Everything Wrong With Rick & Morty Season 4

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[Music] thank you I've spent a lot of time on the Smith breakfast table and for good reason but does this Smith family really strike you as the kind of family that gets up at the same time to have breakfast together and prepare this kind of spread which part of any of these non-jerry people is the part that's like ooh can't miss the good old family breakfast tradition my inherent love for cinnamonality and routine will not be denied also if you're making a breakfast that has pancakes toast in what looks like mashed potatoes with rice sprinkled on top of it but I'm hoping is grits then you do not need all these what I'm graciously going to call hash browns I trust no one in this room because not a single one of them is drinking coffee and this isn't caffeine moderation shaming what's going on here is a statistical impossibility to those who rushed out and grabbed the yasica insta handles all I have to say is that your commitment to mimicry and parody of this character has been underwhelming this sin is on your hands hi I've placed an auto response chip in my brain so I can spend time with my family what kind of lousy auto response chip responds by declaring it's an auto response chip a terrible auto response chip that's what any death crystals from 4pogilon Prime show will never explain what makes the death crystals from forbogen Prime better than any other death crystals and if you're gonna say they only exist on for bogelin Prime then we never find out why Rick who cares about nothing cared about name dropping this planet dad you hardly put any syrup on honey stop raising your father's cholesterol so you can take a hot funeral selfie but isn't Summer's logic a bit off here she just said that the reason funeral selfies are hot is the grief threatens the cheeks but who's grieving at Jerry's funeral why are they called Death crystals do they kill you you're thinking of bullets Morty while bullets are technically Crystal and solids this punch line probably should have been reserved for jokes about death metal death crystals show you how you're gonna die then I hereby Smith they should be called cause of death crystals also expirite was right there the contrived nature of these rocks is immediately forgiven because of how much thought went into coming up with and animating all the amazing possible Morty deaths in this episode people that spend their life avoiding death are already dead and what's dead may never die so what are people that spend their dead lives living death Quantum entangled see I can sci-fi up some random too the idea of using the expirite is some sort of morbidity divining Rod is interesting and all but not buying it even if you did catch a unified glimpse of your demise every micro movement would completely change the possible outcome in a way that would render it no longer valid and impossible to recover I thought you were masturbating rather I address it it's not so much that I'd rather you did it's just that it seems pretty in character for you to do and nothing has stopped you from doing it before I'm willing to accept that you're doing this if you're title of my sex tape if yours as if the Smiths collaborated with their next door neighbor on this fence since it crosses both yards and I refuse to believe there's any Universe where next door neighbors get along well enough to accomplish this feat operation Phoenix initially something something cloning callback something something Rick's pixelated improv the rest is how I'm guessing this scene was written but you are down with fascist dystopias right if you have to ask your question is obviously more about dramatic reveals than your commitment to extremely problematic political ideologies sitting on the nasty floor of a school hallway leaning against the lockers this is your respite I don't have to be anywhere in the next few minutes you know where I'm gonna plop down for conversation staphylococcus Central that's where throw that thing in the garbage stop planning your own death and talk to whoever you want Rick steals the exact words I told my younger siblings about their paper fortune teller oh and if you don't know what I'm talking about see also Chatterbox flipper flapper Soul seller whirlybird Paco Paco or cootie catcher stop doing meta commentary he says meta commentary only being so worried about scientific accuracy they make space completely silent when you know your audience would rather hear the Nazi Morty choking to death these shrimple Ricks yelling at Morty because verbal abuse is fun does your house look like a tree or no it looks like this it's like identical to this actually Rick and Morty hanging Lantern on a logical inconsistency thinking that will somehow keep us from sinning it as if they've never seen one of our videos before come on just admit you watch TV sins already um cliche I'd remove Us in if I could say for sure that this sign meant no flossing but I can't so instead I need to write you up for improper signage bad at math but I'm giving you an A plus in confidence Americans wait isn't that the same student that was sitting on the floor earlier are you telling me that wasn't even their locker they were in front of you sat down and leaned on someone else's Locker who does that only if the events of the Pixar movie Coco are to be believed which I doubt Coco deniers I certainly have questions about how or why Holograms eat but the show is of course touching on that just enough to pretend like it actually means something so instead I'll ask how this holotech is powered and where it's physically distributed from the show gets a lot of credit for thinking through its theoretical Concepts but when it comes to technology it lives firmly on yada yada Avenue will you just show me how to stay alive Morty is now asking Hollow Rick to help him not die instead of Consulting the death Stone even though Hollow Rick helping him not die was not presented as an option by the death Pebble show is all over the place when it comes to how committed Morty is to following his new sedimentary God Precious Dish nope first up I think this is a very funny recurring gag which is something I never thought I'd say about fascism second the writers made a teddy bear rig because of course that's funny but they also made him mortal in the same way a human would be mortal instead of giving him soft and cuddly entrance as we would expect the commitment to Teddy Rick was less than that of pickle Rick who was a pickle all the way through and that's just unacceptable bringing a chain to a horny teenager with a death Crystal fight sure I'm enjoying the every Rick every more at all at Oneness of it all but how is he able to so quickly identify which path leads to Jessica when up until now he had to take time to zero in on it Shield me from the law cool two me seeks callbacks in the same episode but wouldn't these musics have immediately shielded him from the law thereby accomplishing their task and consequently disappeared really getting all the sounds correct on the first or second shot there are 44 different phonetic sounds in English Morty 44. he loves you little Sparrow he's innocent case dismissed the U.S justice system I think we're just about ready to forgive him and move past this whole thing he's a free young man and as far as continuity goes the reset button's been hit what the [ __ ] did you just try to tell the audience that none of what Morty is doing in this episode matters as it relates to the broader storyline oh it matters and this is not the last time you will be hearing about it oh it's nice to know it's also 2 p.m in every other universe as well I was beginning to think this clock was just broken we eat our prey alive and when we don't we lay our eggs in their eyeballs so that our young can Feast on their brains when they hatch nope nope nope not looking that up here's the sin for just making me think about it so what are these wasp nests for if you furnished a human type house and why is there a collectible plate on display if you don't even use plates in the first place does no one on this show care about the important things where's my boggling there you are don't worry Pop Pop's back goosing the boglin market directly after I sold my 1987 slurp for a measly 30 bucks all that's left of these Kirkland brand musics Kirkland shaming it's funny because he can't be stung but it's also not funny because he's been spouting off all episode about being a hologram so we know that he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows them excuse me that he's not able to be stung and that's only because of all the fourth wall breaking I have met for reasons [Music] dare I say too fast and only because the episode is ending soon the runtime should never dictate the rate of pupation there's a lesson here and I'm not the one that's gonna figure it out is it that Rick and Morty will do just about anything to make sure they hit their gratuitous Gore quota am I close okay fine I'll take the assignment seriously the lesson is that as Humanity becomes more and more reliant on technology to sustain us we're also more at risk of those same Technologies also killing us and while it's more likely to be a dispassionate accident we don't really know what we're doing in one day maybe it will be malicious there not saying I won't do your job for you but you aren't going to like my consulting fee I don't want to see any more anime stuff the comment section when I try to send my hero Academia somehow makes it into the episode you ruined the season four premiere it was already ruined from the second you decided to take over two years after season three to bring us any new Rick and Morty and you know it we're out of syrup there's clearly some syrup at the bottom of that bottle might take some elbow grease but I have faith he'll get at least a stack of pancakes worth out of there more importantly though the bottle's just sitting at the table without a cap on and there's no cap we can see on the table where'd that calf go is the syrup even good anymore now has been exposed to the elements is there air you don't know maybe I'll use my intern gluty gluty arrives from off screen as if he appeared out of a [ __ ] portal syrup in hand but how did he know that Rick was even in need of syrup I mean maybe Rick staged this so he could introduce his intern but how did he know the syrup wasn't going to run out before it got to him and why does he even care about introducing the intern other than to set up an underwhelming B plus also the syrup bottle glooty is using doesn't have a [ __ ] lid on it either what does his family do with the lids are they monsters no if you'll excuse me wait he just dragged his board and turn into syrup his pancakes and now he's just going to [ __ ] off feels like Rick went to the every CEO ever School of treating interns when Grand prick pets his belly like that and leaves without Morty means he's going to go poop I guess it's that time of day when we sin that Rick isn't using his portal gun he doesn't have a problem using it later in the episode and I don't know about you but when I realize it's time to drop the kids off at the pool the last thing I want between me and the community center is a car ride honey why can't you get this excited about your sat days asking this instead of wondering why summer knows so many specifics about her grandfather's Hershey squirts well I'm man enough to Simply say I'm going to poop defining your masculinity by a willingness to announce your Readiness to sit the porcelain Throne when you're barely competent enough to be defined as sentient assuming that Rick sinks the Bismarck once a day like a regular human that is regular right wouldn't this path be well trodden I suppose this could be a magically regrowing field slash Meadow slash macroscopic cilia Farm but I refuse to keep filling in the narrative gaps in the show until I get an official writing credit reverse digestion extrapolation here's a sin for the several minutes I spent trying to imagine slash sketch the anus that would make the geometry of this pre-owned nutrient log possible time to meet your acre nice try but time to meet your eater would be far more accurate I can't see how there's any way of knowing ahead of time that the maker was the eater also how is the turd pewter only picking up on the sandwich shouldn't be a selection of well other two what are you guys doing did you develop an app but if gluty already had the app design handy what exactly did he need Jerry for if this is his species way of stealing water from the planet why not just develop the app immediately what's the point of all this do you want to develop an app pomping circumstance rule number one in app development son never follow the rules rule is tattooed on an alien's forehead dad why do you think Rick would have that rule Morty would be excellent at TV sins but the sin here is that Rick should have known this was a likely possibility and should have either a found a serp delivering intern without a don't develop my deadly app caveat or B not left said intern with the primordial smegma film that Evolution deemed necessary to give the most basic self-awareness to called Jerry guys we're getting our first users and it just happens to be summer because coincidence thy name is Rick and Morty this new app just matched me with a guy that is Sue My Thai super my type learn to agree Beth wasn't [ __ ] asking you what you meant summer so there was no need to explain and how was the explanation 10 times more irritating to hear than the thing you said us okay your Sue Tai works at Jersey Mike's and sees 25 fish shows a year then Danny must be independently wealthy because tickets along with all the drugs you would have to