470 Gravity Falls Facts You Should Know | Channel Frederator

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well well well didn't expect to see you here it's been a while since we've dropped anything Gravity Falls related but then again has anyone really ever stopped loving the Mystery Shack if you've ever found yourself wondering about the Unexplained Mysteries of the universe or following weird tracks through the woods you've come to the right place I've scrounged up some interesting information and put it all in one easy to digest video we've got hundreds of Gravity Falls facts lifted from Channel frederator's illustrious Library all ready for your peepers to peep welcome back to channel frederator I'm Keegan and today we're going to take a long journey through the history of Gravity Falls we've got timelines we've got facts we've got theories we've even got some Mystery Shack souvenirs if that's what you're into your reason for showing up no longer matters let's get into things let's start things off with a comprehensive look back at the history of Gravity Falls how it came to be the way it is you know with all sorts of Otherworldly stuff going on there's a reason for everything even if we can't quite explain it all this timeline will hopefully answer your questions before we get into the finer grit stuff this is the complete Gravity Falls timeline first published in January of 2019. it's no mystery when it comes to the strange and unusual Gravity Falls has got you covered the Pines Family First stole our hearts in 2012 and managed to keep us on the edge of our seats throughout the entirety of their mystery-filled journey in fact we hear a channel frederator love the series so much that we've decided to revisit the series from the very beginning and no we're not talking about when Dipper and Mabel showed up we're talking the very beginning I'm Jacob and join me as we go through the series in chronological order The Good The Bad and especially the mysterious 30 million BCE a massive Flying Saucer crash lands on our planet forming the valley of Gravity Falls and making it a hub of weirdness throughout history 1000 A.D the first human natives of Gravity Falls flee the land for unknown reasons leaving behind a treasure Trove of ancient artifacts many of the artifacts depict the likeness of a certain one-eyed Triangle Man and yeah whatever it's probably not important 1837. sir Lord Quentin trembly III Esquire is elected the eighth and a half president of the United States after winning the election in a literal Landslide Victory he quickly becomes known as the country's silliest president which is why you've never heard of him 1842 Quentin trembly is kicked out of office and accidentally discovers the Uncharted land of Gravity Falls after riding his horse backwards off a cliff Quentin founds the settlement and deems himself mayor 1862. Quentin trembly mysteriously disappears the government initiates the Northwest cover-up and nominates local waste shoveling Village Idiot Nathaniel Northwest to become the new town mayor in his stead Northwest is also credited as the founder of Gravity Falls to further cover up trembley's existence late 1940s to the early 1950s twins Stanley and Stanford Pines are born in glass Shard Beach New Jersey to philbrick and Karen Pines they're raised in the Family Pawn shop within the lead paint District of the city early 1960s the two are an Unstoppable pair with dreams of becoming full-time adventurers Stan finally develops a punch first asked questions later personality which pairs perfectly with Ford's mental Brilliance while exploring their home town of glass Shard Beach they find remnants of an old ship in a nearby cave they begin to rebuild it dubbing the boat the stanawar and plan to use it to sail around the world together as treasure Hunters 1970s during their senior year of high school Stan and Ford are called to the principal's office where they learned that Ford's science project has attracted the interest of West Coast Tech at prestigious College Ford is naturally excited about the opportunity which upsets Stan since he's still holding on to their childhood dream of becoming treasure Hunters frustrated over the idea of losing his brother Stan accidentally damages Ford's science project a perpetual motion machine causing the project to malfunction and afford to lose the opportunity of a lifetime the two ultimately fall out and Stan is kicked out of the family for losing them potential Millions with foreign's inventions Stan leaves home and starts his own business meanwhile Ford enrolls in backups more University to make up for his lost opportunity 1972-1982 Stan's story Stan found Stanco Enterprise and tries to sell poorly made household appliances these faulty appliances give Stan a bad rap as he soon considered a con man and chased out of New Jersey unfortunately this becomes an ongoing trend for Stan as a traveling salesman he's eventually banned from 32 of the 50 states and also he's been in prison in three different countries 1972-1982 Ford story meanwhile Ford Works twice as hard as any other student at backups more University he's accepted into the doctoral program three years ahead of schedule writes a thesis that becomes nationally ranked and receives an enormous grant for one hundred thousand dollars to apply to his field of study he decides to study the Supernatural and shortly after moves to Gravity Falls the weirdness capital of the country immediately Ford is entranced by his findings he begins to keep a record of his Supernatural discoveries in a special Journal soon enough he realizes he needs to expand his studies and create a safe space to contain his more dangerous experiments among which are things like the shapeshifter so he constructs an extra bunker hidden underground beneath the Gravity Falls forest with a secret entrance inside an artificial tree after a while Ford hits a roadblock in his study that is until he stumbles across a cave filled with ancient writing there's a ritual circle with various symbols and zodiac signs seemingly for some sort of Prophecy Ford translates the writing to discover these are incantations carved next to a description of a triangular man with one eye and a top hat however a warning is also written begging that these incantations never be said aloud Ford ignores the warnings and summons the mysterious being who appears in his dream that night and introduces himself as Bill Cipher Bill explains that he's amused and he chooses one brilliant mind to inspire every Century the two become friends and in exchange for his knowledge of the other side Bill asks for use of Ford's body whenever he should please and Ford agrees Bill gifts for the blueprints to build a portal to another dimension to build it Ford enlists the help of his old college friend fiddleford McGucket who specializing in personalized computers at this time fiddleford moves to Gravity Falls and assists forward in building the portal once the portal is complete fiddleford has accidentally sucked inside wide Ford saves him just in time but it's obvious fiddleford is frightened by what he's seen on the other side he tells Ford to beware the Beast with one eye and warns him that his device will undoubtedly bring about the end of times fiddleford leaves and invents the mind erase gun to help himself cope he then founds a secret society called The Blind Eye where he and a group of other townsfolk are determined to help others forget their disturbing Supernatural findings however his words the Beast with one eye make Ford suspicious and he decides to confront bill when Bill admits his true plan is to merge both dimensions Ford immediately shuts down the portal and begins taking precautions against Bill he builds project momentum to encrypt his thoughts he also begins to amend his previous journal entries with invisible ink but that didn't seem like enough so he abandons his research and hides his journals he then converts his second underground bunker into a fallout shelter should the worst happen and reaches out to the only person he knows he can trust his twin brother Stan late 1982. Stan arrives in Gravity Falls to see his brother for the first time in almost almost a decade a crazed Fort explains that he needs Stan to take Journal 1 as far away from Gravity Falls as possible and keep it hidden since this is the only reason Ford wanted to see his estranged brother Stan becomes enraged on the two fight Stan pushes Ford into the portal and accidentally activates it he then watches a sport disappears into the gateway but right before four advantages he tosses the journal to Stan Stan tries everything he can to reactivate the Gateway but nothing works when he goes into town though the townspeople think that he is actually Ford you know since they're twins Stan runs with it and takes up his brother's identity as well as the cabin he was living in the townsfolks seem very curious about the cabin itself so Stan turns this into his next big scam he starts charging admission to the cabin and thus the Mystery Shack is born August 31st 1999 finally our protagonists Mabel and Dipper Pines are born in Piedmont California they're the grandchildren of shermy Pines stannon Ford's younger brother and now we arrive at the series itself hey it's about time we got here June 1st and 2nd 2012 tourist trapped Mabel and Dipper Pines arrive in Gravity Falls to spend the summer with their great uncle Stan though the cool kids call him Grunkle Stan he promptly puts them to work in the Mystery Shack while posting signs in the woods Dipper comes across a hollow tree inside he finds an electronic device with one of its two wires severed he fiddles with some switches causing a trap door to open in the ground containing a mysterious Journal marked 3. he opens the journal and sees it's filled with facts and notes about the town's strange Supernatural anomalies meanwhile Mabel announces she has a date but her boyfriend Norman is actually a bunch of gnomes looking to take Mabel as their Queen Dipper rescues his sister and the twins Return To The Mystery Shack June 3rd 2012 legend of the gobble Wonker Grunkle Stan takes the twins fishing at Gravity Falls Lake where a crazed hick the locals refer to as Old Man McGucket claims to have seen a lake monster once Seuss The Mystery Shack handyman arrives with his own boat the twins decide to ditch their grunkle's lame jokes and investigate they discovered that the lake monster is actually a mechanical creation of old man mcguckets June 10th to 13 2012 The Hand That Rocks the Mabel the twins learned that Grunkle Stan's biggest competition in town is an adorable little boy named Gideon gleeful AKA Lil Gideon a local psychic adored by all the townsfolk Dipper and Mabel attend one of his shows to test his psychic abilities and Dipper concludes that Gideon is nothing more than a con man just like their Grunkle the next day Gideon arrives at the shack to ask Mabel if she wants to come to his dressing room and try on some different makeup the two become friends until he reveals he has a crush on her the feeling isn't Mutual though so they have a falling out and Gideon swears revenge on the Pines family later that night it's revealed that Gideon is in possession of Journal 2. June 17 2012 irrational treasure it's Pioneer Day at Gravity Falls and the twins uncover evidence that the town's founder Nathaniel Northwest is a hoax they set out to uncover the truth ultimately so they can rub it into the insanely wealthy and entitled Pacifica northwest's face she's the town's popular mean girl and a descendant of the supposed founder while following a set of Clues they discover the government's Northwest cover-up along with the original mayor Quentin Tremblay preserved in peanut brittle turns out trembly disappeared because he wanted to demonstrate peanut brittle's life-sustaining properties June 18 2012 The Time Traveler's Pig Grunkle Stan throws a mystery Fair where Mabel wins a pig by correctly guessing its weight she names him Waddles and makes him her new best friend shortly after the twins run into Blendon Blandon a time traveler on a mission to clean up disturbances in the timeline they take the time machine and go back in time which results in blending getting arrested by the time Paradox avoidance enforcement Squadron while apprehended he swears to get revenge on the twins June 20th 2012 Little Dipper Gideon attempts to exact revenge on the Pines by taking ownership of the Mystery Shack but Grunkle Stand Out cons the little con man Gideon later reveals that he doesn't just want the shack he wants something hidden on the property July to August 2012 dreamscapers Gideon summons Bill Cipher to make a deal he requests that bill retrieve the combination to stand Secret Safe so he can steal the deed to the Shag dipper Mabel and Zeus witnessed the demon enter Stan's mind to save Stan the used Journal 3 to find the necessary incantations to follow bill into Stan's mind they face off against Bill and return to reality with their Grunkle safe but Gideon manages to break into the safe using Dynamite he steals the lease and kicks the Pines family out Gideon Rises the Pines family are living with Zeus and his grandma Abuelita Which is less than glamorous it's no Mystery Shack Gideon reveals that his true plan is to find the first journal on the property Dipper and Mabel seek out the Gnomes from the first episode for help but Gideon turns the Gnomes against the twins with the help of his gnome allies Gideon retrieves Journal 3 from Dipper afterwards Dipper gives up and the twins board a bus back to California that's when Gideon realizes the journal he retrieved from Dipper is actually Journal three not one he thought there were only two he chases the bus they were on back into Gravity Falls with his Gideon bot built by McGucket of course and faces off against the twins the town's folk arrive ready to arrest the twins for harming Gideon but before they do Stan reveals that the free Gideon pins everyone received were actually cameras he used to spy on them Gideon gets arrested and the Pines family gets their Shack back Dipper tells Stan about the journals and stand up to this point playing dumb about all the weirdness of gravity falls to the kids takes the third one from Dipper claiming he wants to borrow it for inspiration for the shack that night Stan sneaks into his secret room behind the vending machine which takes him down to Ford's old lab Stan is now in possession of all three journals cut to Black season one over scary Oaky Stan continues working hard on the portal but it attracts the attention of some government agents who begin to Snoop around the Pines family prepares for their grand reopening party but then Dipper accidentally raises the dead it happens the agents run off and the zombies attack the shack after Stan tells Dipper that he's known about the strangeness of Gravity Falls all along he Mabel and Dipper destroy the zombies after discovering their weakness is very loud karaoke music Into the Bunker dipper Mabel Seuss and Wendy follow the journal to a secret bunker hidden in the woods right under the hollow tree where Dipper originally found the journal inside side they battle a shapeshifter that has escaped its cage on their way out Seuss finds a briefcase he took from the lab is actually an old laptop belonging to someone identified as F Society of the Blind Eye Dipper discovers the laptop is marked McGucket Labs so they rush to crazy old man mcgucket's junkyard to confront him unfortunately McGucket claims that he's had Amnesia since 1982. they read about the Society of the Blind Eye in the journal and conclude that McGucket must have had his mind erased after witnessing something based on a few Clues and what magika can remember there led to the society's secret headquarters where they discover a persistent initiative to erase the town's folks Memories the gang retrieves the Mind erased gun and uses it to erase the cult's memory they also find mcgucket's old memory tube and discover McGucket is the founder of the Blind Eye Society and that the laptop was his not only that he was in Gravity Falls assisting the journal's author in a groundbreaking experiment that Disturbed him so deeply he began erasing his own memory to the point of deterioration not what he seems then continues to secretly work on the portal but government agents arrive again to take him into custody for stealing Drums of toxic chemicals Dipper and Mabel attempt to clear his name with security footage only to discover that he is in fact guilty they also discover the lab along with the portal and all three journals Dipper scans the journals with a black light to reveal a secret message about the portal that it could destroy the entire universe Stan escapes custody and runs back to the shack only to be confronted by the twins in the lab Dipper activates the manual override and threatens to shut the portal down as the room loses gravity everyone is lifted into the air but Mabel manages to grab the override button Stan begs Mabel not to push it but Dipper tells her to press it since Stan has been lying to them this whole time about his true intentions as the countdown nears its end Mabel decides to trust her Grunkle and when the timer runs out the portal is activated and a mysterious figure appears A Tale of Two stands the twins learned of their second Grunkle Ford the long sought out author of the journals Ford and Stan tell the twins of their falling out recalling the events that have led up to now and why Stan was posing as forward this entire time the government agents arrive again to take Stan back into custody but Dipper uses mcgucket's mind to race gun to clear their Memories the last Mabel corn Bill appears to forward in a dream and tells him he knows about the interdimensional rift that was created when the portal was reactivated so Ford dismantles the portal contains the rift and warns his family to protect the shack if Bill gets his hands on the portal or Rift he can open the doorway to his Dimension and unleash chaos at this point the twins have had more than a few run-ins with Bill Cipher so they know that this isn't a threat to take lightly luckily Ford knows a way to Shield The Shack from Bill but it requires unicorn hair so Mabel volunteers to retrieve it along with her friends Wendy candy and Grenda meanwhile Ford formulates a backup plan to protect their minds using project mentum Dipper uses the device to encrypt his thoughts while four naps but his curiosity leads him to place the helmet on Ford's head Dipper uncovers memories of the deal between Ford and Bill which makes him believe that they're still working together he threatens to erase Ford's mind thinking that bill is actually in possession of his body but Ford assures Dipper it's okay and tells him of what happened between him and Bill all those years ago Mabel and the girls finally returned with the magical hair after a nasty altercation with the unicorns and use it to set up the shield Dipper and Mabel versus the future Mabel begins planning for her in Dipper's big 13th birthday party while Dipper Ventures out with Ford to fix the cracking interdimensional Rift they travel down to crash site Omega where the ancient alien ship crash landed to find an alien adhesive to patch the rift on their search Ford offers differ an apprenticeship and asks that he stay in Gravity Falls after the summer is over Dipper excitedly accepts but unbeknownst to him Mabel overheard the agreement over their shared walkie-talkies Dipper excitedly returns home to tell Mabel about the offer but she tells him how upset losing him would be when she has to go back to school without him after an emotionally charged exchange she grabs her backpack and runs into the woods in a huff suddenly Blendon blandin appears and offers to extend summer for her forever so she never has to leave all he wants in return turn is the interdimensional rift which just so happens to be in the backpack that she grabbed turns out she grabbed Dipper's bag by mistake she makes the deal with blendin and to her dismay realizes he was possessed by Bill the whole time Bill then destroys the rift unleashing his world upon ours weirdmageddon Parts one through three Bill's nightmare realm has taken over Gravity Falls Dipper and Ford find themselves in a Race Against Time to defeat bill before his weirdness spreads across the entire world Bill manages to capture Ford and burn the three journals but Dipper escapes before he can do any more damage elsewhere Gideon who's been in a Maximum Security Prison since season one breaks free during the madness and races to save Bill Dipper travels to the mall where he reunites with Wendy and the two decide to go after Mabel however Gideon and his gang of Discount Auto Warriors intervene Gideon places them under arrest and the two groups fight wheel to wheel in a Mad Max style race Gideon catches Our Heroes but sets them free when Dipper calls him out on all the horrible things he's done and why Mabel will never love him back now freed from Gideon's grass Seuss Dipper and Wendy travel to Mabel's prison to help her Escape but once inside they realize it's less of a prison and more of a cute Fantasy Land dubbed Mabel land the land is designed to lull its prisoners into a false sense of security by giving them exactly what they desire most Dipper is left alone to rescue Mabel but once he finds her she tells him that she doesn't want to leave Mabel arranges a trial for Dipper to State his case and Dipper convinces her that while reality can be disappointing no matter what happens they have each other Dipper assures Mabel that he'll never leave her side and they finally escaped Mabel land together after reuniting with Wendy and Zeus they head back to the Mystery Shack the barrier Ford placed on the shack is protected during the frenzy making it a safe haven for locals and mystical creatures alike Dipper convinces Stan and the refugees that they have to rescue Ford in order to defeat Bill meanwhile Bill realizes he can't expand his weirdness barrier Beyond Gravity Falls so he unfrees us forward for answers Ford claims it's due to the Natural weirdness magnetism and Gravity Falls caused by the alien ship there is a way to break through but you'll never tell them of course hours meanwhile McGucket has converted the shack into a giant battlemack of sorts and they head toward Bill's pyramid to face him once inside the refugees battle it out with Bill's henchmen he freezes forward once more and attacks The Shack but can't break through the Unicorn barrier the newly dubbed shackatron rips Bill's eye out causing him to take some time to regenerate Mabel grabs the forward statue and Gideon tells her how to unfreeze all the Frozen townsfolk all the townsfolk are changed back to normal including Ford Ford then grabs a can of blue spray paint and begins to paint the Zodiac on the ground including all 10 symbols that represent 10 of the characters there today it's all a part of the prophecy he discovered years ago that was carved into the wall of the ancient natives they all stand on their respective symbols and hold hands to create a ring of energy around the Zodiac Stan refuses to complete the circle though until Ford thanks him for bringing him back to this realm Ford eventually does thank him but considering the circumstance it's kind of forced unfortunately the tension between the brothers runs too high and the fight breaks out between the two as a result the barrier is broken and Bill returns Bill Burns the Zodiac away captures stannon Ford and chases the twins throughout the pyramid inside their cage Stan and Ford lament over their fighting Ford decides to let Bill inside his mind to learn how to escape gravity falls so the twins can be saved Bill happily enters his mindscape only to discover that oh it's not Ford's mind it stands he disguised himself in order for Ford to erase his memory with Bill inside Ford destroys bill and the portal to the nightmare realm closes August 31st 2012 Gravity Falls is back to normal they're as normal as it can be including Stan who took a little time to regain his memory after having it wiped by Ford the entire town gets together for Dipper and Mabel's 13th birthday Ford and Stan makeup and Ford asks Stan to accompany him on an adventure to investigate anomalies out in the Arctic Ocean and finally live out their childhood dream Stan agrees and promotes Zeus to the manager of the Mystery Shack and Abuelita moves in immediately September 1st 2012 and onwards at some point in the near future Stan and Ford are adventuring into the the Arctic sea aboard the stano War II and Zeus runs the Mystery Shack the northwests lose their mansion due to a risky investment in weirdness bonds and mcgucken moves in instead and the twins say their goodbyes and head back to Piedmont California ending the greatest summer of their lives holy moly that timeline got 11 million views well how much did this next one get 12. I gotta say Gravity Falls has a grip on the denizens of the internet unlike anything else folks just love the characters the setting the music the monsters and of course the secrets all of these things and more can be found in our next video 107 Gravity Falls facts you should know maybe are having the craziest summer vacation ever in the quirky town of Gravity Falls Oregon working at their brunkle Stan's tourist trap the Mystery Shack the Pines twins stumble upon some bigger Secrets this town is hiding and quickly learn that things are definitely not what they seem I'm Emily and here on channel frederator we're going to give you 107 facts about gravity falls number one a reoccurring number in the series 6 18 June 18th is actually Creator Alex Hirsch's birthday it's also his twin sister's birthday which makes sense because they're twins number two speaking of Alex and his twin sister Ariel Dipper and Mabel are Loosely based on the siblings Mabel's love for boy bands came from Ariel's obsession with NSYNC Lance Bass was her band member of choice which is why Alex asked him to come and voice some members of several times [Music] number three Zeus is based off of Jesus chambrot who is a friend of Alex Hirsch they attended Cal Arts together and Alex notes that Jesus was of indeterminate age we knew that he was a few years older than the rest of my friends at Cal Arts but we never knew how old for sure number four not only is Alex Hirsch the creator of Gravity Falls he's also the voice of Grunkle Stan you got no muscles you smell like baby wipes oh man I'm so glad I turned my head Bill Cipher I have a head that's always screaming and reoccurring characters like Old Man McGucket and the Gnomes Steve Jason and I'm sorry I always forget your name number five what the h the letter H is a reoccurring symbol in Gravity Falls and maybe a nod to Creator Alex Hirsch's last name number six during the end credits of each episode there is a cryptogram the cryptograms in episodes one through six utilize the Caesar Cipher episode 7 through 13 utilized the at-bash cipher episodes 14-19 utilize the A1 z26 Cipher episode 20 utilizes a combined Cipher episodes 21 and on utilize the visionaire cipher number seven listening to The Whisper at the end of the theme song in Reverse gives you a clue on how to solve the ciphers [Music] number eight Alex Hirsch writes all of the ciphers himself and they're usually inserted last minute that is it comedy goals I love it number nine Bill Cipher takes on the form of the Eye of Providence also known as the All-Seeing Eye of God number 10 the cave Dipper is seen exploring in the theme song has what appears to be ruins on the wall upon closer inspection though one character doesn't match up with any known ruins and the others have no translatable meaning number 11. all three journals shown have maze pages that fit in with one another number 12. in the animated short Stan's tattoo Dipper tries to solve the mystery of what Stan's tattoo is stand denies that he has a tattoo I don't but you do what do you mean I but in other episodes it can be seen on the right side of his back Bill Cipher has said that Stan's tattoo actually means watch your back number 13 Alex's sister Ariel had a lime green troll doll sweater in elementary school that helped Inspire Mabel's assorted array of colorful sweaters Hirsch also felt that because Mabel is so fun loving and bubbly [Music] she wouldn't be constrained to wearing the same outfit in every episode like most cartoon characters washing clothes is a waste of time I'm a busy guy number 14 wrinkle Stan is based on Alex Hirsch's real Grandpa Stan number 15. calling Stan Pines Grunkle Stan was inspired by Alex Hirsch's great aunt Lois she referred to herself as grante Lois number 16 when she was young Ariel Hirsch wanted a pet pig this inspired Alex Hirsch to give Maple her beloved pet Waddles did you say Mabel or doorbell number 17. Waddles was named by Ari Wallington a writer on the show he was named after the pet pig she had when she was growing up every year her family would raise the pig name Waddles which would then be cooked and eaten hopefully Mabel's Waddles doesn't share the same fate number 18. the location of Gravity Falls was inspired by Boring