The Entire Breaking Bad Universe RANKED - 133 Episodes!

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in the past I've ranked every episode of both better Co soul and Breaking Bad and now all that's left to do is combine them to create the ultimate ranking of the entire Breaking Bad universe and that means everything including both shows El Camino and even sliping Jimmy I won't be including those Breaking Bad mini sodes in the video or those like Bal Soul pooo training videos or anything like that as I've already got enough to talk about but maybe we can get around to those another time those of you who've seen my previous rankings will find a lot of this familiar but my opinions on better cor Soul have changed quite a bit since the last time I talked about it so be on the lookout for that with the sheer amount of episodes in this list a lot of the placements around the middle are going to be pretty arbitrary up until the top 50 or so we've got over 130 episodes to cover so let's not waste any more time and jump into my ultimate ranking of the entire Breaking Bad universe [Music] number 133 the exister to the surprise of no one a slip and Jimmy episode gets for honor of being at the bottom of his list I was actually tempted to just put all six episodes as one combined last place but that wouldn't be any fun now would it I still cannot believe that this show exists for the two of you watching who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about sliping Jimmy is an animated series about none other than slip and James himself and the wacky Antics he got up to with his best power Marco thankfully there's only six episodes and they all less than 10 minutes which makes me wonder what the point of this even was all six episodes were just dumped onto AMC plus the same day plan and execution ad which makes it pretty obvious they just wanted to release it and move on while everyone was distracted with Howard's wacky H Jinks and it seems to have mostly worked since I don't think a single person actually watched slip and Jimmy even Mega BBU losers like myself if it wasn't for this video I probably never would have anyway deciding which episode to put the bottom of a pile was a bit of a challenge as very all incredibly painful to sit through eventually I decided it had to be the second episode where Jimbo and Marco are put in detention and have to deal with a teacher being possessed by a demon yeah not entirely sure if this episode's supposed to be Cannon or not and remember how said these episodes in less than 10 minutes they managed to feel like an eternity anyway the voice actors for Jimmy and Marco and pretty much everyone else are just excruciatingly annoying and the art style isn't very attractive either and the episode itself stinks as well but you probably already knew that in fact we're going to do a speed round of these next few episodes because I really don't want to talk about them any longer than necessary number 132 speed date Jimmy tries to ask how his crush on a bus while wacky hinkes into you it sucks number 131 after bedtime Jimmy and Marco go on a mission in the middle of a night to get to some comic book event Marco gets stuck on a rope there's a guy who can't get to free they get in a taxi with a pirate it stinks number 130 cooland Jimmy the last episode of a series Say Jimmy going to summer camp for some reason uh things happen uh it blows number 129 fist full of snowballs the first episode of the series is a shitty Western knockoff but instead of it being hot it's cold and the Snowballs also most of the episode is in this annoying letterbox aspect ratio to make it more cinematic or something it smells and finally number 128 flights the least bad slip and Jimmy episode is still not good by any means but is actually tolerable for one main reason there's no voice acting yeah this one is a lame silent film knockoff which means it's in black and white with Whimsical piano music playing the whole time and if that means we don't have to hear terrible dialog coming out of Jimmy's stupid mouth then I'm all for it the plot of this one is Jimmy going on a silly little adventure to get something for Chuck yeah Chuck is in this episode and this episode only now if I were in charge of making a shitty Jimmy McGill cartoon I would think that the obvious thing to make about would be Jimmy's Antics and conflicts with his brother Chuck but instead they decided to relegate him to just this one episode oh well this episode still had me watching the whole thing like this and I just want to move on from this godforsaken show now so let's get into the real episodes at last number7 snow globe okay I know I said we can get to the real episodes now but we have to talk about this first for those of you wondering what on Earth a snow globe even is it's a short film released a bit after El Camino came out and when I say short I mean short this thing is barely over 2 minutes long it features everyone's favorite lovable child murderer Todd trying to Riz up Lydia on the phone while making one of his world famous snow globes I'm guessing this was just a deleted scene from El Camino that they decided to just release as a separate thing after the fact because I can't think of a good reason for his existence other than that for what it's worth though it is pretty good stuff with Todd's fruitless attempts at getting into Lydia's wood chipper being something we can all relate to unfortunately the fact that it's only 2 minutes means I can't realistically put it above any of the proper episodes from the other so we're going to have to leave it here for now if you're ever hankering for more Todd content you can watch this whole short of my AMC YouTube channel unless those [ __ ] blocked it in your country because I hate you nothing a little VPN won't get past number 126 down this episode is not really bad per se but it isn't exactly the most fun time of the world down is fittingly a downer episode where Jesse has to deal with constant failure while Walt has to deal with Skyler not wanting anything to do with him after the whole second cell phone debacle this episode continues the season 2 trend of a pointless black and white teddy bear cold opens which I just don't care for at all but we'll talk more about those later on Jesse is broke and needs money from Walt but he only gives him $600 because he's a stingy then his parents kick him out of his house because he's such a screw-up I do like the scene of Jesse and his mom because you can kind of sympathize with both sides of the argument [ __ ] then we have the scene where Jesse tries to rekindle his friendship with his guy from high school but he gets rejected there as well eventually he finds a new home in a pter poty meanwhile Walt tries to get Skyler to stop thinking he's a liar which doesn't work because he's a liar he takes his rage out on Jesse and they have a fight for the ages in brv Jesse wins and gets his money while Skyler gets judged for smoking while being pregnant just kind of a whatever episode honestly number 125 cancer man this episode is where everyone finds out about Walt's cancer and the ramifications of that Skyla tries to blame the chemicals while worked of 20 years ago Marie immediately jumps into working out the best next move for him and Hank of shws andbody he will take care of a family if the worst happens which Walt doesn't seem to appreciate Walt isn't interested in getting treatment so Junior calls him out for being a [ __ ] this episode is the first time we see skinny Pete and combo who are very impressed of Jesse's new product he tries to stay at his parents house for a bit but doesn't even manage to last the whole episode before being kicked out Jesse goes to Walt's house for a BJ and pays him $4,000 Walt takes his anger out on the infamous Ken wins who can't seem to catch a break from be sigma's messing with him and does an epic walking away from explosion moment number 124 bit by a dead bee Walt's genius plan to explain away his absence in the previous episode is to just get naked and go to the store it works for some reason and Walt gets sent to the hospital where he pretends to conveniently have forgotten everything that's happened since he disappeared Skyler doesn't seem to be satisfied with this explanation though and the doctors aren't going to let Walt leave until they're sure he's good to go eventually he gives up and just tells the psychiatrist that he just left the house to get away from his annoying family he then somehow managed to sneak out of the hospital check on his money and then take a depressing bus ride back to the hospital without anyone noticing when he eventually gets home Skyler asks him if he has a second cell phone to which he pulls out another one of his unconvincing liar Hank tries to interrogate Jesse who says V he was at the hotel just getting Wendy's from Wendy all weekend even though his car was found at tuco's place with a ton of money in it after Wendy vouches for him and Hector chooses to [ __ ] his pants instead of exposing him they left of no choice but to just release Jesse number 123 open house this is often regarded as the worst episode of a show and it's the lowest rated one on IMDb apart from that other episode which we'll get to later the episode treats us to the return of one of the most important plot lines in the show Marie's kleptomania it's so crucial that the title of the episode is in reference to it with Marie going to various open houses to steal random crap eventually if a real estate agent catches wind of what's going on and when she confronts mariva have a fight for the ages leading to her crying like a baby meanwhile Walt's mad because Gus install security cameras in the super lab but Jesse doesn't seem to care and is more interested in going go-karting well commits one of the most evil crimes in the entire show when he turns down Jesse's offer leaving him to go carting by himself and then back home to his 24/7 rager taking place in his house Skyler insists on getting a move on with their big car wash purchase but Walt isn't interested until she brings up how Bogdan insulted his manliness which sets him off and makes him intent on getting the car wash eveno Soul wants them to use van now Salon instead in a ploy to get bogged on to let them buy the car wash Skyler get get souls Lackey to troll him into thinking he has contaminated water or something and he ends up agreeing to Skyler's offer of 800 Grand Tim Roberts visits hang to get his input on the bica case thinking that he was involved with some sort of meth super lab he doesn't seem interested at first but eventually he does start reading gal's notebook setting em motion his return to the Heisenberg case number 122 737 I know there's been a lot of early season 2 of the bottom of this list and that's because it's probably the least good period of the show in my opinion the opener of season 2 introduces us to the worst cold opens in the series the teddy bear flash forwards maybe if they amounted to something good it wouldn't be so bad but they kind of don't so they're just a chore to sit through and rewatch The episode proper starts off right where season one ended off with Tuco beating that guy to a PP and getting hyped over it after trying and failing to save the guy Walt calculates that he needs precisely $737,000 to cover his family's future which he doesn't seem to think is Enough Just A year later Walt gets home and tries to [ __ ] Skyler which is a little bit disturbing she just talks it up to him being stressed over the cancer Jesse gets a gun from a dog house and lays out his plan to deal with Tuco since it's only a matter of time before he wastes them but Walt points out a bunch of cinema sins and doesn't think Jesse has the guts to go through of it anyway Walt has a better idea to poison Tuco with ryson by presenting it as their latest and greatest meth invention this kicks off the show long covs Ryon plot which doesn't end up being used on someone until the very last episode before they can execute their plan Tuco ruins it by kidnapping both of them and taking them to a much better episode meanwhile Skyler is pissy at Marie over the whole stolen Tiara thing and when Hank tries to get her to get over it she unleashes an epic rant about how shitty her life is which anag gun acts out perfectly Marie also commits one of the most brutal murders of a show in this [Music] episode number 121 breakage Jesse is Keen to move out of his pter potty home and meets Jane for the first time while house searching Walt and Jesse are determined to get back to business after the TCO Deb barkle since both of them have expenses and after some arguing about who gets to call the shots Jesse decides they're going to use their own dealers to distribute the product instead of dealing with another Tuco Jesse recruits for Dream Team a badger skinny p and combo to sling me for 2500 an ounce with 2,000 going back to Jesse and Walt everything goes great until py immediately gets himself robbed by spooge and his ATM Loving Lady Walt goes Alpha mode on Jesse and demand he deal with him Hank is in a bad mood after his detective skills get him a new gig at El Paso which for some reason he's not very happy about so he decides to take the day off and Bru shreder brow instead which leavs him exploding in the middle of the night and making him also shoot Marie kind of just a whatever episode minus Jesse meeting Jane which is good number 120 carrot and stick finally we get to talk about better call Soul after my last watch through of a show I'm now officially dimming this as my least favorite episode this episode a back to back with the first when season 6 came out and by itself it honestly feels pretty weak the main noteworthy Things Are nacho breaking out of Gus's trap and having a silly little shootout with the twins and Jimmy and Kim doing some trolling with her returning Kettleman seeing Betsy Kettle milkers back in the show was a highlight of the season for me and her and Craig scenes are easily the best part of this episode Nacho's plot takes up quite a bit of a runtime which is valid since he's only in three episodes but the action scene at the end with the twins is just stupid as hell with him refusing to do anything other than walk menacingly towards nacho Kim revealing her evil side to Betsy is pretty depressing to watch seeing how far she's fallen from the early days of the show gust is a sit down of Hector to comfort him about Lo's demise but the idiot makes it blatantly obvious that Lo is still kicking around and Miss line reading by Jan Carlo is pretty bad ass Lo salaman lives this episode also features the grand return of Aaron Brill so thumbs up for that they said they wanted to talk to someone in charge and I'm just a quote prepubescent intern obviously not a bad episode but the other ones have a bit more going on in my eyes number 119 deardo a MX Mike's story line for the first half of season 5 was basically just to get him and Gus back to where they were in season 4 and this episode is the conclusion of that with Gus appealing to Mike's Sigma Revenge grind set I think this plot is probably the least interesting of all the Mike stuff in the show but it's not terrible or anything thankfully the Jimmy Kim plot is really good this episode with soul pulling endless tricks to stop aka's home from being bulldozed my favorite is probably when he makes it look like the house is right next to an archaeological dig site Kim does a Kevin wtel impression and we get the return of Trevor now with a sexy beard seeing Kim get angry at Rich for being right about her throwing the ACAC case is annoying but this is a big season for Kim so I'll let it slide and as the title of the episode suggests we get even more evidence of Gus being gay for Max number 118 talk this episode features the start of Jimmy's tenure at CC Mobile so for that reason alone this is already a good episode but on top of that we have Kim beginning a public defender work Mike trolling at the support group meeting and most importantly nacho and but twin shooty a bunch of guys for no reason I actually do like this shootout since the twins don't act as stupid as they usually do in other action scenes Beyond them deciding to go in by themselves in the first place and nacho even gets a slice of the action securing his first kill in the process this is one of the few times the twins actually do something of note so that is a bonus we also get the only time we ever see younger Mike or at least we kind of see him this episode does kind of suffer from my least favorite aspect of Mike story in M show like back back and forth about whether he is actually working for Gus or not it doesn't matter that much F since next episode is when the super lab plot begins and things are smooth sailing for the rest of the season number 117 a no rough stuff type deal the finale of season 1 wasn't originally going to be for finale but thanks to the rer strike it ended up having to be and yeah you can kind of tell it's not a bad Episode by any means but it doesn't really have that finale oomph that it probably should have Jesse and Walt are now in business with Tuco and need to cook cook 4B of meth to appease him even though they don't have enough pseudo to make it so they decide to switch to a methine cook instead which means they have to steal a barrel of the stuff Jesse knows guys who can do it for them but Walt thinks they can do it themselves they end up executing the greatest heist in history stealing a barrel and slowly carrying it away even that idiot Hank knew that you should roll it instead but Walt later learns from this mistake him and Hank have a debate over the legality of things and Skyler is surprised when Marie presents her with an extravagant Tiara at her baby shower which she definitely acquired for legal means when she tries to return it the owner tries to get her arrested so she pretends to go into labor to get out of it like a true girl boss Walt and Jesse managed to get Tuco the meth they promised now with the signature blue color thanks to the methine Tuco thanks him by beating the [ __ ] out of his henchman when he tries to assert dominance who seemingly hasn't learned anything from the last time he tried to back Toco up Tuco says he'll see them next week ending the episode on a pleasant note number 116 no Mass the first episode of season 3 introduces us to everyone's favorite assassins the Twins and also introduces us to the best character in the show angsty Walt hotter the Hees of being dumped by Skyler the start of Cesar 3 is all about him basically falling apart he seems to feel pretty guilty about the whole plane crash thing so he goes to burn his money but he quickly realizes how stupid that is and throws it into the pool of Insanity while Hank is helping him move out Walt tries to flex his half a million cash but Hank just laughs in his face because he knows Walt's actually a broke loser then at the school kman tries to get Walt to say a few words about how the plane crash affected him but he instead launches into the spiel about how it actually wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things and ends up just making himself look like an idiot Skyler visits him at his new bachelor pad and finally gets him to admit that he's a MEF cook and doesn't say to hear him explain the difference between manufacturing and dealing drugs Gus tries to strike while the iron is hot and get W to start cooking again but he's too depressed to have any interest meanwhile Jesse is having a fun time at therapy planting flowers and after a session with a group leader where he revealed he ran over his daughter while drunk he decides to accept that he's responsible for Jane's death in the plane crash which doesn't seem to sit right with Walt for some reason number 115 Mabel this is another episode that people give a lot of [ __ ] for nothing happening mainly the scene where Mike takes his car apart for 56 hours but for me that scene is one of my favorite mik moments in the whole show and is a perfect example of the series attention to detail and letting the audience soak in The Vibes of a car being taken apart piece by piece you could say the whole mystery of who was trailing Mike is made kind of pointless by the fact that it was already pretty obvious who it was at the end of season 2 but it's still entertaining watching Mike try to figure it out it's nice to see Jimmy and Chuck connect for a fleeting moment before Chuck brings us back to reality and his manipulation of Ernesto and been promptly firing him shows just how much of an [ __ ] he can be a great intro to the best season of the show number 114 Kafkaesque Walt and Jesse are finally officially at work in the super lab with the cold open showing us just how efficient the whole operation is under Gus's watchful eye while weighing their latest batch Jesse does some number crunching and realizes about the $1.5 million for each making a Pennies on the dollar compared to what Gus is raking in but Walt just brushes it off as classic capitalism with some delicious future hypocrisy to boot you are now a millionaire and you're complaining we have suffered and bled literally for this business and I will not throw it away for nothing and know else to say it Mr White $5 million isn't nothing Jesse complains about his new job of the support group with a pretty accurate depiction of the whole thing my boss is a dick the owner super dick I'm not worthy whatever to meet him but I guess everybody's scared of the dude place is full of dead eyed douchebags the hour suck and nobody knows what's going on so in another meeting he tells his great story about his woodworking teacher back in high school and how he motivated him to make the best wooden box anyone's ever seen which he supposedly ended up giving to his mother Jesse decides to go full [ __ ] mode and gets Badger and skinny P to start coming to the meetings so they can troll all the recovering addicts into relapsing Saul introduces Jesse to the world of money laundering and offers him for once in a lifetime opportunity to own a nail salon since he's probably still salty that Mrs newn kicked him out all those years ago Jesse isn't interested though especially when Soul doesn't give him the laundering discount that he gave Walt previously meanwhile Walt finds out how Hank survived for the twins Ambush and meets of Gus so he can assure his safety while also netting a cool 15 mlie deal he goes drunk driving to celebrate and almost crashes into a truck Maria is threating over Han's extensive medical bills and suddenly Skyler offers to pay for them and comes up with this elaborate story where Walt made a ton of money gambling like a true Sigma male she says she was so good at lying because she learned from the best even though Walt was like the worst liar in the world whenever it came to Skyler number 113 38 snub this episode shows just how depressed everyone is about this situation with Walt buying a gun from Lawson in a desperate attempt to get rid of Gus but instead he's being replaced by Tyrus Walt Tri is going straight to Gus's house to get the job done but is stopped before he even reaches the door since Gus's FNAF security camera spying on him there was a bit of questioning as to whether the person calling Walt was Mike Gus or Tyrus and it turns out it's actually Tyrus which is weird because I'm pretty sure this is the only time we hear him say Walt's name go home water in a desperate move he tries to convince Mike to join the anti- Gus Club but all he gets out of it is a couple bruises I also love the way farer advert from Soul that's playing on the TV as well as Mike's reaction Jesse is probably at his lowest point after killing Gail and froze the 247 rager to distract himself he tries to keep it going for as long as possible but eventually everyone including skinny Pete and Badger leave Hank is in full mode constantly dismissing Marie while he works through his physical therapy only acknowledging her when is regarding his oo so Precious Minerals Skyla Scopes out the car wash and tries to make an offer to Bogdan but is shut down since he still has a hate boner for Walt after he insulted his luscious eyebrows number 112 nippy for those of you who watch my original better call Soul ranking you probably remember Johnny Cooper crashing the video to rant about how much he hates nippy this time I'll be giving my take on it which you'll hopefully find a bit more agreeable despite the rather low placement on this list I should do really dig this episode I think biggest detriment is coming right after the juggernauts of episodes 7 8 and 9 those episodes are so insanely good and going from that last scene of fun and games to a wacky Heist episode of some lovable goofballs was quite the pace breaker a year later that switch up isn't nearly as jarring but at the time it left me and many others feeling like something was missing I still think some kind of episode back a slot in between fun and games and this episode would help a lot but who knows what that would entail anyway it's talking about the episode itself what I like most about it is that whole Heist and the buildup to it the show is no stranger to aw and montages and the one with Jean feeding the fat [ __ ] cin buns is one of the best I also really do like the Jeff and Jean dynamic in this episode Cooper may have been right about his assessment of Jeff as a more menacing figure but there was enough left vague about his personality in his Don Harvey form that I can totally buy him actually being a wimp loser once Jean gets the upper hand I like the Walter White reference they put in there for us to clap at I like the part where Jeff Falls over there's just a lot to love about nippy the only reason I haven't put it higher as lame a reason as it is I simply rather watch the other episodes more than this one with with the other Jee episodes together I think nippy makes a lot more sense but by itself it's a bit of an odd ball I wish I could love it as much as some of you do number 111 the guy for this Hank and Gomez joined the show this episode and I have mixed feelings it does make sense for them to be here for the Crazy Eight plot but their back and forth banter just feels forced to me I may be biased for since I wasn't exactly the biggest Hank fan when watching broking bad it's also kind of distracting that Gomez's actor could be bothered to shave his goatey but it doesn't really matter thankfully everything else in the episode is very good Jimmy meeting L was something that we were waiting for from the moment L joined the show L mentions that Tuco told him about Jimmy which makes me a bit disappointed we never got a Tuco L scene in the show Kim struggle with her pro bono work versus Mesa Verde comes to a head with AA who may a day is trying to force off his property so they can build a call center there the most memorable part of this episode is probably the cold open which very artfully shows Jimmy's ice cream from the previous episode being consumed by ants which he sees later on in the episode you can make 500 hours worth of video essays based on this scene Alone number 110 Axe and grind season 6 was giving hints of Howard's personal life like his therapy session and hidden run and here we finally get to meet his wife Cheryl and it's immediately obvious that they don't exactly have the best