.

Does the Everything Wrong vid talk about dust storms in Mars' near vacuum atmosphere? I haven't had the time to check it out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HopDavid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn't I read somewhere, that Mars' atmosphere is so thin the storm in the beginning would have felt like a light breeze?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Despite knowing all about the Council of Elrond, highest-ranking nerd names himself after a character that is always adapted out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bshaddo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

In the outtakes there's Matt talking about rulers, santimeters, inches etc. Can someone tell me what movie this is from? At 14:50

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dariy1999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isn't drama created by having things happening that normally wouldn't happen? Half of these "sins" are just things happening that that the narrator views as deviating from real life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
46 seconds of two logos you know Ridley Scott's last sci-fi film also opened with gorgeous aerial footage of an alien planet that movie was called Prometheus here's hoping this is one of the only similarities between the two films in case you confused it with regular old some part of Mars Sue Storm still can't find Reed Richards on those satellites well I'll keep checking mission commander shuts to team members radios off because they're annoying and I am personally holding this mission commander responsible if anything goes wrong and one of these guys ends up tragically dead but not dead but actually abandoned how many samples do we need commander grams each trained mission ready astronauts know this information in their sleep before even leaving Earth but expositional commander you should come inside they're gonna wanna see this you should come take a look at this cliche how did this storm approach this quickly without them deciding to scrub far enough ahead to not have to walk with a mad and zero visibility either NASA warned them too late or they acted too slowly but this planetary escape shouldn't be anywhere near this close well I thought you said map is gonna tip at twelve point three what gives looks like every science fiction movie taking place on another planet there's someone outside the ship taking entirely too long to get back in it so we can have a race against the clock yeah good thing marks unconsciousness had a convenient time limit dude now you're gonna bleed out maybe you knew that but Jesus maybe you got some medical supplies ready first Jason Bourne astronaut also Jesus how did he even survive this overnight on a different planet movie think self-surgery on mars isn't gonna make me pass a also scenes that make you upset that the cute concessions girl was able to upsell you from a medium to a large popcorn and suggestive sold you the Junior Mints wait it's not over did he staple his stomach back together that's a loose end better tie that up it is my opinion that Rubik's Cube still sells millions of toys every year because they're in every movie you watch so I got to figure out a way for grown eating while talking to an unseen audience movie attempts to make botany cool the Martian where you learn all the ways that being scientifically literate can save your life but but dr. Tyson I mean come on botany the Martian with fluency and science technology engineering and math rule all decisions of survival but maybe you should think of it this way dr. Martian where science not human emotion drives the plots humor interpersonal relations tension and suspense this is what you get when you argue a Martian will you experience love/hate and the anxiety pride and heroism all through the lens of science man of science judges other people and that major wound he had three days ago is pretty much gone Mars mission astronauts were sent to Mars with happy days episodes instead of like the wire Breaking Bad or any amazing TV show made between happy days and this futuristic mission to Mars premature celebration they decided to have marks funeral about a month after he supposedly died and yes we accounted for the fact that a Mars day is only 40 minutes longer than an Earth Day this guy's name and title appear on screen after he's already been in the movie a good while now also Teddy Sanders that's the name you went with for your NASA director why not stuffy Williams sir Sparky Smith in case she confused it with East Houston Idaho like those [ __ ] in Superman too did Jesus Christ enough with the descriptions already you're gonna tell me the time - okay thanks I was wondering I'm gonna die up here that's funny man but guess what you're the guy who pressed play on turn the beat around for some ridiculous reason I'm gonna have to science they get out of this the Martian where the protagonist survives not on wit prayer or Hope but on sciencing this down of everything this is officially the least disco song she owns did neither mark nor the rest of the crew bring their own tunes to Mars with them also amazing the least disco song she owns just happens to be something that plays ironically with the current situation person stuck with narrow music selection ends up dancing to a song he used to hate cliche don't say bring him home alive and so yeah that's terrible Danny no more Vincent on TV copy that people can't learn from their mistakes and we're racist sorry Vincent Sean Bean isn't dying in this scene I know what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna keep the people watching this journal in suspense because I know this will be a movie someday in case you confused it with Pasadena Thailand a number of bikes and electric golf carts in the scene makes me wonder exactly how much of this film's budget was paid for by anti oil interests man it sure is a good thing Mars decided to chill with the deadly sandstorms that drove