organ Persia's family would sometimes pass the town on road trips though they never visited Gravity Falls is what Hirsch imagines boring might be like or that it might be the opposite of what boring is number 19. when Waddles eats mushroom powder that morphs him into a Super Genius he constructs a machine for himself that allows him to talk greetings friends it is I waddles the pig the genius voice behind that genius Pig Neil deGrasse Tyson of course number 20. Kristen Shaw was Alex Hirsch's absolute choice to play Mabel from the get-go she was such an integral part of his vision that Alex has said I would have just stopped working if we hadn't gotten her I would have probably quit number 21 Kristin actually cosplayed as Mabel for San Diego Comic-Con in 2013. she said that all of the characters she's played Mabel is the closest to her actual self number 22 Alex's sister Ariel Hirsch was a guest star in the episode boys crazy she played Pacifica northwest's fuchsia-haired friend he was talking number 23 Matt Chapman a former writer on Gravity Falls is co-creator and primary voice actor on Homestar Runner strong bet get off my property I hate you Grunkle Stan shut up your face number 24 Ariel and Alex Hirsch both grew up in Piedmont California which is also where Mabel and Dipper are from number 25 Jason Ritter the voice of Dipper almost wasn't the voice of Dipper he recorded for the pilot but committed to another show while Gravity Falls was waiting to be picked up lucky for us the other show got canceled and Ritter was able to take on Dipper again number 26 the art director of Gravity Falls Ian Worrell is Alex Hirsch's college roommate number 27 Mabel once had to go to the hospital for eating scratch and sniff stickers number 28 Dipper's favorite band is a nerd rock group called The Bad First Impressions Alex Hirsch describes them as they might be giants-ish number 29 secretly Dipper also listens to Top 40 Hits and the Icelandic pop group baba baba is of course a parody of the 70s Swedish pop group ABBA their song Disco girl is a parody of Abba's Dancing Queen number 30. uncle Stan has been practicing the same coin trick since 1982. he still hasn't gotten it number 31 Wendy and Robbie met at a fifth grade birthday party Robbie pulled Wendy's pinktails and she socked him in the face he ended up with a chipped tooth Robbie remembers the incident but Wendy does not number 32 Seuss's role models are Grunkle Stan and his Abuelita I vacuumed the walls now he also looks up to wrestler Terry America number 33 one of the manatars is named after a full-size Taxidermy Buffalo that Alex Hirsch keeps in his office at Disney dubbed beardy hersa said that he insists people sit on it when they take tours of the studio number 34 between the first and second seasons of Gravity Falls the creative team behind the show took a road trip up the coast of Oregon they stopped at every tacky tourist attraction they could find and were surprised by how closely they'd capture more subtle aspects of these gimmicky stops with the Mystery Shack number 35 according to Alex Hirsch Dipper is secretly jealous that Mabel is more socially Adept than him number 36 Hirsch has actually made several appearances on the show as himself in the opening theme the bottom half of his face can be seen amongst other photos a caricature of him can be seen in the episode bottomless pit writing the unicycle on Dipper's author board in the episode Society of the Blind Eye a photo of him can be seen with other suspicious Town folks accompanied by the word who number 37 the birthmark Dipper has on his forehead was inspired by a classmate of Alex Hirsch Who quote had horrendous acne that's how you got your nickname I thought your parents just hated you or something Alex would often map out constellations using his pimples one day his classmate had a perfect Big Dipper on his forehead number 38 at the show start writers frequently and incorrectly assumed that Mabel and Dipper didn't get along oh hey what's that huh this led to Alex Hirsch coming up with the Ten Commandments of how Dipper and Mabel act around one another no there's no literal Ten Commandments but there are some rules he often goes over with the writers the first being the kids like each other no matter how much they get on each other's nerves this never changes number 39 another interesting rule which also serves as a fun fact is that Dipper wants to grow up too fast and Mabel doesn't number 40. the series of Gravity Falls takes place over the course of one summer number 41. Dipper is actually just a nickname stemming from Dipper's birthmark he's been referred to as Dipper since he was no more than five years old the character's real first name has yet to be confirmed though it may be Roderick as Quentin trembly calls him that in the episode irrational treasure jeffrow a writer on the show Once tweeted that Dipper's real name is lamonic like Dominic but tragically misspelled since birth number 42 the original Cipher at the end of dreamscapers was next week xyler and kraz's Bode excellent rad Adventure number 43 Mabel is the older twin by a mere five minutes she brings us up now and then to Dipper's annoyance she is also one millimeter taller than her brother come on guys nobody even uses millimeters it only makes you taller than me in Canada number 44. Dipper and Mabel's middle names are their parents first names number 45 David Lynch was offered the role of Bill Cipher but he declined Alex Hurst resorted to voicing the character with a bad impression of it oh oh gravity falls it is good to be back number 46 Mabel has a crush on Alexander Hamilton otherwise known as the man on the 10 Bill impeccable taste in the founding fathers Mabel number 47 Wendy corduroy's favorite color is flannel number 48 though their identities are unknown Wendy is based on several different people number 49 Bill Cipher has done his own AMA on Reddit number 50. similar to how Dipper is jealous of her social skills Mabel is of Dipper's academic prowess I guess I guess better at me like everything number 51 when Mabel has nightmares she meows herself back to sleep number 52 Seuss's middle and last name are references to Gravity Falls storyboard artist Alonso Ramirez Ramos number 53 if a blanket is placed over Seuss's head he falls asleep much like a canary number 54. at the Gravity Falls 2014 San Diego Comic-Con panel it became known that Zeus's father is Caucasian and his mother is Hispanic number 55. Zeus is the only main character without a criminal record Mabel and Dipper have been locked up for counterfeiting Stan has committed too many crimes to count and Wendy and your friends have been busted for stealing a cop car number 56 what exactly was Alex Hirsch doing when he first thought of Gravity Falls in his words I was walking up Vermont Avenue in Los Feliz between the post office and House of Pies when the name Gravity Falls popped into my head it was such a dumb corny joke that naturally I never forgot it and had to develop a whole TV show around it the moral here is if you want TV show ideas go to the House of Pies number 57 7. Alex hirschis confirms that Wendy's mother is no longer with her number 58 if Alex Hirsch could have any guest star on the show it would be Jon Stewart ironically Stewart has said on a segment of his show while jokingly denying that he watches cartoons he said that Gravity Falls has all of these incredible plot lines the shout out was much appreciated by Alex on Twitter number 59 Dipper is ambidextrous though he tends to use his right hand more than his left number 60. at the end of the Show's theme song an image is Flash which shows Bill Cipher a wheel and various symbols and writings the wheel has 10 images around its outer edge with each image being related to an element of the show as of now it's speculated that the glasses represent the author the question mark represents Zeus the crescent-like symbol represents Stan the pine tree represents Dipper the star represents Gideon the hand with six fingers is tied to the journals the shooting star represents Mabel and the Heart with the Stitch represents Robbie however the open bag of ice and Alama are still open to specul though Dipper has retrieved ice for his friends on multiple occasions number 61 the Konami Code can be seen in the same image towards the bottom right number 62. Stan's favorite treat is toffee peanuts number 63 the background of a flashback in dreamscapers reveals that Stan grew up in New Jersey number 64. Dipper can play the sousaphone number 65. when Dipper gets super sleep deprived he unknowingly starts to eat his own shirt number 66 he is also ticklish under his arm number 67 Stan owns 10 guns and his appearance hasn't changed at all in the last 10 years number 68 all the fingerprints on Stan's right hand have a double Loop whirl pattern number 69 when Alex Hirsch was 12 he took a trip to Florida where he was subjected to watching the same infomercial for the car dealership Family Auto Mart [Music] about a hundred times he remembers a song from the as to this day and was inspired by them to create Bud gleeful number 70. Bill Cipher's favorite song is apparently 10 hours of rising Shepherd tone number 71 Bill Cipher claims that life tastes like uracil cytosine and thymine he dislikes it boy these arms are durable number 72 Gideon's design is based off of televangelist Benny Hinn number 73 according to Alex Hirsch Gideon's skin is so soft because he steals Wendy's moisturizer number 74. Gideon gleeful is a play on the phrase Giddy and gleeful number 75 Robbie V secretly draws anime no shame Robbie but you and Ronaldo from Steven Universe should hang out number 76 Robbie has known Thompson for at least 10 years the same goes for Wendy and tambry number 77 he doesn't like people knowing but Thompson once ate a waffle that had been run over for 50 cents number 78 Brad breek is a songwriter and composer for Gravity Falls Dan Cantrell and Nielsen sariga of Potter Puppet Pals and lemon demon Fame were also in the running number 79 Nielsen riga's younger sister Emmy cesariga is the storyboard artist on the show number 80. Wendy wants to live in Portland number 81 soos writes fan fiction about Stan and keeps a photo of him on the break room door well this is getting weird number 82. in the commercial for the Gravity Falls Subway kids meals Mabel may not sound much like herself that's because she wasn't voiced by Kristen Shaw number 83 Mabel once fed baby birds using her mouth she must be really in tune with her inner mama bird number 84. in the episode Double Dipper it's mentioned that Dipper has always wanted the name Tyrone which makes you wonder what his real name is I will call you number two definitely not number 85. in Spring 2007 while at calarts Alex Hirsch created a short called off the wall an animation executive at Disney Mike Moon eventually saw it and approached Alex about pitching an animated series and I think we all know how that story ends number number 86 Stan has a box of fake IDs and passports some of his not real identities include Hal Forrester Andrew eight ball Alcatraz and Stetson Pinefield number 87 Alex Hirsch once leaked a fake photo of Old Man McGucket writing in the journals this fools a lot of fans into thinking that Old Man McGucket was the author number 88. the reoccurring goat in the series is named Gompers after American Federation of Labor leader Samuel Gompers speaking of Gompers Bill Cipher has said that he likes Gompers better this way better than what way there be Secrets afoot actually while you can't stand he'll find out sooner or later number 89 if you get some of those Twin Peaks flashbacks while watching Gravity Falls this is no coincidence the show is chock full of references to David Lynch's acclaimed series look for episodes like club club in the Gravity Falls episode The Hand That Rocks Mabel number 90. Dipper wrote a theme song for himself that he sing in the shower number 91 Pacifica northwest's name is a pond on the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S the Pacific Northwest contains Oregon which within the show's realm contains Gravity Falls so Pacifica Northwest is from the Pacific Northwest we're perfect number 92 Bill Cipher wants to see Dipper stick jalapeno peppers in his eyes that's oddly specific but characteristically sadistic number 93 despite the fact that her designs always incorporate Mass amounts of purple pacifica's favorite color is pink number 94. on his Reddit AMA Bill Cipher was asked if he had a family he replied not anymore what does that mean number 95 Bill Cipher responded to everything on his AMA in caps lock because according to him he thinks in capital letters reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram bye gold bye Number 96 Quentin Tremblay is Alex Hirsch's favorite character to voice probably because he's so cray-cray number 97 Quentin Tremblay is based off of President Theodore Roosevelt as he appeared in one of Alex Hirsch's student films number 98 Piccola which appears in almost every episode of Gravity Falls is named after one of the show's directors Joe Pitt I'm gonna drink it like a person number 99 the brand of the TV in the Mystery Shack is whirl this comes from production artist Ian worrell's name number 100 gravity falls's main theme is often confused with made me realize from MTV's show Awkward which Brad breek also wrote though they're similar breek has stated on his website that they are not related or even the same number 101 the Paul Bunyan statue seen in the theme song is a reference to the Paul Bunyan statue from the Trees of Mystery Roadside Attraction in Oregon number 102. if you're wondering where Gravity Falls is why don't you search it on Google Maps It'll point you to the Oregon Vortex Number 103 the shapeshifter was inspired by John Carpenter printers the thing it was also inspired by Clayface from Batman the Animated Series and also a Vietnamese spring roll that Designer Robert tree and Corey ate in 2001. number 104 Chuck spar's tattoo is the astrological symbol for Mars number 105 old man mcgucket's original name was crazy Larry his full name is fiddleford Hardin Old Man McGucket with Hardin being a reference to a class of subatomic particles number 106. Alex Hirsch has joked on both Reddit and Twitter that the author of the journals is actually Jordi laforge from Star Trek the new generation of course those of us that are fully up to date on Gravity Falls know that the author is actually number 107. the author of the journals Grunkle Stan's long-lost twin brother is this the part where one of us faints obviously we can't cover everything there is to know in just 107 facts so Channel frederator cataloged 107 more and called it 107 Gravity Fall facts you should know part two get after it When Gravity Falls burst onto the animation scene in 2012 we couldn't get enough of Dipper Pines in his twin sister Mabel so I'll get 107 piddly little facts ever be enough for this beloved but all two brief animated Adventure it couldn't that's why we've compiled 107 more facts you should know about gravity falls think you know everything there is to know about the Pines twins Grunkle Stan and the rest of the Gravity Falls Universe inconceivable so sit back grab some snacks and get ready to get your learn on just a warning some of these facts could be a little spoilery so proceed at your own risk number one when asked for an alternate title for the Show creator Alex Hirsch answered Big Trouble in Little Oregon number two for the test short Disney commission Canada Animation Studio House of cool Incorporated to complete the animation the studio used Adobe Flash which gave it a more static and limited feel reminiscent of hand-drawn animation like DuckTales and The Simpsons number three according to storyboard artist Matt Braley final animation was created overseas at an animation studio in Korea number four Hurst didn't initially intend to voice the characters on the show when it finally came down to Cassidy and the characters others including himself felt that he was perfect for the characters of Grunkle Stan and Seuss Ramirez number five Hersh has commented that the large number of fans who correctly guessed the existence of Stan's twin brother contributed to the timing of Ford's entrance number six Ford's existence was planned from the very beginning of the series and many Clues have been sprinkled throughout the series one example Stan's licensed having the wrong name as early as episode 2. number seven this twin brother device wouldn't have gone over very well with the cast of the show itself who become outraged when a similar unveiling occurs in their favorite show Duck pectif number eight Grunkle Stan's actual name is Stanley he stole his brothers Stanford's identity when Stanford got sucked into the interdimensional portal during a fight number nine while eating snacks on nightstand Pines accidentally broke his brother's science fair experiment that would guarantee him a fantastic education this ruined for its chances of getting into West Coast Tech instead he went to a community college called back up some more University number 10 Stan's brother Ford came to Gravity Falls to study anomalies claiming he found more anomalies existed in this area than anywhere else in the states number 11. Ford fell into the portal somewhere in the mid to late 80s so he existed in another dimension for about 30 years number 12 fiddleford McGucket would have been better off had he stayed in his garage in Palo Alto and kept working on personal computers this is a nod to Steve Jobs who invented Apple computers and you guessed it a garage in Palo Alto number 13. Ford summoned bill when he hit a roadblock with his research Bill tricked him into trusting him as a friend and gave him the knowledge needed to build the portal to bridge his nightmare realm with our world number 14. Ford's assistant fiddleford is none other than crazy Old Man McGucket number 15 when fiddleford dipped into the portal he saw a quote the kinds of places where Bill Cipher likes to hang out and his mind was permanently damaged number 16 to try to rid himself with a horrifying Visions McGucket started the Blind Eye Society invented the memory erasing gun to help himself and others forget the unwanted memories and yes there's a direct correlation between that device and McGucket losing his mind number 17. want to defend your home from Bill Cipher you'll need three moonstones Mercury and a lock of unicorn hair and we haven't seen bill go inside the mystery shot yet so it might have actually worked number 18 Ford is played by JK Simmons in case you're not aware he got a fair amount of attention this year for winning this little thing called an Academy Award for best supporting actor in Whiplash good thing Dipper and Mabel aren't looking for a jazz teacher number 19. some characters such as dipper Mabel and Candy only have four fingers whereas others like Grunkle Stan Seuss Grenda and Wendy have five number 20. among the New Riders of season 2 is Josh Weinstein who is perhaps most famous for being the showrunner on The Simpsons for the last two classic era Seasons number 21. at the age of 15 Hirsch appeared on David Letterman doing bird calls number 22. a Mabel's Good Deeds list you can see her Feats included sponsoring a clown taking out the trash and abolishing the Electoral College number 23 Gravity Falls got political in the episode the stanchurian candidate there was the Amira freedoms and Eagle kissing and the one-off campaign Cry of yes we Stan is an obvious homage to Obama's iconic 2010 campaign number 24. Ford implies to use the Mind Control tie in the 80s to control Ronald Reagan number 25. some of Ford's crimes include snack of Asian pickpocketing woodpecker baiting impersonating a dentist General indecency golf cart theft Bingo fraud telling jokes that go on and on and pug traffic in number 26 Jason Ritter the voice of Dipper played Jeb Bush in a 2008 biopic about George W bush number 27 Ritter is often kept in the dark about the show's Secrets early on Hirsch realized that Ritter was a bit of a blabbermouth and has since deliberately kept him out of the loop about true happenings in Gravity Falls number 28 if Mabel's voice sounds familiar to you there could be any number of reasons for that Kirsten Shaw is also Louise Belcher on Bob's Burgers Sarah Lynn on BoJack Horseman and Jake Jr on Adventure Time to name a few number 29 Kirsten Shaw isn't the only borrowed voice from Adventure Time Nikki Yang who voices does the voice for Candy Shu and John DiMaggio who plays Jake does the voice of manly Dan number 30. unsurprisingly Hirsch has been obsessed with codes and conspiracies since he was a child he says he recorded TV commercials on Windows 95 and would reverse them to see if he was being subliminally influenced to watch Pokemon by Japanese spies number 31 upon mayor befamil from its death we learned that he was raised by bears and may have started World War One number 32 you will never ever see an alien on Gravity Falls even though a UFO has appeared in the series Hersh has a distaste for showing actual aliens number 33 ironically enough aliens abound on a show in the Gravity Falls Universe Hirsch recently commented that the series exists in the same universe as Adult Swim's Rick and Morty number 34 for the eagle-eyed viewer in the Rick and Morty episode Close Encounters of the Rick kind a mystery shack mug comes flying out of the portal [Music] number 35 you can also see a visual of Bill Cipher on computer screen in the couple's Therapy Clinic in the episode Big Trouble in Little Sanchez number 36 Persian roylandov also given each other cameos on their respective shows first plays Toby Matthews on the episode Big Trouble in Little Sanchez and royland has a recurring role in Gravity Falls as Blendon Blandon number 37. another phenomenon you will never see on Gravity Falls is a wish-based story first dismisses it as quote a kids show cliche number 38 if you thought the discount auto warriors were an homage to Mad Max you're absolutely right number 39 one episode of Gravity Falls takes over a year to produce six months for boards two months for animatics six months for animation and two months for retakes and that doesn't even include writing the episodes number 40 because Gravity Falls is a script driven show most of the writing is done by the writers as opposed to the show like Adventure Time which is storyboard driven number 41 The Writer's room has two sides of cards on the wall one with potential character conflicts crisis life issues ETC and other others with potential monsters in Magic Fair the riding process largely involves mixing and matching these two kinds of problems and figuring out which can thematically complement each other number 42 creating the backgrounds on Gravity Falls is a three-step process first a rough sketch is sent in for approval then the backgrounds are Inked in by hand finally they're sent off to the painters so basically everything about the show is really really intricate hey everyone we're taking a quick break from Gravity Falls facts to let you know that we also have a movies and TV channel now it's called cinematica and this month is Star Wars month so if you're a big fan of movies and TV or Star Wars you should totally check it out and with that back to the facts number 43 despite the numerous references to David Lynch's Twin Peaks throughout the series Hirsch did not actually see Twin Peaks until he had already sold Gravity Falls a much more direct influence on Gravity Falls was the short-lived 90s kids show Erie Indiana versus said that it's quote unambiguously a rip-off number 44 artist Bridgette Berger who went to Cal Arts with Hirsch was asked to do the very first character studies for Gravity Falls quote Dipper is based on Alex as a kid and he should also have a hat Mabel wears hideous sweaters and is Alex's foil purse is only known for Wendy was maybe she's tall I don't know number 45 Joe Pitt who also worked on character design for the show shared another early sketch of Dipper looking especially scrawny and scratchier looking Pine number 46 the costume worn by Dipper in the inconvenience scene came from the childhood of one of the writers apparently when his parents would leave his sister would make him wear a lamb costume and prance around number 47 Bill Cipher is hersh's favorite character apparently the character was created early on in the development of the show number 48 when Hirsch was thinking about the design for Bill Cipher it struck him as hilarious to take the most ominous Illuminati looking symbol and slap Mr Peanut arms and legs on him and throw him into the mix number 49 stands first 4A in the con man ship with Sham total and his memorable tagline of it's a total sham is an obvious parody of sham wow which is not as blatant about its fraud and admittedly did not work by smearing everything with pain and number 50. Gravity Falls is in roadkill country number 51 hershis stated that giving Dipper and Mabel's parents on-screen personas would quote Rob the show of its entire being number 52 Robbie Valentine's band is Robbie V and the Tombstones we've seen some posters of Robbie wearing eye makeup and peeking from a tombstone with the text you're dead which looks promising number 53 the episode blendon's Game was originally going to end with different Mabel using their time wish to bring Seuss's son from the future to meet soos and assure him he's going to be an amazing father number 54 schmabolic's family has a continuous presence in Gravity Falls shimabolic senior is studied by Ford when he first arrives in Gravity Falls number 55 Hirsch only played Dungeons and Dragons once a Pendleton Ward from Adventure Time and Pat McHale Over the Garden Wall that didn't stop him from having an entire episode based around a game called dungeons Dungeons and more dungeons number 56 first built a bar in the Disney television offices he calls the bar Grunkle Stan's Bar number 57 one of the fast food establishments in Gravity Falls calls his number Jacks where Zeus can be seen ordering a kid's meal number 58 the voice of the wizard probabilitator was none other than Weird Al Yankovic a childhood hero of hershis which of course prompted hers to ask Weird Al to help create this ridiculous find number 59 after all that debate amongst fans it turns out that Stan's tattoo is a burn he incurred during his fight with Ford immediately before his brother's disappearance number 60 the supervising producer for Gravity Falls is Rob renzetti who is also the creator of my life is a Teenage Robot number 61. candy is fluent in Korean which makes sense since Nikki Yang also voices Lady Rainicorn in Adventure Time a character that literally only speaks in Korean number 62. one of the primary directors of season one Aaron Springer was also a writer and storyboard artist on SpongeBob SquarePants during its first 10 years and Annie's SpongeBob fan will tell you that those early years were the best years number 63 soos has admitted that he writes fan fiction about Stan number 64. hersh's First Love was The Simpsons so here we are doing a second 107 facts installment note other show has a second 107 facts installment That's right The Simpsons number 65. in the pilot Grunkle Stan's invitation have Dipper and Mabel choose any item from the gift shop exists solely as a trick for the audience to get to know the characters number 66 there's a cut extended fight scene from Double Dipper in which Dipper and Tyrone fight each other with toilet bowl cleaners and throw magazines at each other number 67 Dipper's mysterious novel series of choice is the sibling Brothers you can see him reading their novel The Telltale Fable of the unstable table before he goes to sleep number 68 in lieu of the twin ESP Dipper and Mabel's allergies act up around the same time number 69 the voice actor for Olmec from Legends of the Hidden Temple voices will waddles the pig at number 70. Linda Cardellini the voice of Wendy hasn't only solved mysteries in the cartoon realm she also played Velma in the live-action Scooby-Doo movie from 2002. number 71 Tyler the cute biker is now mayor of Gravity Falls purely because he's the only one who filled out the paperwork number 72 Stan's tourist attraction enemies are granny sweetkins yarn ball upside downtown log land corn maze and mystery Mountain number 73 mystery mountain is a parody of the Trees of Mystery which is located within Redwood State Park in California like mystery Mountain the tree is a mystery boast a museum and their very own gigantic Paul Bunyan statue number 74 magic has to be in every episode after the Airing of the second episode fans reacted very negatively to there being no sense of magic in the episode number 75 early on in production Hirsch was informed of another long mid-season Hiatus separating the season into two parts because of this foresight the Riders decide to ride and treat the two groups of episodes as their own Seasons this led to the idea of ending on a cliffhanger with the reveal of Grunkle Stan's brother number 76 absolutely no one's surprise grendes voiced by a man but that man Carl farullo is also a storyboard artist on shows such as Phineas Ferb and Sanjay and Craig