relationship her dumping his perfectly made coffee into her travel mug may be the single saddest moment in the entire show getting to see how shitty how's life seems is obvious set up for next episode and let's just say it's all downhill from here for him Jimmy and Kim visit Caldera for some drugs and we get a reference to the vacuum guy which thankfully doesn't go any further than this one shot of a business card this is also the last time we see Caldera which is sad Low's Antics in Germany continue from last episode and this scene of him versus Casper is pretty crazy except for the fact they it's so [ __ ] dark you can't even see anything we also finally get an idea of what Jimmy and Kim's grand plan is and the broken arm reveal at the end of the episode is one of the funniest moments of the Season imagine if this was a mid-season finale inste to plan an execution B that Cliffhanger would just be terrible number 109 Marco in my last ranking I was pretty mean to this episode but I've come around on it now I like seeing Jimmy in a different environment after getting used to the status qu over the season and Marco's quite for lovable Scamp I really love the first few scenes of Jimmy passing on the Chuck Jes to Howard and making amends glad that they remain good friends throughout the rest of the show Kim's reasoning for not telling James about Chuck makes sense even though it didn't really end up working and then we have one of the best scenes of a show Jimmy's Chicago sunroof meltdown no notes on Miss scene just hilariously acted by Bob oerk you know what any of this stuff you want come get it kitty cat notebooks for everybody it's just a shame that we never got another flashback with a shitty young Jimmy wig to see if a defecating happen on screen but maybe it's best left to the imagination the Montage of Jimmy and Marco doing their slip and Jimmy thing is excellent as usual and the Kevin CER moment is classic the last scene where Jimmy tells Mike about his plan to stop being a lame loser is a great moment to end the season on and leads pretty perfectly into season 2 good finale overall but doesn't really compare to the other ones in my book number 108 slip Jimmy does a slip and fall nacho slips some sugar pills into Hector's jacket and Kim slips Howard to check the scene where nacho does the pill swap was one of the most tense scenes in the whole show for me and this is weak Source compared to nacho goes through in the rest of a show and I do love a good bottle throwing training montage Jimmy being helpful to his fellow community service workers could be seen as setting up his popularity in prison at the end of a show but probably not we get to see Mike's disdain for normal citizens being killed by people in the game when he uses a metal detector to find the good Samaritan's dead body so that his family can get closure this obviously parallels Howard's death when Mike is forced to bury him in a random hole so no one will ever know the truth at least until Kim confesses years later Chuck begins his journey to himself of EHS which will hopefully lead to him living a prosperous life free of any illness number 107 if F Walton Skyler's divorce back and forth reaches a stalemate with him moving back in and her calling the cops on him but they can't make him leave since he's just hanging out so Walt does get to move back into the house but Skyler isn't going to make it Pleasant for him making him sleep on the floor and piss him a sink Skyler goes to a divorce lawyer therapist and tells her that W's a drug dealer since they have attorney client privilege she obviously recommends that Skyla Sue Walt and make the divorce official but now she has doubts Walt justifies his criminal activities by saying the money will get the kids for college and whatnot and she thanks him for it by [ __ ] Ted she drops the news on Walt when she gets home finally revealing what if stands for I [ __ ] Ted Jesse isn't having much of a better time with him repeatedly calling Jane's phone to hear her voicemail until Saul interrupts to get him to ask Walt to start cooking again Hank's in a mood After he finds out he's wanted back at El Paso and takes his anger out on a bunch of randos at a bar and abuses his status as a cop to get away with it balam monkers have a meeting with Gus to complain about how they want to kill Walt but Gus vetos it since he needs him for his business Hector's probably so done with Gus's [ __ ] at this point since he knows he killed Lo but it's not like he can say anything about it number6 sabito this episode is split pretty much perfectly half between the Gus plot and the real plot with the first half being hacked as field trip to poano to troll for customers and the second half laying the groundwork for the big face off against truck next episode Gus shows what a good boss he is by giving a rousing speech about how cool he is to his workers and this is the exact moment when Lyall decided to dedicate the rest of his life to poos we get for return of a yellow piss filter from Breaking Bad along with donadio very subtly foreshadowing his own demise this episode also has the only time Mike and Chuck ever interacted which is a shame but it also makes this episode stand out more the scene where Jimmy Kim Howard and Chuck argue about the details of Jimmy's confession is great and it's revealed to the surprise of No One But Chuck has a copy of a tape Jimmy destroyed which ends up working out in Jimmy's favor next episode overall a damn good episode that gets overshadowed by what comes after it number 105 shotgun this is the episode where Mike and Jesse become best friends which is probably due to Mike actually being Jesse from the future it's kind of funny how the cold open of this episode makes it seem like it's to be some super tense action-packed thing with Walt frantically speeding around thinking he's about to get killed and then the rest of the episode it's just Mike and Jesse driving around in silence they're picking up random dead drops all over the city and Jesse thinks he's there to be Mike's bodyguard which makes him a bit triggered you are not the guy you're not capable of being the guy I had a guy but now I don't you are not the guy not entirely sure who Mike's guy was and betal soul doesn't exactly make it clear who it was closest I can think of as like nacho but even that stretching it it definitely can't be Victor because it's pretty obvious Mike never liked that annoying to begin with Walt has to do with cooking by himself and gets mad because he sucks at driving for Cliffs him and Skyler finalize for car wash deal and when Skyler hears his voice message from a cold open she gets turned on by it and they have sexy times in the bedroom while doing their last pickup some shady guys show up so Jesse takes mats into his own hands and smashes into them with Mike's car we later find out that it was all a setup by Gus to make Jesse think he's an awesome badass lastly there's this hilarious scene where the family has dinner at Hank and Marie's place where wal gets drunk and when Hank says Gail was a genius he tells him that he was obviously just copying someone else's work and Heisenberg is actually still out there my favorite W moments of a one where he acts like a complete idiot and this one might just take the cake so to my eye all this Brilliance looks like nothing more than just simple Road copying probably of someone else's work this Genius of yours maybe he's still out there number 104 Namaste there's some really good scenes in this episode with a stand out being Jimmy's lunch of Howard which shows just how far Howard has come compared to where he was in season 4 and how Jimmy still holds a lot of resentment towards him which we obviously see at the end of the episode when he throws the bowling balls on his car there's also the courtroom scene with a fake defendant which is classic soul Goodman Shenanigans my main issue with this episode is Hank and Gomez's involvement who were introduced in the previous episode something about their dialogue just feels off to me in a way that I can't really explain and I don't give a [ __ ] about their steak out Adventure I do like the parallel scenes of Gus tormenting L with cleaning V fry repeatedly which is both amusing and good insight into how Gus is feeling at that moment Not a Bad episode but not a standout by any means Number 103 abue this episode is sandwiched between the fly episode and half measures and as such often gets forgotten when discussing the show which is a shame because there's some pretty great stuff here like Skyler meting soul for the first time since she wants to be sure wal's doing his criminal stuff properly pretty much every line of dialogue in Miss scene is just hilarious and soul begins his mission of trying to get every character in The showed by the laser tag play supposedly owned by Price Skyler is an interested B and decides they should buy the car wash Walt used to work at instead she also offers to be Walt's money launderer and when Walt tries to shut her down she reveals she never signed the divorce papers meaning that they would have spouse of privilege much like Jimmy and Kim did meanwhile Jesse continues his epic plan to make all the recovering addicts of a support group relapse and when Pete and Badger start to feel bad about it he decides to show them how a true Alpha operates by hooking up with Andrea but when he finds out she has a kid he suddenly gains a moral compass and calls her a terrible mother thankfully Andrea thinks he's cool so he doesn't end up fumbling the bag things get extra interesting when Jesse realizes her brother is the kid who killed combo he does some to detective work and finds out that the meth those guys are selling is blue which means they're part of Gus's Squad Hanks being a to Marie as usual when he finds out he's going to be released from a hospital claiming he isn't going to leave until he can walk again Gus invites Walt over to his house for a play date where he cooks whatever this is and makes some remarks that would incline us to believe that Gus is kids like Walt but if you've watched my video analyzing Gus then you would nobody just lying about it to make Walt relate to him more since there's zero other mentions of gusa supposed kids throughout both Vis show and betal soul this episode also has the last appearance of Jane in a flashback to when they went to the vagina Museum number 102 Rebecca this is the episode where Kim really comes into her own as a character after Jimmy's advert stunt for Davis and M ends up with her down in the cornfields the Montage of her trying to drum up new business to get back in Howard's good graces is one of my favorites the opening of this episode is one of the best examples of why Chuck hates Jimmy so much when Rebecca laughs at all of Jimmy's lawyer jokes but Chuck's is an epic fail y also starts getting babysat by Aaron Brill which he definitely is not happy about this episode probably also has Howard at his most assholish to the point where Chuck has to step in to get Kim out of Doc review thankfully Howard eventually gets what he deserves for that number 101 gry matter this episode formally introduces us to Walt's former Associates Gretchen and Elliot when he and Skyler go to Elliott's birthday party Walts an insecure little baby and gets flustered when someone asks him what University he teaches at and this is the first time we get to really see the magnitude of his ego and pride when Elliott offers him a job back at grey matter so he can afford to pay for his cancer treatment now any normal person would jump at this opportunity especially since it's the kind of work Walt's supposed to be passionate about but the idea of someone else helping him is just so insulting that he would rather cook meth instead Walt comes home to the family waiting for him with a dreaded talking pillow where they say their thoughts on Walt refusing cancer treatment Hank wants him to get it Junior just wants him to die and Marie sides with Walt wanting to die on his own terms which makes Skyler pretty mad meanwhile Jesse's trying to get back into the meth game with Badger instead of Walt since his attempt to get a real job was an epic fail but their cooking yields less than ideal results leading to them having an epic fight scene Walt changes his mind and decides to get cancer treatment and when Gretchen calls him to accept their money he dismisses her and goes to Jesse's house to get back of a meth grind number 100 something beautiful this episode has the most famous action scene in the Breaking Bad universe the Hummel Heist ending with a beta [ __ ] chasing his runaway car after Jimmy hijacks it the scene where Jimmy tries to convince Mike to do the heist would feel like a classic early season scene if it weren't for the fact that Chuck's death is still fresh in everyone's mind which comes back at the end of the episode with the letter it can be hard to decipher what Chuck's intentions were but the important part of the scene isn't the letter itself but Jimmy's reaction or more so the lack of one Kim's reaction to it is pretty much the exact opposite and godamn Ray Sehorn is a good actress meanwhile nacho is having the worst day of his life after being shot by Victor and Tyrus for Gus's little scheme and they get way too much enjoyment out of this thankfully Caldera comes in clutch like always Kim has too much boring Mesa Vero work so she hires Viola to help her and most importantly we get the return of local sex offender Gail who tries to impress Gus with his chemistry skills number 99 51 this episode has one of the most bizarre cold opens where Walt decides to sell his Aztec for a whopping $50 and gets a new whip for himself and then for junior as well while dated dubstep music players Walt continues his season 5 Arc of being the most annoying guy in the room by being a to Skyler on his birthday basically forcing her to make his bacon into a 51 like she's supposed to after she seemingly tries to drown herself in the pool of insanity Hank and Marie take the kids and Walt argues with Skyler about her not appreciating his Sigma lifestyle to the point where she says she's just going to wait for the cancer to kill him this scene along with all the other Skyler scenes early in this season is just uncomfortable to watch honestly meanwhile Lydia's metham meain guy gets busted by the feds meaning Jesse has to go collect for barrels instead but when he's getting it with a forklift they discover a GPS tracker under it Mike immediately assumes Lydia's in cahoot with the cops so he heads off to whacker but Jesse doesn't think that's very nice of him for an episode directed by Ryan Johnson this one doesn't really stand out compared to his other two episodes number 98 barley High I actually had this episode of the bottom of my last Soul ranking and to be honest I'm not sure why I love the cold open with Jimmy being unable to get sleep in his cushy Davis and Main apartment and doing a bunch of random activity to distract himself pretty perfect use of a Sleepwalk song Here the lawyer side of this episode sees Kim having a [ __ ] time with Howard sending her to court by herself giving her documents to review during lunchtime or while Jimmy is leaving her lovely voicemails trying to get back in her good graces eventually they're able to bond over scammy another guy and all is good again there's also this fantastic scene with Kim and the Goat Rich schwart where he talks about how he was in a similar position to Kim once basically any scene of rich is an instant 10 out of 10 I really like the last moment of the episode of Jimmy destroying the cup holder on his company cast so he can fit his world's second best lawyer mugin bear meanwhile Mike is minding his business until salaman goon show up to give him a hard time but he's able to easily beat them up in this awesome scene that's a bit of a call back to his stealth Mission back in Breaking Bad then the twin show up to stand there and do nothing so he goes over to Hector's joint to sort him out this scene is pretty good minus Hector's Spanish line deliveries being almost as bad as mine so yeah pretty good episode overall no idea why I had it so low in my original video number 97 50% off there's some pretty wacky H Jinks in this episode like Nacho's parkour adventure to grab drugs from a building seconds away from it being busted by the feds which gets him on L's good side Jimmy's elevator scheme to get Suzanne ericon to work with him and Mike yelling in his 10-year-old granddaughter for being [ __ ] at her Tim tables Jimmy also comes face to face of Nacho after not having seen him since early season one and we find out how crazy a got his nicname which is intriguing Jimmy and Kim visit an open house which would have been the perfect chance for a Marie Cameo but alas we do not get that Gus gets to show just how big of an [ __ ] he can be by threatening to murder Nacho's father if he doesn't do what he demands I'm not a huge fan of Mike's Moody drunk loser Arc in the first half of his season but it was probably necessary after we did to the end of season 4 and who doesn't love seeing Mike yell at children Number 96 Madrigal this episode continues is dealing with the Fallout of season 4's ending with madreal being investigated for its connections to poyos and Gus Peter Schuler finds out about this and decides he'd rather end at all on the toilet than face the consequences we are introduced to Lydia who's anxious about Mike's 11 guys who could pose a threat to them she tries to subtly suggest offing them but Mike isn't keen on the idea since he has something of a moral compass speaking of Mike he's basically the main character of this episode with his plotline taking up the majority of a runtime and Walt / Jesse being relegated to a couple scenes Jesse's all paranoid that the ryson sigy he supposedly lost is going to turn up somewhere so Walt being the nice guy that he is goes over to his house to help look for it when they do apparently find it Jesse cries like a baby about how he was almost going to kill Mr White over a simple misunderstanding and Walter uses this opportunity to float the idea of getting back to business they approach Mike with their plan but he isn't interested since he knows Walt's just a recipe for disaster they decide to get going without him though and while brainstorming potential lab locations with soul He suggests that maybe they should move on and get real jobs Walts to Sigma to entertain the idea though since he's a burke [ __ ] Mike's called into the DEA office for a sit down with Hank and gy with they taunt him over finding kayle's Nest Egg although he manages to avoid saying anything incriminating a suspicious call from Chow leads Mike to discover one of his former colleagues killed him and is being paid by Lydia so he decides to pay her a visit at her extravagant house and is about to cap her but stops when he realizes he needs a new source of income number 95 bullet points this episode like other early season episodes is all about laying the groundwork for plot lines to come Walt still Ultra paranoid that Gus is going to stuff him out at any moment and his fear isn't helped by Hank coming dangerously close to connecting the dots of Gail and the Walt Whitman book thankfully Hank is an idiot and doesn't see a truth literally spelled out for him Walt goes to Jesse's party to make him feel bad about it and then he goes to Soul to complain about how shitty his life is and soul brings up Ed the disappearer for the first time but Walt isn't quite desperate enough to need him yet meanwhile Skyler is trying to pair Walt so they can tell Hank and Marie about his supposed gambling addiction and this scene with her going over Skyler script is just hilarious with so many good lines up where we left off I'm weak I'm out of control I mean this whole thing makes me look like crap has to be a warts and all story Walt That's How we'll sell it and we both look bad oh well how do you look bad exactly where is the I slept with my boss bullet point I can't seem to find that anywhere really touch on the fear and despair it's good to remind them and to get their sympathy right off the bat we want them to understand why you could do something so stupid now you might look down at the floor with [Music] remorse what you don't have to mean it you just stare down at your feet W okay then uh I'm going to maybe I'll tear up a little you're going to cry on C I said I don't know maybe when you dab your eyes you going to do it with your right hand or your left hand just an idea TI two tiers how many this has to be convincing I especially love how peeve Walt gets when Skyler makes it seem like he's supposed to be regretful about what he's done and he drops the Old Reliable providing for the family line that he likes so much and why and why am I so ashamed do I really need to answer that I was and am providing for our family when they do end up telling the rest of the family about it they seem pretty impressed Mike is fed up of Jesse's party hard lifestyle so he complains about Gus about it and takes them for a drive so they can bond with each other there's also this awesome scene where Jesse impresses a chick with his Sonic racing skills number 94 Wine and Roses now this is how you start a season the cold open of this episode is hands down my favorite in the whole show the very first shot with the gray tires making us think it's more Jean Shenanigans until other colors start floating in is just one example of how amazingly the show was filmed we finally get to see where SA was living during Breaking Bad and of of course it's the most cartoonishly overthe toop Mansion you could possibly think of complete with golden toilet which may or may not be the sex toilet what really ties are seen together is the music which somehow perfectly captures that feeling of this being the beginning of the end as for the rest of the episode this is the start of a freeart nacho Saga while Jimmy and Kim shenans take a bit of a back seat which I think was a smart move cuz after the end of season 5 I was most looking forward to how nacho and Lalo's plots would go down much more than Jimmy and Kim's trolling of Howard L shows just how prepared he is for any situation by having this guy around just to kill and uses a body double on off chance he ever has to fake his death funnily enough this does end up being beneficial to Gus in the end since Hector can't prove that L is alive since he fak his death so well the cousins show up to do nothing as usual Kim is eager to get a move on with the Howard plot but Jimmy is apprehensive unfortunately his horniness gets a better of him and he goes to Kevin's Country Club to make a scene about how Kevin is a Nazi which he probably is and we get to see Soul's ass which is a big bonus and lastly L calls up Hector for some advice who says he needs to proof first time watching I was sure the proof would be nacho but unfortunately those two would never come face to face again bit of a missed opportunity in my opinion but whatever it wouldn't really fit the story of V trying to tell anyway number 93 breath the obvious highlight of this episode is the ending where Gus murders Arturo with a plastic bag and makes nacho watch and then drops the hardest line in Gus ring history from now on you are are mine I've said before that I'm not the biggest fan of gimer show but this is probably his best saying Kim yelling at Howard is also a great scene Howard really just can't catch a break during the entirety of the show Mike meets up with Lydia of his very cinematic location and I like they're back and forth about Mike security consultant Shenanigans any scene that has Lydia in it is already top tier anyway the other highlight here is Jimmy's job interview at the copia place when it seems like they're going to pass them up he goes back in and makes his great speech about how good he is at selling copers but benve decided to hire him up a spot he suddenly changes his mind and calls him beta Cox Jimmy's character is definitely its most complex this season I think that's a big part of why it's so good even if some people think it's boring compar of the other Seasons number 92 magic man while I have given the first half of season 5 a lot of [ __ ] in the past I do think the first episode is a great starting point for the season we finally get to see what we've been waiting for since the show started which is Jimmy in full on S Goodman mode doing what he does best the best scene here is when he and the camera crew and Ambush Bill Oakley to very subtly advertise for soul Kim works with another idiot client who's too busy playing Super Mario Land 2 on his Game Boy to pay attention to the deal she's managed to get him and when Jimmy proposes some chicanery to get him to take the deal she isn't impressed she ends up doing it anyway which plants the seeds for her further descent into slipping Kimmy this season meanwhile Mike's in a bad mood after murdering Vera and takes it out on Kai for some reason L still in the hunt for Verna eagler and is clearly not impressed by Gus's cover story of building a chicken Chiller instead of a mother of all meth labs this episode also has the best Gene opening of a show by far with him being harassed by Jeff and trying to run away before deciding to deal with it himself instead this is also the last scene with Robert Forster aka the vacuum guy since he died one second after filming number 91 Amarillo this episode is when the cracks begin to form in both Jimmy's job at Davis and M and his relationship with Kim Jimmy films an advert for Davis and Maine and airs it without Cliff's permission which of course blows up in his face face despite it working and hides a shicane from Kim Stacy thinks she hears gunshots at night so Mike stays up all night to find out whoever's doing it and there's nothing even still Stacy is adamant but there were gunshots so Mike decides to move her out of the neighborhood some have said Stacy is taking advantage of Mike and be scenes but I never saw it that way she was probably just paranoid for madd's death so now Mike needs more money to pay for a new house so Caldera hooks him up with nacho for a two Co side plot Jimmy wears a big hat and looks dapper number 90 I see you this is kind of like a half bottle episode just two episodes before the real bottle episode after Hank's Grizzly encounter with the twins the family sits around the hospital for the whole episode complaining about how crappy everything is Walton and Jesse are set to officially start cooking in the super lab after a hilarious scene where Gail gets fired what's up partner I can't believe this my replacement oh Jesus when Jesse gives wal for news about what happened to Hank Marie obviously blames the DEA guys for taking Hank's gun right before he was ambushed and then starts blaming Walt as well since he's supposedly bought weed from Jesse which is just stupid Gus gets a call from Bala who's onto him and plans to get betr from a twin who's still alive Gus deals with it by sending some poos over to the hospital to distract everyone while Mike gives the guy a lethal injection much to the satisfaction of everyone else in hell you piece of [ __ ] Bala calls Gus again to complain about the federales harassing him and ends up up getting killed by them while Gus listens meanwhile Jesse's