purchase for 25 fish shows aren't cheap this world cares too much about bands and too little about love and I Think I Love You Tommy as the beeping Tommy has the Peeping Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy just hitting the fact that any menu claiming to have the best frog food would advertise this basic ass sandwich and not its fleice cream cheeseburger or Aunt Jovi Pizza he knows where I live He's Crazy you have 470 000 messages we're just left to imagine how Rick was able to find and leave voicemails with 470 000 flies and just accept that it happened even if he managed to automate some of the voicemails how is this his best option if he's not afraid of murdering child flies why is the far more convenient decision to torture this adult fly not top of the list you idiot I have 800 000 kids thinking the amount of children one has coincides with how many they're willing to let die I mean it totally does but we're not supposed to announce that to the world I'm not arguing that being hit by a car isn't an effective form of contraception but it sure does feel like dealing with the Splinter and a finger by removing the entire arm had you bothered Thomas to love you would have learned by now it is as abundant as water you know what isn't water so we'll be taking yours oxymoronic expositioning aside X poxy [ __ ] initiating we've got an aliens come to Earth to steal our resources cliche boy scoping for this [ __ ] my wife's still alive she she went into remission 10 years ago what did you do today oh I uh pooped on a really awesome toilet I found wait a [ __ ] minute let's talk about the villain's plan here Rick just found and traveled to an alternate universe to find a Tony who used his toilet despite his wife still being alive and then dragged him in front of this universe of Stoney to prove he's lying putting aside the fact that he found the perfect Tony in a matter of seconds what the [ __ ] does that even prove unless Rick can say that every Tony in every Universe makes this Choice regardless of circumstances this doesn't prove [ __ ] so next time you stumble onto a toilet that feels too good for your ass trust me it is but how did Tony even find the damn thing in the first place and why didn't Rick have any sort of defense or Shield or [ __ ] laser beam that turns you inside out and teleports you into the final days of a civilization that Prides itself on flaying any and all visitors with a lime-soaked cheese grater before they fall into the abyss of a black hole I think he'd get a kick out of that foreign I suppose we can add allowing your anus to give the finger to an alien to the list of defecated fours after you left I thought about what you said and how much I needed it skip you how you're supposed to poop either that or God knows something about pooping we don't regardless I'm torn grossed out and very confused come poop with me poop with me Tony aren't you gonna join us in the pooping Tony how's the pooping Donny how's the pooping tiny tiny you can make a perfectly realized toilet-filled simulation of heaven but you can't share a toilet Tony would be the king of his own Throne at TV sins I get that this drawing is likely gibberish chiefly because Jerry drew it but at some point I have to wonder how even his lonely brain cell doesn't realize the futility of its actions like why spend the time drawing a portal gun you don't possess a grandpa that isn't here or a baseball bat you don't have come on adventures of Jerry and Morty okay foreign to the oxygeny breeze and didn't even deserve this pity five vibration I'm assuming you chose this [ __ ] thing as your method of locomotion so what the [ __ ] were you expecting here where's your daughter hey you're right she join Isis we've got Isis jokes y'all that's what I thought gluty looks like you and I are all we got well this worked out conveniently enough for Jerry that I'm awarding it 10 cents then those 10 cents will be awarded their 10 cent matches which they will then cheat on each other with the other 10 sins you know what just add the damn sins already [ __ ] that's my name don't wear it out is it though I mean it's not beyond the realm of what the show is capable of but that feels more like a season six style of episode considering the presence of Sam Neal Jeffrey Wright and Taiko YTD I'm genuinely shocked that this scene does not contain a Ted Danson also look I'm not one for promoting infidelity but if Ted Danson wants you to cheat on your husband then you cheat on your husband that is Ted dancing people this episode is 37 defecation and honestly I'm pooped out enjoy using it all by yourself while you sit there and think about how nobody wants to be around you however only Rick and Morty could turn the active decorating porcelain into a beautiful metaphor about how hoarding precious things is not as fulfilling as we believe in the true Joys and the sharing of said things with the people you love and for bringing that home by making Rick's suffer through his own booby trap I shall happily allow the sin counter to drop a deuce Cliff you can spider's still alien from Morty's point of view it'd be pretty confusing you've already found an earth spider on this mountain so specifying its alien origin feels pretty warranted everyone knows the pet entry is more fun when it's safe for the really important stuff like critiquing self-aware cartoons on the internet also this episode opens with a pretty clear Star Trek 5 the one with God reference which has led us to using the side-by-side comparison to prove it which has led to all of us watching more Star Trek 5 the one with God than we ever need to which has rather fittingly led to sin will I be sending this scene because it uses the phrase anti-boobie even though I know for a fact it's talking about booby traps and not actual boobies yeah yeah look we all like saying booby but someone has to nip these inaccuracies in the bud also great idea but what if this place contained traps that didn't rely on projectiles with these suits have been useful against disappearing Bridges quicksand or those irritating statues where one always speaks the truth and the other one always lies more like trying to hard con or more like trying too hard to come up with an insult for the heist Khan that is trying too hard Khan or something Khan yes sir fans Morty which we are not guests don't have to be fans in fact there are plenty of people out there who attend things or watch movies they know they'll hate so they can give themselves something to complain about which honestly fits Rick to a [ __ ] tea I'm not one to judge based on physical appearance but the fact that this individual's eye is not fully connected to their body is giving me all of the heebie-jeebies and I would like it to stop please thanks for doing this guys what's the job that was it bye I would say I feel bad for glar Angie flint and Dracula but they chose to show up at the location without even knowing what the job was so that's kind of on them it's showtime Morty and I don't mean a bad impression of HBO Yellowjackets Twin Peaks the return turn in the first six seasons of Dexter would like to have a word with you lab coat rip off doctors fully developed a sentient lab coat then I guess he's kind of ripping off doctor strange but also Rick developed a sentient lab coat why isn't he using that more often your booze mean nothing I've seen reason I'm able to read YouTube comments somehow makes its way into the script make the far the worst one I'm just gonna go ahead and send myself for liking Ocean's 12. I have no good excuses I just love watching people enjoy European Vacation gonna go ahead and give myself a sin for liking National Lampoon's European Vacation as well oink oink my good man at least eight or just three of Sanchez's five that's not how math Works Morty well no Heist is complete without a double cross okay maybe nightly predicted Rick would take the bait at the tomb which would result in the highest off but how could he even known Rick's team would be so willing to portray Rick especially when Rick has a reputation for murder What the hi what the sh what are you doing here I'm you but from several minutes in the future look this episode gets Mighty and confusing If You Don't Know How It Ends so I'm here to set you straight when needed makes sense but what's with the weirdly deep announcery voice don't worry that'll make sense later the important thing is that these three were specially selected by Rick because he knew they'd betray him so I guess just do the thing where we stay in the show for the time we wasted writing a sin that it later disproves see ya okay uh yeah what he slash I said and I had the perfect job heisting the Crystal Skull he got the skull already looks like Rick and Morty left their crew and went straight to see nightly on stage so how did nightly have enough time to recruit Rick's heisters set the heist in motion and again already sorry buddy we're about to see there's a huge time gap between Rick and Morty leaving the crew and then them turning up a nightly show and that's when all the heisting happens we're better offsetting that there's no way nightly could have known Rick was going to dick around for a few hours before coming to see him which is the only way nightly had enough time to pull off the heist okay thank you but wouldn't it be better to just lay all this out now and save some time looks like you're available for a job Rick and Morty literally just laughed could nightly not have waited until they were leased out of earshot okay let's take a second to talk through this Heist glar steals some keys and hands them off the key catcher who hands them off the double microwave who well microwaves them as a distraction to presumably clear out security they couldn't have microwaved anything metal why did they have to go through the effort of stealing the specific set of keys [Music] shifter just shapeshift in front of the damn camera I don't care if the crew is in charge of the surveillance room now that's still recorded footage of their actual identity why even risk it knew that shirt off screen we're smart we'll figure it out also they turn into the security guard give the thumbs up and the next thing that happens is that monitor Lord switches off the lasers allowing Angie to steal the skull why the [ __ ] does the crew need a security guard at this point I'm trying to figure out how miles didn't know by the weight of the attache that there wasn't a crystal skull in it I'm not saying he should have known it was a recent Deuce Rick dropped but the stench alone should have given something away God damn it Morty what did I tell you you gave him a time limit that he needed to pay attention to but this is also the kid that said top of nightly's eight or just three of Sanchez's five so I'm pretty sure you should have been the one checking the clock Rick write an algorithm based on two heist movies I slept through and use it to automate a joyless process you call Art Rick clearly has an issue with the heist genre being overly formulaic and predictable but sometimes it's that very predictability that brings people to comfort and joy they need from their movie watching experience we don't all have to like the same stuff and we don't all have to agree except for Army of the Dead [ __ ] that movie somehow no one in this long line catches on to what's happening until all of them get hypnotized look Morty I did not know that that was gonna happen that's not on me that's not how homicide law works complete told you Morty he's still got it oh come on the entire universe is in danger and yet Rick took the time to recruit all of these students to set up this attack just to prove that Professor poopy butthole has damn it what now hey I'm with you on this one but they're gonna make the same point in the post-credits scene and steal our thunder so I think we'd better send them for leaning on callbacks to characters no one likes but I like Mr Poopy butthole no you don't are you ventriloquiver in this episode alone we've seen Rick block a hammer with a sudden robot arm but a [ __ ] Arrow hits the mark how I'm sure it's not the show sacrificing its Integrity just to show us a unique superpower Rick Sanchez I presume damn it guys Elon Tusk listen we need your help Rick Morty why me Elon Musk oh look what could possibly be wrong here this thing is quite good hello there steady on no objections here at all I just wanted to come back and send this one again oh cool at this point heistatron has become large enough to Heist entire planets but is it even heisting anymore everyone on this planet knows that they're being heisted are we supposed to believe that there's no way to scale up a heist to a planetary level that doesn't just involve making all the gadgets bigger at this point it isn't heisting it's just breaking and entering with a sprinkling of genocide instead of two heist movies I slept through randotron's algorithm is derived from the plots of three David Lynch movies I pretended to like to make my friends shut up for me the crucial question here is which three David Lynch movies I think it's only fair that we're told where on the spectrum between Dune and blue velvet this is going to be so we know the best way to pretend we've seen either one if our Collective behavior is just random enough we should be able to walk through heistatrons lazily contrived [ __ ] like it's not even there but even choosing to be random is a plan if the end goal is to out Heist heistotron relying on Randomness will either be so random that you never get to the desired outcome or not be random enough to not be predicted by heistotron I don't like these little Jabs you get in Elon signed literally all of Twitter surprisingly my issue here isn't the consumption of diapers but the fact that