number 77 lazy Susan got her lazy eye during the very first tour Stan gave of the soon to be Mystery Shack number 78 Susan's voice is none other than Jennifer Coolidge number 79 the first character Alex Hirsch ever Drew was Super Paper Bag Man Hirsch was in the second grade so he still had a ways to go number 80. Hirsch's main advice to aspiring writers and showrunners is the focus on the characters and to write what you know from your life experiences number 81 temporal landscape of the show is intended to mirror summer camp childhood is finite Hersh says that's why time moves forward and unfortunately the show can have seemingly endless Simpsons like run number 82 would hers pitch the show to Disney the thing he said he was the most excited about was the opportunity to make fun of his sister for 20 episodes a year number 83. Gravity Falls is the Disney Channel's first animated 22 minute serialized comedy number 84. legally Disney is not allowed to include any references to real life people products politics or religions unless granted permission otherwise an example of this was in the episode Headhunters Larry Keane granted permission mission for the use of his likeness and name number 85 Hirsch admits his sensibilities quote lean towards straight comedy and says he's used the magic realism and emotional sincerity present and Gravity Falls to round out the content number 86 Ford has 12 phds number 87. Grenda has a boyfriend Marius Von funs Hauser and Austrian Baron she met through the Northwest number 88 marius's voice is provided by Matt Chapman because nothing says dashing Baron likes strong death number 89 since summerween was built around the concept that the audience itself was going into the Mystery Shack and getting locked up by Grunkle Stan the original idea for the tag was for the audience to turn out to be M Night Shyamalan the entire time but alas M Night Shyamalan would not let them use his name or likeness number 90 what Pacifica Northwest is arguing with her parents in the episode Gulf War Disney insisted that all characters wear seat belts number 91 Hirsch really wants to do an episode where Grunkle Stan creates a cult and quote mock Scientology into the ground Hurst says that Stan is absolutely an alaron Hubbard type personality number 92 a question by fans about how he deals with censorship in children's cartoons he compared the experience to a chimp constantly beating you with a wiffle ball bat number 93 other than a few computer-generated Vehicles Gravity Falls is entirely hand-drawn like in the days of yore number 94 what common device in Gravity Falls is to quote take relationships that should be fraught with annoyance and Put a Little Love in there for example instead of this stereotypical situation of cops being hard on the rookie Hirsch thought it'd be funnier if the sheriff would be overjoyed every time his employee was inept and give him candy number 95 famous Gravity Falls fans include R.L Stein Bruce Springsteen and Jon Stewart Number 96 the horrifying sweaty one-armed monstrosity is voiced by none other than comedian Louis CK number 97 while Stan remains Grunkle Dipper and Mabel always go the extra mile and refer to Ford as great uncle number 98 Bill's Hench Maniacs are called eight ball cryptos teeth Keyhole hectorgon amorphous Veronica pacifier the being whose name must never be said otherwise known as xanthar and whatever those weird eyeball bats are called number 99 after the last episode weirdmageddon part one it doesn't look like Gravity Falls exists anymore so the show switched up the opening title sequence the original sequence now collapses upon itself when we get the weirdmageddon Edition with Bill and his cronies supplementing the protagonists number 100 if you play at the end of the credits in Reverse you'll hear Bill saying I'm watching you number 101 killing people isn't weird enough for Bill instead he prefers cruel and unusual punishment such as switching the orifices in your face or like Ford turning you into stone number 102 discarded names for weirdmageddon include oddpoc lips and bizarre mcgeddon weirdmageddon won because of its silly clumsiness Number 103 the visuals of weirdmageddon were in hersh's words everyone's imagination just uploading into this pocket of an episode number 104 before beginning production of Gravity Falls Alex was asked by Disney to help develop the show Fish Hooks he even directed The Pilot number 105. first is also known from the get-go that bill would cause an apocalyptic scenario number 106. Alex Hirsch stated at New York Comic-Con that he would be releasing a 288-page volume of the journals he guaranteed many mysteries about the history of Gravity Falls and even some Unsolved Mysteries of Bill would indeed be revealed and number 107 alrighted Hersh is always plotted out the beginning middle and end of the show for instance they have already solved the origin of the Magic in the town even 214 Max doesn't seem like quite enough thankfully we've got a third video with another 107. it's 107 Gravity Falls facts you should know part three I know we got really creative with that title you can thank us later what do you corn sweaters a Quantum destabilizer and sock operas have in common absolutely nothing unless you're in Gravity Falls of course hi I'm Alyssa with Channel frederator and we're here to check out even more facts this is 107 more more facts about gravity falls don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to become part of the notification Squad [Music] after three years two seasons and 40 episodes Gravity Falls came to an end on February 15 2016. Mabel and Dipper ended their crazy and memorable summer at the Mystery Shack just in time to celebrate their 13th birthdays the last episode of the series was written back in 2015. about a year before the finale aired since animation is such a slow process Trader Alex Hirsch had time to deal with the show ending as he knew there would not be a third season in fact Hirsch originally didn't want to make any more episodes after the first season he had written every episode of season one before the first episode had even aired and was concerned that people wouldn't like the show luckily Hirsch's friends Pat Mikhail creator of Over the Garden Wall and Jon Stewart encouraged him to continue the show for a second season he couldn't have left season 1 on such a cliffhanger for a long time persh wasn't even allowed to let anyone know that Gravity Falls was only going to be two seasons first put together a live-action alternate reality game called Cipher hunt which ran from July 20th through August 2nd of 2016. the goal of Cipher hunt was to find a statue of Bill Cipher by finding and decoding Clues hidden all over the world the first players to the Statue would received a prize but Hirsch argued that the hunt was more about the journey than the destination some of the locations players visit along the way are the Kazan Cathedral in Saint Petersburg Russia and Griffith Park in Los Angeles the first few locations of the hunt made the shape of Dipper's birthmark the Big Dipper when connected together for one prize during the hunt fans could decipher our username and password that allowed him to sign on to a Secret website and view the unaired original pilot for Gravity Falls the uneared pilot followed much of the same plot of tourist trap but with alter dialogue and wildly different character and art design it's an interesting look into what the show could have been British created the pilot in 2010 right after he graduated from Cal Arts by drawing most of the storyboard on Post-it notes Disney then Rush order the pilot from the studio where he was working at the time a low budget Flash animation joint in Canada this pilot was only 12 minutes half of what a regular Gravity Falls episode would be listened to Wendy and Sue's not making the final cut or the mysterious Journal 3. instead Dipper reads Dr crackpock's Book of the Dead which to be fair sounds like a pretty wild book in Taurus trap Dipper picks out his iconic Blue Pine Tree hat but this pilot shows Dipper wearing his hat throughout the episode Hirsch has spoken many times about the autobiographical nature of the show but cites the biggest inspiration as the dynamic between him and his twin sister Arielle every summer they were forced to visit the relatives out in the middle of nowhere with no internet TV or fun around for Miles this encouraged them to use their imaginations to fill the void and created a strong sibling bond for the monster of the weak format Chris Drew on his childhood obsession with the X-Files for him the show serves as a sort of wish fulfillment with each episode presenting the characters with new adventures that Hirsch wish he could have had when he was younger Hirsch was adamant in the writer's room that Mabel was not dumb she just likes to mess with people and have fun and she isn't worried about what others think of her Hersh did say Mabel story lines were more more difficult to write as their source of conflict comes from the clash between her fantasy world and the real world the character has to learn that she won't always get what she wants and she has to balance her expectations with reality Hersh hits some pretty deep and resonant notes in Gravity Falls and it makes sense that he didn't initially plan to write kids animation he started his work on the kids series only after Disney approached him to pitch what would become Gravity Falls the Simpsons were a huge comedic influence for Hirsch growing up and showed him that animation could be as funny and smart as live-action television first considered season one of the show to be an experiment I wrote most of the serialized Story Action into the background to keep the central plot episodic season 2 picked up on the groundwork late in the first season and came out with a more grounded and serialized Arc first usually watched fans reactions as new episodes would air but during the series finale he took a nap when he woke up he checked Twitter and was pleased with the overwhelmingly positive responses a real-life Journal 3 was released July 26 2016 written by Alex Hirsch and supervising producer story editor Rob brunsetti the real life journal 3 contains notes from Dipper and Mabel as well as new pages filled with monsters and Secrets never seen on the show there's even a special edition edition of the journal that shows extra content to be viewed on the pages with a black light Twin Peaks received one last shout out in the series finale when Kyle McLaughlin voiced the bus driver that takes Mabel and Dipper home Hersh always wanted to have McLaughlin on the show but could never find the right part so when the end was near her sent the actor a letter explaining how Dipper and Mabel are in many ways children of Twin Peaks and that would make sense for agent Cooper to be the one that takes them home though it was never said on the show Gravity Falls Journal 3 revealed that Dipper's real name is Mason according to the official Journal 3 at the end of the summer generals 1-3 were tossed into the bottomless pit which may or may not be a wormhole but who knows if that's really the end of them Stan and Ford have a younger brother named shermy shermy Pines as Mabel and Dipper's parental grandfather Hirsch confirmed that millions of years ago the entire bowl-shaped Valley of Gravity Falls was formed when a UFO crashed into the cliffs around the town and landed so the townspeople have bumped into little pieces of the UFO over time it's one of the many reasons why the town is such an unusual place in season one first originally outlined an episode of the parody of the film Labyrinth starring the late David Bowie in the episode the twins Brent Labyrinth Dipper keeps making fun of the movie so Mabel asked The King Of the Goblins to take him away there's also a subplot where it's revealed Dipper only hates the movie because he's scared of Puppets sadly the Disney execs thought young kids wouldn't get the references interestingly enough in Sock Opera Dipper has no problem with the sock puppets maybe he got over his fear and weird may get in one there's a scene where Dipper and Wendy are driving through weirdness bubbles they briefly become live-action versions of themselves played by their real-life voice actor counterpart station Ritter and Linda Cardellini in the series finale bill was originally going to sing a song about everything he'd do when he exits the rift first said that they started writing the musical number but cut it when they realized there wasn't enough time the Zodiac Shonen hinted at throughout the series was revealed in weirdmageddon 3 Take Back The Falls to be a mystical human energy circuit that can generate a force strong enough to defeat bill each character represents a symbol on the Zodiac in weirdmageddon 3. Dipper is a pine tree due to his hat Mabel is a shooting star because of her sweaters Gideon is the pentacle because he has the symbol on his cape and the tended telepathy Zeus is the question mark because of his shirt Ford is a six-fingered hand because of his polydactylism Robbie is the stitched heart due to his hoodie which he's had since the seventh grade Pacifica is the Llama seen on the sweater she borrows from Mabel and Stan is the fish-like symbol because of his Fez some of the symbols are more metaphorical like the spectacles representing the scholarly Old Man McGucket and Wendy is iced because she's cool and calm in the face of danger Ford and Stan finally get to fulfill their childhood dream of sailing around the world mentioned in a tale of two stands an early sketch of Mabel included headgear but hers decided against it thinking it would obscure her face too much Mabel's favorite anime movie is the cranky girl who did chores in spirit town and she's seen it over 82 times almost as many times as I've seen Spirited Away Gideon was partially inspired by a child's psychic hersh's mother saw on TV first felt like he would be a suitable and entertaining rival for Stan Mabel Dipper and Stan have all been in the county jail thanks to one of Stan's family fun days but only Stan has been to jail in Colombia if Stan wants to travel anywhere he's limited to cars boats and trains he was banned from airplanes after petitioning to get July 13th banned from the calendar Harrison said he picture specifica getting a job at greasy's Diner and working with Lazy Susan after her family loses Northwest Manor his favorite anime is neon crisis Revelations angry cute girl Annihilation it's a good pick but I wonder if he prefers the dubbed version Journal 2 contains information on how to summon Bill Cipher while Journal 3 has instructions on how to stop Bill if he is summoned smart thinking Ford Bill's original concept art had him as green instead of his iconic yellow he was eventually switched to the ladder after his green body looked too much like a leaf bill is like really really old he claims to be older than time or the universe which would make him about 13.8 billion cosmological years old he doesn't look a day over 30 to me it's revealed that bill is actually from the second dimension this might be a reference to the fact that Gravity Falls itself is a 2d animated show what do ancient Egyptians George Washington and Stanley Kubrick have in common they've all been enlisted by Bill to build this portal it was confirmed by Hirsch during a charity drawathon but Deputy Durland and Sheriff blubs are a couple the Mystery Shack was originally the home of Ford Pines and he lived there during his studies of Gravity Falls it was only after his brother had disappeared that Stan moved into the shack and turned it into the Mystery Shack in order to pay for its rent but before it was the Mystery Shack the ramshackle house was called the murder Hut when it first opened she stand glad you lightened up have you ever wondered what happened to giffany or is it jiffany either way don't worry she's not dead Hersh confirmed that big Fest 2016 in the Gravity Falls Journal 3 that she's still alive somewhere manly Dan was called boyish Dan when he was a boy so I wonder if that means he'll be called Old Man Dan when he's old Wendy's father makes her and her brothers train from the apocalypse during Christmas you gotta be prepared even during the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Mabel and Dipper make fake IDs so they can get into the bar downtown and the episode Headhunters their fake names are sir dipping sauce and Lady Mapleton aged 45 and 21. in the inconveniencing Mabel's dolphin halluciation ayoshima was named after Gravity Falls director John ayoshima onward yoshima Dipper's clones number three and number four disappear after they ride off with Robbie's bicycle at the end of Double Dipper they get one last appearance in the end credits of weirdmageddon 3 take back the falls Mabel is able to wear nachos as earrings with the help of some very sticky nacho cheese I'm jealous in irrational treasure Maple and Dipper discover that the Northwest cover-up document also states that Thomas Jefferson was actually just two kids in an Overcoat standing on each other's shoulders and an enormous evil time devouring baby From Another Dimension is Frozen in an Antarctic Glacier and I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg the pixel Sprites and fight fighters were animated by Paul Robertson who is known for Scott Pilgrim Vs the World the game and the FEDS in the cold open of summerween Mabel and Dipper pass a shelf of masks which are actually the faces of crew who work on the show look closely and you'll see John aoshima Eric Fountain and Matt Brawley when Mabel receives messages and bottles from Armando in the deep end one of the bottles says the bem which is her name backwards maybe that's how they spelled things under the sea before going to fight the bat in the kitchen and dreamscapers Dipper picks up a spoon in a saucepan which are both nicknames for the constellation the Big Dipper and Mabel Sunset sweater and dreamscapers was meant to represent the show's transition from a light to dark Series in Sock Opera Zeus and Stan's puppets are both made from paper bags rather than socks a for effort Stan the VHS clash of the genres is rated o for old people Little Gift Shop of Horrors originally had a twist ending where the visiting Taurus was revealed to be M Night Shyamalan it's revealed in blendon's game that soos lives on chambrot Drive which is a shout out to hersh's friend and inspiration for the character Jesus shimro Ford may have more than just the three journals we've seen in the last Mabel corn Ford's dream contains red and blue journals with yellow six-fingered hands on the covers as well as a brown journal with a yellow triangle on the front weirdmageddon part 1 is the only full-length episode of the series where Mabel does not speak if the opening theme of weirdmageddon 1 is reversed bill is heard saying I'm watching you nerds her said that the second half of season 2 covered the plot that was originally planned for season three ever wonder of Quentin trembly America's favorite lost president had more of a backstory hers wish he had more time to include all of his thoughts and theories about trembly significance with the scope of the show Stan was married to a woman in Maryland but she divorced him after being married for only six hours Persia's grandfather named Stan also had a wife named Marilyn according to Bill Cipher the worst deal he ever made involves baking with a man named Thomas J bill he also mentions that the ominous being on the other side of the mailbox is a real blabber mouth in Gravity Falls Journal 3 ghosts are read from eh not so deadly to demonic Vengeance Specter which is real bad the time baby can be easily distracted by jingling Keys which Hirsch mentioned in the in between the pine special the infinity sided die was brought back by Ford From Another Dimension it's currently locked in the underground laboratory for safekeeping in the series finale Stan Pines retires and gives ownership of the Mystery Shack to Seuss Hirsch has said his dream would have been to make a Gravity Falls feature film and at one point Disney discussed it with him in the end they decided the show wasn't big enough to Warrant it but Hirsch said if someone would give him 50 million dollars if you make a Gravity Falls movie come on guys let's get that Kickstarter going Gravity Falls was nominated for Choice TV animated show at the teen's Choice Awards every year from 2013 to 2016. Gravity Falls was nominated for an Emmy in 2014 and 2015 for outstanding individual achievement in animation Ian Worrell won for dreamscapers and Alonso Ramirez Ramos one for not what he seems hersen said that he remains open to continuing the series with additional episodes or a special since there are a couple more characters and plots he'd like to revisit someday while Gravity Falls is yet to release full seasons on DVD there are two featurette DVDs that contain episodes from the first season in February 2016 Disney XD released Take Back The Falls a game is so available on the watch Disney XD mobile app in the game the user could either be Mabel or Dipper and play through the events of weirdmageddon 3 Take Back The Falls the message at the end of the theme song in the series finale read backwards says goodbye Gravity Falls the series of Gravity Falls takes place from June to September 1st 2012. now that is one long summer alright we've done our history 101 with that timeline and we hit up 102 and 103 with all the facts now we're gonna relive some of the greatest gravity falls moments in the way that they were meant to be experienced through the episodes although let's be honest most folks probably spent about as much time if not more with the online fandom than actually watching the show which is a good thing but we've still got this list of the best 8 Gravity Falls episodes for you when viewers were first introduced to dipper Mabel in the Mystery Shack back in 2012 they had no idea they were about to embark on one of the craziest most engaging mystery stories ever committed to Television over the course of its Run gravity falls proved to be a Titan of genre storytelling transcending the animated format and standing toe-to-toe with fan favorites like the X-Files and Twin Peaks from dream demons to fraudulent psychics and Beyond the unraveling of the mystery of the journals and Dipper and Mabel's commitment to uncover the truth capture the hearts and minds of audiences young and old with so much quality material to dissect and appreciate Arden fans of Gravity Falls have strong opinions over what episodes are the series definitive best while we don't presume to speak for everyone we here at frederator are big fans of Gravity Falls ourselves so we wanted to take the time today to tell you what we think are some of the best episodes of Gravity Falls ever hopefully you'll agree so without further Ado my name is Tim and today on channel frederator we're counting down our top 8 Gravity Falls episodes let's get started first an honorable mention to all of the Gravity Falls shorts okay this one's a bit of a cheat since it's not a main episode or part of the main storyline but we really really dig the Gravity Falls shorts that were released on Disney XD while the show was on the air and if I'm being honest we included the shorts as a package deal mostly so we could talk about fixing it with Zeus which is both my personal favorite of the gravity falls short sketches and my favorite renovation show fixing it with Seuss hits close to home it captures the unbridled Joy of a passionate person with a limited knowledge of editing trying to share their gift to the world I can't help but smile every time I see green screen errors around suits his head really we just love Zeus and we're not alone in Mabel's Guide to dating soos ranks a 12 on the date ability scale the date ability scale is a scale from one to five Zeus is the perfect man all the other shorts are worth watching as well they give you more of what you want out of your favorite characters I just happen to think Zeus gets expanded a little bit by his two shorts and with that into real numbers number eight tourist trapped they say that the beginning is a good place to start and in making a list of the best Gravity Falls episodes we absolutely agree the show's pilot episode titled tourist trap does everything a pilot ought to do we meet the main characters and are introduced to the central mystery and establish the fact that Gravity Falls is one quirky town for this reason alone the episode is essential viewing for fans however not a show that settles for good enough the episode UPS the ante by showcasing the series potential for wacky weirdness right off the bat when Mabel decides she's on the hunt for an epic Summer Romance she meets Norman who's eventually outed as a stack of gnomes in Disguise there are funnier episodes and episodes with more intense drama and character filled moments but this sets the stage so well and gave us some of our favorite Gravity Falls moments including gnomes vomiting rainbows and the ever useful grappling hook number seven fight fighters who hasn't wished their favorite video game was real well in the episode fight fighters that's exactly what happens and just like any careful what you wish for a cautionary tale Dipper learns way too late that there's not a reset button on reality when Robbie challenges Dipper to a fight over a broken phone Dipper inadvertently summons and then recruit it's game character Rumble mcskirmish as a bodyguard however the 16-bit hero is not to be tamed and despite Dippers urging otherwise becomes a threat to all who stand in his way if you like video games and we know most of you do this episode is a playground of references and Winks to The Gaming Community and it's a great slice of nostalgia for anyone used to spending way too long mashing buttons and no it's not the kind of references where a show just says video games and expects you to applaud notably the original Donkey Kong and Street Fighter get shout outs I laughed way too hard at oh my car oh and for the pixel art they recruited legendary Paul Robertson pixel artist extraordinaire and would bring him back for Zeus and the real girl we like video games and we like seeing them acknowledged as legitimate sources of pop culture and the craftsmanship and love in this episode take it over the top Number Six Double Dipper slash karaoke as any tried and true Rocky Horror fan could tell you every Adventure into weirdness is better with a musical number Gravity Falls doesn't shy away from that notion and in particular Mabel is always ready to to bring on the Tunes in double dipper Mabel stands up for the less popular kids unleashing her vocal talents in the form of the suspiciously journey-esque Rock ballad don't stop unbelieving catapulted the episode into the territory of instant favorite and it's not the only instance of fun karaoke numbers the other Pines family members aren't so keen on karaoke but in the season 2 opener scary-oki they put aside their reservations when it's the only way to keep a zombie horde from overrunning The Shack it's a rocking and welcome return to the series second season and the song Stand Dipper and Mabel perform Taking Over Midnight is darn catchy wouldn't it be great if more forces of evil could be defeated with a killer tune anytime Mabel takes to the mic it's an automatic favorite from us also at the end of scaryoki Stan reveals something we've all been wondering about how can he not see all the Paranormal stuff going on well he does it's obvious after all I love this most shows that gear younger don't worry about things like this and Gravity Falls addresses it head-on number five A Tale of Two stands another Cornerstone episode of the show A Tale of Two stands is the game-changing episode we learn the secrets of Grunkle Stan and his past although earlier in the series Stan denied any knowledge of the supernatural we learned that he and his twin brother Ford are connected to the core mystery of the show and their own investigation into the world of weird led to forged disappearance years prior lending death to a character who was utilized to comedic effect the episode also reveals the level of compassion and caring Stan has for his family something he attempts to deny when Ford returns Stan makes an impassioned plea not to involve Dipper and Mabel in the mystery proving that he cares and he doesn't want the duo hurt I've heard from some people that they don't like the change in this Show's Dynamic from this point out since Dipper hangs out with Ford and Mabel gets cut out while I think there's some truth to it I think this episode answers the right questions and asks interesting new ones number four Dipper vs manliness in a world of monsters and ghouls there's still nothing Stranger Than growing up in the episode Dipper vs manliness Dipper tackles this problem when he decides that he's ready to become a man heading into the woods he encounters the manatar mythical creatures that embody masculine stereotypes after running a battery of tests to prove his masculinity Dipper learns that testosterone-driven Feats aren't as important as being a good person this