bored at the lab waiting for Walt to get back so they can get to work and meet their 200 a week quota and gets caught acting goofy by Victor number 89 something stupid this episode has the most iconic Montage of the show with the split screen and that amazing song of the background which is so good I never skip it when it shows up in my Spotify playlist a big time skip like this was pretty much necessary to get to where things are by the end of the season and they could not have done it in a better way by both showing the length of time and how Jimmy and Kim are becoming more distant the time skip also allows us to get into some more fun stuff like Hector's Journey back to being a this scene where Jimmy kind of embarrasses Kim at the snc party is funny as hell and hu clocking this guy with a sandwich bag sets up a greatest subplot of all time Kim and Jimmy butt heads again over how to handle things with Jimmy wanting to do his usual chicanery and Kim wanting to play it straight at least until Suzanne Erikson offends her Gus realizes that he can use his veto power to troll Hector forever and I'm still entirely clear on how Gus is the power to make these decisions without the salamun getting a say we get to see the super lab starting to take shape although it never gets much further than this state for a long time I do find it a bit weird that so much of a season is dedicated to building the super lab and we never get to see the fruits of their labor and Bish show at least but I guess it didn't really matter at the end number 88 sunk costs Jimmy goes to jail after his epic fail in the previous episode and says to Chuck probably the cold thing he's ever said in IA show one day you're going to get sick again hook you up to those machines that beep and were and and you will die there alone this episode is one of the funniest montages in the whole show of Kim's morning routine they were clearly going for an egar right esque Quick Cuts type thing and combined with the awesome song they used makes this a standout in a show full of cool montages this is sadly the last Chron logical appearance of Ernesto not counting the flashback and winner I'm still mad that he didn't show up to [ __ ] on Howard's grave in season 6 Mike's continued trolling of Hector now with Gus's approval is all well and good but Jimmy storyline at this point in the show is so good that it kind of overshadows Mike's plot for pretty much all of this season which is a shame because I do like seeing the early stages of Mike and Gus's relationship even if it does feel like the Riders weren't entirely sure how to get from point A to point B and of course the last scene of this episode of Jimmy and Kim discussing them plan to fight against Chuck set against that amazing backdrop of a glass block windows is probably one of the best visuals of the show I think the most memorable um experience of Saul for me was was doing um well they're all so memorable and my favorite but episode 303 sunk costs the one where um Bill and Jimmy are on the on the the bench in the courthouse and he has the the burger and the fries to entice bill and the reason that it's shines a little brighter for me than the other episodes is that uh well Bob and I had had the opportunity to rehearse he invited me to the uh to the studio to rehearse the scene and I couldn't because I had I had my daughter with me so he actually rode his bike over to my house and we rehearsed it while I was uh wearing my infant daughter and a you know an Ergo Baby Carrier but because we had had the opportunity to rehearse it so much by the time we got to filming we were so comfortable with it that we could find uh new things we could explore new avenues but and we had the the pace down we had the rhythms down we had the the words were were there and uh they initially wanted to do a whole bunch of different camera setups but because we had the scene down so well they were able to just set up a camera and I think the first two minutes of of that scene with us is just one shot it's just one camera no no no Cuts number 87 Mass this episode is all about getting Walt back into cooking again of Gus pulling his ultimate ship to convince Walt question in his masculinity after introducing him to the super lab Walt still won't commit to cooking again since his family life is rapidly deteriorating as a result of it but when Gus asks him why he cooked in the first place Walt says it was for his family Gus gives Walt the ultimate alpha male speech about how a man provides for his family and since Walt is a delusional idiot this is enough to finally get him back in the saddle before this there's also this hilarious scene where Walt berates Gus for pretending to accept Jesse's supposedly inferior product just to get wal to cook again acting like his ego wasn't hurt at all quiet that you believe I have some proprietary kind of selfishness about my own formula some sort of overweening Pride I suppose that you think simply overwhelms me clouds my judgment but it doesn't absolutely not Walt meets of sa and Jesse to triumphantly mock him with his3 million deal with Gus and soulb the money grabbing loser that he is immediately ditches Jesse to get a ride on Walt's dick Jesse retaliates by Smashing Walt's wind screen for the 16th time meanwhile Hanks deep into his RV investigation trying to find the one that the gas station chick told him about in the previous episode and embarrassing himself in the process he manages to eventually track down the RV that Jesse b/ stole which we see in the cold open he also continues his show long Arc of being a to Marie because he's too manly to talk about his feelings Walt finally relents in the divorce Feud of Skyla but now that she's seen the money she's too greedy to sign the as herself even though she's still rooting tedm regular and enjoying his heated flaws number 86 Bingo this episode is the Kettleman swan song until their triumphant return in season 6 and boy do they go out with a bang Mike does some classic Mike sneaking around Shenanigans and eats a bunch of apples Jimmy and Mike doing random favors for each other was one of my favorite aspects of the early seasons of the show so it's a shame that b kind of stopped doing that from season 4 onwards although it obviously makes sense plot-wise Jimmy's moral dilemma over doing the right thing versus getting a big stack of cash is put to the test here and even Mike seems confused by his decision we also get to see Jimmy doing what he does best being a bingo announcer for elderly people maybe he should have done this as a career instead of a whole lawyer thing from the start the kettleman's finally getting their come up into one of the most satisfying moments of the show although it's not so satisfying for Jimmy leading to him having a gamer rage in the office he can no longer afford there is no money with which to make a deal can we all just parachute down from Cloud Cuckoo Land cuz we know without question there is money number 85 rabid dog this episode is basically the hunt for Jesse who's mysteriously vanished after pouring gasoline all over Walt's living room Walt gets s's crew to try and find him but it's a fruitless Endeavor it's not until halfway through the episode that we find out what happened which is that Hank showed up last minute to stop him from burning the house down and manages to convince him to join the fight against Heisenberg when Walt gets home and finds out about the gasoline he tries to get it cleaned out unsuccessfully so he makes up another one of his extravagant stories about how he spilled gasoline all over himself not even Junior B it though thinking it was because Walt fainted or something they all go to a hotel and wal tell Skyler the truth about what Jesse's up to with this line of dialogue basically summing up their entire relationship he got upset over this something he thinks I did I did do it sky is fed up with Walt chicanery and suggests they kill Jesse which Walt acts shocked by as if he's above doing that sort of thing back at Hank's place he makes Jesse tell the story of everything that happened from the start of the show onward and then comes up with a plan to get Walt to confess his Crimes by putting a wire on Jesse and sending him out to talk to him Gomez is also there and I'm a bit annoyed that we didn't get to see Hank telling about Walter Heisenberg since it probably would have been a really good scene but whatever we also see how Hank has become consumed by his need to tank down wal since he doesn't seem to care at all whether Jesse lives or dies when they go to execute their plan Jesse sees a suspicious looking guy who he assumes is a Hired Gun by Walt so he gets out of there and tells Hani has a better way to get him it turns out the guy was just a random and what really did just want to talk but now that he's out of options he calls up Todd to organize a hit on Jesse number 84 cornered this is the one with the I am one who knocks scene which is a classic example of people taking a cringe Walt moment and turning it into some kind of badass thing but scene's clearly meant to show how the pressure is getting to Walt so he lashes out at Skyler and Rambles about how cool he is and he even immediately looks ashamed after what he's done but people are stupid this is followed by a great scene where Walt officially gets the car watch from Bogdan with Mr eyebrows wanting to take his first dollar with him but Walt using semantics to keep it and then immediately using it on the vending machine there's also this hilarious scene where Walt's pestering Jesse about his field trips with Mike and he manages to correctly deduce Gus's plan to drive a wedge between him and Jesse but he acts so [ __ ] about it that he just comes across is a massive what is there something about you that I don't know are you a former Navy SEAL do you have to have your hands registered as lethal weapons register this all I'm saying this whole thing all of this it's all about me when Jesse has to leave the lab to go hang out with Mike again wal gets mad about it and pay some of the laundry workers to come down and CLE the lab for him while he mugs the camera feeling pretty proud of himself until Tyrus arrives to ship them back off to wherever Jesse and mik is scoping out some meth heads and Jesse uses his street skills to get into their house and when one of them has a shotgun he manages to knock him out with a bong which Gus finds out about and is apparently impressed by meanwhile Skyla is having a midlife crisis over whether she should stay with Walt or not and tries to let a coin flip decide for her but ends up just going back home anyway to find Walt got junor a shiny new Dodge Challenger and because she's such a [ __ ] wife she makes Walt return it number 83 over this episode is filled with cringe Walt moments since Skyler decides to throw a party for him to celebrate his remission when everyone gets Walt to make a speech he essentially says he lowkey doesn't deserve to be in remission and then when he's drinking with Hank he gets jealous of Junior being so impressed with his Tortuga head story so he tries to get him wasted to punish him I guess Ben he throws a fit when Hank takes a bottle in front of everyone Walt tries to make it up to everyone by spending next few days installing a new water heater and fixing over a rotted wood in their house Skyler and Junior don't seem to appreciate while he's at the hardware store he notices an upand comom meth cook trying to buy supplies so he gives him some friendly advice then he decides to activate epic badass mode and goes outside to intimidate the two guys while cool music plays as far as epic Heisenberg moments go I do think this one's pretty good meanwhile Jesse and Jane get into a bit of strife when her dad shows up and she doesn't seem too keen on formally introducing him she makes it up to him Bo by drawing him some rule 34 art this episode also has another one of those teddy bear cold opens which I of course hate number number 82 quite a ride dropping a random Breaking Bad scene in a completely unrelated episode that sets up something that doesn't pay off until 2 and 1 half Seasons later was definitely unexpected and it makes this episode Stand Out Among the other early season 4 ones I always thought that the lawyer Saul refers Franchesca to would end up being Howard but that did not end up happening this episode is the beginning of a super lab plot which some say is boring but I think it's the best plot Mike had in the whole show I do find it a bit odd that they never showed the lab being finished but I guess it wasn't really relevant to a plot by that point Gus is an idiot for showing his face to Vera right out of a gate and considering how careful Gus is is weird that he even showed his face like ever to him Jimmy's cell phone side Biz kicks off and he shows off just how drippy he can be Kim works at ass off for a boneheaded PD client I wonder how he's doing these days Howard cries about how terrible his life is but Jimmy does not care number 81 off brand Jimmy is now suspended from being being a lawyer for the next year so he has to find other ways to earn money to pay rent he runs around with his crew trying to find a business to film an advert for until drama girl says he should film an ad for himself which leads to the greatest work of art ever put to film Jimmy also finally starts using the name Saul Goodman in some capacity and we get this iconic line Saul Goodman yeah it's like Saul good man that guy has a lot of energy yeah it's just a name meanwhile nro tries to prove to Hector that he's an alpha male Gus has a date with Lydia and Chuck goes shopping the best scene in the episode is probably this one for certain reasons number 80 bug this is where season 4 finally starts heating up with Walt and Jesse reaching a literal Breaking Point while the cartel plot comes to an ultimatum Walt still stuck as Hank chauffeur to in from various Fring related establishments with him coming closer and closer to unraveling the truth Mike and Jesse are doing some routine work of a farm when one of their guys is suddenly sniped but Gus is on top of it and struts out to show his massive balls the scene is kind of stupid but it does make sense since the cartel is just taking pot shots trying to drum up conflict Ted's in deep [ __ ] with the IRS because he's an idiot who refuses to pay his bills so Skyler comes to the rescue acting as a silly goofball to get them off his back which works but only temporarily Jesse visits Gus for a meal and has the perfect opportunity to poison with Verizon but he doesn't go through of it he assumes Gus wants for all clear to dis of Vault and proves his loyalty like a top G but Gus actually wants him to come to Mexico with him to show the cartel how to make the blue stuff Jesse gets freaked out and tries to get Walt to coach him for the big exam but Walt's too stuck up about the ryson plan to pay him much attention eventually [ __ ] gets heated and they have a Brawl for the ages with Jesse managing to beat the 50-year-old guy with cancer number 79 fall this is without a doubt the lowest Jimmy has ever gone when he uses Irene as a tool to try and force for sandpiper settlement so he can earn a cool meal off it the scenes of Jimmy manipulating everyone into hating Irene is just depressing to watch and there's really no way to justify it at all he just did it to be an [ __ ] at least Irene got some new shoes out of it meanwhile Kim is under a lot of pressure from work when she decides to bring on Hank from Twin Peaks as a second client alongside Mesa Verde which ends up overworking her until she falls asleep of a wheel and there's a great Jimmy and Howard scene where Jimmy confronts Howard about the Sandpiper case but ends up being called out for being the greedy Manchild he really is Hector has a pissy fit over Gus's drug distribution being better than his and it looks like Nacho's sugar pills are about to knock him out but it doesn't work nacho gives up and confesses to his daddy about how much of a loser he is and he gets kicked out Mike meets Lydia and the sexual tension is immense Howard and Chuck's relationship starts falling apart after Chuck's EHS delusions are made public and Howard tries to get him to retire Chuck isn't having it though and decides he would rather take down his own firm than leave it he failed but eventually he did end up getting what he wanted number 78 expenses I'm a big fan of Jimmy filming wacky videos with his film crew and this episode is one of my favorite scenes with him after Jimmy agrees to film The advert for these [ __ ] for free he pays the crew and has no money left for himself and because she's the best character drama girl offers to give her money back to him because she can tell Jimmy is a broke [ __ ] this episode also features the return of the actual best character Daniel worold AKA price who nacho uses in his grand plan to get rid of Hector Mike does some concrete work and hits it off with his chick Anita Jimmy tries to get his malpractice insurance refunded and starts crying about how much of a screw-up Chuck is which ends up indirectly leading to Chuck's death which Jimmy doesn't acknowledge until the final episode of the entire series I don't think I need to comment on Odin cir's acting cuz it's obviously amazing and everyone knows that unless you're the emies I guess number 77 hero right after Jimmy's bushw walking Adventure in the previous episode Betsy convinces Jimmy to not talk about the stolen money he found by bribing him and of course he accepts because he's Jimmy after that we get one of my favorite Jimmy scams where he gets a billboard put up that may or may not resemble hhm's branding we get the introduction of two-thirds of the film crew this episode who Jimmy uses to film him heroically saving a guy who falls while taking the billboard down but of course we know that he actually orchestrated it this scene where Jimmy and Howard argue over the validity of Jimmy's advertising is great especially the ham Lindo blue trademark I love when Kim calls Jimmy and listens through his entire stupid voicemail before asking him out to see the thing and lastly Chuck's mission to get the newspaper from across the street is truly iconic number 76 El Camino this was a hard one to play him a ranking since it's a whole different beast from the rest of the episodes it's not even really an episode but I'm including it anyway I did talk about ELO in my previous video but I don't think I did a very good job articulating my thoughts properly in that video I mainly talked about how the movie is no reason to exist which I still think is true but taking it for what it is I do think it's pretty damn good obviously the cinematography soundtrack acting and directing are all top tier and on par of the best medical Soul episodes but the story is just kind of lame and doesn't really do anything too unexpected or interesting I like all the Breaking Bad characters who show up including mega mind Walt and my favorite is probably the last one with of Jane Neil and his cronies are pretty unremarkable characters but B shootout scene is cool as hell so it makes up for it my favorite scene of a movie is definitely when Jesse is searching Todd's apartment and speaking of Todd I'm really happy we got to see more of him his whole adventure of Jesse is like a little self-contained short film if you look at this movie as a gift for the fans for them to finally get closure on what ended up happening to Jesse but I think it's all well and good it's satisfying to see him drive off at the end without all the baggage he had the last time he drove off did it have to exist no am I glad it exists yeah number 75 Cabo sin NRE this episode continues Walt's meltdown Arc that was started this season featuring classic scenes like him going Heisenberg mode on a random cop and getting pepper sprayed the scene where Skyler threatens him with a restraining order I will get a restraining order get you restraining on a r here restrain this and of course the famous pizza scene where comes to Skyla with an irresistible offer of a pizza of a family and even dipping sticks this whole plotline of Walt just completely falling apart is one of my favorites in the whole show and it peaks in another episode that we'll get to later meanwhile Jesse enlists Saul in a scheme to get his house back where he manages to buy it for 400 Grand instead of 875 that they are asking for by bringing up a meth lab that used to be in the basement this scene is classic soul Shenanigans and one of my favorites of his it also to this great moment where Jesse shows up as his parents are leaving the house and he gets to make a display of unlocking the door and dropping a Zinger for the ages the new Hors are expected at any moment where do you think you're going inside bought the place but an even better Soul scene is in this same episode where he visits Walt to give him a pep talk and make him feel better about Skyler ghosting him and this is one of like two scenes across the whole show where s really feels like James Gill especially this part afterwards where he gets in his car I know it wasn't planned at all but this whole scene Just Hits so hard after watching better call soul and knowing that Kim's been out of Soul's life for like 4 years at this point and after a decent interval of time well there are other fish in the sea you've been out of circulation for a while you'll be just amazed at what's out there Thailand the Czech Republic I mean those women are so grateful to even be here wal gets fed up and decides to break into his own house since Skyler changed for locks while he's in M of a twin Shar to pay him a visit but it interrupted last minute by Gus sending his classic Poo's message thanks to Mike who was watching the house so yeah really funny episode number 74 pinata this episode has the grand return of Chuck so already is the best episode of Season 4 so far this is also the last time we see Jimmy Kim Chuck and Howard on screen together back in hhm before things went to [ __ ] and we see the moment Jimmy decides to become a lawyer apparently Mike and Gus work on setting up for the Germans and I really like their Dynamic here Mike knows that normal people need entertainment so they don't go crazy but Gus is a robot who doesn't understand what emotions are so there's like a fun Dynamic going on there well he does have one emotion actually Revenge as seen later in the episode where he visits Hector in the hospital to tell him a story about a tree in a katti which obviously parallels his situation with Hector some people theorized that this speech was foreshadowing what Gus would end up doing to Lo but that turned out to not be the case mostly this scene is good for catching up people on how dedicated Gus is to his trolling if they can't remember all the details from Breaking Bad Jimmy expands his cell phone business and gets revenge on those Hooligans who mugged him the best scene of the episode is when Jimmy goes to collect his five grand check from Howard who is still sulking around like a baby Jimmy tries to motivate Howard and although it seems like he doesn't appreciate the advice we see in season bet he did end up taking it to heart hopefully season 4 is the last of Howard's troubles number 73 cats in the bag the second episode of the show keeps up the quick pace of a pilot with Jesse and Walt deciding to terminate their partnership after they dispose of a m ear crazy8 only to discover that Domingo is actually still alive they do a coin flip to decide who should have the pleasure of killing him and Jesse wins Walt wants him to dissolve AO and hydrochloric acid but Jesse can't be bothered trying to find a plastic bin big enough of a body so he uses the bath instead showing his resourceful thinking Walt's too much of a [ __ ] to do with crazy8 so he just makes him a sandwich instead Skyler hears Jesse's voicemail and the phone and does some detective work finding his awesome website she confronts Walt about it and he says Jesse's his weed dealer which Skyler seems pretty appalled by Walt kind of loses a [ __ ] at her about it but does so in a very nice manner what I need is for you to climb down out of my ass will you do that for me honey will you please just once get off my ass you know I'd appreciate it I really would Skyler pays Jesse a visit to intimidate him Heisenberg style which works pretty well Walt goes back to Jesse's place and finds out about his genius bathtub solution just in time for ao's remains to come crashing down through the ceiling this episode is also the one with a famous not my house line and we're going to drive it over to your house my house yes your house we're going to drive it over there and park it overnight and then tomorrow man not my house number 72 negro e aul Jesse's in a bad mood after witnessing the brutal ATM murder last episode but after Walt meets up with Bader and skinny pee and sees how people are now afraid of Jesse because they think he's the one who did the crushing he goes back to his place and motivates him by comparing him to a blowfish the scene is just awesome and it's always great to see w't give Jesse a pep talk that doesn't have some Sinister manipulation attached who messes with the Blowfish Jesse no buy you're damn right I'm a blowfish you are a blowfish say it again I'm a blowfish say it like you mean it I'm a blowfish Blowfish that's yeah blow fishing this up Hank isn't having a fun time at El Paso with his colleagues being meany heads to him behind his back when Tortuga's head shows up on a turtle they all laugh at Hank for being freaked out by it but they get their come up and when the turtle blows up in a night Ates all of them this just makes Hank even more freaked out though Jesse and Walt decide that they need more dealers and to start charging more once they cor to the market while Skyler goes to Ted's work to get a job he basically immediately starts playing the moves which isn't a good sign of things to come Jesse shows off his new TV to Jane which is enough for her to fall for him this episode also has the weird ass Heisenberg music video thing at the start which is intriguing to say the least number 71 crazy handful of nothing this is officially moment where waltt becomes an epic badass when he shaves his head and starts blowing up buildings Walt is unsatisfied with the rate Jesse selling their product and wants a distributor who can buy in bulk Jesse gets skinny P to introduce him to Tuco who's impressed by his meth but isn't going to pay for it up front and beats up Jesse when he tries to take the meth and leave meanwhile Walt started his cancer treatment and when his hair starts falling out he decides to just get rid of all of it which amuses Skyler and impresses Junior malt takes his so-called meth and hustles over to too's hidey hole to get his money back plus some extra for Jesse's pain and suffering everyone laughs at him for bringing more meth of them to steal until Walt literally drops the ultimate oneliner this is not meth yeah it scene's kind of stupid but this whole show is honestly kind of stupid so it's not really a legit issue Walt succeeds in getting his money plus a budding business relationship with Tuco and goes psycho mode in his car to celebrate meanwhile Hank does some digging and finds out of the gas he found was actually