this box specifies fresh suggests there is a not-fresh diaper alternative on sale the most unbelievable part of this episode is that Morty's room would be this clean I've got something to tell you let me guess when you invented me and randotron you swapped our brains if he knew heistatron was going to go Rogue why does he even need randotron why couldn't he would just program to Fail-Safe into Heist here we go again buddy believe me I am with you but the next five minutes are going to get super [ __ ] weird and I'm still not certain how many switchers actually make sense and honestly I'm not sure the show does either let's set it for Rick labeling these brains and then immediately switching the labels just for the purposes of the flashback that heister Tron can't see to compensate for a Switcheroo Rick couldn't possibly have predicted oh what well if the brain inside of you is actually heistotrons it matters because it explodes when it hits six levels of contrivance I mean could he not have made it four and saved us all some time in migraines well done Rick randotron I'm afraid not but if Rick built both machines how the [ __ ] did it manage to switch out its own motherboard and why did it need to bother with this earlier Switcheroo also if this is heistotron that means this was randotron which means it shouldn't have blown up after that sixth contrivance because I programmed you to believe that I programmed you to believe that I programmed you to believe that robot kids what's happening Professor poopy butthole he's learning I think it's fair to say that nothing within this rambling incoherence could be considered learning in fact I would argue that we're all dumber for having experienced it Ricky Mortensen should be awarded no points and may God have mercy on our souls it appears the only perfect Heist is one that was never written goodbye Rick and Morty writers create a paradox they have no idea how to solve so they blow it up deny its existence or banish it to an alternate reality cliche you know that screenplay that I've been writing Netflix is pretty interesting morning Morty I'm so excited for you wait is Rick being sincere right now about a Netflix deal what is okay last one I promise we're about to find out that Rick with his Adventure into motion just to disillusion Morty and make him sour to his own high script however I think we're safe to send him for the many many many millions of people that had to die just so that Rick could crush his grandson's passion for a project oof that's messed up even for Rick right see you at the sin removal wait the what now well let's hear about this Heist movie okay so it's kind of all built around this big crew with like a cool double cross and then this big awesome twist expecting us to believe that Netflix didn't green light this at okay and then cancel it by awesome twist if Morty ever gives up on a single dream it better be because of his own disillusionment somehow Rick and Morty manages to pull off sitting everything Trophy and cliche about heist movies while also inceptioning itself into an excellent homage of an example of how to do the genre in a unique and satisfying way oh and on that sin removal I guess it's time to head back and make sure past me doesn't make a bigger ass of myself than usual I still don't understand the deep voice thing but better safe than paradox am I right I got a date with density [Music] it's not knowing that even with the Sleek design and increasingly fallady these space blasters will never be able to strike both fear and love into our hearts like the original Super Soaker you Rick we get it you don't care about anyone or anything and I don't care about you not caring about anyone or anything the person viewing this video doesn't care about me not caring about you not caring about Lord anyone or anything Justice for Chachi did you get the ultimate cube is anyone else thinking about Cube squared hypercube it has nothing to do with this episode but neither does this McGuffin I mean Cube also now I'm just upset we never got cube cubed ultimate Cube because someone decided Cube zero was a better idea cubes I mean prequels I want my dragon I want my dragon I want my dragon kids the convenient trajectory of this out of control fall to planet Earth where they Land close enough to be discovered and taken to a hospital that somehow knows to contact their family without anyone questioning the whole space travel part or Rick and Morty survived this and you choose your ship crashed in Malta Beth points out that Rick's ship entered Earth's orbit and crashed onto an archipelago in the central Mediterranean Sea between Sicily and the North African Coast known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers including the Romans Moors French British and the Knights of Saint John like that's the weirdest thing about this situation I'm okay says the man whose body is in a cast but more concerningly whose fingers are outstretched and unbending at the joints Rick just regained Consciousness in his hanging bag of water isn't connected to anything if I've learned one thing from medical dramas it's that unconscious people always have a straw going from the hanging bag of water to their arm I'm not cold bleeding my sister trying to argue her way out of menstrual synchrony at summer camp somehow makes its way into this episode also no one in the neighborhood ever sees any of these things ever my name is Baltimore breaker of Sky Slayer of mountain if you have to announce that you're slaying it you're probably not slaying it and unless dragons are the main contributor to climate change then I'm gonna say that balthramaw has broken more wind than Sky I'm guessing you'd rather not be tagged in this is is she talking to the dragon from another dimension right now does she think he would be linked on social media or even know what that is I want you to take us to the airport and get us two first-class tickets to Florida cats thinking they can just show up in Florida whenever they're looking for a good time like it's their own personal playground as far as States go it deserves a little more courtesy than Ohio I want to enter my Lair and sleep upon my horde until the age of man expires Mondays what's this show called ass they solve ass crimes this ass is a clue go to her ass go to Brenner ass I love you ass should I pause ass show passes ass for all the gluteus amounts of some butt and that's the end of the Morty gets a Dragon episode it is not I hoard that which all kind covet but not everyone covets this specific drink so the dragon could essentially collect any random thing simply because some people like it also why would the Ecto Cooler drink be considered something to covet when it was in production for so long it's not like it was rare it was produced for years small soldier spin pops Rick loves pop culture things from the past to make him more relatable cliche hey why do you have Futures self-titled album on vinyl Rick loves pop culture things from the present to make him more relatable cliche he signed it in Molly and Percocet hey make sure I can only imagine is something akin to oil pastels we all know that would never really dry these beach umbrellas that are not anchored and when absolutely be blown around the beach flip up with the wind and knock an unfortunate passer by unconscious not that I have any experience minding my own business on a Sandy stroll only to be woken up minutes later by a half naked sunburned man chuckling about probabilities what I and who it was him right but she also asked why someone should in the sand so is everyone gonna just ignore that what if his reason was so profound that everyone decided to join in and bury their shirt on the beach what does it mean when's your lame Morty just summoned a Taylor Swift concert likely a live one in summer thinks that's lame that's a free concert forcing a cage animal to free its mind with drugs and yes I'm assuming the drugs are mind expanding in some way but even if they aren't wife with a creature that is [ __ ] with enough as it is bonding why does it feel better now oh I hope it's not because you're watching but don't go anywhere here's the thing that Rick says to his grandkids in this episode your dragon soul my grandpa grandpa I am so sorry that is a total violation how would Morty know that the Dragon Gin Soul Bond with more than one person at a time why wouldn't the wizard know that a dragon can Soul Bond without warning see people this is what happens when no one reads the fine print of the blood bonding contracts that we agreed to without a thought Grandpa do something or I will tweet and you will be canceled show treats this as a credible threat without giving us the slightest idea of how you cancel a Rick and even if it were possible to cancel your rescription we all know he would just [ __ ] off to some new dimension where he hasn't been canceled yet it takes like 78 years to hang a dragon what an odd thing for Morty to know I assume he knows the length of time it would take the hang of dragon because of the book He's reading so I could also say what an odd fact to have inside the Tome of dragon spells in lore make it looks like it's coming out of your butthole me is a thing that Rick just said to his granddaughter in this episode yeah yeah despite this agreement it does not look like the hero came out of her butthole and any attempt to achieve this seems to have been primarily done by the camera operator and not summer power of 12 feet laughs [Laughter] I never thought I would laugh so hard at the simple visual gag of Rick getting his ass kick and there's wizard porn in the background oh Ricky Morty you you take my breath away and if the goal is to make something up why not make up something funnier that cat would have a point if it listened to the remainder of the Brodus explanation of what a peanut butter gargoyle actually is it could have been hilarious and for that reason alone I'm angry that the cat interrupted I guess I'll never fully understand this totally made a hilarious sex position its correlation to statues and mashed peanuts stupid cat oh why can't couples that start out cheating ever end up happy did Rick know he was cheating they're not a fun seem to explode into accidental bonding and non-intentional cheating and sure Rick would have cheated anyway and we all know it but this didn't seem to be that sort of situation they were both surprised by it how about finding the spell that unbinds me from your [ __ ] Dragon no spells can do that only the wizard can unbind Soul bombs yes in the primary tools of wizards or spells but instead of arguing that I'll just say that two minutes later they all agree that killing the wizard can break the bond so either way this statement is untrue we like it down here because we could woolly mammoths get out before watching this episode I never really thought about woolly mammoth erotica but knew it wasn't a thing and now thanks to the writers and the internet I have confirmation that it is in fact a thing so this sentence for Humanity's boundless creativity and the fact that we found ways to use it that can simultaneously Inspire wonder and evoke fear it's high time I emerge for my [ __ ] of gold puberty so killing the wizard will break my Soul Bond yes it solves all of our problems interest to get on with the dragon show glosses over all the important questions related to this resolution like how or [ __ ] why why wouldn't he Morty didn't agree to this experience at all he was actively looking for a way out of it without having to Soul Bond with nine other beings he should talk to someone about this violation of his person an entirely too early exposure to the pleasures of inner species bonding wait why did the dragon come because you so [ __ ] him and have a soul orgy with your sister and Grandpa and every Dragon we could find yeah is a thing Cindy do I really have to complete this one or do you get the point cool thanks no look I just want to be clean I I feel dirty after everything that's happened how about a quick hand bond this moment of pressuring a kid into any number of sexual Soul bonding scenarios goes on for all of these should be jailed amounts of some time I'm from outer space happy no exactly because no answer would be satisfying writers use this cat as a proxy in their attempt to Gaslight me into thinking my need for answers is what has left me unsatisfied by this episode and not the boner killing Dragon zest get out get out I'm not sure why Rick doesn't just kill this cat for whatever it did he just went through and murdered all the Wizards guards even the ones that were just reading a book why did the writers draw the line at murdering a horrific alien cat creature that causes Rick to consider suicide it's for the post-credits scene isn't it [Music] we are the [ __ ] dragons [ __ ] caves but dragons we [ __ ] up there all dragons are [ __ ] enough [ __ ] fresh wet [ __ ] ten [ __ ] Soul orgy the all [ __ ] [ __ ] Phoenix dragons Morty be sure to pee before we go this adventure is going to be a long haul and I don't feel like emptying The Jug while the pee will return momentarily it in The Jug are ultimately red herrings that exist only to set up a rather unfunny centipede who eats urine joke later so you're getting two scenes Rick and Morty for pissing all over my valuable time the major Atomic Matrix slightly lighter than air and now your shoe shoes are heavier than air which makes you neutrally buoyant which I find personally more impressive conceptually than walking on water but what do I know I wasn't born into the god business I guess Rick's proclamations on his godliness make this decision and the resulting hijinks the product of his hubris but that won't stop me from pointing out that Rick's magic does whatever the plot needs