the rest of the team off the planet nearly killed mark am i right thankfully he's left to do all this from the Mars equivalent of San Diego weather I realize he was trained out the ass before this mission that's all I start on tar but he's a goddamn botanist how does he have any knowledge of the decades earlier Pathfinder missions technology thankfully nASA has been using universal power chords for 40 years so that if he gets stranded somewhere you can just power up old tech with new batteries obvious potatoes steam CGI is obvious also he brought salt and pepper and olive oil to this meal but chose to ignore them all and just use ketchup ladies and gentleman I give you super nerd back amazingly despite her nerd status mark is easily able to access her personal computer with no password speeding up the footage is perhaps the only way to make this figuring out how to communicate via still images and hexadecimal seen not 100% boring is this part of the movie is silent because the studio needed a pg-13 rate and if you hear more than twice in a movie that is not rated our society devolves into a Neill Blomkamp movie I mean one of the odds Jessica Chastain and Matt Damon with both co-star and epic space adventures in back-to-back ears that's just goofy oh this guy survives an awful lot on this planet what does dr. Kayson have to say about this the Martian may be the first sci-fi blockbuster ever in which nobody dies I think he means that in a positive way and I'm inclined to agree but the fact that he does survive so much in this movie as simple as hell every day I go outside and look at the vast horizons wow this movie's unnecessary repeat repetition of watney's text messages clearly added to the 2 hour of 12-minute runtime I think they use the slow motion is also responsible for this movies in easily long runtime this movie is a lot like castaway only Matt Damon's hair never grows and will cancel the inspires sir if that ever got out it's on me evidence that the Martian movie is fantasy all who make important decisions are scientifically literate they gave them two weeks so naturally they took twice as long and probably still won't work drunk on a 10-point fight so let's all start cheering before the probe actually gets into space I'm blaming this one on the jinxing people inside that room it's a lot to ask thankfully for this movie what he keeps talking even when he's only typing as opposed to video recording his every movement hey just because it says China in the name of the building doesn't mean you suddenly stop giving me both the city and the country it's it I need to be spoon-fed also suddenly China to the rescue clear pandering to Chinese audiences in order to be one of the lucky movies that go to China is clear pandering genre one Supporter puto oh yeah but would you doc you should woman should keep on the shaman and not only are they going to help it's clear they didn't need to help making them that much more heroic I mean play the march of the volunteers while you're at it the hell is project Elrond have I ever mentioned help and weird it is to have comedic actress Kristen Wiig and this decidedly not comedy movie Hey the Golden Globes in their classifications despite a few laughs this is not a comedy Elrond because he's a secret meeting I love the fact that Boromir is the one explaining this and they're making a cheeky in-joke but many times the things that you enjoying our sins so what I'm proposing is we start accelerating immediately wait wait I saw this in Star Trek for the boy jump only that movie had better use of colorful metaphors rich yes sir get out thanks for being helpful now leave this up for white people to decide when this is over I'll expect your resignation he means death right I mean this is Sean Bean we're talking about here the MAV for Ares 4 is already there at the Schiaparelli crater just waiting you mean a rocket full of pink supplies has been sitting there this whole time seems like they could have cut down on that we have to rescue mark by doing it fast and cutting as many corners as possible decision making that provided this movie with so many ups and downs originally Lewis's love of disco is a never-ending source of filler once again before the probe is even in space these [ __ ] celebrate prematurely get historically icy relations between the Chinese and American governments are glossed over for the sake of a single white guys survival just as I've been predicting for years and what do you say dr. Tyson evidence that the Martian movie is fantasy the USA and China cooperate with one another in space everything's done with computers but somehow this docking procedure requires a spacewalking astronaut ballet and nothing important happened in space or on Mars for seven whole months if he's 400 plus souls into this thing and where the the back wounds come from does he Batman did the magic scissors mark was using to cut his own hair for months and months get dull or something the guy was perfectly groomed until it was time to show how horrible his condition was yeah the problem is the intercept velocity that means well the contents of Mars orbit otherwise there's no valve enough fuel to that's gonna make it home a minute ago Donald Glover came in and said here's the calculations they all check out and they clearly did it because the hurry screw ran the calculations and confirmed it now suddenly the Hermes can't make the full trip because this movie needs more challenges if we go remote we can lose the control panels in fact all of this is something that could have been calculated before the Hermes started going back to Mars it's absolutely insane all these problems are just now being discovered I highly doubt they would have considered Rich's plan viable at all also by this point where we're sending man missions to Mars why isn't the infrastructure in place to have fueling stations just in case something like this happens there hello why not back the Chinese brew with some fuel or send another probe toward the