for Walt school and it turns out that there's some other chemistry stuff that was also taken the DEA ends up arresting the random worker guy Hugo who was a bro to Walt earlier in the episode but Walt doesn't seem to care number 70 buried this episode is Walt's mad rush to hide evidence after Hank finds out about him mainly his $80 million bed in the storage locker hu and Kuby arrived to clear it out but not after doing a little love making on top of it Walt takes his seven barrels of cash out to where him and Jesse first cook together and spends the night burying it Skyler gets ambushed by Hank who wants her to help him in the fight against Heisenberg but she isn't interested sa proposes sending him on a trip to bise but Walter is disgusted at a notion even though he just killed like 10 people in 2 minutes a few months back when Walt arrives home from his excavation Expedition he has a little nap on the bathroom floor and offers to turn himself in for Skyler but as long as she keeps for money Skyler isn't an idiot and know that ain't possible so she decides they should just lie low for a bit meanwhile Lydia visits Dean shitty meth laab to do some control which involves Uncle Jack and his merry crew rocking up and executing everyone while Todd makes the moves Marie obviously wants H to go to the DA with a news about Walt but he's rightfully embarrassed that he didn't notice the truth literally staring him in the face for over a year he decides he won't review anything until he actually takes Walt down and when the opportunity appears to interrogate Jesse on the matter who was busy being a nighttime philanthropist he pays him a visit number 69 peekaboo this is one of Jesse's best episodes with him on a mission to get back the money and meth SPO and his chick stole from skinny Pete he pcks himself up with his gun and barges into the house only to find that they're not there but their 5-year-old son is so he just kind of hangs out with his kid until the parents get home and when they do Jesse shows them who boss but the kid gets in the way apparently the money is inside this random automatic ATM machine that they stole so spooge gets to work trying to open it while Jesse chastises the lady for being the worst mother in history while he's trying to drill the thing open spooge has a yelling contest with her until she eventually crushes his head with ATM because she ain't no skank meanwhile Walts in hot water when Skyler calls gring about her supposedly paying his medical bills and she comes over to find out what the hell she's on about Walt has a one-on-one meeting with her where he refuses to tell her what's going on and acts like a baby about how they apparently force him out of gry matter and are profiting over his discoveries the whole gray matter backstory is one of the most interesting aspects of Walt's character for me with how he left because of his pettiness and still holds so much resentment for it years later to the point where he goes on dire tribes about it to both Jesse and Saul anyways Gretchen says she feels sorry for him and Walt gives an appropriate response [ __ ] you number 68 black and [Music] blue it was hard to decide if I like ax and grind or this episode more and I ended up with this one because of two main reasons how and Jimmy's boxing match which was so bad that it was good and the return of L after being Mia for four episodes this episode has some more set up for future conflicts with Gus planting his gun down of the lab which made it ex extremely obvious what was eventually going to happen down there Franchesca makes her return to start working at Soul's new office and Kim doesn't let Jimmy in on the fact that L was still alive L being in Germany was an awesome moment because so many people predicted that's where he was but it just didn't seem fully believable until the moment it actually happened him sneaking around Margaret's house was another really suspenseful moment cuz it really felt like someone could get whacked at any second I can definitely see why Veron was so desperate to see her now number 67 fire o i rated this episode pretty low last time but on my last rewatch I realized I was probably a bit too mean this is a lot of people's favorite episode from the earlier seasons and it's easy to see why we finally get an episode entirely focused on many people's favorite character and it really is everything you could want we get to learn about Mike's tragic past which was a really brought up in the original show beyond that awesome scene in half measures obviously Jonathan Banks's acting in this episode is some of his best work since it's easily the most varied material he ever got to work with beyond the more usual rigma rooll he's usually doing throughout the show this is also the episode that formerly introduces us to Stacy who I really like mainly because the actress who plays her Carrie Condon is so awesome unfortunately she never really gets much to work with so her character comes across kind of forgettable but if you've seen the Banshees of inner Sharon you know she's a great actor my only real problem with this episode and the reason it's still kind of low is I will always prefer the Jimmy plot to Mike Shenanigans even when the Mike plot is at its best I can forgive this one being so mik Centric though since since the rest of the season is pretty much entirely focused on the Jimmy side of things and also the episode's called 5 and it's not even the fifth episode 0 out of 10 number 66 Blood Money the beginning of the back half of season 5 marks the start of [ __ ] rapidly falling apart Hank has finally figured out the most obvious thing ever and after having an episode while driving home goes back through his evidence to do some detective work and confirm his suspicions Jesse's in an altruistic mood and visits soul to give him his $5 million payout that Walt dropped off last episode he wants half of it to go to Kaylee for time traveler and the other half to go to Drew Sharp's parents Walt gets wind of this and tries to give a money back to Jesse but he's WIS up to the fact that Walt definitely killed Mike even though Walt gives a shitty attempt at trying to deny it maybe he shouldn't have made it so [ __ ] obvious in the first place you get out safe he's gone Jesse gives up on Kaylee and Drew and instead just drives around random neighborhoods throwing the money at people's houses later while Walt is vomiting in B since his caner his back he realizes that the Leaves of Grass book he idiotically left on the commode is gone and after checking his car and finding one of those tracker things that Hank hadam used on Gus in season 4 he heads over to his house to confront him about it at first they both tried to play koi but eventually Hank just cuts to a Chase and sucker punches him Walt tries to convince hang to back down since his cancer is back and whatnot and when it becomes clear that it's a fruitless Endeavor he switches to Heisenberg mode to drop a swaggy oneliner maybe your best course would be To Tread Like LLY it's unknown how long the two of them awkwardly stood in the garage before Hank opened the door again number 65 problem dog Skyler makes Walt return the car he bought for junior in the previous episode but instead he decides to take it for a little Joy Ride in a random parking lot ending with him blowing it up S deals with the cost of his Shenanigans while Walt complains more about his situation with Gus Walt wants to hire a hitman to deal with Fring but since everyone in that business knows Mike he decides the second best option is Jesse he heads over to his place for another round of obvious manipulation and then makes him some Ryon to poison Gus with Jesse's immediately presenter with several easy opportunities to kill Gus but doesn't want to do it cuz he's too much of a nice guy Skyler is ungrateful when Walt presenter with fat stacks of cash to launder meanwhile Hanks deep into his investigation of the chicken man getting Flynn to drive him over to PUO to get his fingerprints and presenting the evidence to other DEA guys they don't seem convinced until Hank shows them Gus's Prince were at Gail's apartment Jesse goes to the support me and not so subtly goes on a spiel about how he killed Gil AKA of a problem dog and when he gets judged for it he calls out the whole acceptance thing as being a load of crap and reveals why he's actually there in the first place is to sell your meth you're nothing to me but customers this scene is just great and probably some of Aaron Paul's best acting in the show number 64 Hermanos this episode focuses heavily on Gus find finally giving us for big missing pieces of his character mainly concerning his past first for DEA has him come over for a grilling on why his Prince were at ga's apartment with Gus managing to spin up some story about how Gail wanted money and when Hank says there's no records of Gus living in Chile he just tells him to look harder Hank isn't impressed and gets Walt to drive him to poo for some detective work and makes Walt stick a Tracker thing on Gus's car Hank is an idiot as usual and doesn't think anything of Walt's desperate attempts to get out of a situation he rushes over to Jesse's place to tell him they need to accelerate the gust motor plan but Jesse isn't interested since he's in with the cool kids now Gus has a meeting with Mike over where the Hank is an issue and then drives over to Cle tranquila to troll Hector for a bit I know we take it for granted now but the decision to have Hector this random wheelchair guy from season 2 become an integral part of Gus's backstory is genius and it's revealed in this scene where they got beef with each other when Gus and his boyfriend Max tried to pitch their meth business to donadio and while Max is babbling on about how cool Gus is he gets capped by Hector this scene and the rest of the episode instantly shifts Gus's character from a cool bad guy to way more complex character and lays the seeds for his epic Revenge just a few episodes later the writers try to add more to Gus's backstory and Better Call Saul but I think what we got in V show was the right amount for Gus I think it's best for resters left unexplained since it doesn't really matter anyway what I'm trying to say is we definitely do not need a gus prequel show or movie or whatever number 63 nacho this episode is where the show really gets going in the first episode Kim had two lines of dialogue and in the second episode she had like one shot of her which is really weird looking back but in this episode we get our proper introduction to her and Jimmy's relationship which is pretty much summed up perfectly in this first scene where he calls her at 2: a.m. and she immediately assumes he wants to do phone sex we also get to see Jimmy and Mike's Dynamics start to develop when Mike gives him some advice on how to find the missing kettlemans nacho is super intimidating here which is kind of weird to see after seeing how his story unfolds throughout the rest of the show after this plotline he and Jimmy don't even interact again until season 5 Jimmy's attempt to anonymously warn the kettlemans about nacho is hilarious especially when he just gives up his funny voice and just shouts into the phone instead this episode as a whole is really amusing like when Jimmy tells Kim's warning later on and she straight away deduces that he used for sex robot voice I called the kettlemans anonymously to warn anonymously you oh God you didn't you didn't do the sex robot voice did you I did the tube and the whole thing which which I don't even want to know how that comes up in their relationship normally the cold open introduces us to the hilariously bad young Jimmy wig which I will still take any day over CGI daging or any of that [ __ ] we get our first mention of a Chicago sunroof which obviously comes back in a big way in season finale capping off the episode is a Sublime Montage of Jimmy adventuring out into the woods to find the kettlemans with a very fitting song to accompany It song Choices for montages is something that the show never fails to impress on number 62 Fifi this episode is one of the coolest cold opens of the series showing border security searching trucks for drugs and whatnot it's mostly filmed in one long take and the music is some of Dave Porter's best work the rest of the episode is kind of like a battle for Mesa Verde between Wexler Mcgill and hhm when Kim gives her resignation to Howard he seems pretty proud of her and expresses some level of regret for not doing his own thing instead of letting his dad convince him to jump on the hhm train I really love these moments of characters putting aside their beef with each other to be genuine for a moment and it reminds me of a similar scen in season 1 when Jimmy and Howard sort of reconcile after Chuck's Peak headedness is revealed obviously this moment of wholesomeness is cut short when Kim leaves Howard's office and overhears him already making a move on Mesa ver she manages to secure them for her own practice but Chuck has to ruin it by getting them back on Team hhm by saying Kim isn't experienced enough when Jimmy gets wind of this he goes ahead and does perhaps his smartest scheme ever swapping the address of a plan Mesa Verde Branch from 1261 to 1216 which of course sets in motion all the conflicts for season 3 the show does such a good job at making pretty mundane work look super exciting and this is no exception Mike doesn't do much of importance this episode but watching Mike do nothing is still a great TV experience Jimbo also shoots another wacky commercial with his crew this time with a guy Jimmy once defended for public masturbation it really seems like Albert K has a problem with that number 61 confessions this is the episode where things officially go from bad to worse for everyone Hank tries to get Jesse to help him with for Walt problem but he still has too much of a hate boner for Hank to do anything Marie tries to lure Junior over to the shreder Joint but Walt guilts him into stain by revealing his cancer has returned Walt and Skyler get sick of Hank being a nosy [ __ ] so they make a little video and give it to him during his very awkward Meetup back at home Hank and Marie watched Walt's confession and realized that Hank was actually the villain all along but instead of turning himself in he decides to Double Down Walt and Jesse meet up in the desert for a little chat while Saul awkwardly stands there where Walt not so subtly tries to get him to leave Town Jesse finally hits back at him for being a manipulative but breaks down like a baby when Walt gives him a hug Jesse prepares for his new life in Alaska complete with a touching goodbye from Saul until at the last second he realizes Walt poison Brock andh I have some problems with this I'm sorry but I just don't believe that Jesse in his current state would be able to make that leap from H pocketing his weed to the cigarette thing from ages ago and the whole poisoning plot point is kind of vague in the first place but I'll talk more about that later it's not too bad though since it does lead to this killer scene where Jesse goes psycho on Soul with some insane line deliveries from Aaron Paul you had him still off of me and offer that [ __ ] Mr White he poison the Brock he poison the Brock and you you helped him Benny drives over to Walt's house to do some remodeling with one of the funniest Cliffhangers number 60 breaking bad better call Soul having an episode called Breaking Bad is a prediction that I think everyone had but didn't think would actually happened and yet it did and while this episode isn't the full length Breaking Bad episode we were all hoping for it does use the scenes from that era to parallel Gene and Jeff's Wacky Adventures where they themselves become the breakers of bad obviously the fact of this episode as Walt and Jesse in it is enough to catapult it into everyone's top 10 but for me it was lowkey the worst scene of the episode it does flesh out Soul's involvement in the early days of MF trade but it kind of felt like the writers decided they wanted a Walt and Jesse scene first and then wrote a scene around that as opposed to the other way around on the opposite end the Mike scene is great since his and Soul's Dynamic is something I wish we got more of in Breaking Bad and I still wish we got more of it in general and it obviously shows how Soul was unable to resist the urge to make a [ __ ] ton of money leading to him making the biggest mistake of his life when he goes to Wal School the intercutting between that scene and Jee breaking into cancer guys house was very Kino seeing the cold open of this episode for the first time was one of the most hyp moment of the whole show and for the most part Brian Cranston and Aaron Paul did a very good job at playing their characters again more so Cranston and Paul in this episode but I think Aaron did a way better job in the Jesse scene next episode it was also pretty surreal to find out what happened to a lot of random characters after Breaking Bad like getting confirmation at Skyler got a deal hu got out of a safe house and went back home price is probably in jail and Kuby is who knows where number 59 ABQ the finale of season 2 is a whole bunch of Awesomeness and one big blemish which I think is pretty obvious what it is this is where the stupid cold opens from across season 2 finally pay off and it's not really worth it honestly I do like the idea of Walt being half responsible for the deaths of loads of people kind of like a bigger stupider version of Howard's death being caused by Jimmy and Kim but it ends up just being played off almost as a joke in the end but other than that everything else here is really good with Jesse waking up to the unpleasant sight of Jane's rotting corpse leading to Mike coming into the show for the first time to clean up the place and give Jesse a pep talk meanwhile Skyler and Walt junr are all excited about the cash coming in through the save Walter White website but Walt is less than infused Donald goes over to Jane's house to get a rehab Journey started only to find that it's already over Walt takes Jesse to rehab and then heads over to the hospital for some surgery and while he's all drugged up he lets it slip that he in fact does have a second cell phone confirming Skyler's suspicions throughout the season afterward Skyler is eager to kick his ass out and the scene where she finally exposes him is just so satisfying I'm glad they got this reveal out of a way relatively early in the show since Skyler's character becomes way more interesting once she has the knowledge of Walt's activities during this whole scene Walt's rocking this iconic pink jumper as well he sits by the pool thinking about how much of a [ __ ] up he is when suddenly the sequel to 9/11 happens above him number 58 Miho the second episode of a show kicks things into high gear straight away with Jimmy thrown into the desert to negotiate with the least negotiable person in Albuquerque this scene takes up like halfy episode and goes to show just how good at his job Jimmy can be and that he actually has a moral compass since he didn't leave the skateboard kids to get turned into meat pinards by Tuco we also get to meet nacho who at this stage is a far cry from what he becomes later down the road we also get some more insight into Chuck's peculiar disease when he has to wrap himself in a space blanket when he thinks Jimmy's up to his usual H Jinks we're also introduced to the first of many montages in the show showing Jimmy doing his shitty PD work and his back and forth with mic with stickers and we see Kim for a whopping two shots in the entire episode number 57 inflatable this episode is possibly the most important flashback for Jimmy's character where a random guy taking advantage of his dad's generosity gives young Jimmy some advice this pretty much leads to all the bad things Jimmy ever does after this so Bravo to his one guy for ruining everything for everyone ever but the real star of this episode is everything to do with Jimmy's storyline where he finally decides to quit his job at Davis and Main until he finds out he won't get to keep a bonus in his contract unless he is fired and so we get another one of the best montages in the show I feel like I sa that about every Montage they're all so good Jimmy's Antics to get himself fir are of course hilarious and Cliff's last words to him of icing of a cake for what it's worth I think you're a good guy for what it's worth I think you're an [ __ ] he even gets to keep the cocoa bolo desk so everything works out of me in and then we get Jimmy's passionate speech to Kim about starting a law firm together so they can be their own bosses and while she does turn them down she comes back with an even better offer the end of the episode and this scene of Jimmy sending his new voicemail message is also great and we get a cameo from a film crew so of course this episode is a 10 out of 10 number 56 Hazard pay this episode officially marks the start of one of my favorite plot lines the trio of Walt Jesse and Mike going into business together plus soul for added chicanery they all meet up at the Cathedral of Justice to set the terms with Mike handling the business end while Walt and Jesse Cook for goods Walt doesn't seem entirely happy with the arrangement they then go on a tour of potential lab locations including Price's laser base and eventually Walt pitches the idea of using Vino's pest to cook inside people's houses I really dig this scene where Badger and skinny Peete go to buy the RO cases of the equipment where we see P's insane piano skills while Badger's just annoying in the background Walt and Jesse get the mobile lab set up and get to work segueing into my absolute favorite cooking Montage in the whole show set to this Exquisite song by the pedalers the visuals during this sequence get pretty funky and the music just goes so well with it this whole episode kind of feels like thean before the storm where Walter's at his Peak before everything starts falling apart him and Jesse are on good terms he's making mad stacks and everything's under control reality starts to set in a bit V when it comes time to receive their earnings this scene is just so funny with the money piles rapidly shrinking as the reality of running a business sets in the dynamic between Walt and Mike is probably my favorite of any two characters since they both just despise each other so plainly it's a big part of why I love the first half of season 5 so much and when Jesse gets sick of it back and forth and just offers to take for money out of his share that's enough for Walt to back off since he's far too cool to accept charity meanwhile Skyla's down in the dumps with Walt moving back in and when Marie acts annoying as usual she decides to give her what she deserves I'm sorry please don't speak to me like that I am simply saying that you will shut up shut the hell up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up number 55 smoke Chuck is dead and this episode is dedicated to dealing with that as well as the rest of a season Chuck's house looks pretty epic when it's burn to a crisp and his funeral is pretty lame as expected this is one of the most depressing episodes for Howard outside of you know where he confesses to Jimmy and Kim that Chuck's death is all of his fault or at least that's what he thinks Jimmy's response might be one of his darkest moments and really sets the stage for his storyline this season on the complete compl opposite end of the spectrum we have wacky Mike security consultant Shenanigans equally good in its own way of course but definitely makes the overall tone of the episode a bit wacky meanwhile nacho is in hot water after his sugar pills take out Hector but Gus is onto him beginning of the Endless cycle of Nacho taking L after L until his eventual end number 54 switch this episode is so important for Jimmy and Kim's relationship it's the one that introduces us to Kim's Alter Ego slip and Kimmy and how her and Jimmy Bond over scamming people always good to see Ken wins Tak an L this episode really shows that Kim and Jimmy are perfect for each other considering they made up their scam on the Fly and it works perfectly of course the real star of a show is price now driving a school bus for 6-year-old pimps but Mike doesn't approve the ending of the episode is especially great where it looks like Jimmy has gotten everything he could possibly want including the Coco bolo desk until we see the switch I says not to be flipped Jimmy flips it anyway because of course he does implying his career at Davis and Main might knock go as smoothly as expected number 53 green light this episode is the Apex of Walt's meltdown Arc and it's honestly the funniest episode of the whole show so many Hilarious Moments to be found here starting with Walt trying to break into Ted's office to have a talk with him which goes about as well as expected open the door come on let's talk I just want to talk that's all come on let's be men about this huh okay how about that we have situation [Music] Walt Walt Walt what are you doing I'm talking with Ted next time you'll open the door he followed by Saul staging an intervention for him which is cut short when Walt realizes that Saul had Mike bug's house which causes the two of them to have a little tussle while Mike acts as their marriage counselor then Walt has Mike take the bugs out of his house with some delicious hypocrisy to boot great line of work by the way real upstanding field yeah I enjoy it and it gets even better still with this scene where Carmen tries to have a talk of him in her office and he tries to play the moves on her which doesn't seem to end well he's placed on indefinite leave AKA unemployment and meets up with Jesse while taking his stuff to his car yo did he just get fired no no no no more like a sabatical indefinite no Walt isn't pleased to find out that Jesse's been cooking the product without him and gets all high and mighty about how it's his formula and so on he acts like Jesse's cook is crap compared to his even though it's probably like exactly the same there's also this scene where Mike updates Gus on Walt's downward spiral and when he suggests letting him know that there's two Terminators on the hunt for him Gus quotes Mike from four years prior you want this guy to produce again when I just tell tell him you're the only thing that stands between him and an axe in the head I don't believe Fear To Be an Effective motivator I want investment you want to keep vargan for the long run I don't think fear is a great [Music] motivator they decide to accept Jesse's meth in order to get Walt pissed off and back into cooking which ends up working exactly as planned in the next episode meanwhile Hank is in a foul mood because he has to go back to El Paso but when he finds finds out that blue meth is back on the street he immediately abandons it and rushes off to question some guy and eventually finds this chick who Jesse gave meth to at the start of the episode he uses his charm to find out that she got it from a guy who drives an RV this episode is the chief example of a show being a really good comedy and it's a big part of why season 3 is one of my favorites number 52 nailed this episode is a Fallout of Jimmy's address swapping of 1261 to 1216 from a previous