pistol probably could and should have been able to make Jerry neutrally buoyant without his shoes but you think the centipede wants to eat your pee since matter can be neither created nor destroyed I have to ask where does the pee go when it's inside the centipede I mean even if it evaporated or something that still seems Less Pleasant than just peeing in The Jug you've written out of the story for some reason you young people think space is like Saturday Night Live you see it every day so you dream of being in it so then it's nothing like Saturday Night Live because it's not on every day and I'm pretty sure whichever generation is currently being accused of lacking work ethic has never seen it literally everything is out here and unlike everywhere else I'm too busy to help you never mind the fact that he does end up helping Morty after he gets bitten by the space snake I'm more concerned that the writers think changing a space Tire requires more concentration than toppling a Galactic Federation seducing a hive mind or fixing a fragmented space-time which you coincidentally also broke Morty's starting to look like a 90s Japanese ghost I'm not gonna say Rick trying to flex his knowledge of ringu but I'm more than willing to call him out for not knowing that Juan The Grudge came out in the odds imagine being a racist snake hey other snake I hate you because you're the wrong color snake I had a hearty laugh when I realized how easy it is to replace the word snake in this statement with the word human then I cried because frankly it's sad that a lot of humans have yet to learn such a simple lesson but then I laughed again because conceptually a racist snake is just funny then I cried again because conceptually a racist human is not funny so take your sin back so we can get back to laughing but also this snake parade is traveling in a straight line spitting right in the face of the slithering snake aesthetic that has abandoned aerodynamic efficiency for the sake of these wobbly snake Rockets I I can't be the reason why 19 billion snakes lost all hope using Morty's guilt is a reason for him to do some questionable things with a snake sure is a weird way to get the story rolling especially when you consider how many people he killed in episode 1 of this season and how little he cared about the hope he robbed from those families I don't know which Red soda this is but without naming names I drank one of them several years ago after walking five miles in the hot Texas sun and then proceeded to vomit furiously never been able to forget the uniquely potent flavors of its Ingress in subsequent egress and the site of red fluids has continued to haunt my Waking Life so as far as I'm concerned they're all a sin Morty is suddenly not being smart enough to know that when this snake sheds the temporary tattoos will likely go with it is slightly less concerning than the overt speciesism he displays by thinking one snake could be so easily replaced with another I'd be like me showing up at your Thanksgiving dinner with a matching Team Edward tattoo and acting like I didn't regret getting it your family would see right through it every writers think they can milk this plumbus every time they need a quick laugh this snake is somehow now wearing the space snake suit properly even though earlier Morty was shoving it into the suit face first if it doesn't work for sleeping bags it shouldn't work for this the next two minutes of this show will be Super Cuts of snakes doing the same things humans do with these same things humans would use to do them because it's funny to anthropomorphize animals especially when it makes no sense evolutionarily but unfortunately the funniness of the SS doesn't negate the sininess of the logic [Music] to be fair newscasts involving humans are no more interesting than this downbeat how do you in this [ __ ] game we've never gotten that far Rick spending time with his grandkids in a scenario that doesn't involve putting their lives at risk makes me question everything about this scene like is this a simulation I mean are they a simulation not am I a simulation I am 100 certain that I am real sure you pause Beth with a device Christopher Walken gave me after a record session taking the long way around saying remote just so you can make a reference to an Adam Sandler vehicle from the mid-2000s thinking this is a better name for a bar than Devil's protuberance of the mammary gland upon which the lactiferous Ducks open and milk is drawn just rolls off the tongue right one Diet Sprite remix please and uh is anyone here an Uber driver Jerry the obvious pool table light not being over the actual pool table and frankly your bar has a lot of sailing things Jerry brings up an interesting point here that honestly isn't addressed enough in this world when you over ceiling fan your bar you're just asking for trouble whether it's a man who brings in a boulder one day because he claims he will float without it or it's Davey having one too many shots at Tito's and then deciding to see how many pool cool cues you can jam in all the fans bad things will happen things you'll never be able to unsee just say no to over ceiling Fanning you will thank us summer house suits shook in my by your playlisting fleekness tonight trainers thought my cheeky ass would be high key stressed by the vibe but summer Squad is just being extra and that's super sus so bye Felicia I think my little brother got bit by a snake in outer space and killed it with a hubcap can you alter the course of a species Evolution like that without repercussion saying the more he altered the course makes it sound like there was a predetermined destination when what happened was more akin to an unintentional participation in their evolution I'd say an encounter with a new species that results in death is very much in line with the principles of natural selection in this case the snake literally bit off more than it could chew and as a result they were not selected for the next round of the tournament get behind me I will protect Beth was right there watching the creepy snake man's Judgment Day sales pitch aliens I am a robot sent back in time by the snake resistance to protect you from serpicor so her reaction here is more comedic than logic dick Rick pulp fictioning Morty back to life in the middle of Crossfire from time traveling snakes seems much harder than helping Morty deal with one snake while changing a tire but for reasons Rick seems much less angered here than he was during the cold open the war between snakes and machines snakeration 2 Judgment snake how exactly were they able to get a picture of Morty even if the snake was able to describe how he looked this attention to detail is insane I know we've gone over this so many times but you can't just write the present and expect us to know what that means does that mean 2019 present because that's not the [ __ ] present for me get behind me your brood will seat all life on this planet that doesn't make sense I don't care if it doesn't make any sense the deceitful way that Morty brought this earth snake to snake earth makes the seeding of a planet more problematic than the weird sacrifice at the beginning of Prometheus I can't get reception at my dentist but Jerry can make a phone call thousands of feet in the air Cherry almost never hits his Target outside of the bedroom so this working is just as much [ __ ] as Jerry not being immediately killed by the end impact also the depth of this pocket and this phone not falling out of it I don't suppose you guys will take a bribe attempting to bribe a snake officer of the law anyone else want legs the results of this literal and drastic intervention in the biology of snake kind don't play a bigger role in the snake evolution of this episode it's just 1985 but with snakes you know kind of like 1952 with meerkats but not so much like 1976 with possums that one was a disaster also show wants me to believe that Massachusetts is a phase that all pre-warp civilizations must go through that book has everything they need to create snake time travel and they're getting it in 1985 snake time the existence of this book tells me that the writers are aware that I'm aware that they're aware that I'm aware what was that Oh [ __ ] forgot I left narrator bot running how long did I leave this thing on wow he should have been watching a lot of Rick and Morty looks like he was right in the middle of sinning I guess I shouldn't leave this episode unfinished well let me see where he's okay what was he trying when he was sitting here look I don't know I don't know what he was doing here I'm just gonna go with something about some convenient 1980s time travel [ __ ] cliche snake or ham Lincoln survives this not that I wanted stageram Lincoln to not survive this but why is snake Lincoln so ready to accept time travel that immediately reads this note instead of being more concerned about what just happened to the well-dressed man from the 80s snake Hitler not using a shower curtain but mostly just being a snake Hitler just have to keep my grip Jerry says as he's holding on to the outside of a plane likely traveling at something around 600 miles per hour craters if you're gonna do this kind of we're eventually going to need a Jerry is an immortal super being episode to explain it if that ever happens we promise we'll give this sin back since British Airways once flew a 747 from LA to the UK on three engines now I'm gonna say that Jerry causing what I imagine be the first ever snake Strike should have been a cause for concern yes but not nearly the catastrophic event that the show wants me to believe it was also no matter how many times I watch this I continue to see a rocket-powered alligator that suffered the loss of two legs and not a rocket-powered snake that has suffered the growth of two arms it's pandemonium out there Morty being a snake demonius his soul somehow during all this hacking and slashing Summer's clothes stay clean how is the blood physics of this scene just as silly as Kill Bill but in the opposite direction chokes me without consent summer would be 50 Shades of great at TV sins also that's about as much curvature as you're going to get from a time travel story Josh futterman has entered the chat I have fun snowing those snake costumes together you little [ __ ] wait did Morty say snowing instead of sewing so you run that one back again I have fun snowing okay one more time a little bit slower Christmas episodes that book has everything they need to create snake time travel and and they're getting it in 1985 snake time the existence of this book tells me that the writers are aware that I'm aware that they're aware that I'm aware yes in this video I revealed that I built a robot to do the sitting for shows I'd rather Skip and this silly attempt at retconning my powers in the cineverse was definitely a one-off gag that will never ever happen again [Music] [Applause] I know the only reason I travel by train is to travel with weapons false other reasons include but are not limited to meeting Donald Gleason and or Mary Weaver for an affair play encrypted with a random stranger or finding out what baby tastes like also I know this particular train car is so hard Edge that they drink alcohol from Taps that look like snakes but why is there a knock dispenser at every table no one who enters this car would come unprepared to the point that this bar freely hands out brass knuckles at each individual table would they and yes this is the Rick and Morty where the creators decided nothing matters so it's our job to say that everything does take that logic who are you dirty sanchez Rick is clearly firing toward the ceiling and some of these shots yet everyone hits its Mark did he purchase a zorg zf1 from Gary Oldman even in a simulation or whatever you want to call this why not drink this potion sooner you can fart out of two buttholes this is a true waste of real estate except your weird leap and logic that has everyone on a train going to kill one guy I'm wondering who made the decision to animate Jeremy from CinemaSins in this way why would we take turns telling stories about it like little girls at a sleepover they are called slumber parties and you sir are a meanie what is with the Rick Sanchez Obsession I know right and which Rick Sanchez are you even talking about there's like a whole Citadel of them this show plays so fast and loose with its Ricks that I never know which one is the real Rick and which ones aren't it gets confusing you don't see us just switching channel narrators in the middle of a video without ever explaining it I mean can you imagine I know this story is BS but how did that Christmas tree jump from the right side of the window to all the way over to the left side of the window Morty and summer were hanging ornaments on it when Rick walked in now they're nowhere near it also good to see that they've managed to set up only one glass of wine on this table before bringing out the turkey none of my business but he didn't even save Christmas in that story this whole episode would be excellent at TV sins oh you don't have to pretend you didn't date him we all did now a lot of you will be focused on Yoda in this shot but I'm more focused on the fact that Rick dated Quinn morgendorfer Total Recall Sofia Vergara and Conan O'Brien also if you're an octopus how do you pick which lake the Garter goes on is it like a wedding ring situation it's not a real train it's a story device okay guys if you're gonna do all our work for us what are we supposed to even do show random pictures of adorable cat costumes if we wanted one-offs we'd do interdimensional cable this episode is interdimensional cable only this time Rick and Morty is the show that they keep flipping to it's like Rick and Morty an Inception just had a