episode reminds us that it's okay to be who you are and there's nothing wrong with growing up and growing as a person in your own time and way I also like that for all his teasing at the start of the episode Grunkle stands sides with Dipper on this one he's proud that Dipper stands up for himself even without hair on his chest or a deep voice number three Sock Opera a great scholar once said everything is better with puppets and who could disagree in the episode Sock Opera Mabel attempts to Stage a sock puppet rock opera to impress a local Puppeteer but when Dipper's body is possessed by Bill Cipher things go awry as they tend to do when demonic possession is involved with the battle for Dipper's body unfolding before a live audience the episode is at once a grave conflict between the cosmic forces of Good and Evil and a hilarious romp with sock puppets the juxtaposition between silly and scary is the very essence of what Gravity Falls is all about and we couldn't find a better episode to Showcase it in than one with sock puppets Mabel has a number of episodes about boys but this particular play at romance has the most thought and effort put into it and it shines also if this were an actual award distributed out I would nominate Sock Opera for best use of Ave Maria by a cartoon number two dreamscapers the first episode of season one's two-part finale dreamscapers is Gravity Falls at its finest serving as the introduction of series antagonist Bill Cipher the episode is a key moment in the show's history revealing just how far reaching the central mystery and threat goes up to this point in the show's narrative the biggest bad Dipper and Mabel faced was pint-sized psychic little Gideon but with the arrival of Bill the Pines learned that their minuscule foe was an appetizer for the challenges that would await them in the coming season Bill raises the stakes within seconds of his appearance I still wonder what bribe convinced standards and practices that the whole deer teeth thing was okay that said the episode doesn't just torment you for 20 minutes with most of the episode occurring in the dream world comedic relief happens without the need for explanation also this episode gave us the most 80s dream Boys in all of existence xyler and kras and finally number one the inconveniencing dipper Mabel Wendy and the town's teens all hang out in a spooky convenience store unfortunately their teen angst in texting Rouse angry spirits of the store's owners that's how they died after all their hearts couldn't take the hip-hop music the only thing that saves the gang is Dipper admitting that he's only 12 and doing the ever cute lamby lamby dance this episode encompasses everything Gravity Falls us about it's funny it's dark Dipper deals with insecurity Mabel learns to control impulses probably it's all there oh and it teaches you to look for hidden Clues by throwing in ones that are more obvious jokes since Dipper spends time looking for proof of ghosts your eyes are scanning the background as well and since you're looking you're primed to see the cereal box maze if you follow all the maze paths you'll realize there is no escape from The Maze here it's a gag but seeing one gag encourages you to look for more and then you're seeing Bill Cipher in the background and then you can't unsee Bill Cipher in the background in one stroke you're hunting for the mystery of Gravity Falls for being such a fantastic representation of the whole series and helping you look at the show Closer the inconveniencing takes top billing every list begets another and who am I to alter fate Gravity Falls is well known for its mysterious atmosphere mysterious characters and mysterious Mysteries it it's what kept people coming back week after week month after month year after year you're still here watching Gravity Falls content after all so why not indulge in a list of the top 7 Gravity Falls mysteries if you can think of any that we missed we'd love to hear about it down in the comments Gravity Falls has no shortage of mysteries both during its run and after it finished today we're going to take a look back at some of the best ones this show had to offer or how and why they were so good I'm Jeremy and these are the top 7 best mysteries from Gravity Falls number seven what is with the Northwest Family this one extends quite broadly Pacifica seemed like a basic bully but as is quite common with this show first appearances are often deceiving she's clearly been indoctrinated by her father to an unhealthy degree leaving her obsessed with high standards her father Preston Northwest had the same Obsession so it feels like Poetic Justice that he lost everything to Bill Cipher fact is the northwests are a long line of liars grifters and cheaters and have become fabulously Wealthy by doing so and as is neatly mirrored by the real world do everything in their power to keep it that way part of this was even lying about the founding of Gravity Falls itself but the true mystery is the Northwest Mansion while the part of the ghost haunting the Mansion itself was resolved more Mysteries remained The Mystery of the ghost's identity was actually revealed in the Gravity Falls Journal 3 published in 2016. he was actually Archibald corduroy yes ancestor of Wendy but that still leaves the question of the tapestry it's most definitely the people bowing down to Bill Cipher to a background of the world in Flames but this raises way more questions than it answers why do the northwests have this tapestry did they have prior knowledge of weirdmageddon and sought to take advantage for themselves or was Preston Northwest simply an opportunist trying to make the most of the situation Bill Cipher is everywhere yes but this is quite possibly the strangest place for him to show up and we never get an answer as to why then again that's what makes a mystery a mystery and it's all the more reason for us to keep talking about it number six who is Seuss's father this is definitely one of the saddest ones the fact that we never get an answer to this makes it all the more so if anyone deserved to be happy in this show it's the ever upbeat Zeus instead everything we see of Zeus's father points to him being a deadbeat doing everything in his power to never spend time with his family the fact that Seuss imagined his father to be a Mexican wrestler in the finale makes it even sadder that even though he barely knew the man he's still desperate for his approval he doesn't even remember his father's face and instead pictures it as they face you one shot in a hot sauce bottle on top of this Seuss Reveals His goal of trying to get adopted by Stan Pines and would even go so far as to legally change his name to Stan Junior which only makes his need for a father all the more tragic it's also impossible to say whether it's for the best or the worst that soos never actually gets to see his father again because compared to a Mexican wrestler who likes playing catch with his son basically everything would disappoint number five how did Gideon come by the second Journal this one is fairly self-explanatory because we can only speculate about it it's revealed at the end of the episode Gideon is introduced in that he has the second Journal we just don't know much more all we know is that he is obsessed with the power he thinks they can provide when that actually isn't the case but even though he wants them he knows painfully little about them logical deduction pointed him to there being at least one other one but he didn't even know that there was a third journal until he saw it in Dipper's possession and none of this explains how he got the second one the only clue we get is from Stanford himself because he said that he hid them considering his Brilliance he clearly didn't hide them well enough as both of them were discovered by children we know how Dipper found the third one pretty much by accident and while Gideon tries explaining the true nature of the journals to his father his version does seem a bit dramatically embellished let's say it could have been a mere coincidence just like Dipper but it's also possible that something tipped him off we will probably never know number four what do all the symbols mean there is no shortage of strange symbols showing up all around Gravity Falls a fairly persistent one is the Bill Cipher zodiac which finally gets its explanation in the finale but there are of course plenty that never get explained at all there are those on the alien ship Ford Pines discovered but also those in his journals plenty of which never get explained at all why doesn't you just write in English did he teach himself those different alphabets from existing sources or did he create them to have a more efficient way of writing down information even writes in binary which while fairly easy to decode is not an efficient way for a person to write something down especially Ford who has a noted distaste for computers the main beneficiaries of binary I decided to call up my old College buddy fiddleford McGucket a young but brilliant mechanic who was wasting his talent trying to make personal computers in some garage in Palo Alto even though the show is almost a decade old by now people are still speculating what everything means including us right now some of the symbols are from some kind of religious origin others from physics some from Alchemy and there are even those that are just gibberish but parsing out exactly which is which could keep a person busy for a long time number three what is the truth about the journals this one starts right in the first episode the fact that Dipper discovers the journal with a three on it of course suggests that there are two more and it's brilliant how the show takes its time gradually revealing more and more about them Gideon having the second one Stan Pines having the first it only gets you more invested and of course the biggest question of them all who is the author where there is a book there is an author and the fact that the show withholds this information from us for so long is Brave but also the best possible decision we'll get back to him later on because there are many more Mysteries surrounding him but for now suffice it to say that the reveal was well worth the wait and of course how come they are so complete and there is one little tidbit that you may not have known about there is a fourth Journal as noticed in Gravity Falls lost Legends but since we know nothing about it it doesn't get mentioned in the show and not even Ford himself hints that it exists it's very likely that this is a gag at the expense of the audience but who knows Gravity Falls is known for having things be more important than they first appear so it could very easily be more than that number two what does Bill Cipher want Bill Cipher is one of the biggest enigmas the show has to offer again Journal 3 does offer some insight into him it's revealed that he came from something called The Second Dimension a place that he despised so much that he ended up plunging it into burning chaos but this left him stuck in the nightmare realm a lawless Place With No consistent physics he was unable to take physical form yet but was still incredibly powerful inside the nightmare realm he used his Millennia of knowledge to lure Stanford Pines in with Promises of wisdom which is all a lie of course but he doesn't actually answer the question of what he wants he talks about his history but nothing about that actually relates to the human realm if nothing else it appears to be just another place for him to laud his power over something he can rule and uses his own giant sandbox after all that's the thing about Bill Cipher he's all-powerful yes but he's also arrogant vain sadistic and has a constant desire for praise nothing would ever satisfy him and that that turns out to be his downfall but because of that we never know the exact motivation he had for taking over the world was it a quest for power a desire to build a home of his own regain the approval of a lost parent or maybe he just enjoys watching the world burn it's impossible to tell the one thing that doesn't touch on is how omnipresent Bill Cipher is in Gravity Falls as mentioned he's in the Northwest Mansion but also in the Mystery Shack the backs of playing cards the negative 12 dollar bill on arcade games on DVD boxes and as graffiti on fences in fact Bill Cipher's reach isn't limited to Gravity Falls he's been spotted in the Owl House amphibia star vs the forces of evil Rick and Morty DuckTales and even in the Simpsons now it's perfectly possible all of these are just jokes so that we keep talking about him making me the butt of this joke but it's more fun to think of this as Bill's multi-dimensional reach number one what is Stan Pines up to this mystery proves that there is nothing quite like a good buildup and man does it have a suitable payoff as early as episode 1 we see that he is working on something that he doesn't want anyone to know about but that's not all he has a mark on his shoulder later revealed to be an accidental brand but most of all the fact that he is never honest about his past until after his goal is accomplished we know that he's a con artist great at grifting people out of their money but at the same time does have a genuine affection for Dipper and Mabel but of course the culmination of his story is the episode not what he seems generally held to be the very best episode of Gravity Falls the moment where Mabel let's go and trusts him has been immortalized Everywhere by fans of the show and the fact that the entire mystery surrounding Stan Pines was all building up to the reveal of the author of the journals themselves and the author is his long-lost brother it's definitely something else not only that but the fact that the showrunners had the guts to let this mystery run its course is not something you see very much of anymore these days the reveal that he had Journal 1 all along hits like a bomb and the fact that it comes at the end of the first season is such a great Cliffhanger it's almost cruel I'd go so far as to say that it's basically a more tantalizing aspect of the season one finale than the pine twins beating Gideon at his own game but now I'm going a little bit far and of course there are the new theories coming out of the owl house that he was actually married to Ida for a day before she left him again it's speculation but it's a fun Theory going back to not what he seems adding the real Stanford Pines to the mix of characters is brilliant an amazing counterweight to Stanley's common ways and someone to complement Dipper's intelligence it's also clever that they didn't add him to the mix too soon as having an expert on hand would make things too easy for Dipper to solve everything everything here is perfectly balanced the build up the payoff the amount of hints it drops to keep us invested and it all comes together to form the best mystery that Gravity Falls has to offer and that's it the seven best Mysteries that Gravity Falls has to offer what's your favorite or have you solved any of the ones we mentioned here here are some more Mysteries these ones are even more mysterious if you can believe it the top 10 Gravity Falls mysteries that may never be solved the world of Gravity Falls is ending and not because an omniscient master of chaos has claimed the universe as his own well actually okay yeah it is because of that but also because the one hour special weirdmageddon part 3 marks the end of the series and hopefully answering some of the big questions remaining about gravity falls however there's too many Loose Ends lying around to tie up in a single episode whether it's outside the scope of the story or the result of a quirk in the show's production there are many Mysteries that might just be left open-ended forever but what's a mystery show without some Unsolved Mysteries anyway a three-year q a a documentary NBC's Dateline my name is Tim and today on channel frederator we have 10 Gravity Falls mysteries that may never be solved and in case this wasn't super duper obvious there are spoilers ahead number 10. what's Dipper's first name we already know that Dipper gets his nickname from his constellation-shaped birthmark but his original given name has gone unspoken so far not even by Mabel his first name could possibly be dropped in the final episode maybe Bill Cipher is going to taunt him with his omniscience but it might be more fun left unknown show writer Jeffrey Rowe joked on Twitter that Dipper's real name is lamonique I would go by Dipper too if that was my real name or even better Tyrone number nine who is that baby at one point in Stan and Ford's life story in a tale of two stands we can see that Stan's mother is holding a baby both Ford and Stan are great uncles to Dipper and Mabel so there must be a third sibling whose Dipper and Mabel's grandparent and Stan introduces the young twins to Fort as shermi's grandkids so is the baby the infant father of Mabel and Dipper if he was he'd be at the rifle age of 40 today given that Stan was around 18 in the flashback is a bit young to be a grandparent did the Pines family have another surprise after shermy or is that shermi's baby who needs a little help being raised by shermi's parents number eight what's with everyone's fingers Dipper and Mabel's great uncle Ford is Iconic for his six-finger hands his Polydactyly precedes him on the cover of each of his three journals however his digit count shouldn't be that out of place considering the finger number varies quite a bit in Gravity Falls While most of the regular residents have the cartoon classic four-fingered hands many notable characters are equipped with five including but not limited to Grunkle Stan Zeus Gideon and Old Man McGucket while perhaps some characters have more fingers to match their larger frame Wendy's wiry friends Lee and Nate also have five fingers could the varying number of fingers be an arbitrary Choice by the show's animators or another strange property of Gravity Falls also in case you were wondering finger number varies between the creatures in Gravity Falls too for example the Gnomes have four fingers while the manatars have five number seven where did Robbie get his CD fans have always suspected Robbie Valentino was more than he appears after all his Stitch harp does have a space on Bill Cipher's wheel but attempts to connect him to to the supernatural have been somewhat dubious sure he looks a little Undead and he has a propensity for Death In His band's aesthetic but what angsty teenager doesn't props probably no more a zombie than Norman was although Norman was a set of gnomes so what's mysterious though is the CD he used to win Wendy's heart in the episode boys crazy back in season one while rawi suggests the CD is by some band the case looks very much like a Necronomicon for a Love Song and looks like an item Dipper or Gideon might find with the help of Ford's journals its Origins and how Robbie found it remain unknown to this day also even with a full hour it's probably not the kind of thing you want to spend a lot of time on number six what's the deal with gold everybody's been buying gold for the end times or at least that's what Stan Pines thinks everyone should be doing though it's not entirely clear what the gold will be good for sure it's a reliable source of wealth when interest is rocketing up but if it's the weirdmageddon we're talking about that money could better be spent on food and supplies there's different kinds of Doomsday and they need different perhaps I've marathoned the show Doomsday prepper before so I know all this Stan's goldski might sound like it's from a crackpot conspiracy theorist except Bill Cipher gives the same advice in the episode dreamscapers could gold somehow be instrumental to survival in the ruins of civilization but then if it was why would Bill give any advice maybe they've just all been reading gold chains for Old Men magazine also in weirdmageddon Bill turns Ford into metal so he can probably transmute things into gold I'm not sure why you would need to buy it earlier number five did the UFO crash cause the weirdness we finally get an answer to the floating Cliffs mystery when Dipper and Ford take a day trip to the ancient spacecraft that carved the Gravity Falls Valley millions of years ago Ford's research has led him to believe that the high number of anomalies in Gravity Falls might be caused by a local structural weakness in reality allowing the properties of other dimensions to leak in is it possible that this dimensional weakness was caused by the UFO dedicated fans discovered that the alien Engravings inside of the ship mention a probability drive engine a reference to the infinite improbability drive from Douglas items The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the infinite improbability device is known for causing weird side effects such as transforming two thermonuclear missiles into a whale and a sentient potted petunia so it's not too far off to Guess that the alien's probability Drive is still operating and causing Gravity Falls as strange happenings or was the UFO attracted to Gravity Falls strangeness the ship crashed millions of years ago but Bill Cipher's entrance into Gravity Falls was prophesized a billion years ago maybe the craft was just another domino in the long chain of events leading up to weirdmageddon as Ford said the answer is yet unknown number four is the shape-shifter in Alien The Shape Shifter we meet in Into the Bunker is later hinted to have been hatched by Ford in a tale of two stands there are many strange creatures that inhabit Gravity Falls but something about the shapeshifter seems extra alien the brown writing that Dipper spots inside the downed UFO alludes to the shape-shifter when translated specimen has escaped is changing forms this seems to suggest that the shape-shifter we meet is descended from an escaped alien lab experiment however as mentioned before we don't know if the aliens caused the weirdness or the weirdness caused the aliens maybe the spaceship came to Gravity Falls to collect strange and interesting specimens native to Earth only to end up crashing on the planet if they were going for strange and interesting animals they should have gone for the Platypus I mean yeah shapeshifter's pretty nuts but the Platypus still looks faked number three who prophesized weirdmageddon When Gravity Falls becomes Earth and Sky fear the Beast with just one eye fiddleford McGucket echoed those words after a brief dip into another realm of existence hinting at the rise of the one-eyed demon Bill Cipher who put those words into mcgucket's mouth most likely Bill himself as McGucket uttered his name albeit backwards before speaking the warning however Bill might not be the original author of The Prophecy when Bill breaks the container holding the interdimensional rift and breaks into Gravity Falls he exclaims the event 1 billion years prophesied has finally come to pass that just begs the question who wrote The Prophecy it couldn't have been anyone on Earth one billion years ago was before multicellular life was a thing unless one of the the time travelers in time baby's Force went back in time to warn the world about Bill Cipher though one billion years before his arrival does seem a little out of the way and would lack an audience number two how has Gravity Falls connected to the world of Rick and Morty very astute fans have spotted Stan's mug and notepad that fell into a portal falling out of one of Rick's portal in close Rick counters of the Rick kind from Rick and Morty where Stan's objects flying out of Rick's portal just to nod to Gravity Falls after all Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roland is personal friends with Gravity Falls Creator Alex Hirsch and both shows make allusions to having an infinite number of universes could it be that Gravity Falls and Rick and Morty inhabit the same Multiverse fan artists have already drawn comparisons between the age Dimension hopping scientists Ford and Rick and their respective pubescent counterparts Dipper and Morty when asked about the possibility of a crossover episode Alex Hirsch only teased saying so far we found that these little winking knots between our shows strike the right balance I can't say whether or not there will be more but I can say say that we'd like to confuse and amuse people so who the hell knows weirder things have happened in both shows and in real life and finally number one what does Bill Cipher's wheel mean Bill Cipher's wheel is probably the most and longest speculated on piece of cryptology in Gravity Falls it's been there from the very beginning and seems to hold the answers to questions that haven't even been asked yet clearly many of the symbols on the wheel stand for major characters in the show however the meaning of some of the other symbols are more ambiguous for example fan Theory suggests the ice bag could represent Wendy because Dipper fetched her ice in The Time Traveler's Pig but it could also represent Thompson who gets ice poured down his pants and now that Ford has made an appearance it's not clear whether he's supposed to be represented by the glasses or the six-fingered hand but what does it all mean anyway there are many many theories out there but perhaps the wheel is more of a symbol while it has an in-universe presence its formation and symbols have appeared different in the stanchurian candidate the wheel that Gideon draws has the symbols in a different order than it's written in the book look the six-fingered hand has been replaced by the journal and the Crescent shape was updated to match Stan's change of Fez it may be that the details of Bill's wheel are not as universal as investigators might hope and while it might play a meaningful role in the final episode of Gravity Falls at this point it's all just speculation now that those Mysteries are firmly planted in your mind Garden here's an interdimensional mind Gardener you all know him as Bill Cipher but I know him as he's unknowable he's super powerful he's a fan favorite for many reasons so of course we just had to make him the star of his own 107 facts video just don't tell him I don't know how he'd react this is 107 Bill Cipher facts you should know he is the all-powerful being that hails from The Nightmare realm and beyond all knowing and yet unknowable Bill Cipher's very being is incomprehensible to us Mortals but that doesn't mean I won't try here are 107 facts about Gravity Falls Public and Cosmic Enemy Number One Bill Cipher number one just looking at him Bill Cipher's design is based on the Eye of Providence that pyramid with the eyeball design you see on the back of dollar bills number two of course in the universe of Gravity Falls the Eye of Providence actually comes from him need to give credit where credit's due number three playing into the whole dollar bill angle Bill Cipher was originally colored green not yellow number four however one of the artists felt that the first green design made him look too much like Elite so they eventually changed his color to yellow number five even his name is a reference to money Bill is like a dollar bill and Cipher is like a code number six Gravity Falls Creator Alex Hirsch designed Bill Cipher himself number seven Alex Hirsch is even the one who voices Bill Cipher in the show number eight Hirsch described his voice for Bill as a bad impression of famous director David Lynch the Gravity Falls crew actually asked Lynch to play bill but he declined number nine when Hirsch first created Bill Cipher the character was just supposed to be a one-off only to appear in one episode over time Hirsch and the writers changed Bill to be the main antagonist as he became more and more interwoven within the Gravity Falls lore number 10 we know him as truly evil but Bill wasn't always planned to be so he was originally written as more of a trickster not good or evil just out to give people headaches number 11. originally Bill Cipher was named Bill black Hersh thought the name black would fit his dark and mysterious personality number 12. however Disney stepped in were worried that they'd be sued by the real-life Bill black number 13 as for the real-life Bill black I'm not entirely sure who Disney was specifically worried about the most famous Bill black I could find was the bassist in Elvis Presley's original band Trio the dude died in 1965 so maybe Disney was worried about being sued by any and all remaining Bill blacks number 14 point is Hirsch and the Gravity Falls team were forced to change Bill's name so they went with Cipher because they thought that also sounded dark and mysterious number 15 nothing says dark and mysterious quite like the Illuminati being based on the Eye of Providence or vice versa according to the show's lore Bill Cipher is also a reference to the Illuminati number 16 like the Illuminati Bill Cipher has had a direct influence over history again in the world of Gravity Falls ancient Egyptians tried to build him a portal but it only worked for 10 minutes now number 17 all the portal managed to do was free a jackal-headed man from The Nightmare realm we know him better as Anubis the Egyptian god of the Dead number 18. Bill Cipher