episode which sees Chuck getting red up in courau at a prospect of being wrong about something which leads to Mesa V's expansion plans being delayed by 6 weeks of course he immediately knows it's Jimmy who was behind the chicanery and lays out a practically beat for beat accurate guess of what happened to Kim Kim does side of Jimmy but it turns out that she knew it was him all along Chuck decides to do some detective work but Jimmy pays off the copy shop guy not to R him out Chuck cries like a baby then hits his head and dies on the Mike side of the story he continues his trolling of Hector which leads to a Good Samaritan being murdered by Salam Mona goons which obviously goes against Mike's code of conduct when it comes to random people becoming collateral damage from people in the game Jimmy and Kim move into and start working at the new Wexler McGill office which was always my favorite of all of Jimmy's workplaces forever show there's some pretty iconic shots in this episode and of course for best part is Jimmy singing The Pina Colada song if you like coladas getting caught in the rain if you're not into yoga and you got half a brain number 51 click the finale of season 2 is equally exciting from both the Mike and Jimmy sides of a story with Mike sitting out to get rid of Hector once and for all which culminates in a scene that's super tense even though we obviously know both Mike and Hector are in Breaking Bad the reveal of the note on Mike's car was a super exciting moment the first time watching since it was basically confirmation that Gus was getting in on the action which some people had already figured out based on rearranging the first letters in each of season 2's episode titles meanwhile Jimmy has to do with Chuck death at the end of the previous episode and although Chuck immediately sees through him Ernesto comes in clutch to save Jimmy no one in this entire show ever appreciates Ernesto which is a real shame we also get a pretty depressing although very important cold open where Jimmy and Chuck's mother dies while cucking Chuck one final time the highlight of this episode is of course the ending when Jimmy confesses to Chuck that he did indeed swap the addresses exactly like how Chuck accused him Bobo and Cook's acting here is amazing she worked her butt off to get me S while you and how sat around sipping scotch and chling Hamlin Hamlin Mill more like Scrooge and Marley I honestly didn't think it would hurt you so bad I thought you'd just say oh crap I made a mistake and go on with your life like a normal person but oh no wishful thinking the reveal that Chuck played Jimmy like a fiddle as the best Cliffhanger of the show possibly and really PES Chuck into the full-on villain role that he has in the first half of season 3 number 50 Alpine F shepher boy I've talked about this episode on two separate occasions in both my original ranking and the whole video dedicated to it for those of you who are unaware this is the episode with the sex toilet the sex toilet scene is hands down the best scene in the entire series maybe in all of TV history dumb people like to call this the worst episode of the show for some reason which I find bizarre because not only does it have the sex toilet and of the guy who prints his own currency but there's also the major reveal SLC confirmation that Chuck's EHS is all in his mind still don't know why we needed a fury video for something that was confirmed in the fifth episode but whatever Jimmy begins his Fay into elder law by Dawning a white suit and advertising at the bottom of Jello-O cups all that plus a healthy dose of foreshadowing makes this one of the more memorable season 1 episodes Colman lanterns indoors a camp stove he could burn his house down or the entire neighborhood and then you're looking at a commitment of 10 to 20 years number 49 one minute this is basically Hank's episode in the spotlight with him losing his [ __ ] and gamer raging at Jesse after he got trolled last episode even though it was actually Walt who did it so now Jesse's in the hospital and HS him a [ __ ] with Jesse telling Walt he's going to ruin that bald career while Saul takes funny photos Hank realizes he has a moral compass and comes clean about his altercation and the DEA is left with no choice but to suspend him and take his gun Walt comes back to Jesse with an offer he couldn't possibly refuse to cook in the super lab with him for half of his free meal Jesse rightfully turns him down because Walt's an [ __ ] who ruined his entire life but then when Walt says his meth is in fact not garbage and actually as good as his own that's enough of him to change his mind this is probably the best scene of the episode Aaron Paul is just so good at playing a crybaby now that he has Jesse on board Walt calls up Gus to get rid of that ped Gil and get Jesse on board which he thankfully accepts Hank is out buying [ __ ] for Marie and when he gets in his car he receives a call from Gus using the Ghostface voice filter to warn him about the twins who are currently approaching him because they the most incompetent hit men alive Hank manages to easily dispatch of one of them and almost gets merked by the other but he decides he'd rather get shot in the face and finish the job in a timely manner that last scene makes this episode an instant classic and the rest of it ain't half bad either still think the twins are Lambo number 48 Mandela this episode kicks season 2 into ultra high gear with the introduction of Gus the murder of combo pregnancy Shenanigans and more Jesse calls up Walt to give him the news that combo shot by some kid but Walt is too much of a bonehead to even remember who he is they go to Soul's office for some marriage counseling and when he finds out how much meth they have on hand he tells them he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy who can put them in touch with a mysterious businessman with big plans Walt and Jesse go to the top secret meeting place but Jesse is high from his fun times with Jane and leaves in a hurry when Walt complains to Saul that the guy didn't show up he's told the deals off but goes back anyway and harasses Gus until he finally admits that he is in fact the guy he criticizes Walt for working with a dumb idiot but Walt says he's for Alpha in the relationship and manages to convince Gus to buy his 38 of product Jane introduces Jesse to heroin which causes him to fly up into the sky and destroy the ceiling meanwhile Skyler discovers Ted's tax fraud but doesn't do anything about it because she's too horny for him she continues working and suddenly she feels her pregnancy being fast-tracked at the same time Walt gets a message from gusf he has to deliver the meth in an hour for a cool million and rushes over to Jesse acting like a crazy lunatic to get the goods all this combines for a perfect storm where Walt finds out about Skyler's fast approaching baby while grabbing the meth leaving him with a decision either be there for the birth of his daughter or miss it and make fat stacks of cash this is such a great moment and of course he chooses to make the deal because he's in the Empire business not the baby business number 47 to haali this episode is been not so calm before the storm B is Aussie mandus and it's just awesome and to tell you why it's awesome and excruciating detail I've got everyone's favorite guy Johnny Cooper 64 back again to do my job for me take it away hello everyone Johnny Cooper here and toj is one of my favorite episodes of Breaking Bad and there I say it's up there with Azie mandas I feel like nobody gives this episode enough credit for just how great it is and how it perfectly sets up The Following episode to me I always consider tohaj and azy mandas as a two-parter one won't be as great without the other the episode begins with more Uncle Jack and Todd Kino as they establish why Jesse isn't just killed than azy mandas Todd's cooking skills aren't good enough to win over breaking bats number one wifeu Lydia rard Quail nor are his Riz skills as he scares her off Todd gets a call from Walter to do one last job kill Jesse Pinkman but a quick and painless death because he's quote unquote family as Walter puts it aw how thoughtful of him see Skyler Bros this is how a human shall act they get into a meeting where Walter offers to pay triple of what he paid for the prison murders but Uncle Jack doesn't want the money and instead wants Walter to give Todd a few more lessons to improve his map Walter is hesitant but accepts after the sting operation by Hank gy and Jesse fail they get huul under witness protection and troll them to reveal where Walter's money is by showing them a fake picture of Jesse's brains all splattered out he reveals that he and Q put the money in seven barrels and left it in the van to where Walter drove it and buried it in the desert and gave it back to H Gomez and Hank leave he in the safe house and that's the last we see of he will on screen chronologically Walter visits Andrea to lure Jesse to visit her so that the neo-nazis who are watching the house can smoke him out like a rat Skyler is teaching while junor how to ring up customers which is when Saul arrives making Walt Jr Fanboy all over him Saul tells Walter that he will disappeared thinking that Jesse killed him and that he's going to be next which is why he's seen wearing a bulletproof vest now that Hank knows about the money being stuffed into barrels he cooks up another scheme and has Jesse message Walter a picture of a barrel full of money buried in dirt followed by a call threatening to burn all the money if he doesn't meet him in the desert Walter panics and without thinking dries supersonic Mo to the desert all while confessing to Jesse all the crimes he's ever committed to save his ass falling for Hank's trap once he's there Walt notices an SUV pull up and realizes it was a trap thinking that Jesse sent a hit squat to kill him he calls up Uncle Jack to get over here before realizing that Hank and gy were the ones in the whip he tells Jack not to come but does a terrible job in calling it off as this will bite him back in a bit now that Han has hard evidence on Walter he arrests him and calls up Marie to tell her that he got the victory Royale of the century that's when the episode gets even more intense just as you think Hank won Uncle Jack and the Gang roll up and start blasting at Hank and gy they fight back and get into an epic shootout that makes you wonder how the [ __ ] did Hank and gy not land a single shot or kill one of these Nazis are they stupid the episode ends on one of the biggest Cliffhangers ever setting up up the ultimate downfall of Walter wide number 46 buy out after their train Heist had a little hiccup last episode The Crew has the pleasure of disposing about kidum and deciding what to do with Todd Jesse obviously wants to fire him but Mike and Walt vote to keep him on but not without a very Stern warning Mike decides that the DEA [ __ ] watching him has become too annoying and decides to leave for business while Jesse decides to do the same after hearing Walt talk about how STW is over what happened to the kid even though he's whistling without a car in a world like some [ __ ] cartoon character Walt finds out they're planning to sell their shares of a methylamine and launches into a diet tribe about how it's worth 300 million and Jesse selling out for pennies on the dollar AKA 5 million Jesse later calls him out of his [ __ ] since you know Walt only needed barely 34 of a million and Walt starts complaining about how he sold out his share of gry matter for $1,000 even over the companies now worth billions apparently $1,000 and5 million of the same thing to Walt so he doesn't listen into Jesse's attempts to reason with him which gets interrupted by Skyler coming home Walt forces Jesse to stay for dinner and it leads to one of the most captivating scenes in the entire show Walt sneaks to their base of operations to try and steal the methylamine but Mike is one step ahead of him and forces him to stay there with him all night so he doesn't do anything stupid I wish we got to see more of what I'm sure was a riveting night of conversation between the two but alas we don't when Mike leaves a deal with some DEA malaky he ties Walt to the radiator so he doesn't escape he escapes Mike comes back from his meaning with soul to find the methine gone but Walt has another one of his genius plans so that everybody wins I put this episode so high because I just really love the conflict between bet Trio and any solo Mike and Walt scenes are always a riot number 45 ven Jimmy and Kim's argument in this episode is one of their best scenes when they finally let out their pent up emotions that were building up throughout the whole season Jimmy cries like a baby about how Kim won't get an office with him and Kim lays down the truth for him with her last line being one of the best in the series Jimmy you are always down meanwhile verer is complaining about how he misses [ __ ] his hot wife but Mike can't sympathize since he hasn't [ __ ] in 57 years so Vera lets his horniness make the decisions for him and runs off L who was introduced at the end of a previous episode visits Hector to give him the Bell he hasn't Breaking Bad and then goes to begin his trolling of Gus at poo Jimmy's meeting to get his law license reinstate goes well at first until he doesn't mention Chuck and he has a gamer rage outside him a staircase number 44 Live Free or Die last time that [ __ ] Johnny Cooper talked about this episode so now you get to hear my thoughts as far as season opens go this is definitely one of the best giving us a self-contained episode with some pretty light-hearted Shenanigans mixed in with moments of Darkness the peak Trio of Jesse Mike and Walt is established here and this group dynamic is a huge part of why the first half of season 5 is some of my favorite stuff across the whole show the scene where the three of them are arguing over what to do with a missing laptop has so many good lines oh yeah we're boned well you know how they say it's been a pleasure it hasn't describe the building describe the how about I describe Fort Knox and what are you going to do are you going to put on your black leotard and go dangling on a clothes line it's a building full of cops what else do you need to know and why in the hell am I talking to you oh so now you want to blow up a police station I don't believe I said that no Nursing Home full of old folks just wet your appetite now you want to kill a bunch of cops never said anything about killing anybody the actual magnet Heist itself is pretty amusing to watch unfold as well with Walt [ __ ] him up pretty badly and acting like everything went exactly according to plan he's on Cloud 9 after blowing up Gus and this episode sets for stage for him in Peak Heisenberg mode where he is just a [ __ ] to everyone especially Saul and Skyler who's having a pretty rough time after learning a husband lik exploding hospitals and also Ted's alive but too scared of Skyler to do anything about it and that's the last we ever see of him thankfully we also get our first look at Walt during his New Hampshire era which was apparently written with no idea of where it was going which is proof that not every piece of media needs to be planned out to be good also the episode name sounds like something out of Game of Thrones when you play the game of thrones you win or you die number 43 Waterworks the penultimate episode of The Final Season features the return of Kim after being gone from the last two episodes now with a new haircut for the most part this is like a solo Kim episode showing her less than exciting life in Florida complete with her new beta cck boyfriend who can't even buy mayonnaise her going back to Albuquerque to confess her involvement in Howard's murder was just crazy to see the first time watching and it shows that she took her advice to Jee to Heart about turning himself in it's cool that Cheryl stuck around for more than just two scenes in a season and her reaction to Kim's confession is pretty depressing in fact this whole episode is just depressing Jean is still on his tiid against cancer guy and almost [ __ ] murders him with a pot of his dead dog's ashes Jesus and this isn't even the only time he comes close to murdering someone in this episode this is also the last we see of Jeff which I think is just hilarious that we never find out what happened to him not a complaint at all like genuinely a great decision on riters part he's like hu 2.0 which I'm sure I may be the very first person to point out in between all this we get seen showing Sten Kim's official divorce and of course Kim meets Jesse which is pretty pointless but probably the best of a Walt / Jesse fan service scenes Aaron Paul did as good a job as he possibly could here and he looked really good considering how old he is now compared to how old Jesse is supposed to be in the scene this is like pre-breaking bad the dialogue once again did feel kind of off but not like terrible or anything the ending with Jean finally being exposed as an alltime great BCS moment with the color of a soul aert reflecting his glasses which is a callback to the very first episode of of a show I don't think he would have actually murdered Marian but it was still chilling to see how far he's fallen and of course him getting busted by an elderly person is just delicious irony from his elder law days the best part of the episode is obviously Jean singing though not the kind of girl giv up just like number 42 something unforgivable this is another episode that I gave a bit of [ __ ] when it came out but looking back it's a really solid season finale mainly for the cartel side of the plot nacho was working to get Lo's trust throughout this whole season and you can see that Lo really valued him at this point which makes it all the worse when he realizes he betrayed him nacho meeting alardo is cool and nacho manages to impress him with his dripp and guns the main point of contention with this episode is the shootout at Low's house which almost borders on comically stupid but I think having a wacky shootout at the end of the episode was a right move and it's always good seeing L being an Unstoppable force of nature against the worst hit men in the country the look on his face when he realizes nacho let the Hitman in sets up a really exciting confrontation between the two in the final season which didn't end up happening Jimmy and Kim side of the story is a lot less action-packed but still has some good moments like when Jimmy harasses Mike for info on the L plot slip and Kimmy is truly born in this episode when she laughs in Howard's face after he tells her about Jimmy chicanery and then sets in motion the plan to ruin him which leads to everything else being ruined number 41 sunset this episode follows wal trying to get rid of VV before Hank gets to it Jesse is completely oblivious to Hank's investigations and is in fact working on starting up his own business with Badger and skinny Pete Walt begins working at the super lab and meets Gail who immediately starts sucking up to him luckily for Walt Hank calls him up to explain his Fury about the RV being a mobile meth lab giving Walter Head Start to dispose of it he goes to get it destroyed but Jesse finds out and drives over to it bringing Hank right along with him so now they're stuck in the RV while Hank tries to bust in and this is one of my favorite scenes of the whole series the first time watching I just had no idea how the hell they were going to get out of his situation Joe is there to help out by questioning the legality of what Hank's doing and Jesse tries to assert his rights too but when it becomes clear he isn't going to budge Walt takes drastic measures to get him out of there by calling up Soul again to troll Hank to thinking Marie is in the hospital Hank drives off like an idiot leaving Walt and Jesse to destroy the RV in one of the saddest death scenes of the series elsewhere Gus gives the cousins for all clear to kill Hank which I'm sure will work out great for them number 40 and the bags in the river this was the episode that got me hooked on the show the main Crux of the episode revolves around Walt trying to muster up the courage to kill crazy eight and the way it plays out is just incredible first Walt tries to come up with reasons not to kill him which doesn't seem to convince himself then after he faints while bringing him food he tries to get to know Domingo so that he can be convinced to let him go they bond over baby cribs and whatnot and the writing here is just so good it finally seems like Walt's going to let him go until he looks at a broken pieces of a plate and realizes that there's one missing it culminates in Walt having to strangle him to death with a bike lock which is just so depressing and pretty crazy considering this is only the third episode of the show and even with this really dark scene there's still wacky Shenanigans to be had like Walt chasing Jesse around and trying to flush his meth down the toilet Hitler [ __ ] there's also Hank trying to show Walt junor that weed is bad for you since Skyler had a miscommunication with Marie which led her to thinking Junior was doing weed when Skyler was actually talking about Walt we also get to see Gretchen and Walt from when they were in University and it's all shot in Shadow so you can't tell that Brian Cranson is 52 years old almost as good a solution as the incredible young Jimmy wig from Bor Soul number 39 gloves off the Mike side of this episode revolves around him and nacho planning how to deal with Tuco with Mike offering to snipe him dead we get the return of an arms dealer Guy Lawson from Breaking Bad and I really like watching him and Mike talk guns they're a great Duo I wish we had more scenes of them Mike ends up deciding to get tuku a different way which involves trolling him until the cops arrive I'm a big fan of a random Shenanigans might gets up to this season and this is one of the best examples of it this is the last we see of Tuco in the show which is a shame because I was really hoping for a two code L scene in season 6 just because those two are kind of Polar Opposites while still being related what really makes this episode to stand out for me though is the Jimmy plot which is the Fallout of him aing as Davis a main advert without Cliff's permission it's one of the best examples of Jimmy's thought process as shown in both his meeting with the partners and also his conversation with Chuck where he makes it clear that the results matter more than if he has to bend the rules to get to set results that Chuck and Jimmy scene by the way one of the best scenes between the two in the whole show with Chuck it both is most assholish but also most understandable when he talks about how Jimmy put Kim at risk for his own benefit you have to admit this shows a lack of judgment on her part she knows you she should have known better you are such an [ __ ] why for pointing out that her one mistake was believing in you what did I do that was so wrong you broke the rules you turned Kim into your accessory you embarrassed Howard who God help him inexplicably vouched for you with Cliff M Jimmy trying to get truck to extort him is also a good example of no matter how much truck wants to end Jimmy's Antics his adherence to the law trumps everything else and oner Kirk obviously does an amazing job acting as always oh come on you can't be pissed off at her about this I'm not Howard is Howard is probably at his most villainous abys point M show where he sends Kim to the cornfields as a result of Jimmy chicanery but like Chuck his thought process is totally understandable there's really no true villains in M show at least not until L arrives number 38 end times this episode sets the stage for the final showdown against Gus with Walt and his family officially being Open Season the family is shipped off to Gus's house after the anonymous tip last episode leaving Walton his own to come up with a plan Hank sends Gomez out to the LA laundry to try and find evidence all while Jesse and Tyrus are in the lab underneath but he comes up empty-handed because he's an idiot Jesse gets a call from Andrea saying that Brock's in a hospital and when he goes to have a Siggy and realizes Verizon one's gone he deduces that it was stolen by hu when he visited Soul earlier of course he's right but when he goes to confront Walt about it he gets gas LD into thinking it was actually Gus since we all know Walt would never stoop to such levels to get what he wants this scene between the two of them is just so damn good in fact Brian Cron's acting here might be a bit too convincing since Walt is supposed to be lying out of his ass throughout the whole scene now is probably a good time to talk about my grievances with a brock poisoning plot mainly how we just have no idea how Walt actually managed to poison him in the first place like did he get soul to do it or did he sneak the berries from the lily of the valley into his lunch box or some [ __ ] and if so how the hell did he do that I get why they didn't show it since we need to keep an audience in the dark for the plot twist at the end of Face Off and it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things but it's always annoyed me regardless anyways now the dream team is back together and they go to execute their plan by having Jesse L a gust of the hospital while Walt makes a bomb in his kitchen unfortunately Jesse makes it too obvious that he wants G dead and he wisen up to what's going on right when he's about to get in his car or maybe this bird flying by told him about it number 37 box cutter what a hell of a way to start a season right after season 3's Cliffhanger Jesse gets captured and taken down to the lab where Walt and Mike are and they all get to sit there and wait for Gus to come visit Walt tries to talk talk himself up while they wait and eventually Victor gets sick of him and decides to try his hand at cooking the blue stuff since he's apparently watched him do it so much that he knows the entire recipe when Gus eventually rolls up he doesn't say a word and just struts over to get changed agonizingly slowly while Walt Rambles on and just when you think there's no way out for Walt and Jesse he randomly slashes Victor's throat instead even Mike is shocked but Jesse is out of [ __ ] to give since it' be a pain to dig up the lab to Chuck Victor in that hole with Lo and Howard they instead dissolve him with the acid which is honestly a way better method of disposal I guess Gus and Mike just didn't know about it back then Walt and Jesse go to Denny's with their new drip for a nice meal with Walt thinking Gus is going to get them a first chance he gets and Jesse just deciding to go with a flow this entire plot line throughout the episode is just so tense and I kind of wish it was the entire episode since the non-lab scenes aren't anything to write home about Skyler doesn't know where Walt mysteriously vanished to so she goes to his condo to look for Clues except she can't get in so she calls up a locksmith to gas light into letting her in only to find nothing but say is pretty funny though meanwhile Hank still being a to Marie and needs her help to do a poopy unfortunately he doesn't have Tony V toilet buddy to encourage him number 36 