threesome baby with devs it's Rick and Morty entering their own portal like Malkovich did in Being John Malkovich that sounds like it should be a sin removal so it won't be since nothing makes sense in this episode I'm going to remove a sin for the oversized tickets Please arcade game with a huge monitor that requires a seat a VR helmet and a giant console to play ever ruining your grandkids birthday this could come in handy so in this literally metaphorical literal metaphor Anthology Story train air is continuity does that even mean anything does anything mean anything sorry to nitpixer sorry to nitpick doesn't that mean those two could be any Rick and Morty has blown up continuity as we know it but what I really want to know is why are there tally marks on the wall suggesting that someone was trapped here for 10 days even in this Wacky World it's hard to believe that Rick and Morty can punch somebody just once and they die instantly of course this thing is just a circle the first image of this episode is a regular ass looking train in Space the track might be circular but the train isn't there's probably a point to this but I'm too lazy to look it up we don't have to do anything Morty this is just a structural guide we're obviously going to impart our own style I don't like how meta this is getting rich you know I've watched this episode five times and a lot of it feels like the writers were going through a therapy session like they're worried that their original show might get stale it's like a palette cleanser but after waiting for this show to come back since 2017 waiting two years to get half of a season and waiting another four months for the next episode I'm not sure I really needed an episode where the writer is obsessed over their own creation what's funny is that a year from now this episode will be just another episode in the pressure on it to be great will be completely gone this sounds like a it should be a sin so I'm removing one shut up Morty you're 14. you watch videos of people on YouTube reacting to YouTube bet you really felt that one Dave huh I'll be the judging when we get too meta look I don't have a problem with the meta I have a problem with when the meta becomes a lazy excuse just to do whatever you want and pretend it's clever like when YouTube channels get an easy laugh by accusing the show they're dissecting of doing the very thing that people accuse them of doing oh wink a wink what's happening going into a knack break you know it's kind of like they're trying to steal our job and break our will so hard that it never returns like when parents find their kids with cigarettes and force them to smoke the whole pack bad news dad our lungs were made for this I'm a bird person and more sure that was a great moment why is it that in this train car that people get a stage to tell their Rick and Morty stories also taping photos on curtains we've been here a really long time and nobody's taken our tickets how does a guy suspended in disbelief in space gather up enough momentum to suddenly appear for a joke I just answered my own question didn't I Rick and Morty just made the most TV sins proof episode ever with this thing didn't they or should I say the most TV since debunked episode ever cutesy name news meet insert Joker sin stop thinking and do it okay there was this my name is Mike Johnson that's good coffee wait is this how Morty is telling the story or is this the representation of the story Morty is telling I mean is Morty Standing On Top of the train saying my name is Mike Johnson that's good coffee or is he talking about a guy named Mike Johnson who likes coffee why is lesbian part of her job title now you're Progressive I love you ever since you were mailed to me by a doctor woman this is a brilliant deconstruction of the bechdel test mainly the idea that some people have that following it inherently creates a great narrative Jurassic world passed the bicdell test fight them with your heavy special time you do it too wow you know what's really special about summer and Beth's heavy special time their pants stay completely intact that new brand of Kotex is phenomenal I'm that Supreme Court lady and you [ __ ] did it I don't know if this actually passes the bechdel test Beth was called Mom and Morty couldn't even remember Ruth Bader ginsburg's name so I'm not sure there are two or more named females in this story Rick save Morty by plugging his oxygen into Morty's helmet but when Rick Falls they are no longer connected and sure Morty could hold his breath for a few seconds but why do both of their helmets now have hoses plugged into them don't worry Morty nothing out there is Canon as if it matters the show is to Canon like the dursleys are to Harry Potter it throws it under the stairs and only lets it see the light of day when it absolutely has to if continuity doesn't matter then this one ball that was definitely coming towards Rick shouldn't be coming towards Rick in the next shot it should be a lizard at this point am I giving this show a sin for not breaking continuity yes I am who the [ __ ] am I not real nothing's real you can tell because not only do these officers arrive five seconds after Rick is stabbed they come from two different directions did the third one run in and then around the camera and then in from the other side well it's nice to see their cuts and bruises from the rest of this fight have healed up so nicely is this intentional maybe does it matter lasagna I take all the sins back if this ends with one of these two bringing the other one back to life and then exchanging a kiss that is somehow both platonic and romantic Even Rick and Morty can't help but play the hits for a cheap thrill and if you don't think it's a cheap thrill explain to me again how the meeseeks play into this scene in any way whatsoever I'll wait time's up they don't thank you for sending your only begotten what are you doing you guys would never do this okay I understand that this guy represents the fans and or the network but if Rick and Morty started praying like this everybody would know it's building to a joke which is exactly what this does complete with a VeggieTales reference I mean even if this happened for real we laugh because it's so anti-vim listening to Rick's voice is funny enough that they could do a whole episode in church with him playing a pastor and it would be funny somehow I'm thinking it would be funny somehow I beg your pardon well it is Jesus and they're in a machine so this is his deus ex machina as it gets and I think that deserves a sent off so what do you think haha you thought this was a big play on the setting of snow piercer but it turns out it was a big play on a scene from the 1991 Adams Family haha you thought this was a big play on the setting of snow piercer which turned out to be a big play on a scene from the 1991 Adams Family but it was actually a big play on a scene from Ant-Man nobody's out there shopping with this holy way to get that in there at the last minute we know how long it takes to get one of these episodes done and to do some timely last second thing like this that's awesome but now that I think of it why is this episode titled never ricking Morty is that a play on the never-ending story does that work on any level is it a joke a play on words does this episode have anything to do with that movie does a horse get real sad and die they should have just called it throw logic from the train and been done with it right now look it up it's real it's not after the scene I immediately grabbed the Facehugger I have in my garage and went to the cave in my backyard to see if one of its tentacles could get hung up on a stalactite in this manner I was really good at hitting my head against the stalactite and even after several rubs I was turned on by the stalactite but I could not get the Facehugger to wrap its tentacle around it geez does Morty only have four top teeth why have I not noticed this before four last thing I remember I was ugh in a cave looking at some wet egg and oh that probably did it which makes you wonder how Ricky even let this happen based on how this episode progresses he's clearly very aware of the alien movies and facehuggers in general so he should have been at the very very least putting those lessons to use that nobody from Prometheus learned about touching strange substances out in the wild I told you not to look at that egg it was too wet but to look at I've PornHub account couldn't wait to take the leap from things you shouldn't look at as a matter of survival to shaming Morty for his Porn profile could you not to mention invading his privacy and that's your grandson man you looked up his account to see what turns him on also later we find out that while Morty told Rick not to look at the egg he was just as enamored with the egg as Rick was this might be a little harder than I thought holy sh they've got an m m store oh have I been watching one of those Rick and Morty integrated ads this whole time I thought this was the episode and this after I wrote so many sins on that Pringles ad last week I'm not putting that back on my face relax it's dead that's not exactly an incentive you feel an egg in your stomach no no glass half full yeah Frick is basing all his information on alien then he should know that Kane didn't feel the egg in his stomach until it was way too late so sounds like your glass might be half full of glub glub Jesus Christ who the [ __ ] was I I guess Rick immediately subscribed to his parasite's channel as soon as he saw it or he took this phone from one of the guards who clearly didn't like Rick and therefore wouldn't be a subscriber to his channel at least sell out and sell vitamins or something no Wendy's but close enough I did this you and the amazing technology you both brought us I get that the summer reveal is a surprise for us later on in the episode but there is no reason the face hugging parasites wouldn't be mentioning her here since she is the one most responsible for the changes in their society is there more nope nope I guess uh that that's it just don't close our Earth so are these creatures called glorzo is glorzo what they call Morty or is glorzo a verb because I'll be God glores out if I can glorzo out with the glorzo these facehuggers are glorzoing about are they like the Smurfs why haven't you blinked uh for 20 minutes and why uh doesn't your mouth move when you talk they're just now noticing this these creatures clearly have gorzo for brains geez you'd think Rick would have better duct tape than this in that magic lap Cody wears why are they keeping the Facehugger masks if they're fleeing the planet it's as if Rick knows they might forget something and have to come back later and use them again Rick's tiny spaceship apparently can take flight even with something like 20 times heavier attached to it congratulating yourself on not making a 911 joke which actually by definition is still itself a 911 joke also I'm wondering why during this entire Rampage Rick hasn't been wearing his seatbelt except this one time here just before they see the not World Trade Center and then when it comes back he's not wearing it even though it's the same background same framing same everything did they animate multiple takes pretending that the actor who plays Rick had to go to the bathroom at some point and he forgot to put his seatbelt back on so you did a 911. almost did a 911 we we went with the Pearl Harbor we're pretty classy in a moment of Michael Bay versus Charlie Sheen I do think Rick and Morty made the right choice but not sure it's a moment to be proud of I've been getting into beekeeping lately is something wrong with that wrong with beekeeping no but there is something wrong with how long it's taking you to slice those pancakes who even uses a knife on a pancake are they steak pancakes I mean what the glorzo I don't sequel It's called Integrity then please explain interdimensional cable too so Rick's wristwatch thingy is saying that summer is underground and that's it how unhelpful is this locator thing does it even have directions Empress is everything all right um sees them I don't get why Rick can't put that shield around them again and bring out some other weapon that he probably has in that lab coat but shows got to fill 22 minutes somehow I guess [Music] buddy I'm just gonna call this Deus ex-harmacana because why the [ __ ] does either of them have a harmonica and it just so happens to be the facehugger's weakness why the [ __ ] did you tell your minions to seize them you've been on enough Rick and Morty Adventures to know that Rick would have gotten you out of here without having to come up with some wacky plan to escape you're in a cape summer how bad could it be no bad story ends with a cape Justice League does or was I simply getting close to carpool with garcool consuming me Rick can we listen to something else first off people listen to anything surrounded by other people who don't want to listen to it without headphones I'm talking to you dude at the airport on speakerphone and woman watching YouTube with the volume turned to 85 decibels you know who you are second off why doesn't Morty have his own device with headphones I'm just saying they're currently in a spaceship I'm assuming the technology exists it's a toothpick I'm a toothpicker now get used to it God are you desperate for a thing this show is experiencing a self-awareness crisis from the previous episode that has spilled over into this episode everything is being introduced as a thing and someone has to comment on it why couldn't the episode do something where she simply needed the toothpick because this toothpick is crucial to the plot it's the only reason why facehuggers can't grab her later it is my thing just like yours is dying alone [ __ ] dying