Hermes wow they're going tomorrow so they can meet up with it later now you might say that's impossible but we're about to see literally everything go wrong and one ship trying to perfectly time and catch a stripped-down rocket and everyone lives so checkmate Marquand it would be amazing at cinemasins near your Mars mission astronauts have access to ecto cooler whew Times Square is like New Year's Eve waiting for the fate of Mark Watney it's not a play-by-play where all the action is televised it's just watching the damn news for Christ's sake again I grant you this would be a super watched television event but why is the movie so convinced people like watching TV outdoors and humongous groups I'm no NASA dude but this tarp with open gaps instead of the windows and rocket op situation leaves me more than a little uncomfortable is this thing headed into space with a tent on the nose how about wind resistance and other science facts well as someone told me long ago I really should relax and here's someone else telling us to relax in the Martian movie they got crucial science right while enhancing the story by fictionalizing the science that remained we agree but we're keeping that sin damn it they're broadcasting this live I mean at least use a 10 second delay in case he dies right intercept velocity will be 11 meters per second I can make that work why so confident you clearly told us earlier that at 5:00 you could grab him but at 10 it was gonna be like jumping onto a speeding train now it's one louder in your leg no prob chief Sue Storm kisses Bucky in space and all I can think is that this is Fox's desperate plea to marry marble franchises this movie's climactic rescue plan involves intentionally blowing up part of the spaceship then that's some bullshÑÑ incredibly this works the movie would have been fine just to catch this dude in the way they plant which was already hard enough but then they had to make it even more ridiculous I think the writers had to meet a quota of Louis's music is terrible jokes so someone not only had the idea but then also stocked Times Square buildings with confetti on the off-chance want it would not only be rescued but the tens of thousands would venture out to watch that rescue in Times Square somehow America's adventures as an international celebrity did not bring him thousands of supermodels to choose as his sister wives that said this flat forward is so unnecessary that even if wanting wins the lottery and gets blown by supermodels in the scene I still won't care about it now you can either accept that or you can get to work even wolf beer he's teaching future astronauts now scene is even both beer and super annoying and already credits have begun and there's still way more movie left but nothing we couldn't do without that's for sure not only did Sean Bean not die in this movie but he ends up teaching youth golf the Mars terraforming project will be the greatest achievement in the history of human exploration we'd like to take a moment here for a special thank you to our friend dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson for once again helping us find sins and the wins in a popular science fiction film the honor was all ours it's important to note that we're a couple of Jackass comedians and that could be fun but there are people all over YouTube entertaining while actually educating and talking about important stuff and dr. Tyson is one such individual by way of a star talk channel D like science D like space you should be subscribed to Startalk they do great engaging stuff like this we're gonna go to Mars dude do you see engineering challenges to that or is it only no no no this is a very serious question engineers love a challenge so don't tell me don't don't play that with me a B bring it on don't bring it on don't even so my question is is it just a matter of money or even if I gave you as much money as you want you might not be able to solve some of the engineering problem oh we can solve the plan that that's know we can solve yeah because we Land Rover from a freaking rocket crane right we can solve the problems you can check out more of that video below or just click then subscribe right now to show dr. Tyson how much you appreciate is pitching in for one of our since videos or you know many of us actually important contributions to society just don't subscribe no signature required thank you again good sir we had a blast getting corrected and clarified by it we kind of hurt you you are awesome and now for the outtakes Matt Jamie see you managed to get your shirt off Brando's got what plants crave it's got electrolytes I mean it's 50 million miles away from home he thinks he's totally alone he thinks we gave up on him the man is hurtin he is alone tired and he hasn't seen diddly squat from anybody down here feel like I should live with that decision and I have today is my birthday and it's a special one because you told me you once told me that when you came back we might be the same age and today I'm the age you were when you left one does not simply walk into Mordor I've been thinking about laws on Mars the metric system never panned out we all had rulers with inches on one edge and centimeters on the other I pronounced it centimeters instead of centimeters and nobody ever corrected me they just let me walk around stupid so I'm not really upset we never crossed over although it's helpful to know the conversions when I go to Europe the leader bottle is the only thing that ever caught on because it's a nicer word leader than a quart my name is Max my world is fire and blood but I need you to stop staring and help me with the tether
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 9,039,637
Rating: 4.6074204 out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, cinema sins, eww, the martian, wave jockey job, review, everything wrong with, movie review
Id: HzNyMUuQfmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2016
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