hit and run considering this episode is a one after Nacho's death hit and run has no reason to go as hard as it does some pretty major plot things happened this episode while also bringing back a lot of that season one charm that I was missing we finally get some insight into Howard's personal life with the mention of a significant other that he isn't on the best terms with Jimmy enters the scene to do what he does best impersonating Howard wacky Shenanigans ens Su and Wendy shows up to assist thus DEC confirming the Kim equals Wendy Fury Unfortunately they even made sure to put Kim and Wendy in the same shot just to make it Crystal Clear Cliff is utterly perplexed by all this which continues his role this season of being utterly perplexed by everything Jimmy having to eat lunch by himself cuz no one wants to sit with him thanks to the whole L thing is both funny and sad especially when even Oakley doesn't want to troll him anymore Soul has way too many clients of the Nao Salon including spooge himself so we finally get the introduction of his Breaking Bad office although a bit more minimalist for Nal this is also the last time we see both the salon and Mrs Newan truly the end of an era meanwhile Kim is paranoid about being followed wherever she goes and she ends up finally meeting Mike which is pretty crazy to see the first time watching he tells her about L being alive but not Soul because he knows Kim is an alpha girl boss and Jimmy is a beta Cry Baby the cold open of the episode introduces us to Gus fring's cartoon underground lair with a tunnel connecting his house to another one next door I don't know if he already have a set up or if he somehow put it together after L was revealed to still be alive but either way it's pretty ridiculous in a good way it shows just how much of a paranoid scaredy cat Gus really is when he doesn't have a situation fully under control this is also the first and last episode to be directed by Ray seahorn and she did a pretty spectacular job I would say I don't know how much input the director actually has on the show like this but there's some pretty fancy shots to be found here with the main attraction being this POV door shot Bravo seahorn number 35 dead Freight most of the episodes in this top 20 are full of drama dialogue Intrigue and other nonsense like that and while those are all well and good sometimes what you really want is badass action dead Freight is just awesome with a gang putting aside their boring meth Empire plot to go rob a train together first off there's this great scene where the mly crew forces Lydia to prove her innocence by calling up the DEA to report the tracker in a barrel of methylamine while the boys listening for a bug that W put in Hank's office earlier right when it's St to look like Lydia betrayed them after all they hear that some schmuck did put the tracker in the barrel so it turns out she's in mclear Mike still wants to waste her because he's a dick so she offers him a way to get an ocean of methylamine From a Train Mike thinks there's no way to do the heist without killing the crew but Walt seems pretty eager to go through of it since the alternative is going back to a pseudo cook Jesse has another of his genius ideas to just Rob the train without them knowing the trio plus Todd put the plan into action plus Bill Burr acting as the troller blocking the Train the whole Heist is filmed and edited so well and while there are some more impressive action sequences in better call soul I think this is my favorite across both shows it's clever it's tense it's just cool especially when the Good Samaritan arrives to push Ko's truck off the road and the train starts moving with Todd and Jesse still on it and just when you think they succeeded and it was all just a fun little Adventure the kid shows up to ruin it thankfully Todd t takes care of him number 34 JMM this episode has everything you could possibly want a wedding a giant explosion Kim being an alpha Jimmy in his underwear sex Jimmy defending l in court Kino cinematography Lydia Jimmy going psycho mode on Howard and hu the wedding scene might be the last time Kim and Jimmy were truly happy together and thankfully hu was there to capture the moment this scene where Kim and Rich are being chewed for supposedly screwing up the AA case and Kim turns it around on Kevin is super satisfying and I love how rich just goes along with it and doesn't really add anything ncho and Gus go on a side mission to blob some random poos building and we get our epic badass walking away from explosion scene Gus meets up with Schuler and Lydia for a freeway and brings up his mysterious Santiago backstory that is introduced in this season and never elaborated on again this is sadly the last time we will ever see Lydia thanks to her not being available for season 6 Jimmy and Mike finally have some more screen time to together and Mike gives him some info to helping Gus's convoluted plan to get llo out of jail Jimmy's clearly disturbed by the fact that he's helping this crazy murder man get away with killing a random guy but he liks money too much to do anything about it so he decides to take it out on Howard instead who calls him out for being a meanie head it's interesting that the first thing Jimmy brings up in his rant is Howard supposedly killing Chuck which shows that his brother's still on his mind almost two seasons after his death maybe Jimmy's lightning powers of a reason Chuck always hated him what with the allergy to electricity and all that number 33 point and shoot this episode is one that when it was released I thought it was an easy 10 out of 10 and one of the best episodes of betal soul but after rewatching it approximately 50 times I do have some issues that stop it from being in the top 10 the chief among these is that Lo's death just feels kind of rushed the way the last episode ended I was expecting some kind of new plot line to spring up where L is using Jimmy and Kim to just mess with Mike or some [ __ ] and while he does technically do this it's just for one episode and he fails immediately that's probably my bad for letting my mind run wild with predictions during the 6 we wait for this episode especially when there are only a couple episodes left in the season Cooper had this awesome theory about what would happen with L that I recommend watching if you guys are interested anyway the other minor issue I have with this episode is that Mike is just a big idiot the whole time but that's just PA of a course for him I like that Gus gets his moment in the spotlight to deal with the situation himself instead of just leaving it to Mike and it was pretty satisfying watching his confrontation with Lo even though it was incredibly Telegraph exactly what was going to happen all the stuff with Jimmy and Kim in this episode is amazing especially the first scene of Lo and the last scene with Mike Jimmy was committing l so well with the chicanery but he had me thinking he was trying to screw over Kim even though it turned out to be obviously for her safety the scene of Mike drilling them on the New Order of Things is my favorite I love how passive aggressive he is with his remarks about The Howard scheme there will be cocaine in the upholstery that's the story you were setting up for this guy yeah you keep telling the lie that you've been telling plus his call back to his first episode back in Breaking Bad is great you woke up you found her that's all you know didn't make a lick of sense then he left that's all you know we've also got classic scenes like Lyle making his last appearance of M show to sing the PUO theme song or something the opening scene with Howard's car of the beach is pretty stunning and the last scene of the episode is one of the most depressing of the whole series seeing L and Howard in about hole together for the first time was truly something and the music fits it so well in fact the music forap this whole is non-stop bangers some of Dave Porter's best work speaking of the visuals for a moment while I do appreciate his reference to him Walt tried to execute Gus I do think the lighting and color grading for this episode is just a bit too dark I have to brighten it up a bit for these videos otherwise YouTube compression will turn it into unwatchable goop it's not the long night levels are bad or anything but it was kind of distracting also the entire plot of the episode leaked like 3 weeks ahead of a release because those idiots decided to do an early screening for some Film Festival so that was nice number 32 Rico this episode might just be my pick for the most underrated episode in the whole show it's the start of a Sandpiper case which is when the show goes from really really good to insanely good the cold open is easily the best one to analyze on rewatch since it's so easy to tell Chuck's true feelings on Jimmy passing the bar with the knowledge of what he says in Pento is this a joke no no joke wow I don't know what to say are you proud of me yes absolutely thanks consider hiring me as what oh a lawyer obviously and we see the beginnings of Chuck using Howard as the scapegoat for Jimmy to blame for not hiring him at hhm the main plot of the episode is the discovery of Sandpiper taking advantage of their elderly clients which leads to the one time in the entire show that Chuck and Jimmy work together on a case it's it's nice to see Jimmy being so excited about seemingly getting what he's always wanted to being an equal alongside his brother which makes what happens next episode over more tragic Jimmy writing his demand letter on the toilet paper and later dumpster diving for shredded documents are both comedy gold especially when Rich calls Jimbo while he's in the trash enjoy The Magic Flute Blow My Magic Flute rich is another one of those goated side characters who he really did not get enough of in the show just a class act all around and he has by far the swankiest law firm in Albuquerque he tries to intimidate Jimmy and Chuck and throws him a lowball offer but Chuck isn't having any of it meanwhile Stacy not so subtly nudges Mike towards getting her more money for expenses so he visits Caldera to get some less than official work the Stinger at the end of Chuck casually going outside to grab a box of documents is an intriguing development and rounds out what I would call a Practically Perfect episode number 31 pilot the first episode of a show is everything you could want it wastes no time setting up our protagonist and all the side characters the initial conflict is born and then it's off to the races for a high octane meth cooking Adventure this is the longest episode of a series and it packs so much into that 1H hour run time it's kind of crazy we go from Walt sitting around eating veggie bacon at the start to him murdering people with explosive [ __ ] by the end of it the very first scene immediately hooks you with Walt driving around in his knickers and recording his message to Skyler and Flynn Jesse's introduction is equally exciting with him jumping out his window naked when you think about it everything that happens in the show is really Hank's fault since he's the one who showed Walt how much money there is to be made in a meth business and taking him on the ride along where he recognizes Jesse and later blackmails him into cooking with him Jesse introduces us to crazy8 and the one episode wonder amelo who wouldn't make another appearance until 14 years later in the second last episode of Bor Soul this is a good time to talk about the cinematography on the show which is pretty great Breaking Bad was shot on 35 mm film and it gives the show this delicious grainy look that fits perfectly for the vibe of it and pretty much shot has a slight handheld shakiness to it which I'm less crazy about I do think Bor Soul has a much better presentation but be clean digital footage with more locked off shots and smooth camera moves suits that show more than it would this one both do their jobs effectively even if I do prefer soul and behle we're also introduced to the first of many MEF cooking montages something that gets better and better as the show progresses this is easily the best episode of season 1 for me and thanks to it we eventually got to witness some of the best characters on TV like Daniel worold and Tony V toilet buddy my favorite scenes are actually in my favorite episode and that would be the pilot episode episode one uh it just really set the journey for all these characters to to evolve and to grow and it it definitely set the tone for the rest of the the season the rest of the series and um and just the cinematics of what we shot and the big scale of using New Mexico landscape to me it all stems back to episode one number 30 Uno I rewatched this episode of some friends who've never seen breaking bad or better call saw before and I was reminded of how amazingly this first episode sets up the show that first scene after the cold open of everyone waiting around for Jimmy to come in and do his lawyer thing really sets for mood that this isn't going to be quite as action-packed as Breaking Bad often was there's some pretty clever camera work in this episode like when Jimmy is walking towards a car that looks a whole lot like the one in Breaking Bad but the camera moves to reveal his much less desirable car that he actually drives I love how the Riders don't really outright tell you anything and assum audience is smart enough to figure things out for themselves like the cinabun sequence at the start doesn't have a title card that says 6 months after Breaking Bad or something like that and Jimmy doesn't make any explicit reference to Chuck being allergic to electricity you can figure out who this Chuck guy that Jimmy and Howard are talking about is based on the name of a firm if you're paying attention it all just feels so natural like we were just dropped into a random day in the life of Jimmy McGill this is probably a good time to mention how much I love how the show is shot especially compared to Breaking Bad in that show the camera was always handheld and I'm not really a big fan of shaky cam to begin with so I didn't really like that BCS often uses locked off shots and smooth camera moves that just look a whole lot better to me the different styles do fit each show and there are times that BCS does use handheld like in the gene sequence of the start of the episode and while I do love the Breaking Bad intro I do think the better call Soul one is more interesting without changes forever the show Jimmy's wacky Misadventures with the skateboard kids is a good way to introduce us to his scheming side and of course it blows up spectacularly at the end of the episode leaving on a cliff hang about does work if you have no idea who Tuco is but works even better if you do know also I would totally live in Miss nail salon The Vibes are just impeccable number 29 Gliding Over All the mid-season finale sees Walt trying to tie up loose ends after idiotically killing Mike now that he's the only vote left he visits l to get the name of Mike's guys and then hirees Uncle Jack to dispose of all of them in 2 minutes this scene is just brutal with most of the guys being stabbed repeatedly and one of them getting the pleasure of being burned alive all set to a nice upbeat song while Walt stares out the window like a cartoon super villain Hank finds out and isn't too happy about it and reminisces about his old job with Walt Lydia manages to extend her used by date by proposing a business plann with Walt to ship his product to the Czech Republic so him and Todd get to work cooking a [ __ ] ton of meth over the next 3 months in one of the best Montag of a show set to the very appropriate song Crystal Blue Persuasion eventually Skyler gets bored of laundering for money and shows Walt the fruits of his labor a giant pile big enough to have a nap on Walt decides it's probably time to call it quits and visits Jesse to give him his 5 million and reminisce about the good old days so everything's back to normal everything's happy gol lucky until Hank goes to take a dump and finds the Walt Whitman book that Walt idiotically left there ending on one of the biggest Cliffhangers in the show thankfully these days we don't have to wait a year to see what happens next it only took Hank Five Seasons to figure out who Heisenberg is but at least he got ver beend number 28 cobbler the star of this episode is absolutely Daniel worold AKA price after his extremely valuable baseball cards are stolen he enlists for cops to find them for him Mike catches window Vis gives him a speech about aab and sets out to find the cards himself Mike obviously knows it was nacho and he proposes an idea that will benefit both of them price does get the cards back but at the cost of his prized Hummer which leads to the best exchange in the whole show you think I'd be caught dead driving that thing looks like a school bus for six-year-old pimps all right shall we move this along I'm dead serious when I say the price scenes are some of my favorites in the show and it's such a missed opportunity that he didn't pop back up for some silly Capers after season 3 the conclusion to this baseball cards plot is Mike enlisting Jimmy to get the cops off price and he does this by coming up with the most elaborate insane story I think we've ever seen from him and and of course it works because the cops are stupid Jimmy gets his iconic travel mug from Kim and it fits perfectly in his Suzuki but doesn't fit in his new car bit of subtle foreshadowing there love to see it for the time being though Jimmy's doing a at Davis and Main until Chuck bursts into ruin the fun curious how Jimmy's acceptance of Mike's morally flexible work is a direct result of Chuck's actions at hhm once again showing that he brings out the worst in Jimmy Kim finds out about his light fabrication of evidence and makes it clear she wants nothing to do with it ending the episode on a less than truthful note number 27 salude this is where Gus's Revenge plan he's been brewing for the past two decades finally comes together with him heading to Mexico with Mike and Jesse to settle some cartel disputes first Jesse has to prove his worth by cooking up the blue stuff while everyone watches and after getting berated for not knowing how to synthesize some acid he takes control and calls for lab crew out for having such a disgusting setup and tells him that no cooking is going to happen until all the contaminant has been cleared much like wal when was contamination the super lab Jesse's cook turns out to be almost as good as Waltz so they go to donadio to celebrate Gus brings along a bottle of Ziro and Nao that happens to be the same one Jimmy and Kim took a liking to except his has the little side effect of making the entire cartel drop dead thankfully Gus had the foresight to vomit him a toilet beforehand so he can strut out and take in the sight of donadio falling in the pool this whole sequence is just so satisfying to watch play out and the shot of Gus walking outside and seeing the Carnage with the music in the background is hard as [ __ ] meanwhile it's Flynn's birthday and he's gifted an awesome car from Skyler although he doesn't seem to entirely appreciate it because he's an ungrateful Walt isn't there for the festivities so Junior drives over to his apartment where he finds him crying like a baby over how Jesse beat him up later on Walt tries to get back on Flynn's Goods Side by telling him about his father who had Huntington's disease and Brian cranon is acting here as top tier Junior doesn't really care vow and leaves sa calls Ted over to his office to give him the good/bad news that his great aunt Berget has passed and left him the prce amount of money he needs to pay off for IRS so he immediately takes the money and buys a new car because he's an idiot Skyler tries to make him see reason and admits for money actually came from her but Ted is still too stubborn to do the right thing the Walton Skyler scenes in this episode are really good but the spotlight is all on the Gus plot and it's nice to see that he got to complete his big Revenge Plan before he gets blowed up by Hector a few days later number 26 Rock and Hard Place this is Nacho's Grand Finale only three episodes into season 6 I guess this season didn't really have time for nacho so the writers had to deal with him as early on as possible I was practically certain that nacho and L would have some sort of Confrontation this season and while that didn't happen I still think this is probably as good an ending he possibly could have gotten the twins once again continue being idiots so nacho manages to get away from them his last conversation with his daddy is just painful to watch with nacho knowing this is the last time he'll ever hear his voice it is good to see him actually have the upper hand on Gus for once since he's basically been taking L after L since season 4 we can also see how far Mike has fallen from Grace since Gus is pretty much directly responsible for Nacho's death but Mike just keeps working for him anyway in between the Grim stuff we have more of Jimmy and Kim continuing their wacky scheme against Howard with the return of hu for his last episode I really do like this scene of copying Howard's keys but it all just feels kind of out of place compared to the other stuff going on in this episode I honestly think they should just made this all nacho for the entire episode kind of like chicanery was for the lawyer plot Nacho's last scene is everything you could hope for with him finally expressing his disdain for the Salam monkers and Gus him revealing he put Hector in that chair is easily the best part and while it is satisfying to see him s that before shooting himself it's still pretty bleak that this guy who was just trying to get out of a game for ages never managed to succeed this episode honestly just made me hate Mike and Gus even more even with Mike's promise to protect his father and all that I'm glad that Mike ended up being killed by a bald bet cck for no reason oh yeah and the cold open is pretty spectacular number 25 kosata the quest to free H Babino is hands down the best scheme Jimmy and Kim Ever concocted every aspect of it is just genius and the way it's executed is truly a joy to watch Jimmy takes a bus ride down to hu's Hometown and gets everyone there to write a bunch of letters pretending to be staunch supporters of hu's rules which flusters the judge to make Kim and Suzanne Ericson resolve the case without causing a fuss this leads to Ericson doing some detective work to find out why hu is so beloved where we see Jimmy set up a high-tech website showing his accomplishments and has also set up a million phones in the nail salon for him and his camera recruiter used to fool her this is easily the best part of the episode with Jimmy and drama girl doing accents to sver ruse and Jimmy coming up with a story on the spot about hu saving people from a fire I also love this scene where Mrs newn gives Jimmy relationship advice but it turns out in his case the best way to mend a relationship is to commit highly illegal crimes after this Kim is clearly bored by her normal work with Mesa ver so she tells Jimmy she wants to do it again meanwhile Mike and the German gang go to a strip club and Mike and voner have a one-on-one hangout sesh where they have a conversation about their pasts and stuff Kai cuses a rockus and Mike has to do with him and when he gets back to Vera he finds out he's been blabbing about the lab construction which is basically the beginning of the end for him Nao flexes his Alpha leadership on Crazy 8 and goes home to his crackhead girlfriends and then at the end of the episode we're finally introduced to L who gives him very subtle foreshadowing on Nacho's eventual fate [Music] [Music] number 24 say my name Mike story comes to an unceremonious end this episode but we'll get to that in a minute Walt uses his Heisenberg charm to convince Dean to be his new meth distributor but conveniently leaves Jesse out when it comes to Mike and him retiring from a crew Jesse later tries to get his 5 mil from from Walt so he can dip but instead is treated to another wave of manipulation first of Walt trying to butter him up but then when that doesn't work he resorts to basically saying who gives a [ __ ] we're going to go to hell anyway LOL Jesse just gives up and leaves while Walt yells at him like a spoiled child he replaces Jesse with local child killer Todd and tries to tell Skyler about it but she ain't interested meanwhile Mike is enjoying his New Freedom by trolling the DEA by dumping all his criminal [ __ ] before they come to search his house but the fun runs out when his lawyer gets caught during his routine Hazard pay deposit thankfully Walt happens to be in Hanks off when he hears about it so he calls Mike to give him a head start of M cops Mike decides he rather abandon Kay and be caught so he runs off and calls soul to get his emergency bag to him s's too much of a [ __ ] to do it so Walt does instead with him also trying to get the names of Mike's guys in prison from him Mike tells him to get [ __ ] and rips into him about how everything went to [ __ ] ever since he joined the drug business it's satisfying as hell to see Walt get verbally demolished but it's also true that Mike's basically a huge hypocrite in this scene Mike makes the Fatal mistake of hurting Walt's feelings and gets a bullet in the chest for it Walt suddenly realizes he could just ask Lydia for the names and tries to apologize which is just laughable but thankfully Mike shuts him up before he can ruin the moment anymore in the end Mike got killed by a BAL loser and left his family nothing probably a bit unsatisfying after seeing all the [ __ ] he did throughout Bish show and better call soul but I think it's what he deserved at the end of the day number 23 Lantern at the time of release this was easily the darkest episode of the show with Chuck storyline and Life coming to a fiery end the whole season was quietly building to this moment and seeing Chuck tear his house apart when he was so close to getting better is just painful even if he was the closest thing the show had to a Villain at that point Jimmy and Chuck's last conversation is just more pain on top of that with Jimmy wanting to make amends But Chuck being too much of a [ __ ] to reciprocate it's pretty obvious that Chuck didn't really mean it when he said Jimmy didn't matter to him when he's made it apparent throughout the show but he's basically obsessed with him but the fact that this is the last thing he says to him probably ended end up playing a big part in how Jimmy deals with Chuck's death in season 4 and speaking of his death the final scene of the episode may be the single most haunting moment of the series it's almost kind of scary watching it with a destroyed house and silence only interrupted by the sound of him kicking the desk and this is also the first episode to not use for usual credits fee at the end which was a pretty necessary choice but just adds to that feeling of witnessing something really messed up the only halfway decent thing that happens in this episode is Hector getting taken out by nacho sugar pills or at least he would if it weren't for Gus intervening because his hate boner is too strong Gus's sneaky eyes at Nao May in fact be confirmation of his gainers