alone be a thing a thing is something you do often dying alone is something you do once maybe twice if you're a Gemini how long have you been hatched 30 seconds I've been alive seven minutes uh I've been here for 29 minutes I'm getting heavy me six vibes from these things so all you do is live half an hour eggs and die yes we Stephen King presents Rick and Morty's dream catcher okay you guys don't have to listen to me but I vote you don't do that and who's up for changing things around here so wait all these other facehuggers that have been around long enough to know what their purpose in life is just accept Summer's suggestion with no questions asked and they're able to get everyone in town on board with that plan how the [ __ ] do these things suck the egg back into their bodies also why do they do it they obviously don't know who summer is so they don't know why they should follow her also summer seems to be without her toothpick all of a sudden which I think is unwise considering that's the reason she was considered a God in the first place okay there's at least a couple details in this episode that I love the pencils and gum stuck in the ceiling and the Facehugger paper dolls in the classroom honestly lastly summer I can't thank you enough it's really weird that this Society deifies summer but they don't put images of her everywhere and give all the glory to Steve Morty yeah I know there are groups of fans out there who have been dying for Rick and Morty to make out it's probably the number one requested thing on all the chat boards but this is one of those things that shows do where they play on that thing that you really want and it doesn't count it's like in The X-Files movie when Mulder does CPR on Scully and the filmmakers were able to tease that their lips touch or when James Earl Jones's voice comes out of Maggie and one of those Simpsons Halloween specials anyway I'm glad they got the burning will they or won't they question out of the way in season four now maybe they can bring in Kirsty alley [Music] now that they're showing this part again I've got to say this is the MC Escher of animated X machinist how the [ __ ] does that tentacle get around the right side of that stalactite when Morty walks to the left of it it's not like the tentacle is in a loop formation it's tightly attached to his face and we shall drive away from here and die okay guess what everybody it's me the whiny guy you never want to hear from she's trying to escape with her family my time to shine this is what we get for evolving I'm sorry we thought you were evil why would you think that had a giant tower that Blair glorzo is peace I know is there something missing from this episode in the first part of the episode that causes the conflict the missile that they were supposed to send to the Earth was going to send a bunch of facehuggers right their message may have been peace but they were still going to send parasites to a bunch of unwilling hosts but before we get a chance to see what it was going to do Rick throws it into a building and it explodes this is the most confusing part of the episode because it's never spelled out what that missile was going to do when it got to the planet and it seems like Rick and Morty were going to have to kill a lot of these things to escape anyway so it doesn't really matter if they were peaceful or not so why is he apologizing about killing them how is this guy still alive hasn't the harmonica music reached him yet I was working with a lot just let me listen to the podcast next time but the podcast had nothing to do with why they ended up on this world can we just relax and maybe watch some interdimensional cable we don't need to try so hard you know let's just take it easy and riff you know I for one will be very happy be when you guys leave the Being John Malkovich stage and just go ahead and make a [ __ ] episode without so much self-reference I mean I mean it's kind of cute like you're that You parody Jerry's beekeeping makes him attractive to teenage girls this opening foreshadowing is fantastic this rat gets lit up by some acid leaving only his bones totally setting up a classic Rick and Morty Adventure I almost parked I know driving around in a spaceship is cool and all but why does Rick even need the spaceship anymore since he regularly transports [Applause] foreign well I thought it was cool it was also a great way to waste some time so you could fill all 22 minutes of your episode what is this face you're making I mean it's pretty much the same face Morty makes a hundred percent of the time you tell him something it's a combination of exhaustion and disdain usually you ignore it but this episode wants to set up a relationship Tiff so now all of a sudden you're Mr Sensitive shout out to the props guy on set who loads the exact amount of bottles and trash for Rick and Morty to kick out every time they exit Herbie the spacebug if this vehicle is such a mess why is the only trash by the door well I'm glad to see the hyrulean economy has taken over the universe there's no way Rick is dumb enough to trade 10 red rupees for 10 green ones the red ones are worth 10 times as much how will you ever afford your flamebreaker armor okay but does anything beat fake crystals and a fake arm maybe fake crystals a fake arm and the wisdom to go ahead and keep shooting until they're all dead also why are Peter gory and Guilford Grimley even holding guns if they aren't going to shoot back these tubes have no regulator to let the carbon monoxide be exhaled and I don't see any bubbles coming from their noses I'm no expert but this is clearly a Suffocation machine yeah sound does not travel through Mountain Dew this well and to be honest bones don't float in it either of course Rick could have invented some sort of liquid modifier to give it the density of acid that also has some sort of acoustic transmission molecule or something but my patience for BS tank is running low so since when do they title these episodes in the open this is like the Simpsons Bart gets hit by a car title that comes out of nowhere [Music] I know this extremely hilarious conversation happens so that Rick and Morty will have to stay down here a little bit longer but if the idea of dropping their buddy in the same vat of acid is potentially a problem then why don't they just use one of the many other Vats in the factory it's funny they care so much but seriously this is not a difficult decision [Music] look I've watched the John Wick movies and those movies clearly prove that you can't fire laser dissolvers through faux acid water without at least first priming the Xenon also there is no way that Ladle was long enough to cover this distance [Music] sometimes things are so funny they actually need multiple sins removed also I love this gangster character so much I want to remove a sin but then Rick and Morty end up murdering these guys I really hope that when he said even if you kill me you're a dead man that means he'll respond in another episode but until then he's dead forever and that is a shame oh see now that wasn't that hard was it maybe just do that the first time okay also someone just give these guys their own show I would watch a whole three seasons of these gangsters followed by a contract dispute that leads to a split up fourth season just to watch more of them I'm rescinding the fact that you killed them but these guys are the best what was it worse than when I was a pickle oh that's right you weren't there for that turns out kind of cool maybe there's a connection there excuse me that cool thing you did without me again the awesome thing I I guess you wanted a dragon I haven't seen this much fan service callback humor since Jeremy's College girlfriend narrated The Prometheus School of not lap dancing 40 seconds of logos I guess the rest of the family went on vacation does Rick regularly Park his spaceship in the garage there are times when this garage has cars in it and other times there's nothing but Rick in his lab so I'm wondering where he keeps the spaceship in those moments there's no such thing as a bad idea Morty it's about execution while this episode is mostly free from the last two episodes psychological self-evaluation there are still a couple of moments in this episode that have that hang up get over it already place like in a video game but in real life so you can try stuff and then go back to your save point yes Morty I saw it on Futurama and now the show is having its South Park moment where it's worried that it will do something that another show did which became the basis for The Simpsons already did it you even dragged another Matt graning show into it I may have never noticed this before but does Rick keep a fire extinguisher way up high on a shelf nearly Out Of Reach all right class remember when Morty went to school and had normal interactions with daily life is it a bad sign when you're having Nostalgia for the first season of a show that's only in season four asking for every show ever also I don't doubt that this guy's class is probably the worst math class you could ever witness but I don't understand why there is a two plus two equation on the board unsolved nobody in this class is having trouble with two plus freaking two are they the show attempts to establish here that as soon as Morty dies he resets to his last save point but that's not what we saw when Rick killed him earlier and you may say that's because Rick was the one who pushed the button and I'll say well doesn't that mean that it should only reset if Rick died and you might say it's still attached to Morty's DNA somehow in the same person who sets it has to reset it and then I'll say but later Jerry resets a save point that Morty started and you'll say it's just a cartoon why do I care so much and I'll say you're the one who started it man and you'll say you're not Jeremy I don't have to listen to you sorry I I may be working some things out here my point is the death reset thing is convenient and unexplained can we carry on trumping these examples of mundane ways to Groundhog Day are hilarious but if he's resetting when he misses why are there scattered cheesy balls on the table this turn into this long relationship segment is exactly why I will never give up on Rick and Morty it's carefully constructed nuanced and confident even though it remains irreverent in crass sure you basically know where it's going but it still executes it beautifully take your sin removal you Rascals you earned it having said that it seems like Morty is so Jessica obsessed that I don't understand why he even takes an interest in this girl he even knows he has Jessica on the hook after he acted all aloof around her a minute ago yes show we know how they met we were watching remember this is the show briefly going into self Park there's is no way anybody knows where the tail section of this plane is after that crash much less created a detailed map of the entire terrain if they did they'd have already checked the tail of the plane I guess the news didn't give a [ __ ] about the other survivors or the other survivors died before the helicopter could save them look I know Jerry is dumb but I doubt he's I can't recognize the difference between this and the TV remote dumb also why is Morty's bag on the side of the couch open with the remote control sitting neatly on top for this type of thing to even happen so from the time just before he met his new boo Morty never once set a new save point like not even accidentally dude went from resetting cheese ball tosses to never resetting anything cold turkey nope also I bet you're kicking yourself for already burning that Live Die Repeat episode title huh I don't respect time travel if Ant-Man and the WASP can do it I'm not interested funny because just like Ant-Man and in game you depended on a completely random and convenient button push to move your plot along you just substituted falling on your butt for a random rat and now you're the very thing you despise also didn't you shrink yourself in one episode also also Rick has crazy pop culture knowledge for a guy who's always going on adventures drinking and building inventions this goes by fast so let's sort this out what Rick seems to be saying is that at the exact moment Morty presses the save button the remote looks for parallel Dimensions happening in concurrent real time that have the previous save point moment just now happening the problem is Morty was in a relationship for several months which means that when Jerry reset to that save point Morty traveled to a universe where all the same things that happened many months ago in his Universe just started happening in the new universe I thought it was impossible to think of something more confusing convenient and messy than time travel but congratulations and even so this means as many times as Morty pushed the button and for all the seconds hours days months that passed in those moments have all actually passed in his original Dimension without time travel which we know Rick hates he's been missing from his home family for quite some time will the show ever deal with this no does it matter garlic bread if there was already a u in each probable Dimension so we had to solve for that by melting the previous Morty doesn't that leave a dimension without a Morty shouldn't they swap Dimensions how does killing one of them even solve anything also it's not like leaving a burning pile of Morty goo in a dimension really changes anything it's just a dead Morty instead of a live one right that's right you little [ __ ] it's the prestige you prestige [Laughter] Prestige being used as a verb oh this is a great episode the original split is still time stamped I can make it so those mortys never existed at all wait what without time travel I can't tell if the