was so angry with the failed portals that he tormented the ancient Egyptians with nightmares as punishment in response they built giant Stone tributes to Bill begging him to stop number 19 those tributes are the Great Pyramids the arms and top hats that they were originally built with have since fallen off number 20 Bill Cipher even had an influence on American history he's the one who gave George Washington inside info on how to beat the British and win the American Revolution number 21 like the ancient Egyptians Washington's portal for bill was a bust he constructed a steam-powered one but it sank into a swamp as punishment Bill also gave Washington horrible nightmares number 22 Washington's nightmares were so bad that he ground his teeth to dust and needed wooden replacements number 23 to appease Bill Cipher and end his constant nightmares Washington put him on the one dollar bill as the Eye of Providence that we know it to be number 24. even more recently Bill Cipher helped Stanley Kubrick fake the moon landing in the late 1960s number 25 here was the deal that they'd worked out Kubrick would get his moon landing and these subsequent career boost NASA would get to the moon before the Russians in the height of the Cold War and Bill would get his own portal courtesy of NASA number 26 well Kubrick wasn't able to convince NASA to go for the portal when the bad news hit Bill he decided to take it out on Kubrick number 27 of course he gave Kubrick horrible nightmares but they actually ended up helping him out with his film career Kubrick would recycle the disturbing imagery in films Like A Clockwork Orange and The Shining number 28 so why is Bill Cipher so powerful well he's a dream demon of course directly from from The Nightmare realm number 29 he's not made out of any kind of Flesh and Bone but instead Pure Energy number 30 Bill Cipher wasn't originally from The Nightmare realm though trillions of years ago he resided in his second dimension a place of flat minds and a flat world with flat dreams as Bill puts it number 31 this makes Bill older than the universe and even time itself number 32 Villa managed to escape from the second dimension but only by immolating the entire Dimension and everyone in it including his own parrots number 33 as he was traveling between Dimensions Bill ultimately came to control the nightmare realm a dark undulating chaotic space between Dimensions where chaos Reigns number 34 with chaos being the name of the game Bill Cipher came to understand that the nightmare realm was doomed to collapse in on itself number 35 luckily for him Bill also happened upon a prophecy stating that he would merge the nightmare realm any Third Dimension and so he reached out to humans to accomplish this goal number 36 trouble was he had no physical form within the nightmare realm so he was forced to reach out to humans through their dreams he adopted the name Bill Cipher to make it easier to communicate with them number 37 no one knows what his original name was from the second dimension or even in the nightmare realm apparently if a mortal were to hear Bill's true name they would evaporate with an expression of horror and ecstasy on their face number 38 the first human bill ever contacted was Modoc the wise a shaman of the Native group that lived in Oregon where the town of Gravity Falls would eventually be founded number 39 as he did with George Washington and the Egyptians Bill tasked Modoc with constructing a portal due to his limited Tech capabilities Modoc could only make it out of Twigs number 40. when Modoc discovered the eventual apocalyptic result of his dealings with Bill he lit himself on fire to prevent it from happening number 41 soon after the other natives found a way to defeat bill with a zodiac of 10 symbols they created cave paintings detailing their encounter with Bill an incantation to summon him and a foreboding warning to never read the incantation out loud from there the natives evacuated deeming their old home cursed land due to Bill number 42 the rest is history go check out Gravity Falls if you want the whole story as you watch the show keep an eye out for Bill Cipher you can see images of him throughout the entire Series in that sense he appears in every episode of the show number 43 any image of Bill you see you can see through too that means he's always watching he is the abyss that stares back number 44 these tiny Bill Easter eggs were deliberately included by the creators of the show as a way to let the audience know that bill was always keeping tabs on the Pines family number 45 he is plastered all over the Pines base of operations the Mystery Shack he's a part of the a in the Mystery Shack side appears on the rug in the gift shop and is also part of the red stained glass window in the Attic number 46 not all of Bill's appearances are front and center though Bill pops up on a jar of paint brushes labeled biljar and Headhunters he's also on the back of a deck of cards in The Time Traveler's Pig you can even see build on a tube of makeup in carpet DM number 47 in one particular appearance Bill shows up in journal 2 on the 12 bill the bill says semper vigilantum translated from Latin means always watching a haunting hint alluding to Bill's omnipresence number 48 in fact bill is so omnipresent that he even makes Cameo appearances in other shows he pops up a couple of times on Rick and Morty one being on a computer monitor in Big Trouble in Little Sanchez number 49 you can see a poster of him in sophomore slump an episode of Star vs the forces of evil he also appears a number of times in the new DuckTales number 50 while those appearances are less obvious there is one instance where you can't possibly miss him in the Simpsons in the episode Bart's in jail Bill Cipher appears in a mass hallucination in this instance he's actually the Norse god Loki who says Bill Cipher is one of his forms he's even voiced by Alex Hirsch number 51 bill is no stranger to appearances in the real world too in 2013 Alex Hirsch and the Gravity Falls crew took a four-day road trip through Oregon and Northern California number 52 dubbed the Mystery Tour 2013 the idea was to find the weirdest tourist traps across the region and leave drawings of Bill Cipher behind number 53 Hirsch and the crew would draw Bill Cipher on everything from garbage cans telephone poles at random signs taking pictures of the drawings and tweeting them out along the way number 54. from there the Gravity Falls team issued a challenge if fans found to build drawings and posted pictures of themselves at those spots they would receive mystery prizes number 55 the events of Gravity Falls and Bill Cipher's evil schemes culminate in the final showdown as depicted in weirdmageddon Parts one through three for weirdmageddon part 1 bill was actually going to have his own villain song number 56 Bill's would-be song was called it's gonna get weird but was ultimately cut from the episode due to time restraints number 57 you can actually still hear this song and watch the full accompanying animatic on YouTube the song also appears as a deleted scene in the special features section of the Gravity Falls series box set number 58 at the end of weirdmageddon part 3 Ville is defeated and turned into a photorealistic stone statue the Gravity Falls creators actually had a statue of Bill made number 59 the end of the episode even teased the possibility that this real Statue was hidden somewhere in the world the image is accompanied by an encoded hint that includes the phrases deep within the woods and Beyond The Rusty Gates number 60 a few months after the finale of Gravity Falls Alex Hirsch challenged fans everywhere to try and find the Statue and so the cipher hunt was officially underway number 61 Hirsch came up with the idea when he knew the series was coming to a close he wanted to give fans one last mystery in a way that no show had ever done so he went with an augmented reality game the earlier Mystery Tour was kind of an ARG proof of concept for Gravity Falls number 62 to make the statue itself Hirsch Enlisted the help of fun Davis a prop master and judge on BattleBots number 63 to make sure the statue was built to weather the elements Davis made it out of plexiglass from there he covered it with glue that had seeds mixed into it giving it that overgrown look like it's been lost in the wilderness for years number 64 with the Statue made Hirsch needed to fight a spot for it he ended up heading to Reedsport Oregon where he found a woman who was down to let him hide it on her property for people to find number 65. from there hers traveled around the world leaving little hints for the cipher hunt as he went along number 66 with all of the clues and hints laid Hirsch officially announced Cipher hunt on July 20th 2016. number 67 but first he laid out a few ground rules first he made sure to clarify that the entire game was completely unofficial not Disney nor any other company had anything to do with it Cipher hunt was entirely Alex Hirsch's creation number 68 next he was clear about discouraging trespassing and vandalism Hirsch assured fans that every hint was in a public space and told people to mind their surroundings and be respectful comparing the cipher hunt to playing Pokemon go number 69 the final and arguably most important rule was thus if you happen to find the Bill Cipher statue do not shake his head number 70 and so Hirsch tweeted the first image with a number of coded hints along with the hashtag flskhukx q w shifting those letters three letters back the letters read out as the hashtag cipherhunt number 71 using the same three letter Cipher Hunters translated messages in the tweeted image which read the urban legend has come true Cipher's statue calling you the secret map is in your hand to trace the clues across the land and the other red don't forget it's all for pleasure the hunt itself the real treasure but a prize awaits the first one there be safe be smart and of course beware number 72 while those hints were more of an introduction the first real hint was quickly discovered across both messages the letters in red spelled out Russia sure enough the first clue was found in the Kazan Cathedral in Saint Petersburg number 73 the clue has is a line that reads switch your rubles out for Yen confirming Japan as the location of the next hint number 74 more specifically the hint gave instructions to enter a shrine with specific directions to follow until you reach the leftmost corner in the back of the shrine and that a sword and a crescent Mark the clue number 75 following the directions somebody found a spot with that exact description locating the second hint inside of the condom yojin Shrine number 76 part of this second hint read the hunter of the Fountain of Youth 400 before his name is written another key hint read find what's lost in all caps to pass the test from a shrine that's East to a shrine that's West number 77 fans found a poster at 400 Ponce De Leon Avenue Northeast in Atlanta Georgia the poster was a missing person poster for Waddles with lost right at the top number 78 while the poster had some information about Waddles including his weight and when he was last seen there was also an encrypted message that when decoded read across from the stones of the Springs you'll find some peculiar things tied to a root is a lone Pink Key dig to find what waits for thee number 79 but that's not all another key hint was a phone number when called the phone number plays a message in Reverse played properly it's a message from Grunkle Stan number 80. in his message Grunkle Stan played by Alex Hirsch of course said the next clue was at ocher court a big old building in Rhode Island he also said to look behind a picture of a Nun Sister Mary Hilda Miley the ocher court he's referring to is a building at South Regina University in Newport Rhode Island number 81 trouble was University staff accidentally trashed the hint before the game even started leaving Cipher Hunters empty-handed the university itself even tweeted out that there were no hints on campus but wish the Hunter's luck number 82 thankfully Cipher hunt hadn't hit a dead end Gravity Falls cipher tweeted out some hints including one reminding Hunters of the Pink Key hint and another that read returned to what was and try again while waiting for something new number 83 Hunters took this to mean that there's another hint back in Atlanta until Alex Hirsch tweeted Grunkle Stan's phone number advising Hunters to leave a message number 84. this time Grunkle Stan gave the hint a man whose first name is his last a statue honoring his pass right behind him by the sign of his Park a golden head shows light in the dark number 85 not long after Hunters found the fourth hint near the Griffith J Griffith statue in Los Angeles's Griffith Park this clue was a piece of paper and an invisible ink pen inside of a golden Grunkle Stan head number 86 the next few hints saw Cipher Hunters bouncing around along the west coast a few more hints then popped up in La Piedmont and even some in Oregon the hunters were getting closer number 87 the clues started becoming increasingly more complex too including cryptex wheels locked PO Boxes and even a jigsaw puzzle number 88 one hint was found completely by accident in Portland Oregon a fan was walking alone and noticed a garden gnome they knew a gnome was part of the game so they picked it up on a whim and found a viewfinder leading to another hint number 89 the gnome's location was supposed to be revealed on the jigsaw puzzle so to incentivize the hunter finishing the now revealed clue Alex Hirsch promised to sign the completed puzzle and release the pilot of Gravity Falls number 90 the hint in the viewfinder under the garden gnome pointed to confusion Hill in Mendocino County California there you could find a little gift shop not unlike the Mystery Shack using a special password philbrick a fan bought a jar of fake eyeballs with the next clue written on the underside of the lid number 91 on the next few hints pointed to various spots in Oregon until finally with a hint from Alex Hirsch and an entire polybius based decoding the last clue was revealed Reedsport Oregon number 92 using a sort of treasure map that was an earlier clue fans quickly found Bill Cipher's specific location once they'd narrowed down the city number 93 the first one to get there was a cipher Hunter who at the time went by at Shadow underscore wolf wind on Twitter she found the statue on August 2nd 2016 at 7 53 PM PDT and with that the hunt was over number 94 other fans soon arrived and took pictures with the Statue even shaking its hand clearly breaking the most important rule number 95 the hunters all worked together to dig up a treasure chest buried in front of the statue the chest contained a bunch of stuff including fake coins real Russian and Japanese currency a plastic crown and a sash that read mayor of Gravity Falls Number 96 also the treasure chest contained a copy of Journal 3 with a special message from Alex Hirsch saying that whoever found the treasure would be the new mayor of Gravity Falls sure enough with hersh's blessing at Shadow underscore wolf wind changed her Twitter officially to at official GF mayor number 97 while she was the new mayor on the books off the books she was not actually the first one to find the Statue see among the treasure much of the plastic money was marked with the name Bradley number 98 on July 12 2016 before the cipher hunt had even officially started a Reedsport local named Bradley happened upon the Bill Cipher statue he had never seen the show so he was confused number 99 to get some answers Bradley took a picture of the Statue and asked around on an unsolved mystery subreddit to little Avail luckily the user behind at the mystery of gf's Twitter found his pose before any Hunters did number 100 sure enough Bradley was put into contact with Alex Hirsch who explained the whole situation to him rewarding him with 100 in exchange for his discretion until the hunt was over number 101 the next day August 3rd the Bill Cipher statue was actually taken by local authorities due to a dispute over whose property the statue was actually on in the transport process the statue's Hat broke off number 102 while the statue was held at the police station someone actually stole the Hat telling police that it was theirs to this day that original hat has never been recovered Number 103 in the end the Bill Cipher statue now resides back in confusion Hill California complete with a new hat there's even a new treasure box the shop keeps behind the counter a larger one to hold things that fans leave behind as a tribute to Bill and the cipher hunt number 104 before Bill Cipher was erased from existence at the end of Gravity Falls in 2015 he did hold a 60-minute ask me anything on Reddit to answer questions from fans directly number 105 he took the opportunity to clarify a few interesting points for one he briefly explained that using dream catchers won't keep him from evading your dreams they just tickle him number 106. if you were wondering his favorite solar system is that of tigiac for the record that is what Earth was once called according to Scientology number 107 oh when he also answered the most burning question of all despite his seemingly infinite Powers no Bill Cipher cannot see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch he admitted so himself thanks to the very nature of Gravity Falls plenty goes unexplained much of the history of the Tiny Town is left shrouded in darkness only revealed through newspaper clippings and quick character moments in fact all those Mysteries we just went through only added to the collective cluster Funk that made fans brains fire on all cylinders to keep you postulating and prophesizing here are the top Gravity Falls theories featuring lootunes since our Gravity Falls episode last year the show has aired another season and naturally has sparked like a million more conspiracies seriously this season has been crazy from zombies to terrifying shape-shifters to suck puppet operas and we're finally getting answers to some of our biggest theories so many Mysteries have been solved but now even more questions are being asked it was way too hard to pick just one so today Chad and I are here to cover our favorite Gravity Falls conspiracies from season two so far and obviously if you haven't caught up with season two or haven't even seen Gravity Falls we will be covering some very very big spoilers so take this as your warning now here are our top Gravity Falls conspiracies Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls are connected Yes Rick and Morty the hilariously raunchy Adult Swim show about a doc brown-like Grandpa his wimpy grandkid and their Adventures Across the Universe could it be tied to Disney's Gravity Falls while in the Gravity Falls episode Society of the Blind Eye Grunkle Stan's pen notepad and mug gets sucked into the portal in Rick and Morty close Rick Encounters of a rick kind a pen notepad and mug fall through a portal onto another planet and you could tell it's the same ones because of the question mark on the mug now we don't know much about Stan's portal yet but we've got a pretty good idea that it transcends our universe now right now nothing has been confirmed about a connection between either shows and it just kind of exists as an Easter egg but we know for sure it was intentional because both creators Alex Hirsch and Justin Roiland are friends in fact Roland even lends his voice to the Gravity Falls character Blendon blandin well something come of this in the future well who knows but it's definitely pretty cool bipper has returned if you can recall in the season 2 episode Sock Opera Dipper makes a deal with Bill Cipher in exchange for the laptop's password rookie mistake Dipper even though Dipper defeats bill at the end of the episode some believe that bill still lingers in Dipper's mind specifically in the episode Northwest Mansion mystery people think that because of the tapestry of Bill that he might be present in the house and they might be right because when Dipper is turned into wood his pose is very similar to his final form that the shapeshifter predicts an Into the Bunker meaning Dipper is practically dead at this point so that is the perfect time for Bill to take over and if you notice Dipper kind of starts acting a little differently known for his slightly high strung and paranoid personality Dipper tells Old Man McGucket to just party when warning them about the end of the world in the last few minutes of the episode not a huge red flag sure but notice how he walks with his hands on his hips Dipper only ever walked like that when Bill was possessing him also in the season 2 mid-season finale not what he seems Dipper seems persistent on not letting Stan open the portal at the end of the episode it's possible it might be because he didn't trust Stan or if he was really under the influence of Bill it could be because he didn't want Stan's brother presumably his greatest threat to return and Bill would need a physical form to stop that from happening in order to not raise any suspicions so this behind the scenes possession isn't unreasonable in the same scene Dipper slash bipper tackles Stan in order to stop him from opening the portal a very undipper thing to do on the other hand he did lose his trust for Stan and wanted to protect Mabel so it's not a hundred percent out of the realm of possibility that that was uh all Dipper but then again if you look at Dipper's eyes right as the portal is opening they look a lot like they did when Bill was in charge so there could still be a little bit of bipper left inside of him Stan's tattoo ever since the Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained short stance tattoo this topic has been a very controversial one what is Stan's tattoo and why is he trying so hard to cover it up I mean it's clearly a big deal if even Bill remembers it in dreamscapers in his Reddit AMA Bill said that Stan's tattoo means watch your step but we all know he can't be trusted so why should we believe this and in fact we just learned in the episode Tale of Two stands that stands tattoo isn't a tattoo at all it's actually a burn scar there's one moment in the episode lamp Before Swine where you can see it from a distance but it doesn't look like what we've seen before but during Stan's fantasy sequence we can see it in full view it appears to say o-lhv which decoded in Caesar Cipher means lies but this sequence is all in Stan's mind we can't take any of this is true so there goes that idea now we know that the symbol is the same one engraved on the side of the console some think it could be some sort of map to Gravity Falls but a more likely explanation is that it's actually an alchemical sigil or an Alchemy equation Douglas mackerel a major Gravity Falls fan made a video decoding all of Stan's tattoos and here's what he figured out the circle on top symbolizes power and the Sun the W's on the side are a symbol for autocumulus clouds autocumulus clouds are also called a mackerel Sky referring to the secret society of the royal order of the holy mackerel and it's been said in the Gravity Falls game on Disney Channel's website that Stan is in a secret society another interesting note autocumulus clouds are often mistaken for UFOs because of their shape moving on the arrow with two dots underneath it mean a powerful sacred ground which could indicate where the portal is located the circle in the diamond actually doesn't exist as an alchemical symbol however the diamond means the four elements earth air water and fire and the circle symbolizes a door together they could mean a door to the world or even all of space and time and the fact that the sigil is perfectly symmetrical horizontally it could be interpreted as two suns circling two skies and two grounds separated by space and time also if you look at the first part of the tattoo you can clearly draw a triangle around it which looks an awfully lot like the portal and if we look at the triangle it points to the thing at the bottom of the tattoo now that last symbol actually isn't an alchemical symbol at all it's a Native American symbol the two arrows pointing at the Circle means warding off of evil spirits possibly a triangular shaped top hat wearing Spirit naturally nothing has been confirmed in the show yet hopefully we'll learn more about it in the rest of season two Robbie is a zombie it's no secret that Robbie is pale lethargic angsty and can basically always be found wearing eye makeup but is this just because he's a teenager or is is it because he's actually a zombie the journal describes zombies as known for their pale skin and their bad attitude these creatures are often mistaken for teenagers that sure sounds a lot like Robbie to me not only that but Mabel's boyfriend whom Dipper mistakes for a zombie in the episode tourist trapped has some very pale skin swoopy bangs and a black hoodie much like Robbie does or really anyone that spends a lot of time at Hot Topic however Robbie looks nothing like the zombies that Dipper summons in the episode scary okay so he's either got some really good makeup and a solid supply of brains to keep him sane or he's just a regular teenage boy but I guess we won't know for sure until he hears the three-part Harmony from Taking Over Midnight Gideon is Immortal even though he ends up behind bars at the end of the first season we all know that Gideon is definitely up to something fishy whether it was just to win Mabel over get Vengeance on Stan or achieve ultimate power hour this phony kid psychic pulled some straight up evil stunts way out of the range of any normal kid's ability one explanation for this is that Gideon is a supernatural creature with Immortal abilities Gideon is the only kid in the show to have five fingers the adults are the only other characters to have five fingers he has very mature language for a kid he even refers to Grunkle Stan as Stanford and in the episode blendin's Game when Dipper and Mabel go back into Seuss's childhood they pass the billboard for Bud's Auto having a just had a baby sale however baby is crossed out and replaced with demon also his parents never seem to refer to him as son only by his name or boy initially many people thought Gideon was a vampire because of this adorable comparison however that's been mostly debunked throughout the show because Gideon can see his reflection and be out in the sunlight things that not even Edward Colin can do but the immortal part still stands we first meet Gideon in the episode The Hand That Rocks Mabel which is a play on the phrase The Hand That Rocks the Cradle referring to a person dating someone much younger than them so it could be that Gideon is bent on getting all the journals just to get his vampire powers back however another theory states that maybe he wants the journals back because he was somehow involved with the Pines but somehow an incident with them turned him into a baby this could all explain his knowledge of the supernatural plus his Vendetta against the Pines aliens and gravity falls with all of the interdimensional portals and time travel crazy creatures and zombies it's not too hard to believe that Gravity Falls could also have been home to aliens I mean there are a lot of major clues that would indicate some extraterrestrial residents living in Gravity Falls number one being the giant UFO shaped hole in the mountains above Gravity Falls which is referred to in the journals as floating Cliffs with notes about gravitational anomalies and how they're not naturally occurring but there are also several other references to UFOs hidden throughout the show they can be seen in a Polaroid during the theme song as well as on the main title card in the corner you can also see a magazine dedicated to UFO sightings and grunkle's Stan reading about a UFO Sham in the Gravity Falls gossiper and the creepiest sign of all the same UFOs from the theme song also show up on Bill Cipher in the episode dreamscapers and get this there is even a UFO in the unaired pilot of Gravity Falls so you just know that aliens have always been a crucial part of the Gravity Falls Mystery the portal was used before even though we were just introduced to the portal there are already a ton of conspiracies involving its use the biggest one being that the portal was used before the author Stan's twin brother fell in 30 years ago and was trapped it stated in the journal that the author built the portal in order to gain knowledge on the mysteries of Gravity Falls but instead it brought destruction as we all know Bill exists in a different dimension and the interdimensional portal may have been how he came to gravity falls in the first place a time he refers to in the episode dreamscapers we now know that the portal was opened again when Stanford was caught in it but it's possible that the portal was used by Ford many other times before this one maybe as an attempt to return bill as evident by the page in the journal we catch a glimpse of during Into the Bunker maybe depicting some interdimensional exploration or retrieval so what could prove this well there are quite a lot of other