on a lighter note Kim and Franchesca go to Blockbuster and Jimmy manages to fix the hole he dug Irene into although it doesn't really change the fact that he just destroyed this woman social life for his own financial gain number 22 grilled in what was originally supposed to be the finale of season 1 Grill sees the shortlived Tuco plot come to an explosive end with him kidnapping the MEF cooking Duo and taking them out to his vacation home in the desert every scene with these characters in this episode is incredibly tense with this being the first big moment where you're left wondering how the hell Walt and Jesse again get themselves out of his situation they almost get lucky when Jesse tries to convince Tuco to try their later me/ rice and invention but he loses interest when Jesse mentions chili powder as the secret ingredient they managed to sneak it into a scrumptious burrito instead but Hector isn't quite as scile as he seems to be and exposes him by ringing his Bell non-stop until Tuco figures out what's up things eventually escalate to Tuco throwing from out of the house and putting a big gun to Jesse's head but Walt interrupts him by dropping a pretty badass revelation we tried to poison you because you're an insane degenerate piece of Filth and you deserve to die they managed to beat Tuco up and try to get out of there but Hank shows up at the perfect time to have a heated Showdown with him this is really tuco's episode in the spotlight and it's a great send off to one of the most memorable characters which is impressive considering he was only in four episodes for non-t Co Centric plot lines just kind of whatever with Marie and Skyler going around putting up missing posters while H tries to find Jesse which is what ends up leading him to Tuco in the end number 21 Phoenix this has got to be my pick for the most underrated episode of the series because I feel like I never see anyone talking about it online this episode is amazing the whole thing is about parents and their relationships with their children and it all culminates in one of the most important scenes of the whole show Walt misses the birth of his daughter thanks to his greed but at least Ted was there for Skyler Jesse freaks out when he finds out the meth is missing and when he calls up Walt about it he just hangs up on him because he's a dick when Jesse confronts him about it face to face Walt refuses to give him his share of a cash since he'll apparently use the all to kill himself with drugs when Jane finds out about this she gets real interested since her dad's being a real pain in her ass almost calling the cops on her when he catches her and Jesse shooting the [ __ ] this scene where Jesse defends himself with a baseball bat is so funny Jane want Jesse to get his money from Walt so they can move to New Zealand or whatever and blackmails him into bringing it to them there's this fantastic scene where Walt goes to a bar while he's supposed to be out buying diapers and coincidentally meets up with Donald himself they have this great talk about their families and Walt mentions his so-called nephew AKA Jesse with Donald giving him some good advice family can't give up on them never this scene is just so [ __ ] good Walt goes back to Jesse to try and talk some sense into him and we all know how this Scene goes in my opinion this his hands down the worst thing Walt ever did letting an innocent person die solely for his own gain the fact that he stopped for even a second to consider a notion of letting Jane die is utterly reprehensible and it was originally going to be even worse yeah apparently the original script had wal injecting more heroin into Jane to purposefully have her overdose which I'm glad they changed because that's just way too far even still the scene is just so shocking and it stands out as one of the defining moments of Walt's character arc on a lighter note Junior sets up the save Walter White website but Walt is an ungrateful [ __ ] and complains to Saul about how he HED charity Saul apparently knows a Discord mod in bellarus who can launder Walt's money through the website which Walt still doesn't seem very grateful for but yeah incredible episode best of season 2 rip Jane number 20 witness after a bit of a low-key season opener the second episode of season 3 kicks into high gear with an insanely good episode Mike's detective work from last episode finally pays off with the Epic reveal of Hermanos and he enlists Jimmy to go in and find out what's going on I love seeing Jimmy really out of his element but still putting in the effort to do the job properly and the gag of him filling his coffee with loads of sugar and being disgusted when he drinks it is good [ __ ] Soul Meets Gustavo which is something the writers couldn't really do in the show since Soul doesn't know Gus and breaking bad but they managed to get away with it anyway and it's a sight to behold Jimmy's enthusiasm to be doing detective work with Mike is sadly cut off by Mike Being Mike we meet Franchesca who's looking a lot happier than she didn't Breaking Bad and Jimmy puts her to work immediately anesto tells Kim about Chuck's tape so she gets Jimmy to give her a dollar like how he does with Walt and Jesse and Breaking Bad Jimmy's clearly disturbed by the fact that Chuck got one over him for once but Kim is confident they can get past it there's this highly amusing scene of Howard running through people's backyards and then we arrive at possibly my favorite scene of the whole series Jimmy breaking into Chuck's house Odin Kirk is so good at angry screamer performances and his line deliveries here of a stuff of Legends you pull that heart strings car job on me you piece of [ __ ] no wonder Rebecca left you what took her so long for this you destroyed our family you happy now for what for nothing is that all there is Chuck all all there is how' you make copies huh Chuck huh number 19 bagman this is the big epic action set piece of basically the whole show and I think this might be Vince Gilligan's best work from a directing standpoint obviously we aren't going to be fearing for Jimmy or Mike's lives during any of this unless you don't know Breaking Bad exists but even so the shootout is filmed so well that I don't really care the cinematography throughout this episode and the whole season is just on point with some pretty inspired shots Kim meeting L is something that none of us wanted to see and it's suitably ominous this episode also features the most tragic death in the entire series the Suzuki Esteem may it rest in peace one of my minor complaints of the show after season 2 was that Mike and Jimmy didn't get together for some Misadventures nearly as much as I would have liked so to get an entire episode of just them walking around the desert was exactly what I wanted we get to see Mike give Soul some motivation by talking about why he does what he does although it is a shame that in the end he dies for nothing and leaves his family nothing Jimmy refusing to use the space blanket is a smart way of showing that truck's memory is still looming over him 24/7 no matter how much he tries to ignore it and the last sequence of Mike sniping the car is once again super well made topped off of Jimmy drinking his own piss I don't think this is the best episode of all time like some people seem to but it's undeniable how good it is even if it isn't exactly the usual BCS jig number 18 better call Soul this is officially where the show gets good and it's thanks to none other than sliping Jimmy himself I know we take s Goodman for granted at this point but I kind of forgot until my most recent watch just how funny he is like literally every line he has is some sort of Zinger and they're all bangers what what did the academy hire you right out of the womb you guys get younger every they're a laws detective have your kindergarten teacher read them to you right go grab a juice box have a nap go on ah here we go public masturbation I don't get it what's the kick why don't you do it at home like the rest of us with a big flat screen TV 50 channels of pay-per-view in a Starbucks that's nice she better act in an epileptic wouse is that like the one your mom works at is she still offering the two for one discount after watching betal Soul the show not the episode it's it's almost jarring seeing him here with how much more depth was added to him throughout that whole show I guess this is a good moment to talk about how much I just love Soul's office as a location the inflatable Lady Liberty the blue carpet the Constitution wallpaper it all just comes together so well to create something memorable and iconic plus as car as cool as hell this episode is also retroactively made better with Breaking Bad the episode not the show having additional scenes that take place during this episode mainly the RV scene which was kind of pointless and the mic scene which recontextualizes the entire thing with saw wanting to work with Walt despite Mike's rightful objections but enough about that the episode itself is just a whole lot of fun with Badger getting arrested and Walt plus Jesse turning to Soul to get all sorted out the initial scene where Badger gets arrested is classic with him taunting the guy for being the worst undercover cop ever until he gets pulled in by a chicanery the scenes of Soul meeting Mr Mayu and later being kidnapped both Kino with random throwaway lines turning into key characters years down the road no it wasn't me it was igno he's the one L didn't send you no l who oh thank God oh Christ soul schemed to get Badger offers for usual wacky Shenanigans would've come to expect from him with them sending out a decoy guy to get caught on purpose and pass him off as Heisenberg kind of stupid but the way it plays out is just so funny with him sitting on the wrong bench so Walt has to send Jesse to get Badger to move while Walt does some chicanery to distract Hank just beautiful such an awesome episode number 17 crawl space this episode is a classic led by all including me but there someone I know who loves it even more than anyone else so I'll let him talk about it instead hello ladies and gentlemen it's me beat rice hn films has graciously given me the wonderful opportunity to talk about one of my personal favorite episodes in the entire Breaking Bad Universe crawl space I've already talked about this episode ad nauseum in my own Breaking Bad ranking video but I'm going to do it again because it's funny crawl space is a part of the Season 4 ending quad Trilogy one of the hottest and most consistent runes in the entire show so many insane events go down between these four episodes but crawl space is the one that I believe deserves the most praise the episode takes place right after Gus's Showdown with a cartel and salude with Gus recovering in a makeshift hospital after intentionally poisoning himself him and Jesse eventually hop The Border back to Albuquerque but Mike isn't so lucky as he's forced to recover in Mexico and [ __ ] off for the rest of the season this has some pretty major consequences in the future as Mike definitely would have advised Gus to kill Walt in the middle of the desert later in the episode rather than just leaving him out dry Gus makes fun of Hector for having a dead family like a total loser while Hank spies on the chicken farm with Walt Hank's investigations eventually lead him to wanting to check out the launder mat but luckily Walt pulls a fast one and bangs a yui in front of some poor guy's car this leads Hank disabled for like the 18th time in the show and Marie bans him from going on secret investigations with Walt Skyler tells Ted to do his [ __ ] taxes but Ted says no because he's a dumbass one of my favorite aspects of this episode is the Ted Beni tax evasion subplot Ted is easily one of the worst characters in the entire series because the only things that he does besides be annoying is evade his taxes and [ __ ] Skyler that might sound like heaven to some people but to the viewing audience any scene involving a one-on-one with him and Skyler is completely unbearable but what makes his appearance in this episode so great is the absolutely genius way that he's used in the plot Skyler uses Walt's drug money to pay off Ted's taxes since her involvement in his tax fraud would have likely put her and Walt Under Suspicion from the government after Ted eats [ __ ] and is forced to hand over the check it eventually leads to the unbelievable climax that I'll be climaxing over in a few moments anyways Ted says nuh-uh in regards to paying his taxes but the carpet decides to step in with a rebuttal later as Walt Cooks in the lab he realizes that somebody else was cooking without his knowledge and Walt shits his pants realizing that Gus may be giving him the boot here soon he rushes over to Jesse's house telling him that Gus is trying to use Jesse to replace himself but Jesse says add homon him and leaves Walt gets his balls tasered by Tyrus and he's taken out to the desert where the greatest 10 minutes in television history begin to take place the last couple segments of this episode is definitely what it's most known for and for very good reason we're taken on this roller coaster of emotion from Walt being told by Gus that he's going to murder Hank and that if he tries to stop him he'll kill the rest of his family to to Walt rushing in the souls office and a scene that blends both comedy and drama perfectly to one of the best scenes in the entire show Walt finds out that Skyler gave nearly all of his drug money to Ted and Walt has one of the biggest meltdowns of any character in the whole show everything in this scene is literal Perfection from the topnotch acting from Brian Cranston and and a gun to the amazing score that accompanies the scene perfectly and emphasizes the fear and helplessness that both Walt and Skyler feel to the iconic shot of Walt settling down in the middle of the crawl space as the camera pans out and the music morphs into a high-pitch Screech like a voice is screaming in Walt's head I've heard many people write off crawl space only getting a high rating because of its amazing ending but trust me when I said this episode is much more than meets the eye it sets up the last two episodes of this season perfectly and is chalk full of fantastic and Incredibly entertaining scenes I'm a huge fan of episodes that have a little bit of everything that makes the show great and craw space along with better call Saul's winner are what I consider to be the absolute shining examples of these types of episodes every aspect of this episode is a 10 out of 10 and I will never understand why hn put it so [ __ ] low on his list though to be fair I don't think the rest of the opinions in this video are going to leave a much better taste in your mouth anyways thank you very much to hn for giving me the soul gone ass Cameo and if you liked my stupid ass segment make sure to go take a look at my channel take care number 16 pimento this episode drops the bombshell that Chuck has been against Jimmy all along and godamn I think it might just be my favorite scene in the entire series which I know I've said a million times but this time I mean it this might be a hot take but I would say this Chuck rant is even better than the one in chicanery or Jimmy wanted his entire life was the approval of his brother to be his equal and to find out that not only has Chuck secretly resented him this entire time but was actively working to undermine him is just too much it also shows just how much of a baby Chuck really is considering he acts like Jimmy didn't have to put in any work compared to him even though he's fully aware that Jimmy worked tirelessly to put himself through law school without any help and while working at hhm this must have taken you years and you kept it a secret all this time and on top of all of that Jimmy was doing quality loyal work these past few episodes But Chuck is just too blinded by his bias to see it like I mentioned before it's amazing how unexpected his twist is but also how obvious it is when you look back at Chuck's actions throughout the season CU I always do it's a habit right so it was nagging me it was nagging me on the Mike side of things we get the introduction of the best character in the entire show and one of the all-time great Mike moments where he disarms Trevor and makes him his [ __ ] even man mountain is impressed this scene where Mike gives price a pep talk about being a criminal sums up his philosophy pretty much perfectly and is the exact opposite of Chuck's rant in regards to how each of them view the law Chuck's reaction to Howard denying Jimmy's job at hhm is just hilariously bad and man I feel bad for how not just in this episode but pretty much the entire show the guy was just trying to run a decent law firm and kept having to deal with Chuck's Petty beef with Jimmy until it destroyed everything this episode manages to balance the devastating moments with the comedy moment so well as easily my favorite episode of season one number 15 aie andas now I know what you're thinking the greatest TV episode of all time Perfect 10 rating on IMDb and here it is barely making the top 10 on my list so yeah this isn't my favorite episode but I'm not saying it's bad or anything like that I totally get why this is everyone's favorite since it's probably the heaviest episode yet in terms of major plot developments and seeing Walt's entire world fall apart around him is something we've been waiting for since the beginning the opening takes us back to the first episode back when everything was fine and dandy and at the same location where the characters now Now find themselves Hank's last moments aren't exactly what he was probably expecting but it's nice that he held his ground instead of turning into a blubbering crybaby like Walt I can't even really take the shot seriously anymore and you can thank the internet for that Walt idiotically lets the Nazis know that there's 80 mil buried in the ground $80 so they take all of it except for one barrel because Uncle Jack's just such a nice guy Walt decides that this is all actually Jesse's fault and takes his anger out on him by finally revealing that he let Jane die which further solidifies Walt's the biggest alive meanwhile Marie assumes everything is going great for Hank right now so she struts into the car wash to give Skylar a good news and also to make her finally tell Junior the truth eventually they get back home at the same time as Walt who tries to keep doing as usual everything's going to be fine Spiel but Skyler assumes he murdered Hank and he doesn't do a very good job at trying to deny it things escalate into an allout brawl and even Junior gets involved before Walt finally realizes how much of a [ __ ] up he is he runs off and kidnaps Holly as well because reasons meanwhile Jesse has become a literal slave living in a Nast cage which is kind of ridiculous but whatever later on Walt calls up Skyler to go on another Sigma male rant but eventually it becomes obvious he's doing it to clear her name cuz he's just such a nice guy he gets mad at Holly because she wants her mommy back and dumps her in a fire truck and then heads off to get a new vacuum cleaner so that's Aussie mandus and like I said it's clear why this is the number one for so many people but for me the last few episodes of this list just speak to me more and at the end of the day they're all 10 out of 10 anyway so who really cares number 14 face off the finale of season 4 is just pure awesomeness it's got it all suspense intense showdowns funny moments and one of the best plot twists out there right after his little bomb experiment failed Walt grabs it and takes it into the hospital which Jesse doesn't seem to approve of Walt needs Jesse to think of a new place to blow up Gus but he's interrupted by the cops walting in to take Jesse away Walt runs off to get soul but only finds Franchesca Instead This is honestly my favorite scene of the episode where Walt tries to do his Heisenberg thinger Franchesca but she's not having any of it calling him out for being a dummy and managing to convince wal that he's going to need 20 grand to fix the door he broke through so now he has to go on a detour back to his house to get the money and narrowly avoids being capped by Frank's goons along the way Soul Meets up with Jesse who tells him about Gus's trolling of Hector and S relays the info to Walt he realizes the two enemies and Cooks up a new plan by having Hector go to the DEA to troll them and draw Gus's attention leaving him with no choice but to execute Hector before he supposedly rats him out the scene of Gus preparing him to put an end to Hector is amazing with good byebye aite playing over it which just fits so well unfortunately for Gus the guy who he'd been planning to kill for the past 20 years got the upper hand in the end and he doesn't realize he's being trolled until it's too [Music] late the death of Gus is so ridiculous in a good way adds one thing I think B show did better than Bal soul in terms of the death of a main villain my friend who I was watching with somehow hadn't had this scene spoiled and his reaction was legendary Walt sets off on his Victory lap meeting up with Jesse and burning the super lab down Jesse finds out that Brock wasn't poisoned by Ryon after all and it was actually some plant called Lily of a valley Walt drives off triumphantly after telling Skyler he won and then we receive a background of a house and wait a second number 13 half measures after finding out about Gus's connection to the dealer guys who got combo killed Jesse goes out on his own to get revenge he plans to use Wendy to get some rice and Lace Burgers to the dealers but when he tells Walt about his scheme Walt is too afraid of getting in Gus's bad books to help him with it Walt's worried about Jesse doing something rash and Cooks up some half-baked scheme to get him arrested so he can calm down in jail maybe W's worst plan in the whole show Mike shows up at his house to send him straight and reveals he actually works for Gus V he launches into the no half measures monologue which is hands down his best scene in not just Vis show but probably better Coole as well Jonathan bank's delivery is just on point and thankfully Walt doesn't have any annoying interjections theine instantly took Mike from a cool side character to a fan favorite how to make a Pera cheese sandwich buy yourself some Pera cheese and some white bread you take two slices of bread and you spread the correct amount of cheese like so then you close and you're done Jesse manages to get some rice and off the internet somehow but when he and Wendy try to execute the plan Mike and Victor show up to take Jesse to the chicken farm where Gus gives him a stone talking to Jesse doesn't back down until Gus tells the dealers no more children so they Shake on it and everything's all good unfortunately it turns out they took the no children finger but too literally I'm seeing a lot of people say that Gus did really mean for that kid to be executed but I think it's more likely that it was just the dealer guys acting out because of a anyway Jesse finds out and heads off to get revenge even though it's a 2V1 but thankfully Walt comes to the rescue and murders both of them in Cold Blood ending on one of the coolest moments in the show run there's also this intriguing scene of Marie jerking off HK number 12 bad choice Road after an episode as crazy as bagman it would have been totally logical for the riters Sur Real things in a bit for this episode but instead they went Whole Hog the split screen something stupid Montage makes a return and Jimmy and Mike get some new drip I have got to find out Mike's skincare routine Jimmy gets Lo out of jail and L compliments him on his ability to pick up women Kim clearly doesn't buy Jimmy story about what went down in the desert even after his harrowing confession of having to drink his own piss Jimmy has an epic fail in court and Oakley mocks him for it because he's a dick Mike gives Jimmy a pep talk about choices and Roads as well as dropping some hints on what will happen to L but Jimmy isn't entirely grateful for Bice Gus and Mike discuss their battle plan moving forward and Gus continues to be the biggest nacho hater on the planet Kim has a Moment of clarity at work and quits schwart and kley on the spot and I love how we don't get to hear her say it but instead figure it out from Rich's reaction nacho is tasked with the job of chauffeuring Lo around as he does his Detective work and we get some more of his insane parkour skills I really dig the score during this scene which ends up being used as L's F forever the rest of the show and then we arrive at the main event while Jimmy and Kim are arguing about her decision to quit L shows up for an interrogation session it's a great detail that Jimmy tells the story differently each time Lo gets him to repeat it to make the lie more believable when Kim joined in to start roasting Lo the scene suddenly gets a thousand times more tense cuz it really feels like lala is just going to pop a cap in her at any moment this scene is nearly 12 minutes of perfect writing and acting and will definitely go down as one of the best moments of this show number 11 full measure continuing right where we left off Walt waits in a desert to explain himself to Gus who isn't too pleased with his little hit and run Walt uses his facts and logic to explain why it isn't worth killing him and Jesse and they should just continue work as usual and Gus relents because he's a good boss on the condition that he gets to choose for next assistant Walt returns to work and lo and behold Gail is back who later gets visited by Gus to tell him about Walt's cancer and how he needs to master of a Heisenberg recipe before he dies meanwhile Mike goes on a stealth mission to dispose of some guys who are messing around with Gus's operation and we're introduced to everyone's favorite character Chow this scene is like completely unrelated to the rest of the episode but it's cool as hell so I'll let it slide after that he goes to Soul to find out where Jesse is but Soul's too good a lawyer to let it slip at least until Mike frightens him their relationship sure has come a long way since for sticker days turns out the address Mike gets is bogus and Jesse's really hold up at Price's laser tag joint where he and Walt try to figure out what they're going to do Walt decides their only option is to dispose of Gail when he goes to get the job done he gets caught immediately and dragged over to the laundry to be executed the scene where Walt begs for his life and then flips the table and Mike is just so damn frilling and it's one of those few moments where Walt genuinely feels like a badass just what the hell was that exactly you might want to hold off yeah why because your boss is going to need me 6353 W too Apartment 6 yeah even Mike is impressed unfortunately it's now up to Jesse to kill Gail leaving us on yet another painful Cliffhanger thank God I watch the show after it was over because there's no way I'll be able to wait a year after an ending like that I could barely handle for 6 weeks after plan an execution number 10 4 days out before I started runting this video I thought for sure that this was going to take the number one spot because 4 days out is for a lack of