show knows it's talking out of its butt or if it actually thinks this makes sense and that's not a good sign you live with the consequences those things happen somewhere but you can merge the probable reality so that only one Morty did them how can you merge all these realities when a Morty died in half of them not to mention all the ones we're doing one thing would have meant he couldn't have done another thing wait so so you're not even my Rick if this is a parallel universe Rick that means there are several other parallel universe mortys who all challenged their risks to build the same remote right there isn't just one Morty who asked for this and all the other parallel morties just went to the room and set a challenging Rick to make this thing let's face it there are so many versions of Morty doing this that it would be an impossible mess to clean up and when did this Rick figure out that this wasn't his Morty so did the girl who became Morty's girlfriend merge with all the other versions of her who pepper sprayed him I bet she's super confused about all this right now [Music] reality of course not because Dimension portals are this Show's get out of plot jail free card also if that's the case where and when did they enter this reality according to my frustrated half understanding of the concept it had to be before he pushed the button the first time right did he drag Morty to another dimension while he was sleeping either I'm not smart enough to comprehend these complexities or this show is shoveling so much nonsense on top of nonsense that it hopes we don't notice or both both could be true so Johnny Carson is still alive and doing his show at 95 Ed McMahon is 97 man Johnny Carson really hated Jay Leno in this universe didn't he our next guest uh gave us well actually very little information uh besides the fact that he is uh impervious to acid so we put him on the show without even rehearsing it because that's how talk shows in this parallel universe in 2020 were and that means no sci-fi bull is that right Rick how the [ __ ] did they get Rick to come along on this trip I feel like if four seasons of Rick and Morty taught me anything it's that Rick will be willing to turn himself into a pickle if necessary to get out of stuff like this why are you building a Faraday Box to block out the signal thank you Morty for telling us all what a Faraday Box is I mean I know what it is but you know not everyone did but also Morty has seen Rick build all sorts of crazy things how did he instantly know that Rick was building a Faraday Box and not let's say a deadly Jack in the Box or a box to hold a bomb or gorzo knows what else why go through all the trouble of building a Faraday Box if throwing the phone out the window was an option and no I'm not saying fair at a box over and over so I remember it I super already knew that it was called a Faraday Box you know what's really bugging me about this scene the steering wheel seems to be very low while yes this gives us a great view of the car it would be chafing Jerry's legs the entire drive I love this contraption Rick has stalled into the station wagon but is he attached to the door the back seat doesn't come with him so what's holding Rick up during this transition I hope you realize the tubing permit was not refined relax Jerry we'll be in and out in a minute all this talk of lube and being in and out in a minute reminds me of a what oh tubing right oh man they got to Rick's baby mama fast I was hoping they were going to do a twisted take on the movie Lock sex with a living planet fixed up for mankind stop encouraging people to stick their divining rods into Earth holes doesn't anyone remember the 1999 penis burn epidemic after American Pie and there are Critters in those Planet holes come on Gaia Baby Big Daddy Rick is here what's the problem the problem here is a perfectly missed opportunity to show the animator's ability to draw anything other than a gimbals we've seen Dick after after hairy ball and when it comes time to show the beauty that is the vulva we get a [ __ ] multi-tiered crater with a sphincter in the middle hitting me look at them they look just like you they really really don't I mean just because they have pointy hair doesn't make them look like Rick the father could be Lisa Simpson for all they know guy a baby gonna need a little raw iron and steam whatever you need and then Rick summons a thing from the station wagon and that's all it takes apparently for Rick to build an entire Factory out of this planet's womb why go back there when you have the most interesting mystery developing right in front of you Jerry creates this murder stick for no reason oh you think it's for roasting marshmallows but nope he whips a metal stabby tool out for that why is this stick being whittled because if you move the bar so low you might actually seem like you're worth geez they turned Jerry into this Show's Meg Griffin didn't they they can Heap all sorts of abuse on him without him fighting back and is it funny you just end up feeling sorry for the guy as dumb and listless as he is I mean this kind of lashing out would be reserved for a jury who actually did Summer's friend from the primordius episode shouting on helpful directions at the woman giving birth with directions that are in fact simply stating what she was already doing penis fruit also freaking Beth were going through all the trouble of helping these clay Ricks achieve fulfillment why confuse them from the start with what the number two really is is it a watermelon a pear why can't it just be a number also we have a pie chart with an actual pie on it and we have another screen that shows how you definitely don't play Tic-Tac-Toe sure just give the O's the game X's it's not like anybody bet all their life savings on yet another draw why is the sign for interns plural when everything else is singular this might be the worst sin Rick and Morty has ever committed I can add an online to the college work around or just push them out through a pipe in the back same thing uh I knew it wouldn't be long before I had to remove a sin I guess you don't want to learn how to skip rocks either the first step in skipping a rock is to choose a rock that will Skip and not immediately sink to the bottom of the water the second step is to choose a body of water that is still and lacks of current and yeah maybe this is the joke but if Jerry skips Stones by selecting tiny boulders to Chuck it Rivers he wouldn't be interested in teaching his kids because he would constantly fail with this task also Jerry survives this this series of blocks contains zero cuberts okay where did Jerry get a s'more he cooked one earlier and gave it to Summer who threw the once more into the fires of mountain dysfunction a couple minutes ago does Jerry just have spare s'mores in his bag I grant that this is something that Jerry would do but I'm sinning It Anyway also now that we've sinned that Jerry even should have one in the first place let's discuss the fact that Jerry is the sort of person who keeps an unprotected s'more in his bag he is also the sort of person who can pack the fragile s'more in such a way that it doesn't crumble even though he's survived a river Factory and fall so really I don't know if I should respect him fear Him or hate him what is that this this is camping that is a [ __ ] s'more well I guess that seals it I hate Jerry there you go guys pump those cheeks cheeks encouraging incest also I guess it's a standards and practices thing but if these two really aren't pumping cheeks then the lack of motion means they're doing it wrong if I die don't eat my ass that'd be weird so your boobs and vagina are okay then by the way it would be awesome if summer was ribbing Morty here for actually eating human flesh in the last episode if summer is going to be the teenage girl version of Rick this would have been a perfect opportunity for that callback but it doesn't even seem this episode knows what happened in the last episode pipes you sure these kids are yours what you've never heard me sing karaoke well everyone on Earth at this point should be familiar with the events of get schwifty in which you had to show an alien what you got and what you got ain't that you guys self-reference a lot when it comes to your writing anxieties but character's not remembering things like that is crazy to me sorry sorry just trying to get the hang of this thing who's he apologizing to his family that would be dead right now had the staff worked as he thought it did oh sorry I didn't kill you in a glorious fashion just then oopsie [ __ ] Jerry dude for real just trying to smite me Siri triangulate source of power did you for real just use Siri to triangulate this God's source of power geez our Communications companies are going to know everything now you see my true form the clouds were simply a shake more appealing to gaia's mind wait so why do all of your kids look like the illusion of you you look like Kid Rock Zeus does anyone know who kid Rocky is anymore mixing Zeus with Sophia hajipuntelli would make more sense and probably be a more interesting Google search honestly also looks like somebody got some Deadpool in my Rick and Morty all right [ __ ] let's go this goes on for some time also the power of a God versus a guy who has gadgets and knowledge of a God and we're about to see a fistfight way to DC Comics show this ship has power also not only does it have power they're able to get the ship off the ground from this position and with a bunch of roots and Vines running through it the thrusters but no matter whether it's wings or thrusters this ship somehow gets into space you like these plagues I'm unleashing on your asses we never once get to see one of Jerry's plagues even if they're as lame as best says they are I want to see the full brunt of Jerry's plagues makana X Deus show thinks that Jerry can use his marshmallow roaster thing to pull Beth out of the chasm and if four seasons of this show has taught me anything about Jerry show is contradicting yourself about Jerry this is another one of those weird animation things the lava was so close to them here that I don't know how they didn't get melted by the lava before they climb aboard the ship it's one of those things where they're saved because the show says they are and I refuse to accept that see you put the fire stick to the wood and voila campfire you have known about this the whole time one of not Rick's kids would be amazing at TV since is that all you want to say to your children before you leave oh yeah about that title childrick of mort it's a Children of Men parody title I get that and I get the children part I just don't get the mort part unless it's some clever nod to all the death in the episode but you know how much I hate it acknowledging the French remember when there were episode titles that didn't need to fit the Rick or Morty in like lawnmower dog they didn't call that lawn Morty dog well I love this bit at the end where Rick is scrolling through a planet dating site I'm wondering what planet would call themselves 2R Dash f181 like they're content with the random name some earth scientists gave them oops there's a hole in my ozone I didn't put it there did you I can't sell it by myself I'm not smart enough erogenous ozone Beth Smith Beth Beth Beth Smith okay God it's just such a plain I'm trying to come up with a mnemonic device true facts before we release last week's TVs video for children of Moore we called Beth Pam on a couple of occasions it's hilarious the show thinks Janet's name is forgettable too I am so sorry um uh oh God why would space Beth shoot him if she wanted him to tell your top bugs the Defiance lives on why not just write her name down on something if he can't remember it congratulations to your government business or Terror cell on its acquisition of the nx-5 planet remover by zamazakhs in partnership with Wrangler jeans the product placement is funny and all but how many aliens out there would be ones that would wear jeans and even if they would Wrangler doesn't seem like the type to affiliate themselves with Planet destroying Weaponry that really feels more like a Levi thing don't you ever Miss Earth I don't have to miss it I'm technically still there my dad made a perfect clone of me to take my place man Beth brings up the fact that she has a clone with very little prompting the question was don't you ever Miss Earth and the first words out of her mouth are I don't have to miss it which makes no sense but she's able to do a perfect triple axle from that into by the way I have a clone I am actually disintegrating wow you're dead is that really it we did it I believe Jerry would be gullible enough to think Rick disintegrated but none of the rest of the family I don't even know what this Gambit is supposed to do in a post pickle Rick World other than to provide the episode with a bee story morning's making a big mess isn't he I'm almost certain that the next time we get a good look at this table we'll get confirmation of oh it's like nothing happened at all Rick probably did something where messes clean themselves up in some other dimension or something Rick creates this grid barrier between he and Beth but I'm wondering why this thing doesn't go all the way to the ceiling why would you create a grid with this kind of glaring weakness okay have fun pumpkins wait what does supposedly clone Beth have in her neck that allows her to imitate Rick perfectly she doesn't even have a Tracker in there anymore not that it matters is this how perfect impressions are possible stick a finger in your neck even if she had some sort of device in her throat how does it know to imitate Rick specifically okay fine this guy uses military time on his alarm clock but wasn't it just breakfast like a minute ago