references referring to the supernatural incident that occurred 30 years ago and scaryoki agent Power Saves that they haven't seen readings like this for 30 years and based on what McGucket said in society of the Blind Eye that he can't remember anything before in 1982 it must mean that the portal was first opened that same year also in society of the Blind Eye we see a graph in mcgucket's lab that indicates that the portal becomes more unstable as time passes perhaps the author may have used it many times before that day happens and that's why Ford appeared so frantic when Stan finally gone for the first time after 10 years alright I know we've spent a lot of this video talking about the unknowable aspects of Gravity Falls so why not take a little break for some feel-good content the Mysteries weren't the only things keeping people engaged Gravity Falls has a heart that few shows can hold a candle to and it ended up teaching us a lot about life I'm sure a lot of long time fans were positively impacted by the show at its core without further Ado let's jump into 13 Gravity Falls life lessons we know you're still upset that Gravity Falls is over so are we the inhabitants of the mystery Jack left such a deep mark on anybody lucky enough to have watched the show in its initial run we laughed we cried and when you think about it we learned some pretty intense life lessons along the way I'm Neil McNeil and today on channel frederator we're going to be doing some deep thinking for you all because we know how much you love it when we overanalyze your favorite cartoons so get ready because we're counting down the 13 best life lessons that gravity falls ever taught us let's get started number 13 know your audience let's start off with something vague but important for any kind of performer politician or businessman knowing your audience is the key to success if you want to flourish you have to be Savvy enough to know how to address people in a way that inspires if you make a terrible TV commercial where you joke that most people make it out alive or try to win your electoral base over by arguing that the Statue of Liberty is our hottest Landmark chances are you won't get very far watch Dan Pines do the opposite and you'll get in great shape but this point goes both ways considering that the main antagonist of the series is someone who has the power to possess bodies and will lie to you in order to get what he wants one of Bill Cipher's major strengths is his ability to manipulate your desires to his advantage in other words he knows his audience and will play the part he needs to to succeed Everyone Falls for it at some point dipper Mabel Ford Gideon builds a more capable con man than Stan so it's smart to maintain some skepticism when dealing with salesmen politicians or anyone else trying to persuade you to do something number 12 reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram by gold aha you didn't think Bill Cipher could give some Sound Advice did you I mean we don't think the universe is a hologram and if you can afford it buying gold can be a pretty good idea but this line seems to be Gravity Falls is more tongue-in-cheek version of a similar but more somber line from its sibling series Rick and Morty nobody exists on purpose nobody belongs anywhere everybody's gonna die come watch TV which brings us to Bill's first point reality is an illusion this is coming from someone who in a very large way is himself an illusion because he can only exist the mindscape until the red and while there are no mind hopping demigods I mean as far as we know it's worth taking a second to pause and consider the subjectiveness of reality after all nobody exists on purpose right and your life experiences aren't anything like that of your mom your dad your friends or your neighbors due to your own experiences how your mind works what complexes or fears or dreams you may have any number of factors these nuances in personal experience are what Bill preys on so he should know and while we might have just freaked you out the beauty here is that all this makes you unique unless you get into all those multi-dimensional Rick and Morty Shenanigans but even then there's the rickiest Rick some people like Bill use their train of thought as an excuse to become a monster follow the belief that they're better than everybody else so to ground yourself remember nobody exists on purpose see we just took a funny quote and through some major existentialist philosophy on you number 11 a blank slate isn't a clean one there's an entire secret society in Gravity Falls dedicated to a racing people's memories when something traumatizing happens but the Society of the blind eyes supposed trauma scale stretches from mildly surprising to life ruining nobody has ever used the memory erasing gun more than poor Old Man McGucket who had a good reason to want to forget whatever Horrors he may have witnessed in Bill's Dimension but who paid for his supposed peace of mind the fact is McGucket still suffers from a vague ominous feeling and now he's aged and lost his mind as well which brings us to our lesson a blank slate isn't a clean one in other words our friends Timon and Pumbaa lied to us with a whole Hakuna Matata ordeal the past occurred whether you remember it or not and you're not better off running away from it even if you wish every day that you could forget it if anything avoiding traumatizing experiences can often have more dire consequences than facing them head on let's say in mcgucket's case Insanity unfortunately terrible things happen to good people every single day the best you can do is take whatever lessons you can from the situation and learn to move on by the time Grunkle Stan is Zapped losing his memories is recognized as being a real sacrifice and a tragedy although granted Stan didn't have the baggage that McGucket does but imagine if McGucket hadn't memory gunned himself every day for so long sure we'd be missing our favorite Gravity Falls character but McGucket himself would have been much better off in the long run number 10 don't Pine for what you can't attain no pun intended here folks okay A little pun intended like we discussed in our last lesson many of us have deep scars within our past that are a source of struggle some people like McGucket try to forget these painful experiences altogether but for many many others like Zeus these unresolved burdens are a constant source of struggle you just can't quite get away from them and certain triggers like birthdays for instance just happen to make it worse and you don't know what to do to get some sort of a resolution on the matter but chances are the answer is right in front of you even though we may not realize it many of us are lucky enough to have people in our lives that would if given the opportunity go through some sort of time Gladiator fight just to make us happy that's what family and true friendship is we can't change the past well without a time which at least but even given the opportunity to use the time wish to see his long-lost father soos realizes that there's nothing his father could offer him that he doesn't already have in the present genuine affection he sees that he was allowing something painful in his past to get the better of him to the extent that he wasn't able to see the people in the present who had been reaching out to him this whole time if you keep um pining for something in your past you won't be able to appreciate what you have in the present number nine morality is relative when Mabel says this out of nowhere at the very end of the last Mabel corn its bluntness hits you square in the face maybe it hits so hard now because it's an election year and a heated one at that on a daily basis you hear candidates and their supporters spouting beliefs you cannot for the life of you understand and when people don't agree or won't try to understand other people's beliefs there's bound to be confrontation at some point but there's a key distinction to be made between wrong and different and sometimes that's a hard call to make in celestebellethabel's case she was using an impossibly high moral bar to make Mabel suffer just for the fun of it she deserved a good punching but there were real people that may hold that same high moral bar against you and make you feel like a bad person when you're not nobody's perfect and no one agrees on everything while it's important to hear other people out Mabel learns that there's no absolute answer for what's right and what's wrong some sometimes you just gotta stick to what you believe is right and hold on for dear life number eight be wary of tunnel vision we're defining tunnel vision as being so focused on a goal that you only look straight ahead blinding yourself to what's happening around you and therefore becoming inflexible to the detriment of achieving what you're actually trying to do sound familiar because we're looking at you Ford also bill it's something they have in common Ford's main problem is that whatever he's working on be it building the portal or stealing the rift that's all he thinks about sure he cherishes his relationship with Dipper but Dipper also serves some utilitarian value it's great to be focused on a goal especially when it comes to the security of the entire universe the problem arises when you fail to take into account the people around you because in the end they have just as much to say in what you're trying to do as you do when Ford is working on something he shuts himself off from everyone and thinks in terms of his project so when Ford asked Stan to come help with the portal it never even entered his mind that Stan might be a little angry with him which of course leads forward to being sent to another dimension for 30 years Dipper comes close to making the same mistake he almost allows Ford to talk him into ditch in California and becoming his Apprentice it would be an amazing opportunity for him but Dipper fails to take Mabel into consideration which also very much comes back to haunt him that's adult life kids you're not in charge because Ford and Dipper aren't taking into account how nothing ever goes as planned boom weirdmageddon tunnel vision even accounts for Bill's downfall if he wasn't so single-mindedly giddy about getting horned Secrets he may have thought to pause so he could realize he wasn't entering Ford's head at all it's a pretty basic mistake Bill even though it worked out in favor for everybody else number seven teamwork man we know it's cliche but all this talk about tunnel vision leads us into our next lesson that you can accomplish so much more together than you could ever accomplish alone although Ford tries to shoulder as much Bill related dealings himself as he can everyone including Ford realizes that bill is not the kind of multi-dimensional entity that can be stopped by just one person but by working together people can become more than the sum of their parts like that awesome Mystery Shack Transformer everyone present in the shack has an indispensable role in the plan and they accomplish the near impossible task of attacking Belle's pyramid the principle even reduces write down to Dipper and Mabel themselves as Wendy points out when the two of them were together they can figure out a way to accomplish anything on the other hand it takes one person to ruin a good thing the perfect metaphor for this appears right in the show when everyone creates the almighty zodiac to stop bill it takes Grunkle Stan and Ford in turn to keep the circle from being complete then everything falls apart and people are turned into terrifying but admittedly epic banners I mean I would totally buy replicas of all those even though they're beacons for human suffering but again how is will beat by Stan and Ford reconciling their differences and oh yeah teaming up see what we mean number six holding a grudge is never healthy while we're on the topic of standing forward these two brothers are the center point of the later episode's focus of forgiveness and how holding a grudge gets you nowhere Ford blames Stan for being sucked through the portal when Stan opens the portal again he's hoping to let bygones be bygones but Ford is still angry which in turn makes Stan angry instead of working this out like good adults they just avoid each other allowing their anger to keep stewing unresolved when which causes the whole teamwork thing to fall apart and you end up right back at the Zodiac issue and people trapped in banners that unresolved anger leads team Gravity Falls from almost defeating Bill to him regaining the upper hand there is a smaller scale version of this lesson in roadside attractions when Stan wants to get back at the other Oregon tour traps for their pranks stops and disrupts each stop and in return just gets pranked by everybody else all over again starting up a never-ending wheel of pranking point is sometimes you'll be in a situation where you believe that you're in the right but nobody's apologizing and so everyone involved continues to nurse these grudges and as we've seen grudges get uglier over time it's hard to swallow your pride let something go and be the first one to apologize but you certainly won't regret that as much as the disruptive consequences of your unending Grudge number five manliness is overrated we learn multiple times in Gravity Falls at the more machismo way to do things like fighting in general Feats of Strength aren't the best way to get anything accomplished at all specifically Dipper is so ashamed that he can't pass some lame manliness test and doesn't have any chest hair that he almost kills an innocent creature to complete his man's formation the epitome of Manliness here are the manators Who start fights at the slightest excuse are proud and filled things just to tear them down not a flattering portrait of machismo Manliness is all about honor and Glory but there's nothing glorious about ordering a kid to kill a scary looking but harmless creature all the ubermen in the show including a character named manly Dan are shown to be all Brawn and no brain so that when it comes down to weirdmageddon someone like Wendy who is part Brawn and part brain is way more of an asset to the team plus the straight-up brawling championed by the manators is shown to be a terrible inconclusive way to deal with your problems take for example how Rumble MC skirmish's victory over Dipper is a loss for him we can also learn that fighting over a girl is stupid but anyway Dipper realizes that manliness isn't all it's cracked up to be when he and the multibare bond over girly pop band Baba if a freaking multi-bear listens to Baba why can't it be manly and who's to say anything's girly anyway or that manly is good for Dipper but girly is bad anyone worth hanging out with has a little bit of bull which leads me to my next lesson number four never underestimate the lady let's face it kids sexism and misogyny are definitely still a thing and outside of that there are so many cartoons out there that have maybe two women in the cast who are both just Side characters happily this climate is changing thanks to shows like Steven Universe and I would argue Gravity Falls which boasts Mabel and Wendy as two of the primary moral compasses of the show add candy Grenda and even Pacifica into the mix and you've got yourself a crowd of powerful ladies who defies her parents and saves everyone in her home from a horrifying ghost Pacifica who literally punts Lil Gideon and is the biggest badass of the series Wendy and of course there's Mabel who's done too many good things in this show to count all in her distinctly Mabel not so manly at all way and having a hero whose heroic qualities are quintessentially feminine is a big deal in addition there's an entire episode of the series devoted to a just the gals mission where they confront and beat up an effing unicorn the greatest of feminine stereotypes and the Mystery Shack is saved from weirdmageddon because of it these ladies accomplished so much just by using the skills imagination and moral compass that they already have at their fingertips do the other characters expect these ladies to succeed as much as they do no not really it's always kind of a surprise to the onlookers so that's the lesson never underestimate the lady number three never be ashamed of who you are at some point you'll come across someone who seems so darn confident that you'll begin to doubt yourself or someone who will use one of your trades as fodder to embarrass you but you'll slowly begin to learn that when somebody makes fun of you it's either in good loving jest or due to some kind of insecurity on their own part however absurd that might seem Pacifica has a real need to feel Superior to other people and all the better if she has an audience to amplify her Spotlight that's why she loves taking down Mabel point is it's not your problem it's theirs when you start being too concerned about how other people see you it's easy to freak out and think that you're somehow not good enough in some way but no matter how deep the Jabs may be or how your inner dialogue May create a convincing argument for your own inadequacy learn to always brush it off and stay true to yourself as they say in some circles you are the best you it's dangerous to worry too much about how other people think of you who cares anyway and if you do try to change something about yourself to please others you'll soon learn how that trait really did serve you better than this new affectation that it might be valuable in some way that you never quite expected not all of us have access to a voice changing serum so we can experiment to the extent that Dipper does but that's what cartoons are for and why do you want to experiment like that anyway like weren't you listening jeez number two you can't force Someone to Love You Dipper hits the nail on the head with this one you can't force someone to love you all you can do is strive to be a person worth loving few romantic relationships in Gravity Falls work out and except for Durland and Bluffs of course and Robbie and tambry but as for Dipper and Wendy Robbie and Wendy little Gideon and Mabel you get the picture most of the Romantic affections in Gravity Falls are tragically unrequited and when you're in love with someone who doesn't love you back you can get kinda desperate to impress them like throwing an epic sock puppet opera or breaking up your crush and their present significant other but you can't make somebody fall in love with you Gravity Falls drove this point home so hard that they introduced a character with the power to make people fall in love and the outcome was the same you can't say what's better for other people and you can't force something to happen if it's not the right time and everyone in an unrequited relationship in Gravity Falls becomes a better person because of the experience take Dipper and Wendy whose friend ship reached a profound depth that couldn't have been accessed in some kind of weird awkward romantic relationship or little Gideon who learned the power of doing the right thing just for the hell of it even when relationships don't turn out how you want them to or don't turn out at all there's something even more valuable to be learned from the rejection and like Dipper Sensei said all you can do is move on and try to absorb that lesson so that you can become the best person you can be and finally lesson number one change just is and don't be afraid of the future we've all reached a pivotal Junction at some point in our lives where we knew everything was about to change and were terrified because we didn't know it was going to come next it's impossible to know what the future may hold unless you're blend in blatlin maybe but he doesn't even seem to be doing that well anyway when facing such an intimidating unknown it's easy to give into the assumption that whatever the future holds will be worse and that different is bad when you reach this point in Life or maybe even after you've crossed it the desire for things to just stay as they were in the good old Golden Days may become unbearable but change is a natural part of life whether it's leaving the place you called home or growing up and as Mabel and Dipper bulk learned nothing is built to last forever no good ever comes from stopping what's natural and inevitable I mean Bill uses the tantalizing offer to make summer last forever as the Catalyst for weirdmageddon and you don't trust Bill to have your best interests in mind do you and besides the advice we discussed earlier but to sum up change isn't a bad thing or a good thing it just is no matter how hard you fight change will happen and if you embrace it you can have a large say in how your future will turn out better for you the lesson Bears repeating because it's hard this kind of Junction will happen multiple times in your life and part of you may want to just kick and scream the entire time so again change just is Dipper and Mabel learned it and that counts for something dance break here's a video putting together Dipper and Mabel's ultimate Playlist make sure you let us know what other Tunes we should add down in the comments ever wonder what Dipper and Mabel listen to when they're not 10 times to the Mystery Shack or trying to solve the multitudinous mysteries of the journals so do we that's why we at Channel frederator decided to look into the matter and take a few educated guesses parody songs come up in the show at a number of key points Baba's dancing girl and the 80s this crowd pleasing this song Don't Start unbelieving are hilarious and wonderful but we wanted to translate those into real world music I can't know if the songs here are songs that exist in this universe that said we know from Bill Cipher's AMA that there's at least some crossover Bill's favorite music is 10 hours writhing Shepherd tone after all I'm one shop and I've already done the courtesy of M boring different Mabel's iPods so we can take a quick peek at their favorite Tunes let's Dive In First on Dipper's playlist is Head Over Heels by tears from fears Dipper and Mabel both have soft spots for 80s music there Dipper does want to be alone with Wendy to talk about the weather or anything else for that matter he also enjoys playing air synth at the beginning of the song If dipperwords play an instrument my money would be on the guitar next we have the Madonna with like a virgin as Dipper kept exploring 80's pop he stumbled into music way more embarrassing than Baba that of course sported the unfortunate characteristic of being incredibly infectious Like a Virgin it's the best song Dipper wishes he never heard so far no one's caught him singing along to it but he lives in constant fear of Stan and or Mabel materializing around a corner while he belts out the chorus next Gorillas with on Melancholy Hill a quintessential song For Those suffering from unrequited love Dipper saves it for when his pursuit of Wendy is at its lowest point and prefers listening to it while lying face up in his bed and following up with a good heartbroken drone next is Meet The Elements by They Might Be Giants dip is a smart guy and he likes songs that appealed to his intellect meet the element isn't the most complicated song but he still likes it and as an added bonus it's a song about change which has been on his mind a lot they're growing up and things are changing a lot so a song that looks at change as neither good nor bad but just the reality of Life appeals to him next is a good old classic Michael Jackson with Smooth Criminal every day Dipper tries to get some quality time in front of the bathroom mirror to practice his moonwalk he imagines himself as the romanticized hero come to save Annie next The Decemberists with the Sporting Life Dipper likes The Decemberists because their Advance vocabulary makes him feel smarter he took a particular shouting to this song because he had a similar experience playing little league soccer in 2010. Jay Dilla EMC squared instrumental Dipper stumbled upon this song while going down a Google hole as he was researching new strategies for dungeons Dungeons and more dungeons we later learned that J dilla is widely considered hip and continues to feel proud of himself that he discovered Dilla first of anyone he knows in his half-hearted belief this in turn makes him hip next is the good old Ghostbusters theme song Dipper knows the Ghostbusters famous cliche but he was called to the Northwest Mansion to bust the ghost you're gonna resist the urge to hum it on the walk over you can fight a ghost but you can't fight the Ghostbusters theme news Knights of Sedonia pump up songs are a particular favorite of Dippers and Knights of Sidonia makes him feel like it's a majestic Knight Galloping through the universe upon his mighty steed with that last reframe stuck in his head Dipper can fight Bill Cipher all day plus walk in nowadays doesn't like news when they're 12 or 13 or you know way older next is York Army of me another excellent pump up song now one of Dipper's favorite confidence boosters to boot additionally he often uses the bass line to practice his head banging in the bathroom mirror as always he'll never admit it out loud but Dipper likes bjork's Swan dress and finally on Dipper's playlist Queen with Flash Gordon many boys discover Queen in middle school and Dipper is no exception despite his sense of humility and all the adrenaline pumping through his veins deeper couldn't get the sorry wrong of the universe bit out of his head as he and Mabel were being chased by Bill in the pyramid kicking off Mabel's playlist is Backstreet Boys larger in life Backstreet Boys are one of the many real world versions of several times they're an ideal addition to Mabel's boy band catalog as singing along with Larger than Life has a way of making it feel like a real champ in fact it's her newest Karaoke go-to side note Mabel loves everyone and everything the fact that we're putting a Backstreet Boys song on here doesn't mean she weighs in on the Backstreet Boys vs in sick next is Everything Is Awesome from The Lego Movie Mabel sings this around the Mystery Shack all the time it annoys the bejebas out of Grunkle stand to the point where he banned this song and All Things Lego movie related but Mabel ignores next is Piggies by The Beatles Mabel doesn't care this song makes fun of the Bourgeois he just cares that he says the word Piggies she has a full dance routine choreographed with Waddles next Pink Floyd with the gnome little known fact that we totally made up Mabel loves Sid Barrett air of Pink Floyd purely for its Oddball quality however she wasn't able to bring herself to listen to this song for a couple months after the whole gnome wife debacle next is Sam Cook with Cupid when Mabel was in the throes of her career as a Matchmaker she considered Cupid one of the many potential theme songs for her budding business after the ordeal of the love God she saved it for special occasions next Earth's birthday party Mabel's ideal pump up song it's helpful for dealing with multi-dimensional villains unlike dipper Mabel has no problem selling the performances most of her friends think she has accomplished The Impossible feat of memorizing all the lyrics but truth is she still fakes her away for about half of it next is 2 yards with business metal Garbus is Mabel's role model she has tried emulating garbus's face paint from the business music video a couple times to surprising success this is one of her favorite songs to shout alongsu she's even caught Dipper hum knits on several occasions next is Parliament with flashlights many people claim to have Spirit Animals but Funk is Mabel Spirit music she can listen to the 11 minute extended version of the song and still keep dancing even after candy and Grenda have retired to the benches finally slime the Family Stone with Hot Fun in the Summertime we all know how much Mabel loves Summer she was planning on playing this song at least five times during her and Dipper's 13th birthday party she doesn't quite realize the double meaning of the phrase hot fun yet rounding things off we've got a playlist acoustic that both Dipper and Mabel enjoy equally first up is Toto with Africa like we said earlier both Dipper and Mabel contained the Adoration 80s music that's common in people who aren't alive in the 80s Toto is one of their newer discoveries and for a solid week they blasted this song in the Attic while spitting with bombs outstretched in slow triumphant circles I simply were experienced in the very doubted Advocate does that Grunkle Stan always hated this song being more of a spring-stained man himself and put it on the same banned list as Everything is Awesome next Sparks with mustache Mabel used this song to cheer up Dipper after his clash with the manators she introduced the dance comprised of placing your finger beneath your nose and pretending you had a real mustache at one point Mabel tried to take the routine to the next level through taking tweezers and steering some of the Grunkle stance arm hairs whilst he was still asleep this of course failed and mustache was placed on an even deeper band list then everything is awesome or Toto the punishment breaking the band was cleaning Stan's