a better word perfect it's like a time capsule of that brief period in the show where Walt and Jesse were on good terms just happily cooking their [ __ ] in the middle of a desert together the vast majority of the episode is just for two of them playing off each other and it's a joy to watch the Montage of a cooking session set to one by one by the black seeds is fantastic with some really great timelapse shots and some of the most iconic images of the series Walt and Jesse's moment of celebration after they realized they the jackpot is infectious but the episode really gets going when they go to drive after to Denny's but the RV won't start the double whar me of Jesse leaving the keys of ignition and then later dumping all the water over the fire is painful to watch and it leads to Wal giving up and rambling about death and all that until Jesse shakes him out of it and gives him a pep talk for the ages saying they should build a June buggy or a robot Walts Boran decides to build a battery instead and with the help of Jesse's genius science skills they're finally able to get the RV going again other great scenes include Soul laughing at Walt for having no money to launder and the last scene where Walter is a gamer rage after finding out he's in fact not going to die in the next few weeks overall an instant classic episode that really solidified the show is an alltime great one for me number nine fly yes I put fly over Aussie mandas and it's because fly somehow manages to take all the boxes for what I want out of an episode of his show Ryan Johnson is our man of the hour here and he really directs the hell out of this episode there's so many cool angles and impressive camera moves that keep it interesting to the whole runtime which is a feat considering basically the entire thing takes place in one location it's just a shame that Ryan never got the chance to direct a better call Soul episode since he was too busy ruining everyone's childhoods we all know how funny this episode is but it also has some amazing character Moments Like Jesse telling the story about a possum that was living under his aunt's house this whole monologue is like 3 minutes long and it's mostly just one shot slowly dollying in on Jesse and then it's immediately followed up by an even better monologue from Walt where he reflects on how much he's [ __ ] up and what the perfect moment for him to peace would have been I feel like I don't need to mention Brian cr's acting cuz we all know it's next level but I seriously think this episode might be his best work things get really heavy when Walt brings up the night Jane died and we met her father at the bar and all that he goes on to Rick and Morty spiel about how the universe is random and then comes insanely close to confessing what he did that night while Jesse's trying to kill the fly on a ladder you can feel the genuine remorse from Walter Miss scene which is such a sharp contrast to his demeanor when he eventually does tell Jesse the truth we also get to see how Jesse has grown with him accepting that it's not his fault or Jane's fault or anyone's except obviously we know that it actually is someone's fault I think this episode's connection to Phoenix is a big part of why I love it so much like you just heard me go on about how awesome that episode is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum you have the early scenes where Walt is trying to catch a fly which are obviously hilarious and when Jesse shows up it gets even better with him being dumbfounded by Walt's obsession with one little insect but by the end of the episode Jesse is even more dedicated to destroying it been Walt with him getting to land for killing blow filmed in glorious Ultra slow motion I love episode of Television like that where just a few characters are forced to remain in a single location because there there's so much opportunity to to reveal um character stuff and relationship stuff and power dynamics and shifting um intentions and it's it's incredible so what it does is it reduces the size of of spectacle right you don't need giant explosions or you know beautiful gorgeous vistas of the new Mexican mountains the scale gets drunk down to this one room so that even even little moments become huge when he falls from the when he falls from the catwalk or whatever onto the onto the ground you know in another episode that could just be like a small thing but it was like this huge um horrible and hilarious uh moment so I love episodes like that and fly itself specifically was was exceptional me Ryan Johnson is just an incredible director so yeah can you skip this episode and not miss anything of note story-wise yes but if you did you'd be doing yourself a huge disservice number eight Wexler V Goodman after a couple of kind of average episodes to start off season 5 the writers Dro this insane episode on us out of nowhere with a title like Wexler V Goodman you would have high hopes and of course it delivers in every way imaginable Jimmy assembles his Elite film crew for his latest project and after some arguing over how to go about it they use a green screen and we get another delightful Montage of Soul directing actors Kim decides she wants to pump the brakes on the scheme and soul does seem to relent nacho finds out that Mike works for Gus and isn't impressed cuz Gus is a massive [ __ ] Kim apologizes for the out burst she had in the previous episode and because rich is the best boss ever he's cool with it Mike does his Mike thing and gets this librarian to report L's car and get him arrested Jimmy uses two hookers to troll hoe some more and Cliff is there to see it all go down and then we get the Mesa ver day meeting with all the big players including Viola Jimmy goes full Soul mode and bamboozles everyone including Kim who of course gets mad but instead of dumping Jimmy she drops a bomb that they should get married I do find it kind of weird that Kevin wtel doesn't understand basic copyright law and that this logo thing didn't ever come up in Mesa verde's life but it's still an amazing scene despite that and the argument in Kim's apartment afterwards is even better with her dropping an F bomb almost as good as Howard's wait how can you be the sucker it was your plan [ __ ] you Jimmy and on top of all of that we get to see young Kim and her shitty m in the cold open this is just one of those episodes that's so much fun to watch unfold number seven plan and execution this is currently the highest rated episode of the show the only one with a 9.9 rating on IMDb and it's easy to see why Jimmy and Kim's trolling against Howard finally all comes together and it's really everything you could possibly want the film crew returns one more time for a photo shoot and it's a great send off to some of the best side characters in the show unfortunately we never got to find out if they with the ones making for Soul commercials and breaking bad but I guess he can't have everything the reveal that Howard's Pi was actually working for Jimbo and Kim all along was a pretty crazy moment especially with how quickly it happened the mediation at hhm goes down as terribly as you would expect with pretty much all the major law characters plus IR Landry there to witness Howard's downfall this is his last episode in the spotlight and Patrick Fabian Just Nails every single scene he does seem to convince Cliff that it's all Jimmy's fault but it doesn't end up mattering cuz the clients are more important at the end of the day meanwhile L is back from his vacation in Germany and is finally zeroed in on the laundry where of course the half finished lab is under it he gives Hector a call but realizes that Gus is onto him which causes him to have a gamer rage before coming up with a new idea Howard's confrontation with Jimmy and Kim is incredible with Patrick Fabian giving a genuinely Emmy worthy performance even for the MB sa show I sided with Chuck too often I took away your office put you in dock review Howard's daddy helped him get to the top but you both had a struggle Howie has so much we have so little let's take him down and peger de yeah sure the S Piper settlement hhm share will be substantial absolutely even though I humiliated myself and my clients and peers will whisper that Howard hamman's a drug addict you're right Jimmy you can't help yourself Chuck knew it you were born that way but you one of the smartest and most promising human beings I've ever known and this is the life you choose I I I thought you you did it for the money but now it's it's so clear screw the money you did it for fun you get off on it you're you're like leapold and lobe two sociopaths all right that's enough a you know it's true you said the guts to admit it I've never hated Jimmy and Kim more than in this scene and I was really looking forward to Howard getting his revenge until the candle flickers and L comes into to ruin it the first time watching this episode it was just unbelievable that Howard and loo were in the same shot together to the point where I thought it was like a fan edit and unfortunately Howard gets unceremoniously capped by la leaving us on the most painful Cliffhanger ever okay stuck Thomas schow and the rest of the writers brought these two plot lines together in such an unexpected but natural way and it might just be the best writing in the entire show number six Felina here it is the series finale probably the go-to example when it comes to any discussion on the best TV endings up there with Game of Thrones and house of cards for sure and yeah it is really as good as everyone says I actually do have more issues with it than most other episodes this high on the list but the impact is just so strong that it all just doesn't matter from the literal cold open in the car all the way to the last scene in a compound every moment is pure satisfaction I love just about every scene here so I'll just go over my favorites wal visiting Gretch and and Elliot to troll them and give them his money so they can deliver it to his kids is hilarious with him basically scarring them for life with his laser point of chicanery I like this flashback dream thing with Jesse making his box that he talked about back in problem dog before the smash cut to him stuck in the Nazi compound I appreciate how [ __ ] up they made Jesse look in these last few episodes it brings more realism to the ridiculous concept of him working as a slave for literal Nazis Walton Skyler's last conversation is hands down the best scene of the episode with his confession that he did it all for himself honestly like making the entire show for me he did it for me I liked it I was good at it and I was really I was alive he gives Sky of coordinates to Hank and Gomez's bodies which we know thanks to betol that she managed to get a deal with the confrontation at the Nazi compound is on the exact opposite end of the spectrum with Walt saying screw it and just [ __ ] shooting everyone with his machine gun Contraption he's nice enough to save Jesse from AC Crossfire and he gets his revenge Moment by strangling Todd even though he brought him ice cream Walton Jesse's farewell look fing is cool but if I was Jesse I'd probably run back over on the way out and finally Walt story ends where he was at his peak in a meth lab yeah you could argue things turned out too good for Walt and that he didn't deserve to win in the end but I think it was the right choice and the baby blue song is Pitch Perfect perfectly Ed to that last credit number five fun and games this is basically the series finale of the main era of better cor soul with every episode after this this being mostly Jean Shenanigans for opening Montage with the Perfect Day song is amazing as usual with some pretty funky transitions back and forth between Jimmy Kim and Mike's Cleanup Crew Gus has a meeting with Donna lader andag gang to discuss Lo's murder but L did such a good job at faking his death that it ends up clearing Gus's name this last scene of Gus and the wine guy was kind of controversial at first since it felt like it went on forever but I think it's pretty much a Perfect final scene for him showing that even with the defeat of Lo he's still consumed by Revenge which would eventually lead to his downfall and Breaking Bad it's also basically confirmation that Gus is gay but people will still just keep denying it forever Mike's last scene is also appropriate with Nacho's father telling him the truth that he's become a soulless murder man working for a deranged psycho with no morals Mike and Gus have finally become what they were and Breaking Bad I think it was a perfect way to end their stories meanwhile Jimmy and Kim have to go to Howard Memorial at hhm with some very Charming photos of a man himself Rich tells us that hhm is downsizing and sums up the entire episode and for Words end of an error yeah Jimmy is accosted by Cheryl about his trolling of Howard and Kim steps into Gaslight to the [ __ ] Max this is probably the lowest We've Ever Seen Her Go Jimmy and Kim's breakup is truly heartbreaking even if it felt inevitable Odin Kirk and Sehorn are both at the top of their game as expected no Kim you're wrong just is about Howard okay what happened to him wasn't on us it wasn't your fault it wasn't my fault was said [ __ ] Lo Salam and the way the scene unfold is like one gut punch after another and that hard cut to Jimmy in full Soul mode is just genius I am a tiny bit salty that we didn't get to see how Soul got the Cadillac and the inflatable and the office Renovations but it really doesn't matter at the end of the day what does matter is that this episode Manch should tie up all the Loose Ends and not feel rushed which is amazing considering where the story was just a few episodes ago and God damn that final shot is for Stuff of Legends number four Granite State sandwich between two of her most beloved episodes I feel like this one gets overlooked by a lot of people it's all about our characters trying to deal with how [ __ ] everything's become after it all blew up last episode and it perfectly sets the stage for the finale this is the last time we see Saul in this show at least with him showing up at the vacuum place to get shipped off to Omaha but not before having to deal with Walt for a few more days this final conversation between the two of them is my favorite Soul scene in Breaking Bad and if we include Bal soul man it's definitely like top five he gives Walt one more bit of advice for all time sake about how Skyler [ __ ] if he leaves and he should stay in face for music the scene was already great when it came out but it's retroactively made like 10 times better by the fact that Souls advice to Walt is exactly what he ends up doing in the end of his show you walk in with your head held high you'll be the John Dillinger of the Metropolitan Detention Center how bad is that Bob Oden C's acting in this scene is so good and the last moment where Walt tries to pull his usual intimidation t tactic and fail spectacularly is of icing on the cake one thing I do have to bring up is I always took the part where Soul says he'll be managing a Cinnabon as just like a random thing off the top of his head but then and betal saw that's exactly what he ends up doing like did he already know he was going to work at cinabun or did he just decide to do it because it sounded like a good idea when he randomly thought of it doesn't really matter it's just something I've always thought about this is also the first and last episode where we see Eda disappearer in the show at least and for just one episode Robert forer really made his character a memorable one all these scenes with Walter excellent especially the one where he visits Walt and gets paid 10 grand just to stay an extra hour and he also has some of the funniest lines Mr Magorium's Wonder imporium two copies I'm not much of a movie guy one thing I wish we got to see more of was the Public's reaction to the whole Heisenberg thing and we do get to hear some Snippets about it here with some newspaper clippings in Walt's cabin and a couple bits of info that Ed tells us Skyla's having a pretty miserable time as expected with a little visit from Todd to add to the fun and Jesse's living in hell he tries to escape but runs right past the cameras like an idiot which leads to maybe the worst death in the show I honestly think this took Jesse suffering too far like he was already working as a slave for literal Nazis did they really need to throw a second dead girlfriend on top of the trauma pile Walt eventually gets Bor of his little goon cave who goes to a bar to call up Junior who isn't too happy to hear his voice why are you still alive why don't you just just die already just just die and so it looks like Walt's finally out of juice he calls up the cops and waits for them to come to him while he sits there drinking his dimple pinch that is until he sees something that triggers his precious ego Gretchen and Elliot slandering him on the TV the cops bust in moments later but Walt's already long gone this scene is without question my favorite in the whole show everything about it is just so perfectly executed and it also has the most awesome use of a main theme song possible the last shot were a dolly overed of a whiskey glass perfectly timed to the last few notes of a song gives me chills every single time best ending to an episode without question and granite state is officially my pick for the best episode of Breaking Bad number three chicanery what can be said about this episode that hasn't already been said a million times in a thousand different video essays chicanery is the culmination of the growing Rift between Jimmy and Chuck and it's Perfection every single moment and line of dialogue is crucial no time is wasted this might be the most airtight script in the series if you pay close enough attention you could probably figure out exactly what Jimmy and Kim's plan is before Chuck even arrives to give his testimony but even with that knowledge it's still so satisfying to watch it all play out this scene of Jimmy and Kim gearing up for the hearing while we hear a prosecutor's opening statement is very Kino and Kim's cross-examination of Howard has some great lines nepotism your firm is Hamlin Hamlin and Mill right who's the other Hamlin my father eventually he was hired by The Firm of Davis in Maine I'd be happy to say more about that if you'd like no thank you we get the introduction of everyone's favorite cannibal hu thanks to the ever helpful Caldera once Jimmy gets to cross-examine Chuck it's like a slow back and forth of who seemingly has an upper hand until that final reveal of a battery in Chuck's pocket where we realize Jimmy has been playing him the whole time I love how throughout the episode you can see how much Jimmy hates what he has to do visit Chuck you know she's going to hate you when this is over yep and there's no look of satisfaction or Joy on his face at the end just pain Chuck's rant at the end may be a giant meme at this point but it's still one of the best moments in the show with him finally letting out all his Petty raage against Jimmy in front of everyone number two winner this is my pick for the best Bal Soul episode in my last ranking and I held that opinion up until my last rewatch everything I said about this episode last time still stands it's just that one other episode emerg as my new favorite anyways this episode is just perfect it caps off the story lines from not just this season but kind of a whole show up until this point and it's one of the most important episodes for both Jimmy and Mike Jimmy's plot sees him trying to amp up his reputation ahead of his big hearing with several wacky schemes to Aid him the scene of him fake crying in front of Chuck's gray for any potential onlookers is hilarious he literally says boohoo then we have the Charles McGill reading room with drama girl going around gossiping about how Jimmy paid for the entire thing himself out of the goodness in his heart my favorite scene of the episode is the scholarship meeting where Jimmy sticks his neck out for Christy espeo before she got into a bunch of world ending Shenanigans later in life the obvious parallels between Jimmy and Christy's lives makes the whole thing more personal I love how you can see how impressed how it is which he brings up in season 5 when he's trying to give Jimmy a job the following segment where Jimmy gives Christy a motivational pep talk is one for the ages with him not so Sly just trauma dumping about how much of a loser he is and then crying like a baby when his car won't start at the end of a Dayo it all works out when Jimmy makes his appeal to the bar committee touching the hearts of all of us until it all turns out he was just trolling as usual leaving us on maybe the best ending to any episode wait wait Jimmy Jimmy what it's all good man meanwhile in Mike Land he's on the hunt for vera after his little Runway last episode I of course love seeing Mike doing his usual detective work but it's made even better by L's pursuit of him L's detective methods are slightly different than my but they turn out to be even more effective since he's able to get to Vera before him my other favorite scene of this episode is definitely when Mike's being followed by Lo and goes into this car park to lose him that bit where you see him reaching for what you assume as a gun and it turns out to just be chewing gum is great and the way it's used is lowkey genius of course voner acts like an idiot when he's finally caught and gust is a [ __ ] as usual so Mike has to finish him off the scene is so simple yet so powerful of the same time it's pretty much the conclusion of Mike's Arc and after this he doesn't really have much to do for the rest of a show Beyond cleaning up other people's messes and lastly this episode is Chuck and Jimmy singing Abba together which solidifies it as an instant classic easily one of the best episodes of a show but not the best number one Soul gone I was already a huge fan of aeal Soul finale from the moment I first saw it but after my most recent rewatch of the entire Breaking Bad Universe ending with this episode made a hit insanely hard so hard that I've realized it's my favorite episode period the emotional highs of this episode gives me just cannot be described almost every scene makes me incredibly happy extremely depressed or both at once it's probably because I've been following the show for several years but this finale made me feel far more emotions than Felina ever did and already talked about how good that episode is before this episode air the one thing I knew I wanted was the Redemption of Jimmy Mcgill and hopefully with some courtroom drama thrown in for good measure and I ended up getting pretty much exactly what I wanted which is probably why it hit so hard for me I love literally every scene in this episode but if I had to pick a couple favorites it'll be the opening scene of Mike which is a great send off for him the scene where Marie showed up which was this crazy moment to see live like who the hell was expecting Marie it did make me slightly disappointed that Skyler didn't get him a mix but there's probably already enough Breaking Bad cameos anyway the Walt scene as one but I had some reservations about the first time I saw it but I've grown to appreciate it more with subsequent Watchers I like seeing him acting like a complete loser at Sal to distract himself from his life literally just fell apart and that moment with Jesse's watch is pretty cool as well plus this line is incredible so you were always like this the Chuck scene was easily the most hyped moment of the entire show for me since I so desperately wanted to see his return one more time before the show ended and damn diber Riders managed to come up with the most depressing final note to end the story on with Chuck trying to reach out to Jimmy but the relationship is so strange that Jimmy is just incapable of seeing this opportunity as anything more than another chance for Chuck to hate on him but my absolute favorite scene of the episode and maybe the whole series has got to be the courtroom sequ quence we get to see Saul call himself out for all the [ __ ] in Breaking Bad which is already cool enough but then the moment that really got me going was when he finally admitted to being the one who [ __ ] up Chuck's male practice insurance and basically leading him to suicide and the icing on the cake is that last moment where he finally refers to himself by his real name sit down and stay seated the name's Miguel I'm James Miguel this whole scene is just so kaotic especially someone who's following the show and constantly fearing and talking about it online your honor I'd like to petition to withdraw from this case denied respectfully not a chance then there's the bus scene which is pretty amusing and meant to top it all off but last scene with Kim and James reuniting the nons subtle callbacks for the first episode are so satisfying especially Dave PA a score tying it all together I honestly wish the show ended right here with this is the last shot but Peter G explained why he didn't end it like that and it makes sense basically he didn't want the ending to show the two of them together but a part instead and that's where not just this show ends but the entire Breaking Bad franchise hopefully hearing that end credit song for the first time knowing that it was truly over made me feel all sorts of emotions that I don't want to get into but just let it be known that this was the perfect ending for this show and the character of Jimmy Mcgill and it's officially my pick for the best episode of the Breaking Bad universe and at last we're done 133 episodes later hopefully you found at least something you can agree with here I know my opinions can be slightly unconventional sometimes but I'm not trying to be a contrarian or anything this is just what my real thoughts are anyways let's just rank all the seasons real quick yep Soul season 1 is still the king for me all of these are really close and none are truly bad except for one of them I want to thank everyone who stuck around of this channel over the past year and a half my upload schedule has been less than consistent and to be honest I don't know if it's ever going to get any better hopefully the videos you did get were worth a wait and I still do have a couple more ideas in the tank for now at least if you have any suggestions for videos be sure to let me know and be sure to leave lengthy comments explaining why my opinions are wrong in the comment section below special shout outs as always to Johnny Cooper and to beat rice who took time away from making his mid tier list videos to give us his thoughts on crawl space with all that said I'll see you all in the New Year where greener pastures await thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: HN Films
Views: 723,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad, better call saul, breaking bad universe, breaking bad ranked, every episode ranked, better call saul ranked, el camino review, slippin jimmy review, HN Films, Beat Rice, Johnny Cooper 64, breaking bad review, better call saul review, walt did nothing wrong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 17sec (11717 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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