we should still be in the morning digits right also I will say it's kind of interesting having the typical invisible teenage male uses his powers to be a creeper peeping Tom switched around to an invisible woman doing the same thing but a Peeping Tammy would still be creeper-ish so I'm going with this in regardless so I'll just see you at cheerleader practice this will only be the second time Morty has used an invention to spy on girls in the locker room in the last three episodes I'm surprised we haven't seen a Morty Rick Possible episode where Morty tries to spy on the girls by going through the air vents how do you like that [ __ ] I liked it more than my old belt you mean your old belt that conveniently had a similar blue circle on the Buckle just like the invisibility belt did you mean that belt holy crap what is happening in this picture is this such a lurid picture that the kid wearing a meth Gator shirt is the least insane thing about it I guess Rick and Morty have a deal with Shoney's too that's the only reason I can think of that would possess someone to go there to get their drink on I feel like this is both a joke and product placement like if we weren't in the middle of a pandemic we'd mock this but secretly go there when no one is looking my daughter having Space Adventures this packet sitting by Rick appears to be a pink Sweet and Low knockoff and he's drinking a beer what's that about [Music] [Laughter] they're trying to take over the Galaxy everybody in the Galaxy tries to take over the Galaxy the trick is to be left alone by whoever succeeds this coming from a man who is destroyed no telling how many universes and even recently impregnated an entire [ __ ] planet that sounds like the exact opposite of laying low oh look they somehow got suny's TV into the shonies the eye was broken off when Woody Allen threw a baseball at it during a Ronan Pharaoh report I guess summer was just planning on fire extinguishing the entire locker room to find Morty but her convenient choice of this spot is still convenient show gives me irreversible irreversible flashbacks if you can find Morty on a random peeping trip why can't you find his mom who's actually at the therapist's place at an appointed time the only reason these guys show up to ask Morty questions is so that summer and Morty can overtake the ship in ex machina Rick out of a bad situation later man for a season that is making fun of sequels rehashes and callbacks they sure are producing a lot of sequels rehashes and callbacks I'm better than Susan Sarandon self-appraisal after her first day on the set of Speed Racer somehow makes its way into this episode and is that froze the Beth clone why wasn't he able to put her in something more permanent so that this confrontation wouldn't happen wow naive and attractive wow jaded and hot Clone Wars but if you stop fighting you both get McDonald's how about I just blow my brains out starting with hers okay Wendy's we love Wendy's I think they even gave us some money the show makes a joke about McDonald's just so they can make a joke about their Wendy's ads it's not enough that there's a regular Wendy's commercial and a Rick and Morty Wendy's commercial during the broadcast but yet another mention in the show itself they know if you're left alone you're a non-threat what how does that even make the least bit of sense once again he has destroyed so many universes and recently impregnated a [ __ ] planet it's not Citizen Kane but why compete with whatever's going on here you know I'm going with Star Wars meet Starship Troopers meets my stepmother as an alien what a crappy Death Star does it really take this long to blow up a planet the ghost of Alderaan is pissed guess the Galaxy's Most Wanted mammal needs her daddy to come change her diaper come on kids we have to go do a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] Star Wars which they dropped the ball on the title of this episode Rick turn of the Jerry okay but shouldn't it have been a play on Attack of the Clones oh I really want to know how these portals work exactly because there was a previous episode where Morty was stuck with the gun and Rick wasn't in the same universe and he couldn't figure out how to get it to work which means it's not something as simple as thinking about where you want each portal to lead so if there is some kind of coordinate code that means Rick just opened up nine portals to each of these spacebugs positions by hitting a button on the gun a couple of times and I'm calling glove glove on that looks like summer went to the Fast and Furious presents Hobson Shaw School of using a dead or unconscious body for facial recognition as I watch Rick once again pull out a whole bunch of gadgets to get into yet another fight I wonder why he didn't use any of this stuff when he fought that Zeus guy from childrick of mort yeah maybe he agreed on a no weapons fist fight but Rick doesn't seem like the kind of guy who cares about the rules of combat some of Rick's extreme body mods don't even make sense sure building a panic room for your heart keeps the heart itself from puncture but those major entry and exit art of veins are all still exposed and in the same general area protecting the heart muscle itself after a giant drill has breached the entire chest cavity is so ineffective that it's basically the pull out method of interior Mech technology how come some of the pants the nx5 can't destroy Wrangler jeans these product placement things are amusing and tiresome at the same time their tires amusing but what I really want to know is how does one of the guys not know about the nx5's inability to destroy Wrangler jeans maybe we could do like a Parent Trap thing together sometime as long as you mean the Lindsay Lohan version Haley Mills shaming Rick survives this never thought this was How I died we're nowhere near Venice and you're not a dwarf in a raincoat don't Rick now it fascinates me that an entire family can be this critical and suck this much I don't even know where to go here um the Kardashians the vanderpumps the Chrisleys I feel like there's one obvious one that could Trump all of these but I'm at a loss let me give you some of this sweet ass weekend at Tammy's oh come on Phoenix person has a super obvious on off switch on his back why everybody look at your little balls I know Mom and Terry about your own kids balls also please understand I am super happy this scene does not contain Morty balls but since I'm a sinner I've got to sin that's what I do also also hugging your son with his balls exposed jerkoff's ready to get the answer to your burning questions yeah like where is the family car do they park it at the end of the street now remember clone Beth is just a cartoon remember clone Beth is just a cartoon just where is this secret room supposed to be in the house this secret room would be going directly into a visible part of the house somewhere uh Goodbye old friend just because you're done with the invisibility Belt doesn't mean you have to throw it away why would you throw something so mind-bogglingly useful out for Otto the garbage man to find it but doesn't the tongue of the Belt have to go into the buckle for it to work and why would it make the entire truck disappear wouldn't the Buckle only be around a few items of trash and it would make those disappear if this is the way the belt works then everything summer and Morty touched when they were wearing it should have become invisible not to mention Jerry's pee tastes like paint and wood Morty would you please accompany me to forbode jalon Prime for death crystals you don't want to sell me death sticks faster good idea Maureen will get us through these asteroids sooner the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3720 to what he wants to give all of our martinis to a family of immigrants I don't know how to drink your whole generation you drink for the wrong reasons snotty and into jail science all that's left for these Kirkland brand me six boxes Kenneth Kirkland what's with the strut you think you own the school nope no matter what [Music] stop those were my husband's last words he says tell her she's wearing this shirt that I spilled the margarita on and the earrings I gave her for Christmas I guess I gotta learn how to live in the moment a little more that's why you always leave a note allow me to introduce myself my name is cork I'm kind of like the leader in here rule number one in app development son never follow the rule what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard I created the events Horizon to reach the Stars she's gone much much farther than that and I tell you like I tell all my boys if you caught it anymore than it already is you can say goodbye to repeat cost time to be free Adventures of Jerry and Morty huh put her there at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought I started today disgusted and embarrassed to be your son and then later I thought we were gonna die because you're a loser no notes ten thousand years will give you such a freak in the neck you forgot the power gloves today still wanted by the government they survive as Soldiers of Fortune if you have a problem if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire The A-Team respect the State your prime directive the draymonds are not a subject for philosophical debate they are a people your life as it has been is over from this time forward you will service us well let's hear about this Heist movie this is your basic mortgage Bond all right The Originals were simple they were just thousands of AAA mortgages bundled together guaranteed by the US government you were an indulge in volcanic fumes it makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel we'll reach the boundaries of Fantasia do you know where they are I have no idea I summoned the come from the father's space through wind and darkness I summon thee monster stick that up your ass see that's your problem Jason you were never serious about the craft power of 12 feet and ever since that day I have hated magic and all those who practice it Shadow Jacker you haven't come out of your masturbation cave and eons let me show you how to break your three ways it's a cat that is not a cat but what do I know I wasn't born into the god business I am God I'm dying Rick I think I'm dying here man my father can you recognize the sound of a man's pants filling up with rain I find your lack of faith disturbing the Christmas [ __ ] of emotion what the hell put that thing away now I don't want to tell you again snakes time travel I'm starving I couldn't hear you over my own screaming we've talked about this can you photoshop your life with better decisions Jerry [Music] oh oh that's funny you're gonna look funnier sucking my with no teeth so why did you date Rick Sanchez anything you'd like to eat Turkish delight why is there a dead man in the sky if it's any consolation he had very few loved ones maybe it wouldn't matter [Music] and land with wings and hands yes you're a bird and a person guess who's got two penises and all the agency did you make a penis dude release the Kraken glory to glorzone totally welcome to Costco I love you give a little yee-haw they always do a little Yeehaw like a cowboy yo oh that's a mouse come on louder I don't sequel It's called Integrity sequels suck by definition alone they're inferior films ready to form Voltron activate interlock no no no this is like torture no I I I hate being in my car I drive a Dodge Stratus what is this face you're making well that's my face sir you know who I am don't you even know who my father is oh you are a snob and a half and then Little Tommy flip flams running down the hyperloop his ass is on fire from Xenon fluid I got a rash so bad on my ass I can't even sit down you know me I can't complain great story boss really detailed we're all stories in the end other [ __ ] I'm a God you're God I'm a God I'm not the god of you in the next five seconds and you're gonna swallow a lot of blood for a [ __ ] billfold but father I have dreams and courage and the name of an excellent cosmetic surgeon fear not someday word will reach you about the success of me Jennifer Love Hewitt the gorillas just went wild they jumped all over his body and threw him around like a ragdoll to get to those blueberries hey let me talk to him will you where do you live for me you want me to read I'm reading texts what's the difference [Music] first you take the gram you stick the chocolate on the ground then you roast the mall is Flaming you stick it on the chocolate then you cover it with the other ring then you scarf we're not worthy we're not worthy [Applause] it's a house no houses Elsa your other hand honey I can't hold you To Catch a Predator what the hell I'm Chris Hansen I want my molecules back sources tell us these aliens who call themselves the new Galactic Federation will blow up the planet and I for one welcome our new insect overlords Jared do you agree that the use of Puppets makes you seem dumb and crazy I don't think crazy is a responsible word to you I said I want you you're not a clone and who is that John cocktailstone why would you make a clone of me just to send the Clone into space stop saying Hawaii in there father of the year [Music] hey over here look at me maybe you should put some shorts on or something if you want to keep fighting evil today I like sitting next to you makes me look so tough
Channel: TVSins
Views: 908,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, rick, morty, rick & morty, rick & morty season 4, rick & morty season 4 review, rick & morty review, rick & morty sins
Id: HdnH6Uh9tpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 22sec (5962 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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