heads out of the sink and shower for the rest of the summer Black Sabbath and paranoid after the Toto in Sparks incidents Runkle Stan attempted to initiate Dipper and Maple into the world of classic rock and he very much started with Dark World of Black Sabbath Dipper and Mabel loved paranoid for its extra hard rocking bullets and started blasting it every night while jumping on their beds Stan added paranoid to the band list and gave up on cultivating Dipper and Mabel's music tastes next we've got the residents with Constantinople never dip on Norm Mabel remembers which one of them stumbled on this song or how Mabel thinks she may have used it to underscore history project on the Roman Empire but has a hard time remembering the cause of most of her teachers grimaces regardless they remain cautiously intrigued by this song One time they played it for Zeus and he ran out of the room being getting a bit anime with the pillows ride on shooting star McGucket wasn't the only person to receive personal anime lessons from Zeus in a very risky move he introduced Dipper and Mabel into the slight deeper cuts of a genre with bulikuli because it's short and he thought Mabel might like harako the two of them were overwhelmed by the intense visual style of the series but light overall and had the ending theme stuck in their heads for weeks finally David Bowie with changes changes was playing on the radio as Dipper and Mabel climbed into their parents car fresh off the bus from Gravity Falls enormous coincidence aside it's become their anthem for embracing the unknowns of the future as well as a nice melancholic reminder of their timing Gravity Falls admit it with all the Taco of live action remakes going on lately you've come up with your own half-baked Fan cast of Netflix's Gravity Falls I know technically it's a Disney on property but which streaming service has more success with bringing cartoons into the real world right now well after Gravity Falls officially ended over more than half a decade ago the frederator team decided to put together their own la Gravity Falls game plan enjoy [Music] in previous videos we discussed the entertainment world's friendship for taking animated properties and adapting them into live action films and series to varying degrees of success we've seen this happen with everything from Marvel Superheroes to Alvin and the Chipmunks as faxing as this can be to cartoon pierce it makes sense fans always want more of their favorite cartoons and shows and Studios like a sure thing with a lot of sequels attached and we're still surprised that Alvin and the Chipmunks is considered a sure thing recently we did a video where we imagined what it'd be like if Steven Universe was transformed from a cartoon into a live-action series or film and you guys response was great you had a lot of strong opinions and Arguments for which actors you preferred and we had a great time making those casting choices with that in mind we decided to look at the world of Fantastical fandoms to see if there were any other shows that deserved the casting couch treatment naturally it wasn't long before we arrived in the sleepy little town of Gravity Falls my name is Tim and today on channel frederator we're looking at our top casting choices for a live-action Gravity Falls let's get started Forest wheeler as Dipper Pines ambitious headstrong and optimistic Dipper Pines is the driving force of the show's investigations into the Paranormal as such we need an actor whose endless charm and energy suggests they might be willing to dive headfirst into the mysterious unknown we think Forest wheeler who can be seen as the oddly mature Emery on Fresh Off The Boat brings the enthusiasm needed to encapsulate what Dipper is all about as noted Forest has mastered the ability of portraying a maturity Beyond his years which is essential for conveying Dipper's seriousness about solving the mystery of Gravity Falls beyond that though Dipper does bring a sense of fun and Wheeler whose proven comedic talents on the popular sitcom also has the chops to make the most of Dipper's lighter moments as well furthermore we just saw a photo of wheeler in a super cute lamb costume which makes us want to see him try the Lamy lamia dance look at that it's a perfect match Isabella confetti cramp as Mabel Pines while we realize it's hard to separate Kristen Charles frenetic energy from the identity of Mabel Pines the 30 Rock actress is sadly too old to portray her in the flesh as such we need to look to someone who's able to capture Mabel's fiery enthusiasm and sense of wonder in the recent oscar-nominated film Joy young actress Isabella coveti Grant portrayed the younger version of Jennifer Lawrence's titular character Lawrence who is known for a bold energy and enthusiasm in her Parts is not an easy actor to emulate but Isabella did it with flying colors because of her ability to capture Lawrence's force of nature Augusto we think of Eddie cramp could find the magic that makes Mabel well Mabel furthermore the young actress has quite the background having appeared as a series regular on shows like the neighbors and Colony so we don't doubt she could Don one of Mabel's many trademark sweaters and do her justice sure she'd need to dye her hair for the role but when you consider what some of the other actors have to do for these kinds of spooky stories that's small potatoes Harry Dean Sten as Grunkle Stan Stan Pines AKA Grunkle Stan is Dipper and Mabel's great uncle and guardian while they visit gravity falls for the summer despite his 10 temporary parental status viewers of the show know that Stan is not the kind of person you trust with a whole lot of anything much less your kids although good at heart stance got a shifting nature and as the proprietor of the Mystery Shack loves to utilize the local lore and paranoia to exploit tourists however despite his surface skepticism we learned that Stan himself is connected to the Supernatural and knows far more about the town's real goings-on than he likes to admit because of his snake oil charm and paranormal leadings we could see the part of grunkle's Stan being played by famed character actor and David Lynch alumni Harry Dean Stanton with a long history of playing eccentric oddballs and mysterious strangers Stanton feels TaylorMade to step into Stan's shoes furthermore Stanton's roles in films like alien The Green Mile and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas shows he's no stranger to elements of Oddity with these elements combined we feel this amounts to a whole lot of what krunkle Stan is all about also since we've already seen the comparisons between Gravity Falls and Twin Peaks Stanton not only appeared in the 1992 Twin Peaks move movie Fire walk with me he is also slated to return to the universe when the show reboots on Showtime in 2017. so Stanton is an Old Pro when it comes to mysterious wooded towns with terrible otherworldly Secrets also don't forget that Grunkle Stan has a twin brother Stanford finds we could be having the double Dean Stanton for our dollar unless JK Simmons as Stanford Pines Grunkle stands mysterious six-fingered twin brother Stanford otherwise known as the author is voiced on the series by Academy award-winning actor JK Simmons so why mess with something if it's not broken having disappeared into another dimension after having a fight with Grunkle Stan Ford later reappears to help the mysteries of the Town wouldn't it be kind of cool if the award-winning actor Who provided the voice for Ford on the cartoon also played him in the series so what if he's not in actuality the identical twin of the actor playing Grunkle Stan it just makes it that much weirder and weird is what Gravity Falls is about Stephanie Scott as Wendy Corduroy the one time object of Dipper's affections and Flaky employee of the Mystery Shack Wendy Corduroy is laid back rebellious teen who would rather have fun than responsibilities in this part we picture actress Stephanie Scott while Scott's hears as popular girl Lexi on Disney Channels and farm suggests she knows how to play a girl who boys Pine over it's her more recent roles on the Silver Screen that make us believe she has the chops to take Wendy on more subdued than Lexi's type a attitude Wendy is a girl who appreciates the more chill aspects of life but also has a taste for adventure Scott who herself has butted heads with the Paranormal in Insidious 3 has shown an ability to play against the Lexi type as well as a desire to kick Ghost Butt in addition she already has experience bringing a cartoon character to life having played the live-action version of Kimber in the gem and the Holograms movie we think Scott's ready to take to the woods and join Dipper and Mabel on their Adventures though if we're taking the time to shout out people who've brought live-action versions of cartoons to life we'd be remiss if we didn't take a moment to give a tip of the hat to Linda Cardellini who voices Wendy on the cartoon Phil film fans may recall that Cardellini portrayed the live-action version of Velma from Scooby-Doo in several feature films though Cardellini has aged out of portraying any of the characters on Gravity Falls we like to give credit where credit is due for those who pave the way Andy Circus as Bill Cipher to clarify this isn't a rule that would need to be live action even in a live-action movie which means getting Alex Hirsch to voice the role wouldn't be a problem we don't disagree that this is the optimal choice but where's the fun and optimal we started down this path and we're going to keep going maybe Alex is too busy having success making other wonderful cartoons for us the main antagonist of Gravity Falls Bill Cipher is a triangular dream demon that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Illuminati symbol although we've seen Bill take physical form his true very not human shape makes it hard to cast him with a living breathing actor that is until you recall the magical work of performer Andy Circus perhaps one of Hollywood's most established and iconic effects actors circus has provided life to otherworldly physicalities like Gollum and Lord of the Rings and King Kong circus is all too familiar with playing characters who are more or maybe less than human so why not pose him the ultimate Challenge and see if he can bring life to a malevolent triangle circus recently portrayed the mysterious supreme leader snoke in the force awakens which proves he's more than just a body he can also deliver some chilling evil which is exactly what bill needs to go from 2D and into the wicked Third Dimension Jacob trembly as little Gideon Gideon gleeful known to most as Lil Gideon is a conniving psychic and prominent antagonist to Dipper and Mabel impetuous and demanding Gideon doesn't take kindly to not getting what he wants and is prone to grandstanding it takes a lot of presence to pull off a character like little Gideon and that's why we thought of recent award season darling Jacob trembly for the role wowing audiences this year with his star-making turn in the shocking drama room trembly has been praised by critics and viewers alike for his ability to convey emotions Beyond his years although gravity he falls is totally a world away from the tragic drama of room we can't help but wonder what it would be like if trembly was allowed to flex his comedic muscles as well as his dramatic ones Gideon requires a certain amount of dramatic skill to sell his attitude but it would take someone with a sense of humor to nail his egregious Tantrums we'd love to see an actor of Jacob trembly's caliber sink his teeth into this part plus we're sort of curious to see what he'd look like in a little powdered wig David ketchner as Bud gleeful Lil Gideon's father Bud gleeful appears friendly on the surface but as one of gravity falls's most nefarious conman a former member of the Blind Eye Society but AIDS in abetz most of Lil Gideon's wicked schemes as well as runs a fraudulent car dealership as such few could play this role better than comedian David ketchner known for his work in movies such as Anchorman and as Todd Packer on the office ketchner is able to affect the right mix of charm and skis needed to play Someone like Bud furthermore catcher's comedic ability suggests he'd be the perfect comedic foil in scenes when sparring with Stan or supporting Gideon's plans always easy going in presentation but dastardly in every other way but is the kind of character that needs someone who can twist the knife even with a smile on their face David ketchner is that person Joel Courtney is Robbie Valentino Wendy's ex-boyfriend and low-key rival of Dippers Rami Valentino is a teen rocker and carefree Punk kid who ends up becoming a core member of the zodiac ring for this part we'd like to see Joel Courtney of Super 8 fame get a little goth in addition to coming face to face with extraterrestrials and Super 8 and tangling with spooky things in R.L Stein's The Haunting Hour Courtney brings the chops of being cool to the Gravity Falls Universe we can see why Dipper would be jealous of him plus if you're gonna woo the girls as a lead guitarist in a band you need someone who can believably do so and if that possibility isn't enough to slake your thirst for Gravity Falls here are some more ways that it could come back a great way to get a show back in the public eye is to get more people watching it if all of a sudden interest in Gravity Falls spikes do you think Disney's Really Gonna up on an opportunity to make more Moola welcome to notification Squad the show that takes people behind Channel frederator puts him in front of the camera my name is Kate I'm Melissa and hey Kate did you know that Gravity Falls is coming back is that even possible we're going to talk all about it and then after the discussion Disney trivia so Kate it's been two years since Gravity Falls ended wow and it was only two seasons and 40 episodes that's like a nice round number but you know of course people want more and when you compare it to other cartoons like Adventure Time and Regular Show there's like around 300 episodes that's a lot so then you look at Gravity Falls there's only 40 episodes yeah sure of course people are gonna want more so after two years do you think we're gonna be getting more that's the big question yeah and like how how could it be what's the form what's the form form so we asked you guys you know do you want more episodes is it possible all those sorts of things the big comment that we got was from William Bussey he says the true success of a show is to end on the writer's terms when they want and still leave the fans wanting more gravity falls did that yeah I agree me too just based off what Alex Hirsch like wanted for the show it's supposed to be about childhood and it's supposed to be just a summer yeah one summer that one thing so even though it was two seasons and it took a while to get to that final three-part finale it just rounded it out really well versus something like Adventure Time or or some other shows that are just going on and just being pulled like taffy I think Adventure Time in particular does a really good job of balancing an overarching narrative and then just Standalone episodes yes I think they do a really good job on that so I'm really excited to see what happens with the final season um but Gravity Falls and Steven Universe actually I think they're not so isolated you know they are Standalone events but really every episode ties in together you know I understand that 40 episodes it's easier to tell a story about that one summer basically however if it did come back uh what would we want to see happen you know I kind of want like a mini series like they've done like shorts before and even yeah even after it ended they did some sort of shorts on like the Disney XD YouTube channel I think so I would love just little mini series of like Dipper Maples Adventures something like that you win one though like I wouldn't want yeah I wouldn't want a continuation of what happened I would want just more Adventure okay I guess and it would be weird to just yeah I mean go back to the same summer yeah I don't think that makes sense I'm with you but I think like a movie it would be cool if it's like right when they get off the bus you know when they get back home yeah and it's just like that first hour you know like when you come back from the summer break in like elementary school or like middle school and they're like okay let's go around the room and talk about like oh yeah how your summer was and then Dipper and people are like here's what happened and No One Believes them yeah sure um so we asked you guys as well and dash184 says they should do a prequel oh I think that would be kind of interesting wait what does that mean like if you're talking about a prequel I would want little Ford and little Stan oh so not even Maple Dipper prequel no I want like their Adventure a little bit of that I think a prequel would be pretty cool um I would be on board for that again just something that's not going back to what we've already had you know I think you'd really have to be yeah we need something new yeah for sure for sure essentially demonologist says remember what Dipper said he refuses to miss out on Mabel's awkward teen years so maybe a sequel so maybe in their teen years maybe age them up a little bit I mean I like that look it happened in Naruto if Naruto can do it I want to spin off just called and it's all about Zeus it just Seuss's Adventure is like being in charge of the mystery check exactly there you go and then lastly an idea that we had was a live-action movie I would love that I wouldn't even know where to begin but I wanted to be like really funny and kind of stupid where it's like Jason Ritter and Christian Shaw who are the voices of Dipper and Mabel play Dipper and Mabel but like as kids right but but they're adults be interesting like I want all the original voice actors to come back and I want Alex Hirsch to play all of his Parts but he's just Alex Hirsch but those are the ways that Gravity Falls should come back and we want to know yours so leave them welcome to factor only trivia show that says was he wearing that earlier we got new guests here we are so happy to have you John my favorite intern joining us thanks I know how's it going Casey the queen of earrings right in the middle and back for Redemption Dan yeah yo uh today we're playing for Jolly Rancher cinnamon the worst flavor ever but we have a giant bag of it in the office so that's what we're playing for today so I think a little bit better than pennies the first segment we've got is of course Fact or Fiction it's very straightforward it's basically true or false you know you just put up the flag if it's fact you put up the flag of its fiction all right everyone ready ready questions okay good here we go number one Finn once used a very long Q-tip as a weapon in Adventure Time he owns 25 swords so I'm not sure what do you guys think fact we've got three facts and that was fiction guys never used a Q-tip Transformers can change into a ton of things so it's no surprise that one Transformer toy even turned into a working Mouse like a computer mouse like a computer mouse I think it's a real mouse let's reveal in three two one we got three fictions that was a fact oh my God I know you can actually you can buy the mouse on Amazon right now who uses a mouse anymore it's 75 that's ridiculous I'm sorry I'm sorry the Magic School Bus covered quite a few subjects in its time one of the episodes even featured Miss Frizzle teaching the class about skin puncturing vampires is this like Twilight vampires It's Magic School Bus it was like the 90s let's reveal in three two one all right it was actually a fact yeah so finally so we got some points on the board John in the lead with one point the Regular Show staff is full of anime lovers as seen when they opened an episode with a recreation of the Dragon Ball Z theme song that's reveal and three two one all right we've got fact fiction fact and it was actually fiction it was Neon Genesis Evangelion actually it was not the DBZ theme so that one you know that's tricky you just had to know which anime it was Bill cyber from Gravity Falls actually held an AMA on Reddit fact or fiction he's a fictional character I'll give you a hint there all right let's reveal in three two one fact three facts and that is correct everyone gets a point Dan's on the board with one Casey's got two and John's got two as well gotta take you out John all right next round keep on sucking it's the Jolly Rancher slogan so the next section is fill in the blank it's pretty uh pretty straightforward I'm gonna read a sentence or two and then you have to fill in the blanks accordingly there could be one blank two blanks three blanks for each blank you get correct you get a point so keep that in mind all right everyone ready a very early song in the 1998 Disney movie blank claimed it would make a blank out of you keep in mind this is all Disney themed trivia on the second section all right so let's reveal what do we got Mulan is correct Mulan and manuscript and Mulan and man is correct so John's gonna go ahead and get one point I forgot the second place [Music] and then Dan nailed it with the two good job Dan who could forget the iconic logo by The Toy Story Studio blank featuring a jumping blank you got this damn you're really throwing him some softball was here all right all right let's see what do we got Pixar lamp Pixar and lamp yeah I actually didn't I guess bonus plants were drawing the land sure well yeah that's what we're doing nobody did the ball though that's true if you did the ball I can maybe give me two so we're gonna give three to Dan what only two to case I'm sorry and three to jump around uh I'm so creativity points is your idea okay it's on a couple questions remaining the board is tied with six Jolly Ranchers each all right next question Gravity Falls resident grifter blank is Dipper and Mabel's Guardian for the summer they endearingly call him their blank let's reveal what do we got all right so we've got cool guy Stan and Juanita uh Stan is correct is their uncle Stan and we've got friend Grunkle and pet ostrich they do not call him pet ostrich they do call him brunkle which puts Casey ahead by two Jolly Ranchers yeah [Laughter] it's a good one he's wearing one fine I think you should take it you're asking judges say spelling counts so Adrian I know where you sit final question for this round it has three blanks in it so you know everyone has a chance here okay in 2017 Disney rebooted this classic 1990s show blank it featured all sorts of new Talent like blank as Scrooge McDuck and Hamilton star blank as gizmoduck what do we got everyone got DuckTales correct uh David Tennant is correct it is not shared why'd you put share prescription because she'd make a brilliant she really would um and Triple H the wrestler is not Scrooge mcdoc and then we've got Lynn Manuel Miranda Alexander Hamilton no and then Manuel and Hamilton dude yes so you get two points Casey unfortunately you're only getting one and John you're also getting two as well okay wait all right so the final round is a drawing challenge so I'm gonna give you a prompt and then you're basically gonna draw it and then I'm gonna pick someone and they're gonna get three Jolly Ranchers which will pretty much determine the winner this week I have faith in you Dan you can come back and take the crown all right so you're gonna have one minute on the clock is everyone ready get your drawing hands ready and everything yeah okay I want you guys to draw hot Olaf your time starts now hot Olaf you know we see him you know a couple times you you know he Frozen he's in that 30 minute special that aired before Coco everyone was a super fan of um you know I want to see some bottles all right time's almost up three two one time is up and down okay uh let's start with John let's let's see what you have hot Olaf the whole Masterpiece in summer right okay all right so I see his nose his eyes and he's sad okay Casey what do you got boom he's got muscles he's emotionally available and he has health insurance [Music] oh my God swipe right immediately super like all those things I really really like it no cheating all right Dan what do you got um yeah this is my hot Olaf similar idea to John here I forgot the carrot but I just added it and it's totally cool uh the sun's out high temperature well it actually looks like maybe about 80. that's a thermometer wow the cold nether never bothered him anyway oh man this one is really really hard um swipe right I have to give it to Casey he has health insurance I'm sorry Dan winner this week goes to Casey good job well thank you so much for watching fact or fiction Dan unfortunately you lost again I was really hoping we could bring you back for Redemption you were very close you were very close I know you you did really good this time I think we'll bring you back next time and you'll have another chance at Redemption so thank you so much we're really curious how many did you get right did you get all of them right did you get some of them right let us know in the comments below here's a gem from Days Gone By it's a whole video outlining the show for new Watchers what is Gravity Falls hey there I don't really have time to talk I need to head over to gravity falls back over there and I have to find out what it is wait you haven't heard of what Gravity Falls is so does that mean you don't know who bill is well I have time to tell you about this tale I want to switch out refrigerator and I'm here to break down why you should be watching Gravity Falls on this episode of know your show let's get started [Music] Dipper and Mabel Pines or census day the summer with their great uncle Stan in Gravity Falls Oregon after finding a mysterious journal in the woods the Pines twins discover that this isn't just a normal town it's paranormal from 2012 to 2016 we discovered the weirdness of gravity falls through 40 episodes and two seasons during its run the series aired on Disney Channel and Disney XD so why is Gravity Falls worth checking out well have you ever played a game or read through a book and found yourself discovering the mystery before it was revealed doesn't that feel great Gravity Falls is similar and it makes the viewer feel like a detective each episode has a secret code hidden in it and there's a specific Cipher used to solve those codes even if you aren't into Mysteries you'll still want to dig into the secrets of the show and don't get me started on the image that we see flash on the screen right after the title sequence that's the mystery that you'll want to find out on your own the cast of characters on this show are unique in their own ways differ Pines is an adventurer he can never sit still and he's always looking for Clues so we can figure out what is really going in Gravity Falls if I told you that he's actually 12 years old you wouldn't believe me well I guess his height kind of gives it away but not his brains sometimes he's too perceptive so it's great that his sister Mabel is there to help him out when we be Mabel Pines is lovable quirky energetic optimistic and a lot of other characteristics that just describe someone who's having a fun time she wears a different colorful knitted sweater every day and she is super skilled in arts and crafts check it out Dipper a successful it was dazzled my face blank ow she's also a bit boy crazy and the boys that she's liked have been a bit crazy themselves Maple is five minutes older than Dipper and although she sometimes acts more like a child she's always there for her brother to balance him out with her silliness Stan Pines or as the Pine Springs call him Grunkle Stan is characterized as a selfish greedy and a con artist he runs and lives in the mystery Chef a tourist attraction in Gravity Falls it shows the bizarre creatures that are known as Legends in the town he loves money so much that he's known to have gotten some of it illegally it is revealed throughout the series that Stan has a secret past but we don't want to spoil that for you although he doesn't sound like the best caretaker he really does care for his great niece and nephew now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car yay wait what some other characters that we should mention soos is the handyman of the Mystery Shack he's close friends of the Twins and loves to tag along with them on their Mystery Adventures Seuss is literally described as a man-child wants to be worthy action he someday wants to follow the footsteps of Stan because he sees him as a father figure Wendy is the coolest person ever she works as a part-time employee at the Mystery Shack she's super mellow tomboyish and is the local Lumberjack's only daughter Dipper has a huge crush on her and every time he tries to impress her he fails Gideon gleeful AKA little Gideon so much to say about this vicious little pumpkin of a child he became the Nemesis of the Pines family after Mabel denied his love he also owned an amulet that gave him telekinetic Powers but Mabel destroyed it after he attempted to kill Dipper he also hates Stan because the Mystery Shack is a competitor of his Gideon is in possession of journal 2. the previous volume to the journal that Dipper found in woods now here is the biggest threat of Gravity Falls I can't even speak his name he might be listening right now but you want Bill Cipher is a demon that can be released into our reality even our minds he wishes to stop the Pines twins from discovering any secrets of Gravity Falls because they will ruin his diabolical plan of taking over our Dimension so never shake his hand because if you do he will become your worst nightmare trust no one well now that we got that out of the way let's move on to the next part here's some quotes that every Gravity Falls fan should know every time Sue says future is in the past onward aoshima when there's no cops around anything's legal reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram by gold bye scribulock the whole series of Gravity Falls holds Many Adventures the best of them include tons of gnomes time traveling and adorable Pig Larry King wax figure dinosaurs coming out of peanut brittle shape-shifting beings birding sock puppets a secret society time baby Taxidermy is coming to life a bottomless pit and a whole lot more weird but with all of this weird stuff I bet you're wondering how Gravity Falls came to be well Gravity Falls was created by Alex Hirsch who worked as a writer and a storyboard artist on Cartoon Network's the Misadventures of Flapjack if this isn't an indication of the weirdness to come I don't know what is he pitched Gravity Falls to Disney while he co-developed their other animated series Fish Hooks Hirsch can relate to the Pines twins really well because he's a twin himself actually his twin sister Arielle is the inspiration for Mabel they both wore knitted sweaters and they both love pigs Hirsch also provides the voices for rumble Stan Old Man McGucket and Bill Cipher Mabel is voiced by Kristen Shaw who also voices Louise on Bob's Burgers now people believe that Gravity Falls only had two seasons and ended so fast because Disney actually canceled it that is incorrect Alex her stated that it was his decision to end the show after two seasons this is because he didn't want Dipper Amigo summer to go on forever he wanted a full story and he wanted it to be completed properly this doesn't mean that we won't see Gravity Falls again it just means that this chapter is over and the next one will be somewhere in the future and we really hope the series does come back because it was a hit they have Awards to prove it too it won two Primetime Emmy Awards and three Annie Awards there are a lot of reasons why people really love the show but what got me into it was the relationship between Dipper and Abel their bond is so strong they are two halves of a whole person and as the series continues that bomb of theirs gets tested so be prepared for it because I sure wasn't the pilot is the best place to start because it introduces the characters and gets you right into the adventure it really helps you dip your toe into the mystery one of the best episodes has to be the inconveniencing Dipper tries to act really cool around Wendy and he and Mabel end up getting invited by the teenagers to go to a haunted convenience store the two highlights of the episode are Mabel's hallucinations after eating smile dip how many of these did you eat 17 and Dipper dancing in a lamb costume hey I did say this show was weird don't give me that look other episodes that show the overall mystery of Gravity Falls are dreamscapers season 1 episode 19 Into the Bunker season 2 episode 22 Sock Opera season 2 episode 24 Society of the Blind Eye season 2 episode 27 Northwest Mansion mystery season 2 episode 30 not what he seems season 2 episode 31 A Tale of Two stands season 2 episode 30 2. Dipper and Mabel versus the future season 2 episode 37 and weirdmageddon part 1 2 and 3. season 2 episodes 38 through 40. a final reason for checking out Gravity Falls is the overall theme of growing up this is Dipper and Naples last summer of being a kid and they have to go to high school when they head back home we learn even the adult viewers that it's okay to grow up and to still have your imagination whoa that got real deep real fast Gravity Falls ended on February 15 2016 but you can still find episodes of It on Disney xd's website you can also find the series on streaming sites like Hulu YouTube iTunes and Google play so now you know your show that's pretty much the basics of Gravity Falls I hope you can catch up soon so you can help me find out what is really going on there and watch out Bill Cipher could be around any corner Gravity Falls is a unique and creative piece of media unto itself but nothing exists in a vacuum of course plenty of movies video games and more have influenced the creators and the rest of the team behind the show sometimes these references can be pretty hard to pick out so we did all the heavy lifting for you our next video is Gravity Falls references to movies video games and more come into the Mystery Shack and check out our map of references yep join us today as we venture and dissect the mythological Locale of Oregon more specifically the pop culture references found in the hilarious episodes of Gravity Falls hi I'm Melissa with Channel federator and today we're going to check out some of the fun homages paid by Mabel Dipper and the whole gang so get that journal out and get ready to crack some of these Mysteries A Clockwork Orange in season 1 episode 6 Dipper vs manliness Dipper spends the whole episode trying to become a real man and eventually runs into manotars manly minotaurs if the name isn't evidence enough while exploring the forest in Gravity Falls during Montage with these manotars zipper's eyes are held open while he's pinned down and he's made to focus on the glory and honor inspiration posters in order to ingrain manliness into his mind this is a reference to the ludovigo technique which was a type of aversion therapy from the book and movie A Clockwork Orange where I come from it's called laser eye surgery tape man this reference can be seen in episodes 14 and 17 of season 1 bottleness pit and boys crazy Dipper uses a tape recorder with the words tape man rated across it this is an allusion to the very popular Sony Walkman which was a portable audio cassette player viewers born during and after the 90s may have never seen one of these devices in person but I promise it existed and kudos to Gravity Falls to bringing it back video game references Gravity Falls has referenced many video games throughout the series we've seen Dance Dance Revolution in the form of dancey pants revolution in the inconveniencing season 1 episode 5 when Thompson is playing the game but is transported by ghost just as he was attaining a high score the arrows on the screen may seem fine while you play but Thompson experienced how pointed they are firsthand during The Time Traveler's Pig which itself is an allusion to the novel The Time Traveler's Wife Deborah amiibo meat fertilia and Grady Mack who are traveling the Oregon Trail with their six children their surname is a reference to mecc which is an acronym for the Minnesota educational Computing Consortium who produced the video game the Oregon Trail fight fighters the 10th episode of the first season references Street Fighter and other video games throughout the episode after using a code he found that promised to unleash ultimate power Dipper allows Rumble a character in the fight fighters game to come alive Rumble will go on to use a half-eaten Taco as a power up a reference to random food being a power up in video games and eventually go out of control attacking Robbie during this attack he threw his barrels at Robbie in the style of the classic Donkey Kong the cryptogram at the end of the episode when decoded reads sorry Dipper your Wendy is in another Castle referencing the classic lying toad tells Mario and Super Mario Brothers some fans debate whether the episode Zeus and the real girl has a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's there are some animatronics and a pizzeria in the episode which is clearly a reference to Chuck E cheese which is spoofed by Five Nights at Freddy's so double reference however the game came out after this episode aired so many believe that it's just that Chuck E cheese reference what do you think that same episode references popular Japanese dating Sims in general with a game called romance Academy 7. this game is a Japanese dating simulator created by the fictitious company no life games and so the beeply boobs video game store which is where Zeus purges it and the madness with giffney begins Disney references Gravity Falls was developed and aired on the Disney Channel and Disney XD so it makes sense that Disney references are scattered throughout the show if you thought the scene of Mabel and Waddles eating the same slice of pizza from different ends looks familiar that's because it directly references Lady and the the Disney movie where the famous canine characters eat the same strand of spaghetti and end up kissing or technically nose nuzzling in the case of dogs another Disney reference is seen as a result of Gideon's narcissism during the episode Gideon Rises which shows a theoretical theme park named Gideon land this is an allusion to Disneyland in both concept and logo in addition both Disney and Gravity Falls convey the warning that pigs such as Waddles should always be wary of predatory flying animals in the episode Land Before Swine which is a spoof of the movie title The Land Before Time Waddles is picked up by a pterodactyl and flown away besides the similarity of featuring dinosaurs like The Land Before Time did this is also similar to a scene in The Black Cauldron a Disney movie where tauren the main character who is a pig keeper has his Pig scooped up by a dragon hide your pigs hide your eyes Twin Peaks Gravity Falls Creator Alex Hirsch loves the show Twin Peaks and so naturally he included references to it in his own work both shows take place in a similar Pacific Northwest location and have Supernatural aspects during the Gravity Falls episode The Hand That Rocks the maple were shown a room called the club club which is a reference to the Red Room in the black and white Lounge from Twin Peaks the club club is decorated in the same fashion as the Red Room down to the pattern of the floor Hersha said that it was meant to look like a David Lynch nightmare I think it's safe to say he succeeded now let me go turn my NightLight on Loch Ness monster speaking of scary you may have recognized the monster who made an appearance in season 1 episode 2. in the legend of the gobblewalker old man mcgucker claims to have seen a monster in the water with a long neck like a giraffe and wrinkled skin like Grunkle Stan sound familiar that's because the gobble Walker is a reference to the lochitis monster Dipper and Mabel go on a mission to snap picture of it and win a contest but instead they find out that the monster they were chasing was actually a robot created by Old Man McGucket to get attention just like the real Loch Ness monster however the real gobblewalker is still lurking beneath the Waters of Lake Gravity Falls movie references Gary falls isn't afraid to reference movies of any genre as evidenced with the previous A Clockwork Orange reference during the dreamscapers episode Dipper uses an incantation to transport them all into Stan's mind a part of the incantation is inceptus nolenis overadis which is broken Latin for Nolan's Inception is overrated we're not surprised that Dipper has strong feelings about the movie Inception as most people do and the top was definitely spinning at the end this is a movie and music reference in one in season 1 episode 16 carpet diem Mabel was shown asleep with a DVD Box on her face and a disc in her hand the movie is titled Boys World with a boy band on the cover this is referencing the 1997 film Spice World which featured the Spice Girls you know that English pop group that was pretty much the biggest girl group of all time yeah them Miyazaki movies have a far-reaching influence on animated series and already Falls is included on that list this is evidenced by the summer Wing trickster during the episode appropriately titled summerween when the trickster shifts from its first form to its second it wears a small mask similar to no Face's mask and Spirited Away guess masks are more recognizable than faces in season 2 episode 6 the Mystery Shack is loaded with movie and TV references beginning with the episode title The Little Gift Shop of Horrors referencing the classic film The Little Shop of Horrors Lord of the Rings fans recognize a palantir with displaying the eye of Sauron in the store there's a VHS copy of a movie called Honey I shrunk a ghost referencing the movie honey I show them kids a King Kong gorilla model and even a chair that's modeled after the one the iron throne in Game of Thrones phew that's a lot rolled into one let's not forget the movie reference in the legend of gobblewanker when Dipper has a fantasy where he is being interviewed about his picture of the gobble Walker in the fantasy not only is he dressed similar to Indiana Jones but ends up with Mabel busting in with a giant circular bubble that she is in Boulder anyone and chasing Dipper and the host with her rolling pink bubble Boulder hey at least that's not deadly another dangerous shout out in the episode Headhunters Mabel swings and ax one making the famous scary raised knife sound from the movie Psycho it actually sounds adorable when she does it there's even a little sci-fi shout out thrown into Gravity Falls while Dipper has his hands full during fight fighters Seuss is playing an arcade game titled Nord Nord is the backward spelling of the classic sci-fi movie Tron where the main character ends up inside of a video game and has to escape Zeus attempts to enter the game but ends up inside of the arcade machine itself whoops music if you thought some of the music in the show seem familiar you were right the characters often reprise famous songs with their own personal touch of course and double dipper Mabel sings her song don't start unbelieving which if you can't tell from the title alludes to the famous Journey song Don't Stop Believing and Dipper vs manliness the pop group Baba sings their song Disco girl you may have recognized this as a reference to the real life group ABBA song Dancing Queen which appears in the musical Mamma Mia when Mabel's favorite band several times comes to Gravity Falls you may have noticed some real life inspiration for this band as well their song cray-cray clearly resembles the instant hit bye bye bye can you blame them that song Still rules dancing iconic dance scenes are a staple in pop culture so was no surprise that if you have found their way into Gravity Falls did you recognize Michael Jackson's Moonwalk when The Tall Man a Dipper call stretch did it in the Double Dipper also in Land Before Swine Mabel may have got her inspiration for the Pig dance party routine from The Breakfast Club because she uses some of the moves from the dancing Montage like we all haven't done that before no just me okay Jersey we can't leave out the awesome references to New Jersey in the episode of Tale of Two stands we found out that Stan and his twin brother are from glass Shard Beach New Jersey that's one in the flashback we see the Family Pawn Shop which is called Pine ponds that's too because the Pines is a forest area that covers Seven Counties of New Jersey famous for being where the New Jersey Devils live okay and also that's their last name so duh we also see young Stanley and Stanford dragging a boat they found across the beach while Channing [Music] that's three then they grow up in Stanford wins a science fair the New Jersey science fair to be exact ding that's four the Principal suggested Stanley will probably stay in New Jersey forever that's five okay I'll calm down with these references they also show a beach that looks similar to Jersey Shore with a dock full of rides and Stanley remembers that he eventually got banned from New Jersey six seven ah Lucky Seven and to finish off our marathon we decided to really pick up part of the episode fight fighters one particularly jam-packed with Easter eggs and references consider this your guide hi everyone I'm Arielle and this is cartoon balloon where we rewind our favorite series to find those hidden gems and fascinating facts [Music] this exact shot of the arcade popped up in the last episode The Time Traveler's pick where blendin blendon's camo suit malfunctions he's really ahead of his time check out the arcade machine on the right side of the screen here there's Bill Cipher Nine episodes before his official debut you may notice that bill is green here that isn't just bad arcade Graphics the character designers originally colored him that way until somebody said he looked like a leaf the games here are spoofs of real franchises frog time is a play on Frogger and nerd punch 2 is like punch out but uh meaner well my house was haunted I'll learn how to eat ghosts ghost maze is a reference to the Pac-Man series not sure of what haunting Seuss is referencing though or what category of ghosts can be eaten consult the journal odown hero is based on games like Dance Dance Revolution with some Guitar Hero thrown in since it's out of order it must not be popular just like the Real Guitar Hero BG painter extreme is a gag from the background artists who did an extreme job painting in all these inside jokes fight fighters main inspiration was Street Fighter 2 the game that's credited with revitalizing the arcade machine industry and popularizing two-person local multiplayer Dr karate may be related to Mr Karate the alter ego of takuma sakazaki from the SNK fighting games this guy got his PhD though so he's the family favorite the pixel art in this episode was made by Paul Robertson a veteran pixel artist his portfolio includes Fez and Scott Pilgrim Vs the World the game storyboard artist Matt Braley knew Robertson and got him the job it was a good match too the crew would gather around and freak out about his artwork when it came in the concept art of this fight Fighter's background had a dinosaur place of the manaki Neko must have gone extinct during the production it isn't revealed until the love God but the V and Robbie's name stands for Valentino not as Macabre as we would have hoped weirdly we never see the tombstones on the show but seeing as how the Valentinos run a funeral home it makes you wonder if Robbie plays with actual tombstones notice here that Robbie is holding his poster with three fingers and a thumb but on the poster he has five unfortunately despite all the time Foolery in the last episode The Time Traveler's Pig Robbie and Wendy are still in a relationship in this episode the Mystery Shack is filled with agent blazing Decor they're short for Hersh as in Alex Hirsch the show's creator Mabel thinks they're playing Go Fish but this looks more like Texas Hold'em and her two kings would be called Cowboys or King Kong this is the first appearance of Chip hackers the chip future episodes you can read the text at the bottom of the Box not for human consumption Packers manufacturer neums is behind a bunch of other food items on the show like smile dip gummy koalas burrito bites and neem alums Maples offered a sick Waddles on Robbie is a nod to the last episode The Time Traveler's Pig this Pig's already worth his weight in gold 's cousin Reggie who got killed by a teenager or something finally appears in the flesh in Zeus and the Real Girl his arms and legs seem to have healed up just fine the laser wizard pinball game could be a nod to the song Pinball Wizard by The Who which appeared in the rock opera Tommy the world brand TV set is named after Ian world the show's art director [Music] the Taxidermy Jackalope that stands going together Ashley broke back and Taurus trapped guess he finally got the time to fake I mean fix it Mabel's four-leaf clover sweater reappears in Sock Opera in the short Mabel's Guide to Fashion must be lucky one Stan's distrust of ladders explains the secret ladder to the roof from the inconveniencing it wasn't the roof that was off limits it was that dangerous ladder yeah here's another one of those H's on the stained glass fixture Alex Hirsch actually had that exact um whatever that is hanging in his office although on the real sign the H stands for Ham's beer the collectible light up sign also plays ambient forest sounds [Music] acrophobia or fear of heights is one of the most common fears out there ironic that Stan who runs a museum of oddities is afraid of something so basic new arcade games here back bar a burger time homage called Pizza Time and a crane game called just like in Toy Story Nord is based on a game based on a movie based on a game of Tron it's even got the same name just backward Zeus has thought about going inside the game for real is literally the plot of the movie Tron unlike him they don't um literally go inside the game look closely when Dipper deselected B Store his icon disappears right off South America look at the detail on the character select screen we've got Rumble mcskirmish so Jessica zarbarian bistor Jose and buffalo Admiral big calves and Dr karate several names are punny plays on Street Fighter characters b-store is a Twist on Blanca and buffalo is based on M bison and jozambique is from Mozambique so Jessica looks just like Chun-Li and her name mocks the sexualization of women in fighting games Dr karate's wardrobe is based on the street fighter villain M bison his wacky hairstyle though is pulled straight from guile this code is different from what Dipper says to himself moments later so either the crew goofed or Dipper got it wrong which would explain his lack of ultimate power [Music] according to journal number three rumble's full name is rumblefrakis melee fist cuff slap by excurbish from the USA Rumble is voiced by Brian Bloom who has a history of video game voice acting his most recognizable role is William B.J blaskovich from the Wolfenstein series Beach machine change me into a powerful wolf rumble's powerful wolf line is a reference to Altered Beast it's another side-scrolling fighting game in which the player gets changed into well a powerful wolf this gamer previously appeared in the legend of the gobble walker and a rational treasure carrying glass panels and both times had them destroyed whoops happy great Uncle's Day ah there's a great uncle's day there is actually National aunt and uncle day is July 26th we're sure you can celebrate your grantees and grunkles on that day too that freaky concoction in the fridge is Mabel juice Stan calls it if coffee and Nightmares had a baby and that seems about right from the look of it we don't have any traditional power-ups turkey legs pizza boxes or cold Rings all the power ups Dipper mentions are from other games turkey legs are from Castlevania and final fight pizza boxes are from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games the gold rings are from Sonic the Hedgehog gotta go fast take me to the Soviet Union history lesson the Soviet Union was a social estate in present day Russia from 1922 to 1991. like Street Fighter in final fight fighters must have come out in the late 1980s before it dissolved that being said siberian's flag and fight fighters is actually the flag of present-day Russia so Rumble Soviet Union comment makes no sense after all the statue in Town Square depicts Nathaniel Northwest the founder of Gravity Falls it first appeared in a rational treasure final fight you can obtain a pipe from destroying an oil drum or a crate a sword that Rumble finds later is a reference to weapons inside scrolling beat-em-ups Cola a popular beverage in Gravity Falls is a peach flavored soda also it has real peach pits inside of it nutritious the drink is named after Joe Pitt one of the artists of the show watch Mabel's headband and skirt when she switches sweaters here they change colors to match the new outfit AI batch what did the kid promise you more tape for your forearms both the eye patch and the taped forearms that Robbie alludes to here are references to Sagat another Street Fighter character that Rumble is based on rumble's animation for charging up his Fireball attack is the same as the way Ryu charges his head open this ravaged Street parbo Road is named after background painter Josh Parkman this very specific retailer barrels and crates is a nod to the furniture store Crate and Barrel this sequence is a parody to The RK classic Donkey Kong right down to the layout of the awnings Rumble is playing the role of DK while Robbie is Mario himself the store in the background Eric's Fountain drinks is a play on the episode storyboard artist Eric fountain the go Arrow here is a staple of beat em up fighting games like Streets of Rage and golden ax destroy everything then move along the rich kid here is a cameo role by none other than Spy Kids Legend Daryl Sabara [Music] there's an identical bonus route to this in final fight where the player smashes up a car right down to the owner coming out at the end and lamenting oh my car this Rich Father and Son reappeared in Northwest Mansion mystery attending Preston and Priscilla's fancy party Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous rumble's syllabic emphasis on all you can eat is similar to the way Ryu pronounces his iconic uppercut move free pizza guy can't catch a break you didn't get any pizza at the Wax Museum opening in Headhunters missed out on Sloppy toss in Time Traveler's Pig and now this fun fact apparently Alex Hirsch and the crew knew about all the fanfics of free pizza guy online and used to read them together for kicks this is the first time we ever see Seuss's pickup truck which comes back numerous times throughout the series foreign explosion muffin graffiti from the inconveniencing reappears on the back of the water tower there's another one on the fence just down below though it's not visible here Seuss's license plate reads fix knit one it's a reference to a short series fixing it with suits finish him is the iconic call out from Mortal Kombat just before the character uses their often graphic fatality move Rumble claims that he doesn't have a looking up animation but we've clearly seen him look up a few times in this episode like when he shouted riboflavin the Chinese character on rumble's back translates to part Grumble MC Skirmish returns he cameos in the season 2 episode Seuss and the real girl as well as coming back for the three-part series finale these days rumble's doing well for himself after Seuss and the Real Girl Tiffany was Zapped into the fight fighters game and the two have been together ever since we need to make a cold war pact okay what's that number two did Robbie's Cold War pack is an allusion to the conflict between the US and the USSR which was bought with Felicity and hockey instead of weapons foreign Thompson is one of Wendy's friends seen back in the inconveniencing he was the one shooting jelly beans into his belly button good day besides the Gravity Falls landmarks like the Mystery Shack kind of telepathy and the water tower you can also spot a pixelated rendering of Stonehenge on this screen Dipper's selection line is reminiscent of the I like shorts youngster from Pokemon Mabel's quote here it's a me maybell is a nod to the catchphrase of Mr video game himself Mario Stan's gameplay which he described as I'm slower but a jump higher is a nod to Super Mario Brothers 2 wherein the characters each had slight platforming differences Paul Robertson's amazing pixel art makes a return in the season 2 episode Zeus and the Real Girl bum this tag is only part of Seuss's dream and not actually playable take a seat the Disney XD game rumbles revenge is available for play Gravity Falls Style this cryptogram decodes to sorry Dipper but your Wendy is in another Castle sounds like the Super Mario Brothers thank you Mario but our princess is in another Castle wow wow wow that was one heck of a Gravity Falls Marathon hopefully we inspired you to Marathon the show again with all sorts of new Insider info things take on a whole new life when you've got hundreds of behind the scenes facts on Deck so what did you think of the video did you enjoy all these facts which one sticks out to you the most make sure you let me know down in the comments and subscribe to channel frederator for more like this thanks for watching and remember frederator loves you thank you
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 263,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity fall, gravity falls series, gravity falls episodes, gravity falls timeline, complete gravity falls timeline, gravity falls explained, gravity falls story explained, gravity falls clips, gravity falls opening, full timeline of gravity falls, gravity falls ending, gravity falls theme song, gravity falls dipper, gravity falls ending explained, mabel, gravity falls full series, cartoon, tv series, disney
Id: d0rVtH0yJ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 12sec (13032 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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